section \<open>Neighbourhood bases and Locally path-connected spaces\<close>
theory Locally
Path_Connected Function_Topology
subsection\<open>Neighbourhood Bases\<close>
text \<open>Useful for "local" properties of various kinds\<close>
definition neighbourhood_base_at where
"neighbourhood_base_at x P X \
\<forall>W. openin X W \<and> x \<in> W
\<longrightarrow> (\<exists>U V. openin X U \<and> P V \<and> x \<in> U \<and> U \<subseteq> V \<and> V \<subseteq> W)"
definition neighbourhood_base_of where
"neighbourhood_base_of P X \
\<forall>x \<in> topspace X. neighbourhood_base_at x P X"
lemma neighbourhood_base_of:
"neighbourhood_base_of P X \
(\<forall>W x. openin X W \<and> x \<in> W
\<longrightarrow> (\<exists>U V. openin X U \<and> P V \<and> x \<in> U \<and> U \<subseteq> V \<and> V \<subseteq> W))"
unfolding neighbourhood_base_at_def neighbourhood_base_of_def
using openin_subset by blast
lemma neighbourhood_base_at_mono:
"\neighbourhood_base_at x P X; \S. \P S; x \ S\ \ Q S\ \ neighbourhood_base_at x Q X"
unfolding neighbourhood_base_at_def
by (meson subset_eq)
lemma neighbourhood_base_of_mono:
"\neighbourhood_base_of P X; \S. P S \ Q S\ \ neighbourhood_base_of Q X"
unfolding neighbourhood_base_of_def
using neighbourhood_base_at_mono by force
lemma open_neighbourhood_base_at:
"(\S. \P S; x \ S\ \ openin X S)
\<Longrightarrow> neighbourhood_base_at x P X \<longleftrightarrow> (\<forall>W. openin X W \<and> x \<in> W \<longrightarrow> (\<exists>U. P U \<and> x \<in> U \<and> U \<subseteq> W))"
unfolding neighbourhood_base_at_def
by (meson subsetD)
lemma open_neighbourhood_base_of:
"(\S. P S \ openin X S)
\<Longrightarrow> neighbourhood_base_of P X \<longleftrightarrow> (\<forall>W x. openin X W \<and> x \<in> W \<longrightarrow> (\<exists>U. P U \<and> x \<in> U \<and> U \<subseteq> W))"
apply (simp add: neighbourhood_base_of, safe, blast)
by meson
lemma neighbourhood_base_of_open_subset:
"\neighbourhood_base_of P X; openin X S\
\<Longrightarrow> neighbourhood_base_of P (subtopology X S)"
apply (clarsimp simp add: neighbourhood_base_of openin_subtopology_alt image_def)
apply (rename_tac x V)
apply (drule_tac x="S \ V" in spec)
apply (simp add: Int_ac)
by (metis IntI le_infI1 openin_Int)
lemma neighbourhood_base_of_topology_base:
"openin X = arbitrary union_of (\W. W \ \)
\<Longrightarrow> neighbourhood_base_of P X \<longleftrightarrow>
(\<forall>W x. W \<in> \<B> \<and> x \<in> W \<longrightarrow> (\<exists>U V. openin X U \<and> P V \<and> x \<in> U \<and> U \<subseteq> V \<and> V \<subseteq> W))"
apply (auto simp: openin_topology_base_unique neighbourhood_base_of)
by (meson subset_trans)
lemma neighbourhood_base_at_unlocalized:
assumes "\S T. \P S; openin X T; x \ T; T \ S\ \ P T"
shows "neighbourhood_base_at x P X
\<longleftrightarrow> (x \<in> topspace X \<longrightarrow> (\<exists>U V. openin X U \<and> P V \<and> x \<in> U \<and> U \<subseteq> V \<and> V \<subseteq> topspace X))"
(is "?lhs = ?rhs")
assume R: ?rhs show ?lhs
unfolding neighbourhood_base_at_def
proof clarify
fix W
assume "openin X W" "x \ W"
then have "x \ topspace X"
using openin_subset by blast
with R obtain U V where "openin X U" "P V" "x \ U" "U \ V" "V \ topspace X"
by blast
then show "\U V. openin X U \ P V \ x \ U \ U \ V \ V \ W"
by (metis IntI \<open>openin X W\<close> \<open>x \<in> W\<close> assms inf_le1 inf_le2 openin_Int)
qed (simp add: neighbourhood_base_at_def)
lemma neighbourhood_base_at_with_subset:
"\openin X U; x \ U\
\<Longrightarrow> (neighbourhood_base_at x P X \<longleftrightarrow> neighbourhood_base_at x (\<lambda>T. T \<subseteq> U \<and> P T) X)"
apply (simp add: neighbourhood_base_at_def)
apply (metis IntI Int_subset_iff openin_Int)
lemma neighbourhood_base_of_with_subset:
"neighbourhood_base_of P X \ neighbourhood_base_of (\t. t \ topspace X \ P t) X"
using neighbourhood_base_at_with_subset
by (fastforce simp add: neighbourhood_base_of_def)
