(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
open Util
open Names
open Context
open Ltac_plugin
open Proofview
open Notations
open Ssrcommon
open Ssrast
module AdaptorDb = struct
type kind = Forward | Backward | Equivalence
module AdaptorKind = struct
type t = kind
let compare = Pervasives.compare
module AdaptorMap = Map.Make(AdaptorKind)
let term_view_adaptor_db =
Summary.ref ~name:"view_adaptor_db" AdaptorMap.empty
let get k =
try AdaptorMap.find k !term_view_adaptor_db
with Not_found -> []
let cache_adaptor (_, (k, t)) =
let lk = get k in
if not (List.exists (Glob_ops.glob_constr_eq t) lk) then
term_view_adaptor_db := AdaptorMap.add k (t :: lk) !term_view_adaptor_db
let subst_adaptor ( subst, (k, t as a)) =
let t' = Detyping.subst_glob_constr subst t in
if t' == t then a else k, t'
let in_db =
let open Libobject in
declare_object @@ global_object_nodischarge "VIEW_ADAPTOR_DB"
~subst:(Some subst_adaptor)
let declare kind terms =
List.iter (fun term -> Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (in_db (kind,term)))
(List.rev terms)
(* Forward View application code *****************************************)
let reduce_or l = tclUNIT (List.fold_left (||) false l)
module State : sig
(* View storage API *)
val vsINIT : view:EConstr.t -> subject_name:Id.t list -> to_clear:Id.t list -> unit tactic
val vsPUSH : (EConstr.t -> (EConstr.t * Id.t list) tactic) -> unit tactic
val vsCONSUME : (names:Id.t list -> EConstr.t -> to_clear:Id.t list -> unit tactic) -> unit tactic
(* The bool is the || of the bool returned by the continuations *)
val vsCONSUME_IF_PRESENT : (names:Id.t list -> EConstr.t option -> to_clear:Id.t list -> bool tactic) -> bool tactic
val vsASSERT_EMPTY : unit tactic
end = struct (* {{{ *)
type vstate = {
subject_name : Id.t list; (* top *)
(* None if views are being applied to a term *)
view : EConstr.t; (* v2 (v1 top) *)
to_clear : Id.t list;
include Ssrcommon.MakeState(struct
type state = vstate option
let init = None
let vsINIT ~view ~subject_name ~to_clear =
tclSET (Some { subject_name; view; to_clear })
(** Initializes the state in which view data is accumulated when views are
applied to the first assumption in the goal *)
let vsBOOTSTRAP = Goal.enter_one ~__LOC__ begin fun gl ->
let concl = Goal.concl gl in
let id = (* We keep the orig name for checks in "in" tcl *)
match EConstr.kind_of_type (Goal.sigma gl) concl with
| Term.ProdType({binder_name=Name.Name id}, _, _)
when Ssrcommon.is_discharged_id id -> id
| _ -> mk_anon_id "view_subject" (Tacmach.New.pf_ids_of_hyps gl) in
let view = EConstr.mkVar id in
Ssrcommon.tclINTRO_ID id <*>
tclSET (Some { subject_name = [id]; view; to_clear = [] })
let rec vsPUSH k =
tclINDEPENDENT (tclGET (function
| Some { subject_name; view; to_clear } ->
k view >>= fun (view, clr) ->
tclSET (Some { subject_name; view; to_clear = to_clear @ clr })
| None -> vsBOOTSTRAP <*> vsPUSH k))
let rec vsCONSUME k =
tclINDEPENDENT (tclGET (function
| Some { subject_name; view; to_clear } ->
tclSET None <*>
k ~names:subject_name view ~to_clear
| None -> vsBOOTSTRAP <*> vsCONSUME k))
tclINDEPENDENTL (tclGET1 (function
| Some { subject_name; view; to_clear } ->
tclSET None <*>
k ~names:subject_name (Some view) ~to_clear
| None -> k ~names:[] None ~to_clear:[])) >>= reduce_or
tclGET (function
| Some _ -> anomaly ("vsASSERT_EMPTY: not empty")
| _ -> tclUNIT ())
end (* }}} *)
let intern_constr_expr { Genintern.genv; ltacvars = vars } sigma ce =
let ltacvars = {
Constrintern.empty_ltac_sign with Constrintern.ltac_vars = vars } in
Constrintern.intern_gen Pretyping.WithoutTypeConstraint ~ltacvars genv sigma ce
(* Disambiguation of /t
- t is ltac:(tactic args)
- t is a term
To allow for t being a notation, like "Notation foo x := ltac:(foo x)", we
need to internalize t.
