(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
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(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
Require Import Rbase.
Require Import Rfunctions.
Require Import Rseries.
Require Import Max.
Require Import Omega.
Local Open Scope R_scope.
(** Convergence properties of sequences *)
Definition Un_decreasing (Un:nat -> R) : Prop :=
forall n:nat, Un (S n) <= Un n.
Definition opp_seq (Un:nat -> R) (n:nat) : R := - Un n.
Definition has_ub (Un:nat -> R) : Prop := bound (EUn Un).
Definition has_lb (Un:nat -> R) : Prop := bound (EUn (opp_seq Un)).
Lemma growing_cv :
forall Un:nat -> R, Un_growing Un -> has_ub Un -> { l:R | Un_cv Un l }.
intros Un Hug Heub.
exists (proj1_sig (completeness (EUn Un) Heub (EUn_noempty Un))).
destruct (completeness _ Heub (EUn_noempty Un)) as (l, H).
now apply Un_cv_crit_lub.
Lemma decreasing_growing :
forall Un:nat -> R, Un_decreasing Un -> Un_growing (opp_seq Un).
unfold Un_growing, opp_seq, Un_decreasing.
apply Ropp_le_contravar.
apply H.
Lemma decreasing_cv :
forall Un:nat -> R, Un_decreasing Un -> has_lb Un -> { l:R | Un_cv Un l }.
cut ({ l:R | Un_cv (opp_seq Un) l } -> { l:R | Un_cv Un l }).
intro X.
apply X.
apply growing_cv.
apply decreasing_growing; assumption.
exact H0.
intros (x,p).
exists (- x).
unfold Un_cv in p.
unfold R_dist in p.
unfold opp_seq in p.
unfold Un_cv.
unfold R_dist.
elim (p eps H1); intros.
exists x0; intros.
assert (H4 := H2 n H3).
rewrite <- Rabs_Ropp.
replace (- (Un n - - x)) with (- Un n - x); [ assumption | ring ].
Lemma ub_to_lub :
forall Un:nat -> R, has_ub Un -> { l:R | is_lub (EUn Un) l }.
unfold has_ub in H.
apply completeness.
exists (Un 0%nat).
unfold EUn.
exists 0%nat; reflexivity.
Lemma lb_to_glb :
forall Un:nat -> R, has_lb Un -> { l:R | is_lub (EUn (opp_seq Un)) l }.
intros; unfold has_lb in H.
apply completeness.
exists (- Un 0%nat).
exists 0%nat.
Definition lub (Un:nat -> R) (pr:has_ub Un) : R :=
let (a,_) := ub_to_lub Un pr in a.
Definition glb (Un:nat -> R) (pr:has_lb Un) : R :=
let (a,_) := lb_to_glb Un pr in - a.
(* Compatibility with previous unappropriate terminology *)
Notation maj_sup := ub_to_lub (only parsing).
Notation min_inf := lb_to_glb (only parsing).
Notation majorant := lub (only parsing).
Notation minorant := glb (only parsing).
Lemma maj_ss :
forall (Un:nat -> R) (k:nat),
has_ub Un -> has_ub (fun i:nat => Un (k + i)%nat).
unfold has_ub in H.
unfold bound in H.
elim H; intros.
unfold is_upper_bound in H0.
unfold has_ub.
exists x.
unfold is_upper_bound.
apply H0.
elim H1; intros.
exists (k + x1)%nat; assumption.
Lemma min_ss :
forall (Un:nat -> R) (k:nat),
has_lb Un -> has_lb (fun i:nat => Un (k + i)%nat).
unfold has_lb in H.
unfold bound in H.
elim H; intros.
unfold is_upper_bound in H0.
unfold has_lb.
exists x.
unfold is_upper_bound.
apply H0.
elim H1; intros.
exists (k + x1)%nat; assumption.
Definition sequence_ub (Un:nat -> R) (pr:has_ub Un)
(i:nat) : R := lub (fun k:nat => Un (i + k)%nat) (maj_ss Un i pr).
Definition sequence_lb (Un:nat -> R) (pr:has_lb Un)
(i:nat) : R := glb (fun k:nat => Un (i + k)%nat) (min_ss Un i pr).
(* Compatibility *)
Notation sequence_majorant := sequence_ub (only parsing).
Notation sequence_minorant := sequence_lb (only parsing).
Lemma Wn_decreasing :
forall (Un:nat -> R) (pr:has_ub Un), Un_decreasing (sequence_ub Un pr).
unfold Un_decreasing.
unfold sequence_ub.
pose proof (ub_to_lub (fun k:nat => Un (S n + k)%nat) (maj_ss Un (S n) pr)) as (x,(H1,H2)).
pose proof (ub_to_lub (fun k:nat => Un (n + k)%nat) (maj_ss Un n pr)) as (x0,(H3,H4)).
cut (lub (fun k:nat => Un (S n + k)%nat) (maj_ss Un (S n) pr) = x);
[ intro Maj1; rewrite Maj1 | idtac ].
cut (lub (fun k:nat => Un (n + k)%nat) (maj_ss Un n pr) = x0);
[ intro Maj2; rewrite Maj2 | idtac ].
apply H2.
unfold is_upper_bound.
intros x1 H5.
unfold is_upper_bound in H3.
apply H3.
elim H5; intros.
exists (1 + x2)%nat.
replace (n + (1 + x2))%nat with (S n + x2)%nat.
replace (S n) with (1 + n)%nat; [ ring | ring ].
(is_lub (EUn (fun k:nat => Un (n + k)%nat))
(lub (fun k:nat => Un (n + k)%nat) (maj_ss Un n pr))).
intros (H5,H6).
assert (H7 := H6 x0 H3).
(H8 := H4 (lub (fun k:nat => Un (n + k)%nat) (maj_ss Un n pr)) H5).
apply Rle_antisym; assumption.
unfold lub.
case (ub_to_lub (fun k:nat => Un (n + k)%nat) (maj_ss Un n pr)).
(is_lub (EUn (fun k:nat => Un (S n + k)%nat))
(lub (fun k:nat => Un (S n + k)%nat) (maj_ss Un (S n) pr))).
intros (H5,H6).
assert (H7 := H6 x H1).
