From Coq Require Import Utf8 Setoid ssreflect.
Set Default Proof Using "Type".
Local Set Universe Polymorphism.
(** Telescopes *)
Inductive tele : Type :=
| TeleO : tele
| TeleS {X} (binder : X → tele) : tele.
Arguments TeleS {_} _.
(** The telescope version of Coq's function type *)
Fixpoint tele_fun (TT : tele) (T : Type) : Type :=
match TT with
| TeleO => T
| TeleS b => ∀ x, tele_fun (b x) T
Notation "TT -t> A" :=
(tele_fun TT A) (at level 99, A at level 200, right associativity).
(** A sigma-like type for an "element" of a telescope, i.e. the data it
takes to get a [T] from a [TT -t> T]. *)
Inductive tele_arg : tele → Type :=
| TargO : tele_arg TeleO
(* the [x] is the only relevant data here *)
| TargS {X} {binder} (x : X) : tele_arg (binder x) → tele_arg (TeleS binder).
Definition tele_app {TT : tele} {T} (f : TT -t> T) : tele_arg TT → T :=
λ a, (fix rec {TT} (a : tele_arg TT) : (TT -t> T) → T :=
match a in tele_arg TT return (TT -t> T) → T with
| TargO => λ t : T, t
| TargS x a => λ f, rec a (f x)
end) TT a f.
Arguments tele_app {!_ _} _ !_ /.
Coercion tele_arg : tele >-> Sortclass.
Coercion tele_app : tele_fun >-> Funclass.
(** Inversion lemma for [tele_arg] *)
Lemma tele_arg_inv {TT : tele} (a : TT) :
match TT as TT return TT → Prop with
| TeleO => λ a, a = TargO
| TeleS f => λ a, ∃ x a', a = TargS x a'
end a.
Proof. induction a; eauto. Qed.
Lemma tele_arg_O_inv (a : TeleO) : a = TargO.
Proof. exact (tele_arg_inv a). Qed.
Lemma tele_arg_S_inv {X} {f : X → tele} (a : TeleS f) :
∃ x a', a = TargS x a'.
Proof. exact (tele_arg_inv a). Qed.
(** Operate below [tele_fun]s with argument telescope [TT]. *)
Fixpoint tele_bind {U} {TT : tele} : (TT → U) → TT -t> U :=
match TT as TT return (TT → U) → TT -t> U with
| TeleO => λ F, F TargO
| @TeleS X b => λ (F : TeleS b → U) (x : X), (* b x -t> U *)
tele_bind (λ a, F (TargS x a))
Arguments tele_bind {_ !_} _ /.
(* Show that tele_app ∘ tele_bind is the identity. *)
Lemma tele_app_bind {U} {TT : tele} (f : TT → U) x :
(tele_app (tele_bind f)) x = f x.
induction TT as [|X b IH]; simpl in *.
- rewrite (tele_arg_O_inv x). auto.
- destruct (tele_arg_S_inv x) as [x' [a' ->]]. simpl.
rewrite IH. auto.
(** Notation-compatible telescope mapping *)
(* This adds (tele_app ∘ tele_bind), which is an identity function, around every
binder so that, after simplifying, this matches the way we typically write
notations involving telescopes. *)
Notation "'λ..' x .. y , e" :=
(tele_app (tele_bind (λ x, .. (tele_app (tele_bind (λ y, e))) .. )))
(at level 200, x binder, y binder, right associativity,
format "'[ ' 'λ..' x .. y ']' , e").
(* The testcase *)
Lemma test {TA TB : tele} {X} (α' β' γ' : X → Prop) (Φ : TA → TB → Prop) x' :
(forall P Q, ((P /\ Q) = Q) * ((P -> Q) = Q)) ->
∀ a b, Φ a b = (λ.. x y, β' x' ∧ (γ' x' → Φ x y)) a b.
intros cheat a b.
rewrite !tele_app_bind.
by rewrite !cheat.
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