Require Import TestSuite.admit.
(* File reduced by coq-bug-finder from original input, then from 1972 lines to 136 lines, then from 119 lines to 105 lines *)
Global Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Import Coq.Lists.List Program.
Section IndexBound.
Context {A : Set}.
Class IndexBound (a : A) (Bound : list A) :=
{ ibound :> nat;
boundi : nth_error Bound ibound = Some a}.
Global Arguments ibound [a Bound] _ .
Global Arguments boundi [a Bound] _.
Record BoundedIndex (Bound : list A) := { bindex :> A; indexb :> IndexBound bindex Bound }.
End IndexBound.
Context {A : Type} {C : Set}.
Variable (projAC : A -> C).
Lemma None_neq_Some
: forall (AnyT AnyT' : Type) (a : AnyT),
None = Some a -> AnyT'.
Program Definition nth_Bounded'
(Bound : list A)
(c : C)
(a_opt : option A)
(nth_n : option_map projAC a_opt = Some c)
: A := match a_opt as x
return (option_map projAC x = Some c) -> A with
| Some a => fun _ => a
| None => fun f : None = Some _ => !
end nth_n.
Lemma nth_error_map :
forall n As c_opt,
nth_error (map projAC As) n = c_opt
-> option_map projAC (nth_error As n) = c_opt.
Definition nth_Bounded
(Bound : list A)
(idx : BoundedIndex (map projAC Bound))
: A := nth_Bounded' Bound (nth_error Bound (ibound idx))
(nth_error_map _ _ (boundi idx)).
Program Definition nth_Bounded_ind2
(P : forall As, BoundedIndex (map projAC As)
-> BoundedIndex (map projAC As)
-> A -> A -> Prop)
: forall (Bound : list A)
(idx : BoundedIndex (map projAC Bound))
(idx' : BoundedIndex (map projAC Bound)),
match nth_error Bound (ibound idx), nth_error Bound (ibound idx') with
| Some a, Some a' => P Bound idx idx' a a'
| _, _ => True
-> P Bound idx idx' (nth_Bounded _ idx) (nth_Bounded _ idx'):=
fun Bound idx idx' =>
match (nth_error Bound (ibound idx)) as e, (nth_error Bound (ibound idx')) as e'
(forall (f : option_map _ e = Some (bindex idx))
(f' : option_map _ e' = Some (bindex idx')),
(match e, e' with
| Some a, Some a' => P Bound idx idx' a a'
| _, _ => True
-> P Bound idx idx'
(match e as e'' return
option_map _ e'' = Some (bindex idx)
-> A
| Some a => fun _ => a
| _ => fun f => _
end f)
(match e' as e'' return
option_map _ e'' = Some (bindex idx')
-> A
| Some a => fun _ => a
| _ => fun f => _
end f')) with
| Some a, Some a' => fun _ _ H => _
| _, _ => fun f => _
end (nth_error_map _ _ (boundi idx))
(nth_error_map _ _ (boundi idx')).
Lemma nth_Bounded_eq
: forall (Bound : list A)
(idx idx' : BoundedIndex (map projAC Bound)),
ibound idx = ibound idx'
-> nth_Bounded Bound idx = nth_Bounded Bound idx'.
eapply nth_Bounded_ind2 with (idx := idx) (idx' := idx').
(* The [case_eq] should not Fail. More importantly, [Fail case_eq ...] should succeed if [case_eq ...] fails. It doesn't!!! So I resort to [Fail Fail try (case_eq ...)]. *)
Fail Fail try (case_eq (nth_error Bound (ibound idx'))).
(* Toplevel input, characters 15-54:
In nested Ltac calls to "case_eq" and "pattern x at - 1", last call failed.
Error: The abstracted term
"fun e : Exc A =>
forall e0 : nth_error Bound (ibound idx') = e,
nth_error Bound (ibound idx) as anonymous'0
return (anonymous'0 = nth_error Bound (ibound idx) -> e = e -> Prop)
| Some a =>
e as anonymous'
(Some a = nth_error Bound (ibound idx) -> anonymous' = e -> Prop)
| Some a' =>
fun (_ : Some a = nth_error Bound (ibound idx)) (_ : Some a' = e) =>
a = a'
| None =>
fun (_ : Some a = nth_error Bound (ibound idx)) (_ : None = e) =>
| None => fun (_ : None = nth_error Bound (ibound idx)) (_ : e = e) => True
end eq_refl e0" is not well typed.
Illegal application:
The term
nth_error Bound (ibound idx) as anonymous'0
return (anonymous'0 = nth_error Bound (ibound idx) -> e = e -> Prop)
| Some a =>
e as anonymous'
(Some a = nth_error Bound (ibound idx) -> anonymous' = e -> Prop)
| Some a' =>
fun (_ : Some a = nth_error Bound (ibound idx)) (_ : Some a' = e) =>
a = a'
| None =>
fun (_ : Some a = nth_error Bound (ibound idx)) (_ : None = e) =>
| None => fun (_ : None = nth_error Bound (ibound idx)) (_ : e = e) => True
end" of type
"nth_error Bound (ibound idx) = nth_error Bound (ibound idx) ->
e = e -> Prop"
cannot be applied to the terms
"eq_refl" : "nth_error Bound (ibound idx) = nth_error Bound (ibound idx)"
"e0" : "nth_error Bound (ibound idx') = e"
The 2nd term has type "nth_error Bound (ibound idx') = e"
which should be coercible to "e = e". *)
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.31 Sekunden
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