(H8 :=
H2 (lub (fun k:nat => Un (S n + k)%nat) (maj_ss Un (S n) pr)) H5).
apply Rle_antisym; assumption.
unfold lub.
case (ub_to_lub (fun k:nat => Un (S n + k)%nat) (maj_ss Un (S n) pr)).
Lemma Vn_growing :
forall (Un:nat -> R) (pr:has_lb Un), Un_growing (sequence_lb Un pr).
unfold Un_growing.
unfold sequence_lb.
assert (H := lb_to_glb (fun k:nat => Un (S n + k)%nat) (min_ss Un (S n) pr)).
assert (H0 := lb_to_glb (fun k:nat => Un (n + k)%nat) (min_ss Un n pr)).
elim H; intros.
elim H0; intros.
cut (glb (fun k:nat => Un (S n + k)%nat) (min_ss Un (S n) pr) = - x);
[ intro Maj1; rewrite Maj1 | idtac ].
cut (glb (fun k:nat => Un (n + k)%nat) (min_ss Un n pr) = - x0);
[ intro Maj2; rewrite Maj2 | idtac ].
unfold is_lub in p.
unfold is_lub in p0.
elim p; intros.
apply Ropp_le_contravar.
apply H2.
elim p0; intros.
unfold is_upper_bound.
unfold is_upper_bound in H3.
apply H3.
elim H5; intros.
exists (1 + x2)%nat.
unfold opp_seq in H6.
unfold opp_seq.
replace (n + (1 + x2))%nat with (S n + x2)%nat.
replace (S n) with (1 + n)%nat; [ ring | ring ].
(is_lub (EUn (opp_seq (fun k:nat => Un (n + k)%nat)))
(- glb (fun k:nat => Un (n + k)%nat) (min_ss Un n pr))).
unfold is_lub in p0; unfold is_lub in H1.
elim p0; intros; elim H1; intros.
assert (H6 := H5 x0 H2).
(H7 := H3 (- glb (fun k:nat => Un (n + k)%nat) (min_ss Un n pr)) H4).
rewrite <-
(Ropp_involutive (glb (fun k:nat => Un (n + k)%nat) (min_ss Un n pr)))
apply Ropp_eq_compat; apply Rle_antisym; assumption.
unfold glb.
case (lb_to_glb (fun k:nat => Un (n + k)%nat) (min_ss Un n pr)); simpl.
intro; rewrite Ropp_involutive.
(is_lub (EUn (opp_seq (fun k:nat => Un (S n + k)%nat)))
(- glb (fun k:nat => Un (S n + k)%nat) (min_ss Un (S n) pr))).
unfold is_lub in p; unfold is_lub in H1.
elim p; intros; elim H1; intros.
assert (H6 := H5 x H2).
(H7 :=
H3 (- glb (fun k:nat => Un (S n + k)%nat) (min_ss Un (S n) pr)) H4).
rewrite <-
(glb (fun k:nat => Un (S n + k)%nat) (min_ss Un (S n) pr)))
apply Ropp_eq_compat; apply Rle_antisym; assumption.
unfold glb.
case (lb_to_glb (fun k:nat => Un (S n + k)%nat) (min_ss Un (S n) pr)); simpl.
intro; rewrite Ropp_involutive.
Lemma Vn_Un_Wn_order :
forall (Un:nat -> R) (pr1:has_ub Un) (pr2:has_lb Un)
(n:nat), sequence_lb Un pr2 n <= Un n <= sequence_ub Un pr1 n.
unfold sequence_lb.
cut { l:R | is_lub (EUn (opp_seq (fun i:nat => Un (n + i)%nat))) l }.
intro X.
elim X; intros.
replace (glb (fun k:nat => Un (n + k)%nat) (min_ss Un n pr2)) with (- x).
unfold is_lub in p.
elim p; intros.
unfold is_upper_bound in H.
rewrite <- (Ropp_involutive (Un n)).
apply Ropp_le_contravar.
apply H.
exists 0%nat.
unfold opp_seq.
replace (n + 0)%nat with n; [ reflexivity | ring ].
(is_lub (EUn (opp_seq (fun k:nat => Un (n + k)%nat)))
(- glb (fun k:nat => Un (n + k)%nat) (min_ss Un n pr2))).
unfold is_lub in p; unfold is_lub in H.
elim p; intros; elim H; intros.
assert (H4 := H3 x H0).
(H5 := H1 (- glb (fun k:nat => Un (n + k)%nat) (min_ss Un n pr2)) H2).
rewrite <-
(Ropp_involutive (glb (fun k:nat => Un (n + k)%nat) (min_ss Un n pr2)))
apply Ropp_eq_compat; apply Rle_antisym; assumption.
unfold glb.
case (lb_to_glb (fun k:nat => Un (n + k)%nat) (min_ss Un n pr2)); simpl.
intro; rewrite Ropp_involutive.
apply lb_to_glb.
apply min_ss; assumption.
unfold sequence_ub.
cut { l:R | is_lub (EUn (fun i:nat => Un (n + i)%nat)) l }.
intro X.
elim X; intros.
replace (lub (fun k:nat => Un (n + k)%nat) (maj_ss Un n pr1)) with x.
unfold is_lub in p.
elim p; intros.
unfold is_upper_bound in H.
apply H.
exists 0%nat.
replace (n + 0)%nat with n; [ reflexivity | ring ].
(is_lub (EUn (fun k:nat => Un (n + k)%nat))
(lub (fun k:nat => Un (n + k)%nat) (maj_ss Un n pr1))).
unfold is_lub in p; unfold is_lub in H.
elim p; intros; elim H; intros.
assert (H4 := H3 x H0).
(H5 := H1 (lub (fun k:nat => Un (n + k)%nat) (maj_ss Un n pr1)) H2).
apply Rle_antisym; assumption.
unfold lub.
case (ub_to_lub (fun k:nat => Un (n + k)%nat) (maj_ss Un n pr1)).
intro; trivial.
apply ub_to_lub.
apply maj_ss; assumption.
