(* Title: HOL/Nominal/nominal_atoms.ML
Author: Christian Urban and Stefan Berghofer, TU Muenchen
Declaration of atom types to be used in nominal datatypes.
signature NOMINAL_ATOMS =
val create_nom_typedecls : string list -> theory -> theory
type atom_info
val get_atom_infos : theory -> atom_info Symtab.table
val get_atom_info : theory -> string -> atom_info option
val the_atom_info : theory -> string -> atom_info
val fs_class_of : theory -> string -> string
val pt_class_of : theory -> string -> string
val cp_class_of : theory -> string -> string -> string
val at_inst_of : theory -> string -> thm
val pt_inst_of : theory -> string -> thm
val cp_inst_of : theory -> string -> string -> thm
val dj_thm_of : theory -> string -> string -> thm
val atoms_of : theory -> string list
val mk_permT : typ -> typ
structure NominalAtoms : NOMINAL_ATOMS =
val finite_emptyI = @{thm "finite.emptyI"};
val Collect_const = @{thm "Collect_const"};
val inductive_forall_def = @{thm HOL.induct_forall_def};
(* theory data *)
type atom_info =
{pt_class : string,
fs_class : string,
cp_classes : string Symtab.table,
at_inst : thm,
pt_inst : thm,
cp_inst : thm Symtab.table,
dj_thms : thm Symtab.table};
structure NominalData = Theory_Data
type T = atom_info Symtab.table;
val empty = Symtab.empty;
val extend = I;
fun merge data = Symtab.merge (K true) data;
fun make_atom_info ((((((pt_class, fs_class), cp_classes), at_inst), pt_inst), cp_inst), dj_thms) =
{pt_class = pt_class,
fs_class = fs_class,
cp_classes = cp_classes,
at_inst = at_inst,
pt_inst = pt_inst,
cp_inst = cp_inst,
dj_thms = dj_thms};
val get_atom_infos = NominalData.get;
val get_atom_info = Symtab.lookup o NominalData.get;
fun gen_lookup lookup name = case lookup name of
SOME info => info
| NONE => error ("Unknown atom type " ^ quote name);
fun the_atom_info thy = gen_lookup (get_atom_info thy);
fun gen_lookup' f thy = the_atom_info thy #> f;
fun gen_lookup'' f thy =
gen_lookup' (f #> Symtab.lookup #> gen_lookup) thy;
val fs_class_of = gen_lookup' #fs_class;
val pt_class_of = gen_lookup' #pt_class;
val at_inst_of = gen_lookup' #at_inst;
val pt_inst_of = gen_lookup' #pt_inst;
val cp_class_of = gen_lookup'' #cp_classes;
val cp_inst_of = gen_lookup'' #cp_inst;
val dj_thm_of = gen_lookup'' #dj_thms;
fun atoms_of thy = map fst (Symtab.dest (NominalData.get thy));
fun mk_permT T = HOLogic.listT (HOLogic.mk_prodT (T, T));
fun mk_Cons x xs =
let val T = fastype_of x
in Const (\<^const_name>\<open>Cons\<close>, T --> HOLogic.listT T --> HOLogic.listT T) $ x $ xs end;
fun add_thms_string args = Global_Theory.add_thms ((map o apfst o apfst) Binding.name args);
fun add_thmss_string args = Global_Theory.add_thmss ((map o apfst o apfst) Binding.name args);
(* this function sets up all matters related to atom- *)
(* kinds; the user specifies a list of atom-kind names *)
(* atom_decl <ak1> ... <akn> *)
fun create_nom_typedecls ak_names thy =
val (_,thy1) =
fold_map (fn ak => fn thy =>
let val dt = ((Binding.name ak, [], NoSyn), [(Binding.name ak, [\<^typ>\<open>nat\<close>], NoSyn)])
val (dt_names, thy1) = BNF_LFP_Compat.add_datatype [BNF_LFP_Compat.Kill_Type_Args] [dt] thy;
val injects = maps (#inject o BNF_LFP_Compat.the_info thy1 []) dt_names;
val ak_type = Type (Sign.intern_type thy1 ak,[])
val ak_sign = Sign.intern_const thy1 ak
val inj_type = \<^typ>\<open>nat\<close> --> ak_type
val inj_on_type = inj_type --> \<^typ>\<open>nat set\<close> --> \<^typ>\<open>bool\<close>
(* first statement *)
val stmnt1 = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop
(Const (\<^const_name>\<open>inj_on\<close>,inj_on_type) $
Const (ak_sign,inj_type) $ HOLogic.mk_UNIV \<^typ>\<open>nat\<close>)
val simp1 = @{thm inj_on_def} :: injects;
fun proof1 ctxt = EVERY [simp_tac (put_simpset HOL_basic_ss ctxt addsimps simp1) 1,
resolve_tac ctxt @{thms ballI} 1,
resolve_tac ctxt @{thms ballI} 1,
resolve_tac ctxt @{thms impI} 1,
assume_tac ctxt 1]
val (inj_thm,thy2) =
add_thms_string [((ak^"_inj",Goal.prove_global thy1 [] [] stmnt1 (proof1 o #context)), [])] thy1
(* second statement *)
val y = Free ("y",ak_type)
val stmnt2 = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop
(HOLogic.mk_exists ("x",\<^typ>\<open>nat\<close>,HOLogic.mk_eq (y,Const (ak_sign,inj_type) $ Bound 0)))
val proof2 = fn {prems, context = ctxt} =>
Induct_Tacs.case_tac ctxt "y" [] NONE 1 THEN
asm_simp_tac (put_simpset HOL_basic_ss ctxt addsimps simp1) 1 THEN
resolve_tac ctxt @{thms exI} 1 THEN
resolve_tac ctxt @{thms refl} 1
(* third statement *)
val (inject_thm,thy3) =
add_thms_string [((ak^"_injection",Goal.prove_global thy2 [] [] stmnt2 proof2), [])] thy2
val stmnt3 = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop
(Const (\<^const_name>\<open>finite\<close>, HOLogic.mk_setT ak_type --> HOLogic.boolT) $
HOLogic.mk_UNIV ak_type))
val simp2 = [@{thm image_def},@{thm bex_UNIV}]@inject_thm
val simp3 = [@{thm UNIV_def}]
fun proof3 ctxt = EVERY [cut_facts_tac inj_thm 1,
dresolve_tac ctxt @{thms range_inj_infinite} 1,
asm_full_simp_tac (put_simpset HOL_basic_ss ctxt addsimps simp2) 1,
simp_tac (put_simpset HOL_basic_ss ctxt addsimps simp3) 1]
