(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
open CErrors
open Util
open Pp
open Names
open Libnames
open Globnames
type object_prefix = {
obj_dir : DirPath.t;
obj_mp : ModPath.t;
obj_sec : DirPath.t;
let eq_op op1 op2 =
DirPath.equal op1.obj_dir op2.obj_dir &&
DirPath.equal op1.obj_sec op2.obj_sec &&
ModPath.equal op1.obj_mp op2.obj_mp
(* to this type are mapped DirPath.t's in the nametab *)
module GlobDirRef = struct
type t =
| DirOpenModule of object_prefix
| DirOpenModtype of object_prefix
| DirOpenSection of object_prefix
| DirModule of object_prefix
let equal r1 r2 = match r1, r2 with
| DirOpenModule op1, DirOpenModule op2 -> eq_op op1 op2
| DirOpenModtype op1, DirOpenModtype op2 -> eq_op op1 op2
| DirOpenSection op1, DirOpenSection op2 -> eq_op op1 op2
| DirModule op1, DirModule op2 -> eq_op op1 op2
| _ -> false
type global_dir_reference = GlobDirRef.t
[@@ocaml.deprecated "Use [GlobDirRef.t]"]
let eq_global_dir_reference = GlobDirRef.equal
[@@ocaml.deprecated "Use [GlobDirRef.equal]"]
exception GlobalizationError of qualid
let error_global_not_found qid =
Loc.raise ?loc:qid.CAst.loc (GlobalizationError qid)
(* The visibility can be registered either
- for all suffixes not shorter then a given int - when the object
is loaded inside a module
- for a precise suffix, when the module containing (the module
containing ...) the object is open (imported)
type visibility = Until of int | Exactly of int
let map_visibility f = function
| Until i -> Until (f i)
| Exactly i -> Exactly (f i)
(* Data structure for nametabs *******************************************)
(* This module type will be instantiated by [full_path] of [DirPath.t] *)
(* The [repr] function is assumed to return the reversed list of idents. *)
module type UserName = sig
type t
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val to_string : t -> string
val repr : t -> Id.t * module_ident list
module type EqualityType =
type t
val equal : t -> t -> bool
(* A ['a t] is a map from [user_name] to ['a], with possible lookup by
partially qualified names of type [qualid]. The mapping of
partially qualified names to ['a] is determined by the [visibility]
parameter of [push].
The [shortest_qualid] function given a user_name Coq.A.B.x, tries
to find the shortest among x, B.x, A.B.x and Coq.A.B.x that denotes
the same object.
module type NAMETREE = sig
type elt
type t
type user_name
val empty : t
val push : visibility -> user_name -> elt -> t -> t
val locate : qualid -> t -> elt
val find : user_name -> t -> elt
val exists : user_name -> t -> bool
val user_name : qualid -> t -> user_name
val shortest_qualid : ?loc:Loc.t -> Id.Set.t -> user_name -> t -> qualid
val find_prefixes : qualid -> t -> elt list
(** Matches a prefix of [qualid], useful for completion *)
val match_prefixes : qualid -> t -> elt list
module Make (U : UserName) (E : EqualityType) : NAMETREE
with type user_name = U.t and type elt = E.t =
type elt = E.t
(* A name became inaccessible, even with absolute qualification.
Module F (X : S). Module X.
The argument X of the functor F is masked by the inner module X.
let warn_masking_absolute =
CWarnings.create ~name:"masking-absolute-name" ~category:"deprecated"
(fun n -> str ("Trying to mask the absolute name \"" ^ U.to_string n ^ "\"!"))
type user_name = U.t
type path_status =
| Relative of user_name * elt
| Absolute of user_name * elt
(* Dictionaries of short names *)
type nametree =
{ path : path_status;
map : nametree ModIdmap.t }
let mktree p m = { path=p; map=m }
let empty_tree = mktree Nothing ModIdmap.empty
type t = nametree Id.Map.t
let empty = Id.Map.empty
(* [push_until] is used to register [Until vis] visibility and
[push_exactly] to [Exactly vis] and [push_tree] chooses the right one*)
let rec push_until uname o level tree = function
| modid :: path ->
let modify _ mc = push_until uname o (level-1) mc path in
let map =
try ModIdmap.modify modid modify tree.map
with Not_found ->
let ptab = modify () empty_tree in
ModIdmap.add modid ptab tree.map
let this =
if level <= 0 then
match tree.path with
| Absolute (n,_) ->
(* This is an absolute name, we must keep it
otherwise it may become unaccessible forever *)
warn_masking_absolute n; tree.path
| Nothing
| Relative _ -> Relative (uname,o)
else tree.path
mktree this map
| [] ->
match tree.path with
| Absolute (uname',o') ->
if E.equal o' o then begin
assert (U.equal uname uname');
(* we are putting the same thing for the second time :) *)
(* This is an absolute name, we must keep it otherwise it may
become unaccessible forever *)
(* But ours is also absolute! This is an error! *)
user_err Pp.(str @@ "Cannot mask the absolute name \""
^ U.to_string uname' ^ "\"!")
