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Sprache: Unknown
rahmenlose Ansicht.v-disabled DruckansichtHaskell {Haskell[262] Abap[496] [0]}Entwicklung Require Import List.
Definition is_dec (P:Prop) := {P}+{~P}.
Definition eq_dec (T:Type) := forall (t1 t2:T), is_dec (t1=t2).
Record Label : Type := mkLabel {
LabElem: Type;
LabProd: LabElem -> LabElem -> option LabElem;
LabBot: LabElem -> Prop;
LabError: LabElem -> Prop
Definition LProd (L1 L2: Label): Label := {|
LabElem := LabElem L1 * LabElem L2;
LabProd := fun lg ld => let (lg1,lg2) := lg in let (ld1,ld2) := ld in
match LabProd L1 lg1 ld1, LabProd L2 lg2 ld2 with
Some g, Some d => Some (g,d)
| _,_ => None
LabBot l := let (l1,l2) := l in LabBot L1 l1 \/ LabBot L2 l2;
LabError l := let (l1,l2) := l in LabError L1 l1 \/ LabError L2 l2
Definition Lrestrict (L: Label) (S: LabElem L -> bool): Label := {|
LabElem := LabElem L;
LabProd l1 l2 := if andb (S l1) (S l2) then LabProd L l1 l2 else None;
LabBot l := LabBot L l;
LabError l := LabError L l
Notation "l1 ^* l2" := (LProd l1 l2) (at level 50).
Record LTS(L:Type): Type := mkLTS {
State: Type;
Init: State -> Prop;
Next: State -> L -> State -> Prop
Implicit Arguments State.
Implicit Arguments Init.
Implicit Arguments Next.
Definition sound L (S: LTS (LabElem L)): Prop :=
forall s s' l, Next S s l s' -> ~LabError L l.
Inductive PNext L (S1 S2:LTS (LabElem L)): State S1 * State S2 -> (LabElem L) -> State S1 * State S2 -> Prop :=
LNext: forall s1 s2 l1 s'1, Next S1 s1 l1 s'1 -> (forall l2, LabProd L l1 l2 = None) ->
PNext L S1 S2 (s1,s2) l1 (s'1,s2)
| RNext: forall s1 s2 l2 s'2, (forall l1, LabProd L l1 l2 = None) -> Next S2 s2 l2 s'2 ->
PNext L S1 S2 (s1,s2) l2 (s1,s'2)
| SNext: forall s1 s2 l1 l2 l s'1 s'2, Next S1 s1 l1 s'1 -> Next S2 s2 l2 s'2 ->
Some l = LabProd L l1 l2 -> PNext L S1 S2 (s1,s2) l (s'1,s'2).
Definition Produit (L:Label) (S1 S2: LTS (LabElem L)): LTS (LabElem L) := {|
State := State S1 * State S2;
Init := fun s => let (s1,s2) := s in Init S1 s1 /\ Init S2 s2;
Next :=PNext L S1 S2
Parameter Time: Type.
Parameter teq: forall t1 t2:Time, {t1=t2}+{t1<>t2}.
Inductive TLabElem(L:Type): Type :=
Tdiscrete: L -> TLabElem L
| Tdelay: Time -> TLabElem L
| Tbot: TLabElem L.
Definition TLabel L: Label := {|
LabElem := TLabElem (LabElem L);
LabProd lt1 lt2 :=
match lt1, lt2 with
Tdiscrete l1, Tdiscrete l2 => match (LabProd L l1 l2) with Some l => Some (Tdiscrete (LabElem L) l) | None => None end
| Tdelay t1, Tdelay t2 => if teq t1 t2 then Some (Tdelay (LabElem L) t1) else Some (Tbot (LabElem L))
| _,_ => None
LabBot lt := match lt with
Tdiscrete l => LabBot L l
| Tbot => True
| _ => False
LabError lt := match lt with
Tdiscrete l => LabError L l
| _ => False
Parameter Var: Type.