val (inf_thm,thy4) =
add_thms_string [((ak^"_infinite",Goal.prove_global thy3 [] [] stmnt3 (proof3 o #context)), [])] thy3
end) ak_names thy
(* produces a list consisting of pairs: *)
(* fst component is the atom-kind name *)
(* snd component is its type *)
val full_ak_names = map (Sign.intern_type thy1) ak_names;
val ak_names_types = ak_names ~~ map (Type o rpair []) full_ak_names;
(* declares a swapping function for every atom-kind, it is *)
(* const swap_<ak> :: <akT> * <akT> => <akT> => <akT> *)
(* swap_<ak> (a,b) c = (if a=c then b (else if b=c then a else c)) *)
(* overloades then the general swap-function *)
val (swap_eqs, thy3) = fold_map (fn (ak_name, T) => fn thy =>
val thy' = Sign.add_path "rec" thy;
val swapT = HOLogic.mk_prodT (T, T) --> T --> T;
val swap_name = "swap_" ^ ak_name;
val full_swap_name = Sign.full_bname thy' swap_name;
val a = Free ("a", T);
val b = Free ("b", T);
val c = Free ("c", T);
val ab = Free ("ab", HOLogic.mk_prodT (T, T))
val cif = Const (\<^const_name>\<open>If\<close>, HOLogic.boolT --> T --> T --> T);
val cswap_akname = Const (full_swap_name, swapT);
val cswap = Const (\<^const_name>\<open>Nominal.swap\<close>, swapT)
val name = swap_name ^ "_def";
val def1 = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (HOLogic.mk_eq
(Free (swap_name, swapT) $ HOLogic.mk_prod (a,b) $ c,
cif $ HOLogic.mk_eq (a,c) $ b $ (cif $ HOLogic.mk_eq (b,c) $ a $ c)))
val def2 = Logic.mk_equals (cswap $ ab $ c, cswap_akname $ ab $ c)
thy' |>
[(Binding.name swap_name, SOME swapT, NoSyn)]
[((Binding.empty_atts, def1), [], [])] ||>
Sign.parent_path ||>>
Global_Theory.add_defs_unchecked true
[((Binding.name name, def2), [])] |>> (snd o fst)
end) ak_names_types thy1;
(* declares a permutation function for every atom-kind acting *)
(* on such atoms *)
(* const <ak>_prm_<ak> :: (<akT> * <akT>)list => akT => akT *)
(* <ak>_prm_<ak> [] a = a *)
(* <ak>_prm_<ak> (x#xs) a = swap_<ak> x (perm xs a) *)
val (prm_eqs, thy4) = fold_map (fn (ak_name, T) => fn thy =>
val thy' = Sign.add_path "rec" thy;
val swapT = HOLogic.mk_prodT (T, T) --> T --> T;
val swap_name = Sign.full_bname thy' ("swap_" ^ ak_name)
val prmT = mk_permT T --> T --> T;
val prm_name = ak_name ^ "_prm_" ^ ak_name;
val prm = Free (prm_name, prmT);
val x = Free ("x", HOLogic.mk_prodT (T, T));
val xs = Free ("xs", mk_permT T);
val a = Free ("a", T) ;
val cnil = Const (\<^const_name>\<open>Nil\<close>, mk_permT T);
val def1 = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (HOLogic.mk_eq (prm $ cnil $ a, a));
val def2 = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (HOLogic.mk_eq
(prm $ mk_Cons x xs $ a,
Const (swap_name, swapT) $ x $ (prm $ xs $ a)));
thy' |>
[(Binding.name prm_name, SOME prmT, NoSyn)]
(map (fn def => ((Binding.empty_atts, def), [], [])) [def1, def2]) ||>
end) ak_names_types thy3;
(* defines permutation functions for all combinations of atom-kinds; *)
(* there are a trivial cases and non-trivial cases *)
(* non-trivial case: *)
(* <ak>_prm_<ak>_def: perm pi a == <ak>_prm_<ak> pi a *)
(* trivial case with <ak> != <ak'> *)
(* <ak>_prm<ak'>_def[simp]: perm pi a == a *)
(* *)
(* the trivial cases are added to the simplifier, while the non- *)
(* have their own rules proved below *)
val (perm_defs, thy5) = fold_map (fn (ak_name, T) => fn thy =>
fold_map (fn (ak_name', T') => fn thy' =>
val perm_def_name = ak_name ^ "_prm_" ^ ak_name';
val pi = Free ("pi", mk_permT T);
val a = Free ("a", T');
val cperm = Const (\<^const_name>\<open>Nominal.perm\<close>, mk_permT T --> T' --> T');
val thy'' = Sign.add_path "rec" thy'
val cperm_def = Const (Sign.full_bname thy'' perm_def_name, mk_permT T --> T' --> T');
val thy''' = Sign.parent_path thy'';
val name = ak_name ^ "_prm_" ^ ak_name' ^ "_def";
val def = Logic.mk_equals
(cperm $ pi $ a, if ak_name = ak_name' then cperm_def $ pi $ a else a)
Global_Theory.add_defs_unchecked true [((Binding.name name, def), [])] thy'''
end) ak_names_types thy) ak_names_types thy4;
(* proves that every atom-kind is an instance of at *)
(* lemma at_<ak>_inst: *)
(* at TYPE(<ak>) *)
val (prm_cons_thms,thy6) =
thy5 |> add_thms_string (map (fn (ak_name, T) =>
val ak_name_qu = Sign.full_bname thy5 (ak_name);
val i_type = Type(ak_name_qu,[]);
val cat = Const (\<^const_name>\<open>Nominal.at\<close>, Term.itselfT i_type --> HOLogic.boolT);
val at_type = Logic.mk_type i_type;
fun proof ctxt =
simp_tac (put_simpset HOL_ss ctxt
addsimps maps (Global_Theory.get_thms thy5)
ak_name ^ "_prm_" ^ ak_name ^ "_def",
ak_name ^ "_prm_" ^ ak_name ^ ".simps",
"swap_" ^ ak_name ^ "_def",
"swap_" ^ ak_name ^ ".simps",
ak_name ^ "_infinite"]) 1;
val name = "at_"^ak_name^ "_inst";
val statement = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (cat $ at_type);
((name, Goal.prove_global thy5 [] [] statement (proof o #context)), [])
end) ak_names_types);
(* declares a perm-axclass for every atom-kind *)
(* axclass pt_<ak> *)
(* pt_<ak>1[simp]: perm [] x = x *)
(* pt_<ak>2: perm (pi1@pi2) x = perm pi1 (perm pi2 x) *)
(* pt_<ak>3: pi1 ~ pi2 ==> perm pi1 x = perm pi2 x *)
