(* Author: John Harrison
Author: Robert Himmelmann, TU Muenchen (Translation from HOL light) and LCP
(* At the moment this is just Brouwer's fixpoint theorem. The proof is from *)
(* Kuhn: "some combinatorial lemmas in topology", IBM J. v4. (1960) p. 518 *)
(* See "http://www.research.ibm.com/journal/rd/045/ibmrd0405K.pdf". *)
(* *)
(* The script below is quite messy, but at least we avoid formalizing any *)
(* topological machinery; we don't even use barycentric subdivision; this is *)
(* the big advantage of Kuhn's proof over the usual Sperner's lemma one. *)
(* *)
(* (c) Copyright, John Harrison 1998-2008 *)
section \<open>Brouwer's Fixed Point Theorem\<close>
theory Brouwer_Fixpoint
imports Homeomorphism Derivative
subsection \<open>Retractions\<close>
lemma retract_of_contractible:
assumes "contractible T" "S retract_of T"
shows "contractible S"
using assms
apply (clarsimp simp add: retract_of_def contractible_def retraction_def homotopic_with)
apply (rule_tac x="r a" in exI)
apply (rule_tac x="r \ h" in exI)
apply (intro conjI continuous_intros continuous_on_compose)
apply (erule continuous_on_subset | force)+
lemma retract_of_path_connected:
"\path_connected T; S retract_of T\ \ path_connected S"
by (metis path_connected_continuous_image retract_of_def retraction)
lemma retract_of_simply_connected:
"\simply_connected T; S retract_of T\ \ simply_connected S"
apply (simp add: retract_of_def retraction_def, clarify)
apply (rule simply_connected_retraction_gen)
apply (force elim!: continuous_on_subset)+
lemma retract_of_homotopically_trivial:
assumes ts: "T retract_of S"
and hom: "\f g. \continuous_on U f; f ` U \ S;
continuous_on U g; g ` U \<subseteq> S\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> homotopic_with_canon (\<lambda>x. True) U S f g"
and "continuous_on U f" "f ` U \ T"
and "continuous_on U g" "g ` U \ T"
shows "homotopic_with_canon (\x. True) U T f g"
proof -
obtain r where "r ` S \ S" "continuous_on S r" "\x\S. r (r x) = r x" "T = r ` S"
using ts by (auto simp: retract_of_def retraction)
then obtain k where "Retracts S r T k"
unfolding Retracts_def
by (metis continuous_on_subset dual_order.trans image_iff image_mono)
then show ?thesis
apply (rule Retracts.homotopically_trivial_retraction_gen)
using assms
apply (force simp: hom)+
lemma retract_of_homotopically_trivial_null:
assumes ts: "T retract_of S"
and hom: "\f. \continuous_on U f; f ` U \ S\
\<Longrightarrow> \<exists>c. homotopic_with_canon (\<lambda>x. True) U S f (\<lambda>x. c)"
and "continuous_on U f" "f ` U \ T"
obtains c where "homotopic_with_canon (\x. True) U T f (\x. c)"
proof -
obtain r where "r ` S \ S" "continuous_on S r" "\x\S. r (r x) = r x" "T = r ` S"
using ts by (auto simp: retract_of_def retraction)
then obtain k where "Retracts S r T k"
unfolding Retracts_def
by (metis continuous_on_subset dual_order.trans image_iff image_mono)
then show ?thesis
apply (rule Retracts.homotopically_trivial_retraction_null_gen)
apply (rule TrueI refl assms that | assumption)+
lemma retraction_openin_vimage_iff:
"openin (top_of_set S) (S \ r -` U) \ openin (top_of_set T) U"
if retraction: "retraction S T r" and "U \ T"
using retraction apply (rule retractionE)
apply (rule continuous_right_inverse_imp_quotient_map [where g=r])
using \<open>U \<subseteq> T\<close> apply (auto elim: continuous_on_subset)
lemma retract_of_locally_compact:
fixes S :: "'a :: {heine_borel,real_normed_vector} set"
shows "\ locally compact S; T retract_of S\ \ locally compact T"
by (metis locally_compact_closedin closedin_retract)
lemma homotopic_into_retract:
"\f ` S \ T; g ` S \ T; T retract_of U; homotopic_with_canon (\x. True) S U f g\
\<Longrightarrow> homotopic_with_canon (\<lambda>x. True) S T f g"
apply (subst (asm) homotopic_with_def)
apply (simp add: homotopic_with retract_of_def retraction_def, clarify)
apply (rule_tac x="r \ h" in exI)
apply (rule conjI continuous_intros | erule continuous_on_subset | force simp: image_subset_iff)+
lemma retract_of_locally_connected:
assumes "locally connected T" "S retract_of T"
shows "locally connected S"
using assms
by (auto simp: idempotent_imp_retraction intro!: retraction_openin_vimage_iff elim!: locally_connected_quotient_image retract_ofE)
lemma retract_of_locally_path_connected:
assumes "locally path_connected T" "S retract_of T"
shows "locally path_connected S"
using assms
by (auto simp: idempotent_imp_retraction intro!: retraction_openin_vimage_iff elim!: locally_path_connected_quotient_image retract_ofE)
text \<open>A few simple lemmas about deformation retracts\<close>
lemma deformation_retract_imp_homotopy_eqv:
fixes S :: "'a::euclidean_space set"
assumes "homotopic_with_canon (\x. True) S S id r" and r: "retraction S T r"
shows "S homotopy_eqv T"
proof -
have "homotopic_with_canon (\x. True) S S (id \ r) id"
by (simp add: assms(1) homotopic_with_symD)
moreover have "homotopic_with_canon (\x. True) T T (r \ id) id"
using r unfolding retraction_def
by (metis eq_id_iff homotopic_with_id2 topspace_euclidean_subtopology)
show ?thesis
unfolding homotopy_equivalent_space_def
by (metis (no_types, lifting) continuous_map_subtopology_eu continuous_on_id' id_def image_id r retraction_def)
lemma deformation_retract:
fixes S :: "'a::euclidean_space set"
shows "(\r. homotopic_with_canon (\x. True) S S id r \ retraction S T r) \
T retract_of S \<and> (\<exists>f. homotopic_with_canon (\<lambda>x. True) S S id f \<and> f ` S \<subseteq> T)"
(is "?lhs = ?rhs")
assume ?lhs
then show ?rhs
by (auto simp: retract_of_def retraction_def)
assume ?rhs
then show ?lhs
apply (clarsimp simp add: retract_of_def retraction_def)
apply (rule_tac x=r in exI, simp)
apply (rule homotopic_with_trans, assumption)
apply (rule_tac f = "r \ f" and g="r \ id" in homotopic_with_eq)
apply (rule_tac Y=S in homotopic_with_compose_continuous_left)
apply (auto simp: homotopic_with_sym)
lemma deformation_retract_of_contractible_sing:
fixes S :: "'a::euclidean_space set"
assumes "contractible S" "a \ S"
obtains r where "homotopic_with_canon (\x. True) S S id r" "retraction S {a} r"
proof -
have "{a} retract_of S"
by (simp add: \<open>a \<in> S\<close>)
moreover have "homotopic_with_canon (\x. True) S S id (\x. a)"
using assms
by (auto simp: contractible_def homotopic_into_contractible image_subset_iff)
moreover have "(\x. a) ` S \ {a}"
by (simp add: image_subsetI)
ultimately show ?thesis
using that deformation_retract by metis
lemma continuous_on_compact_surface_projection_aux:
fixes S :: "'a::t2_space set"
assumes "compact S" "S \ T" "image q T \ S"
and contp: "continuous_on T p"
and "\x. x \ S \ q x = x"
and [simp]: "\x. x \ T \ q(p x) = q x"
