(* The "?" of cons and eq should be inferred *)
Variable list : Set -> Set.
Variable cons : forall T : Set, T -> list T -> list T.
Check (forall n : list nat, exists l : _, (exists x : _, n = cons _ x l)).
(* Examples provided by Eduardo Gimenez *)
Definition c A (Q : (nat * A -> Prop) -> Prop) P :=
Q (fun p : nat * A => let (i, v) := p in P i v).
(* What does this test ? *)
Require Import List.
Definition list_forall_bool (A : Set) (p : A -> bool)
(l : list A) : bool :=
fold_right (fun a r => if p a then r else false) true l.
(* Checks that solvable ? in the lambda prefix of the definition are harmless*)
Parameter A1 A2 F B C : Set.
Parameter f : F -> A1 -> B.
Definition f1 frm0 a1 : B := f frm0 a1.
(* Checks that solvable ? in the type part of the definition are harmless *)
Definition f2 frm0 a1 : B := f frm0 a1.
(* Checks that sorts that are evars are handled correctly (BZ#705) *)
Require Import List.
Fixpoint build (nl : list nat) :
match nl with
| nil => True
| _ => False
end -> unit :=
match nl return (match nl with
| nil => True
| _ => False
end -> unit) with
| nil => fun _ => tt
| n :: rest =>
match n with
| O => fun _ => tt
| S m => fun a => build rest (False_ind _ a)
(* Checks that disjoint contexts are correctly set by restrict_hyp *)
(* Bug de 1999 corrigé en déc 2004 *)
(let p :=
fun (m : nat) f (n : nat) =>
match f m n with
| exist _ a b => exist _ a b
end in
:forall x : nat,
(forall y n : nat, {q : nat | y = q * n}) ->
forall n : nat, {q : nat | x = q * n}).
(* Check instantiation of nested evars (BZ#1089) *)
Check (fun f:(forall (v:Type->Type), v (v nat) -> nat) => f _ (Some (Some O))).
(* This used to fail with anomaly (Pp.str "evar was not declared.") in V8.0pl3 *)
Theorem contradiction : forall p, ~ p -> p -> False.
Proof. trivial. Qed.
Hint Resolve contradiction.
Goal False.
(* This used to fail in V8.1beta because first-order unification was
used before using type information *)
Check (exist _ O (refl_equal 0) : {n:nat|n=0}).
Check (exist _ O I : {n:nat|True}).
(* An example (initially from Marseille/Fairisle) that involves an evar with
different solutions (Input, Output or bool) that may or may not be
considered distinct depending on which kind of conversion is used *)
Section A.
Definition STATE := (nat * bool)%type.
Let Input := bool.
Let Output := bool.
Parameter Out : STATE -> Output.
Check fun (s : STATE) (reg : Input) => reg = Out s.
End A.
(* The return predicate found should be: "in _=U return U" *)
(* (feature already available in V8.0) *)
Definition g (T1 T2:Type) (x:T1) (e:T1=T2) : T2 :=
match e with
| refl_equal => x
(* An example extracted from FMapAVL which (may) test restriction on
evars problems of the form ?n[args1]=?n[args2] with distinct args1
and args2 *)
Set Implicit Arguments.
Parameter t:Set->Set.
Parameter map:forall elt elt' : Set, (elt -> elt') -> t elt -> t elt'.
Parameter avl: forall elt : Set, t elt -> Prop.
Parameter bst: forall elt : Set, t elt -> Prop.
Parameter map_avl: forall (elt elt' : Set) (f : elt -> elt') (m : t elt),
avl m -> avl (map f m).
Parameter map_bst: forall (elt elt' : Set) (f : elt -> elt') (m : t elt),
bst m -> bst (map f m).
Record bbst (elt:Set) : Set :=
Bbst {this :> t elt; is_bst : bst this; is_avl: avl this}.
Definition t' := bbst.
Section B.
Variables elt elt': Set.