let is_tac_in_term ?extra_scope { annotation; body; glob_env; interp_env } =
Goal.(enter_one ~__LOC__ begin fun goal ->
let genv = env goal in
let sigma = sigma goal in
let ist = Ssrcommon.option_assert_get glob_env (Pp.str"not a term") in
(* We use the env of the goal, not the global one *)
let ist = { ist with Genintern.genv } in
(* We open extra_scope *)
let body =
match extra_scope with
| None -> body
| Some s -> CAst.make (Constrexpr.CDelimiters(s,body))
(* We unravel notations *)
let g = intern_constr_expr ist sigma body in
match DAst.get g with
| Glob_term.GHole (_,_, Some x)
when Genarg.has_type x (Genarg.glbwit Tacarg.wit_tactic)
-> tclUNIT (`Tac (Genarg.out_gen (Genarg.glbwit Tacarg.wit_tactic) x))
| _ -> tclUNIT (`Term (annotation, interp_env, g))
(* To inject a constr into a glob_constr we use an Ltac variable *)
let tclINJ_CONSTR_IST ist p =
let fresh_id = Ssrcommon.mk_internal_id "ssr_inj_constr_in_glob" in
let ist = {
ist with Geninterp.lfun =
Id.Map.add fresh_id (Taccoerce.Value.of_constr p) ist.Geninterp.lfun} in
tclUNIT (ist,Glob_term.GVar fresh_id)
let mkGHole =
(Glob_term.GHole(Evar_kinds.InternalHole, Namegen.IntroAnonymous, None))
let rec mkGHoles n = if n > 0 then mkGHole :: mkGHoles (n - 1) else []
let mkGApp f args =
if args = [] then f
else DAst.make (Glob_term.GApp (f, args))
(* From glob_constr to open_constr === (env,sigma,constr) *)
let interp_glob ist glob = Goal.enter_one ~__LOC__ begin fun goal ->
let env = Goal.env goal in
let sigma = Goal.sigma goal in
Ssrprinters.ppdebug (lazy
Pp.(str"interp-in: " ++ Printer.pr_glob_constr_env env glob));
let sigma,term = Tacinterp.interp_open_constr ist env sigma (glob,None) in
Ssrprinters.ppdebug (lazy
Pp.(str"interp-out: " ++ Printer.pr_econstr_env env sigma term));
tclUNIT (env,sigma,term)
with e ->
Ssrprinters.ppdebug (lazy
Pp.(str"interp-err: " ++ Printer.pr_glob_constr_env env glob));
tclZERO e
(* Commits the term to the monad *)
(* I think we should make the API safe by storing here the original evar map,
* so that one cannot commit it wrongly.
* We could also commit the term automatically, but this makes the code less
* modular, see the 2 functions below that would need to "uncommit" *)
let tclKeepOpenConstr (_env, sigma, t) = Unsafe.tclEVARS sigma <*> tclUNIT t
let tclADD_CLEAR_IF_ID (env, ist, t) x =
Ssrprinters.ppdebug (lazy
Pp.(str"tclADD_CLEAR_IF_ID: " ++ Printer.pr_econstr_env env ist t));
let hd, args = EConstr.decompose_app ist t in
match EConstr.kind ist hd with
| Constr.Var id when Ssrcommon.not_section_id id -> tclUNIT (x, [id])
| _ -> tclUNIT (x,[])
let tclPAIR p x = tclUNIT (x, p)
(* The ssr heuristic : *)
(* Estimate a bound on the number of arguments of a raw constr. *)
(* This is not perfect, because the unifier may fail to *)
(* typecheck the partial application, so we use a minimum of 5. *)
(* Also, we don't handle delayed or iterated coercions to *)
(* FUNCLASS, which is probably just as well since these can *)
(* lead to infinite arities. *)
let guess_max_implicits ist glob =
(interp_glob ist (mkGApp glob (mkGHoles 6)) >>= fun (env,sigma,term) ->
let term_ty = Retyping.get_type_of env sigma term in
let ctx, _ = Reductionops.splay_prod env sigma term_ty in
tclUNIT (List.length ctx + 6))