and "\x. x \ T \ p(q x) = p x"
shows "continuous_on T q"
proof -
have *: "image p T = image p S"
using assms by auto (metis imageI subset_iff)
have contp': "continuous_on S p"
by (rule continuous_on_subset [OF contp \<open>S \<subseteq> T\<close>])
have "continuous_on (p ` T) q"
by (simp add: "*" assms(1) assms(2) assms(5) continuous_on_inv contp' rev_subsetD)
then have "continuous_on T (q \ p)"
by (rule continuous_on_compose [OF contp])
then show ?thesis
by (rule continuous_on_eq [of _ "q \ p"]) (simp add: o_def)
lemma continuous_on_compact_surface_projection:
fixes S :: "'a::real_normed_vector set"
assumes "compact S"
and S: "S \ V - {0}" and "cone V"
and iff: "\x k. x \ V - {0} \ 0 < k \ (k *\<^sub>R x) \ S \ d x = k"
shows "continuous_on (V - {0}) (\x. d x *\<^sub>R x)"
proof (rule continuous_on_compact_surface_projection_aux [OF \<open>compact S\<close> S])
show "(\x. d x *\<^sub>R x) ` (V - {0}) \ S"
using iff by auto
show "continuous_on (V - {0}) (\x. inverse(norm x) *\<^sub>R x)"
by (intro continuous_intros) force
show "\x. x \ S \ d x *\<^sub>R x = x"
by (metis S zero_less_one local.iff scaleR_one subset_eq)
show "d (x /\<^sub>R norm x) *\<^sub>R (x /\<^sub>R norm x) = d x *\<^sub>R x" if "x \ V - {0}" for x
using iff [of "inverse(norm x) *\<^sub>R x" "norm x * d x", symmetric] iff that \cone V\
by (simp add: field_simps cone_def zero_less_mult_iff)
show "d x *\<^sub>R x /\<^sub>R norm (d x *\<^sub>R x) = x /\<^sub>R norm x" if "x \ V - {0}" for x
proof -
have "0 < d x"
using local.iff that by blast
then show ?thesis
by simp
subsection \<open>Kuhn Simplices\<close>
lemma bij_betw_singleton_eq:
assumes f: "bij_betw f A B" and g: "bij_betw g A B" and a: "a \ A"
assumes eq: "(\x. x \ A \ x \ a \ f x = g x)"
shows "f a = g a"
proof -
have "f ` (A - {a}) = g ` (A - {a})"
by (intro image_cong) (simp_all add: eq)
then have "B - {f a} = B - {g a}"
using f g a by (auto simp: bij_betw_def inj_on_image_set_diff set_eq_iff)
moreover have "f a \ B" "g a \ B"
using f g a by (auto simp: bij_betw_def)
ultimately show ?thesis
by auto
lemma swap_image:
"Fun.swap i j f ` A = (if i \ A then (if j \ A then f ` A else f ` ((A - {i}) \ {j}))
else (if j \<in> A then f ` ((A - {j}) \<union> {i}) else f ` A))"
by (auto simp: swap_def cong: image_cong_simp)
lemmas swap_apply1 = swap_apply(1)
lemmas swap_apply2 = swap_apply(2)
lemma pointwise_minimal_pointwise_maximal:
fixes s :: "(nat \ nat) set"
assumes "finite s"
and "s \ {}"
and "\x\s. \y\s. x \ y \ y \ x"
shows "\a\s. \x\s. a \ x"
and "\a\s. \x\s. x \ a"
using assms
proof (induct s rule: finite_ne_induct)
case (insert b s)
assume *: "\x\insert b s. \y\insert b s. x \ y \ y \ x"
then obtain u l where "l \ s" "\b\s. l \ b" "u \ s" "\b\s. b \ u"
using insert by auto
with * show "\a\insert b s. \x\insert b s. a \ x" "\a\insert b s. \x\insert b s. x \ a"
using *[rule_format, of b u] *[rule_format, of b l] by (metis insert_iff order.trans)+
qed auto
lemma kuhn_labelling_lemma:
fixes P Q :: "'a::euclidean_space \ bool"
assumes "\x. P x \ P (f x)"
and "\x. P x \ (\i\Basis. Q i \ 0 \ x\i \ x\i \ 1)"
shows "\l. (\x.\i\Basis. l x i \ (1::nat)) \
(\<forall>x.\<forall>i\<in>Basis. P x \<and> Q i \<and> (x\<bullet>i = 0) \<longrightarrow> (l x i = 0)) \<and>
(\<forall>x.\<forall>i\<in>Basis. P x \<and> Q i \<and> (x\<bullet>i = 1) \<longrightarrow> (l x i = 1)) \<and>
(\<forall>x.\<forall>i\<in>Basis. P x \<and> Q i \<and> (l x i = 0) \<longrightarrow> x\<bullet>i \<le> f x\<bullet>i) \<and>
(\<forall>x.\<forall>i\<in>Basis. P x \<and> Q i \<and> (l x i = 1) \<longrightarrow> f x\<bullet>i \<le> x\<bullet>i)"
proof -
{ fix x i
let ?R = "\y. (P x \ Q i \ x \ i = 0 \ y = (0::nat)) \
(P x \<and> Q i \<and> x \<bullet> i = 1 \<longrightarrow> y = 1) \<and>
(P x \<and> Q i \<and> y = 0 \<longrightarrow> x \<bullet> i \<le> f x \<bullet> i) \<and>
(P x \<and> Q i \<and> y = 1 \<longrightarrow> f x \<bullet> i \<le> x \<bullet> i)"
{ assume "P x" "Q i" "i \ Basis" with assms have "0 \ f x \ i \ f x \ i \ 1" by auto }
then have "i \ Basis \ ?R 0 \ ?R 1" by auto }
then show ?thesis
unfolding all_conj_distrib[symmetric] Ball_def (* FIXME: shouldn't this work by metis? *)
by (subst choice_iff[symmetric])+ blast
subsubsection \<open>The key "counting" observation, somewhat abstracted\<close>
lemma kuhn_counting_lemma:
fixes bnd compo compo' face S F
defines "nF s == card {f\F. face f s \ compo' f}"
assumes [simp, intro]: "finite F" \<comment> \<open>faces\<close> and [simp, intro]: "finite S" \<comment> \<open>simplices\<close>
and "\f. f \ F \ bnd f \ card {s\S. face f s} = 1"
and "\f. f \ F \ \ bnd f \ card {s\S. face f s} = 2"
and "\s. s \ S \ compo s \ nF s = 1"
and "\s. s \ S \ \ compo s \ nF s = 0 \ nF s = 2"
and "odd (card {f\F. compo' f \ bnd f})"
shows "odd (card {s\S. compo s})"
proof -
have "(\s | s \ S \ \ compo s. nF s) + (\s | s \ S \ compo s. nF s) = (\s\S. nF s)"
by (subst sum.union_disjoint[symmetric]) (auto intro!: sum.cong)
also have "\ = (\s\S. card {f \ {f\F. compo' f \ bnd f}. face f s}) +
(\<Sum>s\<in>S. card {f \<in> {f\<in>F. compo' f \<and> \<not> bnd f}. face f s})"
unfolding sum.distrib[symmetric]
by (subst card_Un_disjoint[symmetric])
(auto simp: nF_def intro!: sum.cong arg_cong[where f=card])
also have "\ = 1 * card {f\F. compo' f \ bnd f} + 2 * card {f\F. compo' f \ \ bnd f}"
using assms(4,5) by (fastforce intro!: arg_cong2[where f="(+)"] sum_multicount)
finally have "odd ((\s | s \ S \ \ compo s. nF s) + card {s\S. compo s})"
using assms(6,8) by simp
moreover have "(\s | s \ S \ \ compo s. nF s) =
(\<Sum>s | s \<in> S \<and> \<not> compo s \<and> nF s = 0. nF s) + (\<Sum>s | s \<in> S \<and> \<not> compo s \<and> nF s = 2. nF s)"
using assms(7) by (subst sum.union_disjoint[symmetric]) (fastforce intro!: sum.cong)+
ultimately show ?thesis
by auto
subsubsection \<open>The odd/even result for faces of complete vertices, generalized\<close>
lemma kuhn_complete_lemma:
assumes [simp]: "finite simplices"
and face: "\f s. face f s \ (\a\s. f = s - {a})"
and card_s[simp]: "\s. s \ simplices \ card s = n + 2"
and rl_bd: "\s. s \ simplices \ rl ` s \ {..Suc n}"
and bnd: "\f s. s \ simplices \ face f s \ bnd f \ card {s\simplices. face f s} = 1"
and nbnd: "\f s. s \ simplices \ face f s \ \ bnd f \ card {s\simplices. face f s} = 2"
and odd_card: "odd (card {f. (\s\simplices. face f s) \ rl ` f = {..n} \ bnd f})"
shows "odd (card {s\simplices. (rl ` s = {..Suc n})})"
proof (rule kuhn_counting_lemma)
have finite_s[simp]: "\s. s \ simplices \ finite s"
by (metis add_is_0 zero_neq_numeral card.infinite assms(3))
let ?F = "{f. \s\simplices. face f s}"
have F_eq: "?F = (\s\simplices. \a\s. {s - {a}})"
