theory Finite_Reachable
imports Small_Step
subsection "Finite number of reachable commands"
text\<open>This theory shows that in the small-step semantics one can only reach
a finite number of commands from any given command. Hence one can see the
command component of a small-step configuration as a combination of the
program to be executed and a pc.\<close>
definition reachable :: "com \ com set" where
"reachable c = {c'. \s t. (c,s) \* (c',t)}"
text\<open>Proofs need induction on the length of a small-step reduction sequence.\<close>
fun small_stepsn :: "com * state \ nat \ com * state \ bool"
("_ \'(_') _" [55,0,55] 55) where
"(cs \(0) cs') = (cs' = cs)" |
"cs \(Suc n) cs'' = (\cs'. cs \ cs' \ cs' \(n) cs'')"
lemma stepsn_if_star: "cs \* cs' \ \n. cs \(n) cs'"
proof(induction rule: star.induct)
case refl show ?case by (metis small_stepsn.simps(1))
case step thus ?case by (metis small_stepsn.simps(2))
lemma star_if_stepsn: "cs \(n) cs' \ cs \* cs'"
by(induction n arbitrary: cs) (auto elim: star.step)
lemma SKIP_starD: "(SKIP, s) \* (c,t) \ c = SKIP"
by(induction SKIP s c t rule: star_induct) auto
lemma reachable_SKIP: "reachable SKIP = {SKIP}"
by(auto simp: reachable_def dest: SKIP_starD)
lemma Assign_starD: "(x::=a, s) \* (c,t) \ c \ {x::=a, SKIP}"
by (induction "x::=a" s c t rule: star_induct) (auto dest: SKIP_starD)
lemma reachable_Assign: "reachable (x::=a) = {x::=a, SKIP}"
by(auto simp: reachable_def dest:Assign_starD)
lemma Seq_stepsnD: "(c1;; c2, s) \(n) (c', t) \
(\<exists>c1' m. c' = c1';; c2 \<and> (c1, s) \<rightarrow>(m) (c1', t) \<and> m \<le> n) \<or>
(\<exists>s2 m1 m2. (c1,s) \<rightarrow>(m1) (SKIP,s2) \<and> (c2, s2) \<rightarrow>(m2) (c', t) \<and> m1+m2 < n)"
proof(induction n arbitrary: c1 c2 s)
case 0 thus ?case by auto
case (Suc n)
from Suc.prems obtain s' c12' where "(c1;;c2, s) \ (c12', s')"
and n: "(c12',s') \(n) (c',t)" by auto
from this(1) show ?case
assume "c1 = SKIP" "(c12', s') = (c2, s)"
hence "(c1,s) \(0) (SKIP, s') \ (c2, s') \(n) (c', t) \ 0 + n < Suc n"
using n by auto
thus ?case by blast
fix c1' s'' assume 1: "(c12', s') = (c1';; c2, s'')" "(c1, s) \<rightarrow> (c1', s'')"
hence n': "(c1';;c2,s') \(n) (c',t)" using n by auto
from Suc.IH[OF n'] show ?case
assume "\c1'' m. c' = c1'';; c2 \ (c1', s') \(m) (c1'', t) \ m \ n"
(is "\ a b. ?P a b")
then obtain c1'' m where 2: "?P c1'' m" by blast
hence "c' = c1'';;c2 \ (c1, s) \(Suc m) (c1'',t) \ Suc m \ Suc n"
using 1 by auto
thus ?case by blast
assume "\s2 m1 m2. (c1',s') \(m1) (SKIP,s2) \
(c2,s2) \<rightarrow>(m2) (c',t) \<and> m1+m2 < n" (is "\<exists>a b c. ?P a b c")
then obtain s2 m1 m2 where "?P s2 m1 m2" by blast
hence "(c1,s) \(Suc m1) (SKIP,s2) \ (c2,s2) \(m2) (c',t) \
Suc m1 + m2 < Suc n" using 1 by auto