Lemma min_maj :
forall (Un:nat -> R) (pr1:has_ub Un) (pr2:has_lb Un),
has_ub (sequence_lb Un pr2).
assert (H := Vn_Un_Wn_order Un pr1 pr2).
unfold has_ub.
unfold bound.
unfold has_ub in pr1.
unfold bound in pr1.
elim pr1; intros.
exists x.
unfold is_upper_bound.
unfold is_upper_bound in H0.
elim H1; intros.
rewrite H2.
apply Rle_trans with (Un x1).
assert (H3 := H x1); elim H3; intros; assumption.
apply H0.
exists x1; reflexivity.
Lemma maj_min :
forall (Un:nat -> R) (pr1:has_ub Un) (pr2:has_lb Un),
has_lb (sequence_ub Un pr1).
assert (H := Vn_Un_Wn_order Un pr1 pr2).
unfold has_lb.
unfold bound.
unfold has_lb in pr2.
unfold bound in pr2.
elim pr2; intros.
exists x.
unfold is_upper_bound.
unfold is_upper_bound in H0.
elim H1; intros.
rewrite H2.
apply Rle_trans with (opp_seq Un x1).
assert (H3 := H x1); elim H3; intros.
unfold opp_seq; apply Ropp_le_contravar.
apply H0.
exists x1; reflexivity.
Lemma cauchy_maj : forall Un:nat -> R, Cauchy_crit Un -> has_ub Un.
unfold has_ub.
apply cauchy_bound.
Lemma cauchy_opp :
forall Un:nat -> R, Cauchy_crit Un -> Cauchy_crit (opp_seq Un).
unfold Cauchy_crit.
unfold R_dist.
elim (H eps H0); intros.
exists x; intros.
unfold opp_seq.
rewrite <- Rabs_Ropp.
replace (- (- Un n - - Un m)) with (Un n - Un m);
[ apply H1; assumption | ring ].
Lemma cauchy_min : forall Un:nat -> R, Cauchy_crit Un -> has_lb Un.
unfold has_lb.
assert (H0 := cauchy_opp _ H).
apply cauchy_bound.
Lemma maj_cv :
forall (Un:nat -> R) (pr:Cauchy_crit Un),
{ l:R | Un_cv (sequence_ub Un (cauchy_maj Un pr)) l }.
apply decreasing_cv.
apply Wn_decreasing.
apply maj_min.
apply cauchy_min.
Lemma min_cv :
forall (Un:nat -> R) (pr:Cauchy_crit Un),
{ l:R | Un_cv (sequence_lb Un (cauchy_min Un pr)) l }.
apply growing_cv.
apply Vn_growing.
apply min_maj.
apply cauchy_maj.
Lemma cond_eq :
forall x y:R, (forall eps:R, 0 < eps -> Rabs (x - y) < eps) -> x = y.
destruct (total_order_T x y) as [[Hlt|Heq]|Hgt].
cut (0 < y - x).
assert (H1 := H (y - x) H0).
rewrite <- Rabs_Ropp in H1.
cut (- (x - y) = y - x); [ intro; rewrite H2 in H1 | ring ].
rewrite Rabs_right in H1.
elim (Rlt_irrefl _ H1).
left; assumption.
apply Rplus_lt_reg_l with x.
rewrite Rplus_0_r; replace (x + (y - x)) with y; [ assumption | ring ].
cut (0 < x - y).
assert (H1 := H (x - y) H0).
rewrite Rabs_right in H1.
elim (Rlt_irrefl _ H1).
left; assumption.
apply Rplus_lt_reg_l with y.
rewrite Rplus_0_r; replace (y + (x - y)) with x; [ assumption | ring ].
Lemma not_Rlt : forall r1 r2:R, ~ r1 < r2 -> r1 >= r2.
intros r1 r2; generalize (Rtotal_order r1 r2); unfold Rge.
Lemma approx_maj :
forall (Un:nat -> R) (pr:has_ub Un) (eps:R),
0 < eps -> exists k : nat, Rabs (lub Un pr - Un k) < eps.
intros Un pr.
pose (Vn := fix aux n := match n with S n' => if Rle_lt_dec (aux n') (Un n) then Un n else aux n' | O => Un O end).
pose (In := fix aux n := match n with S n' => if Rle_lt_dec (Vn n) (Un n) then n else aux n' | O => O end).
assert (VUI: forall n, Vn n = Un (In n)).
induction n.
destruct (Rle_lt_dec (Vn n) (Un (S n))) as [H1|H1].
destruct (Rle_lt_dec (Un (S n)) (Un (S n))) as [H2|H2].
elim (Rlt_irrefl _ H2).
destruct (Rle_lt_dec (Vn n) (Un (S n))) as [H2|H2].
elim (Rlt_irrefl _ (Rle_lt_trans _ _ _ H2 H1)).
exact IHn.
assert (HubV : has_ub Vn).
destruct pr as (ub, Hub).
exists ub.
intros x (n, Hn).
rewrite Hn, VUI.
apply Hub.
now exists (In n).
assert (HgrV : Un_growing Vn).
intros n.
induction n.
destruct (Rle_lt_dec (Un O) (Un 1%nat)) as [H|_].
exact H.
apply Rle_refl.
destruct (Rle_lt_dec (Vn n) (Un (S n))) as [H1|H1].
destruct (Rle_lt_dec (Un (S n)) (Un (S (S n)))) as [H2|H2].
exact H2.
apply Rle_refl.
destruct (Rle_lt_dec (Vn n) (Un (S (S n)))) as [H2|H2].
exact H2.
apply Rle_refl.
destruct (ub_to_lub Vn HubV) as (l, Hl).
unfold lub.
destruct (ub_to_lub Un pr) as (l', Hl').
replace l' with l.
intros eps Heps.
destruct (Un_cv_crit_lub Vn HgrV l Hl eps Heps) as (n, Hn).
exists (In n).
rewrite <- VUI.
rewrite Rabs_minus_sym.
apply Hn.
apply le_refl.
apply Rle_antisym.
apply Hl.
intros n (k, Hk).
rewrite Hk, VUI.
apply Hl'.
now exists (In k).
apply Hl'.
intros n (k, Hk).
rewrite Hk.
apply Rle_trans with (Vn k).
induction k.
apply Rle_refl.
destruct (Rle_lt_dec (Vn k) (Un (S k))) as [H|H].
apply Rle_refl.
now apply Rlt_le.
apply Hl.
now exists k.
