(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
open CErrors
open Util
open Pp
open Names
open Term
open Constr
open Context
open Vars
open Termops
open Entries
open Environ
open Classops
open Declare
open Globnames
open Decl_kinds
let strength_min l = if List.mem `LOCAL l then `LOCAL else `GLOBAL
let loc_of_bool b = if b then `LOCAL else `GLOBAL
(* Errors *)
type coercion_error_kind =
| AlreadyExists
| NotAFunction
| NoSource of cl_typ option
| ForbiddenSourceClass of cl_typ
| NoTarget
| WrongTarget of cl_typ * cl_typ
| NotAClass of GlobRef.t
exception CoercionError of coercion_error_kind
let explain_coercion_error g = function
| AlreadyExists ->
(Printer.pr_global g ++ str" is already a coercion")
| NotAFunction ->
(Printer.pr_global g ++ str" is not a function")
| NoSource (Some cl) ->
(str "Cannot recognize " ++ pr_class cl ++ str " as a source class of "
++ Printer.pr_global g)
| NoSource None ->
(str ": cannot find the source class of " ++ Printer.pr_global g)
| ForbiddenSourceClass cl ->
pr_class cl ++ str " cannot be a source class"
| NoTarget ->
(str"Cannot find the target class")
| WrongTarget (clt,cl) ->
(str"Found target class " ++ pr_class cl ++
str " instead of " ++ pr_class clt)
| NotAClass ref ->
(str "Type of " ++ Printer.pr_global ref ++
str " does not end with a sort")
(* Verifications pour l'ajout d'une classe *)
let check_reference_arity ref =
let env = Global.env () in
let c, _ = Typeops.type_of_global_in_context env ref in
if not (Reductionops.is_arity env (Evd.from_env env) (EConstr.of_constr c)) (* FIXME *) then
raise (CoercionError (NotAClass ref))
let check_arity = function
| CL_FUN | CL_SORT -> ()
| CL_CONST cst -> check_reference_arity (ConstRef cst)
| CL_PROJ p -> check_reference_arity (ConstRef (Projection.Repr.constant p))
| CL_SECVAR id -> check_reference_arity (VarRef id)
| CL_IND kn -> check_reference_arity (IndRef kn)
(* Coercions *)
(* check that the computed target is the provided one *)
let check_target clt = function
| Some cl when not (cl_typ_eq cl clt) -> raise (CoercionError (WrongTarget(clt,cl)))
| _ -> ()
(* condition d'heritage uniforme *)
let uniform_cond sigma ctx lt =
List.for_all2eq (EConstr.eq_constr sigma)
lt (Context.Rel.to_extended_list EConstr.mkRel 0 ctx)
let class_of_global = function
| ConstRef sp ->
(match Recordops.find_primitive_projection sp with
| Some p -> CL_PROJ p | None -> CL_CONST sp)
| IndRef sp -> CL_IND sp
| VarRef id -> CL_SECVAR id
| ConstructRef _ as c ->
user_err ~hdr:"class_of_global"
(str "Constructors, such as " ++ Printer.pr_global c ++
str ", cannot be used as a class.")
lp est la liste (inverse'e) des arguments de la coercion
ids est le nom de la classe source
sps_opt est le sp de la classe source dans le cas des structures
la classe source
nbre d'arguments de la classe
le constr de la class
la liste des variables dont depend la classe source
l'indice de la classe source dans la liste lp
let get_source lp source =
let open Context.Rel.Declaration in
match source with
| None ->
(* Take the latest non let-in argument *)
let rec aux = function
| [] -> raise Not_found
| LocalDef _ :: lt -> aux lt
| LocalAssum (_,t1) :: lt ->
let cl1,u1,lv1 = find_class_type Evd.empty (EConstr.of_constr t1) in
in aux lp
| Some cl ->
(* Take the first argument that matches *)
let rec aux acc = function
| [] -> raise Not_found
| LocalDef _ as decl :: lt -> aux (decl::acc) lt
| LocalAssum (_,t1) as decl :: lt ->
let cl1,u1,lv1 = find_class_type Evd.empty (EConstr.of_constr t1) in
if cl_typ_eq cl cl1 then cl1,acc,lv1,Context.Rel.nhyps lt+1
else raise Not_found
with Not_found -> aux (decl::acc) lt
in aux [] (List.rev lp)
let get_target t ind =
if (ind > 1) then
match pi1 (find_class_type Evd.empty (EConstr.of_constr t)) with
| CL_CONST p when Recordops.is_primitive_projection p ->
CL_PROJ (Option.get @@ Recordops.find_primitive_projection p)
| x -> x
let strength_of_cl = function
| _ -> `GLOBAL
let strength_of_global = function
| VarRef _ -> `LOCAL
| _ -> `GLOBAL
let get_strength stre ref cls clt =
let stres = strength_of_cl cls in
let stret = strength_of_cl clt in
let stref = strength_of_global ref in
strength_min [stre;stres;stret;stref]
let ident_key_of_class = function
| CL_FUN -> "Funclass"
| CL_SORT -> "Sortclass"
| CL_CONST sp -> Label.to_string (Constant.label sp)
| CL_PROJ sp -> Label.to_string (Projection.Repr.label sp)
| CL_IND (sp,_) -> Label.to_string (MutInd.label sp)
| CL_SECVAR id -> Id.to_string id
(* Identity coercion *)
let error_not_transparent source =
user_err ~hdr:"build_id_coercion"
(pr_class source ++ str " must be a transparent constant.")
