(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
(* *)
(* Micromega: A reflexive tactic using the Positivstellensatz *)
(* *)
(* ** Toplevel definition of tactics ** *)
(* *)
(* - Modules M, Mc, Env, Cache, CacheZ *)
(* *)
(* Frédéric Besson (Irisa/Inria) 2006-2019 *)
(* *)
open Pp
open Names
open Goptions
open Mutils
open Constr
open Context
open Tactypes
* Debug flag
let debug = false
(* Limit the proof search *)
let max_depth = max_int
(* Search limit for provers over Q R *)
let lra_proof_depth = ref max_depth
(* Search limit for provers over Z *)
let lia_enum = ref true
let lia_proof_depth = ref max_depth
let get_lia_option () =
let get_lra_option () =
let () =
let int_opt l vref =
optdepr = false;
optname = List.fold_right (^) l "";
optkey = l ;
optread = (fun () -> Some !vref);
optwrite = (fun x -> vref := (match x with None -> max_depth | Some v -> v))
} in
let lia_enum_opt =
optdepr = false;
optname = "Lia Enum";
optkey = ["Lia";"Enum"];
optread = (fun () -> !lia_enum);
optwrite = (fun x -> lia_enum := x)
} in
let solver_opt =
optdepr = false;
optname = "Use the Simplex instead of Fourier elimination";
optkey = ["Simplex"];
optread = (fun () -> !Certificate.use_simplex);
optwrite = (fun x -> Certificate.use_simplex := x)
} in
let dump_file_opt =
optdepr = false;
optname = "Generate Coq goals in file from calls to 'lia' 'nia'";
optkey = ["Dump"; "Arith"];
optread = (fun () -> !Certificate.dump_file);
optwrite = (fun x -> Certificate.dump_file := x)
} in
let () = declare_bool_option solver_opt in
let () = declare_stringopt_option dump_file_opt in
let () = declare_int_option (int_opt ["Lra"; "Depth"] lra_proof_depth) in
let () = declare_int_option (int_opt ["Lia"; "Depth"] lia_proof_depth) in
let () = declare_bool_option lia_enum_opt in
* Initialize a tag type to the Tag module declaration (see Mutils).
type tag = Tag.t
module Mc = Micromega
* An atom is of the form:
* pExpr1 \{<,>,=,<>,<=,>=\} pExpr2
* where pExpr1, pExpr2 are polynomial expressions (see Micromega). pExprs are
* parametrized by 'cst, which is used as the type of constants.
type 'cst atom = 'cst Mc.formula
type 'cst formula = ('cst atom, EConstr.constr,tag * EConstr.constr,Names.Id.t) Mc.gFormula
type 'cst clause = ('cst Mc.nFormula, tag * EConstr.constr) Mc.clause
type 'cst cnf = ('cst Mc.nFormula, tag * EConstr.constr) Mc.cnf
let rec pp_formula o (f:'cst formula) =
match f with
| TT -> output_string o "tt"
| FF -> output_string o "ff"
| X c -> output_string o "X "
| A(_,(t,_)) -> Printf.fprintf o "A(%a)" Tag.pp t
| Cj(f1,f2) -> Printf.fprintf o "C(%a,%a)" pp_formula f1 pp_formula f2
| D(f1,f2) -> Printf.fprintf o "D(%a,%a)" pp_formula f1 pp_formula f2
| I(f1,n,f2) -> Printf.fprintf o "I(%a,%s,%a)"
pp_formula f1
(match n with
| Some id -> Names.Id.to_string id
| None -> "") pp_formula f2
| N(f) -> Printf.fprintf o "N(%a)" pp_formula f
* Given a set of integers s=\{i0,...,iN\} and a list m, return the list of
* elements of m that are at position i0,...,iN.
let selecti s m =
let rec xselecti i m =
match m with
| [] -> []
| e::m -> if ISet.mem i s then e::(xselecti (i+1) m) else xselecti (i+1) m in
xselecti 0 m
* MODULE: Mapping of the Coq data-strustures into Caml and Caml extracted
* code. This includes initializing Caml variables based on Coq terms, parsing
* various Coq expressions into Caml, and dumping Caml expressions into Coq.
* Opened here and in csdpcert.ml.
module M =
* Location of the Coq libraries.
let logic_dir = ["Coq";"Logic";"Decidable"]
let mic_modules =
["Coq"; "micromega";"ZMicromega"];
["Coq"; "micromega";"Tauto"];
["Coq"; "micromega"; "DeclConstant"];
["Coq"; "micromega";"RingMicromega"];
["Coq"; "micromega";"EnvRing"];
["Coq"; "micromega"; "ZMicromega"];
["Coq"; "micromega"; "RMicromega"];
["Coq" ; "micromega" ; "Tauto"];
["Coq" ; "micromega" ; "RingMicromega"];
["Coq" ; "micromega" ; "EnvRing"];
["Coq";"QArith"; "QArith_base"];
["Coq";"Reals" ; "Rdefinitions"];
["Coq";"Reals" ; "Rpow_def"];
[@@@ocaml.warning "-3"]
let coq_modules =
Coqlib.(init_modules @
[logic_dir] @ arith_modules @ zarith_base_modules @ mic_modules)
let bin_module = [["Coq";"Numbers";"BinNums"]]
let r_modules =
[["Coq";"Reals" ; "Rdefinitions"];
["Coq";"Reals" ; "Rpow_def"] ;
["Coq";"Reals" ; "Raxioms"] ;
["Coq";"QArith"; "Qreals"] ;
let z_modules = [["Coq";"ZArith";"BinInt"]]
* Initialization : a large amount of Caml symbols are derived from
* ZMicromega.v
let gen_constant_in_modules s m n = EConstr.of_constr (UnivGen.constr_of_global @@ Coqlib.gen_reference_in_modules s m n)
let init_constant = gen_constant_in_modules "ZMicromega" Coqlib.init_modules
[@@@ocaml.warning "+3"]
let constant = gen_constant_in_modules "ZMicromega" coq_modules
let bin_constant = gen_constant_in_modules "ZMicromega" bin_module
let r_constant = gen_constant_in_modules "ZMicromega" r_modules
let z_constant = gen_constant_in_modules "ZMicromega" z_modules
let m_constant = gen_constant_in_modules "ZMicromega" mic_modules
let coq_and = lazy (init_constant "and")
let coq_or = lazy (init_constant "or")
let coq_not = lazy (init_constant "not")
let coq_iff = lazy (init_constant "iff")
let coq_True = lazy (init_constant "True")
let coq_False = lazy (init_constant "False")
let coq_cons = lazy (constant "cons")
let coq_nil = lazy (constant "nil")
let coq_list = lazy (constant "list")
let coq_O = lazy (init_constant "O")
let coq_S = lazy (init_constant "S")
let coq_nat = lazy (init_constant "nat")
let coq_unit = lazy (init_constant "unit")
(* let coq_option = lazy (init_constant "option")*)
let coq_None = lazy (init_constant "None")
let coq_tt = lazy (init_constant "tt")
let coq_Inl = lazy (init_constant "inl")
let coq_Inr = lazy (init_constant "inr")
let coq_N0 = lazy (bin_constant "N0")
let coq_Npos = lazy (bin_constant "Npos")
let coq_xH = lazy (bin_constant "xH")
let coq_xO = lazy (bin_constant "xO")
let coq_xI = lazy (bin_constant "xI")
let coq_Z = lazy (bin_constant "Z")
let coq_ZERO = lazy (bin_constant "Z0")
let coq_POS = lazy (bin_constant "Zpos")
let coq_NEG = lazy (bin_constant "Zneg")
let coq_Q = lazy (constant "Q")
let coq_R = lazy (constant "R")
let coq_Qmake = lazy (constant "Qmake")
let coq_Rcst = lazy (constant "Rcst")
let coq_C0 = lazy (m_constant "C0")
let coq_C1 = lazy (m_constant "C1")
