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Datei: Product_Topology.thy   Sprache: Isabelle

Original von: Isabelle©

section \<open>Extending Continous Maps, Invariance of Domain, etc\<close> (*FIX rename? *)

text\<open>Ported from HOL Light ( by L C Paulson\<close>

theory Further_Topology
  imports Weierstrass_Theorems Polytope Complex_Transcendental Equivalence_Lebesgue_Henstock_Integration Retracts

subsection\<open>A map from a sphere to a higher dimensional sphere is nullhomotopic\<close>

lemma spheremap_lemma1:
  fixes f :: "'a::euclidean_space \ 'a::euclidean_space"
  assumes "subspace S" "subspace T" and dimST: "dim S < dim T"
      and "S \ T"
      and diff_f: "f differentiable_on sphere 0 1 \ S"
    shows "f ` (sphere 0 1 \ S) \ sphere 0 1 \ T"
  assume fim: "f ` (sphere 0 1 \ S) = sphere 0 1 \ T"
  have inS: "\x. \x \ S; x \ 0\ \ (x /\<^sub>R norm x) \ S"
    using subspace_mul \<open>subspace S\<close> by blast
  have subS01: "(\x. x /\<^sub>R norm x) ` (S - {0}) \ sphere 0 1 \ S"
    using \<open>subspace S\<close> subspace_mul by fastforce
  then have diff_f': "f differentiable_on (\x. x /\<^sub>R norm x) ` (S - {0})"
    by (rule differentiable_on_subset [OF diff_f])
  define g where "g \ \x. norm x *\<^sub>R f(inverse(norm x) *\<^sub>R x)"
  have gdiff: "g differentiable_on S - {0}"
    unfolding g_def
    by (rule diff_f' derivative_intros differentiable_on_compose [where f=f] | force)+
  have geq: "g ` (S - {0}) = T - {0}"
    have "\u. \u \ S; norm u *\<^sub>R f (u /\<^sub>R norm u) \ T\ \ u = 0"
      by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) DiffI subS01 subspace_mul [OF \<open>subspace T\<close>] fim image_subset_iff inf_le2 singletonD)
    then have "g ` (S - {0}) \ T"
      using g_def by blast
    moreover have "g ` (S - {0}) \ UNIV - {0}"
    proof (clarsimp simp: g_def)
      fix y
      assume "y \ S" and f0: "f (y /\<^sub>R norm y) = 0"
      then have "y \ 0 \ y /\<^sub>R norm y \ sphere 0 1 \ S"
        by (auto simp: subspace_mul [OF \<open>subspace S\<close>])
      then show "y = 0"
        by (metis fim f0 Int_iff image_iff mem_sphere_0 norm_eq_zero zero_neq_one)
    ultimately show "g ` (S - {0}) \ T - {0}"
      by auto
    have *: "sphere 0 1 \ T \ f ` (sphere 0 1 \ S)"
      using fim by (simp add: image_subset_iff)
    have "x \ (\x. norm x *\<^sub>R f (x /\<^sub>R norm x)) ` (S - {0})"
          if "x \ T" "x \ 0" for x
    proof -
      have "x /\<^sub>R norm x \ T"
        using \<open>subspace T\<close> subspace_mul that by blast
      then obtain u where u: "f u \ T" "x /\<^sub>R norm x = f u" "norm u = 1" "u \ S"
        using * [THEN subsetD, of "x /\<^sub>R norm x"] \x \ 0\ by auto
      with that have [simp]: "norm x *\<^sub>R f u = x"
        by (metis divideR_right norm_eq_zero)
      moreover have "norm x *\<^sub>R u \ S - {0}"
        using \<open>subspace S\<close> subspace_scale that(2) u by auto
      with u show ?thesis
        by (simp add: image_eqI [where x="norm x *\<^sub>R u"])
    then have "T - {0} \ (\x. norm x *\<^sub>R f (x /\<^sub>R norm x)) ` (S - {0})"
      by force
    then show "T - {0} \ g ` (S - {0})"
      by (simp add: g_def)
  define T' where "T' \<equiv> {y. \<forall>x \<in> T. orthogonal x y}"
  have "subspace T'"
    by (simp add: subspace_orthogonal_to_vectors T'_def)
  have dim_eq: "dim T' + dim T = DIM('a)"
    using dim_subspace_orthogonal_to_vectors [of T UNIV] \<open>subspace T\<close>
    by (simp add: T'_def)
  have "\v1 v2. v1 \ span T \ (\w \ span T. orthogonal v2 w) \ x = v1 + v2" for x
    by (force intro: orthogonal_subspace_decomp_exists [of T x])
  then obtain p1 p2 where p1span: "p1 x \ span T"
                      and "\w. w \ span T \ orthogonal (p2 x) w"
                      and eq: "p1 x + p2 x = x" for x
    by metis
  then have p1: "\z. p1 z \ T" and ortho: "\w. w \ T \ orthogonal (p2 x) w" for x
    using span_eq_iff \<open>subspace T\<close> by blast+
  then have p2: "\z. p2 z \ T'"
    by (simp add: T'_def orthogonal_commute)
  have p12_eq: "\x y. \x \ T; y \ T'\ \ p1(x + y) = x \ p2(x + y) = y"
  proof (rule orthogonal_subspace_decomp_unique [OF eq p1span, where T=T'])
    show "\x y. \x \ T; y \ T'\ \ p2 (x + y) \ span T'"
      using span_eq_iff p2 \<open>subspace T'\<close> by blast
    show "\a b. \a \ T; b \ T'\ \ orthogonal a b"
      using T'_def by blast
  qed (auto simp: span_base)
  then have "\c x. p1 (c *\<^sub>R x) = c *\<^sub>R p1 x \ p2 (c *\<^sub>R x) = c *\<^sub>R p2 x"
  proof -
    fix c :: real and x :: 'a
    have f1: "c *\<^sub>R x = c *\<^sub>R p1 x + c *\<^sub>R p2 x"
      by (metis eq pth_6)
    have f2: "c *\<^sub>R p2 x \ T'"
      by (simp add: \<open>subspace T'\<close> p2 subspace_scale)
    have "c *\<^sub>R p1 x \ T"
      by (metis (full_types) assms(2) p1span span_eq_iff subspace_scale)
    then show "p1 (c *\<^sub>R x) = c *\<^sub>R p1 x \ p2 (c *\<^sub>R x) = c *\<^sub>R p2 x"
      using f2 f1 p12_eq by presburger
  moreover have lin_add: "\x y. p1 (x + y) = p1 x + p1 y \ p2 (x + y) = p2 x + p2 y"
  proof (rule orthogonal_subspace_decomp_unique [OF _ p1span, where T=T'])
    show "\x y. p1 (x + y) + p2 (x + y) = p1 x + p1 y + (p2 x + p2 y)"
      by (simp add: add.assoc add.left_commute eq)
    show  "\a b. \a \ T; b \ T'\ \ orthogonal a b"
      using T'_def by blast
  qed (auto simp: p1span p2 span_base span_add)
  ultimately have "linear p1" "linear p2"
    by unfold_locales auto
  have "g differentiable_on p1 ` {x + y |x y. x \ S - {0} \ y \ T'}"
    using p12_eq \<open>S \<subseteq> T\<close>  by (force intro: differentiable_on_subset [OF gdiff])
  then have "(\z. g (p1 z)) differentiable_on {x + y |x y. x \ S - {0} \ y \ T'}"
    by (rule differentiable_on_compose [OF linear_imp_differentiable_on [OF \<open>linear p1\<close>]])
  then have diff: "(\x. g (p1 x) + p2 x) differentiable_on {x + y |x y. x \ S - {0} \ y \ T'}"
    by (intro derivative_intros linear_imp_differentiable_on [OF \<open>linear p2\<close>])
  have "dim {x + y |x y. x \ S - {0} \ y \ T'} \ dim {x + y |x y. x \ S \ y \ T'}"
    by (blast intro: dim_subset)
  also have "... = dim S + dim T' - dim (S \ T')"
    using dim_sums_Int [OF \<open>subspace S\<close> \<open>subspace T'\<close>]
    by (simp add: algebra_simps)
  also have "... < DIM('a)"
    using dimST dim_eq by auto
  finally have neg: "negligible {x + y |x y. x \ S - {0} \ y \ T'}"
    by (rule negligible_lowdim)
  have "negligible ((\x. g (p1 x) + p2 x) ` {x + y |x y. x \ S - {0} \ y \ T'})"
    by (rule negligible_differentiable_image_negligible [OF order_refl neg diff])
  then have "negligible {x + y |x y. x \ g ` (S - {0}) \ y \ T'}"
  proof (rule negligible_subset)
    have "\t' \ T'; s \ S; s \ 0\
          \<Longrightarrow> g s + t' \<in> (\<lambda>x. g (p1 x) + p2 x) `
                         {x + t' |x t'. x \<in> S \<and> x \<noteq> 0 \<and> t' \<in> T'}" for t' s
      using \<open>S \<subseteq> T\<close> p12_eq  by (rule_tac x="s + t'" in image_eqI) auto
    then show "{x + y |x y. x \ g ` (S - {0}) \ y \ T'}
          \<subseteq> (\<lambda>x. g (p1 x) + p2 x) ` {x + y |x y. x \<in> S - {0} \<and> y \<in> T'}"
      by auto
  moreover have "- T' \ {x + y |x y. x \ g ` (S - {0}) \ y \ T'}"
  proof clarsimp
    fix z assume "z \ T'"
    show "\x y. z = x + y \ x \ g ` (S - {0}) \ y \ T'"
      by (metis Diff_iff \<open>z \<notin> T'\<close> add.left_neutral eq geq p1 p2 singletonD)
  ultimately have "negligible (-T')"
    using negligible_subset by blast
  moreover have "negligible T'"
    using negligible_lowdim
    by (metis add.commute assms(3) diff_add_inverse2 diff_self_eq_0 dim_eq le_add1 le_antisym linordered_semidom_class.add_diff_inverse not_less0)
  ultimately have  "negligible (-T' \ T')"
    by (metis negligible_Un_eq)
  then show False
    using negligible_Un_eq non_negligible_UNIV by simp