val (pt_ax_classes,thy7) = fold_map (fn (ak_name, T) => fn thy =>
val cl_name = "pt_"^ak_name;
val ty = TFree("'a", \<^sort>\<open>type\<close>);
val x = Free ("x", ty);
val pi1 = Free ("pi1", mk_permT T);
val pi2 = Free ("pi2", mk_permT T);
val cperm = Const (\<^const_name>\<open>Nominal.perm\<close>, mk_permT T --> ty --> ty);
val cnil = Const (\<^const_name>\<open>Nil\<close>, mk_permT T);
val cappend = Const (\<^const_name>\<open>append\<close>, mk_permT T --> mk_permT T --> mk_permT T);
val cprm_eq = Const (\<^const_name>\<open>Nominal.prm_eq\<close>, mk_permT T --> mk_permT T --> HOLogic.boolT);
(* nil axiom *)
val axiom1 = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (HOLogic.mk_eq
(cperm $ cnil $ x, x));
(* append axiom *)
val axiom2 = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (HOLogic.mk_eq
(cperm $ (cappend $ pi1 $ pi2) $ x, cperm $ pi1 $ (cperm $ pi2 $ x)));
(* perm-eq axiom *)
val axiom3 = Logic.mk_implies
(HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (cprm_eq $ pi1 $ pi2),
HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (HOLogic.mk_eq (cperm $ pi1 $ x, cperm $ pi2 $ x)));
Axclass.define_class (Binding.name cl_name, \<^sort>\<open>type\<close>) []
[((Binding.name (cl_name ^ "1"), [Simplifier.simp_add]), [axiom1]),
((Binding.name (cl_name ^ "2"), []), [axiom2]),
((Binding.name (cl_name ^ "3"), []), [axiom3])] thy
end) ak_names_types thy6;
(* proves that every pt_<ak>-type together with <ak>-type *)
(* instance of pt *)
(* lemma pt_<ak>_inst: *)
(* pt TYPE('x::pt_<ak>) TYPE(<ak>) *)
val (prm_inst_thms,thy8) =
thy7 |> add_thms_string (map (fn (ak_name, T) =>
val ak_name_qu = Sign.full_bname thy7 ak_name;
val pt_name_qu = Sign.full_bname thy7 ("pt_"^ak_name);
val i_type1 = TFree("'x",[pt_name_qu]);
val i_type2 = Type(ak_name_qu,[]);
val cpt =
Const (\<^const_name>\<open>Nominal.pt\<close>, (Term.itselfT i_type1)-->(Term.itselfT i_type2)-->HOLogic.boolT);
val pt_type = Logic.mk_type i_type1;
val at_type = Logic.mk_type i_type2;
fun proof ctxt =
simp_tac (put_simpset HOL_ss ctxt addsimps maps (Global_Theory.get_thms thy7)
"pt_" ^ ak_name ^ "1",
"pt_" ^ ak_name ^ "2",
"pt_" ^ ak_name ^ "3"]) 1;
val name = "pt_"^ak_name^ "_inst";
val statement = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (cpt $ pt_type $ at_type);
((name, Goal.prove_global thy7 [] [] statement (proof o #context)), [])
end) ak_names_types);
(* declares an fs-axclass for every atom-kind *)
(* axclass fs_<ak> *)
(* fs_<ak>1: finite ((supp x)::<ak> set) *)
val (fs_ax_classes,thy11) = fold_map (fn (ak_name, T) => fn thy =>
val cl_name = "fs_"^ak_name;
val pt_name = Sign.full_bname thy ("pt_"^ak_name);
val ty = TFree("'a",\<^sort>\<open>type\<close>);
val x = Free ("x", ty);
val csupp = Const (\<^const_name>\<open>Nominal.supp\<close>, ty --> HOLogic.mk_setT T);
val cfinite = Const (\<^const_name>\<open>finite\<close>, HOLogic.mk_setT T --> HOLogic.boolT)
val axiom1 = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (cfinite $ (csupp $ x));
Axclass.define_class (Binding.name cl_name, [pt_name]) []
[((Binding.name (cl_name ^ "1"), []), [axiom1])] thy
end) ak_names_types thy8;
(* proves that every fs_<ak>-type together with <ak>-type *)
(* instance of fs-type *)
(* lemma abst_<ak>_inst: *)
(* fs TYPE('x::pt_<ak>) TYPE (<ak>) *)
val (fs_inst_thms,thy12) =
thy11 |> add_thms_string (map (fn (ak_name, T) =>
val ak_name_qu = Sign.full_bname thy11 ak_name;
val fs_name_qu = Sign.full_bname thy11 ("fs_"^ak_name);
val i_type1 = TFree("'x",[fs_name_qu]);
val i_type2 = Type(ak_name_qu,[]);
val cfs = Const (\<^const_name>\<open>Nominal.fs\<close>,
(Term.itselfT i_type1)-->(Term.itselfT i_type2)-->HOLogic.boolT);
val fs_type = Logic.mk_type i_type1;
val at_type = Logic.mk_type i_type2;
fun proof ctxt =
simp_tac (put_simpset HOL_ss ctxt addsimps maps (Global_Theory.get_thms thy11)
"fs_" ^ ak_name ^ "1"]) 1;
val name = "fs_"^ak_name^ "_inst";
val statement = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (cfs $ fs_type $ at_type);
((name, Goal.prove_global thy11 [] [] statement (proof o #context)), [])
end) ak_names_types);
(* declares for every atom-kind combination an axclass *)
(* cp_<ak1>_<ak2> giving a composition property *)
(* cp_<ak1>_<ak2>1: pi1 o pi2 o x = (pi1 o pi2) o (pi1 o x) *)
val (cp_ax_classes,thy12b) = fold_map (fn (ak_name, T) => fn thy =>
fold_map (fn (ak_name', T') => fn thy' =>
val cl_name = "cp_"^ak_name^"_"^ak_name';
val ty = TFree("'a",\<^sort>\<open>type\<close>);
val x = Free ("x", ty);
val pi1 = Free ("pi1", mk_permT T);
val pi2 = Free ("pi2", mk_permT T');
val cperm1 = Const (\<^const_name>\<open>Nominal.perm\<close>, mk_permT T --> ty --> ty);
val cperm2 = Const (\<^const_name>\<open>Nominal.perm\<close>, mk_permT T' --> ty --> ty);
val cperm3 = Const (\<^const_name>\<open>Nominal.perm\<close>, mk_permT T --> mk_permT T' --> mk_permT T');
val ax1 = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop
(HOLogic.mk_eq (cperm1 $ pi1 $ (cperm2 $ pi2 $ x),
cperm2 $ (cperm3 $ pi1 $ pi2) $ (cperm1 $ pi1 $ x)));
Axclass.define_class (Binding.name cl_name, \<^sort>\<open>type\<close>) []
