section \<open>Elementary Group Constructions\<close>
(* Title: HOL/Algebra/Elementary_Groups.thy
Author: LC Paulson, ported from HOL Light
theory Elementary_Groups
imports Generated_Groups "HOL-Library.Infinite_Set"
subsection\<open>Direct sum/product lemmas\<close>
locale group_disjoint_sum = group G + AG: subgroup A G + BG: subgroup B G for G (structure) and A B
lemma subset_one: "A \ B \ {\} \ A \ B = {\}"
by auto
lemma sub_id_iff: "A \ B \ {\} \ (\x\A. \y\B. x \ y = \ \ x = \ \ y = \)"
(is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof -
have "?lhs = (\x\A. \y\B. x \ inv y = \ \ x = \ \ inv y = \)"
proof (intro ballI iffI impI)
fix x y
assume "A \ B \ {\}" "x \ A" "y \ B" "x \ inv y = \"
then have "y = x"
using group.inv_equality group_l_invI by fastforce
then show "x = \ \ inv y = \"
using \<open>A \<inter> B \<subseteq> {\<one>}\<close> \<open>x \<in> A\<close> \<open>y \<in> B\<close> by fastforce
assume "\x\A. \y\B. x \ inv y = \ \ x = \ \ inv y = \"
then show "A \ B \ {\}"
by auto
also have "\ = ?rhs"
by (metis BG.mem_carrier BG.subgroup_axioms inv_inv subgroup_def)
finally show ?thesis .
lemma cancel: "A \ B \ {\} \ (\x\A. \y\B. \x'\A. \y'\B. x \ y = x' \ y' \ x = x' \ y = y')"
(is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof -
have "(\x\A. \y\B. x \ y = \ \ x = \ \ y = \) = ?rhs"
(is "?med = _")
proof (intro ballI iffI impI)
fix x y x' y'
assume * [rule_format]: "\x\A. \y\B. x \ y = \ \ x = \ \ y = \"
and AB: "x \ A" "y \ B" "x' \ A" "y' \ B" and eq: "x \ y = x' \ y'"
then have carr: "x \ carrier G" "x' \ carrier G" "y \ carrier G" "y' \ carrier G"
using AG.subset BG.subset by auto
then have "inv x' \ x \ (y \ inv y') = inv x' \ (x \ y) \ inv y'"
by (simp add: m_assoc)
also have "\ = \"
using carr by (simp add: eq) (simp add: m_assoc)
finally have 1: "inv x' \ x \ (y \ inv y') = \" .
show "x = x' \ y = y'"
using * [OF _ _ 1] AB by simp (metis carr inv_closed inv_inv local.inv_equality)
fix x y
assume * [rule_format]: "\x\A. \y\B. \x'\A. \y'\B. x \ y = x' \ y' \ x = x' \ y = y'"
and xy: "x \ A" "y \ B" "x \ y = \"
show "x = \ \ y = \"
by (rule *) (use xy in auto)
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: sub_id_iff)
lemma commuting_imp_normal1:
assumes sub: "carrier G \ A <#> B"
and mult: "\x y. \x \ A; y \ B\ \ x \ y = y \ x"
shows "A \ G"
proof -
have AB: "A \ carrier G \ B \ carrier G"
by (simp add: AG.subset BG.subset)
have "A #> x = x <# A"
if x: "x \ carrier G" for x
proof -
obtain a b where xeq: "x = a \ b" and "a \ A" "b \ B" and carr: "a \ carrier G" "b \ carrier G"
using x sub AB by (force simp: set_mult_def)
have Ab: "A <#> {b} = {b} <#> A"
using AB \<open>a \<in> A\<close> \<open>b \<in> B\<close> mult
by (force simp: set_mult_def m_assoc subset_iff)
have "A #> x = A <#> {a \ b}"
by (auto simp: l_coset_eq_set_mult r_coset_eq_set_mult xeq)
also have "\ = A <#> {a} <#> {b}"
using AB \<open>a \<in> A\<close> \<open>b \<in> B\<close>
by (auto simp: set_mult_def m_assoc subset_iff)
also have "\ = {a} <#> A <#> {b}"
by (metis AG.rcos_const AG.subgroup_axioms \<open>a \<in> A\<close> coset_join3 is_group l_coset_eq_set_mult r_coset_eq_set_mult subgroup.mem_carrier)
also have "\ = {a} <#> {b} <#> A"
by (simp add: is_group carr group.set_mult_assoc AB Ab)
also have "\ = {x} <#> A"
by (auto simp: set_mult_def xeq)
finally show "A #> x = x <# A"
by (simp add: l_coset_eq_set_mult)
then show ?thesis
by (auto simp: normal_def normal_axioms_def AG.subgroup_axioms is_group)
lemma commuting_imp_normal2:
assumes"carrier G \ A <#> B" "\x y. \x \ A; y \ B\ \ x \ y = y \ x"
shows "B \ G"
proof (rule group_disjoint_sum.commuting_imp_normal1)
show "group_disjoint_sum G B A"
proof qed
show "carrier G \ B <#> A"
using BG.subgroup_axioms assms commut_normal commuting_imp_normal1 by blast
qed (use assms in auto)
lemma (in group) normal_imp_commuting:
assumes "A \ G" "B \ G" "A \ B \ {\}" "x \ A" "y \ B"
shows "x \ y = y \ x"
proof -
interpret AG: normal A G
using assms by auto
interpret BG: normal B G
using assms by auto
interpret group_disjoint_sum G A B
proof qed
have * [rule_format]: "(\x\A. \y\B. \x'\A. \y'\B. x \ y = x' \ y' \ x = x' \ y = y')"
using cancel assms by (auto simp: normal_def)
have carr: "x \ carrier G" "y \ carrier G"
using assms AG.subset BG.subset by auto
then show ?thesis
using * [of x _ _ y] AG.coset_eq [rule_format, of y] BG.coset_eq [rule_format, of x]
by (clarsimp simp: l_coset_def r_coset_def set_eq_iff) (metis \<open>x \<in> A\<close> \<open>y \<in> B\<close>)
lemma normal_eq_commuting:
assumes "carrier G \ A <#> B" "A \ B \ {\}"
shows "A \ G \ B \ G \ (\x\A. \y\B. x \ y = y \ x)"
by (metis assms commuting_imp_normal1 commuting_imp_normal2 normal_imp_commuting)
lemma (in group) hom_group_mul_rev:
assumes "(\(x,y). x \ y) \ hom (subgroup_generated G A \\ subgroup_generated G B) G"
(is "?h \ hom ?P G")
and "x \ carrier G" "y \ carrier G" "x \ A" "y \ B"
shows "x \ y = y \ x"
proof -
interpret P: group_hom ?P G ?h
by (simp add: assms DirProd_group group_hom.intro group_hom_axioms.intro is_group)
have xy: "(x,y) \ carrier ?P"
by (auto simp: assms carrier_subgroup_generated generate.incl)
have "x \ (x \ (y \ y)) = x \ (y \ (x \ y))"
using P.hom_mult [OF xy xy] by (simp add: m_assoc assms)
then have "x \ (y \ y) = y \ (x \ y)"
using assms by simp
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: assms flip: m_assoc)
lemma hom_group_mul_eq:
"(\(x,y). x \ y) \ hom (subgroup_generated G A \\ subgroup_generated G B) G
\<longleftrightarrow> (\<forall>x\<in>A. \<forall>y\<in>B. x \<otimes> y = y \<otimes> x)"
(is "?lhs = ?rhs")
assume ?lhs then show ?rhs
using hom_group_mul_rev AG.subset BG.subset by blast
assume R: ?rhs
have subG: "generate G (carrier G \ A) \ carrier G" for A
by (simp add: generate_incl)
have *: "x \ u \ (y \ v) = x \ y \ (u \ v)"
if eq [rule_format]: "\x\A. \y\B. x \ y = y \ x"
and gen: "x \ generate G (carrier G \ A)" "y \ generate G (carrier G \ B)"
"u \ generate G (carrier G \ A)" "v \ generate G (carrier G \ B)"
for x y u v
proof -
have "u \ y = y \ u"
by (metis AG.carrier_subgroup_generated_subgroup BG.carrier_subgroup_generated_subgroup carrier_subgroup_generated eq that(3) that(4))
then have "x \ u \ y = x \ y \ u"
using gen by (simp add: m_assoc subsetD [OF subG])
then show ?thesis
using gen by (simp add: subsetD [OF subG] flip: m_assoc)
show ?lhs
using R by (auto simp: hom_def carrier_subgroup_generated subsetD [OF subG] *)
lemma epi_group_mul_eq:
"(\(x,y). x \ y) \ epi (subgroup_generated G A \\ subgroup_generated G B) G
\<longleftrightarrow> A <#> B = carrier G \<and> (\<forall>x\<in>A. \<forall>y\<in>B. x \<otimes> y = y \<otimes> x)"
proof -
have subGA: "generate G (carrier G \ A) \ A"
by (simp add: AG.subgroup_axioms generate_subgroup_incl)
have subGB: "generate G (carrier G \ B) \ B"
by (simp add: BG.subgroup_axioms generate_subgroup_incl)
have "(((\(x, y). x \ y) ` (generate G (carrier G \ A) \ generate G (carrier G \ B)))) = ((A <#> B))"
by (auto simp: set_mult_def generate.incl pair_imageI dest: subsetD [OF subGA] subsetD [OF subGB])
then show ?thesis