lemma spheremap_lemma2:
  fixes f :: "'a::euclidean_space \ 'a::euclidean_space"
  assumes ST: "subspace S" "subspace T" "dim S < dim T"
      and "S \ T"
      and contf: "continuous_on (sphere 0 1 \ S) f"
      and fim: "f ` (sphere 0 1 \ S) \ sphere 0 1 \ T"
    shows "\c. homotopic_with_canon (\x. True) (sphere 0 1 \ S) (sphere 0 1 \ T) f (\x. c)"
proof -
  have [simp]: "\x. \norm x = 1; x \ S\ \ norm (f x) = 1"
    using fim by (simp add: image_subset_iff)
  have "compact (sphere 0 1 \ S)"
    by (simp add: \<open>subspace S\<close> closed_subspace compact_Int_closed)
  then obtain g where pfg: "polynomial_function g" and gim: "g ` (sphere 0 1 \ S) \ T"
                and g12: "\x. x \ sphere 0 1 \ S \ norm(f x - g x) < 1/2"
    apply (rule Stone_Weierstrass_polynomial_function_subspace [OF _ contf _ \<open>subspace T\<close>, of "1/2"])
    using fim by auto
  have gnz: "g x \ 0" if "x \ sphere 0 1 \ S" for x
  proof -
    have "norm (f x) = 1"
      using fim that by (simp add: image_subset_iff)
    then show ?thesis
      using g12 [OF that] by auto
  have diffg: "g differentiable_on sphere 0 1 \ S"
    by (metis pfg differentiable_on_polynomial_function)
  define h where "h \ \x. inverse(norm(g x)) *\<^sub>R g x"
  have h: "x \ sphere 0 1 \ S \ h x \ sphere 0 1 \ T" for x
    unfolding h_def
    using gnz [of x]
    by (auto simp: subspace_mul [OF \<open>subspace T\<close>] subsetD [OF gim])
  have diffh: "h differentiable_on sphere 0 1 \ S"
    unfolding h_def using gnz
    by (fastforce intro: derivative_intros diffg differentiable_on_compose [OF diffg])
  have homfg: "homotopic_with_canon (\z. True) (sphere 0 1 \ S) (T - {0}) f g"
  proof (rule homotopic_with_linear [OF contf])
    show "continuous_on (sphere 0 1 \ S) g"
      using pfg by (simp add: differentiable_imp_continuous_on diffg)
    have non0fg: "0 \ closed_segment (f x) (g x)" if "norm x = 1" "x \ S" for x
    proof -
      have "f x \ sphere 0 1"
        using fim that by (simp add: image_subset_iff)
      moreover have "norm(f x - g x) < 1/2"
        using g12 that by auto
      ultimately show ?thesis
        by (auto simp: norm_minus_commute dest: segment_bound)
    show "closed_segment (f x) (g x) \ T - {0}" if "x \ sphere 0 1 \ S" for x
    proof -
      have "convex T"
        by (simp add: \<open>subspace T\<close> subspace_imp_convex)
      then have "convex hull {f x, g x} \ T"
        by (metis IntD2 closed_segment_subset fim gim image_subset_iff segment_convex_hull that)
      then show ?thesis
        using that non0fg segment_convex_hull by fastforce
  obtain d where d: "d \ (sphere 0 1 \ T) - h ` (sphere 0 1 \ S)"
    using h spheremap_lemma1 [OF ST \<open>S \<subseteq> T\<close> diffh] by force
  then have non0hd: "0 \ closed_segment (h x) (- d)" if "norm x = 1" "x \ S" for x
    using midpoint_between [of 0 "h x" "-d"] that h [of x]
    by (auto simp: between_mem_segment midpoint_def)
  have conth: "continuous_on (sphere 0 1 \ S) h"
    using differentiable_imp_continuous_on diffh by blast
  have hom_hd: "homotopic_with_canon (\z. True) (sphere 0 1 \ S) (T - {0}) h (\x. -d)"
  proof (rule homotopic_with_linear [OF conth continuous_on_const])
    fix x
    assume x: "x \ sphere 0 1 \ S"
    have "convex hull {h x, - d} \ T"
    proof (rule hull_minimal)
      show "{h x, - d} \ T"
        using h d x by (force simp: subspace_neg [OF \<open>subspace T\<close>])
    qed (simp add: subspace_imp_convex [OF \<open>subspace T\<close>])
    with x segment_convex_hull show "closed_segment (h x) (- d) \ T - {0}"
      by (auto simp add: subset_Diff_insert non0hd)
  have conT0: "continuous_on (T - {0}) (\y. inverse(norm y) *\<^sub>R y)"
    by (intro continuous_intros) auto
  have sub0T: "(\y. y /\<^sub>R norm y) ` (T - {0}) \ sphere 0 1 \ T"
    by (fastforce simp: assms(2) subspace_mul)
  obtain c where homhc: "homotopic_with_canon (\z. True) (sphere 0 1 \ S) (sphere 0 1 \ T) h (\x. c)"
    show "homotopic_with_canon (\z. True) (sphere 0 1 \ S) (sphere 0 1 \ T) h (\x. - d)"
      using d 
      by (force simp: h_def 
           intro: homotopic_with_eq homotopic_with_compose_continuous_left [OF hom_hd conT0 sub0T])
  have "homotopic_with_canon (\x. True) (sphere 0 1 \ S) (sphere 0 1 \ T) f h"
    by (force simp: h_def 
           intro:  homotopic_with_eq homotopic_with_compose_continuous_left [OF homfg conT0 sub0T])
  then show ?thesis
    by (metis homotopic_with_trans [OF _ homhc])