[((Binding.name (cl_name ^ "1"), []), [ax1])] thy'
end) ak_names_types thy) ak_names_types thy12;
(* proves for every <ak>-combination a cp_<ak1>_<ak2>_inst theorem; *)
(* lemma cp_<ak1>_<ak2>_inst: *)
(* cp TYPE('a::cp_<ak1>_<ak2>) TYPE(<ak1>) TYPE(<ak2>) *)
val (cp_thms,thy12c) = fold_map (fn (ak_name, T) => fn thy =>
fold_map (fn (ak_name', T') => fn thy' =>
val ak_name_qu = Sign.full_bname thy' (ak_name);
val ak_name_qu' = Sign.full_bname thy' (ak_name');
val cp_name_qu = Sign.full_bname thy' ("cp_"^ak_name^"_"^ak_name');
val i_type0 = TFree("'a",[cp_name_qu]);
val i_type1 = Type(ak_name_qu,[]);
val i_type2 = Type(ak_name_qu',[]);
val ccp = Const (\<^const_name>\<open>Nominal.cp\<close>,
(Term.itselfT i_type0)-->(Term.itselfT i_type1)-->
(Term.itselfT i_type2)-->HOLogic.boolT);
val at_type = Logic.mk_type i_type1;
val at_type' = Logic.mk_type i_type2;
val cp_type = Logic.mk_type i_type0;
val cp1 = Global_Theory.get_thm thy' ("cp_" ^ ak_name ^ "_" ^ ak_name' ^ "1");
val name = "cp_"^ak_name^ "_"^ak_name'^"_inst";
val statement = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (ccp $ cp_type $ at_type $ at_type');
fun proof ctxt =
simp_tac (put_simpset HOL_basic_ss ctxt
addsimps maps (Global_Theory.get_thms thy') ["cp_def"]) 1
THEN EVERY [resolve_tac ctxt [allI] 1,
resolve_tac ctxt [allI] 1,
resolve_tac ctxt [allI] 1,
resolve_tac ctxt [cp1] 1];
yield_singleton add_thms_string ((name,
Goal.prove_global thy' [] [] statement (proof o #context)), []) thy'
ak_names_types thy) ak_names_types thy12b;
(* proves for every non-trivial <ak>-combination a disjointness *)
(* theorem; i.e. <ak1> != <ak2> *)
(* lemma ds_<ak1>_<ak2>: *)
(* dj TYPE(<ak1>) TYPE(<ak2>) *)
val (dj_thms, thy12d) = fold_map (fn (ak_name,T) => fn thy =>
fold_map (fn (ak_name',T') => fn thy' =>
(if not (ak_name = ak_name')
val ak_name_qu = Sign.full_bname thy' ak_name;
val ak_name_qu' = Sign.full_bname thy' ak_name';
val i_type1 = Type(ak_name_qu,[]);
val i_type2 = Type(ak_name_qu',[]);
val cdj = Const (\<^const_name>\<open>Nominal.disjoint\<close>,
(Term.itselfT i_type1)-->(Term.itselfT i_type2)-->HOLogic.boolT);
val at_type = Logic.mk_type i_type1;
val at_type' = Logic.mk_type i_type2;
fun proof ctxt =
simp_tac (put_simpset HOL_ss ctxt
addsimps maps (Global_Theory.get_thms thy')
ak_name ^ "_prm_" ^ ak_name' ^ "_def",
ak_name' ^ "_prm_" ^ ak_name ^ "_def"]) 1;
val name = "dj_"^ak_name^"_"^ak_name';
val statement = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (cdj $ at_type $ at_type');
add_thms_string [((name, Goal.prove_global thy' [] [] statement (proof o #context)), [])] thy'
([],thy'))) (* do nothing branch, if ak_name = ak_name' *)
ak_names_types thy) ak_names_types thy12c;
(******** pt_<ak> class instances ********)
(* some abbreviations for theorems *)
val pt1 = @{thm "pt1"};
val pt2 = @{thm "pt2"};
val pt3 = @{thm "pt3"};
val at_pt_inst = @{thm "at_pt_inst"};
val pt_unit_inst = @{thm "pt_unit_inst"};
val pt_prod_inst = @{thm "pt_prod_inst"};
val pt_nprod_inst = @{thm "pt_nprod_inst"};
val pt_list_inst = @{thm "pt_list_inst"};
val pt_optn_inst = @{thm "pt_option_inst"};
val pt_noptn_inst = @{thm "pt_noption_inst"};
val pt_fun_inst = @{thm "pt_fun_inst"};
val pt_set_inst = @{thm "pt_set_inst"};
(* for all atom-kind combinations <ak>/<ak'> show that *)
(* every <ak> is an instance of pt_<ak'>; the proof for *)
(* ak!=ak' is by definition; the case ak=ak' uses at_pt_inst. *)
val thy13 = fold (fn ak_name => fn thy =>
fold (fn ak_name' => fn thy' =>
val qu_name = Sign.full_bname thy' ak_name';
val cls_name = Sign.full_bname thy' ("pt_"^ak_name);
val at_inst = Global_Theory.get_thm thy' ("at_" ^ ak_name' ^ "_inst");
fun proof1 ctxt = EVERY [Class.intro_classes_tac ctxt [],
resolve_tac ctxt [(at_inst RS at_pt_inst) RS pt1] 1,
resolve_tac ctxt [(at_inst RS at_pt_inst) RS pt2] 1,
resolve_tac ctxt [(at_inst RS at_pt_inst) RS pt3] 1,
assume_tac ctxt 1];
fun proof2 ctxt =
Class.intro_classes_tac ctxt [] THEN
REPEAT (asm_simp_tac
(put_simpset HOL_basic_ss ctxt addsimps
maps (Global_Theory.get_thms thy') [ak_name ^ "_prm_" ^ ak_name' ^ "_def"]) 1);
|> Axclass.prove_arity (qu_name,[],[cls_name])
(fn ctxt => if ak_name = ak_name' then proof1 ctxt else proof2 ctxt)
end) ak_names thy) ak_names thy12d;
(* show that *)
(* fun(pt_<ak>,pt_<ak>) *)
(* noption(pt_<ak>) *)
(* option(pt_<ak>) *)
(* list(pt_<ak>) *)
(* *(pt_<ak>,pt_<ak>) *)
(* nprod(pt_<ak>,pt_<ak>) *)
(* unit *)
(* set(pt_<ak>) *)
(* are instances of pt_<ak> *)
val thy18 = fold (fn ak_name => fn thy =>
val cls_name = Sign.full_bname thy ("pt_"^ak_name);
val at_thm = Global_Theory.get_thm thy ("at_"^ak_name^"_inst");
val pt_inst = Global_Theory.get_thm thy ("pt_"^ak_name^"_inst");
fun pt_proof thm ctxt =
EVERY [Class.intro_classes_tac ctxt [],
resolve_tac ctxt [thm RS pt1] 1,
resolve_tac ctxt [thm RS pt2] 1,
resolve_tac ctxt [thm RS pt3] 1,
assume_tac ctxt 1];
val pt_thm_fun = at_thm RS (pt_inst RS (pt_inst RS pt_fun_inst));
val pt_thm_set = pt_inst RS pt_set_inst;
val pt_thm_noptn = pt_inst RS pt_noptn_inst;
val pt_thm_optn = pt_inst RS pt_optn_inst;
val pt_thm_list = pt_inst RS pt_list_inst;