Lemma approx_min :
forall (Un:nat -> R) (pr:has_lb Un) (eps:R),
0 < eps -> exists k : nat, Rabs (glb Un pr - Un k) < eps.
intros Un pr.
unfold glb.
destruct lb_to_glb as (lb, Hlb).
intros eps Heps.
destruct (approx_maj _ pr eps Heps) as (n, Hn).
exists n.
unfold Rminus.
rewrite <- Ropp_plus_distr, Rabs_Ropp.
replace lb with (lub (opp_seq Un) pr).
now rewrite <- (Ropp_involutive (Un n)).
unfold lub.
destruct ub_to_lub as (ub, Hub).
apply Rle_antisym.
apply Hub.
apply Hlb.
apply Hlb.
apply Hub.
(** Unicity of limit for convergent sequences *)
Lemma UL_sequence :
forall (Un:nat -> R) (l1 l2:R), Un_cv Un l1 -> Un_cv Un l2 -> l1 = l2.
intros Un l1 l2; unfold Un_cv; unfold R_dist; intros.
apply cond_eq.
intros; cut (0 < eps / 2);
[ intro
| unfold Rdiv; apply Rmult_lt_0_compat;
[ assumption | apply Rinv_0_lt_compat; prove_sup0 ] ].
elim (H (eps / 2) H2); intros.
elim (H0 (eps / 2) H2); intros.
set (N := max x x0).
apply Rle_lt_trans with (Rabs (l1 - Un N) + Rabs (Un N - l2)).
replace (l1 - l2) with (l1 - Un N + (Un N - l2));
[ apply Rabs_triang | ring ].
rewrite (double_var eps); apply Rplus_lt_compat.
rewrite <- Rabs_Ropp; rewrite Ropp_minus_distr; apply H3;
unfold ge, N; apply le_max_l.
apply H4; unfold ge, N; apply le_max_r.
Lemma CV_plus :
forall (An Bn:nat -> R) (l1 l2:R),
Un_cv An l1 -> Un_cv Bn l2 -> Un_cv (fun i:nat => An i + Bn i) (l1 + l2).
unfold Un_cv; unfold R_dist; intros.
cut (0 < eps / 2);
[ intro
| unfold Rdiv; apply Rmult_lt_0_compat;
[ assumption | apply Rinv_0_lt_compat; prove_sup0 ] ].
elim (H (eps / 2) H2); intros.
elim (H0 (eps / 2) H2); intros.
set (N := max x x0).
exists N; intros.
replace (An n + Bn n - (l1 + l2)) with (An n - l1 + (Bn n - l2));
[ idtac | ring ].
apply Rle_lt_trans with (Rabs (An n - l1) + Rabs (Bn n - l2)).
apply Rabs_triang.
rewrite (double_var eps); apply Rplus_lt_compat.
apply H3; unfold ge; apply le_trans with N;
[ unfold N; apply le_max_l | assumption ].
apply H4; unfold ge; apply le_trans with N;
[ unfold N; apply le_max_r | assumption ].
Lemma cv_cvabs :
forall (Un:nat -> R) (l:R),
Un_cv Un l -> Un_cv (fun i:nat => Rabs (Un i)) (Rabs l).
unfold Un_cv; unfold R_dist; intros.
elim (H eps H0); intros.
exists x; intros.
apply Rle_lt_trans with (Rabs (Un n - l)).
apply Rabs_triang_inv2.
apply H1; assumption.
Lemma CV_Cauchy :
forall Un:nat -> R, { l:R | Un_cv Un l } -> Cauchy_crit Un.
intros Un X; elim X; intros.
unfold Cauchy_crit; intros.
unfold Un_cv in p; unfold R_dist in p.
cut (0 < eps / 2);
[ intro
| unfold Rdiv; apply Rmult_lt_0_compat;
[ assumption | apply Rinv_0_lt_compat; prove_sup0 ] ].
elim (p (eps / 2) H0); intros.
exists x0; intros.
unfold R_dist;
apply Rle_lt_trans with (Rabs (Un n - x) + Rabs (x - Un m)).
replace (Un n - Un m) with (Un n - x + (x - Un m));
[ apply Rabs_triang | ring ].
rewrite (double_var eps); apply Rplus_lt_compat.
apply H1; assumption.
rewrite <- Rabs_Ropp; rewrite Ropp_minus_distr; apply H1; assumption.
Lemma maj_by_pos :
forall Un:nat -> R,
{ l:R | Un_cv Un l } ->
exists l : R, 0 < l /\ (forall n:nat, Rabs (Un n) <= l).
intros Un X; elim X; intros.
cut { l:R | Un_cv (fun k:nat => Rabs (Un k)) l }.
intro X0.
assert (H := CV_Cauchy (fun k:nat => Rabs (Un k)) X0).
assert (H0 := cauchy_bound (fun k:nat => Rabs (Un k)) H).
elim H0; intros.
exists (x0 + 1).
cut (0 <= x0).
apply Rplus_le_lt_0_compat; [ assumption | apply Rlt_0_1 ].
apply Rle_trans with x0.
unfold is_upper_bound in H1.
apply H1.
exists n; reflexivity.
pattern x0 at 1; rewrite <- Rplus_0_r; apply Rplus_le_compat_l; left;
apply Rlt_0_1.
apply Rle_trans with (Rabs (Un 0%nat)).
apply Rabs_pos.
unfold is_upper_bound in H1.
apply H1.
exists 0%nat; reflexivity.
exists (Rabs x).
apply cv_cvabs; assumption.