lemma spheremap_lemma3:
  assumes "bounded S" "convex S" "subspace U" and affSU: "aff_dim S \ dim U"
  obtains T where "subspace T" "T \ U" "S \ {} \ aff_dim T = aff_dim S"
                  "(rel_frontier S) homeomorphic (sphere 0 1 \ T)"
proof (cases "S = {}")
  case True
  with \<open>subspace U\<close> subspace_0 show ?thesis
    by (rule_tac T = "{0}" in that) auto
  case False
  then obtain a where "a \ S"
    by auto
  then have affS: "aff_dim S = int (dim ((\x. -a+x) ` S))"
    by (metis hull_inc aff_dim_eq_dim)
  with affSU have "dim ((\x. -a+x) ` S) \ dim U"
    by linarith
  with choose_subspace_of_subspace
  obtain T where "subspace T" "T \ span U" and dimT: "dim T = dim ((\x. -a+x) ` S)" .
  show ?thesis
  proof (rule that [OF \<open>subspace T\<close>])
    show "T \ U"
      using span_eq_iff \<open>subspace U\<close> \<open>T \<subseteq> span U\<close> by blast
    show "aff_dim T = aff_dim S"
      using dimT \<open>subspace T\<close> affS aff_dim_subspace by fastforce
    show "rel_frontier S homeomorphic sphere 0 1 \ T"
    proof -
      have "aff_dim (ball 0 1 \ T) = aff_dim (T)"
        by (metis IntI interior_ball \<open>subspace T\<close> aff_dim_convex_Int_nonempty_interior centre_in_ball empty_iff inf_commute subspace_0 subspace_imp_convex zero_less_one)
      then have affS_eq: "aff_dim S = aff_dim (ball 0 1 \ T)"
        using \<open>aff_dim T = aff_dim S\<close> by simp
      have "rel_frontier S homeomorphic rel_frontier(ball 0 1 \ T)"
      proof (rule homeomorphic_rel_frontiers_convex_bounded_sets [OF \<open>convex S\<close> \<open>bounded S\<close>])
        show "convex (ball 0 1 \ T)"
          by (simp add: \<open>subspace T\<close> convex_Int subspace_imp_convex)
        show "bounded (ball 0 1 \ T)"
          by (simp add: bounded_Int)
        show "aff_dim S = aff_dim (ball 0 1 \ T)"
          by (rule affS_eq)
      also have "... = frontier (ball 0 1) \ T"
      proof (rule convex_affine_rel_frontier_Int [OF convex_ball])
        show "affine T"
          by (simp add: \<open>subspace T\<close> subspace_imp_affine)
        show "interior (ball 0 1) \ T \ {}"
          using \<open>subspace T\<close> subspace_0 by force
      also have "... = sphere 0 1 \ T"
        by auto
      finally show ?thesis .

proposition inessential_spheremap_lowdim_gen:
  fixes f :: "'M::euclidean_space \ 'a::euclidean_space"
  assumes "convex S" "bounded S" "convex T" "bounded T"
      and affST: "aff_dim S < aff_dim T"
      and contf: "continuous_on (rel_frontier S) f"
      and fim: "f ` (rel_frontier S) \ rel_frontier T"
  obtains c where "homotopic_with_canon (\z. True) (rel_frontier S) (rel_frontier T) f (\x. c)"
proof (cases "S = {}")
  case True
  then show ?thesis
    by (simp add: that)
  case False
  then show ?thesis
  proof (cases "T = {}")
    case True
    then show ?thesis
      using fim that by auto
    case False
    obtain T':: "'a set"
      where "subspace T'" and affT': "aff_dim T' = aff_dim T"
        and homT: "rel_frontier T homeomorphic sphere 0 1 \ T'"
      apply (rule spheremap_lemma3 [OF \<open>bounded T\<close> \<open>convex T\<close> subspace_UNIV, where 'b='a])
      using \<open>T \<noteq> {}\<close>  by (auto simp add: aff_dim_le_DIM)
    with homeomorphic_imp_homotopy_eqv
    have relT: "sphere 0 1 \ T' homotopy_eqv rel_frontier T"
      using homotopy_equivalent_space_sym by blast
    have "aff_dim S \ int (dim T')"
      using affT' \subspace T'\ affST aff_dim_subspace by force
    with spheremap_lemma3 [OF \<open>bounded S\<close> \<open>convex S\<close> \<open>subspace T'\<close>] \<open>S \<noteq> {}\<close>
    obtain S':: "'a set" where "subspace S'" "S' \<subseteq> T'"
       and affS': "aff_dim S' = aff_dim S"
       and homT: "rel_frontier S homeomorphic sphere 0 1 \ S'"
        by metis
    with homeomorphic_imp_homotopy_eqv
    have relS: "sphere 0 1 \ S' homotopy_eqv rel_frontier S"
      using homotopy_equivalent_space_sym by blast
    have dimST': "dim S' < dim T'"
      by (metis \<open>S' \<subseteq> T'\<close> \<open>subspace S'\<close> \<open>subspace T'\<close> affS' affST affT' less_irrefl not_le subspace_dim_equal)
    have "\c. homotopic_with_canon (\z. True) (rel_frontier S) (rel_frontier T) f (\x. c)"
      apply (rule homotopy_eqv_homotopic_triviality_null_imp [OF relT contf fim])
      apply (rule homotopy_eqv_cohomotopic_triviality_null[OF relS, THEN iffD1, rule_format])
       apply (metis dimST' \subspace S'\ \subspace T'\ \S' \ T'\ spheremap_lemma2, blast)
    with that show ?thesis by blast

lemma inessential_spheremap_lowdim:
  fixes f :: "'M::euclidean_space \ 'a::euclidean_space"
   "DIM('M) < DIM('a)" and f: "continuous_on (sphere a r) f" "f ` (sphere a r) \ (sphere b s)"
   obtains c where "homotopic_with_canon (\z. True) (sphere a r) (sphere b s) f (\x. c)"
proof (cases "s \ 0")
  case True then show ?thesis
    by (meson nullhomotopic_into_contractible f contractible_sphere that)
  case False
  show ?thesis
  proof (cases "r \ 0")
    case True then show ?thesis
      by (meson f nullhomotopic_from_contractible contractible_sphere that)
    case False
    with \<open>\<not> s \<le> 0\<close> have "r > 0" "s > 0" by auto
    show thesis
      apply (rule inessential_spheremap_lowdim_gen [of "cball a r" "cball b s" f])
      using  \<open>0 < r\<close> \<open>0 < s\<close> assms(1) that by (simp_all add: f aff_dim_cball)

subsection\<open> Some technical lemmas about extending maps from cell complexes\<close>

lemma extending_maps_Union_aux:
  assumes fin: "finite \"
      and "\S. S \ \ \ closed S"
      and "\S T. \S \ \; T \ \; S \ T\ \ S \ T \ K"
      and "\S. S \ \ \ \g. continuous_on S g \ g ` S \ T \ (\x \ S \ K. g x = h x)"
   shows "\g. continuous_on (\\) g \ g ` (\\) \ T \ (\x \ \\ \ K. g x = h x)"
using assms
proof (induction \<F>)
  case empty show ?case by simp
  case (insert S \<F>)
  then obtain f where contf: "continuous_on (S) f" and fim: "f ` S \ T" and feq: "\x \ S \ K. f x = h x"
    by (meson insertI1)
  obtain g where contg: "continuous_on (\\) g" and gim: "g ` \\ \ T" and geq: "\x \ \\ \ K. g x = h x"
    using insert by auto
  have fg: "f x = g x" if "x \ T" "T \ \" "x \ S" for x T
  proof -
    have "T \ S \ K \ S = T"
      using that by (metis (no_types) insert.prems(2) insertCI)
    then show ?thesis
      using UnionI feq geq \<open>S \<notin> \<F>\<close> subsetD that by fastforce
  show ?case
    apply (rule_tac x="\x. if x \ S then f x else g x" in exI, simp)
    apply (intro conjI continuous_on_cases)
    using fim gim feq geq
    apply (force simp: insert closed_Union contf contg inf_commute intro: fg)+

lemma extending_maps_Union:
  assumes fin: "finite \"
      and "\S. S \ \ \ \g. continuous_on S g \ g ` S \ T \ (\x \ S \ K. g x = h x)"
      and "\S. S \ \ \ closed S"
      and K: "\X Y. \X \ \; Y \ \; \ X \ Y; \ Y \ X\ \ X \ Y \ K"
    shows "\g. continuous_on (\\) g \ g ` (\\) \ T \ (\x \ \\ \ K. g x = h x)"
apply (simp flip: Union_maximal_sets [OF fin])
apply (rule extending_maps_Union_aux)
apply (simp_all add: Union_maximal_sets [OF fin] assms)
by (metis K psubsetI)

