(* Author: L C Paulson, University of Cambridge [ported from HOL Light]
section \<open>Operators involving abstract topology\<close>
theory Abstract_Topology
subsection \<open>General notion of a topology as a value\<close>
definition\<^marker>\<open>tag important\<close> istopology :: "('a set \<Rightarrow> bool) \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"istopology L \ (\S T. L S \ L T \ L (S \ T)) \ (\\. (\K\\. L K) \ L (\\))"
typedef\<^marker>\<open>tag important\<close> 'a topology = "{L::('a set) \<Rightarrow> bool. istopology L}"
morphisms "openin" "topology"
unfolding istopology_def by blast
lemma istopology_openin[intro]: "istopology(openin U)"
using openin[of U] by blast
lemma istopology_open: "istopology open"
by (auto simp: istopology_def)
lemma topology_inverse': "istopology U \ openin (topology U) = U"
using topology_inverse[unfolded mem_Collect_eq] .
lemma topology_inverse_iff: "istopology U \ openin (topology U) = U"
using topology_inverse[of U] istopology_openin[of "topology U"] by auto
lemma topology_eq: "T1 = T2 \ (\S. openin T1 S \ openin T2 S)"
assume "T1 = T2"
then show "\S. openin T1 S \ openin T2 S" by simp
assume H: "\S. openin T1 S \ openin T2 S"
then have "openin T1 = openin T2" by (simp add: fun_eq_iff)
then have "topology (openin T1) = topology (openin T2)" by simp
then show "T1 = T2" unfolding openin_inverse .
text\<open>The "universe": the union of all sets in the topology.\<close>
definition "topspace T = \{S. openin T S}"
subsubsection \<open>Main properties of open sets\<close>
proposition openin_clauses:
fixes U :: "'a topology"
"openin U {}"
"\S T. openin U S \ openin U T \ openin U (S\T)"
"\K. (\S \ K. openin U S) \ openin U (\K)"
using openin[of U] unfolding istopology_def by auto
lemma openin_subset: "openin U S \ S \ topspace U"
unfolding topspace_def by blast
lemma openin_empty[simp]: "openin U {}"
by (rule openin_clauses)
lemma openin_Int[intro]: "openin U S \ openin U T \ openin U (S \ T)"
by (rule openin_clauses)
lemma openin_Union[intro]: "(\S. S \ K \ openin U S) \ openin U (\K)"
using openin_clauses by blast
lemma openin_Un[intro]: "openin U S \ openin U T \ openin U (S \ T)"
using openin_Union[of "{S,T}" U] by auto
lemma openin_topspace[intro, simp]: "openin U (topspace U)"
by (force simp: openin_Union topspace_def)
lemma openin_subopen: "openin U S \ (\x \ S. \T. openin U T \ x \ T \ T \ S)"
(is "?lhs \ ?rhs")
assume ?lhs
then show ?rhs by auto
assume H: ?rhs
let ?t = "\{T. openin U T \ T \ S}"
have "openin U ?t" by (force simp: openin_Union)
also have "?t = S" using H by auto
finally show "openin U S" .
lemma openin_INT [intro]:
assumes "finite I"
"\i. i \ I \ openin T (U i)"
shows "openin T ((\i \ I. U i) \ topspace T)"
using assms by (induct, auto simp: inf_sup_aci(2) openin_Int)
lemma openin_INT2 [intro]:
assumes "finite I" "I \ {}"
"\i. i \ I \ openin T (U i)"
shows "openin T (\i \ I. U i)"
proof -
have "(\i \ I. U i) \ topspace T"
using \<open>I \<noteq> {}\<close> openin_subset[OF assms(3)] by auto
then show ?thesis
using openin_INT[of _ _ U, OF assms(1) assms(3)] by (simp add: inf.absorb2 inf_commute)
lemma openin_Inter [intro]:
assumes "finite \" "\ \ {}" "\X. X \ \ \ openin T X" shows "openin T (\\)"
by (metis (full_types) assms openin_INT2 image_ident)
lemma openin_Int_Inter:
assumes "finite \" "openin T U" "\X. X \ \ \ openin T X" shows "openin T (U \ \\)"
using openin_Inter [of "insert U \"] assms by auto
subsubsection \<open>Closed sets\<close>
definition\<^marker>\<open>tag important\<close> closedin :: "'a topology \<Rightarrow> 'a set \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"closedin U S \ S \ topspace U \ openin U (topspace U - S)"
lemma closedin_subset: "closedin U S \ S \ topspace U"
by (metis closedin_def)
lemma closedin_empty[simp]: "closedin U {}"
by (simp add: closedin_def)
lemma closedin_topspace[intro, simp]: "closedin U (topspace U)"
by (simp add: closedin_def)
lemma closedin_Un[intro]: "closedin U S \ closedin U T \ closedin U (S \ T)"
by (auto simp: Diff_Un closedin_def)
lemma Diff_Inter[intro]: "A - \S = \{A - s|s. s\S}"
by auto
lemma closedin_Union:
assumes "finite S" "\T. T \ S \ closedin U T"
shows "closedin U (\S)"
using assms by induction auto
lemma closedin_Inter[intro]:
assumes Ke: "K \ {}"
and Kc: "\S. S \K \ closedin U S"
shows "closedin U (\K)"
using Ke Kc unfolding closedin_def Diff_Inter by auto
lemma closedin_INT[intro]:
assumes "A \ {}" "\x. x \ A \ closedin U (B x)"
shows "closedin U (\x\A. B x)"
using assms by blast
lemma closedin_Int[intro]: "closedin U S \ closedin U T \ closedin U (S \ T)"
using closedin_Inter[of "{S,T}" U] by auto
lemma openin_closedin_eq: "openin U S \ S \ topspace U \ closedin U (topspace U - S)"
by (metis Diff_subset closedin_def double_diff equalityD1 openin_subset)
lemma topology_finer_closedin:
"topspace X = topspace Y \ (\S. openin Y S \ openin X S) \ (\S. closedin Y S \ closedin X S)"
by (metis closedin_def openin_closedin_eq)
lemma openin_closedin: "S \ topspace U \ (openin U S \ closedin U (topspace U - S))"
by (simp add: openin_closedin_eq)
lemma openin_diff[intro]:
assumes oS: "openin U S"
and cT: "closedin U T"
shows "openin U (S - T)"
proof -
have "S - T = S \ (topspace U - T)" using openin_subset[of U S] oS cT
by (auto simp: topspace_def openin_subset)
then show ?thesis using oS cT
by (auto simp: closedin_def)
lemma closedin_diff[intro]:
assumes oS: "closedin U S"
and cT: "openin U T"
shows "closedin U (S - T)"
proof -
have "S - T = S \ (topspace U - T)"
using closedin_subset[of U S] oS cT by (auto simp: topspace_def)
then show ?thesis
using oS cT by (auto simp: openin_closedin_eq)
subsection\<open>The discrete topology\<close>
definition discrete_topology where "discrete_topology U \ topology (\S. S \ U)"
lemma openin_discrete_topology [simp]: "openin (discrete_topology U) S \ S \ U"
proof -
have "istopology (\S. S \ U)"
by (auto simp: istopology_def)
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: discrete_topology_def topology_inverse')
lemma topspace_discrete_topology [simp]: "topspace(discrete_topology U) = U"
by (meson openin_discrete_topology openin_subset openin_topspace order_refl subset_antisym)
lemma closedin_discrete_topology [simp]: "closedin (discrete_topology U) S \ S \ U"
by (simp add: closedin_def)
lemma discrete_topology_unique:
"discrete_topology U = X \ topspace X = U \ (\x \ U. openin X {x})" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
assume R: ?rhs
then have "openin X S" if "S \ U" for S
using openin_subopen subsetD that by fastforce
moreover have "x \ topspace X" if "openin X S" and "x \ S" for x S
using openin_subset that by blast
show ?lhs
using R by (auto simp: topology_eq)
qed auto
lemma discrete_topology_unique_alt:
"discrete_topology U = X \ topspace X \ U \ (\x \ U. openin X {x})"
using openin_subset
by (auto simp: discrete_topology_unique)
lemma subtopology_eq_discrete_topology_empty:
"X = discrete_topology {} \ topspace X = {}"
using discrete_topology_unique [of "{}" X] by auto
lemma subtopology_eq_discrete_topology_sing:
"X = discrete_topology {a} \ topspace X = {a}"
by (metis discrete_topology_unique openin_topspace singletonD)
subsection \<open>Subspace topology\<close>
definition\<^marker>\<open>tag important\<close> subtopology :: "'a topology \<Rightarrow> 'a set \<Rightarrow> 'a topology" where
"subtopology U V = topology (\T. \S. T = S \ V \ openin U S)"
lemma istopology_subtopology: "istopology (\T. \S. T = S \ V \ openin U S)"
(is "istopology ?L")
proof -
have "?L {}" by blast
fix A B
assume A: "?L A" and B: "?L B"
from A B obtain Sa and Sb where Sa: "openin U Sa" "A = Sa \ V" and Sb: "openin U Sb" "B = Sb \ V"
by blast
have "A \ B = (Sa \ Sb) \ V" "openin U (Sa \ Sb)"
using Sa Sb by blast+
then have "?L (A \ B)" by blast
fix K
assume K: "K \ Collect ?L"
have th0: "Collect ?L = (\S. S \ V) ` Collect (openin U)"
by blast
from K[unfolded th0 subset_image_iff]
obtain Sk where Sk: "Sk \ Collect (openin U)" "K = (\S. S \ V) ` Sk"
by blast
have "\K = (\Sk) \ V"
using Sk by auto
moreover have "openin U (\Sk)"
using Sk by (auto simp: subset_eq)
ultimately have "?L (\K)" by blast
ultimately show ?thesis
unfolding subset_eq mem_Collect_eq istopology_def by auto
lemma openin_subtopology: "openin (subtopology U V) S \ (\T. openin U T \ S = T \ V)"
unfolding subtopology_def topology_inverse'[OF istopology_subtopology]
by auto
lemma openin_subtopology_Int:
"openin X S \ openin (subtopology X T) (S \ T)"
using openin_subtopology by auto
lemma openin_subtopology_Int2:
"openin X T \ openin (subtopology X S) (S \ T)"
using openin_subtopology by auto
lemma openin_subtopology_diff_closed:
"\S \ topspace X; closedin X T\ \ openin (subtopology X S) (S - T)"
unfolding closedin_def openin_subtopology
by (rule_tac x="topspace X - T" in exI) auto
lemma openin_relative_to: "(openin X relative_to S) = openin (subtopology X S)"
by (force simp: relative_to_def openin_subtopology)
lemma topspace_subtopology [simp]: "topspace (subtopology U V) = topspace U \ V"
by (auto simp: topspace_def openin_subtopology)
lemma topspace_subtopology_subset:
"S \ topspace X \ topspace(subtopology X S) = S"
by (simp add: inf.absorb_iff2)
lemma closedin_subtopology: "closedin (subtopology U V) S \ (\T. closedin U T \ S = T \ V)"
unfolding closedin_def topspace_subtopology
by (auto simp: openin_subtopology)
lemma openin_subtopology_refl: "openin (subtopology U V) V \ V \ topspace U"
unfolding openin_subtopology
by auto (metis IntD1 in_mono openin_subset)
lemma subtopology_subtopology:
"subtopology (subtopology X S) T = subtopology X (S \ T)"
proof -
have eq: "\T'. (\S'. T' = S' \ T \ (\T. openin X T \ S' = T \ S)) = (\Sa. T' = Sa \ (S \ T) \ openin X Sa)"
by (metis inf_assoc)
have "subtopology (subtopology X S) T = topology (\Ta. \Sa. Ta = Sa \ T \ openin (subtopology X S) Sa)"
by (simp add: subtopology_def)
also have "\ = subtopology X (S \ T)"
by (simp add: openin_subtopology eq) (simp add: subtopology_def)
finally show ?thesis .
lemma openin_subtopology_alt:
"openin (subtopology X U) S \ S \ (\T. U \ T) ` Collect (openin X)"
by (simp add: image_iff inf_commute openin_subtopology)
lemma closedin_subtopology_alt:
"closedin (subtopology X U) S \ S \ (\T. U \ T) ` Collect (closedin X)"
by (simp add: image_iff inf_commute closedin_subtopology)
lemma subtopology_superset:
assumes UV: "topspace U \ V"
shows "subtopology U V = U"
proof -
fix S
fix T
assume T: "openin U T" "S = T \ V"
from T openin_subset[OF T(1)] UV have eq: "S = T"
by blast
have "openin U S"
unfolding eq using T by blast
assume S: "openin U S"
then have "\T. openin U T \ S = T \ V"
using openin_subset[OF S] UV by auto
ultimately have "(\T. openin U T \ S = T \ V) \ openin U S"
by blast
then show ?thesis
unfolding topology_eq openin_subtopology by blast
lemma subtopology_topspace[simp]: "subtopology U (topspace U) = U"
by (simp add: subtopology_superset)
lemma subtopology_UNIV[simp]: "subtopology U UNIV = U"
by (simp add: subtopology_superset)
lemma subtopology_restrict:
"subtopology X (topspace X \ S) = subtopology X S"
by (metis subtopology_subtopology subtopology_topspace)
lemma openin_subtopology_empty:
"openin (subtopology U {}) S \ S = {}"
by (metis Int_empty_right openin_empty openin_subtopology)
lemma closedin_subtopology_empty:
"closedin (subtopology U {}) S \ S = {}"
by (metis Int_empty_right closedin_empty closedin_subtopology)
lemma closedin_subtopology_refl [simp]:
"closedin (subtopology U X) X \ X \ topspace U"
by (metis closedin_def closedin_topspace inf.absorb_iff2 le_inf_iff topspace_subtopology)
lemma closedin_topspace_empty: "topspace T = {} \ (closedin T S \ S = {})"
by (simp add: closedin_def)
lemma open_in_topspace_empty:
"topspace X = {} \ openin X S \ S = {}"
by (simp add: openin_closedin_eq)
lemma openin_imp_subset:
"openin (subtopology U S) T \ T \ S"
by (metis Int_iff openin_subtopology subsetI)
lemma closedin_imp_subset:
"closedin (subtopology U S) T \ T \ S"
by (simp add: closedin_def)
lemma openin_open_subtopology:
"openin X S \ openin (subtopology X S) T \ openin X T \ T \ S"
by (metis inf.orderE openin_Int openin_imp_subset openin_subtopology)
lemma closedin_closed_subtopology:
"closedin X S \ (closedin (subtopology X S) T \ closedin X T \ T \ S)"
by (metis closedin_Int closedin_imp_subset closedin_subtopology inf.orderE)
lemma openin_subtopology_Un:
"\openin (subtopology X T) S; openin (subtopology X U) S\
\<Longrightarrow> openin (subtopology X (T \<union> U)) S"
by (simp add: openin_subtopology) blast
lemma closedin_subtopology_Un:
"\closedin (subtopology X T) S; closedin (subtopology X U) S\
\<Longrightarrow> closedin (subtopology X (T \<union> U)) S"
by (simp add: closedin_subtopology) blast