subsection\<open>Locally path-connected spaces\<close>
definition weakly_locally_path_connected_at
where "weakly_locally_path_connected_at x X \ neighbourhood_base_at x (path_connectedin X) X"
definition locally_path_connected_at
where "locally_path_connected_at x X \
neighbourhood_base_at x (\<lambda>U. openin X U \<and> path_connectedin X U) X"
definition locally_path_connected_space
where "locally_path_connected_space X \ neighbourhood_base_of (path_connectedin X) X"
lemma locally_path_connected_space_alt:
"locally_path_connected_space X \ neighbourhood_base_of (\U. openin X U \ path_connectedin X U) X"
(is "?P = ?Q")
and locally_path_connected_space_eq_open_path_component_of:
"locally_path_connected_space X \
(\<forall>U x. openin X U \<and> x \<in> U \<longrightarrow> openin X (Collect (path_component_of (subtopology X U) x)))"
(is "?P = ?R")
proof -
have ?P if ?Q
using locally_path_connected_space_def neighbourhood_base_of_mono that by auto
moreover have ?R if P: ?P
proof -
show ?thesis
proof clarify
fix U y
assume "openin X U" "y \ U"
have "\T. openin X T \ x \ T \ T \ Collect (path_component_of (subtopology X U) y)"
if "path_component_of (subtopology X U) y x" for x
proof -
have "x \ U"
using path_component_of_equiv that topspace_subtopology by fastforce
then have "\Ua. openin X Ua \ (\V. path_connectedin X V \ x \ Ua \ Ua \ V \ V \ U)"
using P
by (simp add: \<open>openin X U\<close> locally_path_connected_space_def neighbourhood_base_of)
then show ?thesis
by (metis dual_order.trans path_component_of_equiv path_component_of_maximal path_connectedin_subtopology subset_iff that)
then show "openin X (Collect (path_component_of (subtopology X U) y))"
using openin_subopen by force
moreover have ?Q if ?R
using that
apply (simp add: open_neighbourhood_base_of)
by (metis mem_Collect_eq openin_subset path_component_of_refl path_connectedin_path_component_of path_connectedin_subtopology that topspace_subtopology_subset)
ultimately show "?P = ?Q" "?P = ?R"
by blast+
lemma locally_path_connected_space:
"locally_path_connected_space X
\<longleftrightarrow> (\<forall>V x. openin X V \<and> x \<in> V \<longrightarrow> (\<exists>U. openin X U \<and> path_connectedin X U \<and> x \<in> U \<and> U \<subseteq> V))"
by (simp add: locally_path_connected_space_alt open_neighbourhood_base_of)
lemma locally_path_connected_space_open_path_components:
"locally_path_connected_space X \
(\<forall>U c. openin X U \<and> c \<in> path_components_of(subtopology X U) \<longrightarrow> openin X c)"
apply (auto simp: locally_path_connected_space_eq_open_path_component_of path_components_of_def)
by (metis imageI inf.absorb_iff2 openin_closedin_eq)
lemma openin_path_component_of_locally_path_connected_space:
"locally_path_connected_space X \ openin X (Collect (path_component_of X x))"
apply (auto simp: locally_path_connected_space_eq_open_path_component_of)
by (metis openin_empty openin_topspace path_component_of_eq_empty subtopology_topspace)
lemma openin_path_components_of_locally_path_connected_space:
"\locally_path_connected_space X; c \ path_components_of X\ \ openin X c"
apply (auto simp: locally_path_connected_space_eq_open_path_component_of)
by (metis (no_types, lifting) imageE openin_topspace path_components_of_def subtopology_topspace)
lemma closedin_path_components_of_locally_path_connected_space:
"\locally_path_connected_space X; c \ path_components_of X\ \ closedin X c"
by (simp add: closedin_def complement_path_components_of_Union openin_path_components_of_locally_path_connected_space openin_clauses(3) path_components_of_subset)
lemma closedin_path_component_of_locally_path_connected_space:
assumes "locally_path_connected_space X"
shows "closedin X (Collect (path_component_of X x))"
proof (cases "x \ topspace X")
case True
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: assms closedin_path_components_of_locally_path_connected_space path_component_in_path_components_of)
case False