Parameter allv: forall P, (forall (v:Var), is_dec (P v)) -> is_dec (forall v, P v).
Parameter DType: Type.
Parameter Data: DType -> Type.
Parameter vtype: Var -> DType.
Parameter Deq: forall t (d1 d2: Data t), is_dec (d1=d2).
Inductive Vctr(v:Var): Type :=
Wctr: Data (vtype v) -> Vctr v
| Rctr: Data (vtype v) -> Vctr v
| Fctr: Vctr v
| Nctr: Vctr v.
Definition isCmp v (c1 c2: Vctr v): Prop :=
match c1,c2 with
Wctr _, Nctr => True
| Rctr _, Rctr _ => True
| Rctr _, Nctr => True
| Rctr _, Fctr => True
| Nctr, _ => True
| _,_ => False
Lemma isCmp_dec: forall v (c1 c2: Vctr v), is_dec (isCmp v c1 c2).
induction c1; induction c2; simpl; intros; try (left; tauto); try (right; tauto).
Definition Vprod v (c1 c2: Vctr v): (isCmp v c1 c2) -> Vctr v :=
match c1,c2 return isCmp v c1 c2 -> Vctr v with
| Wctr d, Nctr => fun h => Wctr v d
| Rctr d1, Rctr d2 => fun h => if Deq (vtype v) d1 d2 then Rctr v d1 else Fctr v
| Rctr d1, Nctr => fun h => Rctr v d1
| Rctr d1, Fctr => fun h => Fctr v
| Fctr, Rctr _ => fun h => Fctr v
| Fctr, Fctr => fun h => Fctr v
| Fctr, Nctr => fun h => Fctr v
| Nctr, c2 => fun h => c2
| _,_ => fun h => match h with end
Inductive MLabElem: Type :=
Mctr: (forall v, Vctr v) -> MLabElem
| Merr: MLabElem.
Definition MProd (m1 m2: MLabElem): MLabElem :=
match m1,m2 with
Mctr c1, Mctr c2 => match allv (fun v => isCmp v (c1 v) (c2 v)) (fun v => isCmp_dec v (c1 v) (c2 v)) with
left h => Mctr (fun v => Vprod v (c1 v) (c2 v) (h v))
| _ => Merr
| _,_ => Merr
Definition MLabel: Label := {|
LabElem := MLabElem;
LabProd m1 m2 := Some (MProd m1 m2);
LabBot m := exists c, m = Mctr c /\ exists v, c v = Fctr v;
LabError m := m = Merr
Parameter Chan: Type.
Parameter ch_eq: eq_dec Chan.
Definition CLabel(S: Chan->bool): Label := {|
LabElem := Chan;
LabProd := fun c1 c2 => if ch_eq c1 c2 then if S c1 then Some c1 else None else None;
LabBot := fun _ => False;
LabError := fun _ => False
Definition FLabel(S: Chan->bool): Label :=
TLabel (CLabel S ^* MLabel ^* MLabel ^* MLabel).
Definition FTS := LTS (LabElem (FLabel (fun _ => true))).
Check (fun S (T1 T2: FTS) => Produit (FLabel S) T1 T2).
Definition PAR (S: Chan -> bool) (T1 T2: FTS): FTS.
unfold FTS in *; simpl in *.
apply (Produit (FLabel S)).
apply T1.
apply T2.
Definition PAR (S: Chan -> bool) (T1 T2: FTS): FTS :=
Produit (FLabel S) T1 T2.
Lemma FTSirrel (S: Chan -> bool): FTS = LTS (LabElem (FLabel S)).
unfold FTS.
Definition PAR (S: Chan -> bool) (T1 T2: FTS): FTS.
revert T2; revert T1.
rewrite (FTSirrel S).
apply (Produit (FLabel S)).
Record HTTS: Type := mkHTTS {
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