lemma openin_trans_full:
"\openin (subtopology X U) S; openin X U\ \ openin X S"
by (simp add: openin_open_subtopology)
subsection \<open>The canonical topology from the underlying type class\<close>
abbreviation\<^marker>\<open>tag important\<close> euclidean :: "'a::topological_space topology"
where "euclidean \ topology open"
abbreviation top_of_set :: "'a::topological_space set \ 'a topology"
where "top_of_set \ subtopology (topology open)"
lemma open_openin: "open S \ openin euclidean S"
by (simp add: istopology_open topology_inverse')
declare open_openin [symmetric, simp]
lemma topspace_euclidean [simp]: "topspace euclidean = UNIV"
by (force simp: topspace_def)
lemma topspace_euclidean_subtopology[simp]: "topspace (top_of_set S) = S"
by (simp)
lemma closed_closedin: "closed S \ closedin euclidean S"
by (simp add: closed_def closedin_def Compl_eq_Diff_UNIV)
declare closed_closedin [symmetric, simp]
lemma openin_subtopology_self [simp]: "openin (top_of_set S) S"
by (metis openin_topspace topspace_euclidean_subtopology)
subsubsection\<open>The most basic facts about the usual topology and metric on R\<close>
abbreviation euclideanreal :: "real topology"
where "euclideanreal \ topology open"
subsection \<open>Basic "localization" results are handy for connectedness.\<close>
lemma openin_open: "openin (top_of_set U) S \ (\T. open T \ (S = U \ T))"
by (auto simp: openin_subtopology)
lemma openin_Int_open:
"\openin (top_of_set U) S; open T\
\<Longrightarrow> openin (top_of_set U) (S \<inter> T)"
by (metis open_Int Int_assoc openin_open)
lemma openin_open_Int[intro]: "open S \ openin (top_of_set U) (U \ S)"
by (auto simp: openin_open)
lemma open_openin_trans[trans]:
"open S \ open T \ T \ S \ openin (top_of_set S) T"
by (metis Int_absorb1 openin_open_Int)
lemma open_subset: "S \ T \ open S \ openin (top_of_set T) S"
by (auto simp: openin_open)
lemma closedin_closed: "closedin (top_of_set U) S \ (\T. closed T \ S = U \ T)"
by (simp add: closedin_subtopology Int_ac)
lemma closedin_closed_Int: "closed S \ closedin (top_of_set U) (U \ S)"
by (metis closedin_closed)
lemma closed_subset: "S \ T \ closed S \ closedin (top_of_set T) S"
by (auto simp: closedin_closed)
lemma closedin_closed_subset:
"\closedin (top_of_set U) V; T \ U; S = V \ T\
\<Longrightarrow> closedin (top_of_set T) S"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Int_assoc Int_commute closedin_closed inf.orderE)
lemma finite_imp_closedin:
fixes S :: "'a::t1_space set"
shows "\finite S; S \ T\ \ closedin (top_of_set T) S"
by (simp add: finite_imp_closed closed_subset)
lemma closedin_singleton [simp]:
fixes a :: "'a::t1_space"
shows "closedin (top_of_set U) {a} \ a \ U"
using closedin_subset by (force intro: closed_subset)
lemma openin_euclidean_subtopology_iff:
fixes S U :: "'a::metric_space set"
shows "openin (top_of_set U) S \
S \<subseteq> U \<and> (\<forall>x\<in>S. \<exists>e>0. \<forall>x'\<in>U. dist x' x < e \<longrightarrow> x'\<in> S)"
(is "?lhs \ ?rhs")
assume ?lhs
then show ?rhs
unfolding openin_open open_dist by blast
define T where "T = {x. \a\S. \d>0. (\y\U. dist y a < d \ y \ S) \ dist x a < d}"
have 1: "\x\T. \e>0. \y. dist y x < e \ y \ T"
unfolding T_def
apply clarsimp
apply (rule_tac x="d - dist x a" in exI)
by (metis add_0_left dist_commute dist_triangle_lt less_diff_eq)
assume ?rhs then have 2: "S = U \ T"
unfolding T_def
by auto (metis dist_self)
from 1 2 show ?lhs
unfolding openin_open open_dist by fast
lemma connected_openin:
"connected S \
\<not>(\<exists>E1 E2. openin (top_of_set S) E1 \<and>
openin (top_of_set S) E2 \<and>
S \<subseteq> E1 \<union> E2 \<and> E1 \<inter> E2 = {} \<and> E1 \<noteq> {} \<and> E2 \<noteq> {})"
unfolding connected_def openin_open disjoint_iff_not_equal by blast
lemma connected_openin_eq:
"connected S \
\<not>(\<exists>E1 E2. openin (top_of_set S) E1 \<and>
openin (top_of_set S) E2 \<and>
E1 \<union> E2 = S \<and> E1 \<inter> E2 = {} \<and>
E1 \<noteq> {} \<and> E2 \<noteq> {})"
unfolding connected_openin
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Un_subset_iff openin_imp_subset subset_antisym)
lemma connected_closedin:
"connected S \
(\<nexists>E1 E2.
closedin (top_of_set S) E1 \<and>
closedin (top_of_set S) E2 \<and>
S \<subseteq> E1 \<union> E2 \<and> E1 \<inter> E2 = {} \<and> E1 \<noteq> {} \<and> E2 \<noteq> {})"
(is "?lhs = ?rhs")
assume ?lhs
then show ?rhs
by (auto simp add: connected_closed closedin_closed)
assume R: ?rhs
then show ?lhs
proof (clarsimp simp add: connected_closed closedin_closed)
fix A B
assume s_sub: "S \ A \ B" "B \ S \ {}"
and disj: "A \ B \ S = {}"
and cl: "closed A" "closed B"
have "S \ (A \ B) = S"
using s_sub(1) by auto
have "S - A = B \ S"
using Diff_subset_conv Un_Diff_Int disj s_sub(1) by auto
then have "S \ A = {}"
by (metis Diff_Diff_Int Diff_disjoint Un_Diff_Int R cl closedin_closed_Int inf_commute order_refl s_sub(2))
then show "A \ S = {}"
by blast
lemma connected_closedin_eq:
"connected S \
\<not>(\<exists>E1 E2.
closedin (top_of_set S) E1 \<and>
closedin (top_of_set S) E2 \<and>
E1 \<union> E2 = S \<and> E1 \<inter> E2 = {} \<and>
E1 \<noteq> {} \<and> E2 \<noteq> {})"
unfolding connected_closedin
by (metis Un_subset_iff closedin_imp_subset subset_antisym)
text \<open>These "transitivity" results are handy too\<close>
lemma openin_trans[trans]:
"openin (top_of_set T) S \ openin (top_of_set U) T \
openin (top_of_set U) S"
by (metis openin_Int_open openin_open)
lemma openin_open_trans: "openin (top_of_set T) S \ open T \ open S"
by (auto simp: openin_open intro: openin_trans)
lemma closedin_trans[trans]:
"closedin (top_of_set T) S \ closedin (top_of_set U) T \
closedin (top_of_set U) S"
by (auto simp: closedin_closed closed_Inter Int_assoc)
lemma closedin_closed_trans: "closedin (top_of_set T) S \ closed T \ closed S"
by (auto simp: closedin_closed intro: closedin_trans)
lemma openin_subtopology_Int_subset:
"\openin (top_of_set u) (u \ S); v \ u\ \ openin (top_of_set v) (v \ S)"
by (auto simp: openin_subtopology)
lemma openin_open_eq: "open s \ (openin (top_of_set s) t \ open t \ t \ s)"
using open_subset openin_open_trans openin_subset by fastforce
subsection\<open>Derived set (set of limit points)\<close>
definition derived_set_of :: "'a topology \ 'a set \ 'a set" (infixl "derived'_set'_of" 80)
where "X derived_set_of S \
{x \<in> topspace X.