let coq_CQ = lazy (m_constant "CQ")
let coq_CZ = lazy (m_constant "CZ")
let coq_CPlus = lazy (m_constant "CPlus")
let coq_CMinus = lazy (m_constant "CMinus")
let coq_CMult = lazy (m_constant "CMult")
let coq_CPow = lazy (m_constant "CPow")
let coq_CInv = lazy (m_constant "CInv")
let coq_COpp = lazy (m_constant "COpp")
let coq_R0 = lazy (constant "R0")
let coq_R1 = lazy (constant "R1")
let coq_proofTerm = lazy (constant "ZArithProof")
let coq_doneProof = lazy (constant "DoneProof")
let coq_ratProof = lazy (constant "RatProof")
let coq_cutProof = lazy (constant "CutProof")
let coq_enumProof = lazy (constant "EnumProof")
let coq_Zgt = lazy (z_constant "Z.gt")
let coq_Zge = lazy (z_constant "Z.ge")
let coq_Zle = lazy (z_constant "Z.le")
let coq_Zlt = lazy (z_constant "Z.lt")
let coq_Eq = lazy (init_constant "eq")
let coq_Zplus = lazy (z_constant "Z.add")
let coq_Zminus = lazy (z_constant "Z.sub")
let coq_Zopp = lazy (z_constant "Z.opp")
let coq_Zmult = lazy (z_constant "Z.mul")
let coq_Zpower = lazy (z_constant "Z.pow")
let coq_Qle = lazy (constant "Qle")
let coq_Qlt = lazy (constant "Qlt")
let coq_Qeq = lazy (constant "Qeq")
let coq_Qplus = lazy (constant "Qplus")
let coq_Qminus = lazy (constant "Qminus")
let coq_Qopp = lazy (constant "Qopp")
let coq_Qmult = lazy (constant "Qmult")
let coq_Qpower = lazy (constant "Qpower")
let coq_Rgt = lazy (r_constant "Rgt")
let coq_Rge = lazy (r_constant "Rge")
let coq_Rle = lazy (r_constant "Rle")
let coq_Rlt = lazy (r_constant "Rlt")
let coq_Rplus = lazy (r_constant "Rplus")
let coq_Rminus = lazy (r_constant "Rminus")
let coq_Ropp = lazy (r_constant "Ropp")
let coq_Rmult = lazy (r_constant "Rmult")
let coq_Rinv = lazy (r_constant "Rinv")
let coq_Rpower = lazy (r_constant "pow")
let coq_powerZR = lazy (r_constant "powerRZ")
let coq_IZR = lazy (r_constant "IZR")
let coq_IQR = lazy (r_constant "Q2R")
let coq_PEX = lazy (constant "PEX" )
let coq_PEc = lazy (constant"PEc")
let coq_PEadd = lazy (constant "PEadd")
let coq_PEopp = lazy (constant "PEopp")
let coq_PEmul = lazy (constant "PEmul")
let coq_PEsub = lazy (constant "PEsub")
let coq_PEpow = lazy (constant "PEpow")
let coq_PX = lazy (constant "PX" )
let coq_Pc = lazy (constant"Pc")
let coq_Pinj = lazy (constant "Pinj")
let coq_OpEq = lazy (constant "OpEq")
let coq_OpNEq = lazy (constant "OpNEq")
let coq_OpLe = lazy (constant "OpLe")
let coq_OpLt = lazy (constant "OpLt")
let coq_OpGe = lazy (constant "OpGe")
let coq_OpGt = lazy (constant "OpGt")
let coq_PsatzIn = lazy (constant "PsatzIn")
let coq_PsatzSquare = lazy (constant "PsatzSquare")
let coq_PsatzMulE = lazy (constant "PsatzMulE")
let coq_PsatzMultC = lazy (constant "PsatzMulC")
let coq_PsatzAdd = lazy (constant "PsatzAdd")
let coq_PsatzC = lazy (constant "PsatzC")
let coq_PsatzZ = lazy (constant "PsatzZ")
(* let coq_GT = lazy (m_constant "GT")*)
let coq_DeclaredConstant = lazy (m_constant "DeclaredConstant")
let coq_TT = lazy
(gen_constant_in_modules "ZMicromega"
[["Coq" ; "micromega" ; "Tauto"];["Tauto"]] "TT")
let coq_FF = lazy
(gen_constant_in_modules "ZMicromega"
[["Coq" ; "micromega" ; "Tauto"];["Tauto"]] "FF")
let coq_And = lazy
(gen_constant_in_modules "ZMicromega"
[["Coq" ; "micromega" ; "Tauto"];["Tauto"]] "Cj")
let coq_Or = lazy
(gen_constant_in_modules "ZMicromega"
[["Coq" ; "micromega" ; "Tauto"];["Tauto"]] "D")
let coq_Neg = lazy
(gen_constant_in_modules "ZMicromega"
[["Coq" ; "micromega" ; "Tauto"];["Tauto"]] "N")
let coq_Atom = lazy
(gen_constant_in_modules "ZMicromega"
[["Coq" ; "micromega" ; "Tauto"];["Tauto"]] "A")
let coq_X = lazy
(gen_constant_in_modules "ZMicromega"
[["Coq" ; "micromega" ; "Tauto"];["Tauto"]] "X")
let coq_Impl = lazy
(gen_constant_in_modules "ZMicromega"
[["Coq" ; "micromega" ; "Tauto"];["Tauto"]] "I")
let coq_Formula = lazy
(gen_constant_in_modules "ZMicromega"
[["Coq" ; "micromega" ; "Tauto"];["Tauto"]] "BFormula")
* Initialization : a few Caml symbols are derived from other libraries;
* QMicromega, ZArithRing, RingMicromega.
let coq_QWitness = lazy
(gen_constant_in_modules "QMicromega"
[["Coq"; "micromega"; "QMicromega"]] "QWitness")
let coq_Build = lazy
(gen_constant_in_modules "RingMicromega"
[["Coq" ; "micromega" ; "RingMicromega"] ; ["RingMicromega"] ]
let coq_Cstr = lazy
(gen_constant_in_modules "RingMicromega"
[["Coq" ; "micromega" ; "RingMicromega"] ; ["RingMicromega"] ] "Formula")
* Parsing and dumping : transformation functions between Caml and Coq
* data-structures.
* dump_* functions go from Micromega to Coq terms
* parse_* functions go from Coq to Micromega terms
* pp_* functions pretty-print Coq terms.
exception ParseError
(* A simple but useful getter function *)
let get_left_construct sigma term =
match EConstr.kind sigma term with
| Construct((_,i),_) -> (i,[| |])
| App(l,rst) ->
(match EConstr.kind sigma l with
| Construct((_,i),_) -> (i,rst)
| _ -> raise ParseError
| _ -> raise ParseError
(* Access the Micromega module *)
(* parse/dump/print from numbers up to expressions and formulas *)
let rec parse_nat sigma term =
let (i,c) = get_left_construct sigma term in
match i with
| 1 -> Mc.O
| 2 -> Mc.S (parse_nat sigma (c.(0)))
| i -> raise ParseError
let pp_nat o n = Printf.fprintf o "%i" (CoqToCaml.nat n)
let rec dump_nat x =
match x with
| Mc.O -> Lazy.force coq_O
| Mc.S p -> EConstr.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_S,[| dump_nat p |])
let rec parse_positive sigma term =
let (i,c) = get_left_construct sigma term in
match i with
| 1 -> Mc.XI (parse_positive sigma c.(0))
| 2 -> Mc.XO (parse_positive sigma c.(0))
| 3 -> Mc.XH
| i -> raise ParseError
let rec dump_positive x =
match x with
| Mc.XH -> Lazy.force coq_xH
| Mc.XO p -> EConstr.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_xO,[| dump_positive p |])
| Mc.XI p -> EConstr.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_xI,[| dump_positive p |])
let pp_positive o x = Printf.fprintf o "%i" (CoqToCaml.positive x)
let dump_n x =
match x with
| Mc.N0 -> Lazy.force coq_N0
| Mc.Npos p -> EConstr.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_Npos,[| dump_positive p|])
(** [is_ground_term env sigma term] holds if the term [term]
is an instance of the typeclass [DeclConstant.GT term]
i.e. built from user-defined constants and functions.
