open Names
open Glob_term
(* [get_pattern_id pat] returns a list of all the variable appearing in [pat] *)
val get_pattern_id : cases_pattern -> Id.t list
(* [pattern_to_term pat] returns a glob_constr corresponding to [pat].
[pat] must not contain occurrences of anonymous pattern
val pattern_to_term : cases_pattern -> glob_constr
Some basic functions to rebuild glob_constr
In each of them the location is Util.Loc.ghost
val mkGRef : GlobRef.t -> glob_constr
val mkGVar : Id.t -> glob_constr
val mkGApp : glob_constr*(glob_constr list) -> glob_constr
val mkGLambda : Name.t * glob_constr * glob_constr -> glob_constr
val mkGProd : Name.t * glob_constr * glob_constr -> glob_constr
val mkGLetIn : Name.t * glob_constr * glob_constr option * glob_constr -> glob_constr
val mkGCases : glob_constr option * tomatch_tuples * cases_clauses -> glob_constr
val mkGHole : unit -> glob_constr (* we only build Evd.BinderType Anonymous holes *)
Some basic functions to decompose glob_constrs
These are analogous to the ones constrs
val glob_decompose_app : glob_constr -> glob_constr*(glob_constr list)
(* [glob_make_eq t1 t2] build the glob_constr corresponding to [t2 = t1] *)
val glob_make_eq : ?typ:glob_constr -> glob_constr -> glob_constr -> glob_constr
(* [glob_make_neq t1 t2] build the glob_constr corresponding to [t1 <> t2] *)
val glob_make_neq : glob_constr -> glob_constr -> glob_constr
(* alpha_conversion functions *)
(* Replace the var mapped in the glob_constr/context *)
val change_vars : Id.t Id.Map.t -> glob_constr -> glob_constr
(* [alpha_pat avoid pat] rename all the variables present in [pat] s.t.
the result does not share variables with [avoid]. This function create
a fresh variable for each occurrence of the anonymous pattern.
Also returns a mapping from old variables to new ones and the concatenation of
[avoid] with the variables appearing in the result.
val alpha_pat :
Id.Map.key list ->
Glob_term.cases_pattern ->
Glob_term.cases_pattern * Id.Map.key list *
Id.t Id.Map.t
(* [alpha_rt avoid rt] alpha convert [rt] s.t. the result respects barendregt
conventions and does not share bound variables with avoid
val alpha_rt : Id.t list -> glob_constr -> glob_constr
(* same as alpha_rt but for case branches *)
val alpha_br : Id.t list ->
Glob_term.cases_clause ->
(* Reduction function *)
val replace_var_by_term :
Id.t ->
Glob_term.glob_constr -> Glob_term.glob_constr -> Glob_term.glob_constr
[is_free_in id rt] checks if [id] is a free variable in [rt]
val is_free_in : Id.t -> glob_constr -> bool
val are_unifiable : cases_pattern -> cases_pattern -> bool
val eq_cases_pattern : cases_pattern -> cases_pattern -> bool
ids_of_pat : cases_pattern -> Id.Set.t
returns the set of variables appearing in a pattern
val ids_of_pat : cases_pattern -> Id.Set.t
val expand_as : glob_constr -> glob_constr
(* [resolve_and_replace_implicits ?expected_type env sigma rt] solves implicits of [rt] w.r.t. [env] and [sigma] and then replace them by their solution
val resolve_and_replace_implicits :
?flags:Pretyping.inference_flags ->
?expected_type:Pretyping.typing_constraint -> Environ.env -> Evd.evar_map -> glob_constr -> glob_constr
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