val pt_thm_prod = pt_inst RS (pt_inst RS pt_prod_inst);
val pt_thm_nprod = pt_inst RS (pt_inst RS pt_nprod_inst);
val pt_thm_unit = pt_unit_inst;
|> Axclass.prove_arity (\<^type_name>\<open>fun\<close>,[[cls_name],[cls_name]],[cls_name]) (pt_proof pt_thm_fun)
|> Axclass.prove_arity (\<^type_name>\<open>set\<close>,[[cls_name]],[cls_name]) (pt_proof pt_thm_set)
|> Axclass.prove_arity (\<^type_name>\<open>noption\<close>,[[cls_name]],[cls_name]) (pt_proof pt_thm_noptn)
|> Axclass.prove_arity (\<^type_name>\<open>option\<close>,[[cls_name]],[cls_name]) (pt_proof pt_thm_optn)
|> Axclass.prove_arity (\<^type_name>\<open>list\<close>,[[cls_name]],[cls_name]) (pt_proof pt_thm_list)
|> Axclass.prove_arity (\<^type_name>\<open>prod\<close>,[[cls_name],[cls_name]],[cls_name]) (pt_proof pt_thm_prod)
|> Axclass.prove_arity (\<^type_name>\<open>nprod\<close>,[[cls_name],[cls_name]],[cls_name]) (pt_proof pt_thm_nprod)
|> Axclass.prove_arity (\<^type_name>\<open>unit\<close>,[],[cls_name]) (pt_proof pt_thm_unit)
end) ak_names thy13;
(******** fs_<ak> class instances ********)
(* abbreviations for some lemmas *)
val fs1 = @{thm "fs1"};
val fs_at_inst = @{thm "fs_at_inst"};
val fs_unit_inst = @{thm "fs_unit_inst"};
val fs_prod_inst = @{thm "fs_prod_inst"};
val fs_nprod_inst = @{thm "fs_nprod_inst"};
val fs_list_inst = @{thm "fs_list_inst"};
val fs_option_inst = @{thm "fs_option_inst"};
val dj_supp = @{thm "dj_supp"};
(* shows that <ak> is an instance of fs_<ak> *)
(* uses the theorem at_<ak>_inst *)
val thy20 = fold (fn ak_name => fn thy =>
fold (fn ak_name' => fn thy' =>
val qu_name = Sign.full_bname thy' ak_name';
val qu_class = Sign.full_bname thy' ("fs_"^ak_name);
fun proof ctxt =
(if ak_name = ak_name'
let val at_thm = Global_Theory.get_thm thy' ("at_"^ak_name^"_inst") in
EVERY [Class.intro_classes_tac ctxt [],
resolve_tac ctxt [(at_thm RS fs_at_inst) RS fs1] 1]
let val dj_inst = Global_Theory.get_thm thy' ("dj_"^ak_name'^"_"^ak_name);
val simp_s =
put_simpset HOL_basic_ss ctxt addsimps [dj_inst RS dj_supp, finite_emptyI];
in EVERY [Class.intro_classes_tac ctxt [], asm_simp_tac simp_s 1] end)
Axclass.prove_arity (qu_name,[],[qu_class]) proof thy'
end) ak_names thy) ak_names thy18;
(* shows that *)
(* unit *)
(* *(fs_<ak>,fs_<ak>) *)
(* nprod(fs_<ak>,fs_<ak>) *)
(* list(fs_<ak>) *)
(* option(fs_<ak>) *)
(* are instances of fs_<ak> *)
val thy24 = fold (fn ak_name => fn thy =>
val cls_name = Sign.full_bname thy ("fs_"^ak_name);
val fs_inst = Global_Theory.get_thm thy ("fs_"^ak_name^"_inst");
fun fs_proof thm ctxt =
EVERY [Class.intro_classes_tac ctxt [], resolve_tac ctxt [thm RS fs1] 1];
val fs_thm_unit = fs_unit_inst;
val fs_thm_prod = fs_inst RS (fs_inst RS fs_prod_inst);
val fs_thm_nprod = fs_inst RS (fs_inst RS fs_nprod_inst);
val fs_thm_list = fs_inst RS fs_list_inst;
val fs_thm_optn = fs_inst RS fs_option_inst;
|> Axclass.prove_arity (\<^type_name>\<open>unit\<close>,[],[cls_name]) (fs_proof fs_thm_unit)
|> Axclass.prove_arity (\<^type_name>\<open>prod\<close>,[[cls_name],[cls_name]],[cls_name]) (fs_proof fs_thm_prod)
|> Axclass.prove_arity (\<^type_name>\<open>nprod\<close>,[[cls_name],[cls_name]],[cls_name]) (fs_proof fs_thm_nprod)
|> Axclass.prove_arity (\<^type_name>\<open>list\<close>,[[cls_name]],[cls_name]) (fs_proof fs_thm_list)
|> Axclass.prove_arity (\<^type_name>\<open>option\<close>,[[cls_name]],[cls_name]) (fs_proof fs_thm_optn)
end) ak_names thy20;
(******** cp_<ak>_<ai> class instances ********)
(* abbreviations for some lemmas *)
val cp1 = @{thm "cp1"};
val cp_unit_inst = @{thm "cp_unit_inst"};
val cp_bool_inst = @{thm "cp_bool_inst"};
val cp_prod_inst = @{thm "cp_prod_inst"};
val cp_list_inst = @{thm "cp_list_inst"};
val cp_fun_inst = @{thm "cp_fun_inst"};
val cp_option_inst = @{thm "cp_option_inst"};
val cp_noption_inst = @{thm "cp_noption_inst"};
val cp_set_inst = @{thm "cp_set_inst"};
val pt_perm_compose = @{thm "pt_perm_compose"};
val dj_pp_forget = @{thm "dj_perm_perm_forget"};
(* shows that <aj> is an instance of cp_<ak>_<ai> *)
(* for every <ak>/<ai>-combination *)
val thy25 = fold (fn ak_name => fn thy =>
fold (fn ak_name' => fn thy' =>
fold (fn ak_name'' => fn thy'' =>
val name = Sign.full_bname thy'' ak_name;
val cls_name = Sign.full_bname thy'' ("cp_"^ak_name'^"_"^ak_name'');
fun proof ctxt =
(if (ak_name'=ak_name'') then
val pt_inst = Global_Theory.get_thm thy'' ("pt_"^ak_name''^"_inst");
val at_inst = Global_Theory.get_thm thy'' ("at_"^ak_name''^"_inst");
EVERY [Class.intro_classes_tac ctxt [],
resolve_tac ctxt [at_inst RS (pt_inst RS pt_perm_compose)] 1]
val dj_inst = Global_Theory.get_thm thy'' ("dj_"^ak_name''^"_"^ak_name');
val simp_s = put_simpset HOL_basic_ss ctxt addsimps
((dj_inst RS dj_pp_forget)::
(maps (Global_Theory.get_thms thy'')
[ak_name' ^"_prm_"^ak_name^"_def",
EVERY [Class.intro_classes_tac ctxt [], simp_tac simp_s 1]
Axclass.prove_arity (name,[],[cls_name]) proof thy''
end) ak_names thy') ak_names thy) ak_names thy24;
(* shows that *)
(* units *)
(* products *)
(* lists *)
(* functions *)
(* options *)
(* noptions *)
(* sets *)
