(* Title: CCL/CCL.thy
Author: Martin Coen
Copyright 1993 University of Cambridge
section \<open>Classical Computational Logic for Untyped Lambda Calculus
with reduction to weak head-normal form\<close>
theory CCL
imports Gfp
text \<open>
Based on FOL extended with set collection, a primitive higher-order
logic. HOL is too strong - descriptions prevent a type of programs
being defined which contains only executable terms.
class prog = "term"
default_sort prog
instance "fun" :: (prog, prog) prog ..
typedecl i
instance i :: prog ..
(*** Evaluation Judgement ***)
Eval :: "[i,i]\prop" (infixl "\" 20)
(*** Bisimulations for pre-order and equality ***)
po :: "['a,'a]\o" (infixl "[=" 50)
(*** Term Formers ***)
true :: "i"
false :: "i"
pair :: "[i,i]\i" ("(1<_,/_>)")
lambda :: "(i\i)\i" (binder "lam " 55)
"case" :: "[i,i,i,[i,i]\i,(i\i)\i]\i"
"apply" :: "[i,i]\i" (infixl "`" 56)
bot :: "i"
(******* EVALUATION SEMANTICS *******)
(** This is the evaluation semantics from which the axioms below were derived. **)
(** It is included here just as an evaluator for FUN and has no influence on **)
(** inference in the theory CCL. **)
axiomatization where
trueV: "true \ true" and
falseV: "false \ false" and
pairV: " \ " and
lamV: "\b. lam x. b(x) \ lam x. b(x)" and
caseVtrue: "\t \ true; d \ c\ \ case(t,d,e,f,g) \ c" and
caseVfalse: "\t \ false; e \ c\ \ case(t,d,e,f,g) \ c" and
caseVpair: "\t \ ; f(a,b) \ c\ \ case(t,d,e,f,g) \ c" and
caseVlam: "\b. \t \ lam x. b(x); g(b) \ c\ \ case(t,d,e,f,g) \ c"
(*** Properties of evaluation: note that "t \<longlongrightarrow> c" impies that c is canonical ***)
axiomatization where
canonical: "\t \ c; c==true \ u\v;
c==false \<Longrightarrow> u\<longlongrightarrow>v;
\<And>a b. c==<a,b> \<Longrightarrow> u\<longlongrightarrow>v;
\<And>f. c==lam x. f(x) \<Longrightarrow> u\<longlongrightarrow>v\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
(* Should be derivable - but probably a bitch! *)
axiomatization where
substitute: "\a==a'; t(a)\c(a)\ \ t(a')\c(a')"
(************** LOGIC ***************)
(*** Definitions used in the following rules ***)
axiomatization where
bot_def: "bot == (lam x. x`x)`(lam x. x`x)" and
apply_def: "f ` t == case(f, bot, bot, \x y. bot, \u. u(t))"
definition "fix" :: "(i\i)\i"
where "fix(f) == (lam x. f(x`x))`(lam x. f(x`x))"
(* The pre-order ([=) is defined as a simulation, and behavioural equivalence (=) *)
(* as a bisimulation. They can both be expressed as (bi)simulations up to *)
(* behavioural equivalence (ie the relations PO and EQ defined below). *)
definition SIM :: "[i,i,i set]\o"
"SIM(t,t',R) == (t=true \ t'=true) | (t=false \ t'=false) |
(\<exists>a a' b b'. t=<a,b> \<and> t'=<a',b'> \<and> <a,a'> : R \<and> <b,b'> : R) |