Lemma CV_mult :
forall (An Bn:nat -> R) (l1 l2:R),
Un_cv An l1 -> Un_cv Bn l2 -> Un_cv (fun i:nat => An i * Bn i) (l1 * l2).
cut { l:R | Un_cv An l }.
intro X.
assert (H1 := maj_by_pos An X).
elim H1; intros M H2.
elim H2; intros.
unfold Un_cv; unfold R_dist; intros.
cut (0 < eps / (2 * M)).
case (Req_dec l2 0); intro.
unfold Un_cv in H0; unfold R_dist in H0.
elim (H0 (eps / (2 * M)) H6); intros.
exists x; intros.
apply Rle_lt_trans with
(Rabs (An n * Bn n - An n * l2) + Rabs (An n * l2 - l1 * l2)).
replace (An n * Bn n - l1 * l2) with
(An n * Bn n - An n * l2 + (An n * l2 - l1 * l2));
[ apply Rabs_triang | ring ].
replace (Rabs (An n * Bn n - An n * l2)) with
(Rabs (An n) * Rabs (Bn n - l2)).
replace (Rabs (An n * l2 - l1 * l2)) with 0.
rewrite Rplus_0_r.
apply Rle_lt_trans with (M * Rabs (Bn n - l2)).
do 2 rewrite <- (Rmult_comm (Rabs (Bn n - l2))).
apply Rmult_le_compat_l.
apply Rabs_pos.
apply H4.
apply Rmult_lt_reg_l with (/ M).
apply Rinv_0_lt_compat; apply H3.
rewrite <- Rmult_assoc; rewrite <- Rinv_l_sym.
rewrite Rmult_1_l; rewrite (Rmult_comm (/ M)).
apply Rlt_trans with (eps / (2 * M)).
apply H8; assumption.
unfold Rdiv; rewrite Rinv_mult_distr.
apply Rmult_lt_reg_l with 2.
replace (2 * (eps * (/ 2 * / M))) with (2 * / 2 * (eps * / M));
[ idtac | ring ].
rewrite <- Rinv_r_sym.
rewrite Rmult_1_l; rewrite double.
pattern (eps * / M) at 1; rewrite <- Rplus_0_r.
apply Rplus_lt_compat_l; apply Rmult_lt_0_compat;
[ assumption | apply Rinv_0_lt_compat; assumption ].
red; intro; rewrite H10 in H3; elim (Rlt_irrefl _ H3).
red; intro; rewrite H10 in H3; elim (Rlt_irrefl _ H3).
rewrite H7; do 2 rewrite Rmult_0_r; unfold Rminus;
rewrite Rplus_opp_r; rewrite Rabs_R0; reflexivity.
replace (An n * Bn n - An n * l2) with (An n * (Bn n - l2)); [ idtac | ring ].
symmetry ; apply Rabs_mult.
cut (0 < eps / (2 * Rabs l2)).
unfold Un_cv in H; unfold R_dist in H; unfold Un_cv in H0;
unfold R_dist in H0.
elim (H (eps / (2 * Rabs l2)) H8); intros N1 H9.
elim (H0 (eps / (2 * M)) H6); intros N2 H10.
set (N := max N1 N2).
exists N; intros.
apply Rle_lt_trans with
(Rabs (An n * Bn n - An n * l2) + Rabs (An n * l2 - l1 * l2)).
replace (An n * Bn n - l1 * l2) with
(An n * Bn n - An n * l2 + (An n * l2 - l1 * l2));
[ apply Rabs_triang | ring ].
replace (Rabs (An n * Bn n - An n * l2)) with
(Rabs (An n) * Rabs (Bn n - l2)).
replace (Rabs (An n * l2 - l1 * l2)) with (Rabs l2 * Rabs (An n - l1)).
rewrite (double_var eps); apply Rplus_lt_compat.
apply Rle_lt_trans with (M * Rabs (Bn n - l2)).
do 2 rewrite <- (Rmult_comm (Rabs (Bn n - l2))).
apply Rmult_le_compat_l.
apply Rabs_pos.
apply H4.
apply Rmult_lt_reg_l with (/ M).
apply Rinv_0_lt_compat; apply H3.
rewrite <- Rmult_assoc; rewrite <- Rinv_l_sym.
rewrite Rmult_1_l; rewrite (Rmult_comm (/ M)).
apply Rlt_le_trans with (eps / (2 * M)).
apply H10.
unfold ge; apply le_trans with N.
unfold N; apply le_max_r.
unfold Rdiv; rewrite Rinv_mult_distr.
right; ring.
red; intro; rewrite H12 in H3; elim (Rlt_irrefl _ H3).
red; intro; rewrite H12 in H3; elim (Rlt_irrefl _ H3).
apply Rmult_lt_reg_l with (/ Rabs l2).
apply Rinv_0_lt_compat; apply Rabs_pos_lt; assumption.
rewrite <- Rmult_assoc; rewrite <- Rinv_l_sym.
rewrite Rmult_1_l; apply Rlt_le_trans with (eps / (2 * Rabs l2)).
apply H9.
unfold ge; apply le_trans with N.
unfold N; apply le_max_l.
unfold Rdiv; right; rewrite Rinv_mult_distr.
apply Rabs_no_R0; assumption.
apply Rabs_no_R0; assumption.
replace (An n * l2 - l1 * l2) with (l2 * (An n - l1));
[ symmetry ; apply Rabs_mult | ring ].
replace (An n * Bn n - An n * l2) with (An n * (Bn n - l2));
[ symmetry ; apply Rabs_mult | ring ].
unfold Rdiv; apply Rmult_lt_0_compat.
apply Rinv_0_lt_compat; apply Rmult_lt_0_compat;
[ prove_sup0 | apply Rabs_pos_lt; assumption ].
unfold Rdiv; apply Rmult_lt_0_compat;
[ assumption
| apply Rinv_0_lt_compat; apply Rmult_lt_0_compat;
[ prove_sup0 | assumption ] ].
exists l1; assumption.
Lemma tech9 :
forall Un:nat -> R,
Un_growing Un -> forall m n:nat, (m <= n)%nat -> Un m <= Un n.
intros; unfold Un_growing in H.
induction n as [| n Hrecn].
induction m as [| m Hrecm].
right; reflexivity.
elim (le_Sn_O _ H0).
cut ((m <= n)%nat \/ m = S n).
intro; elim H1; intro.
apply Rle_trans with (Un n).
apply Hrecn; assumption.
apply H.
rewrite H2; right; reflexivity.
inversion H0.
right; reflexivity.
left; assumption.