(* are instances of cp_<ak>_<ai> for every <ak>/<ai>-combination *)
val thy26 = fold (fn ak_name => fn thy =>
fold (fn ak_name' => fn thy' =>
val cls_name = Sign.full_bname thy' ("cp_"^ak_name^"_"^ak_name');
val cp_inst = Global_Theory.get_thm thy' ("cp_"^ak_name^"_"^ak_name'^"_inst");
val pt_inst = Global_Theory.get_thm thy' ("pt_"^ak_name^"_inst");
val at_inst = Global_Theory.get_thm thy' ("at_"^ak_name^"_inst");
fun cp_proof thm ctxt =
EVERY [Class.intro_classes_tac ctxt [], resolve_tac ctxt [thm RS cp1] 1];
val cp_thm_unit = cp_unit_inst;
val cp_thm_prod = cp_inst RS (cp_inst RS cp_prod_inst);
val cp_thm_list = cp_inst RS cp_list_inst;
val cp_thm_fun = at_inst RS (pt_inst RS (cp_inst RS (cp_inst RS cp_fun_inst)));
val cp_thm_optn = cp_inst RS cp_option_inst;
val cp_thm_noptn = cp_inst RS cp_noption_inst;
val cp_thm_set = cp_inst RS cp_set_inst;
|> Axclass.prove_arity (\<^type_name>\<open>unit\<close>,[],[cls_name]) (cp_proof cp_thm_unit)
|> Axclass.prove_arity (\<^type_name>\<open>Product_Type.prod\<close>, [[cls_name],[cls_name]],[cls_name]) (cp_proof cp_thm_prod)
|> Axclass.prove_arity (\<^type_name>\<open>list\<close>,[[cls_name]],[cls_name]) (cp_proof cp_thm_list)
|> Axclass.prove_arity (\<^type_name>\<open>fun\<close>,[[cls_name],[cls_name]],[cls_name]) (cp_proof cp_thm_fun)
|> Axclass.prove_arity (\<^type_name>\<open>option\<close>,[[cls_name]],[cls_name]) (cp_proof cp_thm_optn)
|> Axclass.prove_arity (\<^type_name>\<open>noption\<close>,[[cls_name]],[cls_name]) (cp_proof cp_thm_noptn)
|> Axclass.prove_arity (\<^type_name>\<open>set\<close>,[[cls_name]],[cls_name]) (cp_proof cp_thm_set)
end) ak_names thy) ak_names thy25;
(* show that discrete nominal types are permutation types, finitely *)
(* supported and have the commutation property *)
(* discrete types have a permutation operation defined as pi o x = x; *)
(* which renders the proofs to be simple "simp_all"-proofs. *)
val thy32 =
fun discrete_pt_inst discrete_ty defn =
fold (fn ak_name => fn thy =>
val qu_class = Sign.full_bname thy ("pt_"^ak_name);
fun proof ctxt =
Class.intro_classes_tac ctxt [] THEN
REPEAT (asm_simp_tac (put_simpset HOL_basic_ss ctxt addsimps [Simpdata.mk_eq defn]) 1);
Axclass.prove_arity (discrete_ty, [], [qu_class]) proof thy
end) ak_names;
fun discrete_fs_inst discrete_ty defn =
fold (fn ak_name => fn thy =>
val qu_class = Sign.full_bname thy ("fs_"^ak_name);
val supp_def = Simpdata.mk_eq @{thm "Nominal.supp_def"};
fun proof ctxt =
Class.intro_classes_tac ctxt [] THEN
asm_simp_tac (put_simpset HOL_ss ctxt
addsimps [supp_def, Collect_const, finite_emptyI, Simpdata.mk_eq defn]) 1;
Axclass.prove_arity (discrete_ty, [], [qu_class]) proof thy
end) ak_names;
fun discrete_cp_inst discrete_ty defn =
fold (fn ak_name' => (fold (fn ak_name => fn thy =>
val qu_class = Sign.full_bname thy ("cp_"^ak_name^"_"^ak_name');
val supp_def = Simpdata.mk_eq @{thm "Nominal.supp_def"};
fun proof ctxt =
Class.intro_classes_tac ctxt [] THEN
asm_simp_tac (put_simpset HOL_ss ctxt addsimps [Simpdata.mk_eq defn]) 1;
Axclass.prove_arity (discrete_ty, [], [qu_class]) proof thy
end) ak_names)) ak_names;
|> discrete_pt_inst \<^type_name>\<open>nat\<close> @{thm perm_nat_def}
|> discrete_fs_inst \<^type_name>\<open>nat\<close> @{thm perm_nat_def}
|> discrete_cp_inst \<^type_name>\<open>nat\<close> @{thm perm_nat_def}
|> discrete_pt_inst \<^type_name>\<open>bool\<close> @{thm perm_bool_def}
|> discrete_fs_inst \<^type_name>\<open>bool\<close> @{thm perm_bool_def}
|> discrete_cp_inst \<^type_name>\<open>bool\<close> @{thm perm_bool_def}
|> discrete_pt_inst \<^type_name>\<open>int\<close> @{thm perm_int_def}
|> discrete_fs_inst \<^type_name>\<open>int\<close> @{thm perm_int_def}
|> discrete_cp_inst \<^type_name>\<open>int\<close> @{thm perm_int_def}
|> discrete_pt_inst \<^type_name>\<open>char\<close> @{thm perm_char_def}
|> discrete_fs_inst \<^type_name>\<open>char\<close> @{thm perm_char_def}
|> discrete_cp_inst \<^type_name>\<open>char\<close> @{thm perm_char_def}
(* abbreviations for some lemmas *)
val abs_fun_pi = @{thm "Nominal.abs_fun_pi"};
val abs_fun_pi_ineq = @{thm "Nominal.abs_fun_pi_ineq"};
val abs_fun_eq = @{thm "Nominal.abs_fun_eq"};
val abs_fun_eq' = @{thm "Nominal.abs_fun_eq'"};
val abs_fun_fresh = @{thm "Nominal.abs_fun_fresh"};
val abs_fun_fresh' = @{thm "Nominal.abs_fun_fresh'"};
val dj_perm_forget = @{thm "Nominal.dj_perm_forget"};
val dj_pp_forget = @{thm "Nominal.dj_perm_perm_forget"};
val fresh_iff = @{thm "Nominal.fresh_abs_fun_iff"};
val fresh_iff_ineq = @{thm "Nominal.fresh_abs_fun_iff_ineq"};
val abs_fun_supp = @{thm "Nominal.abs_fun_supp"};
val abs_fun_supp_ineq = @{thm "Nominal.abs_fun_supp_ineq"};
val pt_swap_bij = @{thm "Nominal.pt_swap_bij"};
val pt_swap_bij' = @{thm "Nominal.pt_swap_bij'"};
val pt_fresh_fresh = @{thm "Nominal.pt_fresh_fresh"};
val pt_bij = @{thm "Nominal.pt_bij"};
val pt_perm_compose = @{thm "Nominal.pt_perm_compose"};
val pt_perm_compose' = @{thm "Nominal.pt_perm_compose'"};
val perm_app = @{thm "Nominal.pt_fun_app_eq"};
val at_fresh = @{thm "Nominal.at_fresh"};
val at_fresh_ineq = @{thm "Nominal.at_fresh_ineq"};
