(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
open Util
open Names
open Globnames
open Glob_term
open Bigint
open Constrexpr
(* Poor's man DECLARE PLUGIN *)
let __coq_plugin_name = "r_syntax_plugin"
let () = Mltop.add_known_module __coq_plugin_name
exception Non_closed_number
(* Parsing positive via scopes *)
let binnums = ["Coq";"Numbers";"BinNums"]
let make_dir l = DirPath.make (List.rev_map Id.of_string l)
let make_path dir id = Libnames.make_path (make_dir dir) (Id.of_string id)
let is_gr c gr = match DAst.get c with
| GRef (r, _) -> GlobRef.equal r gr
| _ -> false
let positive_modpath = MPfile (make_dir binnums)
let positive_kn = MutInd.make2 positive_modpath (Label.make "positive")
let path_of_xI = ((positive_kn,0),1)
let path_of_xO = ((positive_kn,0),2)
let path_of_xH = ((positive_kn,0),3)
let glob_xI = ConstructRef path_of_xI
let glob_xO = ConstructRef path_of_xO
let glob_xH = ConstructRef path_of_xH
let pos_of_bignat ?loc x =
let ref_xI = DAst.make @@ GRef (glob_xI, None) in
let ref_xH = DAst.make @@ GRef (glob_xH, None) in
let ref_xO = DAst.make @@ GRef (glob_xO, None) in
let rec pos_of x =
match div2_with_rest x with
| (q,false) -> DAst.make @@ GApp (ref_xO,[pos_of q])
| (q,true) when not (Bigint.equal q zero) -> DAst.make @@ GApp (ref_xI,[pos_of q])
| (q,true) -> ref_xH
pos_of x
(* Printing positive via scopes *)
let rec bignat_of_pos c = match DAst.get c with
| GApp (r, [a]) when is_gr r glob_xO -> mult_2(bignat_of_pos a)
| GApp (r, [a]) when is_gr r glob_xI -> add_1(mult_2(bignat_of_pos a))
| GRef (a, _) when GlobRef.equal a glob_xH -> Bigint.one
| _ -> raise Non_closed_number
(* Parsing Z via scopes *)
let z_kn = MutInd.make2 positive_modpath (Label.make "Z")
let path_of_ZERO = ((z_kn,0),1)
let path_of_POS = ((z_kn,0),2)
let path_of_NEG = ((z_kn,0),3)
let glob_ZERO = ConstructRef path_of_ZERO
let glob_POS = ConstructRef path_of_POS
let glob_NEG = ConstructRef path_of_NEG
let z_of_int ?loc n =
if not (Bigint.equal n zero) then
let sgn, n =
if is_pos_or_zero n then glob_POS, n else glob_NEG, Bigint.neg n in
DAst.make @@ GApp(DAst.make @@ GRef (sgn,None), [pos_of_bignat ?loc n])
DAst.make @@ GRef (glob_ZERO, None)
(* Printing Z via scopes *)
let bigint_of_z c = match DAst.get c with
| GApp (r,[a]) when is_gr r glob_POS -> bignat_of_pos a
| GApp (r,[a]) when is_gr r glob_NEG -> Bigint.neg (bignat_of_pos a)
| GRef (a, _) when GlobRef.equal a glob_ZERO -> Bigint.zero
| _ -> raise Non_closed_number
(* Parsing R via scopes *)
let rdefinitions = ["Coq";"Reals";"Rdefinitions"]
let r_modpath = MPfile (make_dir rdefinitions)
let r_path = make_path rdefinitions "R"
let glob_IZR = ConstRef (Constant.make2 r_modpath @@ Label.make "IZR")
let glob_Rmult = ConstRef (Constant.make2 r_modpath @@ Label.make "Rmult")
let glob_Rdiv = ConstRef (Constant.make2 r_modpath @@ Label.make "Rdiv")
let binintdef = ["Coq";"ZArith";"BinIntDef"]
let z_modpath = MPdot (MPfile (make_dir binintdef), Label.make "Z")