then show ?thesis
by (metis closedin_empty path_component_of_eq_empty)
lemma weakly_locally_path_connected_at:
"weakly_locally_path_connected_at x X \
(\<forall>V. openin X V \<and> x \<in> V
\<longrightarrow> (\<exists>U. openin X U \<and> x \<in> U \<and> U \<subseteq> V \<and>
(\<forall>y \<in> U. \<exists>C. path_connectedin X C \<and> C \<subseteq> V \<and> x \<in> C \<and> y \<in> C)))"
(is "?lhs = ?rhs")
assume ?lhs then show ?rhs
apply (simp add: weakly_locally_path_connected_at_def neighbourhood_base_at_def)
by (meson order_trans subsetD)
have *: "\V. path_connectedin X V \ U \ V \ V \ W"
if "(\y\U. \C. path_connectedin X C \ C \ W \ x \ C \ y \ C)"
for W U
proof (intro exI conjI)
let ?V = "(Collect (path_component_of (subtopology X W) x))"
show "path_connectedin X (Collect (path_component_of (subtopology X W) x))"
by (meson path_connectedin_path_component_of path_connectedin_subtopology)
show "U \ ?V"
by (auto simp: path_component_of path_connectedin_subtopology that)
show "?V \ W"
by (meson path_connectedin_path_component_of path_connectedin_subtopology)
assume ?rhs
then show ?lhs
unfolding weakly_locally_path_connected_at_def neighbourhood_base_at_def by (metis "*")
lemma locally_path_connected_space_im_kleinen:
"locally_path_connected_space X \
(\<forall>V x. openin X V \<and> x \<in> V
\<longrightarrow> (\<exists>U. openin X U \<and>
x \<in> U \<and> U \<subseteq> V \<and>
(\<forall>y \<in> U. \<exists>c. path_connectedin X c \<and>
c \<subseteq> V \<and> x \<in> c \<and> y \<in> c)))"
apply (simp add: locally_path_connected_space_def neighbourhood_base_of_def)
apply (simp add: weakly_locally_path_connected_at flip: weakly_locally_path_connected_at_def)
using openin_subset apply force
lemma locally_path_connected_space_open_subset:
"\locally_path_connected_space X; openin X s\
\<Longrightarrow> locally_path_connected_space (subtopology X s)"
apply (simp add: locally_path_connected_space_def neighbourhood_base_of openin_open_subtopology path_connectedin_subtopology)
by (meson order_trans)
lemma locally_path_connected_space_quotient_map_image:
assumes f: "quotient_map X Y f" and X: "locally_path_connected_space X"
shows "locally_path_connected_space Y"
unfolding locally_path_connected_space_open_path_components
proof clarify
fix V C
assume V: "openin Y V" and c: "C \ path_components_of (subtopology Y V)"
then have sub: "C \ topspace Y"
using path_connectedin_path_components_of path_connectedin_subset_topspace path_connectedin_subtopology by blast
have "openin X {x \ topspace X. f x \ C}"
proof (subst openin_subopen, clarify)
fix x
assume x: "x \ topspace X" and "f x \ C"
let ?T = "Collect (path_component_of (subtopology X {z \ topspace X. f z \ V}) x)"
show "\T. openin X T \ x \ T \ T \ {x \ topspace X. f x \ C}"
proof (intro exI conjI)
have "\U. openin X U \ ?T \ path_components_of (subtopology X U)"
proof (intro exI conjI)
show "openin X ({z \ topspace X. f z \ V})"
using V f openin_subset quotient_map_def by fastforce
show "Collect (path_component_of (subtopology X {z \ topspace X. f z \ V}) x)
\<in> path_components_of (subtopology X {z \<in> topspace X. f z \<in> V})"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Int_iff \<open>f x \<in> C\<close> c mem_Collect_eq path_component_in_path_components_of path_components_of_subset topspace_subtopology topspace_subtopology_subset x)
with X show "openin X ?T"
using locally_path_connected_space_open_path_components by blast
show x: "x \ ?T"
using V \<open>f x \<in> C\<close> c openin_subset path_component_of_equiv path_components_of_subset topspace_subtopology topspace_subtopology_subset x
by fastforce
have "f ` ?T \ C"
proof (rule path_components_of_maximal)
show "C \ path_components_of (subtopology Y V)"
by (simp add: c)
show "path_connectedin (subtopology Y V) (f ` ?T)"
proof -
have "quotient_map (subtopology X {a \ topspace X. f a \ V}) (subtopology Y V) f"
by (simp add: V f quotient_map_restriction)