Definition map' f (m:t' elt) : t' elt' :=
Bbst (map_bst f m.(is_bst)) (map_avl f m.(is_avl)).
End B.
Unset Implicit Arguments.
(* An example from Lexicographic_Exponentiation that tests the
contraction of reducible fixpoints in type inference *)
Require Import List.
Check (fun (A:Set) (a b x:A) (l:list A)
(H : l ++ cons x nil = cons b (cons a nil)) =>
app_inj_tail l (cons b nil) _ _ H).
(* An example from NMake (simplified), that uses restriction in solve_refl *)
Parameter h:(nat->nat)->(nat->nat).
Fixpoint G p cont {struct p} :=
h (fun n => match p with O => cont | S p => G p cont end n).
(* An example from Bordeaux/Cantor that applies evar restriction
below a binder *)
Require Import Relations.
Parameter lex : forall (A B : Set), (forall (a1 a2:A), {a1=a2}+{a1<>a2})
-> relation A -> relation B -> A * B -> A * B -> Prop.
forall (A B : Set) eq_A_dec o1 o2,
antisymmetric A o1 -> transitive A o1 -> transitive B o2 ->
transitive _ (lex _ _ eq_A_dec o1 o2).
(* Another example from Julien Forest that tests unification below binders *)
Require Import List.
Set Implicit Arguments.
merge : forall (A B : Set) (eqA : forall (a1 a2 : A), {a1=a2}+{a1<>a2})
(eqB : forall (b1 b2 : B), {b1=b2}+{b1<>b2})
(partial_res l : list (A*B)), option (list (A*B)).
Axiom merge_correct :
forall (A B : Set) eqA eqB (l1 l2 : list (A*B)),
(forall a2 b2 c2, In (a2,b2) l2 -> In (a2,c2) l2 -> b2 = c2) ->
match merge eqA eqB l1 l2 with _ => True end.
Unset Implicit Arguments.
(* An example from Bordeaux/Additions that tests restriction below binders *)
Section Additions_while.
Variable A : Set.
Variables P Q : A -> Prop.
Variable le : A -> A -> Prop.
Hypothesis Q_dec : forall s : A, P s -> {Q s} + {~ Q s}.
Hypothesis le_step : forall s : A, ~ Q s -> P s -> {s' | P s' /\ le s' s}.
Hypothesis le_wf : well_founded le.
Lemma loopexec : forall s : A, P s -> {s' : A | P s' /\ Q s'}.
(well_founded_induction_type le_wf (fun s => _ -> {s' : A | _ /\ _})
(fun s hr i =>
match Q_dec s i with
| left _ => _
| right _ =>
match le_step s _ _ with
| exist _ s' h' =>
match hr s' _ _ with
| exist _ s'' _ => exist _ s'' _
End Additions_while.
(* Two examples from G. Melquiond (BZ#1878 and BZ#1884) *)
Parameter F1 G1 : nat -> Prop.
Goal forall x : nat, F1 x -> G1 x.
refine (fun x H => proj2 (_ x H)).
Goal forall x : nat, F1 x -> G1 x.
refine (fun x H => proj2 (_ x H) _).
(* An example from y-not that was failing in 8.2rc1 *)
Fixpoint filter (A:nat->Set) (l:list (sigT A)) : list (sigT A) :=
match l with
| nil => nil
| (existT _ k v)::l' => (existT _ k v):: (filter A l')
(* BZ#2000: used to raise Out of memory in 8.2 while it should fail by
lack of information on the conclusion of the type of j *)
Goal True.
set (p:=fun j => j (or_intror _ (fun a:True => j (or_introl _ a)))) || idtac.
(* Remark: the following example stopped succeeding at some time in
the development of 8.2 but it works again (this was because 8.2
algorithm was more general and did not exclude a solution that it
should have excluded for typing reason; handling of types and
backtracking is still to be done) *)
Section S.
Variables A B : nat -> Prop.