Lemma tech13 :
forall (An:nat -> R) (k:R),
0 <= k < 1 ->
Un_cv (fun n:nat => Rabs (An (S n) / An n)) k ->
exists k0 : R,
k < k0 < 1 /\
(exists N : nat,
(forall n:nat, (N <= n)%nat -> Rabs (An (S n) / An n) < k0)).
intros; exists (k + (1 - k) / 2).
pattern k at 1; rewrite <- Rplus_0_r; apply Rplus_lt_compat_l.
unfold Rdiv; apply Rmult_lt_0_compat.
apply Rplus_lt_reg_l with k; rewrite Rplus_0_r; replace (k + (1 - k)) with 1;
[ elim H; intros; assumption | ring ].
apply Rinv_0_lt_compat; prove_sup0.
apply Rmult_lt_reg_l with 2.
unfold Rdiv; rewrite Rmult_1_r; rewrite Rmult_plus_distr_l;
pattern 2 at 1; rewrite Rmult_comm; rewrite Rmult_assoc;
rewrite <- Rinv_l_sym; [ idtac | discrR ]; rewrite Rmult_1_r;
replace (2 * k + (1 - k)) with (1 + k); [ idtac | ring ].
elim H; intros.
apply Rplus_lt_compat_l; assumption.
unfold Un_cv in H0; cut (0 < (1 - k) / 2).
intro; elim (H0 ((1 - k) / 2) H1); intros.
exists x; intros.
assert (H4 := H2 n H3).
unfold R_dist in H4; rewrite <- Rabs_Rabsolu;
replace (Rabs (An (S n) / An n)) with (Rabs (An (S n) / An n) - k + k);
[ idtac | ring ];
apply Rle_lt_trans with (Rabs (Rabs (An (S n) / An n) - k) + Rabs k).
apply Rabs_triang.
rewrite (Rabs_right k).
apply Rplus_lt_reg_l with (- k); rewrite <- (Rplus_comm k);
repeat rewrite <- Rplus_assoc; rewrite Rplus_opp_l;
repeat rewrite Rplus_0_l; apply H4.
apply Rle_ge; elim H; intros; assumption.
unfold Rdiv; apply Rmult_lt_0_compat.
apply Rplus_lt_reg_l with k; rewrite Rplus_0_r; elim H; intros;
replace (k + (1 - k)) with 1; [ assumption | ring ].
apply Rinv_0_lt_compat; prove_sup0.
Lemma growing_ineq :
forall (Un:nat -> R) (l:R),
Un_growing Un -> Un_cv Un l -> forall n:nat, Un n <= l.
intros; destruct (total_order_T (Un n) l) as [[Hlt|Heq]|Hgt].
left; assumption.
right; assumption.
cut (0 < Un n - l).
intro; unfold Un_cv in H0; unfold R_dist in H0.
elim (H0 (Un n - l) H1); intros N1 H2.
set (N := max n N1).
cut (Un n - l <= Un N - l).
intro; cut (Un N - l < Un n - l).
intro; elim (Rlt_irrefl _ (Rle_lt_trans _ _ _ H3 H4)).
apply Rle_lt_trans with (Rabs (Un N - l)).
apply RRle_abs.
apply H2.
unfold ge, N; apply le_max_r.
unfold Rminus; do 2 rewrite <- (Rplus_comm (- l));
apply Rplus_le_compat_l.
apply tech9.
unfold N; apply le_max_l.
apply Rplus_lt_reg_l with l.
rewrite Rplus_0_r.
replace (l + (Un n - l)) with (Un n); [ assumption | ring ].
(** Un->l => (-Un) -> (-l) *)
Lemma CV_opp :
forall (An:nat -> R) (l:R), Un_cv An l -> Un_cv (opp_seq An) (- l).
intros An l.
unfold Un_cv; unfold R_dist; intros.
elim (H eps H0); intros.
exists x; intros.
unfold opp_seq; replace (- An n - - l) with (- (An n - l));
[ rewrite Rabs_Ropp | ring ].
apply H1; assumption.
Lemma decreasing_ineq :
forall (Un:nat -> R) (l:R),
Un_decreasing Un -> Un_cv Un l -> forall n:nat, l <= Un n.
assert (H1 := decreasing_growing _ H).
assert (H2 := CV_opp _ _ H0).
assert (H3 := growing_ineq _ _ H1 H2).
apply Ropp_le_cancel.
unfold opp_seq in H3; apply H3.
Lemma CV_minus :
forall (An Bn:nat -> R) (l1 l2:R),
Un_cv An l1 -> Un_cv Bn l2 -> Un_cv (fun i:nat => An i - Bn i) (l1 - l2).
replace (fun i:nat => An i - Bn i) with (fun i:nat => An i + opp_seq Bn i).
unfold Rminus; apply CV_plus.
apply CV_opp; assumption.
unfold Rminus, opp_seq; reflexivity.
(** Un -> +oo *)
Definition cv_infty (Un:nat -> R) : Prop :=
forall M:R, exists N : nat, (forall n:nat, (N <= n)%nat -> M < Un n).
(** Un -> +oo => /Un -> O *)
Lemma cv_infty_cv_R0 :
forall Un:nat -> R,
(forall n:nat, Un n <> 0) -> cv_infty Un -> Un_cv (fun n:nat => / Un n) 0.
unfold cv_infty, Un_cv; unfold R_dist; intros.
elim (H0 (/ eps)); intros N0 H2.
exists N0; intros.
unfold Rminus; rewrite Ropp_0; rewrite Rplus_0_r;
rewrite (Rabs_Rinv _ (H n)).
apply Rmult_lt_reg_l with (Rabs (Un n)).
apply Rabs_pos_lt; apply H.
rewrite <- Rinv_r_sym.
apply Rmult_lt_reg_l with (/ eps).
apply Rinv_0_lt_compat; assumption.
rewrite Rmult_1_r; rewrite (Rmult_comm (/ eps)); rewrite Rmult_assoc;
rewrite <- Rinv_r_sym.
rewrite Rmult_1_r; apply Rlt_le_trans with (Un n).
apply H2; assumption.
apply RRle_abs.
red; intro; rewrite H4 in H1; elim (Rlt_irrefl _ H1).
apply Rabs_no_R0; apply H.
