(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
open Constr
open EConstr
open Hipattern
open Names
open Geninterp
open Ltac_plugin
open Tacexpr
open Tacinterp
open Util
open Tacticals.New
open Proofview.Notations
let tauto_plugin = "tauto_plugin"
let () = Mltop.add_known_module tauto_plugin
let assoc_var s ist =
let v = Id.Map.find (Names.Id.of_string s) ist.lfun in
match Value.to_constr v with
| Some c -> c
| None -> failwith "tauto: anomaly"
(** Parametrization of tauto *)
type tauto_flags = {
(* Whether conjunction and disjunction are restricted to binary connectives *)
binary_mode : bool;
(* Whether compatibility for buggy detection of binary connective is on *)
binary_mode_bugged_detection : bool;
(* Whether conjunction and disjunction are restricted to the connectives *)
(* having the structure of "and" and "or" (up to the choice of sorts) in *)
(* contravariant position in an hypothesis *)
strict_in_contravariant_hyp : bool;
(* Whether conjunction and disjunction are restricted to the connectives *)
(* having the structure of "and" and "or" (up to the choice of sorts) in *)
(* an hypothesis and in the conclusion *)
strict_in_hyp_and_ccl : bool;
(* Whether unit type includes equality types *)
strict_unit : bool;
let tag_tauto_flags : tauto_flags Val.typ = Val.create "tauto_flags"
let assoc_flags ist : tauto_flags =
let Val.Dyn (tag, v) = Id.Map.find (Names.Id.of_string "tauto_flags") ist.lfun in
match Val.eq tag tag_tauto_flags with
| None -> assert false
| Some Refl -> v
(* Whether inner not are unfolded *)
let negation_unfolding = ref true
open Goptions
let () =
{ optdepr = false;
optname = "unfolding of not in intuition";
optkey = ["Intuition";"Negation";"Unfolding"];
optread = (fun () -> !negation_unfolding);
optwrite = (:=) negation_unfolding }
(** Base tactics *)
let idtac = Proofview.tclUNIT ()
let fail = Proofview.tclINDEPENDENT (tclFAIL 0 (Pp.mt ()))
let intro = Tactics.intro
let assert_ ?by c =
let tac = match by with
| None -> None
| Some tac -> Some (Some tac)
Proofview.tclINDEPENDENT (Tactics.forward true tac None c)
let apply c = Tactics.apply c
let clear id = Tactics.clear [id]
let assumption = Tactics.assumption
let split = Tactics.split_with_bindings false [Tactypes.NoBindings]
(** Test *)
let is_empty _ ist =
Proofview.tclEVARMAP >>= fun sigma ->
if is_empty_type sigma (assoc_var "X1" ist) then idtac else fail
(* Strictly speaking, this exceeds the propositional fragment as it
matches also equality types (and solves them if a reflexivity) *)
let is_unit_or_eq _ ist =
Proofview.tclEVARMAP >>= fun sigma ->
let flags = assoc_flags ist in
let test = if flags.strict_unit then is_unit_type else is_unit_or_eq_type in
if test sigma (assoc_var "X1" ist) then idtac else fail
let bugged_is_binary sigma t =
isApp sigma t &&
let (hdapp,args) = decompose_app sigma t in
match EConstr.kind sigma hdapp with
| Ind (ind,u) ->
let (mib,mip) = Global.lookup_inductive ind in
Int.equal mib.Declarations.mind_nparams 2
| _ -> false
(** Dealing with conjunction *)
let is_conj _ ist =
Proofview.tclEVARMAP >>= fun sigma ->
let flags = assoc_flags ist in
let ind = assoc_var "X1" ist in
if (not flags.binary_mode_bugged_detection || bugged_is_binary sigma ind) &&
is_conjunction sigma
~onlybinary:flags.binary_mode ind
then idtac
else fail
let flatten_contravariant_conj _ ist =
Proofview.tclEVARMAP >>= fun sigma ->
let flags = assoc_flags ist in
let typ = assoc_var "X1" ist in
let c = assoc_var "X2" ist in
let hyp = assoc_var "id" ist in
match match_with_conjunction sigma
~onlybinary:flags.binary_mode typ
| Some (_,args) ->
let newtyp = List.fold_right (fun a b -> mkArrow a Sorts.Relevant b) args c in
let intros = tclMAP (fun _ -> intro) args in
let by = tclTHENLIST [intros; apply hyp; split; assumption] in
tclTHENLIST [assert_ ~by newtyp; clear (destVar sigma hyp)]
| _ -> fail
(** Dealing with disjunction *)
let is_disj _ ist =
Proofview.tclEVARMAP >>= fun sigma ->
let flags = assoc_flags ist in
let t = assoc_var "X1" ist in
if (not flags.binary_mode_bugged_detection || bugged_is_binary sigma t) &&
is_disjunction sigma
