(* Check forward dependencies *)
(fun (P : nat -> Prop) Q (A : P 0 -> Q) (B : forall n : nat, P (S n) -> Q)
x =>
match x return Q with
| exist _ O H => A H
| exist _ (S n) H => B n H
(* Check dependencies in anonymous arguments (from FTA/listn.v) *)
Inductive listn (A : Set) : nat -> Set :=
| niln : listn A 0
| consn : forall (a : A) (n : nat), listn A n -> listn A (S n).
Section Folding.
Variable B C : Set.
Variable g : B -> C -> C.
Variable c : C.
Fixpoint foldrn (n : nat) (bs : listn B n) {struct bs} : C :=
match bs with
| niln _ => c
| consn _ b _ tl => g b (foldrn _ tl)
End Folding.
(** Testing post-processing of nested dependencies *)
Check fun x:{x|x=0}*nat+nat => match x with
| inl ((exist _ 0 eq_refl),0) => None
| _ => Some 0
Check fun x:{_:{x|x=0}|True}+nat => match x with
| inl (exist _ (exist _ 0 eq_refl) I) => None
| _ => Some 0
Check fun x:{_:{x|x=0}|True}+nat => match x with
| inl (exist _ (exist _ 0 eq_refl) I) => None
| _ => Some 0
Check fun x:{_:{x|x=0}|True}+nat => match x return option nat with
| inl (exist _ (exist _ 0 eq_refl) I) => None
| _ => Some 0
(* the next two examples were failing from r14703 (Nov 22 2011) to r14732 *)
(* due to a bug in dependencies postprocessing (revealed by CoLoR) *)
Check fun x:{x:nat*nat|fst x = 0 & True} => match x return option nat with
| exist2 _ _ (x,y) eq_refl I => None
Check fun x:{_:{x:nat*nat|fst x = 0 & True}|True}+nat => match x return option nat with
| inl (exist _ (exist2 _ _ (x,y) eq_refl I) I) => None
| _ => Some 0
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Example to test patterns matching on dependent families *)
(* This exemple extracted from the development done by Nacira Chabane *)
(* (equipe Paris 6) *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
Require Import Prelude.
Require Import Logic_Type.
Section Orderings.
Variable U : Type.
Definition Relation := U -> U -> Prop.
Variable R : Relation.
Definition Reflexive : Prop := forall x : U, R x x.
Definition Transitive : Prop := forall x y z : U, R x y -> R y z -> R x z.
Definition Symmetric : Prop := forall x y : U, R x y -> R y x.
Definition Antisymmetric : Prop := forall x y : U, R x y -> R y x -> x = y.
Definition contains (R R' : Relation) : Prop :=
forall x y : U, R' x y -> R x y.
Definition same_relation (R R' : Relation) : Prop :=
contains R R' /\ contains R' R.
Inductive Equivalence : Prop :=
Build_Equivalence : Reflexive -> Transitive -> Symmetric -> Equivalence.
Inductive PER : Prop :=
Build_PER : Symmetric -> Transitive -> PER.
End Orderings.
(***** Setoid *******)
Inductive Setoid : Type :=
Build_Setoid :
forall (S : Type) (R : Relation S), Equivalence _ R -> Setoid.
Definition elem (A : Setoid) := let (S, R, e) := A in S.
Definition equal (A : Setoid) :=
let (S, R, e) as s return (Relation (elem s)) := A in R.
Axiom prf_equiv : forall A : Setoid, Equivalence (elem A) (equal A).
Axiom prf_refl : forall A : Setoid, Reflexive (elem A) (equal A).
Axiom prf_sym : forall A : Setoid, Symmetric (elem A) (equal A).
Axiom prf_trans : forall A : Setoid, Transitive (elem A) (equal A).
Section Maps.
Variable A B : Setoid.
Definition Map_law (f : elem A -> elem B) :=
forall x y : elem A, equal _ x y -> equal _ (f x) (f y).