Lemma decreasing_prop :
forall (Un:nat -> R) (m n:nat),
Un_decreasing Un -> (m <= n)%nat -> Un n <= Un m.
unfold Un_decreasing; intros.
induction n as [| n Hrecn].
induction m as [| m Hrecm].
right; reflexivity.
elim (le_Sn_O _ H0).
cut ((m <= n)%nat \/ m = S n).
intro; elim H1; intro.
apply Rle_trans with (Un n).
apply H.
apply Hrecn; assumption.
rewrite H2; right; reflexivity.
inversion H0; [ right; reflexivity | left; assumption ].
(** |x|^n/n! -> 0 *)
Lemma cv_speed_pow_fact :
forall x:R, Un_cv (fun n:nat => x ^ n / INR (fact n)) 0.
(Un_cv (fun n:nat => Rabs x ^ n / INR (fact n)) 0 ->
Un_cv (fun n:nat => x ^ n / INR (fact n)) 0).
intro; apply H.
unfold Un_cv; unfold R_dist; intros; case (Req_dec x 0);
exists 1%nat; intros.
rewrite H1; unfold Rminus; rewrite Ropp_0; rewrite Rplus_0_r;
rewrite Rabs_R0; rewrite pow_ne_zero;
[ unfold Rdiv; rewrite Rmult_0_l; rewrite Rabs_R0; assumption
| red; intro; rewrite H3 in H2; elim (le_Sn_n _ H2) ].
assert (H2 := Rabs_pos_lt x H1); set (M := up (Rabs x)); cut (0 <= M)%Z.
intro; elim (IZN M H3); intros M_nat H4.
set (Un := fun n:nat => Rabs x ^ (M_nat + n) / INR (fact (M_nat + n))).
cut (Un_cv Un 0); unfold Un_cv; unfold R_dist; intros.
elim (H5 eps H0); intros N H6.
exists (M_nat + N)%nat; intros;
cut (exists p : nat, (p >= N)%nat /\ n = (M_nat + p)%nat).
intro; elim H8; intros p H9.
elim H9; intros; rewrite H11; unfold Un in H6; apply H6; assumption.
exists (n - M_nat)%nat.
unfold ge; apply (fun p n m:nat => plus_le_reg_l n m p) with M_nat;
rewrite <- le_plus_minus.
apply le_trans with (M_nat + N)%nat.
apply le_plus_l.
apply le_plus_minus; apply le_trans with (M_nat + N)%nat;
[ apply le_plus_l | assumption ].
set (Vn := fun n:nat => Rabs x * (Un 0%nat / INR (S n))).
cut (1 <= M_nat)%nat.
intro; cut (forall n:nat, 0 < Un n).
intro; cut (Un_decreasing Un).
intro; cut (forall n:nat, Un (S n) <= Vn n).
intro; cut (Un_cv Vn 0).
unfold Un_cv; unfold R_dist; intros.
elim (H10 eps0 H5); intros N1 H11.
exists (S N1); intros.
cut (forall n:nat, 0 < Vn n).
intro; apply Rle_lt_trans with (Rabs (Vn (pred n) - 0)).
repeat rewrite Rabs_right.
unfold Rminus; rewrite Ropp_0; do 2 rewrite Rplus_0_r;
replace n with (S (pred n)).
apply H9.
inversion H12; simpl; reflexivity.
apply Rle_ge; unfold Rminus; rewrite Ropp_0; rewrite Rplus_0_r; left;
apply H13.
apply Rle_ge; unfold Rminus; rewrite Ropp_0; rewrite Rplus_0_r; left;
apply H7.
apply H11; unfold ge; apply le_S_n; replace (S (pred n)) with n;
[ unfold ge in H12; exact H12 | inversion H12; simpl; reflexivity ].
intro; apply Rlt_le_trans with (Un (S n0)); [ apply H7 | apply H9 ].
cut (cv_infty (fun n:nat => INR (S n))).
intro; cut (Un_cv (fun n:nat => / INR (S n)) 0).
unfold Un_cv, R_dist; intros; unfold Vn.
cut (0 < eps1 / (Rabs x * Un 0%nat)).
intro; elim (H11 _ H13); intros N H14.
exists N; intros;
replace (Rabs x * (Un 0%nat / INR (S n)) - 0) with
(Rabs x * Un 0%nat * (/ INR (S n) - 0));
[ idtac | unfold Rdiv; ring ].
rewrite Rabs_mult; apply Rmult_lt_reg_l with (/ Rabs (Rabs x * Un 0%nat)).
apply Rinv_0_lt_compat; apply Rabs_pos_lt.
apply prod_neq_R0.
apply Rabs_no_R0; assumption.
assert (H16 := H7 0%nat); red; intro; rewrite H17 in H16;
elim (Rlt_irrefl _ H16).
rewrite <- Rmult_assoc; rewrite <- Rinv_l_sym.
rewrite Rmult_1_l.
replace (/ Rabs (Rabs x * Un 0%nat) * eps1) with (eps1 / (Rabs x * Un 0%nat)).
apply H14; assumption.
unfold Rdiv; rewrite (Rabs_right (Rabs x * Un 0%nat)).
apply Rmult_comm.
apply Rle_ge; apply Rmult_le_pos.
apply Rabs_pos.
left; apply H7.
apply Rabs_no_R0.
apply prod_neq_R0;
[ apply Rabs_no_R0; assumption
| assert (H16 := H7 0%nat); red; intro; rewrite H17 in H16;
elim (Rlt_irrefl _ H16) ].
unfold Rdiv; apply Rmult_lt_0_compat.
apply Rinv_0_lt_compat; apply Rmult_lt_0_compat.
apply Rabs_pos_lt; assumption.
apply H7.
apply (cv_infty_cv_R0 (fun n:nat => INR (S n))).
intro; apply not_O_INR; discriminate.
unfold cv_infty; intro;
destruct (total_order_T M0 0) as [[Hlt|Heq]|Hgt].