(\<exists>f f'. t=lam x. f(x) \<and> t'=lam x. f'(x) \<and> (ALL x.<f(x),f'(x)> : R))"
definition POgen :: "i set \ i set"
where "POgen(R) == {p. \t t'. p= \ (t = bot | SIM(t,t',R))}"
definition EQgen :: "i set \ i set"
where "EQgen(R) == {p. \t t'. p= \ (t = bot \ t' = bot | SIM(t,t',R))}"
definition PO :: "i set"
where "PO == gfp(POgen)"
definition EQ :: "i set"
where "EQ == gfp(EQgen)"
(*** Rules ***)
(** Partial Order **)
axiomatization where
po_refl: "a [= a" and
po_trans: "\a [= b; b [= c\ \ a [= c" and
po_cong: "a [= b \ f(a) [= f(b)" and
(* Extend definition of [= to program fragments of higher type *)
po_abstractn: "(\x. f(x) [= g(x)) \ (\x. f(x)) [= (\x. g(x))"
(** Equality - equivalence axioms inherited from FOL.thy **)
(** - congruence of "=" is axiomatised implicitly **)
axiomatization where
eq_iff: "t = t' \ t [= t' \ t' [= t"
(** Properties of canonical values given by greatest fixed point definitions **)
axiomatization where
PO_iff: "t [= t' \ : PO" and
EQ_iff: "t = t' \ : EQ"
(** Behaviour of non-canonical terms (ie case) given by the following beta-rules **)
axiomatization where
caseBtrue: "case(true,d,e,f,g) = d" and
caseBfalse: "case(false,d,e,f,g) = e" and
caseBpair: "case(,d,e,f,g) = f(a,b)" and
caseBlam: "\b. case(lam x. b(x),d,e,f,g) = g(b)" and
caseBbot: "case(bot,d,e,f,g) = bot" (* strictness *)
(** The theory is non-trivial **)
axiomatization where
distinctness: "\ lam x. b(x) = bot"
(*** Definitions of Termination and Divergence ***)
definition Dvg :: "i \ o"
where "Dvg(t) == t = bot"
definition Trm :: "i \ o"
where "Trm(t) == \ Dvg(t)"
text \<open>
Would be interesting to build a similar theory for a typed programming language:
ie. true :: bool, fix :: ('a\'a)\'a etc......
This is starting to look like LCF.
What are the advantages of this approach?
- less axiomatic
- wfd induction / coinduction and fixed point induction available
lemmas ccl_data_defs = apply_def fix_def
declare po_refl [simp]
subsection \<open>Congruence Rules\<close>
(*similar to AP_THM in Gordon's HOL*)
lemma fun_cong: "(f::'a\'b) = g \ f(x)=g(x)"
by simp
(*similar to AP_TERM in Gordon's HOL and FOL's subst_context*)
lemma arg_cong: "x=y \ f(x)=f(y)"
by simp
lemma abstractn: "(\x. f(x) = g(x)) \ f = g"
apply (simp add: eq_iff)
apply (blast intro: po_abstractn)
lemmas caseBs = caseBtrue caseBfalse caseBpair caseBlam caseBbot
subsection \<open>Termination and Divergence\<close>
lemma Trm_iff: "Trm(t) \ \ t = bot"
by (simp add: Trm_def Dvg_def)
lemma Dvg_iff: "Dvg(t) \ t = bot"
by (simp add: Trm_def Dvg_def)
subsection \<open>Constructors are injective\<close>
lemma eq_lemma: "\x=a; y=b; x=y\ \ a=b"
by simp
ML \<open>
fun inj_rl_tac ctxt rews i =
fun mk_inj_lemmas r = [@{thm arg_cong}] RL [r RS (r RS @{thm eq_lemma})]