| Nothing
| Relative _ -> mktree (Absolute (uname,o)) tree.map
let rec push_exactly uname o level tree = function
| [] ->
anomaly (Pp.str "Prefix longer than path! Impossible!")
| modid :: path ->
if Int.equal level 0 then
let this =
match tree.path with
| Absolute (n,_) ->
(* This is an absolute name, we must keep it
otherwise it may become unaccessible forever *)
warn_masking_absolute n; tree.path
| Nothing
| Relative _ -> Relative (uname,o)
mktree this tree.map
else (* not right level *)
let modify _ mc = push_exactly uname o (level-1) mc path in
let map =
try ModIdmap.modify modid modify tree.map
with Not_found ->
let ptab = modify () empty_tree in
ModIdmap.add modid ptab tree.map
mktree tree.path map
let push visibility uname o tab =
let id,dir = U.repr uname in
let modify _ ptab = match visibility with
| Until i -> push_until uname o (i-1) ptab dir
| Exactly i -> push_exactly uname o (i-1) ptab dir
try Id.Map.modify id modify tab
with Not_found ->
let ptab = modify () empty_tree in
Id.Map.add id ptab tab
let rec search tree = function
| modid :: path -> search (ModIdmap.find modid tree.map) path
| [] -> tree.path
let find_node qid tab =
let (dir,id) = repr_qualid qid in
search (Id.Map.find id tab) (DirPath.repr dir)
let locate qid tab =
let o = match find_node qid tab with
| Absolute (uname,o) | Relative (uname,o) -> o
| Nothing -> raise Not_found
let user_name qid tab =
let uname = match find_node qid tab with
| Absolute (uname,o) | Relative (uname,o) -> uname
| Nothing -> raise Not_found
let find uname tab =
let id,l = U.repr uname in
match search (Id.Map.find id tab) l with
Absolute (_,o) -> o
| _ -> raise Not_found
let exists uname tab =
let _ = find uname tab in
Not_found -> false
let shortest_qualid ?loc ctx uname tab =
let id,dir = U.repr uname in
let hidden = Id.Set.mem id ctx in
let rec find_uname pos dir tree =
let is_empty = match pos with [] -> true | _ -> false in
match tree.path with
| Absolute (u,_) | Relative (u,_)
when U.equal u uname && not (is_empty && hidden) -> List.rev pos
| _ ->
match dir with
[] -> raise Not_found
| id::dir -> find_uname (id::pos) dir (ModIdmap.find id tree.map)
let ptab = Id.Map.find id tab in
let found_dir = find_uname [] dir ptab in
make_qualid ?loc (DirPath.make found_dir) id
let push_node node l =
match node with
| Absolute (_,o) | Relative (_,o) when not (List.mem_f E.equal o l) -> o::l
| _ -> l
let rec flatten_idmap tab l =
let f _ tree l = flatten_idmap tree.map (push_node tree.path l) in
ModIdmap.fold f tab l
let rec search_prefixes tree = function
| modid :: path -> search_prefixes (ModIdmap.find modid tree.map) path
| [] -> List.rev (flatten_idmap tree.map (push_node tree.path []))
let find_prefixes qid tab =
let (dir,id) = repr_qualid qid in
search_prefixes (Id.Map.find id tab) (DirPath.repr dir)
with Not_found -> []
let match_prefixes =
let cprefix x y = CString.(compare x (sub y 0 (min (length x) (length y)))) in
fun qid tab ->
let (dir,id) = repr_qualid qid in
let id_prefix = cprefix Id.(to_string id) in
let matches = Id.Map.filter_range (fun x -> id_prefix Id.(to_string x)) tab in
let matches = Id.Map.mapi (fun _key tab -> search_prefixes tab (DirPath.repr dir)) matches in
(* Coq's flatten is "magical", so this is not so bad perf-wise *)
CList.flatten @@ Id.Map.(fold (fun _ r l -> r :: l) matches [])
with Not_found -> []
(* Global name tables *************************************************)
module FullPath =
type t = full_path
let equal = eq_full_path
let to_string = string_of_path
let repr sp =
let dir,id = repr_path sp in
id, (DirPath.repr dir)
module ExtRefEqual = ExtRefOrdered
module MPEqual = Names.ModPath
module ExtRefTab = Make(FullPath)(ExtRefEqual)
module MPTab = Make(FullPath)(MPEqual)
type ccitab = ExtRefTab.t
let the_ccitab = Summary.ref ~name:"ccitab" (ExtRefTab.empty : ccitab)
type mptab = MPTab.t
let the_modtypetab = Summary.ref ~name:"modtypetab" (MPTab.empty : mptab)
module DirPath' =
include DirPath
let repr dir = match DirPath.repr dir with
| [] -> anomaly (Pp.str "Empty dirpath.")