by (auto simp: epi_def hom_group_mul_eq carrier_subgroup_generated)
lemma mon_group_mul_eq:
"(\(x,y). x \ y) \ mon (subgroup_generated G A \\ subgroup_generated G B) G
\<longleftrightarrow> A \<inter> B = {\<one>} \<and> (\<forall>x\<in>A. \<forall>y\<in>B. x \<otimes> y = y \<otimes> x)"
proof -
have subGA: "generate G (carrier G \ A) \ A"
by (simp add: AG.subgroup_axioms generate_subgroup_incl)
have subGB: "generate G (carrier G \ B) \ B"
by (simp add: BG.subgroup_axioms generate_subgroup_incl)
show ?thesis
apply (auto simp: mon_def hom_group_mul_eq simp flip: subset_one)
apply (simp_all (no_asm_use) add: inj_on_def AG.carrier_subgroup_generated_subgroup BG.carrier_subgroup_generated_subgroup)
using cancel apply blast+
lemma iso_group_mul_alt:
"(\(x,y). x \ y) \ iso (subgroup_generated G A \\ subgroup_generated G B) G
\<longleftrightarrow> A \<inter> B = {\<one>} \<and> A <#> B = carrier G \<and> (\<forall>x\<in>A. \<forall>y\<in>B. x \<otimes> y = y \<otimes> x)"
by (auto simp: iso_iff_mon_epi mon_group_mul_eq epi_group_mul_eq)
lemma iso_group_mul_eq:
"(\(x,y). x \ y) \ iso (subgroup_generated G A \\ subgroup_generated G B) G
\<longleftrightarrow> A \<inter> B = {\<one>} \<and> A <#> B = carrier G \<and> A \<lhd> G \<and> B \<lhd> G"
by (simp add: iso_group_mul_alt normal_eq_commuting cong: conj_cong)
lemma (in group) iso_group_mul_gen:
assumes "A \ G" "B \ G"
shows "(\(x,y). x \ y) \ iso (subgroup_generated G A \\ subgroup_generated G B) G
\<longleftrightarrow> A \<inter> B \<subseteq> {\<one>} \<and> A <#> B = carrier G"
proof -
interpret group_disjoint_sum G A B
using assms by (auto simp: group_disjoint_sum_def normal_def)
show ?thesis
by (simp add: subset_one iso_group_mul_eq assms)
lemma iso_group_mul:
assumes "comm_group G"
shows "((\(x,y). x \ y) \ iso (DirProd (subgroup_generated G A) (subgroup_generated G B)) G
\<longleftrightarrow> A \<inter> B \<subseteq> {\<one>} \<and> A <#> B = carrier G)"
proof (rule iso_group_mul_gen)
interpret comm_group
by (rule assms)
show "A \ G"
by (simp add: AG.subgroup_axioms subgroup_imp_normal)
show "B \ G"
by (simp add: BG.subgroup_axioms subgroup_imp_normal)
subsection\<open>The one-element group on a given object\<close>
definition singleton_group :: "'a \ 'a monoid"
where "singleton_group a = \carrier = {a}, monoid.mult = (\x y. a), one = a\"
lemma singleton_group [simp]: "group (singleton_group a)"
unfolding singleton_group_def by (auto intro: groupI)
lemma singleton_abelian_group [simp]: "comm_group (singleton_group a)"
by (metis group.group_comm_groupI monoid.simps(1) singleton_group singleton_group_def)
lemma carrier_singleton_group [simp]: "carrier (singleton_group a) = {a}"
by (auto simp: singleton_group_def)
lemma (in group) hom_into_singleton_iff [simp]:
"h \ hom G (singleton_group a) \ h \ carrier G \ {a}"
by (auto simp: hom_def singleton_group_def)
declare group.hom_into_singleton_iff [simp]
lemma (in group) id_hom_singleton: "id \ hom (singleton_group \) G"
by (simp add: hom_def singleton_group_def)
subsection\<open>Similarly, trivial groups\<close>
definition trivial_group :: "('a, 'b) monoid_scheme \ bool"
where "trivial_group G \ group G \ carrier G = {one G}"
lemma trivial_imp_finite_group:
"trivial_group G \ finite(carrier G)"
by (simp add: trivial_group_def)
lemma trivial_singleton_group [simp]: "trivial_group(singleton_group a)"
by (metis monoid.simps(2) partial_object.simps(1) singleton_group singleton_group_def trivial_group_def)
lemma (in group) trivial_group_subset:
"trivial_group G \ carrier G \ {one G}"