val at_calc = @{thms "Nominal.at_calc"};
val at_swap_simps = @{thms "Nominal.at_swap_simps"};
val at_supp = @{thm "Nominal.at_supp"};
val dj_supp = @{thm "Nominal.dj_supp"};
val fresh_left_ineq = @{thm "Nominal.pt_fresh_left_ineq"};
val fresh_left = @{thm "Nominal.pt_fresh_left"};
val fresh_right_ineq = @{thm "Nominal.pt_fresh_right_ineq"};
val fresh_right = @{thm "Nominal.pt_fresh_right"};
val fresh_bij_ineq = @{thm "Nominal.pt_fresh_bij_ineq"};
val fresh_bij = @{thm "Nominal.pt_fresh_bij"};
val fresh_star_bij_ineq = @{thms "Nominal.pt_fresh_star_bij_ineq"};
val fresh_star_bij = @{thms "Nominal.pt_fresh_star_bij"};
val fresh_eqvt = @{thm "Nominal.pt_fresh_eqvt"};
val fresh_eqvt_ineq = @{thm "Nominal.pt_fresh_eqvt_ineq"};
val fresh_star_eqvt = @{thms "Nominal.pt_fresh_star_eqvt"};
val fresh_star_eqvt_ineq= @{thms "Nominal.pt_fresh_star_eqvt_ineq"};
val set_diff_eqvt = @{thm "Nominal.pt_set_diff_eqvt"};
val in_eqvt = @{thm "Nominal.pt_in_eqvt"};
val eq_eqvt = @{thm "Nominal.pt_eq_eqvt"};
val all_eqvt = @{thm "Nominal.pt_all_eqvt"};
val ex_eqvt = @{thm "Nominal.pt_ex_eqvt"};
val ex1_eqvt = @{thm "Nominal.pt_ex1_eqvt"};
val the_eqvt = @{thm "Nominal.pt_the_eqvt"};
val pt_pi_rev = @{thm "Nominal.pt_pi_rev"};
val pt_rev_pi = @{thm "Nominal.pt_rev_pi"};
val at_exists_fresh = @{thm "Nominal.at_exists_fresh"};
val at_exists_fresh' = @{thm "Nominal.at_exists_fresh'"};
val fresh_perm_app_ineq = @{thm "Nominal.pt_fresh_perm_app_ineq"};
val fresh_perm_app = @{thm "Nominal.pt_fresh_perm_app"};
val fresh_aux = @{thm "Nominal.pt_fresh_aux"};
val pt_perm_supp_ineq = @{thm "Nominal.pt_perm_supp_ineq"};
val pt_perm_supp = @{thm "Nominal.pt_perm_supp"};
val subseteq_eqvt = @{thm "Nominal.pt_subseteq_eqvt"};
(* Now we collect and instantiate some lemmas w.r.t. all atom *)
(* types; this allows for example to use abs_perm (which is a *)
(* collection of theorems) instead of thm abs_fun_pi with explicit *)
(* instantiations. *)
val (_, thy33) =
val ctxt32 = Proof_Context.init_global thy32;
(* takes a theorem thm and a list of theorems [t1,..,tn] *)
(* produces a list of theorems of the form [t1 RS thm,..,tn RS thm] *)
fun instR thm thms = map (fn ti => ti RS thm) thms;
(* takes a theorem thm and a list of theorems [(t1,m1),..,(tn,mn)] *)
(* produces a list of theorems of the form [[t1,m1] MRS thm,..,[tn,mn] MRS thm] *)
fun instRR thm thms = map (fn (ti,mi) => [ti,mi] MRS thm) thms;
(* takes two theorem lists (hopefully of the same length ;o) *)
(* produces a list of theorems of the form *)
(* [t1 RS m1,..,tn RS mn] where [t1,..,tn] is thms1 and [m1,..,mn] is thms2 *)
fun inst_zip thms1 thms2 = map (fn (t1,t2) => t1 RS t2) (thms1 ~~ thms2);
(* takes a theorem list of the form [l1,...,ln] *)
(* and a list of theorem lists of the form *)
(* [[h11,...,h1m],....,[hk1,....,hkm] *)
(* produces the list of theorem lists *)
(* [[l1 RS h11,...,l1 RS h1m],...,[ln RS hk1,...,ln RS hkm]] *)
fun inst_mult thms thmss = map (fn (t,ts) => instR t ts) (thms ~~ thmss);
(* FIXME: these lists do not need to be created dynamically again *)
(* list of all at_inst-theorems *)
val ats = map (fn ak => Global_Theory.get_thm thy32 ("at_"^ak^"_inst")) ak_names
(* list of all pt_inst-theorems *)
val pts = map (fn ak => Global_Theory.get_thm thy32 ("pt_"^ak^"_inst")) ak_names
(* list of all cp_inst-theorems as a collection of lists*)
val cps =
let fun cps_fun ak1 ak2 = Global_Theory.get_thm thy32 ("cp_"^ak1^"_"^ak2^"_inst")
in map (fn aki => (map (cps_fun aki) ak_names)) ak_names end;
(* list of all cp_inst-theorems that have different atom types *)
val cps' =
let fun cps'_fun ak1 ak2 =
if ak1=ak2 then NONE else SOME (Global_Theory.get_thm thy32 ("cp_"^ak1^"_"^ak2^"_inst"))
in map (fn aki => (map_filter I (map (cps'_fun aki) ak_names))) ak_names end;
(* list of all dj_inst-theorems *)
val djs =
let fun djs_fun ak1 ak2 =
if ak1=ak2 then NONE else SOME(Global_Theory.get_thm thy32 ("dj_"^ak2^"_"^ak1))
in map_filter I (map_product djs_fun ak_names ak_names) end;
(* list of all fs_inst-theorems *)
val fss = map (fn ak => Global_Theory.get_thm thy32 ("fs_"^ak^"_inst")) ak_names
(* list of all at_inst-theorems *)
val fs_axs = map (fn ak => Global_Theory.get_thm thy32 ("fs_"^ak^"1")) ak_names
fun inst_pt thms = maps (fn ti => instR ti pts) thms;
fun inst_at thms = maps (fn ti => instR ti ats) thms;
fun inst_fs thms = maps (fn ti => instR ti fss) thms;
fun inst_cp thms cps = flat (inst_mult thms cps);
fun inst_pt_at thms = maps (fn ti => instRR ti (pts ~~ ats)) thms;
fun inst_dj thms = maps (fn ti => instR ti djs) thms;
fun inst_pt_pt_at_cp thms = inst_cp (inst_zip ats (inst_zip pts (inst_pt thms))) cps;
fun inst_pt_at_fs thms = inst_zip (inst_fs [fs1]) (inst_zip ats (inst_pt thms));
fun inst_pt_pt_at_cp thms =
let val i_pt_pt_at = inst_zip ats (inst_zip pts (inst_pt thms));
val i_pt_pt_at_cp = inst_cp i_pt_pt_at cps';
in i_pt_pt_at_cp end;
fun inst_pt_pt_at_cp_dj thms = inst_zip djs (inst_pt_pt_at_cp thms);
|> add_thmss_string [(("alpha", inst_pt_at [abs_fun_eq]),[])]
||>> add_thmss_string [(("alpha'", inst_pt_at [abs_fun_eq']),[])]
||>> add_thmss_string [(("alpha_fresh", inst_pt_at [abs_fun_fresh]),[])]