(\<forall>T. x \<in> T \<and> openin X T \<longrightarrow> (\<exists>y\<noteq>x. y \<in> S \<and> y \<in> T))}"
lemma derived_set_of_restrict [simp]:
"X derived_set_of (topspace X \ S) = X derived_set_of S"
by (simp add: derived_set_of_def) (metis openin_subset subset_iff)
lemma in_derived_set_of:
"x \ X derived_set_of S \ x \ topspace X \ (\T. x \ T \ openin X T \ (\y\x. y \ S \ y \ T))"
by (simp add: derived_set_of_def)
lemma derived_set_of_subset_topspace:
"X derived_set_of S \ topspace X"
by (auto simp add: derived_set_of_def)
lemma derived_set_of_subtopology:
"(subtopology X U) derived_set_of S = U \ (X derived_set_of (U \ S))"
by (simp add: derived_set_of_def openin_subtopology) blast
lemma derived_set_of_subset_subtopology:
"(subtopology X S) derived_set_of T \ S"
by (simp add: derived_set_of_subtopology)
lemma derived_set_of_empty [simp]: "X derived_set_of {} = {}"
by (auto simp: derived_set_of_def)
lemma derived_set_of_mono:
"S \ T \ X derived_set_of S \ X derived_set_of T"
unfolding derived_set_of_def by blast
lemma derived_set_of_Un:
"X derived_set_of (S \ T) = X derived_set_of S \ X derived_set_of T" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
show "?lhs \ ?rhs"
by (clarsimp simp: in_derived_set_of) (metis IntE IntI openin_Int)
show "?rhs \ ?lhs"
by (simp add: derived_set_of_mono)
lemma derived_set_of_Union:
"finite \ \ X derived_set_of (\\) = (\S \ \. X derived_set_of S)"
proof (induction \<F> rule: finite_induct)
case (insert S \<F>)
then show ?case
by (simp add: derived_set_of_Un)
qed auto
lemma derived_set_of_topspace:
"X derived_set_of (topspace X) = {x \ topspace X. \ openin X {x}}" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
show "?lhs \ ?rhs"
by (auto simp: in_derived_set_of)
show "?rhs \ ?lhs"
by (clarsimp simp: in_derived_set_of) (metis openin_closedin_eq openin_subopen singletonD subset_eq)
lemma discrete_topology_unique_derived_set:
"discrete_topology U = X \ topspace X = U \ X derived_set_of U = {}"
by (auto simp: discrete_topology_unique derived_set_of_topspace)
lemma subtopology_eq_discrete_topology_eq:
"subtopology X U = discrete_topology U \ U \ topspace X \ U \ X derived_set_of U = {}"
using discrete_topology_unique_derived_set [of U "subtopology X U"]
by (auto simp: eq_commute derived_set_of_subtopology)
lemma subtopology_eq_discrete_topology:
"S \ topspace X \ S \ X derived_set_of S = {}
\<Longrightarrow> subtopology X S = discrete_topology S"
by (simp add: subtopology_eq_discrete_topology_eq)
lemma subtopology_eq_discrete_topology_gen:
"S \ X derived_set_of S = {} \ subtopology X S = discrete_topology(topspace X \ S)"
by (metis Int_lower1 derived_set_of_restrict inf_assoc inf_bot_right subtopology_eq_discrete_topology_eq subtopology_subtopology subtopology_topspace)
lemma subtopology_discrete_topology [simp]:
"subtopology (discrete_topology U) S = discrete_topology(U \ S)"
proof -
have "(\T. \Sa. T = Sa \ S \ Sa \ U) = (\Sa. Sa \ U \ Sa \ S)"
by force
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: subtopology_def) (simp add: discrete_topology_def)
lemma openin_Int_derived_set_of_subset:
"openin X S \ S \ X derived_set_of T \ X derived_set_of (S \ T)"
by (auto simp: derived_set_of_def)
lemma openin_Int_derived_set_of_eq:
assumes "openin X S"
shows "S \ X derived_set_of T = S \ X derived_set_of (S \ T)" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
show "?lhs \ ?rhs"
by (simp add: assms openin_Int_derived_set_of_subset)
show "?rhs \ ?lhs"
by (metis derived_set_of_mono inf_commute inf_le1 inf_mono order_refl)
subsection\<open> Closure with respect to a topological space\<close>
definition closure_of :: "'a topology \ 'a set \ 'a set" (infixr "closure'_of" 80)
where "X closure_of S \ {x \ topspace X. \T. x \ T \ openin X T \ (\y \ S. y \ T)}"
lemma closure_of_restrict: "X closure_of S = X closure_of (topspace X \ S)"
unfolding closure_of_def
using openin_subset by blast
lemma in_closure_of:
"x \ X closure_of S \
x \<in> topspace X \<and> (\<forall>T. x \<in> T \<and> openin X T \<longrightarrow> (\<exists>y. y \<in> S \<and> y \<in> T))"
by (auto simp: closure_of_def)
lemma closure_of: "X closure_of S = topspace X \ (S \ X derived_set_of S)"
by (fastforce simp: in_closure_of in_derived_set_of)
lemma closure_of_alt: "X closure_of S = topspace X \ S \ X derived_set_of S"
using derived_set_of_subset_topspace [of X S]
unfolding closure_of_def in_derived_set_of
by safe (auto simp: in_derived_set_of)
lemma derived_set_of_subset_closure_of:
"X derived_set_of S \ X closure_of S"
by (fastforce simp: closure_of_def in_derived_set_of)
lemma closure_of_subtopology:
"(subtopology X U) closure_of S = U \ (X closure_of (U \ S))"
unfolding closure_of_def topspace_subtopology openin_subtopology
by safe (metis (full_types) IntI Int_iff inf.commute)+
lemma closure_of_empty [simp]: "X closure_of {} = {}"
by (simp add: closure_of_alt)
lemma closure_of_topspace [simp]: "X closure_of topspace X = topspace X"
by (simp add: closure_of)
lemma closure_of_UNIV [simp]: "X closure_of UNIV = topspace X"
by (simp add: closure_of)
lemma closure_of_subset_topspace: "X closure_of S \ topspace X"
by (simp add: closure_of)
lemma closure_of_subset_subtopology: "(subtopology X S) closure_of T \ S"
by (simp add: closure_of_subtopology)
lemma closure_of_mono: "S \ T \ X closure_of S \ X closure_of T"
by (fastforce simp add: closure_of_def)
lemma closure_of_subtopology_subset:
"(subtopology X U) closure_of S \ (X closure_of S)"
unfolding closure_of_subtopology
by clarsimp (meson closure_of_mono contra_subsetD inf.cobounded2)
lemma closure_of_subtopology_mono:
"T \ U \ (subtopology X T) closure_of S \ (subtopology X U) closure_of S"
unfolding closure_of_subtopology
by auto (meson closure_of_mono inf_mono subset_iff)
lemma closure_of_Un [simp]: "X closure_of (S \ T) = X closure_of S \ X closure_of T"
by (simp add: Un_assoc Un_left_commute closure_of_alt derived_set_of_Un inf_sup_distrib1)
lemma closure_of_Union:
"finite \ \ X closure_of (\\) = (\S \ \. X closure_of S)"
by (induction \<F> rule: finite_induct) auto
lemma closure_of_subset: "S \ topspace X \ S \ X closure_of S"
by (auto simp: closure_of_def)
lemma closure_of_subset_Int: "topspace X \ S \ X closure_of S"
by (auto simp: closure_of_def)
lemma closure_of_subset_eq: "S \ topspace X \ X closure_of S \ S \ closedin X S"
proof -
have "openin X (topspace X - S)"
if "\x. \x \ topspace X; \T. x \ T \ openin X T \ S \ T \ {}\ \ x \ S"
apply (subst openin_subopen)
by (metis Diff_iff Diff_mono Diff_triv inf.commute openin_subset order_refl that)
then show ?thesis
by (auto simp: closedin_def closure_of_def disjoint_iff_not_equal)
lemma closure_of_eq: "X closure_of S = S \ closedin X S"
proof (cases "S \ topspace X")
case True
then show ?thesis
by (metis closure_of_subset closure_of_subset_eq set_eq_subset)
case False