| id :: l -> (id, l)
module DirTab = Make(DirPath')(GlobDirRef)
(* If we have a (closed) module M having a submodule N, than N does not
have the entry in [the_dirtab]. *)
type dirtab = DirTab.t
let the_dirtab = Summary.ref ~name:"dirtab" (DirTab.empty : dirtab)
module UnivIdEqual =
type t = Univ.Level.UGlobal.t
let equal = Univ.Level.UGlobal.equal
module UnivTab = Make(FullPath)(UnivIdEqual)
type univtab = UnivTab.t
let the_univtab = Summary.ref ~name:"univtab" (UnivTab.empty : univtab)
(* Reversed name tables ***************************************************)
(* This table translates extended_global_references back to section paths *)
module Globrevtab = HMap.Make(ExtRefOrdered)
type globrevtab = full_path Globrevtab.t
let the_globrevtab = Summary.ref ~name:"globrevtab" (Globrevtab.empty : globrevtab)
type mprevtab = DirPath.t MPmap.t
let the_modrevtab = Summary.ref ~name:"modrevtab" (MPmap.empty : mprevtab)
type mptrevtab = full_path MPmap.t
let the_modtyperevtab = Summary.ref ~name:"modtyperevtab" (MPmap.empty : mptrevtab)
module UnivIdOrdered =
type t = Univ.Level.UGlobal.t
let hash = Univ.Level.UGlobal.hash
let compare = Univ.Level.UGlobal.compare
module UnivIdMap = HMap.Make(UnivIdOrdered)
type univrevtab = full_path UnivIdMap.t
let the_univrevtab = Summary.ref ~name:"univrevtab" (UnivIdMap.empty : univrevtab)
(* Push functions *********************************************************)
(* This is for permanent constructions (never discharged -- but with
possibly limited visibility, i.e. Theorem, Lemma, Definition, Axiom,
Parameter but also Remark and Fact) *)
let push_xref visibility sp xref =
match visibility with
| Until _ ->
the_ccitab := ExtRefTab.push visibility sp xref !the_ccitab;
the_globrevtab := Globrevtab.add xref sp !the_globrevtab
| _ ->
if ExtRefTab.exists sp !the_ccitab then
match ExtRefTab.find sp !the_ccitab with
| TrueGlobal( ConstRef _) | TrueGlobal( IndRef _) |
TrueGlobal( ConstructRef _) as xref ->
the_ccitab := ExtRefTab.push visibility sp xref !the_ccitab;
| _ ->
the_ccitab := ExtRefTab.push visibility sp xref !the_ccitab;
the_ccitab := ExtRefTab.push visibility sp xref !the_ccitab;
let push_cci visibility sp ref =
push_xref visibility sp (TrueGlobal ref)
(* This is for Syntactic Definitions *)
let push_syndef visibility sp kn =
push_xref visibility sp (SynDef kn)
let push = push_cci
let push_modtype vis sp kn =
the_modtypetab := MPTab.push vis sp kn !the_modtypetab;
the_modtyperevtab := MPmap.add kn sp !the_modtyperevtab
(* This is to remember absolute Section/Module names and to avoid redundancy *)
let push_dir vis dir dir_ref =
the_dirtab := DirTab.push vis dir dir_ref !the_dirtab;
match dir_ref with
| GlobDirRef.DirModule { obj_mp; _ } -> the_modrevtab := MPmap.add obj_mp dir !the_modrevtab
| _ -> ()
(* This is for global universe names *)
let push_universe vis sp univ =
the_univtab := UnivTab.push vis sp univ !the_univtab;
the_univrevtab := UnivIdMap.add univ sp !the_univrevtab
(* Locate functions *******************************************************)
(* This should be used when syntactic definitions are allowed *)
let locate_extended qid = ExtRefTab.locate qid !the_ccitab
(* This should be used when no syntactic definitions is expected *)
let locate qid = match locate_extended qid with
| TrueGlobal ref -> ref
| SynDef _ -> raise Not_found
let full_name_cci qid = ExtRefTab.user_name qid !the_ccitab
let locate_syndef qid = match locate_extended qid with
| TrueGlobal _ -> raise Not_found
| SynDef kn -> kn
let locate_modtype qid = MPTab.locate qid !the_modtypetab
let full_name_modtype qid = MPTab.user_name qid !the_modtypetab
let locate_universe qid = UnivTab.locate qid !the_univtab
let locate_dir qid = DirTab.locate qid !the_dirtab
