(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
open Util
open Pp
open CErrors
type vernac_keep_as = VtKeepAxiom | VtKeepDefined | VtKeepOpaque
type vernac_qed_type = VtKeep of vernac_keep_as | VtDrop
type vernac_type =
(* Start of a proof *)
| VtStartProof of vernac_start
(* Command altering the global state, bad for parallel
processing. *)
| VtSideff of vernac_sideff_type
(* End of a proof *)
| VtQed of vernac_qed_type
(* A proof step *)
| VtProofStep of {
parallel : [ `Yes of solving_tac * anon_abstracting_tac | `No ];
proof_block_detection : proof_block_name option
(* Queries are commands assumed to be "pure", that is to say, they
don't modify the interpretation state. *)
| VtQuery
(* Commands that change the current proof mode *)
| VtProofMode of string
(* To be removed *)
| VtMeta
| VtUnknown
and vernac_start = opacity_guarantee * Names.Id.t list
and vernac_sideff_type = Names.Id.t list
and opacity_guarantee =
| GuaranteesOpacity (** Only generates opaque terms at [Qed] *)
| Doesn'tGuaranteeOpacity (** May generate transparent terms even with [Qed].*)
and solving_tac = bool (** a terminator *)
and anon_abstracting_tac = bool (** abstracting anonymously its result *)
and proof_block_name = string (** open type of delimiters *)
type vernac_when =
| VtNow
| VtLater
type vernac_classification = vernac_type * vernac_when
type 'a vernac_command = 'a -> atts:Attributes.vernac_flags -> st:Vernacstate.t -> Vernacstate.t
type plugin_args = Genarg.raw_generic_argument list
(* Table of vernac entries *)
let vernac_tab =
(Hashtbl.create 211 :
(Vernacexpr.extend_name, bool * plugin_args vernac_command) Hashtbl.t)
let vinterp_add depr s f =
Hashtbl.add vernac_tab s (depr, f)
with Failure _ ->
user_err ~hdr:"vinterp_add"
(str"Cannot add the vernac command " ++ str (fst s) ++ str" twice.")
let vinterp_map s =
Hashtbl.find vernac_tab s
with Failure _ | Not_found ->
user_err ~hdr:"Vernac Interpreter"
(str"Cannot find vernac command " ++ str (fst s) ++ str".")
let warn_deprecated_command =
let open CWarnings in
create ~name:"deprecated-command" ~category:"deprecated"
(fun pr -> str "Deprecated vernacular command: " ++ pr)
(* Interpretation of a vernac command *)
let call opn converted_args ~atts ~st =
let phase = ref "Looking up command" in
let depr, callback = vinterp_map opn in
let () = if depr then
let rules = Egramml.get_extend_vernac_rule opn in
let pr_gram = function
| Egramml.GramTerminal s -> str s
| Egramml.GramNonTerminal _ -> str "_"
let pr = pr_sequence pr_gram rules in
warn_deprecated_command pr;
phase := "Checking arguments";
let hunk = callback converted_args in
phase := "Executing command";
hunk ~atts ~st
| reraise ->
let reraise = CErrors.push reraise in
if !Flags.debug then
Feedback.msg_debug (str"Vernac Interpreter " ++ str !phase);
iraise reraise
(** VERNAC EXTEND registering *)
type classifier = Genarg.raw_generic_argument list -> vernac_classification
(** Classifiers *)
let classifiers : classifier array String.Map.t ref = ref String.Map.empty
let get_vernac_classifier (name, i) args =
(String.Map.find name !classifiers).(i) args
let declare_vernac_classifier name f =
classifiers := String.Map.add name f !classifiers
let classify_as_query = VtQuery, VtLater
let classify_as_sideeff = VtSideff [], VtLater
let classify_as_proofstep = VtProofStep { parallel = `No; proof_block_detection = None}, VtLater
type (_, _) ty_sig =
| TyNil : (atts:Attributes.vernac_flags -> st:Vernacstate.t -> Vernacstate.t, vernac_classification) ty_sig
| TyTerminal : string * ('r, 's) ty_sig -> ('r, 's) ty_sig
| TyNonTerminal : ('a, 'b, 'c) Extend.ty_user_symbol * ('r, 's) ty_sig -> ('a -> 'r, 'a -> 's) ty_sig
type ty_ml = TyML : bool * ('r, 's) ty_sig * 'r * 's option -> ty_ml
let type_error () = CErrors.anomaly (Pp.str "Ill-typed VERNAC EXTEND")
let rec untype_classifier : type r s. (r, s) ty_sig -> s -> classifier = function
| TyNil -> fun f args ->
begin match args with
| [] -> f
| _ :: _ -> type_error ()
| TyTerminal (_, ty) -> fun f args -> untype_classifier ty f args
| TyNonTerminal (tu, ty) -> fun f args ->