NB: This mechanism is used to customise the reification process to decide
what to consider as a constant (see [parse_constant])
let is_declared_term env evd t =
match EConstr.kind evd t with
| Const _ | Construct _ -> (* Restrict typeclass resolution to trivial cases *)
let typ = Retyping.get_type_of env evd t in
ignore (Typeclasses.resolve_one_typeclass env evd (EConstr.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_DeclaredConstant,[| typ;t|]))) ; true
with Not_found -> false
| _ -> false
let rec is_ground_term env evd term =
match EConstr.kind evd term with
| App(c,args) ->
is_declared_term env evd c &&
Array.for_all (is_ground_term env evd) args
| Const _ | Construct _ -> is_declared_term env evd term
| _ -> false
let parse_z sigma term =
let (i,c) = get_left_construct sigma term in
match i with
| 1 -> Mc.Z0
| 2 -> Mc.Zpos (parse_positive sigma c.(0))
| 3 -> Mc.Zneg (parse_positive sigma c.(0))
| i -> raise ParseError
let dump_z x =
match x with
| Mc.Z0 ->Lazy.force coq_ZERO
| Mc.Zpos p -> EConstr.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_POS,[| dump_positive p|])
| Mc.Zneg p -> EConstr.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_NEG,[| dump_positive p|])
let pp_z o x = Printf.fprintf o "%s" (Big_int.string_of_big_int (CoqToCaml.z_big_int x))
let dump_q q =
EConstr.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_Qmake,
[| dump_z q.Micromega.qnum ; dump_positive q.Micromega.qden|])
let parse_q sigma term =
match EConstr.kind sigma term with
| App(c, args) -> if EConstr.eq_constr sigma c (Lazy.force coq_Qmake) then
{Mc.qnum = parse_z sigma args.(0) ; Mc.qden = parse_positive sigma args.(1) }
else raise ParseError
| _ -> raise ParseError
let rec pp_Rcst o cst =
match cst with
| Mc.C0 -> output_string o "C0"
| Mc.C1 -> output_string o "C1"
| Mc.CQ q -> output_string o "CQ _"
| Mc.CZ z -> pp_z o z
| Mc.CPlus(x,y) -> Printf.fprintf o "(%a + %a)" pp_Rcst x pp_Rcst y
| Mc.CMinus(x,y) -> Printf.fprintf o "(%a - %a)" pp_Rcst x pp_Rcst y
| Mc.CMult(x,y) -> Printf.fprintf o "(%a * %a)" pp_Rcst x pp_Rcst y
| Mc.CPow(x,y) -> Printf.fprintf o "(%a ^ _)" pp_Rcst x
| Mc.CInv t -> Printf.fprintf o "(/ %a)" pp_Rcst t
| Mc.COpp t -> Printf.fprintf o "(- %a)" pp_Rcst t
let rec dump_Rcst cst =
match cst with
| Mc.C0 -> Lazy.force coq_C0
| Mc.C1 -> Lazy.force coq_C1
| Mc.CQ q -> EConstr.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_CQ, [| dump_q q |])
| Mc.CZ z -> EConstr.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_CZ, [| dump_z z |])
| Mc.CPlus(x,y) -> EConstr.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_CPlus, [| dump_Rcst x ; dump_Rcst y |])
| Mc.CMinus(x,y) -> EConstr.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_CMinus, [| dump_Rcst x ; dump_Rcst y |])
| Mc.CMult(x,y) -> EConstr.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_CMult, [| dump_Rcst x ; dump_Rcst y |])
| Mc.CPow(x,y) -> EConstr.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_CPow, [| dump_Rcst x ;
match y with
| Mc.Inl z -> EConstr.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_Inl,[| Lazy.force coq_Z ; Lazy.force coq_nat; dump_z z|])
| Mc.Inr n -> EConstr.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_Inr,[| Lazy.force coq_Z ; Lazy.force coq_nat; dump_nat n|])
| Mc.CInv t -> EConstr.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_CInv, [| dump_Rcst t |])
| Mc.COpp t -> EConstr.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_COpp, [| dump_Rcst t |])
let rec dump_list typ dump_elt l =
match l with
| [] -> EConstr.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_nil,[| typ |])
| e :: l -> EConstr.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_cons,
[| typ; dump_elt e;dump_list typ dump_elt l|])
let pp_list op cl elt o l =
let rec _pp o l =
match l with
| [] -> ()
| [e] -> Printf.fprintf o "%a" elt e
| e::l -> Printf.fprintf o "%a ,%a" elt e _pp l in
Printf.fprintf o "%s%a%s" op _pp l cl
let dump_var = dump_positive
let dump_expr typ dump_z e =
let rec dump_expr e =
match e with
| Mc.PEX n -> EConstr.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_PEX,[| typ; dump_var n |])
| Mc.PEc z -> EConstr.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_PEc,[| typ ; dump_z z |])
| Mc.PEadd(e1,e2) -> EConstr.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_PEadd,
[| typ; dump_expr e1;dump_expr e2|])
| Mc.PEsub(e1,e2) -> EConstr.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_PEsub,
[| typ; dump_expr e1;dump_expr e2|])
| Mc.PEopp e -> EConstr.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_PEopp,
[| typ; dump_expr e|])
| Mc.PEmul(e1,e2) -> EConstr.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_PEmul,
[| typ; dump_expr e1;dump_expr e2|])
| Mc.PEpow(e,n) -> EConstr.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_PEpow,
[| typ; dump_expr e; dump_n n|])
dump_expr e
let dump_pol typ dump_c e =
let rec dump_pol e =
match e with
| Mc.Pc n -> EConstr.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_Pc, [|typ ; dump_c n|])
| Mc.Pinj(p,pol) -> EConstr.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_Pinj , [| typ ; dump_positive p ; dump_pol pol|])
| Mc.PX(pol1,p,pol2) -> EConstr.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_PX, [| typ ; dump_pol pol1 ; dump_positive p ; dump_pol pol2|]) in
dump_pol e
let pp_pol pp_c o e =
let rec pp_pol o e =
match e with
| Mc.Pc n -> Printf.fprintf o "Pc %a" pp_c n
| Mc.Pinj(p,pol) -> Printf.fprintf o "Pinj(%a,%a)" pp_positive p pp_pol pol
| Mc.PX(pol1,p,pol2) -> Printf.fprintf o "PX(%a,%a,%a)" pp_pol pol1 pp_positive p pp_pol pol2 in
pp_pol o e
(* let pp_clause pp_c o (f: 'cst clause) =
List.iter (fun ((p,_),(t,_)) -> Printf.fprintf o "(%a @%a)" (pp_pol pp_c) p Tag.pp t) f *)
let pp_clause_tag o (f: 'cst clause) =
List.iter (fun ((p,_),(t,_)) -> Printf.fprintf o "(_ @%a)" Tag.pp t) f
(* let pp_cnf pp_c o (f:'cst cnf) =
List.iter (fun l -> Printf.fprintf o "[%a]" (pp_clause pp_c) l) f *)
let pp_cnf_tag o (f:'cst cnf) =
List.iter (fun l -> Printf.fprintf o "[%a]" pp_clause_tag l) f
let dump_psatz typ dump_z e =
let z = Lazy.force typ in
let rec dump_cone e =
match e with
| Mc.PsatzIn n -> EConstr.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_PsatzIn,[| z; dump_nat n |])
| Mc.PsatzMulC(e,c) -> EConstr.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_PsatzMultC,
[| z; dump_pol z dump_z e ; dump_cone c |])
| Mc.PsatzSquare e -> EConstr.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_PsatzSquare,
[| z;dump_pol z dump_z e|])
| Mc.PsatzAdd(e1,e2) -> EConstr.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_PsatzAdd,
[| z; dump_cone e1; dump_cone e2|])
| Mc.PsatzMulE(e1,e2) -> EConstr.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_PsatzMulE,
[| z; dump_cone e1; dump_cone e2|])
| Mc.PsatzC p -> EConstr.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_PsatzC,[| z; dump_z p|])
| Mc.PsatzZ -> EConstr.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_PsatzZ,[| z|]) in
dump_cone e
let pp_psatz pp_z o e =
let rec pp_cone o e =
match e with
| Mc.PsatzIn n ->
Printf.fprintf o "(In %a)%%nat" pp_nat n
| Mc.PsatzMulC(e,c) ->
Printf.fprintf o "( %a [*] %a)" (pp_pol pp_z) e pp_cone c
| Mc.PsatzSquare e ->
Printf.fprintf o "(%a^2)" (pp_pol pp_z) e
| Mc.PsatzAdd(e1,e2) ->
Printf.fprintf o "(%a [+] %a)" pp_cone e1 pp_cone e2
| Mc.PsatzMulE(e1,e2) ->
Printf.fprintf o "(%a [*] %a)" pp_cone e1 pp_cone e2
| Mc.PsatzC p ->
Printf.fprintf o "(%a)%%positive" pp_z p
| Mc.PsatzZ ->
Printf.fprintf o "0" in
pp_cone o e
let dump_op = function
| Mc.OpEq-> Lazy.force coq_OpEq
| Mc.OpNEq-> Lazy.force coq_OpNEq
| Mc.OpLe -> Lazy.force coq_OpLe
| Mc.OpGe -> Lazy.force coq_OpGe
| Mc.OpGt-> Lazy.force coq_OpGt
| Mc.OpLt-> Lazy.force coq_OpLt
let dump_cstr typ dump_constant {Mc.flhs = e1 ; Mc.fop = o ; Mc.frhs = e2} =
EConstr.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_Build,
[| typ; dump_expr typ dump_constant e1 ;
dump_op o ;
dump_expr typ dump_constant e2|])
let assoc_const sigma x l =
snd (List.find (fun (x',y) -> EConstr.eq_constr sigma x (Lazy.force x')) l)
Not_found -> raise ParseError
let zop_table = [
coq_Zgt, Mc.OpGt ;
coq_Zge, Mc.OpGe ;
coq_Zlt, Mc.OpLt ;
coq_Zle, Mc.OpLe ]
let rop_table = [
coq_Rgt, Mc.OpGt ;
coq_Rge, Mc.OpGe ;
coq_Rlt, Mc.OpLt ;
coq_Rle, Mc.OpLe ]
let qop_table = [
coq_Qlt, Mc.OpLt ;
coq_Qle, Mc.OpLe ;
coq_Qeq, Mc.OpEq
type gl = { env : Environ.env; sigma : Evd.evar_map }
let is_convertible gl t1 t2 =
Reductionops.is_conv gl.env gl.sigma t1 t2
let parse_zop gl (op,args) =
let sigma = gl.sigma in
match args with
| [| a1 ; a2|] -> assoc_const sigma op zop_table, a1, a2
| [| ty ; a1 ; a2|] ->
if EConstr.eq_constr sigma op (Lazy.force coq_Eq) && is_convertible gl ty (Lazy.force coq_Z)
then (Mc.OpEq, args.(1), args.(2))
else raise ParseError
| _ -> raise ParseError
let parse_rop gl (op,args) =
let sigma = gl.sigma in
match args with
| [| a1 ; a2|] -> assoc_const sigma op rop_table, a1 , a2
| [| ty ; a1 ; a2|] ->
if EConstr.eq_constr sigma op (Lazy.force coq_Eq) && is_convertible gl ty (Lazy.force coq_R)
then (Mc.OpEq, a1, a2)
else raise ParseError
| _ -> raise ParseError
let parse_qop gl (op,args) =
if Array.length args = 2
then (assoc_const gl.sigma op qop_table, args.(0) , args.(1))
else raise ParseError
type 'a op =
| Binop of ('a Mc.pExpr -> 'a Mc.pExpr -> 'a Mc.pExpr)
| Opp
| Power
| Ukn of string
let assoc_ops sigma x l =
snd (List.find (fun (x',y) -> EConstr.eq_constr sigma x (Lazy.force x')) l)
Not_found -> Ukn "Oups"
* MODULE: Env is for environment.