(fun _ -> tclUNIT 5)
let pad_to_inductive ist glob = Goal.enter_one ~__LOC__ begin fun goal ->
interp_glob ist glob >>= fun (env, sigma, term as ot) ->
let term_ty = Retyping.get_type_of env sigma term in
let ctx, i = Reductionops.splay_prod env sigma term_ty in
let rel_ctx =
List.map (fun (a,b) -> Context.Rel.Declaration.LocalAssum(a,b)) ctx in
if not (Ssrcommon.isAppInd (EConstr.push_rel_context rel_ctx env) sigma i)
then Tacticals.New.tclZEROMSG Pp.(str"not an inductive")
else tclUNIT (mkGApp glob (mkGHoles (List.length ctx)))
>>= tclADD_CLEAR_IF_ID ot
(* There are two ways of "applying" a view to term: *)
(* 1- using a view hint if the view is an instance of some *)
(* (reflection) inductive predicate. *)
(* 2- applying the view if it coerces to a function, adding *)
(* implicit arguments. *)
(* They require guessing the view hints and the number of *)
(* implicits, respectively, which we do by brute force. *)
(* Builds v p *)
let interp_view ~clear_if_id ist v p =
let is_specialize hd =
match DAst.get hd with Glob_term.GHole _ -> true | _ -> false in
(* We cast the pile of views p into a term p_id *)
tclINJ_CONSTR_IST ist p >>= fun (ist, p_id) ->
let p_id = DAst.make p_id in
match DAst.get v with
| Glob_term.GApp (hd, rargs) when is_specialize hd ->
Ssrprinters.ppdebug (lazy Pp.(str "specialize"));
interp_glob ist (mkGApp p_id rargs)
>>= tclKeepOpenConstr >>= tclPAIR []
| _ ->
Ssrprinters.ppdebug (lazy Pp.(str "view"));
(* We find out how to build (v p) eventually using an adaptor *)
let adaptors = AdaptorDb.(get Forward) in
(pad_to_inductive ist v >>= fun (vpad,clr) ->
Ssrcommon.tclFIRSTa (List.map
(fun a -> interp_glob ist (mkGApp a [vpad; p_id])) adaptors)
>>= tclPAIR clr)
(fun _ ->
guess_max_implicits ist v >>= fun n ->
Ssrcommon.tclFIRSTi (fun n ->
interp_glob ist (mkGApp v (mkGHoles n @ [p_id]))) n
>>= fun x -> tclADD_CLEAR_IF_ID x x)
>>= fun (ot,clr) ->
if clear_if_id
then tclKeepOpenConstr ot >>= tclPAIR clr
else tclKeepOpenConstr ot >>= tclPAIR []
(* we store in the state (v top), then (v1 (v2 top))... *)
let pile_up_view ~clear_if_id (annotation, ist, v) =
let ist = Ssrcommon.option_assert_get ist (Pp.str"not a term") in
let clear_if_id = clear_if_id && annotation <> `Parens in
State.vsPUSH (fun p -> interp_view ~clear_if_id ist v p)
let finalize_view s0 ?(simple_types=true) p =
Goal.enter_one ~__LOC__ begin fun g ->
let env = Goal.env g in
let sigma = Goal.sigma g in
let evars_of_p = Evd.evars_of_term (EConstr.to_constr ~abort_on_undefined_evars:false sigma p) in
let filter x _ = Evar.Set.mem x evars_of_p in
let sigma = Typeclasses.resolve_typeclasses ~fail:false ~filter env sigma in
let p = Reductionops.nf_evar sigma p in
let get_body = function Evd.Evar_defined x -> x | _ -> assert false in
let evars_of_econstr sigma t =
Evarutil.undefined_evars_of_term sigma (EConstr.of_constr t) in
let rigid_of s =
List.fold_left (fun l k ->
if Evd.is_defined sigma k then
let bo = get_body Evd.(evar_body (find sigma k)) in
k :: l @ Evar.Set.elements (evars_of_econstr sigma (EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr bo))
else l
) [] s in
let und0 = (* Unassigned evars in the initial goal *)
let sigma0 = Tacmach.project s0 in
let g0info = Evd.find sigma0 (Tacmach.sig_it s0) in