using is_group trivial_group_def by fastforce
lemma (in group) trivial_group: "trivial_group G \ (\a. carrier G = {a})"
unfolding trivial_group_def using one_closed is_group by fastforce
lemma (in group) trivial_group_alt:
"trivial_group G \ (\a. carrier G \ {a})"
by (auto simp: trivial_group)
lemma (in group) trivial_group_subgroup_generated:
assumes "S \ {one G}"
shows "trivial_group(subgroup_generated G S)"
proof -
have "carrier (subgroup_generated G S) \ {\}"
using generate_empty generate_one subset_singletonD assms
by (fastforce simp add: carrier_subgroup_generated)
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: group.trivial_group_subset)
lemma (in group) trivial_group_subgroup_generated_eq:
"trivial_group(subgroup_generated G s) \ carrier G \ s \ {one G}"
apply (rule iffI)
apply (force simp: trivial_group_def carrier_subgroup_generated generate.incl)
by (metis subgroup_generated_restrict trivial_group_subgroup_generated)
lemma isomorphic_group_triviality1:
assumes "G \ H" "group H" "trivial_group G"
shows "trivial_group H"
using assms
by (auto simp: trivial_group_def is_iso_def iso_def group.is_monoid Group.group_def bij_betw_def hom_one)
lemma isomorphic_group_triviality:
assumes "G \ H" "group G" "group H"
shows "trivial_group G \ trivial_group H"
by (meson assms group.iso_sym isomorphic_group_triviality1)
lemma (in group_hom) kernel_from_trivial_group:
"trivial_group G \ kernel G H h = carrier G"
by (auto simp: trivial_group_def kernel_def)
lemma (in group_hom) image_from_trivial_group:
"trivial_group G \ h ` carrier G = {one H}"
by (auto simp: trivial_group_def)
lemma (in group_hom) kernel_to_trivial_group:
"trivial_group H \ kernel G H h = carrier G"
unfolding kernel_def trivial_group_def
using hom_closed by blast
subsection\<open>The additive group of integers\<close>
definition integer_group
where "integer_group = \carrier = UNIV, monoid.mult = (+), one = (0::int)\"
lemma group_integer_group [simp]: "group integer_group"
unfolding integer_group_def
proof (rule groupI; simp)
show "\x::int. \y. y + x = 0"
by presburger
lemma carrier_integer_group [simp]: "carrier integer_group = UNIV"
by (auto simp: integer_group_def)
lemma one_integer_group [simp]: "\\<^bsub>integer_group\<^esub> = 0"
by (auto simp: integer_group_def)
lemma mult_integer_group [simp]: "x \\<^bsub>integer_group\<^esub> y = x + y"
by (auto simp: integer_group_def)
lemma inv_integer_group [simp]: "inv\<^bsub>integer_group\<^esub> x = -x"
by (rule group.inv_equality [OF group_integer_group]) (auto simp: integer_group_def)
lemma abelian_integer_group: "comm_group integer_group"
by (rule group.group_comm_groupI [OF group_integer_group]) (auto simp: integer_group_def)
lemma group_nat_pow_integer_group [simp]:
fixes n::nat and x::int
shows "pow integer_group x n = int n * x"
by (induction n) (auto simp: integer_group_def algebra_simps)
lemma group_int_pow_integer_group [simp]:
fixes n::int and x::int
shows "pow integer_group x n = n * x"
by (simp add: int_pow_def2)
lemma (in group) hom_integer_group_pow:
"x \ carrier G \ pow G x \ hom integer_group G"
by (rule homI) (auto simp: int_pow_mult)
subsection\<open>Additive group of integers modulo n (n = 0 gives just the integers)\<close>
definition integer_mod_group :: "nat \ int monoid"
"integer_mod_group n \
if n = 0 then integer_group
else \<lparr>carrier = {0..<int n}, monoid.mult = (\<lambda>x y. (x+y) mod int n), one = 0\<rparr>"
lemma carrier_integer_mod_group:
"carrier(integer_mod_group n) = (if n=0 then UNIV else {0..
