(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
open Names
open Libnames
open Globnames
(** This module contains the tables for globalization. *)
(** These globalization tables associate internal object references to
qualified names (qualid). There are three classes of names:
- 1a) internal kernel names: [kernel_name], [constant], [inductive],
[module_path], [DirPath.t]
- 1b) other internal names: [global_reference], [syndef_name],
[extended_global_reference], [global_dir_reference], ...
- 2) full, non ambiguous user names: [full_path]
- 3) non necessarily full, possibly ambiguous user names: [reference]
and [qualid]
(** Most functions in this module fall into one of the following categories:
{ul {- [push : visibility -> full_user_name -> object_reference -> unit]
Registers the [object_reference] to be referred to by the
[full_user_name] (and its suffixes according to [visibility]).
[full_user_name] can either be a [full_path] or a [DirPath.t].
{- [exists : full_user_name -> bool]
Is the [full_user_name] already attributed as an absolute user name
of some object?
{- [locate : qualid -> object_reference]
Finds the object referred to by [qualid] or raises [Not_found]
{- [full_name : qualid -> full_user_name]
Finds the full user name referred to by [qualid] or raises [Not_found]
{- [shortest_qualid_of : object_reference -> user_name]
The [user_name] can be for example the shortest non ambiguous [qualid] or
the [full_user_name] or [Id.t]. Such a function can also have a
local context argument.}}
(** Object prefix morally contains the "prefix" naming of an object to
be stored by [library], where [obj_dir] is the "absolute" path,
[obj_mp] is the current "module" prefix and [obj_sec] is the
"section" prefix.
Thus, for an object living inside [Module A. Section B.] the
prefix would be:
[ { obj_dir = "A.B"; obj_mp = "A"; obj_sec = "B" } ]
Note that both [obj_dir] and [obj_sec] are "paths" that is to say,
as opposed to [obj_mp] which is a single module name.
type object_prefix = {
obj_dir : DirPath.t;
obj_mp : ModPath.t;
obj_sec : DirPath.t;
val eq_op : object_prefix -> object_prefix -> bool
(** to this type are mapped [DirPath.t]'s in the nametab *)
module GlobDirRef : sig
type t =
| DirOpenModule of object_prefix
| DirOpenModtype of object_prefix
| DirOpenSection of object_prefix
| DirModule of object_prefix
val equal : t -> t -> bool
type global_dir_reference = GlobDirRef.t
[@@ocaml.deprecated "Use [GlobDirRef.t]"]
val eq_global_dir_reference :
GlobDirRef.t -> GlobDirRef.t -> bool
[@@ocaml.deprecated "Use [GlobDirRef.equal]"]
exception GlobalizationError of qualid
(** Raises a globalization error *)
val error_global_not_found : qualid -> 'a
(** {6 Register visibility of things } *)
(** The visibility can be registered either
- for all suffixes not shorter then a given int -- when the
object is loaded inside a module -- or
- for a precise suffix, when the module containing (the module
containing ...) the object is opened (imported)
type visibility = Until of int | Exactly of int
val map_visibility : (int -> int) -> visibility -> visibility
val push : visibility -> full_path -> GlobRef.t -> unit
val push_modtype : visibility -> full_path -> ModPath.t -> unit
val push_dir : visibility -> DirPath.t -> GlobDirRef.t -> unit
val push_syndef : visibility -> full_path -> syndef_name -> unit
module UnivIdMap : CMap.ExtS with type key = Univ.Level.UGlobal.t
val push_universe : visibility -> full_path -> Univ.Level.UGlobal.t -> unit
(** {6 The following functions perform globalization of qualified names } *)
(** These functions globalize a (partially) qualified name or fail with
[Not_found] *)
val locate : qualid -> GlobRef.t
val locate_extended : qualid -> extended_global_reference
val locate_constant : qualid -> Constant.t
val locate_syndef : qualid -> syndef_name
val locate_modtype : qualid -> ModPath.t
val locate_dir : qualid -> GlobDirRef.t
val locate_module : qualid -> ModPath.t
val locate_section : qualid -> DirPath.t
val locate_universe : qualid -> Univ.Level.UGlobal.t
(** These functions globalize user-level references into global
references, like [locate] and co, but raise a nice error message