then show ?thesis
using closure_of closure_of_subset_eq by fastforce
lemma closedin_contains_derived_set:
"closedin X S \ X derived_set_of S \ S \ S \ topspace X"
proof (intro iffI conjI)
show "closedin X S \ X derived_set_of S \ S"
using closure_of_eq derived_set_of_subset_closure_of by fastforce
show "closedin X S \ S \ topspace X"
using closedin_subset by blast
show "X derived_set_of S \ S \ S \ topspace X \ closedin X S"
by (metis closure_of closure_of_eq inf.absorb_iff2 sup.orderE)
lemma derived_set_subset_gen:
"X derived_set_of S \ S \ closedin X (topspace X \ S)"
by (simp add: closedin_contains_derived_set derived_set_of_restrict derived_set_of_subset_topspace)
lemma derived_set_subset: "S \ topspace X \ (X derived_set_of S \ S \ closedin X S)"
by (simp add: closedin_contains_derived_set)
lemma closedin_derived_set:
"closedin (subtopology X T) S \
S \<subseteq> topspace X \<and> S \<subseteq> T \<and> (\<forall>x. x \<in> X derived_set_of S \<and> x \<in> T \<longrightarrow> x \<in> S)"
by (auto simp: closedin_contains_derived_set derived_set_of_subtopology Int_absorb1)
lemma closedin_Int_closure_of:
"closedin (subtopology X S) T \ S \ X closure_of T = T"
by (metis Int_left_absorb closure_of_eq closure_of_subtopology)
lemma closure_of_closedin: "closedin X S \ X closure_of S = S"
by (simp add: closure_of_eq)
lemma closure_of_eq_diff: "X closure_of S = topspace X - \{T. openin X T \ disjnt S T}"
by (auto simp: closure_of_def disjnt_iff)
lemma closedin_closure_of [simp]: "closedin X (X closure_of S)"
unfolding closure_of_eq_diff by blast
lemma closure_of_closure_of [simp]: "X closure_of (X closure_of S) = X closure_of S"
by (simp add: closure_of_eq)
lemma closure_of_hull:
assumes "S \ topspace X" shows "X closure_of S = (closedin X) hull S"
proof (rule hull_unique [THEN sym])
show "S \ X closure_of S"
by (simp add: closure_of_subset assms)
show "closedin X (X closure_of S)"
by simp
show "\T. \S \ T; closedin X T\ \ X closure_of S \ T"
by (metis closure_of_eq closure_of_mono)
lemma closure_of_minimal:
"\S \ T; closedin X T\ \ (X closure_of S) \ T"
by (metis closure_of_eq closure_of_mono)
lemma closure_of_minimal_eq:
"\S \ topspace X; closedin X T\ \ (X closure_of S) \ T \ S \ T"
by (meson closure_of_minimal closure_of_subset subset_trans)
lemma closure_of_unique:
"\S \ T; closedin X T;
\<And>T'. \<lbrakk>S \<subseteq> T'; closedin X T'\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> T \<subseteq> T'\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> X closure_of S = T"
by (meson closedin_closure_of closedin_subset closure_of_minimal closure_of_subset eq_iff order.trans)
lemma closure_of_eq_empty_gen: "X closure_of S = {} \ disjnt (topspace X) S"
unfolding disjnt_def closure_of_restrict [where S=S]
using closure_of by fastforce
lemma closure_of_eq_empty: "S \ topspace X \ X closure_of S = {} \ S = {}"
using closure_of_subset by fastforce
lemma openin_Int_closure_of_subset:
assumes "openin X S"
shows "S \ X closure_of T \ X closure_of (S \ T)"
proof -
have "S \ X derived_set_of T = S \ X derived_set_of (S \ T)"
by (meson assms openin_Int_derived_set_of_eq)
moreover have "S \ (S \ T) = S \ T"
by fastforce
ultimately show ?thesis
by (metis closure_of_alt inf.cobounded2 inf_left_commute inf_sup_distrib1)
lemma closure_of_openin_Int_closure_of:
assumes "openin X S"
shows "X closure_of (S \ X closure_of T) = X closure_of (S \ T)"
show "X closure_of (S \ X closure_of T) \ X closure_of (S \ T)"
by (simp add: assms closure_of_minimal openin_Int_closure_of_subset)
show "X closure_of (S \ T) \ X closure_of (S \ X closure_of T)"
by (metis Int_lower1 Int_subset_iff assms closedin_closure_of closure_of_minimal_eq closure_of_mono inf_le2 le_infI1 openin_subset)
lemma openin_Int_closure_of_eq:
assumes "openin X S" shows "S \ X closure_of T = S \ X closure_of (S \ T)" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
show "?lhs \ ?rhs"
by (simp add: assms openin_Int_closure_of_subset)
show "?rhs \ ?lhs"
by (metis closure_of_mono inf_commute inf_le1 inf_mono order_refl)
lemma openin_Int_closure_of_eq_empty:
assumes "openin X S" shows "S \ X closure_of T = {} \ S \ T = {}" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
show "?lhs \ ?rhs"
unfolding disjoint_iff
by (meson assms in_closure_of in_mono openin_subset)
show "?rhs \ ?lhs"
by (simp add: assms openin_Int_closure_of_eq)
lemma closure_of_openin_Int_superset:
"openin X S \ S \ X closure_of T
\<Longrightarrow> X closure_of (S \<inter> T) = X closure_of S"
by (metis closure_of_openin_Int_closure_of inf.orderE)
lemma closure_of_openin_subtopology_Int_closure_of:
assumes S: "openin (subtopology X U) S" and "T \ U"
shows "X closure_of (S \ X closure_of T) = X closure_of (S \ T)" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
obtain S0 where S0: "openin X S0" "S = S0 \ U"
using assms by (auto simp: openin_subtopology)
show "?lhs \ ?rhs"
proof -
have "S0 \ X closure_of T = S0 \ X closure_of (S0 \ T)"
by (meson S0(1) openin_Int_closure_of_eq)
moreover have "S0 \ T = S0 \ U \ T"
using \<open>T \<subseteq> U\<close> by fastforce
ultimately have "S \ X closure_of T \ X closure_of (S \ T)"
using S0(2) by auto
then show ?thesis
by (meson closedin_closure_of closure_of_minimal)
show "?rhs \ ?lhs"
proof -
have "T \ S \ T \ X derived_set_of T"
by force
then show ?thesis
by (metis Int_subset_iff S closure_of closure_of_mono inf.cobounded2 inf.coboundedI2 inf_commute openin_closedin_eq topspace_subtopology)
lemma closure_of_subtopology_open:
"openin X U \ S \ U \ (subtopology X U) closure_of S = U \ X closure_of S"
by (metis closure_of_subtopology inf_absorb2 openin_Int_closure_of_eq)
lemma discrete_topology_closure_of:
"(discrete_topology U) closure_of S = U \ S"
by (metis closedin_discrete_topology closure_of_restrict closure_of_unique discrete_topology_unique inf_sup_ord(1) order_refl)
text\<open> Interior with respect to a topological space. \<close>
definition interior_of :: "'a topology \ 'a set \ 'a set" (infixr "interior'_of" 80)
where "X interior_of S \ {x. \T. openin X T \ x \ T \ T \ S}"
lemma interior_of_restrict:
"X interior_of S = X interior_of (topspace X \ S)"
using openin_subset by (auto simp: interior_of_def)
lemma interior_of_eq: "(X interior_of S = S) \ openin X S"
unfolding interior_of_def using openin_subopen by blast
lemma interior_of_openin: "openin X S \ X interior_of S = S"
by (simp add: interior_of_eq)
lemma interior_of_empty [simp]: "X interior_of {} = {}"
by (simp add: interior_of_eq)
lemma interior_of_topspace [simp]: "X interior_of (topspace X) = topspace X"
by (simp add: interior_of_eq)
lemma openin_interior_of [simp]: "openin X (X interior_of S)"
unfolding interior_of_def
using openin_subopen by fastforce
lemma interior_of_interior_of [simp]:
"X interior_of X interior_of S = X interior_of S"
by (simp add: interior_of_eq)
