Require Setoid.
Require ZArith.
Import ZArith.
Inductive Erasable(A : Set) : Prop :=
erasable: A -> Erasable A.
Arguments erasable [A] _.
Hint Constructors Erasable.
Scheme Erasable_elim := Induction for Erasable Sort Prop.
Notation "## T" := (Erasable T) (at level 1, format "## T") : Erasable_scope.
Notation "# x" := (erasable x) (at level 1, format "# x") : Erasable_scope.
Open Scope Erasable_scope.
Axiom Erasable_inj : forall {A : Set}{a b : A}, #a=#b -> a=b.
Lemma Erasable_rw : forall (A: Set)(a b : A), (#a=#b) <-> (a=b).
intros A a b.
- apply Erasable_inj.
- congruence.
Open Scope Z_scope.
Opaque Z.mul.
Infix "^" := Zpower_nat : Z_scope.
Notation "f ; v <- x" := (let (v) := x in f)
(at level 199, left associativity) : Erasable_scope.
Notation "f ; < v" := (f ; v <- v)
(at level 199, left associativity) : Erasable_scope.
Notation "f |# v <- x" := (#f ; v <- x)
(at level 199, left associativity) : Erasable_scope.
Notation "f |# < v" := (#f ; < v)
(at level 199, left associativity) : Erasable_scope.
Ltac name_evars id :=
repeat match goal with |- context[?V] =>
is_evar V; let H := fresh id in set (H:=V) in * end.
Lemma Twoto0 : 2^0 = 1.
Proof. compute. reflexivity. Qed.
Ltac ring_simplify' := rewrite ?Twoto0; ring_simplify.
Definition mp2a1s(x : Z)(n : nat) := x * 2^n + (2^n-1).
Hint Unfold mp2a1s.
Definition zotval(n1s : nat)(is2 : bool)(next_value : Z) : Z :=
2 * mp2a1s next_value n1s + if is2 then 2 else 0.
Inductive zot'(eis2 : ##bool)(value : ##Z) : Set :=
| Zot'(is2 : bool)
(iseq : eis2=#is2)
{next_is2 : ##bool}
(ok : is2=true -> next_is2=#false)
{next_value : ##Z}
(n1s : nat)
(veq : value = (zotval n1s is2 next_value |#<next_value))
(next : zot' next_is2 next_value)
: zot' eis2 value.
Definition de2{eis2 value}(z : zot' eis2 value) : zot' #false value.
case z.
intros is2 iseq next_is2 ok next_value n1s veq next.
destruct is2.
clear z.
specialize (ok eq_refl). subst.
destruct n1s.
- refine (Zot' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _).
name_evars e.
case_eq next_value. intros next_valueU next_valueEU.
case_eq e. intros eU eEU.
unfold zotval.
unfold mp2a1s.
replace 2 with (2*1) at 2 7 by omega.
rewrite <-?Z.mul_assoc.
rewrite <-?Z.mul_add_distr_l.
rewrite <-Z.mul_sub_distr_l.
rewrite Z.mul_cancel_l by omega.
replace 1 with (2-1) at 1 by omega.
rewrite Z.add_sub_assoc.
rewrite Z.sub_cancel_r.
all:case_eq next.
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.1 Sekunden
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