exists 0%nat; intros.
apply Rlt_trans with 0; [ assumption | apply lt_INR_0; apply lt_O_Sn ].
exists 0%nat; intros; rewrite Heq; apply lt_INR_0; apply lt_O_Sn.
set (M0_z := up M0).
assert (H10 := archimed M0).
cut (0 <= M0_z)%Z.
intro; elim (IZN _ H11); intros M0_nat H12.
exists M0_nat; intros.
apply Rlt_le_trans with (IZR M0_z).
elim H10; intros; assumption.
rewrite H12; rewrite <- INR_IZR_INZ; apply le_INR.
apply le_trans with n; [ assumption | apply le_n_Sn ].
apply le_IZR; left; simpl; unfold M0_z;
apply Rlt_trans with M0; [ assumption | elim H10; intros; assumption ].
intro; apply Rle_trans with (Rabs x * Un n * / INR (S n)).
unfold Un; replace (M_nat + S n)%nat with (M_nat + n + 1)%nat.
rewrite pow_add; replace (Rabs x ^ 1) with (Rabs x);
[ idtac | simpl; ring ].
unfold Rdiv; rewrite <- (Rmult_comm (Rabs x));
repeat rewrite Rmult_assoc; repeat apply Rmult_le_compat_l.
apply Rabs_pos.
left; apply pow_lt; assumption.
replace (M_nat + n + 1)%nat with (S (M_nat + n)).
rewrite fact_simpl; rewrite mult_comm; rewrite mult_INR;
rewrite Rinv_mult_distr.
apply Rmult_le_compat_l.
left; apply Rinv_0_lt_compat; apply lt_INR_0; apply neq_O_lt; red;
intro; assert (H10 := eq_sym H9); elim (fact_neq_0 _ H10).
left; apply Rinv_lt_contravar.
apply Rmult_lt_0_compat; apply lt_INR_0; apply lt_O_Sn.
apply lt_INR; apply lt_n_S.
pattern n at 1; replace n with (0 + n)%nat; [ idtac | reflexivity ].
apply plus_lt_compat_r.
apply lt_le_trans with 1%nat; [ apply lt_O_Sn | assumption ].
apply INR_fact_neq_0.
apply not_O_INR; discriminate.
unfold Vn; rewrite Rmult_assoc; unfold Rdiv;
rewrite (Rmult_comm (Un 0%nat)); rewrite (Rmult_comm (Un n)).
repeat apply Rmult_le_compat_l.
apply Rabs_pos.
left; apply Rinv_0_lt_compat; apply lt_INR_0; apply lt_O_Sn.
apply decreasing_prop; [ assumption | apply le_O_n ].
unfold Un_decreasing; intro; unfold Un.
replace (M_nat + S n)%nat with (M_nat + n + 1)%nat.
rewrite pow_add; unfold Rdiv; rewrite Rmult_assoc;
apply Rmult_le_compat_l.
left; apply pow_lt; assumption.
replace (Rabs x ^ 1) with (Rabs x); [ idtac | simpl; ring ].
replace (M_nat + n + 1)%nat with (S (M_nat + n)).
apply Rmult_le_reg_l with (INR (fact (S (M_nat + n)))).
apply lt_INR_0; apply neq_O_lt; red; intro; assert (H9 := eq_sym H8);
elim (fact_neq_0 _ H9).
rewrite (Rmult_comm (Rabs x)); rewrite <- Rmult_assoc; rewrite <- Rinv_r_sym.
rewrite Rmult_1_l.
rewrite fact_simpl; rewrite mult_INR; rewrite Rmult_assoc;
rewrite <- Rinv_r_sym.
rewrite Rmult_1_r; apply Rle_trans with (INR M_nat).
left; rewrite INR_IZR_INZ.
rewrite <- H4; assert (H8 := archimed (Rabs x)); elim H8; intros; assumption.
apply le_INR; omega.
apply INR_fact_neq_0.
apply INR_fact_neq_0.
intro; unfold Un; unfold Rdiv; apply Rmult_lt_0_compat.
apply pow_lt; assumption.
apply Rinv_0_lt_compat; apply lt_INR_0; apply neq_O_lt; red; intro;
assert (H8 := eq_sym H7); elim (fact_neq_0 _ H8).
clear Un Vn; apply INR_le; simpl.
induction M_nat as [| M_nat HrecM_nat].
assert (H6 := archimed (Rabs x)); fold M in H6; elim H6; intros.
rewrite H4 in H7; rewrite <- INR_IZR_INZ in H7.
simpl in H7; elim (Rlt_irrefl _ (Rlt_trans _ _ _ H2 H7)).
apply (le_INR 1); apply le_n_S;
apply le_O_n.
apply le_IZR; simpl; left; apply Rlt_trans with (Rabs x).
elim (archimed (Rabs x)); intros; assumption.
unfold Un_cv; unfold R_dist; intros; elim (H eps H0); intros.
exists x0; intros;
apply Rle_lt_trans with (Rabs (Rabs x ^ n / INR (fact n) - 0)).
unfold Rminus; rewrite Ropp_0; do 2 rewrite Rplus_0_r;
rewrite (Rabs_right (Rabs x ^ n / INR (fact n))).
unfold Rdiv; rewrite Rabs_mult; rewrite (Rabs_right (/ INR (fact n))).
rewrite RPow_abs; right; reflexivity.
apply Rle_ge; left; apply Rinv_0_lt_compat; apply lt_INR_0; apply neq_O_lt;
red; intro; assert (H4 := eq_sym H3); elim (fact_neq_0 _ H4).
apply Rle_ge; unfold Rdiv; apply Rmult_le_pos.
case (Req_dec x 0); intro.
rewrite H3; rewrite Rabs_R0.
induction n as [| n Hrecn];
[ simpl; left; apply Rlt_0_1
| simpl; rewrite Rmult_0_l; right; reflexivity ].
left; apply pow_lt; apply Rabs_pos_lt; assumption.
left; apply Rinv_0_lt_compat; apply lt_INR_0; apply neq_O_lt; red;
intro; assert (H4 := eq_sym H3); elim (fact_neq_0 _ H4).
apply H1; assumption.
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