module Env =
type t = {
vars : EConstr.t list ;
(* The list represents a mapping from EConstr.t to indexes. *)
gl : gl;
(* The evar_map may be updated due to unification of universes *)
let empty gl =
vars = [];
gl = gl
(** [eq_constr gl x y] returns an updated [gl] if x and y can be unified *)
let eq_constr gl x y =
let evd = gl.sigma in
match EConstr.eq_constr_universes_proj gl.env evd x y with
| Some csts ->
let csts = UnivProblem.to_constraints ~force_weak:false (Evd.universes evd) csts in
match Evd.add_constraints evd csts with
| evd -> Some {gl with sigma = evd}
| exception Univ.UniverseInconsistency _ -> None
| None -> None
let compute_rank_add env v =
let rec _add gl vars n v =
match vars with
| [] -> (gl, [v] ,n)
| e::l ->
match eq_constr gl e v with
| Some gl' -> (gl', vars , n)
| None ->
let (gl,l',n) = _add gl l ( n+1) v in
(gl,e::l',n) in
let (gl',vars', n) = _add env.gl env.vars 1 v in
({vars=vars';gl=gl'}, CamlToCoq.positive n)
let get_rank env v =
let gl = env.gl in
let rec _get_rank env n =
match env with
| [] -> raise (Invalid_argument "get_rank")
| e::l ->
match eq_constr gl e v with
| Some _ -> n
| None -> _get_rank l (n+1)
_get_rank env.vars 1
let elements env = env.vars
(* let string_of_env gl env =
let rec string_of_env i env acc =
match env with
| [] -> acc
| e::env -> string_of_env (i+1) env
(IMap.add i
(Printer.pr_econstr_env gl.env gl.sigma e)) acc) in
string_of_env 1 env IMap.empty
let pp gl env =
let ppl = List.mapi (fun i e -> Pp.str "x" ++ Pp.int (i+1) ++ Pp.str ":" ++ Printer.pr_econstr_env gl.env gl.sigma e)env in
List.fold_right (fun e p -> e ++ Pp.str " ; " ++ p ) ppl (Pp.str "\n")
end (* MODULE END: Env *)
* This is the big generic function for expression parsers.
let parse_expr gl parse_constant parse_exp ops_spec env term =
if debug
then (
Feedback.msg_debug (Pp.str "parse_expr: " ++ Printer.pr_leconstr_env gl.env gl.sigma term));
let parse_variable env term =
let (env,n) = Env.compute_rank_add env term in
(Mc.PEX n , env) in
let rec parse_expr env term =
let combine env op (t1,t2) =
let (expr1,env) = parse_expr env t1 in
let (expr2,env) = parse_expr env t2 in
(op expr1 expr2,env) in
try (Mc.PEc (parse_constant gl term) , env)
with ParseError ->
match EConstr.kind gl.sigma term with
| App(t,args) ->
match EConstr.kind gl.sigma t with
| Const c ->
( match assoc_ops gl.sigma t ops_spec with
| Binop f -> combine env f (args.(0),args.(1))
| Opp -> let (expr,env) = parse_expr env args.(0) in
(Mc.PEopp expr, env)
| Power ->
let (expr,env) = parse_expr env args.(0) in
let power = (parse_exp expr args.(1)) in
(power , env)
with ParseError ->
(* if the exponent is a variable *)
let (env,n) = Env.compute_rank_add env term in (Mc.PEX n, env)
| Ukn s ->
if debug
then (Printf.printf "unknown op: %s\n" s; flush stdout;);
let (env,n) = Env.compute_rank_add env term in (Mc.PEX n, env)
| _ -> parse_variable env term
| _ -> parse_variable env term in
parse_expr env term
let zop_spec =
coq_Zplus , Binop (fun x y -> Mc.PEadd(x,y)) ;
coq_Zminus , Binop (fun x y -> Mc.PEsub(x,y)) ;
coq_Zmult , Binop (fun x y -> Mc.PEmul (x,y)) ;
coq_Zopp , Opp ;
coq_Zpower , Power]
let qop_spec =
coq_Qplus , Binop (fun x y -> Mc.PEadd(x,y)) ;
coq_Qminus , Binop (fun x y -> Mc.PEsub(x,y)) ;
coq_Qmult , Binop (fun x y -> Mc.PEmul (x,y)) ;
coq_Qopp , Opp ;
coq_Qpower , Power]
let rop_spec =
coq_Rplus , Binop (fun x y -> Mc.PEadd(x,y)) ;
coq_Rminus , Binop (fun x y -> Mc.PEsub(x,y)) ;
coq_Rmult , Binop (fun x y -> Mc.PEmul (x,y)) ;
coq_Ropp , Opp ;
coq_Rpower , Power]
let parse_constant parse gl t = parse gl.sigma t
(** [parse_more_constant parse gl t] returns the reification of term [t].
If [t] is a ground term, then it is first reduced to normal form
before using a 'syntactic' parser *)
let parse_more_constant parse gl t =
parse gl t
with ParseError ->
if debug then Feedback.msg_debug Pp.(str "try harder");
if is_ground_term gl.env gl.sigma t
then parse gl (Redexpr.cbv_vm gl.env gl.sigma t)
else raise ParseError
let zconstant = parse_constant parse_z
let qconstant = parse_constant parse_q
let nconstant = parse_constant parse_nat
(** [parse_more_zexpr parse_constant gl] improves the parsing of exponent
which can be arithmetic expressions (without variables).
[parse_constant_expr] returns a constant if the argument is an expression without variables. *)
let rec parse_zexpr gl =
parse_expr gl
(fun expr (x:EConstr.t) ->
let z = parse_zconstant gl x in
match z with
| Mc.Zneg _ -> Mc.PEc Mc.Z0
| _ -> Mc.PEpow(expr, Mc.Z.to_N z)
and parse_zconstant gl e =
let (e,_) = parse_zexpr gl (Env.empty gl) e in
match Mc.zeval_const e with
| None -> raise ParseError
| Some z -> z
(* NB: R is a different story.
Because it is axiomatised, reducing would not be effective.
Therefore, there is a specific parser for constant over R
let rconst_assoc =
coq_Rplus , (fun x y -> Mc.CPlus(x,y)) ;
coq_Rminus , (fun x y -> Mc.CMinus(x,y)) ;
coq_Rmult , (fun x y -> Mc.CMult(x,y)) ;
(* coq_Rdiv , (fun x y -> Mc.CMult(x,Mc.CInv y)) ;*)
let rconstant gl term =
let sigma = gl.sigma in
let rec rconstant term =
match EConstr.kind sigma term with
| Const x ->
if EConstr.eq_constr sigma term (Lazy.force coq_R0)
then Mc.C0
else if EConstr.eq_constr sigma term (Lazy.force coq_R1)
then Mc.C1
else raise ParseError
| App(op,args) ->
(* the evaluation order is important in the following *)
let f = assoc_const sigma op rconst_assoc in
let a = rconstant args.(0) in
let b = rconstant args.(1) in
f a b
ParseError ->
match op with
| op when EConstr.eq_constr sigma op (Lazy.force coq_Rinv) ->
let arg = rconstant args.(0) in
if Mc.qeq_bool (Mc.q_of_Rcst arg) {Mc.qnum = Mc.Z0 ; Mc.qden = Mc.XH}
then raise ParseError (* This is a division by zero -- no semantics *)
else Mc.CInv(arg)
| op when EConstr.eq_constr sigma op (Lazy.force coq_Rpower) ->
Mc.CPow(rconstant args.(0) , Mc.Inr (parse_more_constant nconstant gl args.(1)))
| op when EConstr.eq_constr sigma op (Lazy.force coq_IQR) ->
Mc.CQ (qconstant gl args.(0))
| op when EConstr.eq_constr sigma op (Lazy.force coq_IZR) ->
Mc.CZ (parse_more_constant zconstant gl args.(0))
| _ -> raise ParseError
| _ -> raise ParseError in
rconstant term
let rconstant gl term =
if debug
then Feedback.msg_debug (Pp.str "rconstant: " ++ Printer.pr_leconstr_env gl.env gl.sigma term ++ fnl ());
let res = rconstant gl term in
if debug then
(Printf.printf "rconstant -> %a\n" pp_Rcst res ; flush stdout) ;
let parse_qexpr gl = parse_expr gl
(fun expr x ->
let exp = zconstant gl x in
match exp with
| Mc.Zneg _ ->
match expr with
| Mc.PEc q -> Mc.PEc (Mc.qpower q exp)
| _ -> raise ParseError
| _ -> let exp = Mc.Z.to_N exp in
let parse_rexpr gl = parse_expr gl
(fun expr x ->
let exp = Mc.N.of_nat (parse_nat gl.sigma x) in
let parse_arith parse_op parse_expr env cstr gl =
let sigma = gl.sigma in
if debug
then Feedback.msg_debug (Pp.str "parse_arith: " ++ Printer.pr_leconstr_env gl.env sigma cstr ++ fnl ());
match EConstr.kind sigma cstr with
| App(op,args) ->
let (op,lhs,rhs) = parse_op gl (op,args) in
let (e1,env) = parse_expr gl env lhs in
let (e2,env) = parse_expr gl env rhs in
({Mc.flhs = e1; Mc.fop = op;Mc.frhs = e2},env)
| _ -> failwith "error : parse_arith(2)"
let parse_zarith = parse_arith parse_zop parse_zexpr
let parse_qarith = parse_arith parse_qop parse_qexpr
let parse_rarith = parse_arith parse_rop parse_rexpr
(* generic parsing of arithmetic expressions *)
let mkC f1 f2 = Mc.Cj(f1,f2)
let mkD f1 f2 = Mc.D(f1,f2)
let mkIff f1 f2 = Mc.Cj(Mc.I(f1,None,f2),Mc.I(f2,None,f1))
let mkI f1 f2 = Mc.I(f1,None,f2)
let mkformula_binary g term f1 f2 =
match f1 , f2 with
| Mc.X _ , Mc.X _ -> Mc.X(term)
| _ -> g f1 f2
* This is the big generic function for formula parsers.
