(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
let fatal_error exn =
Topfmt.(in_phase ~phase:ParsingCommandLine print_err_exn exn);
let exit_code = if CErrors.(is_anomaly exn || not (handled exn)) then 129 else 1 in
exit exit_code
let error_wrong_arg msg =
prerr_endline msg; exit 1
let error_missing_arg s =
prerr_endline ("Error: extra argument expected after option "^s);
prerr_endline "See -help for the syntax of supported options";
exit 1
(* Imperative effects! This must be fixed at some point. *)
let set_worker_id opt s =
assert (s <> "master");
Flags.async_proofs_worker_id := s
let set_type_in_type () =
let typing_flags = Environ.typing_flags (Global.env ()) in
Global.set_typing_flags { typing_flags with Declarations.check_universes = false }
let set_no_template_check () =
let typing_flags = Environ.typing_flags (Global.env ()) in
Global.set_typing_flags { typing_flags with Declarations.check_template = false }
type color = [`ON | `AUTO | `EMACS | `OFF]
type native_compiler = NativeOff | NativeOn of { ondemand : bool }
type option_command = OptionSet of string option | OptionUnset
type t = {
load_init : bool;
load_rcfile : bool;
rcfile : string option;
ml_includes : Mltop.coq_path list;
vo_includes : Mltop.coq_path list;
vo_requires : (string * string option * bool option) list;
(* None = No Import; Some false = Import; Some true = Export *)
toplevel_name : Stm.interactive_top;
load_vernacular_list : (string * bool) list;
batch : bool;
color : color;
impredicative_set : Declarations.set_predicativity;
indices_matter : bool;
enable_VM : bool;
native_compiler : native_compiler;
allow_sprop : bool;
cumulative_sprop : bool;
set_options : (Goptions.option_name * option_command) list;
stm_flags : Stm.AsyncOpts.stm_opt;
debug : bool;
diffs_set : bool;
time : bool;
filter_opts : bool;
memory_stat : bool;
print_tags : bool;
print_where : bool;
print_config: bool;
output_context : bool;
print_emacs : bool;
inputstate : string option;
let default_toplevel = Names.(DirPath.make [Id.of_string "Top"])
let default_native =
if Coq_config.native_compiler
then NativeOn {ondemand=true}
else NativeOff
let default = {
load_init = true;
load_rcfile = true;
rcfile = None;
ml_includes = [];
vo_includes = [];
vo_requires = [];
toplevel_name = Stm.TopLogical default_toplevel;
load_vernacular_list = [];
batch = false;
color = `AUTO;
impredicative_set = Declarations.PredicativeSet;
indices_matter = false;
enable_VM = true;
native_compiler = default_native;
allow_sprop = false;
cumulative_sprop = false;
set_options = [];
stm_flags = Stm.AsyncOpts.default_opts;
debug = false;
diffs_set = false;
time = false;
filter_opts = false;
memory_stat = false;
print_tags = false;
print_where = false;
print_config = false;
output_context = false;
print_emacs = false;
(* Quiet / verbosity options should be here *)
inputstate = None;
(* Functional arguments *)
let add_ml_include opts s =
Mltop.{ opts with ml_includes = {recursive = false; path_spec = MlPath s} :: opts.ml_includes }
let add_vo_include opts unix_path coq_path implicit =
let open Mltop in
let coq_path = Libnames.dirpath_of_string coq_path in
{ opts with vo_includes = {
recursive = true;
path_spec = VoPath { unix_path; coq_path; has_ml = AddNoML; implicit } } :: opts.vo_includes }
let add_vo_require opts d p export =
{ opts with vo_requires = (d, p, export) :: opts.vo_requires }
let add_compat_require opts v =
match v with
| Flags.V8_8 -> add_vo_require opts "Coq.Compat.Coq88" None (Some false)
| Flags.V8_9 -> add_vo_require opts "Coq.Compat.Coq89" None (Some false)
| Flags.Current -> add_vo_require opts "Coq.Compat.Coq810" None (Some false)
let add_load_vernacular opts verb s =
{ opts with load_vernacular_list = (CUnix.make_suffix s ".v",verb) :: opts.load_vernacular_list }
(** Options for proof general *)
let set_emacs opts =
Printer.enable_goal_tags_printing := true;
{ opts with color = `EMACS; print_emacs = true }
let set_color opts = function
| "yes" | "on" -> { opts with color = `ON }
| "no" | "off" -> { opts with color = `OFF }
| "auto" -> { opts with color = `AUTO }
| _ ->
error_wrong_arg ("Error: on/off/auto expected after option color")
let warn_deprecated_inputstate =
CWarnings.create ~name:"deprecated-inputstate" ~category:"deprecated"
(fun () -> Pp.strbrk "The inputstate option is deprecated and discouraged.")
