(* -*- mode: coq; coq-prog-args: ("-allow-sprop") -*- *)
Set Primitive Projections.
Set Warnings "+non-primitive-record".
Set Warnings "+bad-relevance".
Check SProp.
Definition iUnit : SProp := forall A : SProp, A -> A.
Definition itt : iUnit := fun A a => a.
Definition iUnit_irr (P : iUnit -> Type) (x y : iUnit) : P x -> P y
:= fun v => v.
Definition iSquash (A:Type) : SProp
:= forall P : SProp, (A -> P) -> P.
Definition isquash A : A -> iSquash A
:= fun a P f => f a.
Definition iSquash_rect A (P : iSquash A -> SProp) (H : forall x : A, P (isquash A x))
: forall x : iSquash A, P x
:= fun x => x (P x) (H : A -> P x).
Fail Check (fun A : SProp => A : Type).
Lemma foo : Prop.
Proof. pose (fun A : SProp => A : Type); exact True. Fail Qed. Abort.
(* define evar as product *)
Check (fun (f:(_:SProp)) => f _).
Inductive sBox (A:SProp) : Prop
:= sbox : A -> sBox A.
Definition uBox := sBox iUnit.
Definition sBox_irr A (x y : sBox A) : x = y.
Fail reflexivity.
destruct x as [x], y as [y].
(* Primitive record with all fields in SProp has the eta property of SProp so must be SProp. *)
Fail Record rBox (A:SProp) : Prop := rmkbox { runbox : A }.
Section Opt.
Local Unset Primitive Projections.
Record rBox (A:SProp) : Prop := rmkbox { runbox : A }.
End Opt.
(* Check that defining as an emulated record worked *)
Check runbox.
(* Check that it doesn't have eta *)
Fail Check (fun (A : SProp) (x : rBox A) => eq_refl : x = @rmkbox _ (@runbox _ x)).
Inductive sEmpty : SProp := .
Inductive sUnit : SProp := stt.
Inductive BIG : SProp := foo | bar.
Inductive Squash (A:Type) : SProp
:= squash : A -> Squash A.
Definition BIG_flip : BIG -> BIG.
intros [|]. exact bar. exact foo.
Inductive pb : Prop := pt | pf.
Definition pb_big : pb -> BIG.
intros [|]. exact foo. exact bar.
Fail Definition big_pb (b:BIG) : pb :=
match b return pb with foo => pt | bar => pf end.
Inductive which_pb : pb -> SProp :=
| is_pt : which_pb pt
| is_pf : which_pb pf.
Fail Definition pb_which b (w:which_pb b) : bool
:= match w with
| is_pt => true
| is_pf => false
(* Non primitive because no arguments, but maybe we should allow it for sprops? *)
Fail Record UnitRecord : SProp := {}.
Section Opt.
Local Unset Primitive Projections.
Record UnitRecord' : SProp := {}.
End Opt.
Fail Scheme Induction for UnitRecord' Sort Set.
Record sProd (A B : SProp) : SProp := sPair { sFst : A; sSnd : B }.
Scheme Induction for sProd Sort Set.
Unset Primitive Projections.
Record sProd' (A B : SProp) : SProp := sPair' { sFst' : A; sSnd' : B }.
Set Primitive Projections.
Fail Scheme Induction for sProd' Sort Set.
Inductive Istrue : bool -> SProp := istrue : Istrue true.
Definition Istrue_sym (b:bool) := if b then sUnit else sEmpty.
Definition Istrue_to_sym b (i:Istrue b) : Istrue_sym b := match i with istrue => stt end.
Definition Istrue_rec (P:forall b, Istrue b -> Set) (H:P true istrue) b (i:Istrue b) : P b i.
destruct b.
- exact_no_check H.
- apply sEmpty_rec. apply Istrue_to_sym in i. exact i.
Check (fun P v (e:Istrue true) => eq_refl : Istrue_rec P v _ e = v).
Record Truepack := truepack { trueval :> bool; trueprop : Istrue trueval }.
Definition Truepack_eta (x : Truepack) (i : Istrue x) : x = truepack x i := @eq_refl Truepack x.
Class emptyclass : SProp := emptyinstance : forall A:SProp, A.
(** Sigma in SProp can be done through Squash and relevant sigma. *)
Definition sSigma (A:SProp) (B:A -> SProp) : SProp
:= Squash (@sigT (rBox A) (fun x => rBox (B (runbox _ x)))).
Definition spair (A:SProp) (B:A->SProp) (x:A) (y:B x) : sSigma A B
:= squash _ (existT _ (rmkbox _ x) (rmkbox _ y)).
Definition spr1 (A:SProp) (B:A->SProp) (p:sSigma A B) : A
:= let 'squash _ (existT _ x y) := p in runbox _ x.
Definition spr2 (A:SProp) (B:A->SProp) (p:sSigma A B) : B (spr1 A B p)
:= let 'squash _ (existT _ x y) := p return B (spr1 A B p) in runbox _ y.
(* it's SProp so it computes properly *)
(** Fixpoints on SProp values are only allowed to produce SProp results *)
Inductive sAcc (x:nat) : SProp := sAcc_in : (forall y, y < x -> sAcc y) -> sAcc x.
Definition sAcc_inv x (s:sAcc x) : forall y, y < x -> sAcc y.
destruct s as [H]. exact H.
Section sFix_fail.
Variable P : nat -> Type.
Variable F : forall x:nat, (forall y:nat, y < x -> P y) -> P x.
Fail Fixpoint sFix (x:nat) (a:sAcc x) {struct a} : P x :=
F x (fun (y:nat) (h: y < x) => sFix y (sAcc_inv x a y h)).
End sFix_fail.
Section sFix.
Variable P : nat -> SProp.
Variable F : forall x:nat, (forall y:nat, y < x -> P y) -> P x.
Fixpoint sFix (x:nat) (a:sAcc x) {struct a} : P x :=
F x (fun (y:nat) (h: y < x) => sFix y (sAcc_inv x a y h)).
End sFix.
(** Relevance repairs *)
Fail Definition fix_relevance : _ -> nat := fun _ : iUnit => 0.
Require Import ssreflect.
Goal forall T : SProp, T -> True.
move=> T +.
intros X;exact I.
Set Warnings "-bad-relevance".
Definition fix_relevance : _ -> nat := fun _ : iUnit => 0.
(* relevance isn't fixed when checking P x == P y *)
Fail Definition relevance_unfixed := fun (A:SProp) (P:A -> Prop) x y (v:P x) => v : P y.
(* but the kernel is fine *)
Definition relevance_unfixed := fun (A:SProp) (P:A -> Prop) x y (v:P x) =>
ltac:(exact_no_check v) : P y.
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.18 Sekunden
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