thus ?case by blast
corollary Seq_starD: "(c1;; c2, s) \* (c', t) \
(\<exists>c1'. c' = c1';; c2 \<and> (c1, s) \<rightarrow>* (c1', t)) \<or>
(\<exists>s2. (c1,s) \<rightarrow>* (SKIP,s2) \<and> (c2, s2) \<rightarrow>* (c', t))"
by(metis Seq_stepsnD star_if_stepsn stepsn_if_star)
lemma reachable_Seq: "reachable (c1;;c2) \
(\<lambda>c1'. c1';;c2) ` reachable c1 \<union> reachable c2"
by(auto simp: reachable_def image_def dest!: Seq_starD)
lemma If_starD: "(IF b THEN c1 ELSE c2, s) \* (c,t) \
c = IF b THEN c1 ELSE c2 \<or> (c1,s) \<rightarrow>* (c,t) \<or> (c2,s) \<rightarrow>* (c,t)"
by(induction "IF b THEN c1 ELSE c2" s c t rule: star_induct) auto
lemma reachable_If: "reachable (IF b THEN c1 ELSE c2) \
{IF b THEN c1 ELSE c2} \<union> reachable c1 \<union> reachable c2"
by(auto simp: reachable_def dest!: If_starD)
lemma While_stepsnD: "(WHILE b DO c, s) \(n) (c2,t) \
c2 \<in> {WHILE b DO c, IF b THEN c ;; WHILE b DO c ELSE SKIP, SKIP}
\<or> (\<exists>c1. c2 = c1 ;; WHILE b DO c \<and> (\<exists> s1 s2. (c,s1) \<rightarrow>* (c1,s2)))"
proof(induction n arbitrary: s rule: less_induct)
case (less n1)
show ?case
proof(cases n1)
case 0 thus ?thesis using less.prems by (simp)
case (Suc n2)
let ?w = "WHILE b DO c"
let ?iw = "IF b THEN c ;; ?w ELSE SKIP"
from Suc less.prems have n2: "(?iw,s) \(n2) (c2,t)" by(auto elim!: WhileE)
show ?thesis
proof(cases n2)
case 0 thus ?thesis using n2 by auto
case (Suc n3)
then obtain iw' s' where "(?iw,s) \ (iw',s')"
and n3: "(iw',s') \(n3) (c2,t)" using n2 by auto
from this(1)
show ?thesis
assume "(iw', s') = (c;; WHILE b DO c, s)"
with n3 have "(c;;?w, s) \(n3) (c2,t)" by auto
from Seq_stepsnD[OF this] show ?thesis
assume "\c1' m. c2 = c1';; ?w \ (c,s) \(m) (c1', t) \ m \ n3"
thus ?thesis by (metis star_if_stepsn)
assume "\s2 m1 m2. (c, s) \(m1) (SKIP, s2) \
(WHILE b DO c, s2) \<rightarrow>(m2) (c2, t) \<and> m1 + m2 < n3" (is "\<exists>x y z. ?P x y z")
then obtain s2 m1 m2 where "?P s2 m1 m2" by blast
with \<open>n2 = Suc n3\<close> \<open>n1 = Suc n2\<close>have "m2 < n1" by arith
from less.IH[OF this] \<open>?P s2 m1 m2\<close> show ?thesis by blast
assume "(iw', s') = (SKIP, s)"
thus ?thesis using star_if_stepsn[OF n3] by(auto dest!: SKIP_starD)
lemma reachable_While: "reachable (WHILE b DO c) \
{WHILE b DO c, IF b THEN c ;; WHILE b DO c ELSE SKIP, SKIP} \<union>
(\<lambda>c'. c' ;; WHILE b DO c) ` reachable c"
apply(auto simp: reachable_def image_def)
by (metis While_stepsnD insertE singletonE stepsn_if_star)
theorem finite_reachable: "finite(reachable c)"
apply(induction c)
apply(auto simp: reachable_SKIP reachable_Assign
finite_subset[OF reachable_Seq] finite_subset[OF reachable_If]
finite_subset[OF reachable_While])
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