then show ?thesis
by (meson path_connectedin_continuous_map_image path_connectedin_path_component_of quotient_imp_continuous_map)
show "\ disjnt C (f ` ?T)"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) \<open>f x \<in> C\<close> x disjnt_iff image_eqI)
then show "?T \ {x \ topspace X. f x \ C}"
by (force simp: path_component_of_equiv)
then show "openin Y C"
using f sub by (simp add: quotient_map_def)
lemma homeomorphic_locally_path_connected_space:
assumes "X homeomorphic_space Y"
shows "locally_path_connected_space X \ locally_path_connected_space Y"
proof -
obtain f g where "homeomorphic_maps X Y f g"
using assms homeomorphic_space_def by fastforce
then show ?thesis
by (metis (no_types) homeomorphic_map_def homeomorphic_maps_map locally_path_connected_space_quotient_map_image)
lemma locally_path_connected_space_retraction_map_image:
"\retraction_map X Y r; locally_path_connected_space X\
\<Longrightarrow> locally_path_connected_space Y"
using Abstract_Topology.retraction_imp_quotient_map locally_path_connected_space_quotient_map_image by blast
lemma locally_path_connected_space_euclideanreal: "locally_path_connected_space euclideanreal"
unfolding locally_path_connected_space_def neighbourhood_base_of
proof clarsimp
fix W and x :: "real"
assume "open W" "x \ W"
then obtain e where "e > 0" and e: "\x'. \x' - x\ < e \ x' \ W"
by (auto simp: open_real)
then show "\U. open U \ (\V. path_connected V \ x \ U \ U \ V \ V \ W)"
by (force intro!: convex_imp_path_connected exI [where x = "{x-e<..])
lemma locally_path_connected_space_discrete_topology:
"locally_path_connected_space (discrete_topology U)"
using locally_path_connected_space_open_path_components by fastforce
lemma path_component_eq_connected_component_of:
assumes "locally_path_connected_space X"
shows "(path_component_of_set X x = connected_component_of_set X x)"
proof (cases "x \ topspace X")
case True
then show ?thesis
using connectedin_connected_component_of [of X x]
apply (clarsimp simp add: connectedin_def connected_space_clopen_in topspace_subtopology_subset cong: conj_cong)
apply (drule_tac x="path_component_of_set X x" in spec)
by (metis assms closedin_closed_subtopology closedin_connected_component_of closedin_path_component_of_locally_path_connected_space inf.absorb_iff2 inf.orderE openin_path_component_of_locally_path_connected_space openin_subtopology path_component_of_eq_empty path_component_subset_connected_component_of)
case False
then show ?thesis
using connected_component_of_eq_empty path_component_of_eq_empty by fastforce
lemma path_components_eq_connected_components_of:
"locally_path_connected_space X \ (path_components_of X = connected_components_of X)"
by (simp add: path_components_of_def connected_components_of_def image_def path_component_eq_connected_component_of)
lemma path_connected_eq_connected_space:
"locally_path_connected_space X
\<Longrightarrow> path_connected_space X \<longleftrightarrow> connected_space X"
by (metis connected_components_of_subset_sing path_components_eq_connected_components_of path_components_of_subset_singleton)
lemma locally_path_connected_space_product_topology:
"locally_path_connected_space(product_topology X I) \
topspace(product_topology X I) = {} \<or>
finite {i. i \<in> I \<and> ~path_connected_space(X i)} \<and>
(\<forall>i \<in> I. locally_path_connected_space(X i))"
(is "?lhs \ ?empty \ ?rhs")
proof (cases ?empty)
case True
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: locally_path_connected_space_def neighbourhood_base_of openin_closedin_eq)
case False
then obtain z where z: "z \ (\\<^sub>E i\I. topspace (X i))"
by auto
have ?rhs if L: ?lhs
proof -
obtain U C where U: "openin (product_topology X I) U"
and V: "path_connectedin (product_topology X I) C"
and "z \ U" "U \ C" and Csub: "C \ (\\<^sub>E i\I. topspace (X i))"
using L apply (clarsimp simp add: locally_path_connected_space_def neighbourhood_base_of)