let parse_formula gl parse_atom env tg term =
let sigma = gl.sigma in
let parse_atom env tg t =
let (at,env) = parse_atom env t gl in
(Mc.A(at,(tg,t)), env,Tag.next tg)
with e when CErrors.noncritical e -> (Mc.X(t),env,tg) in
let is_prop term =
let sort = Retyping.get_sort_of gl.env gl.sigma term in
Sorts.is_prop sort in
let rec xparse_formula env tg term =
match EConstr.kind sigma term with
| App(l,rst) ->
(match rst with
| [|a;b|] when EConstr.eq_constr sigma l (Lazy.force coq_and) ->
let f,env,tg = xparse_formula env tg a in
let g,env, tg = xparse_formula env tg b in
mkformula_binary mkC term f g,env,tg
| [|a;b|] when EConstr.eq_constr sigma l (Lazy.force coq_or) ->
let f,env,tg = xparse_formula env tg a in
let g,env,tg = xparse_formula env tg b in
mkformula_binary mkD term f g,env,tg
| [|a|] when EConstr.eq_constr sigma l (Lazy.force coq_not) ->
let (f,env,tg) = xparse_formula env tg a in (Mc.N(f), env,tg)
| [|a;b|] when EConstr.eq_constr sigma l (Lazy.force coq_iff) ->
let f,env,tg = xparse_formula env tg a in
let g,env,tg = xparse_formula env tg b in
mkformula_binary mkIff term f g,env,tg
| _ -> parse_atom env tg term)
| Prod(typ,a,b) when typ.binder_name = Anonymous || EConstr.Vars.noccurn sigma 1 b ->
let f,env,tg = xparse_formula env tg a in
let g,env,tg = xparse_formula env tg b in
mkformula_binary mkI term f g,env,tg
| _ -> if EConstr.eq_constr sigma term (Lazy.force coq_True)
then (Mc.TT,env,tg)
else if EConstr.eq_constr sigma term (Lazy.force coq_False)
then Mc.(FF,env,tg)
else if is_prop term then Mc.X(term),env,tg
else raise ParseError
xparse_formula env tg ((*Reductionops.whd_zeta*) term)
let dump_formula typ dump_atom f =
let app_ctor c args =
EConstr.mkApp(Lazy.force c, Array.of_list (typ::EConstr.mkProp::Lazy.force coq_unit :: Lazy.force coq_unit :: args)) in
let rec xdump f =
match f with
| Mc.TT -> app_ctor coq_TT []
| Mc.FF -> app_ctor coq_FF []
| Mc.Cj(x,y) -> app_ctor coq_And [xdump x ; xdump y]
| Mc.D(x,y) -> app_ctor coq_Or [xdump x ; xdump y]
| Mc.I(x,_,y) -> app_ctor coq_Impl [xdump x ; EConstr.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_None,[|Lazy.force coq_unit|]); xdump y]
| Mc.N(x) -> app_ctor coq_Neg [xdump x]
| Mc.A(x,_) -> app_ctor coq_Atom [dump_atom x;Lazy.force coq_tt]
| Mc.X(t) -> app_ctor coq_X [t] in
xdump f
let prop_env_of_formula gl form =
let rec doit env = function
| TT | FF | A(_,_) -> env
| X t -> fst (Env.compute_rank_add env t)
| Cj(f1,f2) | D(f1,f2) | I(f1,_,f2) ->
doit (doit env f1) f2
| N f -> doit env f
doit (Env.empty gl) form)
let var_env_of_formula form =
let rec vars_of_expr = function
| Mc.PEX n -> ISet.singleton (CoqToCaml.positive n)
| Mc.PEc z -> ISet.empty
| Mc.PEadd(e1,e2) | Mc.PEmul(e1,e2) | Mc.PEsub(e1,e2) ->
ISet.union (vars_of_expr e1) (vars_of_expr e2)
| Mc.PEopp e | Mc.PEpow(e,_)-> vars_of_expr e
let vars_of_atom {Mc.flhs ; Mc.fop; Mc.frhs} =
ISet.union (vars_of_expr flhs) (vars_of_expr frhs) in
let rec doit = function
| TT | FF | X _ -> ISet.empty
| A (a,(t,c)) -> vars_of_atom a
| Cj(f1,f2) | D(f1,f2) |I (f1,_,f2) -> ISet.union (doit f1) (doit f2)
| N f -> doit f in
doit form)
type 'cst dump_expr = (* 'cst is the type of the syntactic constants *)
interp_typ : EConstr.constr;
dump_cst : 'cst -> EConstr.constr;
dump_add : EConstr.constr;
dump_sub : EConstr.constr;
dump_opp : EConstr.constr;
dump_mul : EConstr.constr;
dump_pow : EConstr.constr;
dump_pow_arg : Mc.n -> EConstr.constr;
dump_op : (Mc.op2 * EConstr.constr) list
let dump_zexpr = lazy
interp_typ = Lazy.force coq_Z;
dump_cst = dump_z;
dump_add = Lazy.force coq_Zplus;
dump_sub = Lazy.force coq_Zminus;
dump_opp = Lazy.force coq_Zopp;
dump_mul = Lazy.force coq_Zmult;
dump_pow = Lazy.force coq_Zpower;
dump_pow_arg = (fun n -> dump_z (CamlToCoq.z (CoqToCaml.n n)));
dump_op = List.map (fun (x,y) -> (y,Lazy.force x)) zop_table
let dump_qexpr = lazy
interp_typ = Lazy.force coq_Q;
dump_cst = dump_q;
dump_add = Lazy.force coq_Qplus;
dump_sub = Lazy.force coq_Qminus;
dump_opp = Lazy.force coq_Qopp;
dump_mul = Lazy.force coq_Qmult;
dump_pow = Lazy.force coq_Qpower;
dump_pow_arg = (fun n -> dump_z (CamlToCoq.z (CoqToCaml.n n)));
dump_op = List.map (fun (x,y) -> (y,Lazy.force x)) qop_table
let rec dump_Rcst_as_R cst =
match cst with
| Mc.C0 -> Lazy.force coq_R0
| Mc.C1 -> Lazy.force coq_R1
| Mc.CQ q -> EConstr.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_IQR, [| dump_q q |])
| Mc.CZ z -> EConstr.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_IZR, [| dump_z z |])
| Mc.CPlus(x,y) -> EConstr.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_Rplus, [| dump_Rcst_as_R x ; dump_Rcst_as_R y |])
| Mc.CMinus(x,y) -> EConstr.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_Rminus, [| dump_Rcst_as_R x ; dump_Rcst_as_R y |])
| Mc.CMult(x,y) -> EConstr.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_Rmult, [| dump_Rcst_as_R x ; dump_Rcst_as_R y |])
| Mc.CPow(x,y) ->
match y with
| Mc.Inl z -> EConstr.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_powerZR,[| dump_Rcst_as_R x ; dump_z z|])
| Mc.Inr n -> EConstr.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_Rpower,[| dump_Rcst_as_R x ; dump_nat n|])
| Mc.CInv t -> EConstr.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_Rinv, [| dump_Rcst_as_R t |])
| Mc.COpp t -> EConstr.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_Ropp, [| dump_Rcst_as_R t |])
let dump_rexpr = lazy
interp_typ = Lazy.force coq_R;
dump_cst = dump_Rcst_as_R;
dump_add = Lazy.force coq_Rplus;
dump_sub = Lazy.force coq_Rminus;
dump_opp = Lazy.force coq_Ropp;
dump_mul = Lazy.force coq_Rmult;
dump_pow = Lazy.force coq_Rpower;
dump_pow_arg = (fun n -> dump_nat (CamlToCoq.nat (CoqToCaml.n n)));
dump_op = List.map (fun (x,y) -> (y,Lazy.force x)) rop_table
(** [make_goal_of_formula depxr vars props form] where
- vars is an environment for the arithmetic variables occurring in form
- props is an environment for the propositions occurring in form
@return a goal where all the variables and propositions of the formula are quantified
let prodn n env b =
let rec prodrec = function
| (0, env, b) -> b
| (n, ((v,t)::l), b) -> prodrec (n-1, l, EConstr.mkProd (make_annot v Sorts.Relevant,t,b))
| _ -> assert false
prodrec (n,env,b)
