(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
open Pp
open Util
open CErrors
open Names
open Locus
open EConstr
open Termops
open Pretype_errors
module NamedDecl = Context.Named.Declaration
(** Processing occurrences *)
type occurrence_error =
| InvalidOccurrence of int list
| IncorrectInValueOccurrence of Id.t
let explain_invalid_occurrence l =
let l = List.sort_uniquize Int.compare l in
str ("Invalid occurrence " ^ String.plural (List.length l) "number" ^": ")
++ prlist_with_sep spc int l ++ str "."
let explain_incorrect_in_value_occurrence id =
Id.print id ++ str " has no value."
let explain_occurrence_error = function
| InvalidOccurrence l -> explain_invalid_occurrence l
| IncorrectInValueOccurrence id -> explain_incorrect_in_value_occurrence id
let error_occurrences_error e =
user_err (explain_occurrence_error e)
let error_invalid_occurrence occ =
error_occurrences_error (InvalidOccurrence occ)
let check_used_occurrences nbocc (nowhere_except_in,locs) =
let rest = List.filter (fun o -> o >= nbocc) locs in
match rest with
| [] -> ()
| _ -> error_occurrences_error (InvalidOccurrence rest)
let proceed_with_occurrences f occs x =
match occs with
| NoOccurrences -> x
| occs ->
let plocs = Locusops.convert_occs occs in
assert (List.for_all (fun x -> x >= 0) (snd plocs));
let (nbocc,x) = f 1 x in
check_used_occurrences nbocc plocs;
(** Applying a function over a named_declaration with an hypothesis
location request *)
let map_named_declaration_with_hyploc f hyploc acc decl =
let open Context.Named.Declaration in
let f acc typ =
let acc, typ = f (Some (NamedDecl.get_id decl, hyploc)) acc typ in
acc, typ
match decl,hyploc with
| LocalAssum (id,_), InHypValueOnly ->
error_occurrences_error (IncorrectInValueOccurrence id.Context.binder_name)
| LocalAssum (id,typ), _ ->
let acc,typ = f acc typ in acc, LocalAssum (id,typ)
| LocalDef (id,body,typ), InHypTypeOnly ->
let acc,typ = f acc typ in acc, LocalDef (id,body,typ)
| LocalDef (id,body,typ), InHypValueOnly ->
let acc,body = f acc body in acc, LocalDef (id,body,typ)
| LocalDef (id,body,typ), InHyp ->
let acc,body = f acc body in
let acc,typ = f acc typ in
acc, LocalDef (id,body,typ)
(** Finding a subterm up to some testing function *)
exception SubtermUnificationError of subterm_unification_error
exception NotUnifiable of (EConstr.t * EConstr.t * unification_error) option
type 'a testing_function = {
match_fun : 'a -> EConstr.constr -> 'a;
merge_fun : 'a -> 'a -> 'a;
mutable testing_state : 'a;
mutable last_found : position_reporting option
(* Find subterms using a testing function, but only at a list of
locations or excluding a list of locations; in the occurrences list
(b,l), b=true means no occurrence except the ones in l and b=false,
means all occurrences except the ones in l *)
let replace_term_occ_gen_modulo sigma occs like_first test bywhat cl occ t =
let (nowhere_except_in,locs) = Locusops.convert_occs occs in
let maxocc = List.fold_right max locs 0 in
let pos = ref occ in
let nested = ref false in
let add_subst t subst =
test.testing_state <- test.merge_fun subst test.testing_state;
test.last_found <- Some ((cl,!pos),t)
with NotUnifiable e when not like_first ->
let lastpos = Option.get test.last_found in
raise (SubtermUnificationError (!nested,((cl,!pos),t),lastpos,e)) in
let rec substrec k t =
if nowhere_except_in && !pos > maxocc then t else
let subst = test.match_fun test.testing_state t in
if Locusops.is_selected !pos occs then
(if !nested then begin
(* in case it is nested but not later detected as unconvertible,
as when matching "id _" in "id (id 0)" *)
let lastpos = Option.get test.last_found in
raise (SubtermUnificationError (!nested,((cl,!pos),t),lastpos,None))
add_subst t subst; incr pos;
(* Check nested matching subterms *)
if not (Locusops.is_all_occurrences occs) && occs != Locus.NoOccurrences then
begin nested := true; ignore (subst_below k t); nested := false end;
(* Do the effective substitution *)
Vars.lift k (bywhat ()))
(incr pos; subst_below k t)
with NotUnifiable _ ->
subst_below k t
and subst_below k t =
map_constr_with_binders_left_to_right sigma (fun d k -> k+1) substrec k t
let t' = substrec 0 t in
(!pos, t')
let replace_term_occ_modulo evd occs test bywhat t =
let occs',like_first =
match occs with AtOccs occs -> occs,false | LikeFirst -> AllOccurrences,true in
(replace_term_occ_gen_modulo evd occs' like_first test bywhat None) occs' t
let replace_term_occ_decl_modulo evd occs test bywhat d =
let (plocs,hyploc),like_first =
match occs with AtOccs occs -> occs,false | LikeFirst -> (AllOccurrences,InHyp),true in
(replace_term_occ_gen_modulo evd plocs like_first test bywhat)
plocs d
(** Finding an exact subterm *)
let make_eq_univs_test env evd c =
{ match_fun = (fun evd c' ->
match EConstr.eq_constr_universes_proj env evd c c' with
| None -> raise (NotUnifiable None)
| Some cst ->
try Evd.add_universe_constraints evd cst
with Evd.UniversesDiffer -> raise (NotUnifiable None)
merge_fun = (fun evd _ -> evd);
testing_state = evd;
last_found = None
let subst_closed_term_occ env evd occs c t =
let test = make_eq_univs_test env evd c in
let bywhat () = mkRel 1 in
let t' = replace_term_occ_modulo evd occs test bywhat t in
t', test.testing_state
let subst_closed_term_occ_decl env evd occs c d =
let test = make_eq_univs_test env evd c in
let (plocs,hyploc),like_first =
match occs with AtOccs occs -> occs,false | LikeFirst -> (AllOccurrences,InHyp),true in
let bywhat () = mkRel 1 in
(fun _ -> replace_term_occ_gen_modulo evd plocs like_first test bywhat None)
hyploc) plocs d,
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.16 Sekunden
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