let build_id_coercion idf_opt source poly =
let env = Global.env () in
let sigma = Evd.from_env env in
let sigma, vs = match source with
| CL_CONST sp -> Evd.fresh_global env sigma (ConstRef sp)
| _ -> error_not_transparent source in
let vs = EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr vs in
let c = match constant_opt_value_in env (destConst vs) with
| Some c -> c
| None -> error_not_transparent source in
let lams,t = decompose_lam_assum c in
let val_f =
(mkLambda (make_annot (Name Namegen.default_dependent_ident) Sorts.Relevant,
applistc vs (Context.Rel.to_extended_list mkRel 0 lams),
mkRel 1))
let typ_f =
List.fold_left (fun d c -> Term.mkProd_wo_LetIn c d)
(mkProd (make_annot Anonymous Sorts.Relevant, applistc vs (Context.Rel.to_extended_list mkRel 0 lams), lift 1 t))
(* juste pour verification *)
let _ =
if not
(Reductionops.is_conv_leq env sigma
(Typing.unsafe_type_of env sigma (EConstr.of_constr val_f)) (EConstr.of_constr typ_f))
user_err (strbrk
"Cannot be defined as coercion (maybe a bad number of arguments).")
let idf =
match idf_opt with
| Some idf -> idf
| None ->
let cl,u,_ = find_class_type sigma (EConstr.of_constr t) in
Id.of_string ("Id_"^(ident_key_of_class source)^"_"^
(ident_key_of_class cl))
let univs = Evd.univ_entry ~poly sigma in
let constr_entry = (* Cast is necessary to express [val_f] is identity *)
(definition_entry ~types:typ_f ~univs
~inline:true (mkCast (val_f, DEFAULTcast, typ_f)))
let decl = (constr_entry, IsDefinition IdentityCoercion) in
let kn = declare_constant idf decl in
ConstRef kn
let check_source = function
| Some (CL_FUN as s) -> raise (CoercionError (ForbiddenSourceClass s))
| _ -> ()
nom de la fonction coercion
strength de f
nom de la classe source (optionnel)
sp de la classe source (dans le cas des structures)
nom de la classe target (optionnel)
booleen "coercion identite'?"
lorque source est None alors target est None aussi.
let warn_uniform_inheritance =
CWarnings.create ~name:"uniform-inheritance" ~category:"typechecker"
(fun g ->
Printer.pr_global g ++
strbrk" does not respect the uniform inheritance condition")
let add_new_coercion_core coef stre poly source target isid =
check_source source;
let t, _ = Typeops.type_of_global_in_context (Global.env ()) coef in
if coercion_exists coef then raise (CoercionError AlreadyExists);
let lp,tg = decompose_prod_assum t in
let llp = List.length lp in
if Int.equal llp 0 then raise (CoercionError NotAFunction);
let (cls,ctx,lvs,ind) =
get_source lp source
with Not_found ->
raise (CoercionError (NoSource source))
check_source (Some cls);
if not (uniform_cond Evd.empty (* FIXME - for when possibly called with unresolved evars in the future *)
ctx lvs) then
warn_uniform_inheritance coef;
let clt =
get_target tg ind
with Not_found ->
raise (CoercionError NoTarget)
check_target clt target;
check_arity cls;
check_arity clt;
let local = match get_strength stre coef cls clt with
| `LOCAL -> true
| `GLOBAL -> false
declare_coercion coef ~local ~isid ~src:cls ~target:clt ~params:(List.length lvs)
let try_add_new_coercion_core ref ~local c d e f =
try add_new_coercion_core ref (loc_of_bool local) c d e f
with CoercionError e ->
user_err ~hdr:"try_add_new_coercion_core"
(explain_coercion_error ref e ++ str ".")
let try_add_new_coercion ref ~local poly =
try_add_new_coercion_core ref ~local poly None None false
let try_add_new_coercion_subclass cl ~local poly =
let coe_ref = build_id_coercion None cl poly in
try_add_new_coercion_core coe_ref ~local poly (Some cl) None true
let try_add_new_coercion_with_target ref ~local poly ~source ~target =
try_add_new_coercion_core ref ~local poly (Some source) (Some target) false
let try_add_new_identity_coercion id ~local poly ~source ~target =
let ref = build_id_coercion (Some id) source poly in
try_add_new_coercion_core ref ~local poly (Some source) (Some target) true
let try_add_new_coercion_with_source ref ~local poly ~source =
try_add_new_coercion_core ref ~local poly (Some source) None false
let add_coercion_hook poly _uctx _trans local ref =
let local = match local with
| Discharge
| Local -> true
| Global -> false
let () = try_add_new_coercion ref ~local poly in
let msg = Nametab.pr_global_env Id.Set.empty ref ++ str " is now a coercion" in
Flags.if_verbose Feedback.msg_info msg
let add_coercion_hook poly = Lemmas.mk_hook (add_coercion_hook poly)
let add_subclass_hook poly _uctx _trans local ref =
let stre = match local with
| Local -> true
| Global -> false
| Discharge -> assert false
let cl = class_of_global ref in
try_add_new_coercion_subclass cl ~local:stre poly
let add_subclass_hook poly = Lemmas.mk_hook (add_subclass_hook poly)
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