let make_goal_of_formula gl dexpr form =
let vars_idx =
List.mapi (fun i v -> (v, i+1)) (ISet.elements (var_env_of_formula form)) in
(* List.iter (fun (v,i) -> Printf.fprintf stdout "var %i has index %i\n" v i) vars_idx ;*)
let props = prop_env_of_formula gl form in
let vars_n = List.map (fun (_,i) -> (Names.Id.of_string (Printf.sprintf "__x%i" i)) , dexpr.interp_typ) vars_idx in
let props_n = List.mapi (fun i _ -> (Names.Id.of_string (Printf.sprintf "__p%i" (i+1))) , EConstr.mkProp) (Env.elements props) in
let var_name_pos = List.map2 (fun (idx,_) (id,_) -> id,idx) vars_idx vars_n in
let dump_expr i e =
let rec dump_expr = function
| Mc.PEX n -> EConstr.mkRel (i+(List.assoc (CoqToCaml.positive n) vars_idx))
| Mc.PEc z -> dexpr.dump_cst z
| Mc.PEadd(e1,e2) -> EConstr.mkApp(dexpr.dump_add,
[| dump_expr e1;dump_expr e2|])
| Mc.PEsub(e1,e2) -> EConstr.mkApp(dexpr.dump_sub,
[| dump_expr e1;dump_expr e2|])
| Mc.PEopp e -> EConstr.mkApp(dexpr.dump_opp,
[| dump_expr e|])
| Mc.PEmul(e1,e2) -> EConstr.mkApp(dexpr.dump_mul,
[| dump_expr e1;dump_expr e2|])
| Mc.PEpow(e,n) -> EConstr.mkApp(dexpr.dump_pow,
[| dump_expr e; dexpr.dump_pow_arg n|])
in dump_expr e in
let mkop op e1 e2 =
EConstr.mkApp(List.assoc op dexpr.dump_op, [| e1; e2|])
with Not_found ->
EConstr.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_Eq,[|dexpr.interp_typ ; e1 ;e2|]) in
let dump_cstr i { Mc.flhs ; Mc.fop ; Mc.frhs } =
mkop fop (dump_expr i flhs) (dump_expr i frhs) in
let rec xdump pi xi f =
match f with
| Mc.TT -> Lazy.force coq_True
| Mc.FF -> Lazy.force coq_False
| Mc.Cj(x,y) -> EConstr.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_and,[|xdump pi xi x ; xdump pi xi y|])
| Mc.D(x,y) -> EConstr.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_or,[| xdump pi xi x ; xdump pi xi y|])
| Mc.I(x,_,y) -> EConstr.mkArrow (xdump pi xi x) Sorts.Relevant (xdump (pi+1) (xi+1) y)
| Mc.N(x) -> EConstr.mkArrow (xdump pi xi x) Sorts.Relevant (Lazy.force coq_False)
| Mc.A(x,_) -> dump_cstr xi x
| Mc.X(t) -> let idx = Env.get_rank props t in
EConstr.mkRel (pi+idx) in
let nb_vars = List.length vars_n in
let nb_props = List.length props_n in
(* Printf.fprintf stdout "NBProps : %i\n" nb_props ;*)
let subst_prop p =
let idx = Env.get_rank props p in
EConstr.mkVar (Names.Id.of_string (Printf.sprintf "__p%i" idx)) in
let form' = Mc.mapX subst_prop form in
(prodn nb_props (List.map (fun (x,y) -> Name.Name x,y) props_n)
(prodn nb_vars (List.map (fun (x,y) -> Name.Name x,y) vars_n)
(xdump (List.length vars_n) 0 form)),
List.rev props_n, List.rev var_name_pos,form')
* Given a conclusion and a list of affectations, rebuild a term prefixed by
* the appropriate letins.
* TODO: reverse the list of bindings!
let set l concl =
let rec xset acc = function
| [] -> acc
| (e::l) ->
let (name,expr,typ) = e in
xset (EConstr.mkNamedLetIn
(make_annot (Names.Id.of_string name) Sorts.Relevant)
expr typ acc) l in
xset concl l
end (**
open M
let coq_Branch =
lazy (gen_constant_in_modules "VarMap"
[["Coq" ; "micromega" ; "VarMap"];["VarMap"]] "Branch")
let coq_Elt =
lazy (gen_constant_in_modules "VarMap"
[["Coq" ; "micromega" ; "VarMap"];["VarMap"]] "Elt")
let coq_Empty =
lazy (gen_constant_in_modules "VarMap"
[["Coq" ; "micromega" ;"VarMap"];["VarMap"]] "Empty")
let coq_VarMap =
lazy (gen_constant_in_modules "VarMap"
[["Coq" ; "micromega" ; "VarMap"] ; ["VarMap"]] "t")
let rec dump_varmap typ m =
match m with
| Mc.Empty -> EConstr.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_Empty,[| typ |])
| Mc.Elt v -> EConstr.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_Elt,[| typ; v|])
| Mc.Branch(l,o,r) ->
EConstr.mkApp (Lazy.force coq_Branch, [| typ; dump_varmap typ l; o ; dump_varmap typ r |])
let vm_of_list env =
match env with
| [] -> Mc.Empty
| (d,_)::_ ->
List.fold_left (fun vm (c,i) ->
Mc.vm_add d (CamlToCoq.positive i) c vm) Mc.Empty env
let rec dump_proof_term = function
| Micromega.DoneProof -> Lazy.force coq_doneProof
| Micromega.RatProof(cone,rst) ->
EConstr.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_ratProof, [| dump_psatz coq_Z dump_z cone; dump_proof_term rst|])
| Micromega.CutProof(cone,prf) ->
EConstr.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_cutProof,
[| dump_psatz coq_Z dump_z cone ;
dump_proof_term prf|])
| Micromega.EnumProof(c1,c2,prfs) ->
EConstr.mkApp (Lazy.force coq_enumProof,
[| dump_psatz coq_Z dump_z c1 ; dump_psatz coq_Z dump_z c2 ;
dump_list (Lazy.force coq_proofTerm) dump_proof_term prfs |])
let rec size_of_psatz = function
| Micromega.PsatzIn _ -> 1
| Micromega.PsatzSquare _ -> 1
| Micromega.PsatzMulC(_,p) -> 1 + (size_of_psatz p)
| Micromega.PsatzMulE(p1,p2) | Micromega.PsatzAdd(p1,p2) -> size_of_psatz p1 + size_of_psatz p2
| Micromega.PsatzC _ -> 1
| Micromega.PsatzZ -> 1
let rec size_of_pf = function
| Micromega.DoneProof -> 1
| Micromega.RatProof(p,a) -> (size_of_pf a) + (size_of_psatz p)
| Micromega.CutProof(p,a) -> (size_of_pf a) + (size_of_psatz p)
| Micromega.EnumProof(p1,p2,l) -> (size_of_psatz p1) + (size_of_psatz p2) + (List.fold_left (fun acc p -> size_of_pf p + acc) 0 l)
let dump_proof_term t =
if debug then Printf.printf "dump_proof_term %i\n" (size_of_pf t) ;
dump_proof_term t
let pp_q o q = Printf.fprintf o "%a/%a" pp_z q.Micromega.qnum pp_positive q.Micromega.qden
let rec pp_proof_term o = function
| Micromega.DoneProof -> Printf.fprintf o "D"
| Micromega.RatProof(cone,rst) -> Printf.fprintf o "R[%a,%a]" (pp_psatz pp_z) cone pp_proof_term rst
| Micromega.CutProof(cone,rst) -> Printf.fprintf o "C[%a,%a]" (pp_psatz pp_z) cone pp_proof_term rst
| Micromega.EnumProof(c1,c2,rst) ->
Printf.fprintf o "EP[%a,%a,%a]"
(pp_psatz pp_z) c1 (pp_psatz pp_z) c2
(pp_list "[" "]" pp_proof_term) rst
let rec parse_hyps gl parse_arith env tg hyps =
match hyps with
| [] -> ([],env,tg)
| (i,t)::l ->
let (lhyps,env,tg) = parse_hyps gl parse_arith env tg l in
let (c,env,tg) = parse_formula gl parse_arith env tg t in
((i,c)::lhyps, env,tg)
with e when CErrors.noncritical e -> (lhyps,env,tg)
let parse_goal gl parse_arith (env:Env.t) hyps term =
let (f,env,tg) = parse_formula gl parse_arith env (Tag.from 0) term in
let (lhyps,env,tg) = parse_hyps gl parse_arith env tg hyps in
* The datastructures that aggregate theory-dependent proof values.
