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Inductive Empty@{u} : Type@{u} :=
(* u |= *)
Record PWrap (A : Type@{u}) : Type@{u} := pwrap { punwrap : A }
(* u |= *)
PWrap has primitive projections with eta conversion.
For PWrap: Argument scope is [type_scope]
For pwrap: Argument scopes are [type_scope _]
punwrap@{u} =
fun (A : Type@{u}) (p : PWrap@{u} A) => punwrap _ p
: forall A : Type@{u}, PWrap@{u} A -> A
(* u |= *)
Argument scopes are [type_scope _]
Record RWrap (A : Type@{u}) : Type@{u} := rwrap { runwrap : A }
(* u |= *)
For RWrap: Argument scope is [type_scope]
For rwrap: Argument scopes are [type_scope _]
runwrap@{u} =
fun (A : Type@{u}) (r : RWrap@{u} A) => let (runwrap) := r in runwrap
: forall A : Type@{u}, RWrap@{u} A -> A
(* u |= *)
Argument scopes are [type_scope _]
Wrap@{u} = fun A : Type@{u} => A
: Type@{u} -> Type@{u}
(* u |= *)
Argument scope is [type_scope]
wrap@{u} =
fun (A : Type@{u}) (Wrap : Wrap@{u} A) => Wrap
: forall A : Type@{u}, Wrap@{u} A -> A
(* u |= *)
Arguments A, Wrap are implicit and maximally inserted
Argument scopes are [type_scope _]
bar@{u} = nat
: Wrap@{u} Set
(* u |= Set < u *)
foo@{u UnivBinders.17 v} =
Type@{UnivBinders.17} -> Type@{v} -> Type@{u}
: Type@{max(u+1,UnivBinders.17+1,v+1)}
(* u UnivBinders.17 v |= *)
Type@{i} -> Type@{j}
: Type@{max(i+1,j+1)}
(* {j i} |= *)
= Type@{i} -> Type@{j}
: Type@{max(i+1,j+1)}
(* {j i} |= *)
mono = Type@{mono.u}
: Type@{mono.u+1}
(* {mono.u} |= *)
: Type@{mono.u+1}
: Type@{mono.u+1}
The command has indeed failed with message:
Universe u already exists.
: Type@{MONOU+1}
: Type@{mono.MONOU+1}
: Type@{MONOU+1}
: Type@{mono.u+1}
The command has indeed failed with message:
Universe u already exists.
bobmorane =
let tt := Type@{UnivBinders.33} in
let ff := Type@{UnivBinders.35} in tt -> ff
: Type@{max(UnivBinders.32,UnivBinders.34)}
The command has indeed failed with message:
Universe u already bound.
foo@{E M N} =
Type@{M} -> Type@{N} -> Type@{E}
: Type@{max(E+1,M+1,N+1)}
(* E M N |= *)
foo@{u UnivBinders.17 v} =
Type@{UnivBinders.17} -> Type@{v} -> Type@{u}
: Type@{max(u+1,UnivBinders.17+1,v+1)}
(* u UnivBinders.17 v |= *)
Inductive Empty@{E} : Type@{E} :=
(* E |= *)
Record PWrap (A : Type@{E}) : Type@{E} := pwrap { punwrap : A }
(* E |= *)
PWrap has primitive projections with eta conversion.
For PWrap: Argument scope is [type_scope]
For pwrap: Argument scopes are [type_scope _]
punwrap@{K} : forall A : Type@{K}, PWrap@{K} A -> A
(* K |= *)
punwrap is universe polymorphic
Argument scopes are [type_scope _]
punwrap is transparent
Expands to: Constant UnivBinders.punwrap
The command has indeed failed with message:
Universe instance should have length 3
The command has indeed failed with message:
Universe instance should have length 0
The command has indeed failed with message:
This object does not support universe names.
The command has indeed failed with message:
Cannot enforce v < u because u < gU < gV < v
bind_univs.mono =
: Type@{bind_univs.mono.u+1}
(* {bind_univs.mono.u} |= *)
bind_univs.poly@{u} = Type@{u}
: Type@{u+1}
(* u |= *)
insec@{v} = Type@{u} -> Type@{v}
: Type@{max(u+1,v+1)}
(* v |= *)
Inductive insecind@{k} : Type@{k+1} :=
inseccstr : Type@{k} -> insecind@{k}
(* k |= *)
For inseccstr: Argument scope is [type_scope]
insec@{u v} = Type@{u} -> Type@{v}
: Type@{max(u+1,v+1)}
(* u v |= *)
Inductive insecind@{u k} : Type@{k+1} :=
inseccstr : Type@{k} -> insecind@{u k}
(* u k |= *)
For inseccstr: Argument scope is [type_scope]
insec2@{u} = Prop
: Type@{Set+1}
(* u |= *)
inmod@{u} = Type@{u}
: Type@{u+1}
(* u |= *)
SomeMod.inmod@{u} = Type@{u}
: Type@{u+1}
(* u |= *)
inmod@{u} = Type@{u}
: Type@{u+1}
(* u |= *)
Applied.infunct@{u v} =
inmod@{u} -> Type@{v}
: Type@{max(u+1,v+1)}
(* u v |= *)
axfoo@{i UnivBinders.57 UnivBinders.58} :
Type@{UnivBinders.57} -> Type@{i}
(* i UnivBinders.57 UnivBinders.58 |= *)
axfoo is universe polymorphic
Argument scope is [type_scope]
Expands to: Constant UnivBinders.axfoo
axbar@{i UnivBinders.57 UnivBinders.58} :
Type@{UnivBinders.58} -> Type@{i}
(* i UnivBinders.57 UnivBinders.58 |= *)
axbar is universe polymorphic
Argument scope is [type_scope]
Expands to: Constant UnivBinders.axbar
axfoo' : Type@{axbar'.u0} -> Type@{axbar'.i}
axfoo' is not universe polymorphic
Argument scope is [type_scope]
Expands to: Constant UnivBinders.axfoo'
axbar' : Type@{axbar'.u0} -> Type@{axbar'.i}
axbar' is not universe polymorphic
Argument scope is [type_scope]
Expands to: Constant UnivBinders.axbar'
The command has indeed failed with message:
When declaring multiple axioms in one command, only the first is allowed a universe binder (which will be shared by the whole block).
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