val inj_lemmas = maps mk_inj_lemmas rews
CHANGED (REPEAT (assume_tac ctxt i ORELSE
resolve_tac ctxt @{thms iffI allI conjI} i ORELSE
eresolve_tac ctxt inj_lemmas i ORELSE
asm_simp_tac (ctxt addsimps rews) i))
method_setup inj_rl = \<open>
Attrib.thms >> (fn rews => fn ctxt => SIMPLE_METHOD' (inj_rl_tac ctxt rews))
lemma ccl_injs:
" = \ (a=a' \ b=b')"
"\b b'. (lam x. b(x) = lam x. b'(x)) \ ((ALL z. b(z)=b'(z)))"
by (inj_rl caseBs)
lemma pair_inject: " = \ (a = a' \ b = b' \ R) \ R"
by (simp add: ccl_injs)
subsection \<open>Constructors are distinct\<close>
lemma lem: "t=t' \ case(t,b,c,d,e) = case(t',b,c,d,e)"
by simp
ML \<open>
fun pairs_of f x [] = []
| pairs_of f x (y::ys) = (f x y) :: (f y x) :: (pairs_of f x ys)
fun mk_combs ff [] = []
| mk_combs ff (x::xs) = (pairs_of ff x xs) @ mk_combs ff xs
(* Doesn't handle binder types correctly *)
fun saturate thy sy name =
let fun arg_str 0 a s = s
| arg_str 1 a s = "(" ^ a ^ "a" ^ s ^ ")"
| arg_str n a s = arg_str (n-1) a ("," ^ a ^ (chr((ord "a")+n-1)) ^ s)
val T = Sign.the_const_type thy (Sign.intern_const thy sy);
val arity = length (binder_types T)
in sy ^ (arg_str arity name "") end
fun mk_thm_str thy a b = "\ " ^ (saturate thy a "a") ^ " = " ^ (saturate thy b "b")
val lemma = @{thm lem};
val eq_lemma = @{thm eq_lemma};
val distinctness = @{thm distinctness};
fun mk_lemma (ra,rb) =
[lemma] RL [ra RS (rb RS eq_lemma)] RL
[distinctness RS @{thm notE}, @{thm sym} RS (distinctness RS @{thm notE})]
fun mk_lemmas rls = maps mk_lemma (mk_combs pair rls)
fun mk_dstnct_rls thy xs = mk_combs (mk_thm_str thy) xs
ML \<open>
val caseB_lemmas = mk_lemmas @{thms caseBs}
val ccl_dstncts =
fun mk_raw_dstnct_thm rls s =
Goal.prove_global \<^theory> [] [] (Syntax.read_prop_global \<^theory> s)
(fn {context = ctxt, ...} => resolve_tac ctxt @{thms notI} 1 THEN eresolve_tac ctxt rls 1)
in map (mk_raw_dstnct_thm caseB_lemmas)
(mk_dstnct_rls \<^theory> ["bot","true","false","pair","lambda"]) end
fun mk_dstnct_thms ctxt defs inj_rls xs =
val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt;
fun mk_dstnct_thm rls s =
Goal.prove_global thy [] [] (Syntax.read_prop ctxt s)
(fn _ =>
rewrite_goals_tac ctxt defs THEN
simp_tac (ctxt addsimps (rls @ inj_rls)) 1)
in map (mk_dstnct_thm ccl_dstncts) (mk_dstnct_rls thy xs) end
fun mkall_dstnct_thms ctxt defs i_rls xss = maps (mk_dstnct_thms ctxt defs i_rls) xss
(*** Rewriting and Proving ***)
fun XH_to_I rl = rl RS @{thm iffD2}
fun XH_to_D rl = rl RS @{thm iffD1}
val XH_to_E = make_elim o XH_to_D
val XH_to_Is = map XH_to_I
val XH_to_Ds = map XH_to_D
val XH_to_Es = map XH_to_E;
ML_Thms.bind_thms ("ccl_rews", @{thms caseBs} @ @{thms ccl_injs} @ ccl_dstncts);
ML_Thms.bind_thms ("ccl_dstnctsEs", ccl_dstncts RL [@{thm notE}]);