lemma extend_map_lemma:
  assumes "finite \" "\ \ \" "convex T" "bounded T"
      and poly: "\X. X \ \ \ polytope X"
      and aff: "\X. X \ \ - \ \ aff_dim X < aff_dim T"
      and face: "\S T. \S \ \; T \ \\ \ (S \ T) face_of S"
      and contf: "continuous_on (\\) f" and fim: "f ` (\\) \ rel_frontier T"
  obtains g where "continuous_on (\\) g" "g ` (\\) \ rel_frontier T" "\x. x \ \\ \ g x = f x"
proof (cases "\ - \ = {}")
  case True
  show ?thesis
    show "continuous_on (\ \) f"
      using True \<open>\<G> \<subseteq> \<F>\<close> contf by auto
    show "f ` \ \ \ rel_frontier T"
      using True fim by auto
  qed auto
  case False
  then have "0 \ aff_dim T"
    by (metis aff aff_dim_empty aff_dim_geq aff_dim_negative_iff all_not_in_conv not_less)
  then obtain i::nat where i: "int i = aff_dim T"
    by (metis nonneg_eq_int)
  have Union_empty_eq: "\{D. D = {} \ P D} = {}" for P :: "'a set \ bool"
    by auto
  have face': "\S T. \S \ \; T \ \\ \ (S \ T) face_of S \ (S \ T) face_of T"
    by (metis face inf_commute)
  have extendf: "\g. continuous_on (\(\ \ {D. \C \ \. D face_of C \ aff_dim D < i})) g \
                     g ` (\<Union> (\<G> \<union> {D. \<exists>C \<in> \<F>. D face_of C \<and> aff_dim D < i})) \<subseteq> rel_frontier T \<and>
                     (\<forall>x \<in> \<Union>\<G>. g x = f x)"
       if "i \ aff_dim T" for i::nat
  using that
  proof (induction i)
    case 0
    show ?case
      using 0 contf fim by (auto simp add: Union_empty_eq)
    case (Suc p)
    with \<open>bounded T\<close> have "rel_frontier T \<noteq> {}"
      by (auto simp: rel_frontier_eq_empty affine_bounded_eq_lowdim [of T])
    then obtain t where t: "t \ rel_frontier T" by auto
    have ple: "int p \ aff_dim T" using Suc.prems by force
    obtain h where conth: "continuous_on (\(\ \ {D. \C \ \. D face_of C \ aff_dim D < p})) h"
               and him: "h ` (\ (\ \ {D. \C \ \. D face_of C \ aff_dim D < p}))
                         \<subseteq> rel_frontier T"
               and heq: "\x. x \ \\ \ h x = f x"
      using Suc.IH [OF ple] by auto
    let ?Faces = "{D. \C \ \. D face_of C \ aff_dim D \ p}"
    have extendh: "\g. continuous_on D g \
                       g ` D \<subseteq> rel_frontier T \<and>
                       (\<forall>x \<in> D \<inter> \<Union>(\<G> \<union> {D. \<exists>C \<in> \<F>. D face_of C \<and> aff_dim D < p}). g x = h x)"
      if D: "D \ \ \ ?Faces" for D
    proof (cases "D \ \(\ \ {D. \C \ \. D face_of C \ aff_dim D < p})")
      case True
      have "continuous_on D h"
        using True conth continuous_on_subset by blast
      moreover have "h ` D \ rel_frontier T"
        using True him by blast
      ultimately show ?thesis
        by blast
      case False
      note notDsub = False
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases "\a. D = {a}")
        case True
        then obtain a where "D = {a}" by auto
        with notDsub t show ?thesis
          by (rule_tac x="\x. t" in exI) simp
        case False
        have "D \ {}" using notDsub by auto
        have Dnotin: "D \ \ \ {D. \C \ \. D face_of C \ aff_dim D < p}"
          using notDsub by auto
        then have "D \ \" by simp
        have "D \ ?Faces - {D. \C \ \. D face_of C \ aff_dim D < p}"
          using Dnotin that by auto
        then obtain C where "C \ \" "D face_of C" and affD: "aff_dim D = int p"
          by auto
        then have "bounded D"
          using face_of_polytope_polytope poly polytope_imp_bounded by blast
        then have [simp]: "\ affine D"
          using affine_bounded_eq_trivial False \<open>D \<noteq> {}\<close> \<open>bounded D\<close> by blast
        have "{F. F facet_of D} \ {E. E face_of C \ aff_dim E < int p}"
          by clarify (metis \<open>D face_of C\<close> affD eq_iff face_of_trans facet_of_def zle_diff1_eq)
        moreover have "polyhedron D"
          using \<open>C \<in> \<F>\<close> \<open>D face_of C\<close> face_of_polytope_polytope poly polytope_imp_polyhedron by auto
        ultimately have relf_sub: "rel_frontier D \ \ {E. E face_of C \ aff_dim E < p}"
          by (simp add: rel_frontier_of_polyhedron Union_mono)
        then have him_relf: "h ` rel_frontier D \ rel_frontier T"
          using \<open>C \<in> \<F>\<close> him by blast
        have "convex D"
          by (simp add: \<open>polyhedron D\<close> polyhedron_imp_convex)
        have affD_lessT: "aff_dim D < aff_dim T"
          using Suc.prems affD by linarith
        have contDh: "continuous_on (rel_frontier D) h"
          using \<open>C \<in> \<F>\<close> relf_sub by (blast intro: continuous_on_subset [OF conth])
        then have *: "(\c. homotopic_with_canon (\x. True) (rel_frontier D) (rel_frontier T) h (\x. c)) =
                      (\<exists>g. continuous_on UNIV g \<and>  range g \<subseteq> rel_frontier T \<and>
                           (\<forall>x\<in>rel_frontier D. g x = h x))"
          by (simp add: assms rel_frontier_eq_empty him_relf nullhomotopic_into_rel_frontier_extension [OF closed_rel_frontier])
        have "(\c. homotopic_with_canon (\x. True) (rel_frontier D) (rel_frontier T) h (\x. c))"
          by (metis inessential_spheremap_lowdim_gen
                 [OF \<open>convex D\<close> \<open>bounded D\<close> \<open>convex T\<close> \<open>bounded T\<close> affD_lessT contDh him_relf])
        then obtain g where contg: "continuous_on UNIV g"
                        and gim: "range g \ rel_frontier T"
                        and gh: "\x. x \ rel_frontier D \ g x = h x"
          by (metis *)
        have "D \ E \ rel_frontier D"
             if "E \ \ \ {D. Bex \ ((face_of) D) \ aff_dim D < int p}" for E
        proof (rule face_of_subset_rel_frontier)
          show "D \ E face_of D"
            using that
          proof safe
            assume "E \ \"
            then show "D \ E face_of D"
              by (meson \<open>C \<in> \<F>\<close> \<open>D face_of C\<close> assms(2) face' face_of_Int_subface face_of_refl_eq poly polytope_imp_convex subsetD)
            fix x
            assume "aff_dim E < int p" "x \ \" "E face_of x"
            then show "D \ E face_of D"
              by (meson \<open>C \<in> \<F>\<close> \<open>D face_of C\<close> face' face_of_Int_subface that)
          show "D \ E \ D"
            using that notDsub by auto
        moreover have "continuous_on D g"
          using contg continuous_on_subset by blast
        ultimately show ?thesis
          by (rule_tac x=g in exI) (use gh gim in fastforce)
    have intle: "i < 1 + int j \ i \ int j" for i j
      by auto
    have "finite \"
      using \<open>finite \<F>\<close> \<open>\<G> \<subseteq> \<F>\<close> rev_finite_subset by blast
    moreover have "finite (?Faces)"
    proof -
      have \<section>: "finite (\<Union> {{D. D face_of C} |C. C \<in> \<F>})"
        by (auto simp: \<open>finite \<F>\<close> finite_polytope_faces poly)
      show ?thesis
        by (auto intro: finite_subset [OF _ \<section>])
    ultimately have fin: "finite (\ \ ?Faces)"
      by simp
    have clo: "closed S" if "S \ \ \ ?Faces" for S
      using that \<open>\<G> \<subseteq> \<F>\<close> face_of_polytope_polytope poly polytope_imp_closed by blast
    have K: "X \ Y \ \(\ \ {D. \C\\. D face_of C \ aff_dim D < int p})"
                if "X \ \ \ ?Faces" "Y \ \ \ ?Faces" "\ Y \ X" for X Y
    proof -
      have ff: "X \ Y face_of X \ X \ Y face_of Y"
        if XY: "X face_of D" "Y face_of E" and DE: "D \ \" "E \ \" for D E
        by (rule face_of_Int_subface [OF _ _ XY]) (auto simp: face' DE)
      show ?thesis
        using that
        apply auto
        apply (drule_tac x="X \ Y" in spec, safe)
        using ff face_of_imp_convex [of X] face_of_imp_convex [of Y]
        apply (fastforce dest: face_of_aff_dim_lt)
        by (meson face_of_trans ff)
    obtain g where "continuous_on (\(\ \ ?Faces)) g"
                   "g ` \(\ \ ?Faces) \ rel_frontier T"
                   "(\x \ \(\ \ ?Faces) \
                          \<Union>(\<G> \<union> {D. \<exists>C\<in>\<F>. D face_of C \<and> aff_dim D < p}). g x = h x)"
      by (rule exE [OF extending_maps_Union [OF fin extendh clo K]], blast+)
    then show ?case
      by (simp add: intle local.heq [symmetric], blast)
  have eq: "\(\ \ {D. \C \ \. D face_of C \ aff_dim D < i}) = \\"
    show "\(\ \ {D. \C\\. D face_of C \ aff_dim D < int i}) \ \\"
      using \<open>\<G> \<subseteq> \<F>\<close> face_of_imp_subset by fastforce
    show "\\ \ \(\ \ {D. \C\\. D face_of C \ aff_dim D < i})"
    proof (rule Union_mono)
      show "\ \ \ \ {D. \C\\. D face_of C \ aff_dim D < int i}"
        using face by (fastforce simp: aff i)
  have "int i \ aff_dim T" by (simp add: i)
  then show ?thesis
    using extendf [of i] unfolding eq by (metis that)