by (auto simp: face)
show "finite ?F"
using \<open>finite simplices\<close> unfolding F_eq by auto
show "card {s \ simplices. face f s} = 1" if "f \ ?F" "bnd f" for f
using bnd that by auto
show "card {s \ simplices. face f s} = 2" if "f \ ?F" "\ bnd f" for f
using nbnd that by auto
show "odd (card {f \ {f. \s\simplices. face f s}. rl ` f = {..n} \ bnd f})"
using odd_card by simp
fix s assume s[simp]: "s \ simplices"
let ?S = "{f \ {f. \s\simplices. face f s}. face f s \ rl ` f = {..n}}"
have "?S = (\a. s - {a}) ` {a\s. rl ` (s - {a}) = {..n}}"
using s by (fastforce simp: face)
then have card_S: "card ?S = card {a\s. rl ` (s - {a}) = {..n}}"
by (auto intro!: card_image inj_onI)
{ assume rl: "rl ` s = {..Suc n}"
then have inj_rl: "inj_on rl s"
by (intro eq_card_imp_inj_on) auto
moreover obtain a where "rl a = Suc n" "a \ s"
by (metis atMost_iff image_iff le_Suc_eq rl)
ultimately have n: "{..n} = rl ` (s - {a})"
by (auto simp: inj_on_image_set_diff rl)
have "{a\s. rl ` (s - {a}) = {..n}} = {a}"
using inj_rl \<open>a \<in> s\<close> by (auto simp: n inj_on_image_eq_iff[OF inj_rl])
then show "card ?S = 1"
unfolding card_S by simp }
{ assume rl: "rl ` s \ {..Suc n}"
show "card ?S = 0 \ card ?S = 2"
proof cases
assume *: "{..n} \ rl ` s"
with rl rl_bd[OF s] have rl_s: "rl ` s = {..n}"
by (auto simp: atMost_Suc subset_insert_iff split: if_split_asm)
then have "\ inj_on rl s"
by (intro pigeonhole) simp
then obtain a b where ab: "a \ s" "b \ s" "rl a = rl b" "a \ b"
by (auto simp: inj_on_def)
then have eq: "rl ` (s - {a}) = rl ` s"
by auto
with ab have inj: "inj_on rl (s - {a})"
by (intro eq_card_imp_inj_on) (auto simp: rl_s card_Diff_singleton_if)
{ fix x assume "x \ s" "x \ {a, b}"
then have "rl ` s - {rl x} = rl ` ((s - {a}) - {x})"
by (auto simp: eq inj_on_image_set_diff[OF inj])
also have "\ = rl ` (s - {x})"
using ab \<open>x \<notin> {a, b}\<close> by auto
also assume "\ = rl ` s"
finally have False
using \<open>x\<in>s\<close> by auto }
{ fix x assume "x \ {a, b}" with ab have "x \ s \ rl ` (s - {x}) = rl ` s"
by (simp add: set_eq_iff image_iff Bex_def) metis }
ultimately have "{a\s. rl ` (s - {a}) = {..n}} = {a, b}"
unfolding rl_s[symmetric] by fastforce
with \<open>a \<noteq> b\<close> show "card ?S = 0 \<or> card ?S = 2"
unfolding card_S by simp
assume "\ {..n} \ rl ` s"
then have "\x. rl ` (s - {x}) \ {..n}"
by auto
then show "card ?S = 0 \ card ?S = 2"
unfolding card_S by simp
qed }
qed fact
locale kuhn_simplex =
fixes p n and base upd and s :: "(nat \ nat) set"
assumes base: "base \ {..< n} \ {..< p}"
assumes base_out: "\i. n \ i \ base i = p"
assumes upd: "bij_betw upd {..< n} {..< n}"
assumes s_pre: "s = (\i j. if j \ upd`{..< i} then Suc (base j) else base j) ` {.. n}"
definition "enum i j = (if j \ upd`{..< i} then Suc (base j) else base j)"
lemma s_eq: "s = enum ` {.. n}"
unfolding s_pre enum_def[abs_def] ..
lemma upd_space: "i < n \ upd i < n"
using upd by (auto dest!: bij_betwE)
lemma s_space: "s \ {..< n} \ {.. p}"
proof -
{ fix i assume "i \ n" then have "enum i \ {..< n} \ {.. p}"
proof (induct i)
case 0 then show ?case
using base by (auto simp: Pi_iff less_imp_le enum_def)
case (Suc i) with base show ?case
by (auto simp: Pi_iff Suc_le_eq less_imp_le enum_def intro: upd_space)
qed }
then show ?thesis
by (auto simp: s_eq)
lemma inj_upd: "inj_on upd {..< n}"
using upd by (simp add: bij_betw_def)
lemma inj_enum: "inj_on enum {.. n}"
proof -
{ fix x y :: nat assume "x \ y" "x \ n" "y \ n"
with upd have "upd ` {..< x} \ upd ` {..< y}"
by (subst inj_on_image_eq_iff[where C="{..< n}"]) (auto simp: bij_betw_def)
then have "enum x \ enum y"
by (auto simp: enum_def fun_eq_iff) }
then show ?thesis
by (auto simp: inj_on_def)
lemma enum_0: "enum 0 = base"
by (simp add: enum_def[abs_def])
lemma base_in_s: "base \ s"
unfolding s_eq by (subst enum_0[symmetric]) auto
lemma enum_in: "i \ n \ enum i \ s"
unfolding s_eq by auto
lemma one_step:
assumes a: "a \ s" "j < n"
assumes *: "\a'. a' \ s \ a' \ a \ a' j = p'"
shows "a j \ p'"
assume "a j = p'"
with * a have "\a'. a' \ s \ a' j = p'"
by auto
then have "\i. i \ n \ enum i j = p'"
unfolding s_eq by auto
from this[of 0] this[of n] have "j \ upd ` {..< n}"
by (auto simp: enum_def fun_eq_iff split: if_split_asm)
with upd \<open>j < n\<close> show False
by (auto simp: bij_betw_def)
lemma upd_inj: "i < n \ j < n \ upd i = upd j \ i = j"
using upd by (auto simp: bij_betw_def inj_on_eq_iff)
lemma upd_surj: "upd ` {..< n} = {..< n}"
using upd by (auto simp: bij_betw_def)
lemma in_upd_image: "A \ {..< n} \ i < n \ upd i \ upd ` A \ i \ A"
using inj_on_image_mem_iff[of upd "{..< n}"] upd
by (auto simp: bij_betw_def)
lemma enum_inj: "i \ n \ j \ n \ enum i = enum j \ i = j"
using inj_enum by (auto simp: inj_on_eq_iff)
lemma in_enum_image: "A \ {.. n} \ i \ n \ enum i \ enum ` A \ i \ A"
using inj_on_image_mem_iff[OF inj_enum] by auto
lemma enum_mono: "i \ n \ j \ n \ enum i \ enum j \ i \ j"
by (auto simp: enum_def le_fun_def in_upd_image Ball_def[symmetric])
lemma enum_strict_mono: "i \ n \ j \ n \ enum i < enum j \ i < j"
using enum_mono[of i j] enum_inj[of i j] by (auto simp: le_less)
lemma chain: "a \ s \ b \ s \ a \ b \ b \ a"
by (auto simp: s_eq enum_mono)
lemma less: "a \ s \ b \ s \ a i < b i \ a < b"
using chain[of a b] by (auto simp: less_fun_def le_fun_def not_le[symmetric])
lemma enum_0_bot: "a \ s \ a = enum 0 \ (\a'\s. a \ a')"
unfolding s_eq by (auto simp: enum_mono Ball_def)
lemma enum_n_top: "a \ s \ a = enum n \ (\a'\s. a' \ a)"
unfolding s_eq by (auto simp: enum_mono Ball_def)
lemma enum_Suc: "i < n \ enum (Suc i) = (enum i)(upd i := Suc (enum i (upd i)))"
by (auto simp: fun_eq_iff enum_def upd_inj)
lemma enum_eq_p: "i \ n \ n \ j \ enum i j = p"
by (induct i) (auto simp: enum_Suc enum_0 base_out upd_space not_less[symmetric])
lemma out_eq_p: "a \ s \ n \ j \ a j = p"
unfolding s_eq by (auto simp: enum_eq_p)
lemma s_le_p: "a \ s \ a j \ p"
using out_eq_p[of a j] s_space by (cases "j < n") auto
lemma le_Suc_base: "a \ s \ a j \ Suc (base j)"
unfolding s_eq by (auto simp: enum_def)
lemma base_le: "a \ s \ base j \ a j"
unfolding s_eq by (auto simp: enum_def)
lemma enum_le_p: "i \ n \ j < n \ enum i j \ p"
using enum_in[of i] s_space by auto
lemma enum_less: "a \ s \ i < n \ enum i < a \ enum (Suc i) \ a"
unfolding s_eq by (auto simp: enum_strict_mono enum_mono)
lemma ksimplex_0:
"n = 0 \ s = {(\x. p)}"
using s_eq enum_def base_out by auto
lemma replace_0:
assumes "j < n" "a \ s" and p: "\x\s - {a}. x j = 0" and "x \ s"
shows "x \ a"
proof cases
assume "x \ a"
have "a j \ 0"
using assms by (intro one_step[where a=a]) auto