Inductive Map : Type :=
Build_Map : forall (f : elem A -> elem B) (p : Map_law f), Map.
Definition explicit_ap (m : Map) :=
match m return (elem A -> elem B) with
| Build_Map f p => f
Axiom pres : forall m : Map, Map_law (explicit_ap m).
Definition ext (f g : Map) :=
forall x : elem A, equal _ (explicit_ap f x) (explicit_ap g x).
Axiom Equiv_map_eq : Equivalence Map ext.
Definition Map_setoid := Build_Setoid Map ext Equiv_map_eq.
End Maps.
Notation ap := (explicit_ap _ _).
(* <Warning> : Grammar is replaced by Notation *)
Definition ap2 (A B C : Setoid) (f : elem (Map_setoid A (Map_setoid B C)))
(a : elem A) := ap (ap f a).
(***** posint ******)
Inductive posint : Type :=
| Z : posint
| Suc : posint -> posint.
f_equal : forall (A B : Type) (f : A -> B) (x y : A), x = y -> f x = f y.
Axiom eq_Suc : forall n m : posint, n = m -> Suc n = Suc m.
(* The predecessor function *)
Definition pred (n : posint) : posint :=
match n return posint with
| Z => (* Z *) Z
(* Suc u *)
| Suc u => u
Axiom pred_Sucn : forall m : posint, m = pred (Suc m).
Axiom eq_add_Suc : forall n m : posint, Suc n = Suc m -> n = m.
Axiom not_eq_Suc : forall n m : posint, n <> m -> Suc n <> Suc m.
Definition IsSuc (n : posint) : Prop :=
match n return Prop with
| Z => (* Z *) False
(* Suc p *)
| Suc p => True
Definition IsZero (n : posint) : Prop :=
match n with
| Z => True
| Suc _ => False
Axiom Z_Suc : forall n : posint, Z <> Suc n.
Axiom Suc_Z : forall n : posint, Suc n <> Z.
Axiom n_Sucn : forall n : posint, n <> Suc n.
Axiom Sucn_n : forall n : posint, Suc n <> n.
Axiom eqT_symt : forall a b : posint, a <> b -> b <> a.
(******* Dsetoid *****)
Definition Decidable (A : Type) (R : Relation A) :=
forall x y : A, R x y \/ ~ R x y.
Record DSetoid : Type :=
{Set_of : Setoid; prf_decid : Decidable (elem Set_of) (equal Set_of)}.
(* example de Dsetoide d'entiers *)
Axiom eqT_equiv : Equivalence posint (eq (A:=posint)).
Axiom Eq_posint_deci : Decidable posint (eq (A:=posint)).
(* Dsetoide des posint*)
Definition Set_of_posint := Build_Setoid posint (eq (A:=posint)) eqT_equiv.
Definition Dposint := Build_DSetoid Set_of_posint Eq_posint_deci.
(* Definition des signatures *)
(* une signature est un ensemble d'operateurs muni
de l'arite de chaque operateur *)
Module Sig.
Record Signature : Type :=
{Sigma : DSetoid; Arity : Map (Set_of Sigma) (Set_of Dposint)}.
Variable S : Signature.
Variable Var : DSetoid.
Inductive TERM : Type :=
| var : elem (Set_of Var) -> TERM
| oper :
forall op : elem (Set_of (Sigma S)), LTERM (ap (Arity S) op) -> TERM
with LTERM : posint -> Type :=
| nil : LTERM Z
| cons : TERM -> forall n : posint, LTERM n -> LTERM (Suc n).
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Examples *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
Parameter t1 t2 : TERM.
match t1, t2 with
| var v1, var v2 => True
| oper op1 l1, oper op2 l2 => False
| _, _ => False
Parameter n2 : posint.
Parameter l1 l2 : LTERM n2.
match l1, l2 with
| nil, nil => True
| cons v m y, nil => False
| _, _ => False
match l1, l2 with
| nil, nil => True
| cons u n x, cons v m y => False
| _, _ => False
Module Type Version1.