by (simp add: integer_mod_group_def)
lemma one_integer_mod_group[simp]: "one(integer_mod_group n) = 0"
by (simp add: integer_mod_group_def)
lemma mult_integer_mod_group[simp]: "monoid.mult(integer_mod_group n) = (\x y. (x + y) mod int n)"
by (simp add: integer_mod_group_def integer_group_def)
lemma group_integer_mod_group [simp]: "group (integer_mod_group n)"
proof -
have *: "\y\0. y < int n \ (y + x) mod int n = 0" if "x < int n" "0 \ x" for x
proof (cases "x=0")
case False
with that show ?thesis
by (rule_tac x="int n - x" in exI) auto
qed (use that in auto)
show ?thesis
apply (rule groupI)
apply (auto simp: integer_mod_group_def Bex_def *, presburger+)
lemma inv_integer_mod_group[simp]:
"x \ carrier (integer_mod_group n) \ m_inv(integer_mod_group n) x = (-x) mod int n"
by (rule group.inv_equality [OF group_integer_mod_group]) (auto simp: integer_mod_group_def add.commute mod_add_right_eq)
lemma pow_integer_mod_group [simp]:
fixes m::nat
shows "pow (integer_mod_group n) x m = (int m * x) mod int n"
proof (cases "n=0")
case False
show ?thesis
by (induction m) (auto simp: add.commute mod_add_right_eq distrib_left mult.commute)
qed (simp add: integer_mod_group_def)
lemma int_pow_integer_mod_group:
"pow (integer_mod_group n) x m = (m * x) mod int n"
proof -
have "inv\<^bsub>integer_mod_group n\<^esub> (- (m * x) mod int n) = m * x mod int n"
by (simp add: carrier_integer_mod_group mod_minus_eq)
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: int_pow_def2)
lemma abelian_integer_mod_group [simp]: "comm_group(integer_mod_group n)"
by (simp add: add.commute group.group_comm_groupI)
lemma integer_mod_group_0 [simp]: "0 \ carrier(integer_mod_group n)"
by (simp add: integer_mod_group_def)
lemma integer_mod_group_1 [simp]: "1 \ carrier(integer_mod_group n) \ (n \ 1)"
by (auto simp: integer_mod_group_def)
lemma trivial_integer_mod_group: "trivial_group(integer_mod_group n) \ n = 1"
(is "?lhs = ?rhs")
assume ?lhs
then show ?rhs
by (simp add: trivial_group_def carrier_integer_mod_group set_eq_iff split: if_split_asm) (presburger+)
assume ?rhs
then show ?lhs
by (force simp: trivial_group_def carrier_integer_mod_group)
subsection\<open>Cyclic groups\<close>
lemma (in group) subgroup_of_powers:
"x \ carrier G \ subgroup (range (\n::int. x [^] n)) G"
apply (auto simp: subgroup_def image_iff simp flip: int_pow_mult int_pow_neg)
apply (metis group.int_pow_diff int_pow_closed is_group r_inv)
lemma (in group) carrier_subgroup_generated_by_singleton:
assumes "x \ carrier G"
shows "carrier(subgroup_generated G {x}) = (range (\n::int. x [^] n))"
show "carrier (subgroup_generated G {x}) \ range (\n::int. x [^] n)"
proof (rule subgroup_generated_minimal)
show "subgroup (range (\n::int. x [^] n)) G"
using assms subgroup_of_powers by blast
show "{x} \ range (\n::int. x [^] n)"
by clarify (metis assms int_pow_1 range_eqI)
have x: "x \ carrier (subgroup_generated G {x})"
using assms subgroup_generated_subset_carrier_subset by auto
show "range (\n::int. x [^] n) \ carrier (subgroup_generated G {x})"
proof clarify
fix n :: "int"
show "x [^] n \ carrier (subgroup_generated G {x})"
by (simp add: x subgroup_int_pow_closed subgroup_subgroup_generated)
definition cyclic_group
where "cyclic_group G \ \x \ carrier G. subgroup_generated G {x} = G"
lemma (in group) cyclic_group:
"cyclic_group G \ (\x \ carrier G. carrier G = range (\n::int. x [^] n))"
proof -