by (metis openin_topspace topspace_product_topology z)
then obtain V where finV: "finite {i \ I. V i \ topspace (X i)}"
and XV: "\i. i\I \ openin (X i) (V i)" and "z \ Pi\<^sub>E I V" and subU: "Pi\<^sub>E I V \ U"
by (force simp: openin_product_topology_alt)
show ?thesis
proof (intro conjI ballI)
have "path_connected_space (X i)" if "i \ I" "V i = topspace (X i)" for i
proof -
have pc: "path_connectedin (X i) ((\x. x i) ` C)"
apply (rule path_connectedin_continuous_map_image [OF _ V])
by (simp add: continuous_map_product_projection \<open>i \<in> I\<close>)
moreover have "((\x. x i) ` C) = topspace (X i)"
show "(\x. x i) ` C \ topspace (X i)"
by (simp add: pc path_connectedin_subset_topspace)
have "V i \ (\x. x i) ` (\\<^sub>E i\I. V i)"
by (metis \<open>z \<in> Pi\<^sub>E I V\<close> empty_iff image_projection_PiE order_refl that(1))
also have "\ \ (\x. x i) ` U"
using subU by blast
finally show "topspace (X i) \ (\x. x i) ` C"
using \<open>U \<subseteq> C\<close> that by blast
ultimately show ?thesis
by (simp add: path_connectedin_topspace)
then have "{i \ I. \ path_connected_space (X i)} \ {i \ I. V i \ topspace (X i)}"
by blast
with finV show "finite {i \ I. \ path_connected_space (X i)}"
using finite_subset by blast
show "locally_path_connected_space (X i)" if "i \ I" for i
apply (rule locally_path_connected_space_quotient_map_image [OF _ L, where f = "\x. x i"])
by (metis False Abstract_Topology.retraction_imp_quotient_map retraction_map_product_projection that)
moreover have ?lhs if R: ?rhs
proof (clarsimp simp add: locally_path_connected_space_def neighbourhood_base_of)
fix F z
assume "openin (product_topology X I) F" and "z \ F"
then obtain W where finW: "finite {i \ I. W i \ topspace (X i)}"
and opeW: "\i. i \ I \ openin (X i) (W i)" and "z \ Pi\<^sub>E I W" "Pi\<^sub>E I W \ F"
by (auto simp: openin_product_topology_alt)
have "\i \ I. \U C. openin (X i) U \ path_connectedin (X i) C \ z i \ U \ U \ C \ C \ W i \
(W i = topspace (X i) \<and>
path_connected_space (X i) \<longrightarrow> U = topspace (X i) \<and> C = topspace (X i))"
(is "\i \ I. ?\ i")
fix i assume "i \ I"
have "locally_path_connected_space (X i)"
by (simp add: R \<open>i \<in> I\<close>)
moreover have "openin (X i) (W i) " "z i \ W i"
using \<open>z \<in> Pi\<^sub>E I W\<close> opeW \<open>i \<in> I\<close> by auto
ultimately obtain U C where UC: "openin (X i) U" "path_connectedin (X i) C" "z i \ U" "U \ C" "C \ W i"
using \<open>i \<in> I\<close> by (force simp: locally_path_connected_space_def neighbourhood_base_of)
show "?\ i"
proof (cases "W i = topspace (X i) \ path_connected_space(X i)")
case True
then show ?thesis
using \<open>z i \<in> W i\<close> path_connectedin_topspace by blast
case False
then show ?thesis
by (meson UC)
then obtain U C where
*: "\i. i \ I \ openin (X i) (U i) \ path_connectedin (X i) (C i) \ z i \ (U i) \ (U i) \ (C i) \ (C i) \ W i \
(W i = topspace (X i) \<and> path_connected_space (X i)
\<longrightarrow> (U i) = topspace (X i) \<and> (C i) = topspace (X i))"
by metis
let ?A = "{i \ I. \ path_connected_space (X i)} \ {i \ I. W i \ topspace (X i)}"
have "{i \ I. U i \ topspace (X i)} \ ?A"
by (clarsimp simp add: "*")
moreover have "finite ?A"
by (simp add: that finW)
ultimately have "finite {i \ I. U i \ topspace (X i)}"
using finite_subset by auto
then have "openin (product_topology X I) (Pi\<^sub>E I U)"
using * by (simp add: openin_PiE_gen)
then show "\U. openin (product_topology X I) U \
(\<exists>V. path_connectedin (product_topology X I) V \<and> z \<in> U \<and> U \<subseteq> V \<and> V \<subseteq> F)"
apply (rule_tac x="PiE I U" in exI, simp)
apply (rule_tac x="PiE I C" in exI)
using \<open>z \<in> Pi\<^sub>E I W\<close> \<open>Pi\<^sub>E I W \<subseteq> F\<close> *
apply (simp add: path_connectedin_PiE subset_PiE PiE_iff PiE_mono dual_order.trans)
ultimately show ?thesis
using False by blast
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