(* Test for evar map consistency - was failing at some point and was *)
(* assumed to be solved from revision 10151 (but using a bad fix) *)
Require Import List.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Inductive rose : Set := Rose : nat -> list rose -> rose.
Section RoseRec.
Variables (P: rose -> Set)(L: list rose -> Set).
(R: forall n rs, L rs -> P (Rose n rs))
(Lnil: L nil)
(Lcons: forall r rs, P r -> L rs -> L (cons r rs)).
Fixpoint rose_rec2 (t:rose) {struct t} : P t :=
match t as x return P x with
| Rose n rs =>
R n ((fix rs_ind (l' : list rose): L l' :=
match l' as x return L x with
| nil => Lnil
| cons t tl => Lcons (rose_rec2 t) (rs_ind tl)
End RoseRec.
Lemma rose_map : rose -> rose.
Proof. intro H; elim H using rose_rec2 with
(L:=fun _ => list rose); (* was assumed to fail here *)
(* (L:=fun (_:list rose) => list rose); *)
clear H; simpl; intros.
exact (Rose n rs). exact nil. exact (H::H0).
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.31 Sekunden
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