type ('synt_c, 'prf) domain_spec = {
typ : EConstr.constr; (* is the type of the interpretation domain - Z, Q, R*)
coeff : EConstr.constr ; (* is the type of the syntactic coeffs - Z , Q , Rcst *)
dump_coeff : 'synt_c -> EConstr.constr ;
proof_typ : EConstr.constr ;
dump_proof : 'prf -> EConstr.constr
let zz_domain_spec = lazy {
typ = Lazy.force coq_Z;
coeff = Lazy.force coq_Z;
dump_coeff = dump_z ;
proof_typ = Lazy.force coq_proofTerm ;
dump_proof = dump_proof_term
let qq_domain_spec = lazy {
typ = Lazy.force coq_Q;
coeff = Lazy.force coq_Q;
dump_coeff = dump_q ;
proof_typ = Lazy.force coq_QWitness ;
dump_proof = dump_psatz coq_Q dump_q
let max_tag f = 1 + (Tag.to_int (Mc.foldA (fun t1 (t2,_) -> Tag.max t1 t2) f (Tag.from 0)))
(** For completeness of the cutting-plane procedure,
each variable 'x' is replaced by 'y' - 'z' where
'y' and 'z' are positive *)
let pre_processZ mt f =
let x0 i = 2 * i in
let x1 i = 2 * i + 1 in
let tag_of_var fr p b =
let ip = CoqToCaml.positive fr + (CoqToCaml.positive p) in
match b with
| None ->
let y = Mc.XO (Mc.Coq_Pos.add fr p) in
let z = Mc.XI (Mc.Coq_Pos.add fr p) in
let tag = Tag.from (- x0 (x0 ip)) in
let constr = Mc.mk_eq_pos p y z in
(tag, dump_cstr (Lazy.force coq_Z) dump_z constr)
| Some false ->
let y = Mc.XO (Mc.Coq_Pos.add fr p) in
let tag = Tag.from (- x0 (x1 ip)) in
let constr = Mc.bound_var (Mc.XO y) in
(tag, dump_cstr (Lazy.force coq_Z) dump_z constr)
| Some true ->
let z = Mc.XI (Mc.Coq_Pos.add fr p) in
let tag = Tag.from (- x1 (x1 ip)) in
let constr = Mc.bound_var (Mc.XI z) in
(tag, dump_cstr (Lazy.force coq_Z) dump_z constr) in
Mc.bound_problem_fr tag_of_var mt f
(** Naive topological sort of constr according to the subterm-ordering *)
(* An element is minimal x is minimal w.r.t y if
x <= y or (x and y are incomparable) *)
* Instantiate the current Coq goal with a Micromega formula, a varmap, and a
* witness.
let micromega_order_change spec cert cert_typ env ff (*: unit Proofview.tactic*) =
(* let ids = Util.List.map_i (fun i _ -> (Names.Id.of_string ("__v"^(string_of_int i)))) 0 env in *)
let formula_typ = (EConstr.mkApp (Lazy.force coq_Cstr,[|spec.coeff|])) in
let ff = dump_formula formula_typ (dump_cstr spec.coeff spec.dump_coeff) ff in
let vm = dump_varmap (spec.typ) (vm_of_list env) in
(* todo : directly generate the proof term - or generalize before conversion? *)
Proofview.Goal.enter begin fun gl ->
("__ff", ff, EConstr.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_Formula, [|formula_typ |]));
("__varmap", vm, EConstr.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_VarMap, [|spec.typ|]));
("__wit", cert, cert_typ)
(Tacmach.New.pf_concl gl))
* The datastructures that aggregate prover attributes.
open Certificate
type ('option,'a,'prf,'model) prover = {
name : string ; (* name of the prover *)
get_option : unit ->'option ; (* find the options of the prover *)
prover : ('option * 'a list) -> ('prf, 'model) Certificate.res ; (* the prover itself *)
hyps : 'prf -> ISet.t ; (* extract the indexes of the hypotheses really used in the proof *)
compact : 'prf -> (int -> int) -> 'prf ; (* remap the hyp indexes according to function *)
pp_prf : out_channel -> 'prf -> unit ;(* pretting printing of proof *)
pp_f : out_channel -> 'a -> unit (* pretty printing of the formulas (polynomials)*)
* Given a prover and a disjunction of atoms, find a proof of any of
* the atoms. Returns an (optional) pair of a proof and a prover
* datastructure.
let find_witness p polys1 =
let polys1 = List.map fst polys1 in
match p.prover (p.get_option (), polys1) with
| Model m -> Model m
| Unknown -> Unknown
| Prf prf -> Prf(prf,p)
* Given a prover and a CNF, find a proof for each of the clauses.
* Return the proofs as a list.
let witness_list prover l =
let rec xwitness_list l =
match l with
| [] -> Prf []
| e :: l ->
match xwitness_list l with
| Model (m,e) -> Model (m,e)
| Unknown -> Unknown
| Prf l ->
match find_witness prover e with
| Model m -> Model (m,e)
| Unknown -> Unknown
| Prf w -> Prf (w::l) in
xwitness_list l
let witness_list_tags = witness_list
* Prune the proof object, according to the 'diff' between two cnf formulas.
let compact_proofs (cnf_ff: 'cst cnf) res (cnf_ff': 'cst cnf) =
let compact_proof (old_cl:'cst clause) (prf,prover) (new_cl:'cst clause) =
let new_cl = List.mapi (fun i (f,_) -> (f,i)) new_cl in
let remap i =
let formula = try fst (List.nth old_cl i) with Failure _ -> failwith "bad old index" in
List.assoc formula new_cl in
(* if debug then
Printf.printf "\ncompact_proof : %a %a %a"
(pp_ml_list prover.pp_f) (List.map fst old_cl)
prover.pp_prf prf
(pp_ml_list prover.pp_f) (List.map fst new_cl) ;
flush stdout
end ; *)
let res = try prover.compact prf remap with x when CErrors.noncritical x ->
if debug then Printf.fprintf stdout "Proof compaction %s" (Printexc.to_string x) ;
(* This should not happen -- this is the recovery plan... *)
match prover.prover (prover.get_option (), List.map fst new_cl) with
| Unknown | Model _ -> failwith "proof compaction error"
| Prf p -> p
if debug then
Printf.printf " -> %a\n"
prover.pp_prf res ;
flush stdout
end ;
res in
let is_proof_compatible (old_cl:'cst clause) (prf,prover) (new_cl:'cst clause) =
let hyps_idx = prover.hyps prf in
let hyps = selecti hyps_idx old_cl in
is_sublist Pervasives.(=) hyps new_cl in
let cnf_res = List.combine cnf_ff res in (* we get pairs clause * proof *)
if debug then
Printf.printf "CNFRES\n"; flush stdout;
List.iter (fun (cl,(prf,prover)) ->
let hyps_idx = prover.hyps prf in
let hyps = selecti hyps_idx cl in
Printf.printf "\nProver %a -> %a\n"
pp_clause_tag cl pp_clause_tag hyps;flush stdout) cnf_res;
Printf.printf "CNFNEW %a\n" pp_cnf_tag cnf_ff';
List.map (fun x ->
let (o,p) =
List.find (fun (l,p) -> is_proof_compatible l p x) cnf_res
with Not_found ->
Printf.printf "ERROR: no compatible proof" ; flush stdout;
failwith "Cannot find compatible proof" end
compact_proof o p x) cnf_ff'
* "Hide out" tagged atoms of a formula by transforming them into generic
* variables. See the Tag module in mutils.ml for more.
let abstract_formula hyps f =
let rec xabs f =
match f with
| X c -> X c
| A(a,(t,term)) -> if TagSet.mem t hyps then A(a,(t,term)) else X(term)
| Cj(f1,f2) ->
(match xabs f1 , xabs f2 with
| X a1 , X a2 -> X (EConstr.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_and, [|a1;a2|]))
| f1 , f2 -> Cj(f1,f2) )
| D(f1,f2) ->
(match xabs f1 , xabs f2 with
| X a1 , X a2 -> X (EConstr.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_or, [|a1;a2|]))
| f1 , f2 -> D(f1,f2) )
| N(f) ->
(match xabs f with
| X a -> X (EConstr.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_not, [|a|]))
| f -> N f)
| I(f1,hyp,f2) ->
(match xabs f1 , hyp, xabs f2 with
| X a1 , Some _ , af2 -> af2
| X a1 , None , X a2 -> X (EConstr.mkArrow a1 Sorts.Relevant a2)
| af1 , _ , af2 -> I(af1,hyp,af2)
| FF -> FF
| TT -> TT
in xabs f)
(* [abstract_wrt_formula] is used in contexts whre f1 is already an abstraction of f2 *)
let rec abstract_wrt_formula f1 f2 =
match f1 , f2 with
| X c , _ -> X c
| A _ , A _ -> f2
| Cj(a,b) , Cj(a',b') -> Cj(abstract_wrt_formula a a', abstract_wrt_formula b b')
| D(a,b) , D(a',b') -> D(abstract_wrt_formula a a', abstract_wrt_formula b b')
| I(a,_,b) , I(a',x,b') -> I(abstract_wrt_formula a a',x, abstract_wrt_formula b b')
| FF , FF -> FF
| TT , TT -> TT
| N x , N y -> N(abstract_wrt_formula x y)
| _ -> failwith "abstract_wrt_formula")
* This exception is raised by really_call_csdpcert if Coq's configure didn't
* find a CSDP executable.