with less[OF \<open>x\<in>s\<close> \<open>a\<in>s\<close>, of j] p[rule_format, of x] \<open>x \<in> s\<close> \<open>x \<noteq> a\<close>
show ?thesis
by auto
qed simp
lemma replace_1:
assumes "j < n" "a \ s" and p: "\x\s - {a}. x j = p" and "x \ s"
shows "a \ x"
proof cases
assume "x \ a"
have "a j \ p"
using assms by (intro one_step[where a=a]) auto
with enum_le_p[of _ j] \<open>j < n\<close> \<open>a\<in>s\<close>
have "a j < p"
by (auto simp: less_le s_eq)
with less[OF \<open>a\<in>s\<close> \<open>x\<in>s\<close>, of j] p[rule_format, of x] \<open>x \<in> s\<close> \<open>x \<noteq> a\<close>
show ?thesis
by auto
qed simp
locale kuhn_simplex_pair = s: kuhn_simplex p n b_s u_s s + t: kuhn_simplex p n b_t u_t t
for p n b_s u_s s b_t u_t t
lemma enum_eq:
assumes l: "i \ l" "l \ j" and "j + d \ n"
assumes eq: "s.enum ` {i .. j} = t.enum ` {i + d .. j + d}"
shows "s.enum l = t.enum (l + d)"
using l proof (induct l rule: dec_induct)
case base
then have s: "s.enum i \ t.enum ` {i + d .. j + d}" and t: "t.enum (i + d) \ s.enum ` {i .. j}"
using eq by auto
from t \<open>i \<le> j\<close> \<open>j + d \<le> n\<close> have "s.enum i \<le> t.enum (i + d)"
by (auto simp: s.enum_mono)
moreover from s \<open>i \<le> j\<close> \<open>j + d \<le> n\<close> have "t.enum (i + d) \<le> s.enum i"
by (auto simp: t.enum_mono)
ultimately show ?case
by auto
case (step l)
moreover from step.prems \<open>j + d \<le> n\<close> have
"s.enum l < s.enum (Suc l)"
"t.enum (l + d) < t.enum (Suc l + d)"
by (simp_all add: s.enum_strict_mono t.enum_strict_mono)
moreover have
"s.enum (Suc l) \ t.enum ` {i + d .. j + d}"
"t.enum (Suc l + d) \ s.enum ` {i .. j}"
using step \<open>j + d \<le> n\<close> eq by (auto simp: s.enum_inj t.enum_inj)
ultimately have "s.enum (Suc l) = t.enum (Suc (l + d))"
using \<open>j + d \<le> n\<close>
by (intro antisym s.enum_less[THEN iffD1] t.enum_less[THEN iffD1])
(auto intro!: s.enum_in t.enum_in)
then show ?case by simp
lemma ksimplex_eq_bot:
assumes a: "a \ s" "\a'. a' \ s \ a \ a'"
assumes b: "b \ t" "\b'. b' \ t \ b \ b'"
assumes eq: "s - {a} = t - {b}"
shows "s = t"
proof cases
assume "n = 0" with s.ksimplex_0 t.ksimplex_0 show ?thesis by simp
assume "n \ 0"
have "s.enum 0 = (s.enum (Suc 0)) (u_s 0 := s.enum (Suc 0) (u_s 0) - 1)"
"t.enum 0 = (t.enum (Suc 0)) (u_t 0 := t.enum (Suc 0) (u_t 0) - 1)"
using \<open>n \<noteq> 0\<close> by (simp_all add: s.enum_Suc t.enum_Suc)
moreover have e0: "a = s.enum 0" "b = t.enum 0"
using a b by (simp_all add: s.enum_0_bot t.enum_0_bot)
{ fix j assume "0 < j" "j \ n"
moreover have "s - {a} = s.enum ` {Suc 0 .. n}" "t - {b} = t.enum ` {Suc 0 .. n}"
unfolding s.s_eq t.s_eq e0 by (auto simp: s.enum_inj t.enum_inj)
ultimately have "s.enum j = t.enum j"
using enum_eq[of "1" j n 0] eq by auto }
note enum_eq = this
then have "s.enum (Suc 0) = t.enum (Suc 0)"
using \<open>n \<noteq> 0\<close> by auto
{ fix j assume "Suc j < n"
with enum_eq[of "Suc j"] enum_eq[of "Suc (Suc j)"]
have "u_s (Suc j) = u_t (Suc j)"
using s.enum_Suc[of "Suc j"] t.enum_Suc[of "Suc j"]
by (auto simp: fun_eq_iff split: if_split_asm) }
then have "\j. 0 < j \ j < n \ u_s j = u_t j"
by (auto simp: gr0_conv_Suc)
with \<open>n \<noteq> 0\<close> have "u_t 0 = u_s 0"
by (intro bij_betw_singleton_eq[OF t.upd s.upd, of 0]) auto
ultimately have "a = b"
by simp
with assms show "s = t"
by auto
lemma ksimplex_eq_top:
assumes a: "a \ s" "\a'. a' \ s \ a' \ a"
assumes b: "b \ t" "\b'. b' \ t \ b' \ b"
assumes eq: "s - {a} = t - {b}"
shows "s = t"
proof (cases n)
assume "n = 0" with s.ksimplex_0 t.ksimplex_0 show ?thesis by simp
case (Suc n')
have "s.enum n = (s.enum n') (u_s n' := Suc (s.enum n' (u_s n')))"
"t.enum n = (t.enum n') (u_t n' := Suc (t.enum n' (u_t n')))"
using Suc by (simp_all add: s.enum_Suc t.enum_Suc)
moreover have en: "a = s.enum n" "b = t.enum n"
using a b by (simp_all add: s.enum_n_top t.enum_n_top)
{ fix j assume "j < n"
moreover have "s - {a} = s.enum ` {0 .. n'}" "t - {b} = t.enum ` {0 .. n'}"
unfolding s.s_eq t.s_eq en by (auto simp: s.enum_inj t.enum_inj Suc)
ultimately have "s.enum j = t.enum j"
using enum_eq[of "0" j n' 0] eq Suc by auto }
note enum_eq = this
then have "s.enum n' = t.enum n'"
using Suc by auto
{ fix j assume "j < n'"
with enum_eq[of j] enum_eq[of "Suc j"]
have "u_s j = u_t j"
using s.enum_Suc[of j] t.enum_Suc[of j]
by (auto simp: Suc fun_eq_iff split: if_split_asm) }
then have "\j. j < n' \ u_s j = u_t j"
by (auto simp: gr0_conv_Suc)
then have "u_t n' = u_s n'"
by (intro bij_betw_singleton_eq[OF t.upd s.upd, of n']) (auto simp: Suc)
ultimately have "a = b"
by simp
with assms show "s = t"
by auto
inductive ksimplex for p n :: nat where
ksimplex: "kuhn_simplex p n base upd s \ ksimplex p n s"
lemma finite_ksimplexes: "finite {s. ksimplex p n s}"
proof (rule finite_subset)
{ fix a s assume "ksimplex p n s" "a \ s"
then obtain b u where "kuhn_simplex p n b u s" by (auto elim: ksimplex.cases)
then interpret kuhn_simplex p n b u s .
from s_space \<open>a \<in> s\<close> out_eq_p[OF \<open>a \<in> s\<close>]
have "a \ (\f x. if n \ x then p else f x) ` ({..< n} \\<^sub>E {.. p})"
by (auto simp: image_iff subset_eq Pi_iff split: if_split_asm
intro!: bexI[of _ "restrict a {..< n}"]) }
then show "{s. ksimplex p n s} \ Pow ((\f x. if n \ x then p else f x) ` ({..< n} \\<^sub>E {.. p}))"
by auto
qed (simp add: finite_PiE)
lemma ksimplex_card:
assumes "ksimplex p n s" shows "card s = Suc n"
using assms proof cases
case (ksimplex u b)
then interpret kuhn_simplex p n u b s .
show ?thesis
by (simp add: card_image s_eq inj_enum)
lemma simplex_top_face:
assumes "0 < p" "\x\s'. x n = p"
shows "ksimplex p n s' \ (\s a. ksimplex p (Suc n) s \ a \ s \ s' = s - {a})"
using assms
proof safe
fix s a assume "ksimplex p (Suc n) s" and a: "a \ s" and na: "\x\s - {a}. x n = p"
then show "ksimplex p n (s - {a})"
proof cases
case (ksimplex base upd)
then interpret kuhn_simplex p "Suc n" base upd "s" .
have "a n < p"
using one_step[of a n p] na \<open>a\<in>s\<close> s_space by (auto simp: less_le)
then have "a = enum 0"
using \<open>a \<in> s\<close> na by (subst enum_0_bot) (auto simp: le_less intro!: less[of a _ n])
then have s_eq: "s - {a} = enum ` Suc ` {.. n}"
using s_eq by (simp add: atMost_Suc_eq_insert_0 insert_ident in_enum_image subset_eq)
then have "enum 1 \ s - {a}"
by auto
then have "upd 0 = n"
using \<open>a n < p\<close> \<open>a = enum 0\<close> na[rule_format, of "enum 1"]
by (auto simp: fun_eq_iff enum_Suc split: if_split_asm)
then have "bij_betw upd (Suc ` {..< n}) {..< n}"
using upd
by (subst notIn_Un_bij_betw3[where b=0])
(auto simp: lessThan_Suc[symmetric] lessThan_Suc_eq_insert_0)
then have "bij_betw (upd\Suc) {..
