(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
(* File created by Vincent Siles, Oct 2007, extended into a generic
support for generation of inductive schemes by Hugo Herbelin, Nov 2009 *)
(* This file provides support for registering inductive scheme builders,
declaring schemes and generating schemes on demand *)
open Names
open Mod_subst
open Libobject
open Nameops
open Declarations
open Constr
open CErrors
open Util
open Declare
open Entries
open Decl_kinds
open Pp
(* Registering schemes in the environment *)
type mutual_scheme_object_function =
internal_flag -> MutInd.t -> constr array Evd.in_evar_universe_context * Safe_typing.private_constants
type individual_scheme_object_function =
internal_flag -> inductive -> constr Evd.in_evar_universe_context * Safe_typing.private_constants
type 'a scheme_kind = string
let scheme_map = Summary.ref Indmap.empty ~name:"Schemes"
let pr_scheme_kind = Pp.str
let cache_one_scheme kind (ind,const) =
let map = try Indmap.find ind !scheme_map with Not_found -> String.Map.empty in
scheme_map := Indmap.add ind (String.Map.add kind const map) !scheme_map
let cache_scheme (_,(kind,l)) =
Array.iter (cache_one_scheme kind) l
let subst_one_scheme subst (ind,const) =
(* Remark: const is a def: the result of substitution is a constant *)
(subst_ind subst ind,subst_constant subst const)
let subst_scheme (subst,(kind,l)) =
(kind,Array.Smart.map (subst_one_scheme subst) l)
let discharge_scheme (_,(kind,l)) =
Some (kind, l)
let inScheme : string * (inductive * Constant.t) array -> obj =
declare_object @@ superglobal_object "SCHEME"
~subst:(Some subst_scheme)
(* The table of scheme building functions *)
type individual
type mutual
type scheme_object_function =
| MutualSchemeFunction of mutual_scheme_object_function
| IndividualSchemeFunction of individual_scheme_object_function
let scheme_object_table =
(Hashtbl.create 17 : (string, string * scheme_object_function) Hashtbl.t)
let declare_scheme_object s aux f =
let () =
if not (Id.is_valid ("ind" ^ s)) then
user_err Pp.(str ("Illegal induction scheme suffix: " ^ s))
let key = if String.is_empty aux then s else aux in
let _ = Hashtbl.find scheme_object_table key in
(* let aux_msg = if aux="" then "" else " (with key "^aux^")" in*)
user_err ~hdr:"IndTables.declare_scheme_object"
(str "Scheme object " ++ str key ++ str " already declared.")
with Not_found ->
Hashtbl.add scheme_object_table key (s,f);
let declare_mutual_scheme_object s ?(aux="") f =
declare_scheme_object s aux (MutualSchemeFunction f)
let declare_individual_scheme_object s ?(aux="") f =
declare_scheme_object s aux (IndividualSchemeFunction f)
(* Defining/retrieving schemes *)
let declare_scheme kind indcl =
Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inScheme (kind,indcl))
let () = Declare.set_declare_scheme declare_scheme
let is_visible_name id =
try ignore (Nametab.locate (Libnames.qualid_of_ident id)); true
with Not_found -> false
let compute_name internal id =
match internal with
| UserAutomaticRequest | UserIndividualRequest -> id
| InternalTacticRequest ->
Namegen.next_ident_away_from (add_prefix "internal_" id) is_visible_name
let define internal id c poly univs =
let fd = declare_constant ~internal in
let id = compute_name internal id in
let ctx = UState.minimize univs in
let c = UnivSubst.nf_evars_and_universes_opt_subst (fun _ -> None) (UState.subst ctx) c in
let univs = UState.univ_entry ~poly ctx in
let entry = {
const_entry_body =
Future.from_val ((c,Univ.ContextSet.empty),
const_entry_secctx = None;
const_entry_type = None;
const_entry_universes = univs;
const_entry_opaque = false;
const_entry_inline_code = false;
const_entry_feedback = None;
} in
let kn = fd id (DefinitionEntry entry, Decl_kinds.IsDefinition Scheme) in
let () = match internal with
| InternalTacticRequest -> ()
| _-> definition_message id
let define_individual_scheme_base kind suff f mode idopt (mind,i as ind) =
let (c, ctx), eff = f mode ind in
let mib = Global.lookup_mind mind in
let id = match idopt with
| Some id -> id
| None -> add_suffix mib.mind_packets.(i).mind_typename suff in
let const = define mode id c (Declareops.inductive_is_polymorphic mib) ctx in
declare_scheme kind [|ind,const|];
const, Safe_typing.concat_private
(Safe_typing.private_con_of_scheme ~kind (Global.safe_env()) [ind,const]) eff
let define_individual_scheme kind mode names (mind,i as ind) =
match Hashtbl.find scheme_object_table kind with
| _,MutualSchemeFunction f -> assert false
| s,IndividualSchemeFunction f ->
define_individual_scheme_base kind s f mode names ind
let define_mutual_scheme_base kind suff f mode names mind =
let (cl, ctx), eff = f mode mind in
let mib = Global.lookup_mind mind in
let ids = Array.init (Array.length mib.mind_packets) (fun i ->
try Int.List.assoc i names
with Not_found -> add_suffix mib.mind_packets.(i).mind_typename suff) in
let consts = Array.map2 (fun id cl ->
define mode id cl (Declareops.inductive_is_polymorphic mib) ctx) ids cl in
let schemes = Array.mapi (fun i cst -> ((mind,i),cst)) consts in
declare_scheme kind schemes;
~kind (Global.safe_env()) (Array.to_list schemes))
let define_mutual_scheme kind mode names mind =
match Hashtbl.find scheme_object_table kind with
| _,IndividualSchemeFunction _ -> assert false
| s,MutualSchemeFunction f ->
define_mutual_scheme_base kind s f mode names mind
let find_scheme_on_env_too kind ind =
let s = String.Map.find kind (Indmap.find ind !scheme_map) in
s, Safe_typing.concat_private
~kind (Global.safe_env()) [ind, s])
let find_scheme ?(mode=InternalTacticRequest) kind (mind,i as ind) =
try find_scheme_on_env_too kind ind
with Not_found ->
match Hashtbl.find scheme_object_table kind with
| s,IndividualSchemeFunction f ->
define_individual_scheme_base kind s f mode None ind
| s,MutualSchemeFunction f ->
let ca, eff = define_mutual_scheme_base kind s f mode [] mind in
ca.(i), eff
let check_scheme kind ind =
try let _ = find_scheme_on_env_too kind ind in true
with Not_found -> false
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