ML_Thms.bind_thms ("ccl_injDs", XH_to_Ds @{thms ccl_injs});
lemmas [simp] = ccl_rews
and [elim!] = pair_inject ccl_dstnctsEs
and [dest!] = ccl_injDs
subsection \<open>Facts from gfp Definition of \<open>[=\<close> and \<open>=\<close>\<close>
lemma XHlemma1: "\A=B; a:B \ P\ \ a:A \ P"
by simp
lemma XHlemma2: "(P(t,t') \ Q) \ ( : {p. \t t'. p= \ P(t,t')} \ Q)"
by blast
subsection \<open>Pre-Order\<close>
lemma POgen_mono: "mono(\X. POgen(X))"
apply (unfold POgen_def SIM_def)
apply (rule monoI)
apply blast
lemma POgenXH:
" : POgen(R) \ t= bot | (t=true \ t'=true) | (t=false \ t'=false) |
(EX a a' b b'. t=<a,b> \<and> t'=<a',b'> \<and> <a,a'> : R \<and> <b,b'> : R) |
(EX f f'. t=lam x. f(x) \ t'=lam x. f'(x) \ (ALL x. : R))"
apply (unfold POgen_def SIM_def)
apply (rule iff_refl [THEN XHlemma2])
lemma poXH:
"t [= t' \ t=bot | (t=true \ t'=true) | (t=false \ t'=false) |
(EX a a' b b'. t=<a,b> \<and> t'=<a',b'> \<and> a [= a' \<and> b [= b') |
(EX f f'. t=lam x. f(x) \ t'=lam x. f'(x) \ (ALL x. f(x) [= f'(x)))"
apply (simp add: PO_iff del: ex_simps)
apply (rule POgen_mono
[THEN PO_def [THEN def_gfp_Tarski], THEN XHlemma1, unfolded POgen_def SIM_def])
apply (rule iff_refl [THEN XHlemma2])
lemma po_bot: "bot [= b"
apply (rule poXH [THEN iffD2])
apply simp
lemma bot_poleast: "a [= bot \ a=bot"
apply (drule poXH [THEN iffD1])
apply simp
lemma po_pair: " [= \ a [= a' \ b [= b'"
apply (rule poXH [THEN iff_trans])
apply simp
lemma po_lam: "lam x. f(x) [= lam x. f'(x) \ (ALL x. f(x) [= f'(x))"
apply (rule poXH [THEN iff_trans])
apply fastforce
lemmas ccl_porews = po_bot po_pair po_lam
lemma case_pocong:
assumes 1: "t [= t'"
and 2: "a [= a'"
and 3: "b [= b'"
and 4: "\x y. c(x,y) [= c'(x,y)"
and 5: "\u. d(u) [= d'(u)"
shows "case(t,a,b,c,d) [= case(t',a',b',c',d')"
apply (rule 1 [THEN po_cong, THEN po_trans])
apply (rule 2 [THEN po_cong, THEN po_trans])
apply (rule 3 [THEN po_cong, THEN po_trans])
apply (rule 4 [THEN po_abstractn, THEN po_abstractn, THEN po_cong, THEN po_trans])
apply (rule_tac f1 = "\d. case (t',a',b',c',d)" in
5 [THEN po_abstractn, THEN po_cong, THEN po_trans])
apply (rule po_refl)
lemma apply_pocong: "\f [= f'; a [= a'\ \ f ` a [= f' ` a'"
unfolding ccl_data_defs
apply (rule case_pocong, (rule po_refl | assumption)+)
apply (erule po_cong)
lemma npo_lam_bot: "\ lam x. b(x) [= bot"
apply (rule notI)
apply (drule bot_poleast)
apply (erule distinctness [THEN notE])
lemma po_lemma: "\x=a; y=b; x[=y\ \ a[=b"
by simp
lemma npo_pair_lam: "\ [= lam x. f(x)"
apply (rule notI)
apply (rule npo_lam_bot [THEN notE])
apply (erule case_pocong [THEN caseBlam [THEN caseBpair [THEN po_lemma]]])
apply (rule po_refl npo_lam_bot)+
lemma npo_lam_pair: "\ lam x. f(x) [= "
apply (rule notI)
apply (rule npo_lam_bot [THEN notE])