by (rule bij_betw_trans[rotated]) (auto simp: bij_betw_def)
have "a n = p - 1"
using enum_Suc[of 0] na[rule_format, OF \<open>enum 1 \<in> s - {a}\<close>] \<open>a = enum 0\<close> by (auto simp: \<open>upd 0 = n\<close>)
show ?thesis
proof (rule ksimplex.intros, standard)
show "bij_betw (upd\Suc) {..< n} {..< n}" by fact
show "base(n := p) \ {.. {..i. n\i \ (base(n := p)) i = p"
using base base_out by (auto simp: Pi_iff)
have "\i. Suc ` {..< i} = {..< Suc i} - {0}"
by (auto simp: image_iff Ball_def) arith
then have upd_Suc: "\i. i \ n \ (upd\Suc) ` {..< i} = upd ` {..< Suc i} - {n}"
using \<open>upd 0 = n\<close> upd_inj by (auto simp add: image_iff less_Suc_eq_0_disj)
have n_in_upd: "\i. n \ upd ` {..< Suc i}"
using \<open>upd 0 = n\<close> by auto
define f' where "f' i j =
(if j \<in> (upd\<circ>Suc)`{..< i} then Suc ((base(n := p)) j) else (base(n := p)) j)" for i j
{ fix x i
assume i [arith]: "i \ n"
with upd_Suc have "(upd \ Suc) ` {..
with \<open>a n < p\<close> \<open>a = enum 0\<close> \<open>upd 0 = n\<close> \<open>a n = p - 1\<close>
have "enum (Suc i) x = f' i x"
by (auto simp add: f'_def enum_def) }
then show "s - {a} = f' ` {.. n}"
unfolding s_eq image_comp by (intro image_cong) auto
assume "ksimplex p n s'" and *: "\x\s'. x n = p"
then show "\s a. ksimplex p (Suc n) s \ a \ s \ s' = s - {a}"
proof cases
case (ksimplex base upd)
then interpret kuhn_simplex p n base upd s' .
define b where "b = base (n := p - 1)"
define u where "u i = (case i of 0 \ n | Suc i \ upd i)" for i
have "ksimplex p (Suc n) (s' \ {b})"
proof (rule ksimplex.intros, standard)
show "b \ {.. {..
using base \<open>0 < p\<close> unfolding lessThan_Suc b_def by (auto simp: PiE_iff)
show "\i. Suc n \ i \ b i = p"
using base_out by (auto simp: b_def)
have "bij_betw u (Suc ` {..< n} \ {0}) ({.. {u 0})"
using upd
by (intro notIn_Un_bij_betw) (auto simp: u_def bij_betw_def image_comp comp_def inj_on_def)
then show "bij_betw u {..
by (simp add: u_def lessThan_Suc[symmetric] lessThan_Suc_eq_insert_0)
define f' where "f' i j = (if j \<in> u`{..< i} then Suc (b j) else b j)" for i j
have u_eq: "\i. i \ n \ u ` {..< Suc i} = upd ` {..< i} \ { n }"
by (auto simp: u_def image_iff upd_inj Ball_def split: nat.split) arith
{ fix x have "x \ n \ n \ upd ` {..
using upd_space by (simp add: image_iff neq_iff) }
note n_not_upd = this
have *: "f' ` {.. Suc n} = f' ` (Suc ` {.. n} \ {0})"
unfolding atMost_Suc_eq_insert_0 by simp
also have "\ = (f' \ Suc) ` {.. n} \ {b}"
by (auto simp: f'_def)
also have "(f' \ Suc) ` {.. n} = s'"
using \<open>0 < p\<close> base_out[of n]
unfolding s_eq enum_def[abs_def] f'_def[abs_def] upd_space
by (intro image_cong) (simp_all add: u_eq b_def fun_eq_iff n_not_upd)
finally show "s' \ {b} = f' ` {.. Suc n}" ..
moreover have "b \ s'"
using * \<open>0 < p\<close> by (auto simp: b_def)
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
lemma ksimplex_replace_0:
assumes s: "ksimplex p n s" and a: "a \ s"
assumes j: "j < n" and p: "\x\s - {a}. x j = 0"
shows "card {s'. ksimplex p n s' \ (\b\s'. s' - {b} = s - {a})} = 1"
using s
proof cases
case (ksimplex b_s u_s)
{ fix t b assume "ksimplex p n t"
then obtain b_t u_t where "kuhn_simplex p n b_t u_t t"
by (auto elim: ksimplex.cases)
interpret kuhn_simplex_pair p n b_s u_s s b_t u_t t
by intro_locales fact+
assume b: "b \ t" "t - {b} = s - {a}"
with a j p s.replace_0[of _ a] t.replace_0[of _ b] have "s = t"
by (intro ksimplex_eq_top[of a b]) auto }
then have "{s'. ksimplex p n s' \ (\b\s'. s' - {b} = s - {a})} = {s}"
using s \<open>a \<in> s\<close> by auto
then show ?thesis
by simp
lemma ksimplex_replace_1:
assumes s: "ksimplex p n s" and a: "a \ s"
assumes j: "j < n" and p: "\x\s - {a}. x j = p"
shows "card {s'. ksimplex p n s' \ (\b\s'. s' - {b} = s - {a})} = 1"
using s
proof cases
case (ksimplex b_s u_s)
{ fix t b assume "ksimplex p n t"
then obtain b_t u_t where "kuhn_simplex p n b_t u_t t"
by (auto elim: ksimplex.cases)
interpret kuhn_simplex_pair p n b_s u_s s b_t u_t t
by intro_locales fact+
assume b: "b \ t" "t - {b} = s - {a}"
with a j p s.replace_1[of _ a] t.replace_1[of _ b] have "s = t"
by (intro ksimplex_eq_bot[of a b]) auto }
then have "{s'. ksimplex p n s' \ (\b\s'. s' - {b} = s - {a})} = {s}"
using s \<open>a \<in> s\<close> by auto
then show ?thesis
by simp
lemma ksimplex_replace_2:
assumes s: "ksimplex p n s" and "a \ s" and "n \ 0"
and lb: "\jx\s - {a}. x j \ 0"
and ub: "\jx\s - {a}. x j \ p"
shows "card {s'. ksimplex p n s' \ (\b\s'. s' - {b} = s - {a})} = 2"
using s
proof cases
case (ksimplex base upd)
then interpret kuhn_simplex p n base upd s .
from \<open>a \<in> s\<close> obtain i where "i \<le> n" "a = enum i"
unfolding s_eq by auto
from \<open>i \<le> n\<close> have "i = 0 \<or> i = n \<or> (0 < i \<and> i < n)"
by linarith
then have "\!s'. s' \ s \ ksimplex p n s' \ (\b\s'. s - {a} = s'- {b})"
proof (elim disjE conjE)
assume "i = 0"
define rot where [abs_def]: "rot i = (if i + 1 = n then 0 else i + 1)" for i
let ?upd = "upd \ rot"
have rot: "bij_betw rot {..< n} {..< n}"
by (auto simp: bij_betw_def inj_on_def image_iff Ball_def rot_def)
from rot upd have "bij_betw ?upd {..
by (rule bij_betw_trans)
define f' where [abs_def]: "f' i j =
(if j \<in> ?upd`{..< i} then Suc (enum (Suc 0) j) else enum (Suc 0) j)" for i j
interpret b: kuhn_simplex p n "enum (Suc 0)" "upd \ rot" "f' ` {.. n}"
from \<open>a = enum i\<close> ub \<open>n \<noteq> 0\<close> \<open>i = 0\<close>
obtain i' where "i' \<le> n" "enum i' \<noteq> enum 0" "enum i' (upd 0) \<noteq> p"
unfolding s_eq by (auto intro: upd_space simp: enum_inj)
then have "enum 1 \ enum i'" "enum i' (upd 0) < p"
using enum_le_p[of i' "upd 0"] by (auto simp: enum_inj enum_mono upd_space)
then have "enum 1 (upd 0) < p"
by (auto simp: le_fun_def intro: le_less_trans)
then show "enum (Suc 0) \ {.. {..
using base \<open>n \<noteq> 0\<close> by (auto simp: enum_0 enum_Suc PiE_iff extensional_def upd_space)
{ fix i assume "n \ i" then show "enum (Suc 0) i = p"
using \<open>n \<noteq> 0\<close> by (auto simp: enum_eq_p) }
show "bij_betw ?upd {.. by fact
qed (simp add: f'_def)
have ks_f': "ksimplex p n (f' ` {.. n})"
by rule unfold_locales
have b_enum: "b.enum = f'" unfolding f'_def b.enum_def[abs_def] ..
with b.inj_enum have inj_f': "inj_on f' {.. n}" by simp
have f'_eq_enum: "f' j = enum (Suc j)" if "j < n" for j
proof -
from that have "rot ` {..< j} = {0 <..< Suc j}"
by (auto simp: rot_def image_Suc_lessThan cong: image_cong_simp)
with that \<open>n \<noteq> 0\<close> show ?thesis
by (simp only: f'_def enum_def fun_eq_iff image_comp [symmetric])
(auto simp add: upd_inj)
then have "enum ` Suc ` {..< n} = f' ` {..< n}"
by (force simp: enum_inj)
also have "Suc ` {..< n} = {.. n} - {0}"
by (auto simp: image_iff Ball_def) arith
also have "{..< n} = {.. n} - {n}"
by auto
finally have eq: "s - {a} = f' ` {.. n} - {f' n}"
unfolding s_eq \<open>a = enum i\<close> \<open>i = 0\<close>
by (simp add: inj_on_image_set_diff[OF inj_enum] inj_on_image_set_diff[OF inj_f'])
have "enum 0 < f' 0"
using \<open>n \<noteq> 0\<close> by (simp add: enum_strict_mono f'_eq_enum)
also have "\ < f' n"
using \<open>n \<noteq> 0\<close> b.enum_strict_mono[of 0 n] unfolding b_enum by simp
finally have "a \ f' n"
using \<open>a = enum i\<close> \<open>i = 0\<close> by auto
{ fix t c assume "ksimplex p n t" "c \ t" and eq_sma: "s - {a} = t - {c}"
obtain b u where "kuhn_simplex p n b u t"
using \<open>ksimplex p n t\<close> by (auto elim: ksimplex.cases)
then interpret t: kuhn_simplex p n b u t .