let locate_module qid =
match locate_dir qid with
| GlobDirRef.DirModule { obj_mp ; _} -> obj_mp
| _ -> raise Not_found
let full_name_module qid =
match locate_dir qid with
| GlobDirRef.DirModule { obj_dir ; _} -> obj_dir
| _ -> raise Not_found
let locate_section qid =
match locate_dir qid with
| GlobDirRef.DirOpenSection { obj_dir; _ } -> obj_dir
| _ -> raise Not_found
let locate_all qid =
List.fold_right (fun a l -> match a with TrueGlobal a -> a::l | _ -> l)
(ExtRefTab.find_prefixes qid !the_ccitab) []
let locate_extended_all qid = ExtRefTab.find_prefixes qid !the_ccitab
let locate_extended_all_dir qid = DirTab.find_prefixes qid !the_dirtab
let locate_extended_all_modtype qid = MPTab.find_prefixes qid !the_modtypetab
(* Completion *)
let completion_canditates qualid =
ExtRefTab.match_prefixes qualid !the_ccitab
(* Derived functions *)
let locate_constant qid =
match locate_extended qid with
| TrueGlobal (ConstRef kn) -> kn
| _ -> raise Not_found
let global_of_path sp =
match ExtRefTab.find sp !the_ccitab with
| TrueGlobal ref -> ref
| _ -> raise Not_found
let extended_global_of_path sp = ExtRefTab.find sp !the_ccitab
let global qid =
try match locate_extended qid with
| TrueGlobal ref -> ref
| SynDef _ ->
user_err ?loc:qid.CAst.loc ~hdr:"global"
(str "Unexpected reference to a notation: " ++
pr_qualid qid)
with Not_found ->
error_global_not_found qid
(* Exists functions ********************************************************)
let exists_cci sp = ExtRefTab.exists sp !the_ccitab
let exists_dir dir = DirTab.exists dir !the_dirtab
let exists_section = exists_dir
let exists_module = exists_dir
let exists_modtype sp = MPTab.exists sp !the_modtypetab
let exists_universe kn = UnivTab.exists kn !the_univtab
(* Reverse locate functions ***********************************************)
let path_of_global ref =
match ref with
| VarRef id -> make_path DirPath.empty id
| _ -> Globrevtab.find (TrueGlobal ref) !the_globrevtab
let dirpath_of_global ref =
fst (repr_path (path_of_global ref))
let basename_of_global ref =
snd (repr_path (path_of_global ref))
let path_of_syndef kn =
Globrevtab.find (SynDef kn) !the_globrevtab
let dirpath_of_module mp =
MPmap.find mp !the_modrevtab
let path_of_modtype mp =
MPmap.find mp !the_modtyperevtab
let path_of_universe mp =
UnivIdMap.find mp !the_univrevtab
(* Shortest qualid functions **********************************************)
let shortest_qualid_of_global ?loc ctx ref =
match ref with
| VarRef id -> make_qualid ?loc DirPath.empty id
| _ ->
let sp = Globrevtab.find (TrueGlobal ref) !the_globrevtab in
ExtRefTab.shortest_qualid ?loc ctx sp !the_ccitab
let shortest_qualid_of_syndef ?loc ctx kn =
let sp = path_of_syndef kn in
ExtRefTab.shortest_qualid ?loc ctx sp !the_ccitab
let shortest_qualid_of_module ?loc mp =
let dir = MPmap.find mp !the_modrevtab in
DirTab.shortest_qualid ?loc Id.Set.empty dir !the_dirtab
let shortest_qualid_of_modtype ?loc kn =
let sp = MPmap.find kn !the_modtyperevtab in
MPTab.shortest_qualid ?loc Id.Set.empty sp !the_modtypetab
let shortest_qualid_of_universe ?loc kn =
let sp = UnivIdMap.find kn !the_univrevtab in
UnivTab.shortest_qualid ?loc Id.Set.empty sp !the_univtab
let pr_global_env env ref =
try pr_qualid (shortest_qualid_of_global env ref)
with Not_found as e ->
if !Flags.debug then Feedback.msg_debug (Pp.str "pr_global_env not found"); raise e
let global_inductive qid =
match global qid with
| IndRef ind -> ind
| ref ->
user_err ?loc:qid.CAst.loc ~hdr:"global_inductive"
(pr_qualid qid ++ spc () ++ str "is not an inductive type")
(* Deprecated synonyms *)
let extended_locate = locate_extended
let absolute_reference = global_of_path
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