(** Print Assumption and opaque modules :
Print Assumption used to consider as axioms the modular fields
unexported by their signature, cf bug report #2186. This should
now be fixed, let's test this here. *)
(* First, a minimal test-case *)
Axiom foo : nat.
Module Type T.
Parameter bar : nat.
End T.
Module M : T.
Module Hide. (* An entire sub-module could be hidden *)
Definition x := foo.
End Hide.
Definition bar := Hide.x.
End M.
Module N (X:T) : T.
Definition y := X.bar. (* A non-exported field *)
Definition bar := y.
End N.
Module P := N M.
Print Assumptions M.bar. (* Should answer: foo *)
Print Assumptions P.bar. (* Should answer: foo *)
(* The original test-case of the bug-report *)
Require Import Arith.
Axiom extensionality : forall P Q (f g:P -> Q),
(forall x, f x = g x) -> f = g.
Module Type ADD_COMM_EXT.
Axiom add_comm_ext : forall n, (fun x => x + n) = (fun x => n + x).
Module AddCommExt_Opaque : ADD_COMM_EXT.
Lemma add_comm_ext : forall n, (fun x => x + n) = (fun x => n + x).
intro n; apply extensionality; auto with arith.
End AddCommExt_Opaque.
Module AddCommExt_Transparent <: ADD_COMM_EXT.
Lemma add_comm_ext : forall n, (fun x => x + n) = (fun x => n + x).
intro n; apply extensionality; auto with arith.
End AddCommExt_Transparent.
Print Assumptions AddCommExt_Opaque.add_comm_ext.
(* Should answer: extensionality *)
Print Assumptions AddCommExt_Transparent.add_comm_ext.
(* Should answer: extensionality *)
Lemma add1_comm_ext_opaque :
(fun x => x + 1) = (fun x => 1 + x).
Proof (AddCommExt_Opaque.add_comm_ext 1).
Lemma add1_comm_ext_transparent :
(fun x => x + 1) = (fun x => 1 + x).
Proof (AddCommExt_Transparent.add_comm_ext 1).
Print Assumptions add1_comm_ext_opaque.
(* Should answer: extensionality *)
Print Assumptions add1_comm_ext_transparent.
(* Should answer: extensionality *)
Axiom add_comm : forall n x, x + n = n + x.
Module false_positive : FALSE_POSITIVE.
Lemma add_comm : forall n x, x + n = n + x.
Proof. auto with arith. Qed.
Print Assumptions add_comm.
(* Should answer : Closed under the global context *)
End false_positive.
Lemma comm_plus5 : forall x,
x + 5 = 5 + x.
Proof (false_positive.add_comm 5).
Print Assumptions comm_plus5.
(* Should answer : Closed under the global context *)
(** Print Assumption and Include *)
Module M.
Axiom foo : False.
End M.
Module N.
Include M.
End N.
Print Assumptions N.foo.
(* Print Assumptions did not enter implementation of submodules (#7192) *)
Definition a := True.
Module Type B. Axiom f : Prop. End B.
Module Type C. Declare Module D : B. End C.
Module E: C.
Module D <: B. Definition f := a. End D.
End E.
Print Assumptions E.D.f.
(* Idem in the scope of a functor *)
Module Type T. End T.
Module F (X : T).
Definition a := True.
Module Type B. Axiom f : Prop. End B.
Module Type C. Declare Module D : B. End C.
Module E: C.
Module D <: B. Definition f := a. End D.
End E.
Print Assumptions E.D.f.
End F.
(* Testing a variant of #7192 across files *)
(* This was missing in the original fix to #7192 *)
Require Import module_bug7192.
Print Assumptions M7192.D.f.
(* Testing reporting assumptions from modules in files *)
(* A regression introduced in the original fix to #7192 was missing implementations *)
Require Import module_bug8416.
Print Assumptions M8416.f.
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