have "\x. \x \ carrier G; carrier G = range (\n::int. x [^] n)\
\<Longrightarrow> \<exists>x\<in>carrier G. subgroup_generated G {x} = G"
by (rule_tac x=x in bexI) (auto simp: generate_pow subgroup_generated_def intro!: monoid.equality)
then show ?thesis
unfolding cyclic_group_def
using carrier_subgroup_generated_by_singleton by fastforce
lemma cyclic_integer_group [simp]: "cyclic_group integer_group"
proof -
have *: "int n \ generate integer_group {1}" for n
proof (induction n)
case 0
then show ?case
using generate.simps by force
case (Suc n)
then show ?case
by simp (metis generate.simps insert_subset integer_group_def monoid.simps(1) subsetI)
have **: "i \ generate integer_group {1}" for i
proof (cases i rule: int_cases)
case (nonneg n)
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: *)
case (neg n)
then have "-i \ generate integer_group {1}"
by (metis "*" add.inverse_inverse)
then have "- (-i) \ generate integer_group {1}"
by (metis UNIV_I group.generate_m_inv_closed group_integer_group integer_group_def inv_integer_group partial_object.select_convs(1) subsetI)
then show ?thesis
by simp
show ?thesis
unfolding cyclic_group_def
by (rule_tac x=1 in bexI)
(auto simp: carrier_subgroup_generated ** intro: monoid.equality)
lemma nontrivial_integer_group [simp]: "\ trivial_group integer_group"
using integer_mod_group_def trivial_integer_mod_group by presburger
lemma (in group) cyclic_imp_abelian_group:
"cyclic_group G \ comm_group G"
apply (auto simp: cyclic_group comm_group_def is_group intro!: monoid_comm_monoidI)
apply (metis add.commute int_pow_mult rangeI)
lemma trivial_imp_cyclic_group:
"trivial_group G \ cyclic_group G"
by (metis cyclic_group_def group.subgroup_generated_group_carrier insertI1 trivial_group_def)
lemma (in group) cyclic_group_alt:
"cyclic_group G \ (\x. subgroup_generated G {x} = G)"
proof safe
fix x
assume *: "subgroup_generated G {x} = G"
show "cyclic_group G"
proof (cases "x \ carrier G")
case True
then show ?thesis
using \<open>subgroup_generated G {x} = G\<close> cyclic_group_def by blast
case False
then show ?thesis
by (metis "*" Int_empty_right Int_insert_right_if0 carrier_subgroup_generated generate_empty trivial_group trivial_imp_cyclic_group)
qed (auto simp: cyclic_group_def)
lemma (in group) cyclic_group_generated:
"cyclic_group (subgroup_generated G {x})"
using group.cyclic_group_alt group_subgroup_generated subgroup_generated2 by blast
lemma (in group) cyclic_group_epimorphic_image:
assumes "h \ epi G H" "cyclic_group G" "group H"
shows "cyclic_group H"
proof -
interpret h: group_hom
using assms
by (simp add: group_hom_def group_hom_axioms_def is_group epi_def)
obtain x where "x \ carrier G" and x: "carrier G = range (\n::int. x [^] n)" and eq: "carrier H = h ` carrier G"
using assms by (auto simp: cyclic_group epi_def)
have "h ` carrier G = range (\n::int. h x [^]\<^bsub>H\<^esub> n)"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) \<open>x \<in> carrier G\<close> h.hom_int_pow image_cong image_image x)
then show ?thesis
using \<open>x \<in> carrier G\<close> eq h.cyclic_group by blast
lemma isomorphic_group_cyclicity:
"\G \ H; group G; group H\ \ cyclic_group G \ cyclic_group H"
by (meson ex_in_conv group.cyclic_group_epimorphic_image group.iso_sym is_iso_def iso_iff_mon_epi)
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.27 Sekunden
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