let warn_deprecated_boot =
CWarnings.create ~name:"deprecated-boot" ~category:"noop"
(fun () -> Pp.strbrk "The -boot option is deprecated, please use -q and/or -coqlib options instead.")
let set_inputstate opts s =
warn_deprecated_inputstate ();
{ opts with inputstate = Some s }
let exitcode opts = if opts.filter_opts then 2 else 0
(* Parsing helpers *)
let get_bool opt = function
| "yes" | "on" -> true
| "no" | "off" -> false
| _ ->
error_wrong_arg ("Error: yes/no expected after option "^opt)
let get_int opt n =
try int_of_string n
with Failure _ ->
error_wrong_arg ("Error: integer expected after option "^opt)
let get_float opt n =
try float_of_string n
with Failure _ ->
error_wrong_arg ("Error: float expected after option "^opt)
let get_host_port opt s =
match String.split_on_char ':' s with
| [host; portr; portw] ->
Some (Spawned.Socket(host, int_of_string portr, int_of_string portw))
| ["stdfds"] -> Some Spawned.AnonPipe
| _ ->
error_wrong_arg ("Error: host:portr:portw or stdfds expected after option "^opt)
let get_error_resilience opt = function
| "on" | "all" | "yes" -> `All
| "off" | "no" -> `None
| s -> `Only (String.split_on_char ',' s)
let get_priority opt s =
try CoqworkmgrApi.priority_of_string s
with Invalid_argument _ ->
error_wrong_arg ("Error: low/high expected after "^opt)
let get_async_proofs_mode opt = let open Stm.AsyncOpts in function
| "no" | "off" -> APoff
| "yes" | "on" -> APon
| "lazy" -> APonLazy
| _ ->
error_wrong_arg ("Error: on/off/lazy expected after "^opt)
let get_cache opt = function
| "force" -> Some Stm.AsyncOpts.Force
| _ ->
error_wrong_arg ("Error: force expected after "^opt)
let get_native_name s =
(* We ignore even critical errors because this mode has to be super silent *)
String.concat "/" [Filename.dirname s;
Nativelib.output_dir; Library.native_name_from_filename s]
with _ -> ""
let to_opt_key = Str.(split (regexp " +"))
let parse_option_set opt =
match String.index_opt opt '=' with
| None -> to_opt_key opt, None
| Some eqi ->
let len = String.length opt in
let v = String.sub opt (eqi+1) (len - eqi - 1) in
to_opt_key (String.sub opt 0 eqi), Some v
(*s Parsing of the command line.