let open Genarg in
begin match args with
| [] -> type_error ()
| GenArg (Rawwit tag, v) :: args ->
match Genarg.genarg_type_eq tag (Egramml.proj_symbol tu) with
| None -> type_error ()
| Some Refl -> untype_classifier ty (f v) args
(** Stupid GADTs forces us to duplicate the definition just for typing *)
let rec untype_command : type r s. (r, s) ty_sig -> r -> plugin_args vernac_command = function
| TyNil -> fun f args ->
begin match args with
| [] -> f
| _ :: _ -> type_error ()
| TyTerminal (_, ty) -> fun f args -> untype_command ty f args
| TyNonTerminal (tu, ty) -> fun f args ->
let open Genarg in
begin match args with
| [] -> type_error ()
| GenArg (Rawwit tag, v) :: args ->
match genarg_type_eq tag (Egramml.proj_symbol tu) with
| None -> type_error ()
| Some Refl -> untype_command ty (f v) args
let rec untype_user_symbol : type s a b c. (a, b, c) Extend.ty_user_symbol -> (s, Extend.norec, a) Extend.symbol =
let open Extend in function
| TUlist1 l -> Alist1 (untype_user_symbol l)
| TUlist1sep (l, s) -> Alist1sep (untype_user_symbol l, Atoken (CLexer.terminal s))
| TUlist0 l -> Alist0 (untype_user_symbol l)
| TUlist0sep (l, s) -> Alist0sep (untype_user_symbol l, Atoken (CLexer.terminal s))
| TUopt o -> Aopt (untype_user_symbol o)
| TUentry a -> Aentry (Pcoq.genarg_grammar (Genarg.ExtraArg a))
| TUentryl (a, i) -> Aentryl (Pcoq.genarg_grammar (Genarg.ExtraArg a), string_of_int i)
let rec untype_grammar : type r s. (r, s) ty_sig -> 'a Egramml.grammar_prod_item list = function
| TyNil -> []
| TyTerminal (tok, ty) -> Egramml.GramTerminal tok :: untype_grammar ty
| TyNonTerminal (tu, ty) ->
let t = Genarg.rawwit (Egramml.proj_symbol tu) in
let symb = untype_user_symbol tu in
Egramml.GramNonTerminal (Loc.tag (t, symb)) :: untype_grammar ty
let vernac_extend ~command ?classifier ?entry ext =
let get_classifier (TyML (_, ty, _, cl)) = match cl with
| Some cl -> untype_classifier ty cl
| None ->
match classifier with
| Some cl -> fun _ -> cl command
| None ->
let e = match entry with
| None -> "COMMAND"
| Some e -> Pcoq.Entry.name e
let msg = Printf.sprintf "\
Vernac entry \"%s\" misses a classifier. \
A classifier is a function that returns an expression \
of type vernac_classification (see Vernacexpr). You can: \n\
- Use '... EXTEND %s CLASSIFIED AS QUERY ...' if the \
new vernacular command does not alter the system state;\n\
- Use '... EXTEND %s CLASSIFIED AS SIDEFF ...' if the \
new vernacular command alters the system state but not the \
parser nor it starts a proof or ends one;\n\
- Use '... EXTEND %s CLASSIFIED BY f ...' to specify \
a global function f. The function f will be called passing\
\"%s\" as the only argument;\n\
- Add a specific classifier in each clause using the syntax:\n\
'[...] => [ f ] -> [...]'.\n\
Specific classifiers have precedence over global \
classifiers. Only one classifier is called."
command e e e command
CErrors.user_err (Pp.strbrk msg)
let cl = Array.map_of_list get_classifier ext in
let iter i (TyML (depr, ty, f, _)) =
let f = untype_command ty f in
let r = untype_grammar ty in
let () = vinterp_add depr (command, i) f in
Egramml.extend_vernac_command_grammar (command, i) entry r
let () = declare_vernac_classifier command cl in
List.iteri iter ext
(** VERNAC ARGUMENT EXTEND registering *)
type 'a argument_rule =
| Arg_alias of 'a Pcoq.Entry.t
| Arg_rules of 'a Extend.production_rule list
type 'a vernac_argument = {
arg_printer : Environ.env -> Evd.evar_map -> 'a -> Pp.t;
arg_parsing : 'a argument_rule;
let vernac_argument_extend ~name arg =
let wit = Genarg.create_arg name in
let entry = match arg.arg_parsing with
| Arg_alias e ->
let () = Pcoq.register_grammar wit e in
| Arg_rules rules ->
let e = Pcoq.create_generic_entry Pcoq.utactic name (Genarg.rawwit wit) in
let () = Pcoq.grammar_extend e None (None, [(None, None, rules)]) in
let pr = arg.arg_printer in
let pr x = Genprint.PrinterBasic (fun env sigma -> pr env sigma x) in
let () = Genprint.register_vernac_print0 wit pr in
(wit, entry)
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