(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
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(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
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(** Nota : this file is OBSOLETE, and left only for compatibility.
Please consider using [Nat.div2] directly, and results about it
(see file PeanoNat). *)
Require Import PeanoNat Even.
Local Open Scope nat_scope.
Implicit Type n : nat.
(** Here we define [n/2] and prove some of its properties *)
Notation div2 := Nat.div2 (only parsing).
(** Since [div2] is recursively defined on [0], [1] and [(S (S n))], it is
useful to prove the corresponding induction principle *)
Lemma ind_0_1_SS :
forall P:nat -> Prop,
P 0 -> P 1 -> (forall n, P n -> P (S (S n))) -> forall n, P n.
intros P H0 H1 H2.
fix ind_0_1_SS 1.
destruct n as [|[|n]].
- exact H0.
- exact H1.
- apply H2, ind_0_1_SS.
(** [0 <n => n/2 < n] *)
Lemma lt_div2 n : 0 < n -> div2 n < n.
Proof. apply Nat.lt_div2. Qed.
Hint Resolve lt_div2: arith.
(** Properties related to the parity *)
Lemma even_div2 n : even n -> div2 n = div2 (S n).
rewrite Even.even_equiv. intros (p,->).
rewrite Nat.div2_succ_double. apply Nat.div2_double.
Lemma odd_div2 n : odd n -> S (div2 n) = div2 (S n).
rewrite Even.odd_equiv. intros (p,->).
rewrite Nat.add_1_r, Nat.div2_succ_double.
simpl. f_equal. symmetry. apply Nat.div2_double.
Lemma div2_even n : div2 n = div2 (S n) -> even n.
destruct (even_or_odd n) as [Ev|Od]; trivial.
apply odd_div2 in Od. rewrite <- Od. intro Od'.
elim (n_Sn _ Od').
Lemma div2_odd n : S (div2 n) = div2 (S n) -> odd n.
destruct (even_or_odd n) as [Ev|Od]; trivial.
apply even_div2 in Ev. rewrite <- Ev. intro Ev'.
symmetry in Ev'. elim (n_Sn _ Ev').
Hint Resolve even_div2 div2_even odd_div2 div2_odd: arith.
Lemma even_odd_div2 n :
(even n <-> div2 n = div2 (S n)) /\
(odd n <-> S (div2 n) = div2 (S n)).
split; split; auto using div2_odd, div2_even, odd_div2, even_div2.
(** Properties related to the double ([2n]) *)
Notation double := Nat.double (only parsing).
Hint Unfold double Nat.double: arith.
Lemma double_S n : double (S n) = S (S (double n)).
apply Nat.add_succ_r.
Lemma double_plus n m : double (n + m) = double n + double m.
apply Nat.add_shuffle1.
Hint Resolve double_S: arith.
Lemma even_odd_double n :
(even n <-> n = double (div2 n)) /\ (odd n <-> n = S (double (div2 n))).
revert n. fix even_odd_double 1. destruct n as [|[|n]].
- (* n = 0 *)
split; split; auto with arith. inversion 1.
- (* n = 1 *)
split; split; auto with arith. inversion_clear 1. inversion H0.
- (* n = (S (S n')) *)
destruct (even_odd_double n) as ((Ev,Ev'),(Od,Od')).
split; split; simpl div2; rewrite ?double_S.
+ inversion_clear 1. inversion_clear H0. auto.
+ injection 1. auto with arith.
+ inversion_clear 1. inversion_clear H0. auto.
+ injection 1. auto with arith.
(** Specializations *)
Lemma even_double n : even n -> n = double (div2 n).
Proof proj1 (proj1 (even_odd_double n)).
Lemma double_even n : n = double (div2 n) -> even n.
Proof proj2 (proj1 (even_odd_double n)).
Lemma odd_double n : odd n -> n = S (double (div2 n)).
Proof proj1 (proj2 (even_odd_double n)).
Lemma double_odd n : n = S (double (div2 n)) -> odd n.
Proof proj2 (proj2 (even_odd_double n)).
Hint Resolve even_double double_even odd_double double_odd: arith.
(** Application:
- if [n] is even then there is a [p] such that [n = 2p]
- if [n] is odd then there is a [p] such that [n = 2p+1]
(Immediate: it is [n/2]) *)
Lemma even_2n : forall n, even n -> {p : nat | n = double p}.
intros n H. exists (div2 n). auto with arith.
Lemma odd_S2n : forall n, odd n -> {p : nat | n = S (double p)}.
intros n H. exists (div2 n). auto with arith.
(** Doubling before dividing by two brings back to the initial number. *)
Lemma div2_double n : div2 (2*n) = n.
Proof. apply Nat.div2_double. Qed.
Lemma div2_double_plus_one n : div2 (S (2*n)) = n.
Proof. apply Nat.div2_succ_double. Qed.
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.24 Sekunden
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