We no longer use [Arg.parse], in order to use share [Usage.print_usage]
between coqtop and coqc. *)
let usage_no_coqlib = CWarnings.create ~name:"usage-no-coqlib" ~category:"filesystem"
(fun () -> Pp.str "cannot guess a path for Coq libraries; dynaminally loaded flags will not be mentioned")
exception NoCoqLib
let usage help =
try Envars.set_coqlib ~fail:(fun x -> raise NoCoqLib)
with NoCoqLib -> usage_no_coqlib ()
let lp = Coqinit.toplevel_init_load_path () in
(* Necessary for finding the toplevels below *)
List.iter Mltop.add_coq_path lp;
help ()
(* Main parsing routine *)
let parse_args ~help ~init arglist : t * string list =
let args = ref arglist in
let extras = ref [] in
let rec parse oval = match !args with
| [] ->
(oval, List.rev !extras)
| opt :: rem ->
args := rem;
let next () = match !args with
| x::rem -> args := rem; x
| [] -> error_missing_arg opt
let noval = begin match opt with
(* Complex options with many args *)
|"-I"|"-include" ->
begin match rem with
| d :: rem ->
args := rem;
add_ml_include oval d
| [] -> error_missing_arg opt
|"-Q" ->
begin match rem with
| d :: p :: rem ->
args := rem;
add_vo_include oval d p false
| _ -> error_missing_arg opt
|"-R" ->
begin match rem with
| d :: p :: rem ->
args := rem;
add_vo_include oval d p true
| _ -> error_missing_arg opt
(* Options with one arg *)
|"-coqlib" ->
Envars.set_user_coqlib (next ());
|"-async-proofs" ->
{ oval with stm_flags = { oval.stm_flags with
Stm.AsyncOpts.async_proofs_mode = get_async_proofs_mode opt (next())
|"-async-proofs-j" ->
{ oval with stm_flags = { oval.stm_flags with
Stm.AsyncOpts.async_proofs_n_workers = (get_int opt (next ()))
|"-async-proofs-cache" ->
{ oval with stm_flags = { oval.stm_flags with
Stm.AsyncOpts.async_proofs_cache = get_cache opt (next ())
|"-async-proofs-tac-j" ->
let j = get_int opt (next ()) in
if j <= 0 then begin
error_wrong_arg ("Error: -async-proofs-tac-j only accepts values greater than or equal to 1")
{ oval with stm_flags = { oval.stm_flags with
Stm.AsyncOpts.async_proofs_n_tacworkers = j
|"-async-proofs-worker-priority" ->
CoqworkmgrApi.async_proofs_worker_priority := get_priority opt (next ());
|"-async-proofs-private-flags" ->
{ oval with stm_flags = { oval.stm_flags with
Stm.AsyncOpts.async_proofs_private_flags = Some (next ());
|"-async-proofs-tactic-error-resilience" ->
{ oval with stm_flags = { oval.stm_flags with
Stm.AsyncOpts.async_proofs_tac_error_resilience = get_error_resilience opt (next ())
|"-async-proofs-command-error-resilience" ->
{ oval with stm_flags = { oval.stm_flags with
Stm.AsyncOpts.async_proofs_cmd_error_resilience = get_bool opt (next ())
|"-async-proofs-delegation-threshold" ->
{ oval with stm_flags = { oval.stm_flags with
Stm.AsyncOpts.async_proofs_delegation_threshold = get_float opt (next ())
|"-worker-id" -> set_worker_id opt (next ()); oval
|"-compat" ->
let v = G_vernac.parse_compat_version (next ()) in
Flags.compat_version := v;
add_compat_require oval v
|"-exclude-dir" ->
System.exclude_directory (next ()); oval
|"-init-file" ->
{ oval with rcfile = Some (next ()); }
|"-inputstate"|"-is" ->
set_inputstate oval (next ())
|"-load-ml-object" ->
Mltop.dir_ml_load (next ()); oval
|"-load-ml-source" ->
Mltop.dir_ml_use (next ()); oval
|"-load-vernac-object" ->
add_vo_require oval (next ()) None None
|"-load-vernac-source"|"-l" ->
add_load_vernacular oval false (next ())
|"-load-vernac-source-verbose"|"-lv" ->
add_load_vernacular oval true (next ())
|"-mangle-names" ->
Goptions.set_bool_option_value ["Mangle"; "Names"] true;
Goptions.set_string_option_value ["Mangle"; "Names"; "Prefix"] (next ());
|"-print-mod-uid" ->
let s = String.concat " " (List.map get_native_name rem) in print_endline s; exit 0
|"-profile-ltac-cutoff" ->
Flags.profile_ltac := true;
Flags.profile_ltac_cutoff := get_float opt (next ());
|"-require" -> add_vo_require oval (next ()) None (Some false)
|"-top" ->
let topname = Libnames.dirpath_of_string (next ()) in
if Names.DirPath.is_empty topname then
CErrors.user_err Pp.(str "Need a non empty toplevel module name");