{ fix x assume "x \ s" "x \ a"
then have "x (upd 0) = enum (Suc 0) (upd 0)"
by (auto simp: \<open>a = enum i\<close> \<open>i = 0\<close> s_eq enum_def enum_inj) }
then have eq_upd0: "\x\t-{c}. x (upd 0) = enum (Suc 0) (upd 0)"
unfolding eq_sma[symmetric] by auto
then have "c (upd 0) \ enum (Suc 0) (upd 0)"
using \<open>n \<noteq> 0\<close> by (intro t.one_step[OF \<open>c\<in>t\<close> ]) (auto simp: upd_space)
then have "c (upd 0) < enum (Suc 0) (upd 0) \ c (upd 0) > enum (Suc 0) (upd 0)"
by auto
then have "t = s \ t = f' ` {..n}"
proof (elim disjE conjE)
assume *: "c (upd 0) < enum (Suc 0) (upd 0)"
interpret st: kuhn_simplex_pair p n base upd s b u t ..
{ fix x assume "x \ t" with * \c\t\ eq_upd0[rule_format, of x] have "c \ x"
by (auto simp: le_less intro!: t.less[of _ _ "upd 0"]) }
note top = this
have "s = t"
using \<open>a = enum i\<close> \<open>i = 0\<close> \<open>c \<in> t\<close>
by (intro st.ksimplex_eq_bot[OF _ _ _ _ eq_sma])
(auto simp: s_eq enum_mono t.s_eq t.enum_mono top)
then show ?thesis by simp
assume *: "c (upd 0) > enum (Suc 0) (upd 0)"
interpret st: kuhn_simplex_pair p n "enum (Suc 0)" "upd \ rot" "f' ` {.. n}" b u t ..
have eq: "f' ` {..n} - {f' n} = t - {c}"
using eq_sma eq by simp
{ fix x assume "x \ t" with * \c\t\ eq_upd0[rule_format, of x] have "x \ c"
by (auto simp: le_less intro!: t.less[of _ _ "upd 0"]) }
note top = this
have "f' ` {..n} = t"
using \<open>a = enum i\<close> \<open>i = 0\<close> \<open>c \<in> t\<close>
by (intro st.ksimplex_eq_top[OF _ _ _ _ eq])
(auto simp: b.s_eq b.enum_mono t.s_eq t.enum_mono b_enum[symmetric] top)
then show ?thesis by simp
qed }
with ks_f' eq \a \ f' n\ \n \ 0\ show ?thesis
apply (intro ex1I[of _ "f' ` {.. n}"])
apply auto []
apply metis
assume "i = n"
from \<open>n \<noteq> 0\<close> obtain n' where n': "n = Suc n'"
by (cases n) auto
define rot where "rot i = (case i of 0 \ n' | Suc i \ i)" for i
let ?upd = "upd \ rot"
have rot: "bij_betw rot {..< n} {..< n}"
by (auto simp: bij_betw_def inj_on_def image_iff Bex_def rot_def n' split: nat.splits)
from rot upd have "bij_betw ?upd {..
by (rule bij_betw_trans)
define b where "b = base (upd n' := base (upd n') - 1)"
define f' where [abs_def]: "f' i j = (if j \<in> ?upd`{..< i} then Suc (b j) else b j)" for i j
interpret b: kuhn_simplex p n b "upd \ rot" "f' ` {.. n}"
{ fix i assume "n \ i" then show "b i = p"
using base_out[of i] upd_space[of n'] by (auto simp: b_def n') }
show "b \ {.. {..
using base \<open>n \<noteq> 0\<close> upd_space[of n']
by (auto simp: b_def PiE_def Pi_iff Ball_def upd_space extensional_def n')
show "bij_betw ?upd {.. by fact
qed (simp add: f'_def)
have f': "b.enum = f'" unfolding f'_def b.enum_def[abs_def] ..
have ks_f': "ksimplex p n (b.enum ` {.. n})"
unfolding f' by rule unfold_locales
have "0 < n"
using \<open>n \<noteq> 0\<close> by auto
{ from \<open>a = enum i\<close> \<open>n \<noteq> 0\<close> \<open>i = n\<close> lb upd_space[of n']
obtain i' where "i' \<le> n" "enum i' \<noteq> enum n" "0 < enum i' (upd n')"
unfolding s_eq by (auto simp: enum_inj n')
moreover have "enum i' (upd n') = base (upd n')"
unfolding enum_def using \<open>i' \<le> n\<close> \<open>enum i' \<noteq> enum n\<close> by (auto simp: n' upd_inj enum_inj)
ultimately have "0 < base (upd n')"
by auto }
then have benum1: "b.enum (Suc 0) = base"
unfolding b.enum_Suc[OF \<open>0<n\<close>] b.enum_0 by (auto simp: b_def rot_def)
have [simp]: "\j. Suc j < n \ rot ` {..< Suc j} = {n'} \ {..< j}"
by (auto simp: rot_def image_iff Ball_def split: nat.splits)
have rot_simps: "\j. rot (Suc j) = j" "rot 0 = n'"
by (simp_all add: rot_def)
{ fix j assume j: "Suc j \ n" then have "b.enum (Suc j) = enum j"
by (induct j) (auto simp: benum1 enum_0 b.enum_Suc enum_Suc rot_simps) }
note b_enum_eq_enum = this
then have "enum ` {..< n} = b.enum ` Suc ` {..< n}"
by (auto simp: image_comp intro!: image_cong)
also have "Suc ` {..< n} = {.. n} - {0}"
by (auto simp: image_iff Ball_def) arith
also have "{..< n} = {.. n} - {n}"
by auto
finally have eq: "s - {a} = b.enum ` {.. n} - {b.enum 0}"
unfolding s_eq \<open>a = enum i\<close> \<open>i = n\<close>
using inj_on_image_set_diff[OF inj_enum Diff_subset, of "{n}"]
inj_on_image_set_diff[OF b.inj_enum Diff_subset, of "{0}"]
by (simp add: comp_def)
have "b.enum 0 \ b.enum n"
by (simp add: b.enum_mono)
also have "b.enum n < enum n"
using \<open>n \<noteq> 0\<close> by (simp add: enum_strict_mono b_enum_eq_enum n')
finally have "a \ b.enum 0"
using \<open>a = enum i\<close> \<open>i = n\<close> by auto
{ fix t c assume "ksimplex p n t" "c \ t" and eq_sma: "s - {a} = t - {c}"
obtain b' u where "kuhn_simplex p n b' u t"
using \<open>ksimplex p n t\<close> by (auto elim: ksimplex.cases)
then interpret t: kuhn_simplex p n b' u t .
{ fix x assume "x \ s" "x \ a"
then have "x (upd n') = enum n' (upd n')"
by (auto simp: \<open>a = enum i\<close> n' \<open>i = n\<close> s_eq enum_def enum_inj in_upd_image) }
then have eq_upd0: "\x\t-{c}. x (upd n') = enum n' (upd n')"
unfolding eq_sma[symmetric] by auto
then have "c (upd n') \ enum n' (upd n')"
using \<open>n \<noteq> 0\<close> by (intro t.one_step[OF \<open>c\<in>t\<close> ]) (auto simp: n' upd_space[unfolded n'])
then have "c (upd n') < enum n' (upd n') \ c (upd n') > enum n' (upd n')"
by auto
then have "t = s \ t = b.enum ` {..n}"
proof (elim disjE conjE)
assume *: "c (upd n') > enum n' (upd n')"
interpret st: kuhn_simplex_pair p n base upd s b' u t ..