Goal forall x : nat, A x -> B x.
refine (fun x H => proj2 (_ x H) _).
End S.
(* Check that constraints are taken into account by tactics that instantiate *)
Lemma inj : forall n m, S n = S m -> n = m.
intros n m H.
eapply f_equal with (* should fail because ill-typed *)
(f := fun n =>
match n return match n with S _ => nat | _ => unit end with
| S n => n
| _ => tt
end) in H
|| injection H.
(* A legitimate simple eapply that was failing in coq <= 8.3.
Cf. in Unification.w_merge the addition of an extra pose_all_metas_as_evars
on 30/9/2010
Lemma simple_eapply_was_failing :
(forall f:nat->nat, exists g, f = g) -> True.
assert (modusponens : forall P Q, P -> (P->Q) -> Q) by auto.
eapply modusponens.
simple eapply H.
(* error message with V8.3 :
Impossible to unify "?18" with "fun g : nat -> nat => ?6 = g". *)
(* Regression test *)
Definition fo : option nat -> nat := option_rec _ (fun a => 0) 0.
(* This example revealed an incorrect evar restriction at some time
around October 2011 *)
Goal forall (A:Type) (a:A) (P:forall A, A -> Prop), (P A a) /\ (P A a).
refine ((fun H => conj (proj1 H) (proj2 H)) _).
(* The argument of e below failed to be inferred from r14219 (Oct 2011) to *)
(* r14753 after the restrictions made on detecting Miller's pattern in the *)
(* presence of alias, only the second-order unification procedure was *)
(* able to solve this problem but it was deactivated for 8.4 in r14219 *)
Definition k0
(e:forall P : nat -> Prop, (exists n : nat, P n) -> nat)
(j : forall a, exists n : nat, n = a) o :=
match o with (* note: match introduces an alias! *)
| Some a => e _ (j a)
| None => O
Definition k1
(e:forall P : nat -> Prop, (exists n : nat, P n) -> nat)
(j : forall a, exists n : nat, n = a) a (b:=a) := e _ (j a).
Definition k2
(e:forall P : nat -> Prop, (exists n : nat, P n) -> nat)
(j : forall a, exists n : nat, n = a) a (b:=a) := e _ (j b).
(* Other examples about aliases involved in pattern unification *)
Definition k3
(e:forall P : nat -> Prop, (exists n : nat, P n) -> nat)
(j : forall a, exists n : nat, let a' := a in n = a') a (b:=a) := e _ (j b).
Definition k4
(e:forall P : nat -> Prop, (exists n : nat, P n) -> nat)
(j : forall a, exists n : nat, let a' := S a in n = a') a (b:=a) := e _ (j b).
Definition k5
(e:forall P : nat -> Prop, (exists n : nat, P n) -> nat)
(j : forall a, let a' := S a in exists n : nat, n = a') a (b:=a) := e _ (j b).
Definition k6
(e:forall P : nat -> Prop, (exists n : nat, P n) -> nat)
(j : forall a, exists n : nat, let n' := S n in n' = a) a (b:=a) := e _ (j b).
Definition k7
(e:forall P : nat -> Prop, (exists n : nat, let n' := n in P n') -> nat)
(j : forall a, exists n : nat, n = a) a (b:=a) := e _ (j b).
(* An example that uses materialize_evar under binders *)
(* Extracted from bigop.v in the mathematical components library *)
Section Bigop.
Variable bigop : forall R I: Type,
R -> (R -> R -> R) -> list I -> (I->Prop) -> (I -> R) -> R.
Hypothesis eq_bigr :
forall (R : Type) (idx : R) (op : R -> R -> R)
(I : Type) (r : list I) (P : I -> Prop) (F1 F2 : I -> R),
(forall i : I, P i -> F1 i = F2 i) ->
bigop R I idx op r (fun i : I => P i) (fun i : I => F1 i) = idx.
