(* Bug 5568, don't warn for notations in repeated module import *)
Module foo.
Notation compose := (fun g f => g f).
Notation "g & f" := (compose g f) (at level 10).
End foo.
Import foo.
Import foo.
Import foo.
(* Notations for if and let (submitted by Roland Zumkeller) *)
Notation "a ? b ; c" := (if a then b else c) (at level 10).
Check (true ? 0 ; 1).
Check if true as x return (if x then nat else bool) then 0 else true.
Notation "'proj1' t" := (let (a,_) := t in a) (at level 1).
Check (fun e : nat * nat => proj1 e).
Notation "'decomp' a 'as' x , y 'in' b" := (let (x,y) := a in b) (at level 1).
Check (decomp (true,true) as t, u in (t,u)).
(* Behaviour wrt to binding variables (submitted by Roland Zumkeller) *)
Section A.
Notation "! A" := (forall _:nat, A) (at level 60).
Check ! (0=0).
Check forall n, n=0.
Check forall n:nat, 0=0.
End A.
(* Behaviour wrt to binding variables (cf bug report #1186) *)
Section B.
Notation "# A" := (forall n:nat, n=n->A) (at level 60).
Check forall n:nat, # (n=n).
Notation "## A" := (forall n n0:nat, n=n0->A) (at level 60).
Check forall n n0:nat, ## (n=n0).
Notation "### A" :=
(forall n n0:nat, match n with O => True | S n => n=n0 end ->A) (at level 60).
Check forall n n0:nat, ### (n=n0).
End B.
(* Conflict between notation and notation below coercions *)
(* Case of a printer conflict *)
Require Import BinInt.
Coercion Zpos : positive >-> Z.
Open Scope Z_scope.
(* Check that (Zpos 3) is better printed by the printer for Z than
by the printer for positive *)
Check (3 + Zpos 3).
(* Case of a num printer only below coercion (submitted by Georges Gonthier) *)
Open Scope nat_scope.
Inductive znat : Set := Zpos (n : nat) | Zneg (m : nat).
Coercion Zpos: nat >-> znat.
Declare Scope znat_scope.
Delimit Scope znat_scope with znat.
Open Scope znat_scope.
Parameter addz : znat -> znat -> znat.
Notation "z1 + z2" := (addz z1 z2) : znat_scope.
(* Check that "3+3", where 3 is in nat and the coercion to znat is implicit,
is printed the same way, and not "S 2 + S 2" as if numeral printing was
only tested with coercion still present *)
Check (3+3).
(* Check recursive notations *)
Require Import List.
Notation "[ x ; .. ; y ]" := (cons x .. (cons y nil) ..).
Check [1;2;4].
Reserved Notation "( x ; y , .. , z )" (at level 0).
Notation "( x ; y , .. , z )" := (pair .. (pair x y) .. z).
Check (1;2,4).
(* Check basic notations involving "match" *)
Section C.
Notation "'ifzero' n" := (match n with 0 => true | S _ => false end)
(at level 0, n at level 0).
Check (ifzero 3).
Notation "'pred' n" := (match n with 0 => 0 | S n' => n' end)
(at level 0, n at level 0).
Check (pred 3).
Check (fun n => match n with 0 => 0 | S n => n end).
Check (fun n => match n with S p as x => p | y => 0 end).
Notation "'ifn' x 'is' 'succ' n 'then' t 'else' u" :=
(match x with O => u | S n => t end) (at level 0, u at level 0).
Check fun x => ifn x is succ n then n else 0.
End C.
(* Check correction of bug #1179 *)
Notation "1 -" := true (at level 0).
Check 1-.
(* This is another aspect of bug #1179 (raises anomaly in 8.1) *)
Require Import ZArith.
Open Scope Z_scope.
Notation "- 4" := (-2 + -2).
Check -4.
(* Check ill-formed recursive notations *)
(* Recursive variables not part of a recursive pattern *)
Fail Notation "( x , y , .. , z )" := (pair x .. (pair y z) ..).
(* No recursive notation *)
Fail Notation "( x , y , .. , z )" := (pair x (pair y z)).
(* Left-unbound variable *)
Fail Notation "( x , y , .. , z )" := (pair x .. (pair y w) ..).
(* Right-unbound variable *)
Notation "( x , y , .. , z )" := (pair y .. (pair z 0) ..) (only parsing).
(* Not the right kind of recursive pattern *)
Fail Notation "( x , y , .. , z )" := (ex (fun z => .. (ex (fun y => x)) ..)).