exception CsdpNotFound
* This is the core of Micromega: apply the prover, analyze the result and
* prune unused fomulas, and finally modify the proof state.
let formula_hyps_concl hyps concl =
(fun (id,f) (cc,ids) ->
match f with
Mc.X _ -> (cc,ids)
| _ -> (Mc.I(f,Some id,cc), id::ids))
hyps (concl,[])
let micromega_tauto pre_process cnf spec prover env (polys1: (Names.Id.t * 'cst formula) list) (polys2: 'cst formula) gl =
(* Express the goal as one big implication *)
let (ff,ids) = formula_hyps_concl polys1 polys2 in
let mt = CamlToCoq.positive (max_tag ff) in
(* Construction of cnf *)
let pre_ff = (pre_process mt ff) in
let (cnf_ff,cnf_ff_tags) = cnf pre_ff in
match witness_list_tags prover cnf_ff with
| Model m -> Model m
| Unknown -> Unknown
| Prf res -> (*Printf.printf "\nList %i" (List.length `res); *)
let hyps = List.fold_left
(fun s (cl,(prf,p)) ->
let tags = ISet.fold (fun i s ->
let t = fst (snd (List.nth cl i)) in
if debug then (Printf.fprintf stdout "T : %i -> %a" i Tag.pp t) ;
(*try*) TagSet.add t s (* with Invalid_argument _ -> s*)) (p.hyps prf) TagSet.empty in
TagSet.union s tags) (List.fold_left (fun s i -> TagSet.add i s) TagSet.empty (List.map fst cnf_ff_tags)) (List.combine cnf_ff res) in
let ff' = abstract_formula hyps ff in
let pre_ff' = pre_process mt ff' in
let cnf_ff',_ = cnf pre_ff' in
if debug then
output_string stdout "\n";
Printf.printf "TForm : %a\n" pp_formula ff ; flush stdout;
Printf.printf "TFormAbs : %a\n" pp_formula ff' ; flush stdout;
Printf.printf "TFormPre : %a\n" pp_formula pre_ff ; flush stdout;
Printf.printf "TFormPreAbs : %a\n" pp_formula pre_ff' ; flush stdout;
(* Even if it does not work, this does not mean it is not provable
-- the prover is REALLY incomplete *)
(* if debug then
(* recompute the proofs *)
match witness_list_tags prover cnf_ff' with
| None -> failwith "abstraction is wrong"
| Some res -> ()
end ; *)
let res' = compact_proofs cnf_ff res cnf_ff' in
let (ff',res',ids) = (ff',res', Mc.ids_of_formula ff') in
let res' = dump_list (spec.proof_typ) spec.dump_proof res' in
Prf (ids,ff',res')
let micromega_tauto pre_process cnf spec prover env (polys1: (Names.Id.t * 'cst formula) list) (polys2: 'cst formula) gl =
try micromega_tauto pre_process cnf spec prover env polys1 polys2 gl
with Not_found ->
Printexc.print_backtrace stdout; flush stdout;
* Parse the proof environment, and call micromega_tauto
let fresh_id avoid id gl =
Tactics.fresh_id_in_env avoid id (Proofview.Goal.env gl)
let micromega_gen
spec dumpexpr prover tac =
Proofview.Goal.enter begin fun gl ->
let sigma = Tacmach.New.project gl in
let concl = Tacmach.New.pf_concl gl in
let hyps = Tacmach.New.pf_hyps_types gl in
let gl0 = { env = Tacmach.New.pf_env gl; sigma } in
let (hyps,concl,env) = parse_goal gl0 parse_arith (Env.empty gl0) hyps concl in
let env = Env.elements env in
let spec = Lazy.force spec in
let dumpexpr = Lazy.force dumpexpr in
if debug then Feedback.msg_debug (Pp.str "Env " ++ (Env.pp gl0 env)) ;
match micromega_tauto pre_process cnf spec prover env hyps concl gl0 with
| Unknown -> flush stdout ; Tacticals.New.tclFAIL 0 (Pp.str " Cannot find witness")
| Model(m,e) -> Tacticals.New.tclFAIL 0 (Pp.str " Cannot find witness")
| Prf (ids,ff',res') ->
let (arith_goal,props,vars,ff_arith) = make_goal_of_formula gl0 dumpexpr ff' in
let intro (id,_) = Tactics.introduction id in
let intro_vars = Tacticals.New.tclTHENLIST (List.map intro vars) in
let intro_props = Tacticals.New.tclTHENLIST (List.map intro props) in
let ipat_of_name id = Some (CAst.make @@ IntroNaming (Namegen.IntroIdentifier id)) in
let goal_name = fresh_id Id.Set.empty (Names.Id.of_string "__arith") gl in
let env' = List.map (fun (id,i) -> EConstr.mkVar id,i) vars in
let tac_arith = Tacticals.New.tclTHENLIST [ intro_props ; intro_vars ;
micromega_order_change spec res'
(EConstr.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_list, [|spec.proof_typ|])) env' ff_arith ] in
let goal_props = List.rev (Env.elements (prop_env_of_formula gl0 ff')) in
let goal_vars = List.map (fun (_,i) -> List.nth env (i-1)) vars in
let arith_args = goal_props @ goal_vars in
let kill_arith =
(Tactics.keep [])
((*Tactics.tclABSTRACT None*)
(Tacticals.New.tclTHEN tac_arith tac)) in
(Tactics.forward true (Some None) (ipat_of_name goal_name) arith_goal)
[(Tactics.generalize (List.map EConstr.mkVar ids));
Tactics.exact_check (EConstr.applist (EConstr.mkVar goal_name, arith_args))
] )
| ParseError -> Tacticals.New.tclFAIL 0 (Pp.str "Bad logical fragment")
| Mfourier.TimeOut -> Tacticals.New.tclFAIL 0 (Pp.str "Timeout")
| CsdpNotFound -> flush stdout ;
Tacticals.New.tclFAIL 0 (Pp.str
(" Skipping what remains of this tactic: the complexity of the goal requires "
^ "the use of a specialized external tool called csdp. \n\n"
^ "Unfortunately Coq isn't aware of the presence of any \"csdp\" executable in the path. \n\n"
^ "Csdp packages are provided by some OS distributions; binaries and source code can be downloaded from https://projects.coin-or.org/Csdp"))
| x -> begin if debug then Tacticals.New.tclFAIL 0 (Pp.str (Printexc.get_backtrace ()))
else raise x
let micromega_order_changer cert env ff =
(*let ids = Util.List.map_i (fun i _ -> (Names.Id.of_string ("__v"^(string_of_int i)))) 0 env in *)
let coeff = Lazy.force coq_Rcst in
let dump_coeff = dump_Rcst in
let typ = Lazy.force coq_R in
let cert_typ = (EConstr.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_list, [|Lazy.force coq_QWitness |])) in
let formula_typ = (EConstr.mkApp (Lazy.force coq_Cstr,[| coeff|])) in
let ff = dump_formula formula_typ (dump_cstr coeff dump_coeff) ff in
let vm = dump_varmap (typ) (vm_of_list env) in
Proofview.Goal.enter begin fun gl ->
("__ff", ff, EConstr.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_Formula, [|formula_typ |]));
("__varmap", vm, EConstr.mkApp
(gen_constant_in_modules "VarMap"
[["Coq" ; "micromega" ; "VarMap"] ; ["VarMap"]] "t", [|typ|]));
("__wit", cert, cert_typ)
(Tacmach.New.pf_concl gl)));
(* Tacticals.New.tclTHENLIST (List.map (fun id -> (Tactics.introduction id)) ids)*)
let micromega_genr prover tac =
let parse_arith = parse_rarith in
let spec = lazy {
typ = Lazy.force coq_R;
coeff = Lazy.force coq_Rcst;
dump_coeff = dump_q;
proof_typ = Lazy.force coq_QWitness ;
dump_proof = dump_psatz coq_Q dump_q
} in
Proofview.Goal.enter begin fun gl ->
let sigma = Tacmach.New.project gl in
let concl = Tacmach.New.pf_concl gl in
let hyps = Tacmach.New.pf_hyps_types gl in
let gl0 = { env = Tacmach.New.pf_env gl; sigma } in
let (hyps,concl,env) = parse_goal gl0 parse_arith (Env.empty gl0) hyps concl in
let env = Env.elements env in
let spec = Lazy.force spec in
--> --------------------
--> maximum size reached
--> --------------------
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