lemma interior_of_subset: "X interior_of S \ S"
by (auto simp: interior_of_def)
lemma interior_of_subset_closure_of: "X interior_of S \ X closure_of S"
by (metis closure_of_subset_Int dual_order.trans interior_of_restrict interior_of_subset)
lemma subset_interior_of_eq: "S \ X interior_of S \ openin X S"
by (metis interior_of_eq interior_of_subset subset_antisym)
lemma interior_of_mono: "S \ T \ X interior_of S \ X interior_of T"
by (auto simp: interior_of_def)
lemma interior_of_maximal: "\T \ S; openin X T\ \ T \ X interior_of S"
by (auto simp: interior_of_def)
lemma interior_of_maximal_eq: "openin X T \ T \ X interior_of S \ T \ S"
by (meson interior_of_maximal interior_of_subset order_trans)
lemma interior_of_unique:
"\T \ S; openin X T; \T'. \T' \ S; openin X T'\ \ T' \ T\ \ X interior_of S = T"
by (simp add: interior_of_maximal_eq interior_of_subset subset_antisym)
lemma interior_of_subset_topspace: "X interior_of S \ topspace X"
by (simp add: openin_subset)
lemma interior_of_subset_subtopology: "(subtopology X S) interior_of T \ S"
by (meson openin_imp_subset openin_interior_of)
lemma interior_of_Int: "X interior_of (S \ T) = X interior_of S \ X interior_of T" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
show "?lhs \ ?rhs"
by (simp add: interior_of_mono)
show "?rhs \ ?lhs"
by (meson inf_mono interior_of_maximal interior_of_subset openin_Int openin_interior_of)
lemma interior_of_Inter_subset: "X interior_of (\\) \ (\S \ \. X interior_of S)"
by (simp add: INT_greatest Inf_lower interior_of_mono)
lemma union_interior_of_subset:
"X interior_of S \ X interior_of T \ X interior_of (S \ T)"
by (simp add: interior_of_mono)
lemma interior_of_eq_empty:
"X interior_of S = {} \ (\T. openin X T \ T \ S \ T = {})"
by (metis bot.extremum_uniqueI interior_of_maximal interior_of_subset openin_interior_of)
lemma interior_of_eq_empty_alt:
"X interior_of S = {} \ (\T. openin X T \ T \ {} \ T - S \ {})"
by (auto simp: interior_of_eq_empty)
lemma interior_of_Union_openin_subsets:
"\{T. openin X T \ T \ S} = X interior_of S"
by (rule interior_of_unique [symmetric]) auto
lemma interior_of_complement:
"X interior_of (topspace X - S) = topspace X - X closure_of S"
by (auto simp: interior_of_def closure_of_def)
lemma interior_of_closure_of:
"X interior_of S = topspace X - X closure_of (topspace X - S)"
unfolding interior_of_complement [symmetric]
by (metis Diff_Diff_Int interior_of_restrict)
lemma closure_of_interior_of:
"X closure_of S = topspace X - X interior_of (topspace X - S)"
by (simp add: interior_of_complement Diff_Diff_Int closure_of)
lemma closure_of_complement: "X closure_of (topspace X - S) = topspace X - X interior_of S"
unfolding interior_of_def closure_of_def
by (blast dest: openin_subset)
lemma interior_of_eq_empty_complement:
"X interior_of S = {} \ X closure_of (topspace X - S) = topspace X"
using interior_of_subset_topspace [of X S] closure_of_complement by fastforce
lemma closure_of_eq_topspace:
"X closure_of S = topspace X \ X interior_of (topspace X - S) = {}"
using closure_of_subset_topspace [of X S] interior_of_complement by fastforce
lemma interior_of_subtopology_subset:
"U \ X interior_of S \ (subtopology X U) interior_of S"
by (auto simp: interior_of_def openin_subtopology)
lemma interior_of_subtopology_subsets:
"T \ U \ T \ (subtopology X U) interior_of S \ (subtopology X T) interior_of S"
by (metis inf.absorb_iff2 interior_of_subtopology_subset subtopology_subtopology)
lemma interior_of_subtopology_mono:
"\S \ T; T \ U\ \ (subtopology X U) interior_of S \ (subtopology X T) interior_of S"
by (metis dual_order.trans inf.orderE inf_commute interior_of_subset interior_of_subtopology_subsets)
lemma interior_of_subtopology_open:
assumes "openin X U"
shows "(subtopology X U) interior_of S = U \ X interior_of S"
proof -
have "\A. U \ X closure_of (U \ A) = U \ X closure_of A"
using assms openin_Int_closure_of_eq by blast
then have "topspace X \ U - U \ X closure_of (topspace X \ U - S) = U \ (topspace X - X closure_of (topspace X - S))"
by (metis (no_types) Diff_Int_distrib Int_Diff inf_commute)
then show ?thesis
unfolding interior_of_closure_of closure_of_subtopology_open topspace_subtopology
using openin_Int_closure_of_eq [OF assms]
by (metis assms closure_of_subtopology_open)
lemma dense_intersects_open:
"X closure_of S = topspace X \ (\T. openin X T \ T \ {} \ S \ T \ {})"
proof -
have "X closure_of S = topspace X \ (topspace X - X interior_of (topspace X - S) = topspace X)"
by (simp add: closure_of_interior_of)
also have "\ \ X interior_of (topspace X - S) = {}"
by (simp add: closure_of_complement interior_of_eq_empty_complement)
also have "\ \ (\T. openin X T \ T \ {} \ S \ T \ {})"
unfolding interior_of_eq_empty_alt
using openin_subset by fastforce
finally show ?thesis .
lemma interior_of_closedin_union_empty_interior_of:
assumes "closedin X S" and disj: "X interior_of T = {}"
shows "X interior_of (S \ T) = X interior_of S"
proof -
have "X closure_of (topspace X - T) = topspace X"
by (metis Diff_Diff_Int disj closure_of_eq_topspace closure_of_restrict interior_of_closure_of)
then show ?thesis
unfolding interior_of_closure_of
by (metis Diff_Un Diff_subset assms(1) closedin_def closure_of_openin_Int_superset)
lemma interior_of_union_eq_empty:
"closedin X S
\<Longrightarrow> (X interior_of (S \<union> T) = {} \<longleftrightarrow>
X interior_of S = {} \<and> X interior_of T = {})"
by (metis interior_of_closedin_union_empty_interior_of le_sup_iff subset_empty union_interior_of_subset)
lemma discrete_topology_interior_of [simp]:
"(discrete_topology U) interior_of S = U \ S"
by (simp add: interior_of_restrict [of _ S] interior_of_eq)
subsection \<open>Frontier with respect to topological space \<close>
definition frontier_of :: "'a topology \ 'a set \ 'a set" (infixr "frontier'_of" 80)
where "X frontier_of S \ X closure_of S - X interior_of S"
lemma frontier_of_closures:
"X frontier_of S = X closure_of S \ X closure_of (topspace X - S)"
by (metis Diff_Diff_Int closure_of_complement closure_of_subset_topspace double_diff frontier_of_def interior_of_subset_closure_of)
lemma interior_of_union_frontier_of [simp]:
"X interior_of S \ X frontier_of S = X closure_of S"
by (simp add: frontier_of_def interior_of_subset_closure_of subset_antisym)
lemma frontier_of_restrict: "X frontier_of S = X frontier_of (topspace X \ S)"
by (metis closure_of_restrict frontier_of_def interior_of_restrict)
lemma closedin_frontier_of: "closedin X (X frontier_of S)"
by (simp add: closedin_Int frontier_of_closures)
lemma frontier_of_subset_topspace: "X frontier_of S \ topspace X"
by (simp add: closedin_frontier_of closedin_subset)
lemma frontier_of_subset_subtopology: "(subtopology X S) frontier_of T \ S"
by (metis (no_types) closedin_derived_set closedin_frontier_of)
lemma frontier_of_subtopology_subset:
"U \ (subtopology X U) frontier_of S \ (X frontier_of S)"
proof -
have "U \ X interior_of S - subtopology X U interior_of S = {}"
by (simp add: interior_of_subtopology_subset)
moreover have "X closure_of S \ subtopology X U closure_of S = subtopology X U closure_of S"
by (meson closure_of_subtopology_subset inf.absorb_iff2)
ultimately show ?thesis
unfolding frontier_of_def
by blast
lemma frontier_of_subtopology_mono:
"\S \ T; T \ U\ \ (subtopology X T) frontier_of S \ (subtopology X U) frontier_of S"
by (simp add: frontier_of_def Diff_mono closure_of_subtopology_mono interior_of_subtopology_mono)
lemma clopenin_eq_frontier_of:
"closedin X S \ openin X S \ S \ topspace X \ X frontier_of S = {}"
proof (cases "S \ topspace X")
case True
then show ?thesis
by (metis Diff_eq_empty_iff closure_of_eq closure_of_subset_eq frontier_of_def interior_of_eq interior_of_subset interior_of_union_frontier_of sup_bot_right)
case False
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: frontier_of_closures openin_closedin_eq)
lemma frontier_of_eq_empty:
"S \ topspace X \ (X frontier_of S = {} \ closedin X S \ openin X S)"
by (simp add: clopenin_eq_frontier_of)
lemma frontier_of_openin:
"openin X S \ X frontier_of S = X closure_of S - S"
by (metis (no_types) frontier_of_def interior_of_eq)
lemma frontier_of_openin_straddle_Int:
assumes "openin X U" "U \ X frontier_of S \ {}"
shows "U \ S \ {}" "U - S \ {}"
proof -
have "U \ (X closure_of S \ X closure_of (topspace X - S)) \ {}"
using assms by (simp add: frontier_of_closures)
then show "U \ S \ {}"
using assms openin_Int_closure_of_eq_empty by fastforce
show "U - S \ {}"
proof -
have "\A. X closure_of (A - S) \ U \ {}"
using \<open>U \<inter> (X closure_of S \<inter> X closure_of (topspace X - S)) \<noteq> {}\<close> by blast
then have "\ U \ S"
by (metis Diff_disjoint Diff_eq_empty_iff Int_Diff assms(1) inf_commute openin_Int_closure_of_eq_empty)
then show ?thesis
by blast
lemma frontier_of_subset_closedin: "closedin X S \ (X frontier_of S) \ S"
using closure_of_eq frontier_of_def by fastforce
lemma frontier_of_empty [simp]: "X frontier_of {} = {}"
by (simp add: frontier_of_def)
lemma frontier_of_topspace [simp]: "X frontier_of topspace X = {}"
by (simp add: frontier_of_def)
lemma frontier_of_subset_eq:
assumes "S \ topspace X"
shows "(X frontier_of S) \ S \ closedin X S"
show "X frontier_of S \ S \ closedin X S"
by (metis assms closure_of_subset_eq interior_of_subset interior_of_union_frontier_of le_sup_iff)
show "closedin X S \ X frontier_of S \ S"
by (simp add: frontier_of_subset_closedin)
lemma frontier_of_complement: "X frontier_of (topspace X - S) = X frontier_of S"
by (metis Diff_Diff_Int closure_of_restrict frontier_of_closures inf_commute)
lemma frontier_of_disjoint_eq:
assumes "S \ topspace X"
shows "((X frontier_of S) \ S = {} \ openin X S)"
assume "X frontier_of S \ S = {}"
then have "closedin X (topspace X - S)"
using assms closure_of_subset frontier_of_def interior_of_eq interior_of_subset by fastforce
then show "openin X S"
using assms by (simp add: openin_closedin)
show "openin X S \ X frontier_of S \ S = {}"
by (simp add: Diff_Diff_Int closedin_def frontier_of_openin inf.absorb_iff2 inf_commute)
lemma frontier_of_disjoint_eq_alt:
"S \ (topspace X - X frontier_of S) \ openin X S"
proof (cases "S \ topspace X")
case True
show ?thesis
using True frontier_of_disjoint_eq by auto
case False
then show ?thesis
by (meson Diff_subset openin_subset subset_trans)
lemma frontier_of_Int:
"X frontier_of (S \ T) =
X closure_of (S \<inter> T) \<inter> (X frontier_of S \<union> X frontier_of T)"
proof -
have *: "U \ S \ U \ T \ U \ (S \ A \ T \ B) = U \ (A \ B)" for U S T A B :: "'a set"
by blast
show ?thesis
by (simp add: frontier_of_closures closure_of_mono Diff_Int * flip: closure_of_Un)
lemma frontier_of_Int_subset: "X frontier_of (S \ T) \ X frontier_of S \ X frontier_of T"
by (simp add: frontier_of_Int)
lemma frontier_of_Int_closedin:
assumes "closedin X S" "closedin X T"
shows "X frontier_of(S \ T) = X frontier_of S \ T \ S \ X frontier_of T" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
show "?lhs \ ?rhs"
using assms by (force simp add: frontier_of_Int closedin_Int closure_of_closedin)
show "?rhs \ ?lhs"
using assms frontier_of_subset_closedin
by (auto simp add: frontier_of_Int closedin_Int closure_of_closedin)
lemma frontier_of_Un_subset: "X frontier_of(S \ T) \ X frontier_of S \ X frontier_of T"
by (metis Diff_Un frontier_of_Int_subset frontier_of_complement)
lemma frontier_of_Union_subset:
"finite \ \ X frontier_of (\\) \ (\T \ \. X frontier_of T)"
proof (induction \<F> rule: finite_induct)
case (insert A \<F>)
then show ?case
using frontier_of_Un_subset by fastforce
qed simp
lemma frontier_of_frontier_of_subset:
"X frontier_of (X frontier_of S) \ X frontier_of S"
by (simp add: closedin_frontier_of frontier_of_subset_closedin)
lemma frontier_of_subtopology_open:
"openin X U \ (subtopology X U) frontier_of S = U \ X frontier_of S"
by (simp add: Diff_Int_distrib closure_of_subtopology_open frontier_of_def interior_of_subtopology_open)
lemma discrete_topology_frontier_of [simp]:
"(discrete_topology U) frontier_of S = {}"
by (simp add: Diff_eq discrete_topology_closure_of frontier_of_closures)
subsection\<open>Locally finite collections\<close>
definition locally_finite_in
"locally_finite_in X \ \
(\<Union>\<A> \<subseteq> topspace X) \<and>
(\<forall>x \<in> topspace X. \<exists>V. openin X V \<and> x \<in> V \<and> finite {U \<in> \<A>. U \<inter> V \<noteq> {}})"
lemma finite_imp_locally_finite_in:
"\finite \; \\ \ topspace X\ \ locally_finite_in X \"
by (auto simp: locally_finite_in_def)
lemma locally_finite_in_subset:
assumes "locally_finite_in X \" "\ \ \"
shows "locally_finite_in X \"
proof -
have "finite (\ \ {U. U \ V \ {}}) \ finite (\ \ {U. U \ V \ {}})" for V
by (meson \<open>\<B> \<subseteq> \<A>\<close> finite_subset inf_le1 inf_le2 le_inf_iff subset_trans)
then show ?thesis
using assms unfolding locally_finite_in_def Int_def by fastforce
lemma locally_finite_in_refinement:
assumes \<A>: "locally_finite_in X \<A>" and f: "\<And>S. S \<in> \<A> \<Longrightarrow> f S \<subseteq> S"
shows "locally_finite_in X (f ` \)"
proof -
show ?thesis
unfolding locally_finite_in_def
proof safe
fix x
assume "x \ topspace X"
then obtain V where "openin X V" "x \ V" "finite {U \ \. U \ V \ {}}"
using \<A> unfolding locally_finite_in_def by blast
moreover have "{U \ \. f U \ V \ {}} \ {U \ \. U \ V \ {}}" for V
using f by blast
ultimately have "finite {U \ \. f U \ V \ {}}"
using finite_subset by blast
moreover have "f ` {U \ \. f U \ V \ {}} = {U \ f ` \. U \ V \ {}}"
by blast
ultimately have "finite {U \ f ` \. U \ V \ {}}"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) finite_imageI)
then show "\V. openin X V \ x \ V \ finite {U \ f ` \. U \ V \ {}}"