{ fix x assume "x \ t" with * \c\t\ eq_upd0[rule_format, of x] have "x \ c"
by (auto simp: le_less intro!: t.less[of _ _ "upd n'"]) }
note top = this
have "s = t"
using \<open>a = enum i\<close> \<open>i = n\<close> \<open>c \<in> t\<close>
by (intro st.ksimplex_eq_top[OF _ _ _ _ eq_sma])
(auto simp: s_eq enum_mono t.s_eq t.enum_mono top)
then show ?thesis by simp
assume *: "c (upd n') < enum n' (upd n')"
interpret st: kuhn_simplex_pair p n b "upd \ rot" "f' ` {.. n}" b' u t ..
have eq: "f' ` {..n} - {b.enum 0} = t - {c}"
using eq_sma eq f' by simp
{ fix x assume "x \ t" with * \c\t\ eq_upd0[rule_format, of x] have "c \ x"
by (auto simp: le_less intro!: t.less[of _ _ "upd n'"]) }
note bot = this
have "f' ` {..n} = t"
using \<open>a = enum i\<close> \<open>i = n\<close> \<open>c \<in> t\<close>
by (intro st.ksimplex_eq_bot[OF _ _ _ _ eq])
(auto simp: b.s_eq b.enum_mono t.s_eq t.enum_mono bot)
with f' show ?thesis by simp
qed }
with ks_f' eq \a \ b.enum 0\ \n \ 0\ show ?thesis
apply (intro ex1I[of _ "b.enum ` {.. n}"])
apply auto []
apply metis
assume i: "0 < i" "i < n"
define i' where "i' = i - 1"
with i have "Suc i' < n"
by simp
with i have Suc_i': "Suc i' = i"
by (simp add: i'_def)
let ?upd = "Fun.swap i' i upd"
from i upd have "bij_betw ?upd {..< n} {..< n}"
by (subst bij_betw_swap_iff) (auto simp: i'_def)
define f' where [abs_def]: "f' i j = (if j \<in> ?upd`{..< i} then Suc (base j) else base j)"
for i j
interpret b: kuhn_simplex p n base ?upd "f' ` {.. n}"
show "base \ {.. {..
{ fix i assume "n \ i" then show "base i = p" by (rule base_out) }
show "bij_betw ?upd {.. by fact
qed (simp add: f'_def)
have f': "b.enum = f'" unfolding f'_def b.enum_def[abs_def] ..
have ks_f': "ksimplex p n (b.enum ` {.. n})"
unfolding f' by rule unfold_locales
have "{i} \ {..n}"
using i by auto
{ fix j assume "j \ n"
moreover have "j < i \ i = j \ i < j" by arith
moreover note i
ultimately have "enum j = b.enum j \ j \ i"
unfolding enum_def[abs_def] b.enum_def[abs_def]
by (auto simp: fun_eq_iff swap_image i'_def
in_upd_image inj_on_image_set_diff[OF inj_upd]) }
note enum_eq_benum = this
then have "enum ` ({.. n} - {i}) = b.enum ` ({.. n} - {i})"
by (intro image_cong) auto
then have eq: "s - {a} = b.enum ` {.. n} - {b.enum i}"
unfolding s_eq \<open>a = enum i\<close>
using inj_on_image_set_diff[OF inj_enum Diff_subset \<open>{i} \<subseteq> {..n}\<close>]
inj_on_image_set_diff[OF b.inj_enum Diff_subset \<open>{i} \<subseteq> {..n}\<close>]
by (simp add: comp_def)
have "a \ b.enum i"
using \<open>a = enum i\<close> enum_eq_benum i by auto
{ fix t c assume "ksimplex p n t" "c \ t" and eq_sma: "s - {a} = t - {c}"
obtain b' u where "kuhn_simplex p n b' u t"
using \<open>ksimplex p n t\<close> by (auto elim: ksimplex.cases)
then interpret t: kuhn_simplex p n b' u t .
have "enum i' \ s - {a}" "enum (i + 1) \ s - {a}"
using \<open>a = enum i\<close> i enum_in by (auto simp: enum_inj i'_def)
then obtain l k where
l: "t.enum l = enum i'" "l \ n" "t.enum l \ c" and
k: "t.enum k = enum (i + 1)" "k \ n" "t.enum k \ c"
unfolding eq_sma by (auto simp: t.s_eq)
with i have "t.enum l < t.enum k"
by (simp add: enum_strict_mono i'_def)
with \<open>l \<le> n\<close> \<open>k \<le> n\<close> have "l < k"
by (simp add: t.enum_strict_mono)
{ assume "Suc l = k"
have "enum (Suc (Suc i')) = t.enum (Suc l)"
using i by (simp add: k \<open>Suc l = k\<close> i'_def)
then have False
using \<open>l < k\<close> \<open>k \<le> n\<close> \<open>Suc i' < n\<close>
by (auto simp: t.enum_Suc enum_Suc l upd_inj fun_eq_iff split: if_split_asm)
(metis Suc_lessD n_not_Suc_n upd_inj) }
with \<open>l < k\<close> have "Suc l < k"
by arith
have c_eq: "c = t.enum (Suc l)"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "c \ t.enum (Suc l)"
then have "t.enum (Suc l) \ s - {a}"
using \<open>l < k\<close> \<open>k \<le> n\<close> by (simp add: t.s_eq eq_sma)
then obtain j where "t.enum (Suc l) = enum j" "j \ n" "enum j \ enum i"
unfolding s_eq \<open>a = enum i\<close> by auto
with i have "t.enum (Suc l) \ t.enum l \ t.enum k \ t.enum (Suc l)"
by (auto simp: i'_def enum_mono enum_inj l k)
with \<open>Suc l < k\<close> \<open>k \<le> n\<close> show False
by (simp add: t.enum_mono)
{ have "t.enum (Suc (Suc l)) \ s - {a}"
unfolding eq_sma c_eq t.s_eq using \<open>Suc l < k\<close> \<open>k \<le> n\<close> by (auto simp: t.enum_inj)
then obtain j where eq: "t.enum (Suc (Suc l)) = enum j" and "j \ n" "j \ i"
by (auto simp: s_eq \<open>a = enum i\<close>)
moreover have "enum i' < t.enum (Suc (Suc l))"
unfolding l(1)[symmetric] using \<open>Suc l < k\<close> \<open>k \<le> n\<close> by (auto simp: t.enum_strict_mono)
ultimately have "i' < j"
using i by (simp add: enum_strict_mono i'_def)
with \<open>j \<noteq> i\<close> \<open>j \<le> n\<close> have "t.enum k \<le> t.enum (Suc (Suc l))"
unfolding i'_def by (simp add: enum_mono k eq)
then have "k \ Suc (Suc l)"
using \<open>k \<le> n\<close> \<open>Suc l < k\<close> by (simp add: t.enum_mono) }
with \<open>Suc l < k\<close> have "Suc (Suc l) = k" by simp
then have "enum (Suc (Suc i')) = t.enum (Suc (Suc l))"
using i by (simp add: k i'_def)
also have "\ = (enum i') (u l := Suc (enum i' (u l)), u (Suc l) := Suc (enum i' (u (Suc l))))"
using \<open>Suc l < k\<close> \<open>k \<le> n\<close> by (simp add: t.enum_Suc l t.upd_inj)
finally have "(u l = upd i' \ u (Suc l) = upd (Suc i')) \
(u l = upd (Suc i') \ u (Suc l) = upd i')"
using \<open>Suc i' < n\<close> by (auto simp: enum_Suc fun_eq_iff split: if_split_asm)
then have "t = s \ t = b.enum ` {..n}"
proof (elim disjE conjE)
assume u: "u l = upd i'"
have "c = t.enum (Suc l)" unfolding c_eq ..
also have "t.enum (Suc l) = enum (Suc i')"
using u \<open>l < k\<close> \<open>k \<le> n\<close> \<open>Suc i' < n\<close> by (simp add: enum_Suc t.enum_Suc l)
also have "\ = a"
using \<open>a = enum i\<close> i by (simp add: i'_def)
finally show ?thesis
using eq_sma \<open>a \<in> s\<close> \<open>c \<in> t\<close> by auto
assume u: "u l = upd (Suc i')"
define B where "B = b.enum ` {..n}"
have "b.enum i' = enum i'"
using enum_eq_benum[of i'] i by (auto simp: i'_def gr0_conv_Suc)
have "c = t.enum (Suc l)" unfolding c_eq ..
also have "t.enum (Suc l) = b.enum (Suc i')"
using u \<open>l < k\<close> \<open>k \<le> n\<close> \<open>Suc i' < n\<close>
by (simp_all add: enum_Suc t.enum_Suc l b.enum_Suc \<open>b.enum i' = enum i'\<close>)
(simp add: Suc_i')
also have "\ = b.enum i"
using i by (simp add: i'_def)
finally have "c = b.enum i" .