~onlybinary:flags.binary_mode t
then idtac
else fail
let flatten_contravariant_disj _ ist =
Proofview.tclEVARMAP >>= fun sigma ->
let flags = assoc_flags ist in
let typ = assoc_var "X1" ist in
let c = assoc_var "X2" ist in
let hyp = assoc_var "id" ist in
match match_with_disjunction sigma
typ with
| Some (_,args) ->
let map i arg =
let typ = mkArrow arg Sorts.Relevant c in
let ci = Tactics.constructor_tac false None (succ i) Tactypes.NoBindings in
let by = tclTHENLIST [intro; apply hyp; ci; assumption] in
assert_ ~by typ
let tacs = List.mapi map args in
let tac0 = clear (destVar sigma hyp) in
tclTHEN (tclTHENLIST tacs) tac0
| _ -> fail
let make_unfold name =
let dir = DirPath.make (List.map Id.of_string ["Logic"; "Init"; "Coq"]) in
let const = Constant.make2 (ModPath.MPfile dir) (Label.make name) in
Locus.(AllOccurrences, ArgArg (EvalConstRef const, None))
let u_not = make_unfold "not"
let reduction_not_iff _ ist =
let make_reduce c = TacAtom (CAst.make @@ TacReduce (Genredexpr.Unfold c, Locusops.allHypsAndConcl)) in
let tac = match !negation_unfolding with
| true -> make_reduce [u_not]
| false -> TacId []
eval_tactic_ist ist tac
let coq_nnpp_path =
let dir = List.map Id.of_string ["Classical_Prop";"Logic";"Coq"] in
Libnames.make_path (DirPath.make dir) (Id.of_string "NNPP")
let apply_nnpp _ ist =
(Proofview.tclUNIT ())
begin fun () -> try
Tacticals.New.pf_constr_of_global (Nametab.global_of_path coq_nnpp_path) >>= apply
with Not_found -> tclFAIL 0 (Pp.mt ())
(* This is the uniform mode dealing with ->, not, iff and types isomorphic to
/\ and *, \/ and +, False and Empty_set, True and unit, _and_ eq-like types.
For the moment not and iff are still always unfolded. *)
let tauto_uniform_unit_flags = {
binary_mode = true;
binary_mode_bugged_detection = false;
strict_in_contravariant_hyp = true;
strict_in_hyp_and_ccl = true;
strict_unit = false
(* This is the compatibility mode (not used) *)
let _tauto_legacy_flags = {
binary_mode = true;
binary_mode_bugged_detection = true;
strict_in_contravariant_hyp = true;
strict_in_hyp_and_ccl = false;
strict_unit = false
(* This is the improved mode *)
let tauto_power_flags = {
binary_mode = false; (* support n-ary connectives *)
binary_mode_bugged_detection = false;
strict_in_contravariant_hyp = false; (* supports non-regular connectives *)
strict_in_hyp_and_ccl = false;
strict_unit = false
let with_flags flags _ ist =
let f = CAst.make @@ Id.of_string "f" in
let x = CAst.make @@ Id.of_string "x" in
let arg = Val.Dyn (tag_tauto_flags, flags) in
let ist = { ist with lfun = Id.Map.add x.CAst.v arg ist.lfun } in
eval_tactic_ist ist (TacArg (CAst.make @@ TacCall (CAst.make (Locus.ArgVar f, [Reference (Locus.ArgVar x)]))))
let register_tauto_tactic tac name0 args =
let ids = List.map (fun id -> Id.of_string id) args in
let ids = List.map (fun id -> Name id) ids in
let name = { mltac_plugin = tauto_plugin; mltac_tactic = name0; } in
let entry = { mltac_name = name; mltac_index = 0 } in
let () = Tacenv.register_ml_tactic name [| tac |] in
let tac = TacFun (ids, TacML (CAst.make (entry, []))) in
let obj () = Tacenv.register_ltac true true (Id.of_string name0) tac in
Mltop.declare_cache_obj obj tauto_plugin
let () = register_tauto_tactic is_empty "is_empty" ["tauto_flags"; "X1"]
let () = register_tauto_tactic is_unit_or_eq "is_unit_or_eq" ["tauto_flags"; "X1"]
let () = register_tauto_tactic is_disj "is_disj" ["tauto_flags"; "X1"]
let () = register_tauto_tactic is_conj "is_conj" ["tauto_flags"; "X1"]
let () = register_tauto_tactic flatten_contravariant_disj "flatten_contravariant_disj" ["tauto_flags"; "X1"; "X2"; "id"]
let () = register_tauto_tactic flatten_contravariant_conj "flatten_contravariant_conj" ["tauto_flags"; "X1"; "X2"; "id"]
let () = register_tauto_tactic apply_nnpp "apply_nnpp" []
let () = register_tauto_tactic reduction_not_iff "reduction_not_iff" []
let () = register_tauto_tactic (with_flags tauto_uniform_unit_flags) "with_uniform_flags" ["f"]
let () = register_tauto_tactic (with_flags tauto_power_flags) "with_power_flags" ["f"]
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