let g0 = Evd.evars_of_filtered_evar_info g0info in
List.filter (fun k -> Evar.Set.mem k g0)
(List.map fst (Evar.Map.bindings (Evd.undefined_map sigma0))) in
let rigid = rigid_of und0 in
let n, p, to_prune, _ucst = pf_abs_evars2 s0 rigid (sigma, p) in
let p = if simple_types then pf_abs_cterm s0 n p else p in
Ssrprinters.ppdebug (lazy Pp.(str"view@finalized: " ++
Printer.pr_econstr_env env sigma p));
let sigma = List.fold_left Evd.remove sigma to_prune in
Unsafe.tclEVARS sigma <*>
tclUNIT p
let pose_proof subject_name p =
Tactics.generalize [p] <*>
begin match subject_name with
| id :: _ -> Ssrcommon.tclRENAME_HD_PROD (Name.Name id)
| _ -> tclUNIT() end
(* returns true if the last item was a tactic *)
let rec apply_all_views_aux ~clear_if_id vs finalization conclusion s0 =
match vs with
| [] -> finalization s0 (fun name p ->
(match p with
| None -> conclusion ~to_clear:[]
| Some p ->
pose_proof name p <*> conclusion ~to_clear:name) <*>
tclUNIT false)
| v :: vs ->
Ssrprinters.ppdebug (lazy Pp.(str"piling..."));
is_tac_in_term ~extra_scope:"ssripat" v >>= function
| `Term v ->
Ssrprinters.ppdebug (lazy Pp.(str"..a term"));
pile_up_view ~clear_if_id v <*>
apply_all_views_aux ~clear_if_id vs finalization conclusion s0
| `Tac tac ->
Ssrprinters.ppdebug (lazy Pp.(str"..a tactic"));
finalization s0 (fun name p ->
(match p with
| None -> tclUNIT ()
| Some p -> pose_proof name p) <*>
Tacinterp.eval_tactic tac <*>
if vs = [] then begin
Ssrprinters.ppdebug (lazy Pp.(str"..was the last view"));
conclusion ~to_clear:name <*> tclUNIT true
end else
Tactics.clear name <*>
Ssrprinters.ppdebug (lazy Pp.(str"..was NOT the last view"));
Ssrcommon.tacSIGMA >>=
apply_all_views_aux ~clear_if_id vs finalization conclusion
end >>= reduce_or)
let apply_all_views vs ~conclusion ~clear_if_id =
let finalization s0 k =
State.vsCONSUME_IF_PRESENT (fun ~names t ~to_clear ->
match t with
| None -> k [] None
| Some t ->
finalize_view s0 t >>= fun p -> k (names @ to_clear) (Some p)) in
Ssrcommon.tacSIGMA >>=
apply_all_views_aux ~clear_if_id vs finalization conclusion
(* We apply a view to a term given by the user, e.g. `case/V: x`. `x` is
`subject` *)
let apply_all_views_to subject ~simple_types vs ~conclusion = begin
let rec process_all_vs = function
| [] -> tclUNIT ()
| v :: vs -> is_tac_in_term v >>= function
| `Tac _ -> Ssrcommon.errorstrm Pp.(str"tactic view not supported")
| `Term v -> pile_up_view ~clear_if_id:false v <*> process_all_vs vs in
State.vsASSERT_EMPTY <*>
State.vsINIT ~subject_name:[] ~to_clear:[] ~view:subject <*>
Ssrcommon.tacSIGMA >>= fun s0 ->
process_all_vs vs <*>
State.vsCONSUME (fun ~names:_ t ~to_clear:_ ->
finalize_view s0 ~simple_types t >>= conclusion)
(* Entry points *********************************************************)
let tclIPAT_VIEWS ~views:vs ?(clear_if_id=false) ~conclusion =
State.vsASSERT_EMPTY <*>
apply_all_views vs ~conclusion ~clear_if_id >>= fun was_tac ->
State.vsASSERT_EMPTY <*>
tclUNIT was_tac
end >>= reduce_or
let tclWITH_FWD_VIEWS ~simple_types ~subject ~views:vs ~conclusion =
tclINDEPENDENT (apply_all_views_to subject ~simple_types vs ~conclusion)
(* vim: set filetype=ocaml foldmethod=marker: *)
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