using \<open>openin X V\<close> \<open>x \<in> V\<close> by blast
show "\x xa. \xa \ \; x \ f xa\ \ x \ topspace X"
by (meson Sup_upper \<A> f locally_finite_in_def subset_iff)
lemma locally_finite_in_subtopology:
assumes \<A>: "locally_finite_in X \<A>" "\<Union>\<A> \<subseteq> S"
shows "locally_finite_in (subtopology X S) \"
unfolding locally_finite_in_def
proof safe
fix x
assume x: "x \ topspace (subtopology X S)"
then obtain V where "openin X V" "x \ V" and fin: "finite {U \ \. U \ V \ {}}"
using \<A> unfolding locally_finite_in_def topspace_subtopology by blast
show "\V. openin (subtopology X S) V \ x \ V \ finite {U \ \. U \ V \ {}}"
proof (intro exI conjI)
show "openin (subtopology X S) (S \ V)"
by (simp add: \<open>openin X V\<close> openin_subtopology_Int2)
have "{U \ \. U \ (S \ V) \ {}} \ {U \ \. U \ V \ {}}"
by auto
with fin show "finite {U \ \. U \ (S \ V) \ {}}"
using finite_subset by auto
show "x \ S \ V"
using x \<open>x \<in> V\<close> by (simp)
show "\x A. \x \ A; A \ \\ \ x \ topspace (subtopology X S)"
using assms unfolding locally_finite_in_def topspace_subtopology by blast
lemma closedin_locally_finite_Union:
assumes clo: "\S. S \ \ \ closedin X S" and \: "locally_finite_in X \"
shows "closedin X (\\)"
using \<A> unfolding locally_finite_in_def closedin_def
proof clarify
show "openin X (topspace X - \\)"
proof (subst openin_subopen, clarify)
fix x
assume "x \ topspace X" and "x \ \\"
then obtain V where "openin X V" "x \ V" and fin: "finite {U \ \. U \ V \ {}}"
using \<A> unfolding locally_finite_in_def by blast
let ?T = "V - \{S \ \. S \ V \ {}}"
show "\T. openin X T \ x \ T \ T \ topspace X - \\"
proof (intro exI conjI)
show "openin X ?T"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) fin \<open>openin X V\<close> clo closedin_Union mem_Collect_eq openin_diff)
show "x \ ?T"
using \<open>x \<notin> \<Union>\<A>\<close> \<open>x \<in> V\<close> by auto
show "?T \ topspace X - \\"
using \<open>openin X V\<close> openin_subset by auto
lemma locally_finite_in_closure:
assumes \<A>: "locally_finite_in X \<A>"
shows "locally_finite_in X ((\S. X closure_of S) ` \)"
using \<A> unfolding locally_finite_in_def
proof (intro conjI; clarsimp)
fix x A
assume "x \ X closure_of A"
then show "x \ topspace X"
by (meson in_closure_of)
fix x
assume "x \ topspace X" and "\\ \ topspace X"
then obtain V where V: "openin X V" "x \ V" and fin: "finite {U \ \. U \ V \ {}}"
using \<A> unfolding locally_finite_in_def by blast
have eq: "{y \ f ` \. Q y} = f ` {x. x \ \ \ Q(f x)}" for f Q
by blast
have eq2: "{A \ \. X closure_of A \ V \ {}} = {A \ \. A \ V \ {}}"
using openin_Int_closure_of_eq_empty V by blast
have "finite {U \ (closure_of) X ` \. U \ V \ {}}"
by (simp add: eq eq2 fin)
with V show "\V. openin X V \ x \ V \ finite {U \ (closure_of) X ` \. U \ V \ {}}"
by blast
lemma closedin_Union_locally_finite_closure:
"locally_finite_in X \ \ closedin X (\((\S. X closure_of S) ` \))"
by (metis (mono_tags) closedin_closure_of closedin_locally_finite_Union imageE locally_finite_in_closure)
lemma closure_of_Union_subset: "\((\S. X closure_of S) ` \) \ X closure_of (\\)"
by clarify (meson Union_upper closure_of_mono subsetD)
lemma closure_of_locally_finite_Union:
assumes "locally_finite_in X \"
shows "X closure_of (\\) = \((\S. X closure_of S) ` \)"
proof (rule closure_of_unique)
show "\ \ \ \ ((closure_of) X ` \)"
using assms by (simp add: SUP_upper2 Sup_le_iff closure_of_subset locally_finite_in_def)
show "closedin X (\ ((closure_of) X ` \))"
using assms by (simp add: closedin_Union_locally_finite_closure)
show "\T'. \\ \ \ T'; closedin X T'\ \ \ ((closure_of) X ` \) \ T'"
by (simp add: Sup_le_iff closure_of_minimal)
subsection\<^marker>\<open>tag important\<close> \<open>Continuous maps\<close>
text \<open>We will need to deal with continuous maps in terms of topologies and not in terms
of type classes, as defined below.\<close>
definition continuous_map where
"continuous_map X Y f \
(\<forall>x \<in> topspace X. f x \<in> topspace Y) \<and>
(\<forall>U. openin Y U \<longrightarrow> openin X {x \<in> topspace X. f x \<in> U})"
lemma continuous_map:
"continuous_map X Y f \
f ` (topspace X) \<subseteq> topspace Y \<and> (\<forall>U. openin Y U \<longrightarrow> openin X {x \<in> topspace X. f x \<in> U})"
by (auto simp: continuous_map_def)
lemma continuous_map_image_subset_topspace:
"continuous_map X Y f \ f ` (topspace X) \ topspace Y"
by (auto simp: continuous_map_def)
lemma continuous_map_on_empty: "topspace X = {} \ continuous_map X Y f"
by (auto simp: continuous_map_def)
lemma continuous_map_closedin:
"continuous_map X Y f \
(\<forall>x \<in> topspace X. f x \<in> topspace Y) \<and>
(\<forall>C. closedin Y C \<longrightarrow> closedin X {x \<in> topspace X. f x \<in> C})"
proof -
have "(\U. openin Y U \ openin X {x \ topspace X. f x \ U}) =
(\<forall>C. closedin Y C \<longrightarrow> closedin X {x \<in> topspace X. f x \<in> C})"
if "\x. x \ topspace X \ f x \ topspace Y"
proof -
have eq: "{x \ topspace X. f x \ topspace Y \ f x \ C} = (topspace X - {x \ topspace X. f x \ C})" for C
using that by blast
show ?thesis
proof (intro iffI allI impI)
fix C
assume "\U. openin Y U \ openin X {x \ topspace X. f x \ U}" and "closedin Y C"
then have "openin X {x \ topspace X. f x \ topspace Y - C}" by blast
then show "closedin X {x \ topspace X. f x \ C}"
by (auto simp add: closedin_def eq)
fix U
assume "\C. closedin Y C \ closedin X {x \ topspace X. f x \ C}" and "openin Y U"
then have "closedin X {x \ topspace X. f x \ topspace Y - U}" by blast
then show "openin X {x \ topspace X. f x \ U}"
by (auto simp add: openin_closedin_eq eq)
then show ?thesis
by (auto simp: continuous_map_def)
lemma openin_continuous_map_preimage:
"\continuous_map X Y f; openin Y U\ \ openin X {x \ topspace X. f x \ U}"
by (simp add: continuous_map_def)
lemma closedin_continuous_map_preimage:
"\continuous_map X Y f; closedin Y C\ \ closedin X {x \ topspace X. f x \ C}"
by (simp add: continuous_map_closedin)
lemma openin_continuous_map_preimage_gen:
assumes "continuous_map X Y f" "openin X U" "openin Y V"
shows "openin X {x \ U. f x \ V}"
proof -
have eq: "{x \ U. f x \ V} = U \ {x \ topspace X. f x \ V}"
using assms(2) openin_closedin_eq by fastforce
show ?thesis
unfolding eq
using assms openin_continuous_map_preimage by fastforce
lemma closedin_continuous_map_preimage_gen:
assumes "continuous_map X Y f" "closedin X U" "closedin Y V"
shows "closedin X {x \ U. f x \ V}"
proof -
have eq: "{x \ U. f x \ V} = U \ {x \ topspace X. f x \ V}"
using assms(2) closedin_def by fastforce
show ?thesis
unfolding eq
using assms closedin_continuous_map_preimage by fastforce
lemma continuous_map_image_closure_subset:
assumes "continuous_map X Y f"
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