Set Printing Universes.
Module AutoYes.
Inductive Box (A:Type) : Type := box : A -> Box A.
About Box.
(* This checks that Box is template poly, see module No for how it fails *)
Universe i j. Constraint i < j.
Definition j_lebox (A:Type@{j}) := Box A.
Definition box_lti A := Box A : Type@{i}.
End AutoYes.
Module AutoNo.
Unset Auto Template Polymorphism.
Inductive Box (A:Type) : Type := box : A -> Box A.
About Box.
Universe i j. Constraint i < j.
Definition j_lebox (A:Type@{j}) := Box A.
Fail Definition box_lti A := Box A : Type@{i}.
End AutoNo.
Module Yes.
Inductive Box@{i} (A:Type@{i}) : Type@{i} := box : A -> Box A.
About Box.
Universe i j. Constraint i < j.
Definition j_lebox (A:Type@{j}) := Box A.
Definition box_lti A := Box A : Type@{i}.
End Yes.
Module No.
Inductive Box (A:Type) : Type := box : A -> Box A.
About Box.
Universe i j. Constraint i < j.
Definition j_lebox (A:Type@{j}) := Box A.
Fail Definition box_lti A := Box A : Type@{i}.
End No.
Module DefaultProp.
Inductive identity (A : Type) (a : A) : A -> Type := id_refl : identity A a a.
(* By default template polymorphism does not interact with inductives
which naturally fall in Prop *)
Check (identity nat 0 0 : Prop).
End DefaultProp.
Module ExplicitTemplate.
Inductive identity@{i} (A : Type@{i}) (a : A) : A -> Type@{i} := id_refl : identity A a a.
(* Weird interaction of template polymorphism and inductive types
which naturally fall in Prop: this one is template polymorphic but not on i:
it just lives in any universe *)
Check (identity Type nat nat : Prop).
End ExplicitTemplate.
Polymorphic Definition f@{i} : Type@{i} := nat.
Polymorphic Definition baz@{i} : Type@{i} -> Type@{i} := fun x => x.
Section Foo.
Universe u.
Context (A : Type@{u}).
Inductive Bar :=
| bar : A -> Bar.
Set Universe Minimization ToSet.
Inductive Baz :=
| cbaz : A -> baz Baz -> Baz.
Inductive Baz' :=
| cbaz' : A -> baz@{Set} nat -> Baz'.
(* 2 constructors, at least in Set *)
Inductive Bazset@{v} :=
| cbaz1 : A -> baz@{v} Bazset -> Bazset
| cbaz2 : Bazset.
Eval compute in ltac:(let T := type of A in exact T).
Inductive Foo : Type :=
| foo : A -> f -> Foo.
End Foo.
Set Printing Universes.
(* Cannot fall back to Prop or Set anymore as baz is no longer template-polymorphic *)
Fail Check Bar True : Prop.
Fail Check Bar nat : Set.
About Baz.
Check cbaz True I.
(** Neither can it be Set *)
Fail Check Baz nat : Set.
(** No longer possible for Baz' which contains a type in Set *)
Fail Check Baz' True : Prop.
Fail Check Baz' nat : Set.
Fail Check Bazset True : Prop.
Fail Check Bazset True : Set.
(** We can force the universe instantiated in [baz Bazset] to be [u], so Bazset lives in max(Set, u). *)
Constraint u = Bazset.v.
(** As u is global it is already > Set, so: *)
Definition bazsetex@{i | i < u} : Type@{u} := Bazset Type@{i}.
(* Bazset is closed for universes u = u0, cannot be instantiated with Prop *)
Definition bazseetpar (X : Type@{u}) : Type@{u} := Bazset X.
(** Would otherwise break singleton elimination and extraction. *)
Fail Check Foo True : Prop.
Fail Check Foo True : Set.
Definition foo_proj {A} (f : Foo A) : nat :=
match f with foo _ _ n => n end.
Definition ex : Foo True := foo _ I 0.
Check foo_proj ex.
(** See failure/Template.v for a test of the unsafe Unset Template Check usage *)
Module AutoTemplateTest.
Set Warnings "+auto-template".
Section Foo.
Universe u'.
Context (A : Type@{u'}).
(* Not failing as Bar cannot be made template polymorphic at all *)
Inductive Bar :=
| bar : A -> Bar.
End Foo.
End AutoTemplateTest.
Module TestTemplateAttribute.
Section Foo.
Universe u.
Context (A : Type@{u}).
(* Failing as Bar cannot be made template polymorphic at all *)
Fail #[universes(template)] Inductive Bar :=
| bar : A -> Bar.
End Foo.
End TestTemplateAttribute.
Module SharingWithoutSection.
Inductive Foo A (S:= fun _ => Set : ltac:(let ty := type of A in exact ty))
:= foo : S A -> Foo A.
Fail Check Foo True : Prop.
End SharingWithoutSection.
Module OkNotCovered.
(* Here it happens that box is safe but we don't see it *)
Section S.
Universe u.
Variable A : Type@{u}.
Inductive box (A:Type@{u}) := Box : A -> box A.
Definition B := Set : Type@{u}.
End S.
Fail Check box True : Prop.
End OkNotCovered.
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