apply (erule case_pocong [THEN caseBpair [THEN caseBlam [THEN po_lemma]]])
apply (rule po_refl npo_lam_bot)+
lemma npo_rls1:
"\ true [= false"
"\ false [= true"
"\ true [= "
"\ [= true"
"\ true [= lam x. f(x)"
"\ lam x. f(x) [= true"
"\ false [= "
"\ [= false"
"\ false [= lam x. f(x)"
"\ lam x. f(x) [= false"
by (rule notI, drule case_pocong, erule_tac [5] rev_mp, simp_all,
(rule po_refl npo_lam_bot)+)+
lemmas npo_rls = npo_pair_lam npo_lam_pair npo_rls1
subsection \<open>Coinduction for \<open>[=\<close>\<close>
lemma po_coinduct: "\ : R; R <= POgen(R)\ \ t [= u"
apply (rule PO_def [THEN def_coinduct, THEN PO_iff [THEN iffD2]])
apply assumption+
subsection \<open>Equality\<close>
lemma EQgen_mono: "mono(\X. EQgen(X))"
apply (unfold EQgen_def SIM_def)
apply (rule monoI)
apply blast
lemma EQgenXH:
" : EQgen(R) \ (t=bot \ t'=bot) | (t=true \ t'=true) |
(t=false \<and> t'=false) |
(EX a a' b b'. t=<a,b> \<and> t'=<a',b'> \<and> <a,a'> : R \<and> <b,b'> : R) |
(EX f f'. t=lam x. f(x) \ t'=lam x. f'(x) \ (ALL x. : R))"
apply (unfold EQgen_def SIM_def)
apply (rule iff_refl [THEN XHlemma2])
lemma eqXH:
"t=t' \ (t=bot \ t'=bot) | (t=true \ t'=true) | (t=false \ t'=false) |
(EX a a' b b'. t=<a,b> \<and> t'=<a',b'> \<and> a=a' \<and> b=b') |
(EX f f'. t=lam x. f(x) \ t'=lam x. f'(x) \ (ALL x. f(x)=f'(x)))"
apply (subgoal_tac " : EQ \
(t=bot \<and> t'=bot) | (t=true \<and> t'=true) | (t=false \<and> t'=false) |
(EX a a' b b'. t=<a,b> \<and> t'=<a',b'> \<and> <a,a'> : EQ \<and> <b,b'> : EQ) |
(EX f f'. t=lam x. f (x) \ t'=lam x. f' (x) \ (ALL x. : EQ))")
apply (erule rev_mp)
apply (simp add: EQ_iff [THEN iff_sym])
apply (rule EQgen_mono [THEN EQ_def [THEN def_gfp_Tarski], THEN XHlemma1,
unfolded EQgen_def SIM_def])
apply (rule iff_refl [THEN XHlemma2])
lemma eq_coinduct: "\ : R; R <= EQgen(R)\ \ t = u"
apply (rule EQ_def [THEN def_coinduct, THEN EQ_iff [THEN iffD2]])
apply assumption+
lemma eq_coinduct3:
"\ : R; R <= EQgen(lfp(\x. EQgen(x) Un R Un EQ))\ \ t = u"
apply (rule EQ_def [THEN def_coinduct3, THEN EQ_iff [THEN iffD2]])
apply (rule EQgen_mono | assumption)+
method_setup eq_coinduct3 = \<open>
Scan.lift Args.embedded_inner_syntax >> (fn s => fn ctxt =>
(Rule_Insts.res_inst_tac ctxt [((("R", 0), Position.none), s)] [] @{thm eq_coinduct3}))
subsection \<open>Untyped Case Analysis and Other Facts\<close>
lemma cond_eta: "(EX f. t=lam x. f(x)) \ t = lam x.(t ` x)"
by (auto simp: apply_def)
lemma exhaustion: "(t=bot) | (t=true) | (t=false) | (EX a b. t=) | (EX f. t=lam x. f(x))"
apply (cut_tac refl [THEN eqXH [THEN iffD1]])
apply blast
lemma term_case:
"\P(bot); P(true); P(false); \x y. P(); \b. P(lam x. b(x))\ \ P(t)"
using exhaustion [of t] by blast
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