Fail Notation "( x -- y , .. , z )" := (pair y .. (pair z 0) ..)
(y closed binder, z closed binder).
(* No separator allowed with open binders *)
Fail Notation "( x -- y , .. , z )" := (ex (fun z => .. (ex (fun y => x)) ..))
(y binder, z binder).
(* Ends of pattern do not match *)
Fail Notation "( x , y , .. , z )" := (pair y .. (pair (plus z) 0) ..).
Fail Notation "( x , y , .. , z )" := (pair y .. (plus z 0) ..).
Fail Notation "( x1 , x2 , y , .. , z )" := (y y .. (x2 z 0) ..).
Fail Notation "( x1 , x2 , y , .. , z )" := (x1 y .. (x2 z 0) ..).
(* Ends of pattern are the same *)
Fail Notation "( x , y , .. , z )" := (pair .. (pair (pair y z) x) .. x).
(* Check preservation of scopes at printing time *)
Notation SUM := sum.
Check SUM (nat*nat) nat.
(* Check preservation of implicit arguments at printing time *)
Notation FST := fst.
Check FST (0;1).
(* Check notations for references with activated or deactivated *)
(* implicit arguments *)
Notation Nil := @nil.
Check Nil.
Notation NIL := nil.
Check NIL : list nat.
(* Test printing of notation with coercions in scope of a coercion *)
Open Scope nat_scope.
Coercion is_true := fun b => b=true.
Coercion of_nat n := match n with 0 => true | _ => false end.
Notation "'I' x" := (of_nat (S x) || true)%bool (at level 10).
Check (false && I 3)%bool /\ I 6.
(* Check notations with several recursive patterns *)
Open Scope Z_scope.
Notation "[| x , y , .. , z ; a , b , .. , c |]" :=
(pair (pair .. (pair x y) .. z) (pair .. (pair a b) .. c)).
Check [|1,2,3;4,5,6|].
Notation "[| t * ( x , y , .. , z ) ; ( a , b , .. , c ) * u |]" :=
(pair (pair .. (pair (pair t x) (pair t y)) .. (pair t z))
(pair .. (pair (pair a u) (pair b u)) .. (pair c u)))
(t at level 39).
Check [|0*(1,2,3);(4,5,6)*false|].
(* Test recursive notations involving applications *)
(* Caveat: does not work for applied constant because constants are *)
(* classified as notations for the particular constant while this *)
(* generic application notation is classified as generic *)
Notation "{| f ; x ; .. ; y |}" := ( .. (f x) .. y).
Check fun f => {| f; 0; 1; 2 |} : Z.
(* Check printing of notations from other modules *)
(* 1- Non imported case *)
Require make_notation.
Check plus.
Check S.
Check mult.
Check le.
(* 2- Imported case *)
Import make_notation.
Check plus.
Check S.
Check mult.
Check le.
(* Check notations in cases patterns *)
Notation SOME := Some.
Notation NONE := None.
Check (fun x => match x with SOME x => x | NONE => 0 end).
Notation NONE2 := (@None _).
Notation SOME2 := (@Some _).
Check (fun x => match x with SOME2 x => x | NONE2 => 0 end).
Notation NONE3 := @None.
Notation SOME3 := @Some.
Check (fun x => match x with SOME3 _ x => x | NONE3 _ => 0 end).
Notation "a :'" := (cons a) (at level 12).
Check (fun x => match x with | nil => NONE | h :' t => SOME3 _ t end).
(* Check correct matching of "Type" in notations. Of course the
notation denotes a term that will be reinterpreted with a different
universe than the actual one; but it would be the same anyway
without a notation *)
Notation s := Type.
Check s.
(* Test bug #2835: notations were not uniformly managed under prod and lambda *)
Open Scope nat_scope.
Notation "'foo' n" := (S n) (at level 50): nat_scope.
Check (foo 9).
Check (fun _ : nat => 9).
(* Checking parsing and printing of numerical and non-numerical notations for eq_refl *)
(* This notation was not correctly printed until Pierre B.'s
improvements to the interpretation of patterns *)
Notation "'ONE'" := eq_refl.
Check fun (x:nat) (p : x=x) => match p with ONE => ONE end = p.
(* This one used to failed at parsing until now *)
Notation "1" := eq_refl.
Check fun (x:nat) (p : x=x) => match p with 1 => 1 end = p.
(* Check bug 5693 *)
Module M.
Definition A := 0.
Definition bar (a b : nat) := plus a b.
Notation "" := A (format "", only printing).
Check (bar A 0).
End M.
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