lemma extend_map_lemma_cofinite0:
  assumes "finite \"
      and "pairwise (\S T. S \ T \ K) \"
      and "\S. S \ \ \ \a g. a \ U \ continuous_on (S - {a}) g \ g ` (S - {a}) \ T \ (\x \ S \ K. g x = h x)"
      and "\S. S \ \ \ closed S"
    shows "\C g. finite C \ disjnt C U \ card C \ card \ \
                 continuous_on (\<Union>\<F> - C) g \<and> g ` (\<Union>\<F> - C) \<subseteq> T
                  \<and> (\<forall>x \<in> (\<Union>\<F> - C) \<inter> K. g x = h x)"
  using assms
proof induction
  case empty then show ?case
    by force
  case (insert X \<F>)
  then have "closed X" and clo: "\X. X \ \ \ closed X"
        and \<F>: "\<And>S. S \<in> \<F> \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>a g. a \<notin> U \<and> continuous_on (S - {a}) g \<and> g ` (S - {a}) \<subseteq> T \<and> (\<forall>x \<in> S \<inter> K. g x = h x)"
        and pwX: "\Y. Y \ \ \ Y \ X \ X \ Y \ K \ Y \ X \ K"
        and pwF: "pairwise (\ S T. S \ T \ K) \"
    by (simp_all add: pairwise_insert)
  obtain C g where C: "finite C" "disjnt C U" "card C \ card \"
               and contg: "continuous_on (\\ - C) g"
               and gim: "g ` (\\ - C) \ T"
               and gh:  "\x. x \ (\\ - C) \ K \ g x = h x"
    using insert.IH [OF pwF \<F> clo] by auto
  obtain a f where "a \ U"
               and contf: "continuous_on (X - {a}) f"
               and fim: "f ` (X - {a}) \ T"
               and fh: "(\x \ X \ K. f x = h x)"
    using insert.prems by (meson insertI1)
  show ?case
  proof (intro exI conjI)
    show "finite (insert a C)"
      by (simp add: C)
    show "disjnt (insert a C) U"
      using C \<open>a \<notin> U\<close> by simp
    show "card (insert a C) \ card (insert X \)"
      by (simp add: C card_insert_if insert.hyps le_SucI)
    have "closed (\\)"
      using clo insert.hyps by blast
    have "continuous_on (X - insert a C) f"
      using contf by (force simp: elim: continuous_on_subset)
    moreover have "continuous_on (\ \ - insert a C) g"
      using contg by (force simp: elim: continuous_on_subset)
    have "continuous_on (X - insert a C \ (\\ - insert a C)) (\x. if x \ X then f x else g x)"
      apply (intro continuous_on_cases_local; simp add: closedin_closed)
        using \<open>closed X\<close> apply blast
        using \<open>closed (\<Union>\<F>)\<close> apply blast
        using fh gh insert.hyps pwX by fastforce
    then show "continuous_on (\(insert X \) - insert a C) (\a. if a \ X then f a else g a)"
      by (blast intro: continuous_on_subset)
    show "\x\(\(insert X \) - insert a C) \ K. (if x \ X then f x else g x) = h x"
      using gh by (auto simp: fh)
    show "(\a. if a \ X then f a else g a) ` (\(insert X \) - insert a C) \ T"
      using fim gim by auto force

lemma extend_map_lemma_cofinite1:
assumes "finite \"
    and \<F>: "\<And>X. X \<in> \<F> \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>a g. a \<notin> U \<and> continuous_on (X - {a}) g \<and> g ` (X - {a}) \<subseteq> T \<and> (\<forall>x \<in> X \<inter> K. g x = h x)"
    and clo: "\X. X \ \ \ closed X"
    and K: "\X Y. \X \ \; Y \ \; \ X \ Y; \ Y \ X\ \ X \ Y \ K"
  obtains C g where "finite C" "disjnt C U" "card C \ card \" "continuous_on (\\ - C) g"
                    "g ` (\\ - C) \ T"
                    "\x. x \ (\\ - C) \ K \ g x = h x"
proof -
  let ?\<F> = "{X \<in> \<F>. \<forall>Y\<in>\<F>. \<not> X \<subset> Y}"
  have [simp]: "\?\ = \\"
    by (simp add: Union_maximal_sets assms)
  have fin: "finite ?\"
    by (force intro: finite_subset [OF _ \<open>finite \<F>\<close>])
  have pw: "pairwise (\ S T. S \ T \ K) ?\"
    by (simp add: pairwise_def) (metis K psubsetI)
  have "card {X \ \. \Y\\. \ X \ Y} \ card \"
    by (simp add: \<open>finite \<F>\<close> card_mono)
  obtain C g where "finite C \ disjnt C U \ card C \ card ?\ \
                 continuous_on (\<Union>?\<F> - C) g \<and> g ` (\<Union>?\<F> - C) \<subseteq> T
                  \<and> (\<forall>x \<in> (\<Union>?\<F> - C) \<inter> K. g x = h x)"
    using extend_map_lemma_cofinite0 [OF fin pw, of U T h] by (fastforce intro!: clo \<F>)
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by (rule_tac C=C and g=g in that) auto