{ oval with toplevel_name = Stm.TopLogical topname }
|"-topfile" ->
{ oval with toplevel_name = Stm.TopPhysical (next()) }
|"-main-channel" ->
Spawned.main_channel := get_host_port opt (next()); oval
|"-control-channel" ->
Spawned.control_channel := get_host_port opt (next()); oval
|"-w" | "-W" ->
let w = next () in
if w = "none" then
(CWarnings.set_flags w; oval)
let w = CWarnings.get_flags () ^ "," ^ w in
CWarnings.set_flags (CWarnings.normalize_flags_string w);
|"-bytecode-compiler" ->
{ oval with enable_VM = get_bool opt (next ()) }
|"-native-compiler" ->
(* We use two boolean flags because the four states make sense, even if
only three are accessible to the user at the moment. The selection of the
produced artifact(s) (`.vo`, `.vio`, `.coq-native`, ...) should be done by
a separate flag, and the "ondemand" value removed. Once this is done, use
[get_bool] here. *)
let native_compiler =
match (next ()) with
| ("yes" | "on") -> NativeOn {ondemand=false}
| "ondemand" -> NativeOn {ondemand=true}
| ("no" | "off") -> NativeOff
| _ ->
error_wrong_arg ("Error: (yes|no|ondemand) expected after option -native-compiler")
{ oval with native_compiler }
| "-set" ->
let opt = next() in
let opt, v = parse_option_set opt in
{ oval with set_options = (opt, OptionSet v) :: oval.set_options }
| "-unset" ->
let opt = next() in
let opt = to_opt_key opt in
{ oval with set_options = (opt, OptionUnset) :: oval.set_options }
(* Options with zero arg *)
|"-async-proofs-never-reopen-branch" ->
{ oval with stm_flags = { oval.stm_flags with
Stm.AsyncOpts.async_proofs_never_reopen_branch = true
|"-batch" ->
Flags.quiet := true;
{ oval with batch = true }
|"-test-mode" -> Vernacentries.test_mode := true; oval
|"-beautify" -> Flags.beautify := true; oval
|"-boot" ->
warn_deprecated_boot ();
{ oval with load_rcfile = false; }
|"-bt" -> Backtrace.record_backtrace true; oval
|"-color" -> set_color oval (next ())
|"-config"|"--config" -> { oval with print_config = true }
|"-debug" -> Coqinit.set_debug (); oval
|"-diffs" -> let opt = next () in
if List.exists (fun x -> opt = x) ["off"; "on"; "removed"] then
Proof_diffs.write_diffs_option opt
error_wrong_arg "Error: on|off|removed expected after -diffs";
{ oval with diffs_set = true }
|"-stm-debug" -> Stm.stm_debug := true; oval
|"-emacs" -> set_emacs oval
|"-filteropts" -> { oval with filter_opts = true }
|"-impredicative-set" ->
{ oval with impredicative_set = Declarations.ImpredicativeSet }
|"-allow-sprop" -> { oval with allow_sprop = true }
|"-disallow-sprop" -> { oval with allow_sprop = false }
|"-sprop-cumulative" -> { oval with cumulative_sprop = true }
|"-indices-matter" -> { oval with indices_matter = true }
|"-m"|"--memory" -> { oval with memory_stat = true }
|"-noinit"|"-nois" -> { oval with load_init = false }
|"-output-context" -> { oval with output_context = true }
|"-profile-ltac" -> Flags.profile_ltac := true; oval
|"-q" -> { oval with load_rcfile = false; }
|"-quiet"|"-silent" ->
Flags.quiet := true;
Flags.make_warn false;
|"-list-tags" -> { oval with print_tags = true }
|"-time" -> { oval with time = true }
|"-type-in-type" -> set_type_in_type (); oval
|"-no-template-check" -> set_no_template_check (); oval
|"-unicode" -> add_vo_require oval "Utf8_core" None (Some false)
|"-where" -> { oval with print_where = true }
|"-h"|"-H"|"-?"|"-help"|"--help" -> usage help; oval
|"-v"|"--version" -> Usage.version (exitcode oval)
|"-print-version"|"--print-version" ->
Usage.machine_readable_version (exitcode oval)
(* Unknown option *)
| s ->
extras := s :: !extras;
end in
parse noval
parse init
with any -> fatal_error any
(* Startup LoadPath and Modules *)
(* prelude_data == From Coq Require Import Prelude. *)
let prelude_data = "Prelude", Some "Coq", Some false
let require_libs opts =
if opts.load_init then prelude_data :: opts.vo_requires else opts.vo_requires
let cmdline_load_path opts =
List.rev opts.vo_includes @ List.(rev opts.ml_includes)
let build_load_path opts =
Coqinit.libs_init_load_path ~load_init:opts.load_init @
cmdline_load_path opts
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