let glob_pow_pos = ConstRef (Constant.make2 z_modpath @@ Label.make "pow_pos")
let r_of_rawnum ?loc (sign,n) =
let n, f, e = NumTok.(n.int, n.frac, n.exp) in
let izr z =
DAst.make @@ GApp (DAst.make @@ GRef(glob_IZR,None), [z]) in
let rmult r r' =
DAst.make @@ GApp (DAst.make @@ GRef(glob_Rmult,None), [r; r']) in
let rdiv r r' =
DAst.make @@ GApp (DAst.make @@ GRef(glob_Rdiv,None), [r; r']) in
let pow10 e =
let ten = z_of_int ?loc (Bigint.of_int 10) in
let e = pos_of_bignat e in
DAst.make @@ GApp (DAst.make @@ GRef(glob_pow_pos,None), [ten; e]) in
let n =
let n = Bigint.of_string (n ^ f) in
let n = match sign with SPlus -> n | SMinus -> Bigint.(neg n) in
izr (z_of_int ?loc n) in
let e =
let e = if e = "" then Bigint.zero else match e.[1] with
| '+' -> Bigint.of_string (String.sub e 2 (String.length e - 2))
| '-' -> Bigint.(neg (of_string (String.sub e 2 (String.length e - 2))))
| _ -> Bigint.of_string (String.sub e 1 (String.length e - 1)) in
Bigint.(sub e (of_int (String.length f))) in
if Bigint.is_strictly_pos e then rmult n (izr (pow10 e))
else if Bigint.is_strictly_neg e then rdiv n (izr (pow10 (neg e)))
else n (* e = 0 *)
(* Printing R via scopes *)
let rawnum_of_r c = match DAst.get c with
| GApp (r, [a]) when is_gr r glob_IZR ->
let n = bigint_of_z a in
let s, n =
if is_strictly_neg n then SMinus, neg n else SPlus, n in
s, NumTok.int (to_string n)
| GApp (md, [l; r]) when is_gr md glob_Rmult || is_gr md glob_Rdiv ->
begin match DAst.get l, DAst.get r with
| GApp (i, [l]), GApp (i', [r])
when is_gr i glob_IZR && is_gr i' glob_IZR ->
begin match DAst.get r with
| GApp (p, [t; e]) when is_gr p glob_pow_pos ->
let t = bigint_of_z t in
if not (Bigint.(equal t (of_int 10))) then
raise Non_closed_number
let i = bigint_of_z l in
let e = bignat_of_pos e in
let s, i = if is_pos_or_zero i then SPlus, i else SMinus, neg i in
let i = Bigint.to_string i in
let se = if is_gr md glob_Rdiv then "-" else "" in
let e = se ^ Bigint.to_string e in
s, { NumTok.int = i; frac = ""; exp = e }
| _ -> raise Non_closed_number
| _ -> raise Non_closed_number
| _ -> raise Non_closed_number
let uninterp_r (AnyGlobConstr p) =
Some (rawnum_of_r p)
with Non_closed_number ->
open Notation
let at_declare_ml_module f x =
Mltop.declare_cache_obj (fun () -> f x) __coq_plugin_name
let r_scope = "R_scope"
let _ =
register_rawnumeral_interpretation r_scope (r_of_rawnum,uninterp_r);
at_declare_ml_module enable_prim_token_interpretation
{ pt_local = false;
pt_scope = r_scope;
pt_interp_info = Uid r_scope;
pt_required = (r_path,["Coq";"Reals";"Rdefinitions"]);
pt_refs = [glob_IZR; glob_Rmult; glob_Rdiv];
pt_in_match = false }
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nach bestem Wissen sorgfältig zusammengestellt. Es wird jedoch weder Vollständigkeit, noch Richtigkeit,
noch Qualität der bereit gestellten Informationen zugesichert.
Die farbliche Syntaxdarstellung ist noch experimentell.