lemma extend_map_lemma_cofinite:
  assumes "finite \" "\ \ \" and T: "convex T" "bounded T"
      and poly: "\X. X \ \ \ polytope X"
      and contf: "continuous_on (\\) f" and fim: "f ` (\\) \ rel_frontier T"
      and face: "\X Y. \X \ \; Y \ \\ \ (X \ Y) face_of X"
      and aff: "\X. X \ \ - \ \ aff_dim X \ aff_dim T"
  obtains C g where
     "finite C" "disjnt C (\\)" "card C \ card \" "continuous_on (\\ - C) g"
     "g ` (\ \ - C) \ rel_frontier T" "\x. x \ \\ \ g x = f x"
proof -
  define \<H> where "\<H> \<equiv> \<G> \<union> {D. \<exists>C \<in> \<F> - \<G>. D face_of C \<and> aff_dim D < aff_dim T}"
  have "finite \"
    using assms finite_subset by blast
  have *: "finite (\{{D. D face_of C} |C. C \ \})"
    using finite_polytope_faces poly \<open>finite \<F>\<close> by force
  then have "finite \"
    by (auto simp: \<H>_def \<open>finite \<G>\<close> intro: finite_subset [OF _ *])
  have face': "\S T. \S \ \; T \ \\ \ (S \ T) face_of S \ (S \ T) face_of T"
    by (metis face inf_commute)
  have *: "\X Y. \X \ \; Y \ \\ \ X \ Y face_of X"
    unfolding \<H>_def
    using subsetD [OF \<open>\<G> \<subseteq> \<F>\<close>] apply (auto simp add: face)
    apply (meson face' face_of_Int_subface face_of_refl_eq poly polytope_imp_convex)+
  obtain h where conth: "continuous_on (\\) h" and him: "h ` (\\) \ rel_frontier T"
             and hf: "\x. x \ \\ \ h x = f x"
  proof (rule extend_map_lemma [OF \<open>finite \<H>\<close> [unfolded \<H>_def] Un_upper1 T])
    show "\X. \X \ \ \ {D. \C\\ - \. D face_of C \ aff_dim D < aff_dim T}\ \ polytope X"
      using \<open>\<G> \<subseteq> \<F>\<close> face_of_polytope_polytope poly by fastforce
  qed (use * \<H>_def contf fim in auto)
  have "bounded (\\)"
    using \<open>finite \<G>\<close> \<open>\<G> \<subseteq> \<F>\<close> poly polytope_imp_bounded by blast
  then have "\\ \ UNIV"
    by auto
  then obtain a where a: "a \ \\"
    by blast
  have \<F>: "\<exists>a g. a \<notin> \<Union>\<G> \<and> continuous_on (D - {a}) g \<and>
                  g ` (D - {a}) \<subseteq> rel_frontier T \<and> (\<forall>x \<in> D \<inter> \<Union>\<H>. g x = h x)"
       if "D \ \" for D
  proof (cases "D \ \\")
    case True
    then have "h ` (D - {a}) \ rel_frontier T" "continuous_on (D - {a}) h"
      using him by (blast intro!: \<open>a \<notin> \<Union>\<G>\<close> continuous_on_subset [OF conth])+
    then show ?thesis
      using a by blast
    case False
    note D_not_subset = False
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases "D \ \")
      case True
      with D_not_subset show ?thesis
        by (auto simp: \<H>_def)
      case False
      then have affD: "aff_dim D \ aff_dim T"
        by (simp add: \<open>D \<in> \<F>\<close> aff)
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases "rel_interior D = {}")
        case True
        with \<open>D \<in> \<F>\<close> poly a show ?thesis
          by (force simp: rel_interior_eq_empty polytope_imp_convex)
        case False
        then obtain b where brelD: "b \ rel_interior D"
          by blast
        have "polyhedron D"
          by (simp add: poly polytope_imp_polyhedron that)
        have "rel_frontier D retract_of affine hull D - {b}"
          by (simp add: rel_frontier_retract_of_punctured_affine_hull poly polytope_imp_bounded polytope_imp_convex that brelD)
        then obtain r where relfD: "rel_frontier D \ affine hull D - {b}"
                        and contr: "continuous_on (affine hull D - {b}) r"
                        and rim: "r ` (affine hull D - {b}) \ rel_frontier D"
                        and rid: "\x. x \ rel_frontier D \ r x = x"
          by (auto simp: retract_of_def retraction_def)
        show ?thesis
        proof (intro exI conjI ballI)
          show "b \ \\"
          proof clarify
            fix E
            assume "b \ E" "E \ \"
            then have "E \ D face_of E \ E \ D face_of D"
              using \<open>\<G> \<subseteq> \<F>\<close> face' that by auto
            with face_of_subset_rel_frontier \<open>E \<in> \<G>\<close> \<open>b \<in> E\<close> brelD rel_interior_subset [of D]
                 D_not_subset rel_frontier_def \<H>_def
            show False
              by blast
          have "r ` (D - {b}) \ r ` (affine hull D - {b})"
            by (simp add: Diff_mono hull_subset image_mono)
          also have "... \ rel_frontier D"
            by (rule rim)
          also have "... \ \{E. E face_of D \ aff_dim E < aff_dim T}"
            using affD
            by (force simp: rel_frontier_of_polyhedron [OF \<open>polyhedron D\<close>] facet_of_def)
          also have "... \ \(\)"
            using D_not_subset \<H>_def that by fastforce
          finally have rsub: "r ` (D - {b}) \ \(\)" .
          show "continuous_on (D - {b}) (h \ r)"
          proof (rule continuous_on_compose)
            show "continuous_on (D - {b}) r"
              by (meson Diff_mono continuous_on_subset contr hull_subset order_refl)
            show "continuous_on (r ` (D - {b})) h"
              by (simp add: Diff_mono hull_subset continuous_on_subset [OF conth rsub])
          show "(h \ r) ` (D - {b}) \ rel_frontier T"
            using brelD him rsub by fastforce
          show "(h \ r) x = h x" if x: "x \ D \ \\" for x
          proof -
            consider A where "x \ D" "A \ \" "x \ A"
                 | A B where "x \ D" "A face_of B" "B \ \" "B \ \" "aff_dim A < aff_dim T" "x \ A"
              using x by (auto simp: \<H>_def)
            then have xrel: "x \ rel_frontier D"
            proof cases
              case 1 show ?thesis
              proof (rule face_of_subset_rel_frontier [THEN subsetD])
                show "D \ A face_of D"
                  using \<open>A \<in> \<G>\<close> \<open>\<G> \<subseteq> \<F>\<close> face \<open>D \<in> \<F>\<close> by blast
                show "D \ A \ D"
                  using \<open>A \<in> \<G>\<close> D_not_subset \<H>_def by blast
              qed (auto simp: 1)
              case 2 show ?thesis
              proof (rule face_of_subset_rel_frontier [THEN subsetD])
                have "D face_of D"
                  by (simp add: \<open>polyhedron D\<close> polyhedron_imp_convex face_of_refl)
                then show "D \ A face_of D"
                  by (meson "2"(2) "2"(3) \<open>D \<in> \<F>\<close> face' face_of_Int_Int face_of_face)
                show "D \ A \ D"
                  using "2" D_not_subset \<H>_def by blast
              qed (auto simp: 2)
            show ?thesis
              by (simp add: rid xrel)
  have clo: "\S. S \ \ \ closed S"
    by (simp add: poly polytope_imp_closed)
  obtain C g where "finite C" "disjnt C (\\)" "card C \ card \" "continuous_on (\\ - C) g"
                   "g ` (\\ - C) \ rel_frontier T"
               and gh: "\x. x \ (\\ - C) \ \\ \ g x = h x"
  proof (rule extend_map_lemma_cofinite1 [OF \<open>finite \<F>\<close> \<F> clo])
    show "X \ Y \ \\" if XY: "X \ \" "Y \ \" and "\ X \ Y" "\ Y \ X" for X Y
    proof (cases "X \ \")
      case True
      then show ?thesis
        by (auto simp: \<H>_def)
      case False
      have "X \ Y \ X"
        using \<open>\<not> X \<subseteq> Y\<close> by blast
      with XY
      show ?thesis
        by (clarsimp simp: \<H>_def)
           (metis Diff_iff Int_iff aff antisym_conv face face_of_aff_dim_lt face_of_refl
                  not_le poly polytope_imp_convex)
  qed (blast)+
  with \<open>\<G> \<subseteq> \<F>\<close> show ?thesis
    by (rule_tac C=C and g=g in that) (auto simp: disjnt_def hf [symmetric] \<H>_def intro!: gh)

text\<open>The next two proofs are similar\<close>
theorem extend_map_cell_complex_to_sphere:
  assumes "finite \" and S: "S \ \\" "closed S" and T: "convex T" "bounded T"
      and poly: "\X. X \ \ \ polytope X"
      and aff: "\X. X \ \ \ aff_dim X < aff_dim T"
      and face: "\X Y. \X \ \; Y \ \\ \ (X \ Y) face_of X"
      and contf: "continuous_on S f" and fim: "f ` S \ rel_frontier T"
  obtains g where "continuous_on (\\) g"
     "g ` (\\) \ rel_frontier T" "\x. x \ S \ g x = f x"
proof -
  obtain V g where "S \ V" "open V" "continuous_on V g" and gim: "g ` V \ rel_frontier T" and gf: "\x. x \ S \ g x = f x"
    using neighbourhood_extension_into_ANR [OF contf fim _ \<open>closed S\<close>] ANR_rel_frontier_convex T by blast
  have "compact S"
    by (meson assms compact_Union poly polytope_imp_compact seq_compact_closed_subset seq_compact_eq_compact)
  then obtain d where "d > 0" and d: "\x y. \x \ S; y \ - V\ \ d \ dist x y"
    using separate_compact_closed [of S "-V"\<open>open V\<close> \<open>S \<subseteq> V\<close> by force
  obtain \<G> where "finite \<G>" "\<Union>\<G> = \<Union>\<F>"
             and diaG: "\X. X \ \ \ diameter X < d"
             and polyG: "\X. X \ \ \ polytope X"
             and affG: "\X. X \ \ \ aff_dim X \ aff_dim T - 1"
             and faceG: "\X Y. \X \ \; Y \ \\ \ X \ Y face_of X"
  proof (rule cell_complex_subdivision_exists [OF \<open>d>0\<close> \<open>finite \<F>\<close> poly _ face])
    show "\X. X \ \ \ aff_dim X \ aff_dim T - 1"
      by (simp add: aff)
  qed auto
  obtain h where conth: "continuous_on (\\) h" and him: "h ` \\ \ rel_frontier T" and hg: "\x. x \ \(\ \ Pow V) \ h x = g x"
  proof (rule extend_map_lemma [of \<G> "\<G> \<inter> Pow V" T g])
    show "continuous_on (\(\ \ Pow V)) g"
      by (metis Union_Int_subset Union_Pow_eq \<open>continuous_on V g\<close> continuous_on_subset le_inf_iff)
  qed (use \<open>finite \<G>\<close> T polyG affG faceG gim in fastforce)+
  show ?thesis
    show "continuous_on (\\) h"
      using \<open>\<Union>\<G> = \<Union>\<F>\<close> conth by auto
    show "h ` \\ \ rel_frontier T"
      using \<open>\<Union>\<G> = \<Union>\<F>\<close> him by auto
    show "h x = f x" if "x \ S" for x
    proof -
      have "x \ \\"
        using \<open>\<Union>\<G> = \<Union>\<F>\<close> \<open>S \<subseteq> \<Union>\<F>\<close> that by auto
      then obtain X where "x \ X" "X \ \" by blast
      then have "diameter X < d" "bounded X"
        by (auto simp: diaG \<open>X \<in> \<G>\<close> polyG polytope_imp_bounded)
      then have "X \ V" using d [OF \x \ S\] diameter_bounded_bound [OF \bounded X\ \x \ X\]
        by fastforce
      have "h x = g x"
        using \<open>X \<in> \<G>\<close> \<open>X \<subseteq> V\<close> \<open>x \<in> X\<close> hg by auto
      also have "... = f x"
        by (simp add: gf that)
      finally show "h x = f x" .