in case of failure *)
val global : qualid -> GlobRef.t
val global_inductive : qualid -> inductive
(** These functions locate all global references with a given suffix;
if [qualid] is valid as such, it comes first in the list *)
val locate_all : qualid -> GlobRef.t list
val locate_extended_all : qualid -> extended_global_reference list
val locate_extended_all_dir : qualid -> GlobDirRef.t list
val locate_extended_all_modtype : qualid -> ModPath.t list
(** Experimental completion support, API is _unstable_ *)
val completion_canditates : qualid -> extended_global_reference list
(** [completion_canditates qualid] will return the list of global
references that have [qualid] as a prefix. UI usually will want to
compose this with [shortest_qualid_of_global] *)
(** Mapping a full path to a global reference *)
val global_of_path : full_path -> GlobRef.t
val extended_global_of_path : full_path -> extended_global_reference
(** {6 These functions tell if the given absolute name is already taken } *)
val exists_cci : full_path -> bool
val exists_modtype : full_path -> bool
val exists_dir : DirPath.t -> bool
val exists_section : DirPath.t -> bool (** deprecated synonym of [exists_dir] *)
val exists_module : DirPath.t -> bool (** deprecated synonym of [exists_dir] *)
val exists_universe : full_path -> bool
(** {6 These functions locate qualids into full user names } *)
val full_name_cci : qualid -> full_path
val full_name_modtype : qualid -> full_path
val full_name_module : qualid -> DirPath.t
(** {6 Reverse lookup }
Finding user names corresponding to the given
internal name *)
(** Returns the full path bound to a global reference or syntactic
definition, and the (full) dirpath associated to a module path *)
val path_of_syndef : syndef_name -> full_path
val path_of_global : GlobRef.t -> full_path
val dirpath_of_module : ModPath.t -> DirPath.t
val path_of_modtype : ModPath.t -> full_path
(** A universe_id might not be registered with a corresponding user name.
@raise Not_found if the universe was not introduced by the user. *)
val path_of_universe : Univ.Level.UGlobal.t -> full_path
(** Returns in particular the dirpath or the basename of the full path
associated to global reference *)
val dirpath_of_global : GlobRef.t -> DirPath.t
val basename_of_global : GlobRef.t -> Id.t
(** Printing of global references using names as short as possible.
@raise Not_found when the reference is not in the global tables. *)
val pr_global_env : Id.Set.t -> GlobRef.t -> Pp.t
(** The [shortest_qualid] functions given an object with [user_name]
Coq.A.B.x, try to find the shortest among x, B.x, A.B.x and
Coq.A.B.x that denotes the same object.
@raise Not_found for unknown objects. *)
val shortest_qualid_of_global : ?loc:Loc.t -> Id.Set.t -> GlobRef.t -> qualid
val shortest_qualid_of_syndef : ?loc:Loc.t -> Id.Set.t -> syndef_name -> qualid
val shortest_qualid_of_modtype : ?loc:Loc.t -> ModPath.t -> qualid
val shortest_qualid_of_module : ?loc:Loc.t -> ModPath.t -> qualid
val shortest_qualid_of_universe : ?loc:Loc.t -> Univ.Level.UGlobal.t -> qualid
(** Deprecated synonyms *)
val extended_locate : qualid -> extended_global_reference (*= locate_extended *)
val absolute_reference : full_path -> GlobRef.t (** = global_of_path *)
(** {5 Generic name handling} *)
(** NOT FOR PUBLIC USE YET. Plugin writers, please do not rely on this API. *)
module type UserName = sig
type t
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val to_string : t -> string
val repr : t -> Id.t * module_ident list
module type EqualityType =
type t
val equal : t -> t -> bool
module type NAMETREE = sig
type elt
type t
type user_name
val empty : t
val push : visibility -> user_name -> elt -> t -> t
val locate : qualid -> t -> elt
val find : user_name -> t -> elt
val exists : user_name -> t -> bool
val user_name : qualid -> t -> user_name
val shortest_qualid : ?loc:Loc.t -> Id.Set.t -> user_name -> t -> qualid
val find_prefixes : qualid -> t -> elt list
val match_prefixes : qualid -> t -> elt list
module Make (U : UserName) (E : EqualityType) :
NAMETREE with type user_name = U.t and type elt = E.t
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