then have "t - {c} = B - {c}" "c \ B"
unfolding eq_sma[symmetric] eq B_def using i by auto
with \<open>c \<in> t\<close> have "t = B"
by auto
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: B_def)
qed }
with ks_f' eq \a \ b.enum i\ \n \ 0\ \i \ n\ show ?thesis
apply (intro ex1I[of _ "b.enum ` {.. n}"])
apply auto []
apply metis
then show ?thesis
using s \<open>a \<in> s\<close> by (simp add: card_2_iff' Ex1_def) metis
text \<open>Hence another step towards concreteness.\<close>
lemma kuhn_simplex_lemma:
assumes "\s. ksimplex p (Suc n) s \ rl ` s \ {.. Suc n}"
and "odd (card {f. \s a. ksimplex p (Suc n) s \ a \ s \ (f = s - {a}) \
rl ` f = {..n} \<and> ((\<exists>j\<le>n. \<forall>x\<in>f. x j = 0) \<or> (\<exists>j\<le>n. \<forall>x\<in>f. x j = p))})"
shows "odd (card {s. ksimplex p (Suc n) s \ rl ` s = {..Suc n}})"
proof (rule kuhn_complete_lemma[OF finite_ksimplexes refl, unfolded mem_Collect_eq,
where bnd="\f. (\j\{..n}. \x\f. x j = 0) \ (\j\{..n}. \x\f. x j = p)"],
safe del: notI)
have *: "\x y. x = y \ odd (card x) \ odd (card y)"
by auto
show "odd (card {f. (\s\{s. ksimplex p (Suc n) s}. \a\s. f = s - {a}) \
rl ` f = {..n} \<and> ((\<exists>j\<in>{..n}. \<forall>x\<in>f. x j = 0) \<or> (\<exists>j\<in>{..n}. \<forall>x\<in>f. x j = p))})"
apply (rule *[OF _ assms(2)])
apply (auto simp: atLeast0AtMost)
fix s assume s: "ksimplex p (Suc n) s"
then show "card s = n + 2"
by (simp add: ksimplex_card)
fix a assume a: "a \ s" then show "rl a \ Suc n"
using assms(1) s by (auto simp: subset_eq)
let ?S = "{t. ksimplex p (Suc n) t \ (\b\t. s - {a} = t - {b})}"
{ fix j assume j: "j \ n" "\x\s - {a}. x j = 0"
with s a show "card ?S = 1"
using ksimplex_replace_0[of p "n + 1" s a j]
by (subst eq_commute) simp }
{ fix j assume j: "j \ n" "\x\s - {a}. x j = p"
with s a show "card ?S = 1"
using ksimplex_replace_1[of p "n + 1" s a j]
by (subst eq_commute) simp }
{ assume "card ?S \ 2" "\ (\j\{..n}. \x\s - {a}. x j = p)"
with s a show "\j\{..n}. \x\s - {a}. x j = 0"
using ksimplex_replace_2[of p "n + 1" s a]
by (subst (asm) eq_commute) auto }
subsubsection \<open>Reduced labelling\<close>
definition reduced :: "nat \ (nat \ nat) \ nat" where "reduced n x = (LEAST k. k = n \ x k \ 0)"
lemma reduced_labelling:
shows "reduced n x \ n"
and "\i
and "reduced n x = n \ x (reduced n x) \ 0"
proof -
show "reduced n x \ n"
unfolding reduced_def by (rule LeastI2_wellorder[where a=n]) auto
show "\i
unfolding reduced_def by (rule LeastI2_wellorder[where a=n]) fastforce+
show "reduced n x = n \ x (reduced n x) \ 0"
unfolding reduced_def by (rule LeastI2_wellorder[where a=n]) fastforce+
lemma reduced_labelling_unique:
"r \ n \ \i r = n \ x r \ 0 \ reduced n x = r"
unfolding reduced_def by (rule LeastI2_wellorder[where a=n]) (metis le_less not_le)+
lemma reduced_labelling_zero: "j < n \ x j = 0 \ reduced n x \ j"
using reduced_labelling[of n x] by auto
lemma reduce_labelling_zero[simp]: "reduced 0 x = 0"
by (rule reduced_labelling_unique) auto
lemma reduced_labelling_nonzero: "j < n \ x j \ 0 \ reduced n x \ j"
using reduced_labelling[of n x] by (elim allE[where x=j]) auto
lemma reduced_labelling_Suc: "reduced (Suc n) x \ Suc n \ reduced (Suc n) x = reduced n x"
using reduced_labelling[of "Suc n" x]
by (intro reduced_labelling_unique[symmetric]) auto
lemma complete_face_top:
assumes "\x\f. \j\n. x j = 0 \ lab x j = 0"
and "\x\f. \j\n. x j = p \ lab x j = 1"
and eq: "(reduced (Suc n) \ lab) ` f = {..n}"
shows "((\j\n. \x\f. x j = 0) \ (\j\n. \x\f. x j = p)) \ (\x\f. x n = p)"
proof (safe del: disjCI)
fix x j assume j: "j \ n" "\x\f. x j = 0"
{ fix x assume "x \ f" with assms j have "reduced (Suc n) (lab x) \ j"
by (intro reduced_labelling_zero) auto }
moreover have "j \ (reduced (Suc n) \ lab) ` f"
using j eq by auto
ultimately show "x n = p"
by force
fix x j assume j: "j \ n" "\x\f. x j = p" and x: "x \ f"
have "j = n"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "\ ?thesis"
{ fix x assume "x \ f"
with assms j have "reduced (Suc n) (lab x) \ j"
by (intro reduced_labelling_nonzero) auto
then have "reduced (Suc n) (lab x) \ n"
using \<open>j \<noteq> n\<close> \<open>j \<le> n\<close> by simp }
have "n \ (reduced (Suc n) \ lab) ` f"
using eq by auto
ultimately show False
by force
moreover have "j \ (reduced (Suc n) \ lab) ` f"
using j eq by auto
ultimately show "x n = p"
using j x by auto
qed auto
text \<open>Hence we get just about the nice induction.\<close>
lemma kuhn_induction:
assumes "0 < p"
and lab_0: "\x. \j\n. (\j. x j \ p) \ x j = 0 \ lab x j = 0"
and lab_1: "\x. \j\n. (\j. x j \ p) \ x j = p \ lab x j = 1"
and odd: "odd (card {s. ksimplex p n s \ (reduced n\lab) ` s = {..n}})"
shows "odd (card {s. ksimplex p (Suc n) s \ (reduced (Suc n)\lab) ` s = {..Suc n}})"
proof -
let ?rl = "reduced (Suc n) \ lab" and ?ext = "\f v. \j\n. \x\f. x j = v"
let ?ext = "\s. (\j\n. \x\s. x j = 0) \ (\j\n. \x\s. x j = p)"
have "\s. ksimplex p (Suc n) s \ ?rl ` s \ {..Suc n}"
by (simp add: reduced_labelling subset_eq)
have "{s. ksimplex p n s \ (reduced n \ lab) ` s = {..n}} =
{f. \<exists>s a. ksimplex p (Suc n) s \<and> a \<in> s \<and> f = s - {a} \<and> ?rl ` f = {..n} \<and> ?ext f}"
proof (intro set_eqI, safe del: disjCI equalityI disjE)
fix s assume s: "ksimplex p n s" and rl: "(reduced n \ lab) ` s = {..n}"
from s obtain u b where "kuhn_simplex p n u b s" by (auto elim: ksimplex.cases)
then interpret kuhn_simplex p n u b s .
have all_eq_p: "\x\s. x n = p"
by (auto simp: out_eq_p)
{ fix x assume "x \ s"
with lab_1[rule_format, of n x] all_eq_p s_le_p[of x]
have "?rl x \ n"
by (auto intro!: reduced_labelling_nonzero)
then have "?rl x = reduced n (lab x)"
by (auto intro!: reduced_labelling_Suc) }
then have "?rl ` s = {..n}"
using rl by (simp cong: image_cong)
obtain t a where "ksimplex p (Suc n) t" "a \ t" "s = t - {a}"
using s unfolding simplex_top_face[OF \<open>0 < p\<close> all_eq_p] by auto
show "\t a. ksimplex p (Suc n) t \ a \ t \ s = t - {a} \ ?rl ` s = {..n} \ ?ext s"
by auto
fix x s a assume s: "ksimplex p (Suc n) s" and rl: "?rl ` (s - {a}) = {.. n}"
and a: "a \ s" and "?ext (s - {a})"
from s obtain u b where "kuhn_simplex p (Suc n) u b s" by (auto elim: ksimplex.cases)
then interpret kuhn_simplex p "Suc n" u b s .
have all_eq_p: "\x\s. x (Suc n) = p"
by (auto simp: out_eq_p)
{ fix x assume "x \ s - {a}"
then have "?rl x \ ?rl ` (s - {a})"
by auto
then have "?rl x \ n"
unfolding rl by auto
then have "?rl x = reduced n (lab x)"
by (auto intro!: reduced_labelling_Suc) }
then show rl': "(reduced n\lab) ` (s - {a}) = {..n}"
unfolding rl[symmetric] by (intro image_cong) auto
from \<open>?ext (s - {a})\<close>
have all_eq_p: "\x\s - {a}. x n = p"
proof (elim disjE exE conjE)
fix j assume "j \ n" "\x\s - {a}. x j = 0"
with lab_0[rule_format, of j] all_eq_p s_le_p
have "\x. x \ s - {a} \ reduced (Suc n) (lab x) \ j"
by (intro reduced_labelling_zero) auto
moreover have "j \ ?rl ` (s - {a})"
using \<open>j \<le> n\<close> unfolding rl by auto
ultimately show ?thesis
by force
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