Definition equalT (t1 t2 : TERM) : Prop :=
match t1, t2 with
| var v1, var v2 => True
| oper op1 l1, oper op2 l2 => False
| _, _ => False
Definition EqListT (n1 : posint) (l1 : LTERM n1) (n2 : posint)
(l2 : LTERM n2) : Prop :=
match l1, l2 with
| nil, nil => True
| cons t1 n1' l1', cons t2 n2' l2' => False
| _, _ => False
End Version1.
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------*)
(* Initial example (without patterns) *)
Module Version2.
Fixpoint equalT (t1 : TERM) : TERM -> Prop :=
match t1 return (TERM -> Prop) with
| var v1 =>
fun t2 : TERM =>
match t2 return Prop with
| var v2 =>
(*var*) equal _ v1 v2
| oper op2 _ => False
| oper op1 l1 =>
fun t2 : TERM =>
match t2 return Prop with
| var v2 =>
(*var*) False
| oper op2 l2 =>
equal _ op1 op2 /\
EqListT (ap (Arity S) op1) l1 (ap (Arity S) op2) l2
with EqListT (n1 : posint) (l1 : LTERM n1) {struct l1} :
forall n2 : posint, LTERM n2 -> Prop :=
match l1 in (LTERM _) return (forall n2 : posint, LTERM n2 -> Prop) with
| nil =>
fun (n2 : posint) (l2 : LTERM n2) =>
match l2 in (LTERM _) return Prop with
| nil =>
(*nil*) True
| cons t2 n2' l2' => False
| cons t1 n1' l1' =>
fun (n2 : posint) (l2 : LTERM n2) =>
match l2 in (LTERM _) return Prop with
| nil =>
(*nil*) False
| cons t2 n2' l2' => equalT t1 t2 /\ EqListT n1' l1' n2' l2'
End Version2.
(* ---------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Version with simple patterns *)
(* ---------------------------------------------------------------- *)
Module Version3.
Fixpoint equalT (t1 : TERM) : TERM -> Prop :=
match t1 with
| var v1 =>
fun t2 : TERM =>
match t2 with
| var v2 => equal _ v1 v2
| oper op2 _ => False
| oper op1 l1 =>
fun t2 : TERM =>
match t2 with
| var _ => False
| oper op2 l2 =>
equal _ op1 op2 /\
EqListT (ap (Arity S) op1) l1 (ap (Arity S) op2) l2
with EqListT (n1 : posint) (l1 : LTERM n1) {struct l1} :
forall n2 : posint, LTERM n2 -> Prop :=
match l1 return (forall n2 : posint, LTERM n2 -> Prop) with
| nil =>
fun (n2 : posint) (l2 : LTERM n2) =>
match l2 with
| nil => True
| _ => False
| cons t1 n1' l1' =>
fun (n2 : posint) (l2 : LTERM n2) =>
match l2 with
| nil => False
| cons t2 n2' l2' => equalT t1 t2 /\ EqListT n1' l1' n2' l2'
End Version3.
Module Version4.
Fixpoint equalT (t1 : TERM) : TERM -> Prop :=
match t1 with
| var v1 =>
fun t2 : TERM =>
match t2 with
| var v2 => equal _ v1 v2
| oper op2 _ => False
| oper op1 l1 =>
fun t2 : TERM =>
match t2 with
| var _ => False
| oper op2 l2 =>
equal _ op1 op2 /\
EqListT (ap (Arity S) op1) l1 (ap (Arity S) op2) l2
with EqListT (n1 : posint) (l1 : LTERM n1) (n2 : posint)
(l2 : LTERM n2) {struct l1} : Prop :=
match l1 with
| nil => match l2 with
| nil => True
| _ => False
| cons t1 n1' l1' =>
match l2 with
| nil => False
| cons t2 n2' l2' => equalT t1 t2 /\ EqListT n1' l1' n2' l2'
End Version4.
(* ---------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Version with multiple patterns *)
(* ---------------------------------------------------------------- *)
Module Version5.