theorem extend_map_cell_complex_to_sphere_cofinite:
  assumes "finite \" and S: "S \ \\" "closed S" and T: "convex T" "bounded T"
      and poly: "\X. X \ \ \ polytope X"
      and aff: "\X. X \ \ \ aff_dim X \ aff_dim T"
      and face: "\X Y. \X \ \; Y \ \\ \ (X \ Y) face_of X"
      and contf: "continuous_on S f" and fim: "f ` S \ rel_frontier T"
  obtains C g where "finite C" "disjnt C S" "continuous_on (\\ - C) g"
     "g ` (\\ - C) \ rel_frontier T" "\x. x \ S \ g x = f x"
proof -
  obtain V g where "S \ V" "open V" "continuous_on V g" and gim: "g ` V \ rel_frontier T" and gf: "\x. x \ S \ g x = f x"
    using neighbourhood_extension_into_ANR [OF contf fim _ \<open>closed S\<close>] ANR_rel_frontier_convex T by blast
  have "compact S"
    by (meson assms compact_Union poly polytope_imp_compact seq_compact_closed_subset seq_compact_eq_compact)
  then obtain d where "d > 0" and d: "\x y. \x \ S; y \ - V\ \ d \ dist x y"
    using separate_compact_closed [of S "-V"\<open>open V\<close> \<open>S \<subseteq> V\<close> by force
  obtain \<G> where "finite \<G>" "\<Union>\<G> = \<Union>\<F>"
             and diaG: "\X. X \ \ \ diameter X < d"
             and polyG: "\X. X \ \ \ polytope X"
             and affG: "\X. X \ \ \ aff_dim X \ aff_dim T"
             and faceG: "\X Y. \X \ \; Y \ \\ \ X \ Y face_of X"
    by (rule cell_complex_subdivision_exists [OF \<open>d>0\<close> \<open>finite \<F>\<close> poly aff face]) auto
  obtain C h where "finite C" and dis: "disjnt C (\(\ \ Pow V))"
               and card: "card C \ card \" and conth: "continuous_on (\\ - C) h"
               and him: "h ` (\\ - C) \ rel_frontier T"
               and hg: "\x. x \ \(\ \ Pow V) \ h x = g x"
  proof (rule extend_map_lemma_cofinite [of \<G> "\<G> \<inter> Pow V" T g])
    show "continuous_on (\(\ \ Pow V)) g"
      by (metis Union_Int_subset Union_Pow_eq \<open>continuous_on V g\<close> continuous_on_subset le_inf_iff)
    show "g ` \(\ \ Pow V) \ rel_frontier T"
      using gim by force
  qed (auto intro: \<open>finite \<G>\<close> T polyG affG dest: faceG)
  have Ssub: "S \ \(\ \ Pow V)"
    fix x
    assume "x \ S"
    then have "x \ \\"
      using \<open>\<Union>\<G> = \<Union>\<F>\<close> \<open>S \<subseteq> \<Union>\<F>\<close> by auto
    then obtain X where "x \ X" "X \ \" by blast
    then have "diameter X < d" "bounded X"
      by (auto simp: diaG \<open>X \<in> \<G>\<close> polyG polytope_imp_bounded)
    then have "X \ V" using d [OF \x \ S\] diameter_bounded_bound [OF \bounded X\ \x \ X\]
      by fastforce
    then show "x \ \(\ \ Pow V)"
      using \<open>X \<in> \<G>\<close> \<open>x \<in> X\<close> by blast
  show ?thesis
    show "continuous_on (\\-C) h"
      using \<open>\<Union>\<G> = \<Union>\<F>\<close> conth by auto
    show "h ` (\\ - C) \ rel_frontier T"
      using \<open>\<Union>\<G> = \<Union>\<F>\<close> him by auto
    show "h x = f x" if "x \ S" for x
    proof -
      have "h x = g x"
        using Ssub hg that by blast
      also have "... = f x"
        by (simp add: gf that)
      finally show "h x = f x" .
    show "disjnt C S"
      using dis Ssub  by (meson disjnt_iff subset_eq)
  qed (intro \<open>finite C\<close>)

subsection\<open> Special cases and corollaries involving spheres\<close>

lemma disjnt_Diff1: "X \ Y' \ disjnt (X - Y) (X' - Y')"
  by (auto simp: disjnt_def)