Hypothesis big_tnth :
forall (R : Type) (idx : R) (op : R -> R -> R)
(I : Type) (r : list I) (P : I -> Prop) (F : I -> R),
bigop R I idx op r (fun i : I => P i) (fun i : I => F i) = idx.
Hypothesis big_tnth_with_letin :
forall (R : Type) (idx : R) (op : R -> R -> R)
(I : Type) (r : list I) (P : I -> Prop) (F : I -> R),
bigop R I idx op r (fun i : I => let i:=i in P i) (fun i : I => F i) = idx.
Variable R : Type.
Variable idx : R.
Variable op : R -> R -> R.
Variable I : Type.
Variable J : Type.
Variable rI : list I.
Variable rJ : list J.
Variable xQ : J -> Prop.
Variable P : I -> Prop.
Variable Q : I -> J -> Prop.
Variable F : I -> J -> R.
(* Check unification under binders *)
Check (eq_bigr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (fun _ _ => big_tnth _ _ _ _ rI _ _))
: (bigop R J idx op rJ
(fun j : J => let k:=j in xQ k)
(fun j : J => let k:=j in
bigop R I idx
op rI
(fun i : I => P i /\ Q i k) (fun i : I => let k:=j in F i k))) = idx.
(* Check also with let-in *)
Check (eq_bigr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (fun _ _ => big_tnth_with_letin _ _ _ _ rI _ _))
: (bigop R J idx op rJ
(fun j : J => let k:=j in xQ k)
(fun j : J => let k:=j in
bigop R I idx
op rI
(fun i : I => P i /\ Q i k) (fun i : I => let k:=j in F i k))) = idx.
End Bigop.
(* Check the use of (at least) an heuristic to solve problems of the form
"?x[t] = ?y" where ?y occurs in t without easily knowing if ?y can
eventually be erased in t *)
Section evar_evar_occur.
Variable id : nat -> nat.
Variable f : forall x, id x = 0 -> id x = 0 -> x = 1 /\ x = 2.
Variable g : forall y, id y = 0 /\ id y = 0.
(* Still evars in the resulting type, but constraints should be solved *)
Check match g _ with conj a b => f _ a b end.
End evar_evar_occur.
(* Eta expansion (BZ#2936) *)
Record iffT (X Y:Type) : Type := mkIff { iffLR : X->Y; iffRL : Y->X }.
Record tri (R:Type->Type->Type) (S:Type->Type->Type) (T:Type->Type->Type) := mkTri {
tri0 : forall a b c, R a b -> S a c -> T b c
Arguments mkTri [R S T].
Definition tri_iffT : tri iffT iffT iffT :=
(fun X0 X1 X2 E01 E02 =>
(mkIff _ _ (fun x1 => iffLR _ _ E02 (iffRL _ _ E01 x1))
(fun x2 => iffLR _ _ E01 (iffRL _ _ E02 x2))))).
(* Check that local defs names are preserved if possible during unification *)
Goal forall x (x':=x) (f:forall y, y=y:>nat -> Prop), f _ (eq_refl x').
unfold x' at 2. (* A way to check that there are indeed 2 occurrences of x' *)
(* A simple example we would like not to fail (it used to fail because of
not strict enough evar restriction) *)
Check match Some _ with None => _ | _ => _ end.
(* Used to fail for a couple of days in Nov 2014 *)
Axiom test : forall P1 P2, P1 = P2 -> P1 -> P2.
(* Check use of candidates *)
Import EqNotations.
Definition test2 {A B:Type} {H:A=B} (a:A) : B := rew H in a.
(* Check that pre-existing evars are not counted as newly undefined in "set" *)
(* Reported by Théo *)
Goal exists n : nat, n = n -> True.
set (H := _ = _).
(* Check interpretation of default evar instance in pretyping *)
(* (reported as bug #7356) *)
Check fun (P : nat -> Prop) (x:nat) (h:P x) => exist _ ?[z] (h : P ?z).
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