Fixpoint equalT (t1 t2 : TERM) {struct t1} : Prop :=
match t1, t2 with
| var v1, var v2 => equal _ v1 v2
| oper op1 l1, oper op2 l2 =>
equal _ op1 op2 /\ EqListT (ap (Arity S) op1) l1 (ap (Arity S) op2) l2
| _, _ => False
with EqListT (n1 : posint) (l1 : LTERM n1) (n2 : posint)
(l2 : LTERM n2) {struct l1} : Prop :=
match l1, l2 with
| nil, nil => True
| cons t1 n1' l1', cons t2 n2' l2' =>
equalT t1 t2 /\ EqListT n1' l1' n2' l2'
| _, _ => False
End Version5.
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
End Sig.
(* Exemple soumis par Bruno *)
Definition bProp (b : bool) : Prop := if b then True else False.
Definition f0 (F : False) (ty : bool) : bProp ty :=
match ty as _, ty return (bProp ty) with
| true, true => I
| _, false => F
| _, true => I
(* Simplification of bug/wish #1671 *)
Inductive I : unit -> Type :=
| C : forall a, I a -> I tt.
Definition F (l:I tt) : l = l :=
match l return l = l with
| C tt (C _ l') => refl_equal (C tt (C _ l'))
one would expect that the compilation of F (this involves
some kind of pattern-unification) would produce:
Definition F (l:I tt) : l = l :=
match l return l = l with
| C tt l' => match l' return C _ l' = C _ l' with C _ l'' => refl_equal (C tt (C _ l'')) end
Inductive J : nat -> Type :=
| D : forall a, J (S a) -> J a.
Definition G (l:J O) : l = l :=
match l return l = l with
| D O (D 1 l') => refl_equal (D O (D 1 l'))
| D _ _ => refl_equal _
one would expect that the compilation of G (this involves inversion)
would produce:
Definition G (l:J O) : l = l :=
match l return l = l with
| D 0 l'' =>
match l'' as _l'' in J n return
match n return forall l:J n, Prop with
| O => fun _ => l = l
| S p => fun l'' => D p l'' = D p l''
end _l'' with
| D 1 l' => refl_equal (D O (D 1 l'))
| _ => refl_equal _
| _ => refl_equal _
Fixpoint app {A} {n m} (v : listn A n) (w : listn A m) : listn A (n + m) :=
match v with
| niln _ => w
| consn _ a n' v' => consn _ a _ (app v' w)
(* Testing regression of bug 2106 *)
Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Import List.
Inductive nt := E.
Definition root := E.
Inductive ctor : list nt -> nt -> Type :=
Plus : ctor (cons E (cons E nil)) E.
Inductive term : nt -> Type :=
| Term : forall s n, ctor s n -> spine s -> term n
with spine : list nt -> Type :=
| EmptySpine : spine nil
| ConsSpine : forall n s, term n -> spine s -> spine (n :: s).
Inductive step : nt -> nt -> Type :=
| Step : forall l n r n' (c:ctor (l++n::r) n'), spine l -> spine r -> step n
Definition test (s:step E E) :=
match s with
| @Step nil _ (cons E nil) _ Plus l l' => true
| _ => false
(* Testing regression of bug 2454 ("get" used not be type-checkable when
defined with its type constraint) *)
Inductive K : nat -> Type := KC : forall (p q:nat), K p.
Definition get : K O -> nat := fun x => match x with KC p q => q end.
(* Checking correct order of substitution of realargs *)
(* (was broken from revision 14664 to 14669) *)
(* Example extracted from contrib CoLoR *)
Inductive EQ : nat -> nat -> Prop := R x y : EQ x y.
Check fun e t (d1 d2:EQ e t) =>
match d1 in EQ e1 t1, d2 in EQ e2 t2 return
(e1,t1) = (e2,t2) -> (e1,t1) = (e,t) -> 0=0
| R _ _, R _ _ => fun _ _ => eq_refl
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