proposition extend_map_affine_to_sphere_cofinite_simple:
  fixes f :: "'a::euclidean_space \ 'b::euclidean_space"
  assumes "compact S" "convex U" "bounded U"
      and aff: "aff_dim T \ aff_dim U"
      and "S \ T" and contf: "continuous_on S f"
      and fim: "f ` S \ rel_frontier U"
 obtains K g where "finite K" "K \ T" "disjnt K S" "continuous_on (T - K) g"
                   "g ` (T - K) \ rel_frontier U"
                   "\x. x \ S \ g x = f x"
proof -
  have "\K g. finite K \ disjnt K S \ continuous_on (T - K) g \
              g ` (T - K) \<subseteq> rel_frontier U \<and> (\<forall>x \<in> S. g x = f x)"
       if "affine T" "S \ T" and aff: "aff_dim T \ aff_dim U" for T
  proof (cases "S = {}")
    case True
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases "rel_frontier U = {}")
      case True
      with \<open>bounded U\<close> have "aff_dim U \<le> 0"
        using affine_bounded_eq_lowdim rel_frontier_eq_empty by auto
      with aff have "aff_dim T \ 0" by auto
      then obtain a where "T \ {a}"
        using \<open>affine T\<close> affine_bounded_eq_lowdim affine_bounded_eq_trivial by auto
      then show ?thesis
        using \<open>S = {}\<close> fim
        by (metis Diff_cancel contf disjnt_empty2 finite.emptyI finite_insert finite_subset)
      case False
      then obtain a where "a \ rel_frontier U"
        by auto
      then show ?thesis
        using continuous_on_const [of _ a] \<open>S = {}\<close> by force
    case False
    have "bounded S"
      by (simp add: \<open>compact S\<close> compact_imp_bounded)
    then obtain b where b: "S \ cbox (-b) b"
      using bounded_subset_cbox_symmetric by blast
    define bbox where "bbox \ cbox (-(b+One)) (b+One)"
    have "cbox (-b) b \ bbox"
      by (auto simp: bbox_def algebra_simps intro!: subset_box_imp)
    with b \<open>S \<subseteq> T\<close> have "S \<subseteq> bbox \<inter> T"
      by auto
    then have Ssub: "S \ \{bbox \ T}"
      by auto
    then have "aff_dim (bbox \ T) \ aff_dim U"
      by (metis aff aff_dim_subset inf_commute inf_le1 order_trans)
    obtain K g where K: "finite K" "disjnt K S"
                 and contg: "continuous_on (\{bbox \ T} - K) g"
                 and gim: "g ` (\{bbox \ T} - K) \ rel_frontier U"
                 and gf: "\x. x \ S \ g x = f x"
    proof (rule extend_map_cell_complex_to_sphere_cofinite
              [OF _ Ssub _ \<open>convex U\<close> \<open>bounded U\<close> _ _ _ contf fim])
      show "closed S"
        using \<open>compact S\<close> compact_eq_bounded_closed by auto
      show poly: "\X. X \ {bbox \ T} \ polytope X"
        by (simp add: polytope_Int_polyhedron bbox_def polytope_interval affine_imp_polyhedron \<open>affine T\<close>)
      show "\X Y. \X \ {bbox \ T}; Y \ {bbox \ T}\ \ X \ Y face_of X"
        by (simp add:poly face_of_refl polytope_imp_convex)
      show "\X. X \ {bbox \ T} \ aff_dim X \ aff_dim U"
        by (simp add: \<open>aff_dim (bbox \<inter> T) \<le> aff_dim U\<close>)
    qed auto
    define fro where "fro \ \d. frontier(cbox (-(b + d *\<^sub>R One)) (b + d *\<^sub>R One))"
    obtain d where d12: "1/2 \ d" "d \ 1" and dd: "disjnt K (fro d)"
    proof (rule disjoint_family_elem_disjnt [OF _ \<open>finite K\<close>])
      show "infinite {1/2..1::real}"
        by (simp add: infinite_Icc)
      have dis1: "disjnt (fro x) (fro y)" if "x for x y
        by (auto simp: algebra_simps that subset_box_imp disjnt_Diff1 frontier_def fro_def)
      then show "disjoint_family_on fro {1/2..1}"
        by (auto simp: disjoint_family_on_def disjnt_def neq_iff)
    qed auto
    define c where "c \ b + d *\<^sub>R One"
    have cbsub: "cbox (-b) b \ box (-c) c" "cbox (-b) b \ cbox (-c) c" "cbox (-c) c \ bbox"
      using d12 by (auto simp: algebra_simps subset_box_imp c_def bbox_def)
    have clo_cbT: "closed (cbox (- c) c \ T)"
      by (simp add: affine_closed closed_Int closed_cbox \<open>affine T\<close>)
    have cpT_ne: "cbox (- c) c \ T \ {}"
      using \<open>S \<noteq> {}\<close> b cbsub(2) \<open>S \<subseteq> T\<close> by fastforce
    have "closest_point (cbox (- c) c \ T) x \ K" if "x \ T" "x \ K" for x
    proof (cases "x \ cbox (-c) c")
      case True with that show ?thesis
        by (simp add: closest_point_self)
      case False
      have int_ne: "interior (cbox (-c) c) \ T \ {}"
        using \<open>S \<noteq> {}\<close> \<open>S \<subseteq> T\<close> b \<open>cbox (- b) b \<subseteq> box (- c) c\<close> by force
      have "convex T"
        by (meson \<open>affine T\<close> affine_imp_convex)
      then have "x \ affine hull (cbox (- c) c \ T)"
          by (metis Int_commute Int_iff \<open>S \<noteq> {}\<close> \<open>S \<subseteq> T\<close> cbsub(1) \<open>x \<in> T\<close> affine_hull_convex_Int_nonempty_interior all_not_in_conv b hull_inc inf.orderE interior_cbox)
      then have "x \ affine hull (cbox (- c) c \ T) - rel_interior (cbox (- c) c \ T)"
        by (meson DiffI False Int_iff rel_interior_subset subsetCE)
      then have "closest_point (cbox (- c) c \ T) x \ rel_frontier (cbox (- c) c \ T)"
        by (rule closest_point_in_rel_frontier [OF clo_cbT cpT_ne])
      moreover have "(rel_frontier (cbox (- c) c \ T)) \ fro d"
        by (subst convex_affine_rel_frontier_Int [OF _  \<open>affine T\<close> int_ne]) (auto simp: fro_def c_def)
      ultimately show ?thesis
        using dd  by (force simp: disjnt_def)
    then have cpt_subset: "closest_point (cbox (- c) c \ T) ` (T - K) \ \{bbox \ T} - K"
      using closest_point_in_set [OF clo_cbT cpT_ne] cbsub(3) by force
    show ?thesis
    proof (intro conjI ballI exI)
      have "continuous_on (T - K) (closest_point (cbox (- c) c \ T))"
      proof (rule continuous_on_closest_point)
        show "convex (cbox (- c) c \ T)"
          by (simp add: affine_imp_convex convex_Int \<open>affine T\<close>)
        show "closed (cbox (- c) c \ T)"
          using clo_cbT by blast
        show "cbox (- c) c \ T \ {}"
          using \<open>S \<noteq> {}\<close> cbsub(2) b that by auto
      then show "continuous_on (T - K) (g \ closest_point (cbox (- c) c \ T))"
        by (metis continuous_on_compose continuous_on_subset [OF contg cpt_subset])
      have "(g \ closest_point (cbox (- c) c \ T)) ` (T - K) \ g ` (\{bbox \ T} - K)"
        by (metis image_comp image_mono cpt_subset)
      also have "... \ rel_frontier U"
        by (rule gim)
      finally show "(g \ closest_point (cbox (- c) c \ T)) ` (T - K) \ rel_frontier U" .
      show "(g \ closest_point (cbox (- c) c \ T)) x = f x" if "x \ S" for x
      proof -
        have "(g \ closest_point (cbox (- c) c \ T)) x = g x"
          unfolding o_def
          by (metis IntI \<open>S \<subseteq> T\<close> b cbsub(2) closest_point_self subset_eq that)
        also have "... = f x"
          by (simp add: that gf)
        finally show ?thesis .
    qed (auto simp: K)
  then obtain K g where "finite K" "disjnt K S"
               and contg: "continuous_on (affine hull T - K) g"
               and gim:  "g ` (affine hull T - K) \ rel_frontier U"
               and gf:   "\x. x \ S \ g x = f x"
    by (metis aff affine_affine_hull aff_dim_affine_hull
              order_trans [OF \<open>S \<subseteq> T\<close> hull_subset [of T affine]])
  then obtain K g where "finite K" "disjnt K S"
               and contg: "continuous_on (T - K) g"
               and gim:  "g ` (T - K) \ rel_frontier U"
               and gf:   "\x. x \ S \ g x = f x"
    by (rule_tac K=K and g=g in that) (auto simp: hull_inc elim: continuous_on_subset)
  then show ?thesis
    by (rule_tac K="K \ T" and g=g in that) (auto simp: disjnt_iff Diff_Int contg)

subsection\<open>Extending maps to spheres\<close>

(*Up to extend_map_affine_to_sphere_cofinite_gen*)

lemma extend_map_affine_to_sphere1:
  fixes f :: "'a::euclidean_space \ 'b::topological_space"
  assumes "finite K" "affine U" and contf: "continuous_on (U - K) f"
      and fim: "f ` (U - K) \ T"
      and comps: "\C. \C \ components(U - S); C \ K \ {}\ \ C \ L \ {}"
      and clo: "closedin (top_of_set U) S" and K: "disjnt K S" "K \ U"
  obtains g where "continuous_on (U - L) g" "g ` (U - L) \ T" "\x. x \ S \ g x = f x"
proof (cases "K = {}")
  case True
  then show ?thesis
    by (metis Diff_empty Diff_subset contf fim continuous_on_subset image_subsetI rev_image_eqI subset_iff that)
  case False
  have "S \ U"
    using clo closedin_limpt by blast
  then have "(U - S) \ K \ {}"
    by (metis Diff_triv False Int_Diff K disjnt_def inf.absorb_iff2 inf_commute)
  then have "\(components (U - S)) \ K \ {}"
    using Union_components by simp
  then obtain C0 where C0: "C0 \ components (U - S)" "C0 \ K \ {}"
    by blast
  have "convex U"
    by (simp add: affine_imp_convex \<open>affine U\<close>)
  then have "locally connected U"
    by (rule convex_imp_locally_connected)
  have "\a g. a \ C \ a \ L \ continuous_on (S \ (C - {a})) g \
              g ` (S \<union> (C - {a})) \<subseteq> T \<and> (\<forall>x \<in> S. g x = f x)"
       if C: "C \ components (U - S)" and CK: "C \ K \ {}" for C
  proof -
    have "C \ U-S" "C \ L \ {}"
      by (simp_all add: in_components_subset comps that)
    then obtain a where a: "a \ C" "a \ L" by auto
    have opeUC: "openin (top_of_set U) C"
    proof (rule openin_trans)
      show "openin (top_of_set (U-S)) C"
        by (simp add: \<open>locally connected U\<close> clo locally_diff_closed openin_components_locally_connected [OF _ C])
      show "openin (top_of_set U) (U - S)"
        by (simp add: clo openin_diff)
    then obtain d where "C \ U" "0 < d" and d: "cball a d \ U \ C"
      using openin_contains_cball by (metis \<open>a \<in> C\<close>)
    then have "ball a d \ U \ C"
      by auto
    obtain h k where homhk: "homeomorphism (S \ C) (S \ C) h k"
                 and subC: "{x. (\ (h x = x \ k x = x))} \ C"
                 and bou: "bounded {x. (\ (h x = x \ k x = x))}"
                 and hin: "\x. x \ C \ K \ h x \ ball a d \ U"
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