||>> add_thmss_string [(("alpha_fresh'", inst_pt_at [abs_fun_fresh']),[])]
||>> add_thmss_string [(("perm_swap", inst_pt_at [pt_swap_bij] @ inst_pt_at [pt_swap_bij']),[])]
||>> add_thmss_string
let val thms1 = inst_at at_swap_simps
and thms2 = inst_dj [dj_perm_forget]
in [(("swap_simps", thms1 @ thms2),[])] end
||>> add_thmss_string
let val thms1 = inst_pt_at [pt_pi_rev];
val thms2 = inst_pt_at [pt_rev_pi];
in [(("perm_pi_simp",thms1 @ thms2),[])] end
||>> add_thmss_string [(("perm_fresh_fresh", inst_pt_at [pt_fresh_fresh]),[])]
||>> add_thmss_string [(("perm_bij", inst_pt_at [pt_bij]),[])]
||>> add_thmss_string
let val thms1 = inst_pt_at [pt_perm_compose];
val thms2 = instR cp1 (Library.flat cps');
in [(("perm_compose",thms1 @ thms2),[])] end
||>> add_thmss_string [(("perm_compose'",inst_pt_at [pt_perm_compose']),[])]
||>> add_thmss_string [(("perm_app", inst_pt_at [perm_app]),[])]
||>> add_thmss_string [(("supp_atm", (inst_at [at_supp]) @ (inst_dj [dj_supp])),[])]
||>> add_thmss_string [(("exists_fresh", inst_at [at_exists_fresh]),[])]
||>> add_thmss_string [(("exists_fresh'", inst_at [at_exists_fresh']),[])]
||>> add_thmss_string
val thms1 = inst_pt_at [all_eqvt];
val thms2 = map (fold_rule ctxt32 [inductive_forall_def]) thms1
[(("all_eqvt", thms1 @ thms2), [NominalThmDecls.eqvt_force_add])]
||>> add_thmss_string [(("ex_eqvt", inst_pt_at [ex_eqvt]),[NominalThmDecls.eqvt_force_add])]
||>> add_thmss_string [(("ex1_eqvt", inst_pt_at [ex1_eqvt]),[NominalThmDecls.eqvt_force_add])]
||>> add_thmss_string [(("the_eqvt", inst_pt_at [the_eqvt]),[NominalThmDecls.eqvt_force_add])]
||>> add_thmss_string
let val thms1 = inst_at [at_fresh]
val thms2 = inst_dj [at_fresh_ineq]
in [(("fresh_atm", thms1 @ thms2),[])] end
||>> add_thmss_string
let val thms1 = inst_at at_calc
and thms2 = inst_dj [dj_perm_forget]
in [(("calc_atm", thms1 @ thms2),[])] end
||>> add_thmss_string
let val thms1 = inst_pt_at [abs_fun_pi]
and thms2 = inst_pt_pt_at_cp [abs_fun_pi_ineq]
in [(("abs_perm", thms1 @ thms2),[NominalThmDecls.eqvt_add])] end
||>> add_thmss_string
let val thms1 = inst_dj [dj_perm_forget]
and thms2 = inst_dj [dj_pp_forget]
in [(("perm_dj", thms1 @ thms2),[])] end
||>> add_thmss_string
let val thms1 = inst_pt_at_fs [fresh_iff]
and thms2 = inst_pt_at [fresh_iff]
and thms3 = inst_pt_pt_at_cp_dj [fresh_iff_ineq]
in [(("abs_fresh", thms1 @ thms2 @ thms3),[])] end
||>> add_thmss_string
let val thms1 = inst_pt_at [abs_fun_supp]
and thms2 = inst_pt_at_fs [abs_fun_supp]
and thms3 = inst_pt_pt_at_cp_dj [abs_fun_supp_ineq]
in [(("abs_supp", thms1 @ thms2 @ thms3),[])] end
||>> add_thmss_string
let val thms1 = inst_pt_at [fresh_left]
and thms2 = inst_pt_pt_at_cp [fresh_left_ineq]
in [(("fresh_left", thms1 @ thms2),[])] end
||>> add_thmss_string
let val thms1 = inst_pt_at [fresh_right]
and thms2 = inst_pt_pt_at_cp [fresh_right_ineq]
in [(("fresh_right", thms1 @ thms2),[])] end
||>> add_thmss_string
let val thms1 = inst_pt_at [fresh_bij]
and thms2 = inst_pt_pt_at_cp [fresh_bij_ineq]
in [(("fresh_bij", thms1 @ thms2),[])] end
||>> add_thmss_string
let val thms1 = inst_pt_at fresh_star_bij
and thms2 = maps (fn ti => inst_pt_pt_at_cp [ti]) fresh_star_bij_ineq
in [(("fresh_star_bij", thms1 @ thms2),[])] end
||>> add_thmss_string
let val thms1 = inst_pt_at [fresh_eqvt]
and thms2 = inst_pt_pt_at_cp_dj [fresh_eqvt_ineq]
in [(("fresh_eqvt", thms1 @ thms2),[NominalThmDecls.eqvt_add])] end
||>> add_thmss_string
let val thms1 = inst_pt_at fresh_star_eqvt
and thms2 = maps (fn ti => inst_pt_pt_at_cp_dj [ti]) fresh_star_eqvt_ineq
in [(("fresh_star_eqvt", thms1 @ thms2),[NominalThmDecls.eqvt_add])] end
||>> add_thmss_string
let val thms1 = inst_pt_at [in_eqvt]
in [(("in_eqvt", thms1),[NominalThmDecls.eqvt_add])] end
||>> add_thmss_string
let val thms1 = inst_pt_at [eq_eqvt]
in [(("eq_eqvt", thms1),[NominalThmDecls.eqvt_add])] end
||>> add_thmss_string
let val thms1 = inst_pt_at [set_diff_eqvt]
in [(("set_diff_eqvt", thms1),[NominalThmDecls.eqvt_add])] end
||>> add_thmss_string
let val thms1 = inst_pt_at [subseteq_eqvt]
in [(("subseteq_eqvt", thms1),[NominalThmDecls.eqvt_add])] end
||>> add_thmss_string
let val thms1 = inst_pt_at [fresh_aux]
and thms2 = inst_pt_pt_at_cp_dj [fresh_perm_app_ineq]
in [(("fresh_aux", thms1 @ thms2),[])] end
||>> add_thmss_string
let val thms1 = inst_pt_at [fresh_perm_app]
and thms2 = inst_pt_pt_at_cp_dj [fresh_perm_app_ineq]
in [(("fresh_perm_app", thms1 @ thms2),[])] end
||>> add_thmss_string
let val thms1 = inst_pt_at [pt_perm_supp]
and thms2 = inst_pt_pt_at_cp [pt_perm_supp_ineq]
in [(("supp_eqvt", thms1 @ thms2),[NominalThmDecls.eqvt_add])] end
||>> add_thmss_string [(("fin_supp",fs_axs),[])]
NominalData.map (fold Symtab.update (full_ak_names ~~ map make_atom_info
(pt_ax_classes ~~
fs_ax_classes ~~
map (fn cls => Symtab.make (full_ak_names ~~ cls)) cp_ax_classes ~~
prm_cons_thms ~~ prm_inst_thms ~~
map (fn ths => Symtab.make (full_ak_names ~~ ths)) cp_thms ~~
map (fn thss => Symtab.make
(map_filter (fn (s, [th]) => SOME (s, th) | _ => NONE)
(full_ak_names ~~ thss))) dj_thms))) thy33
(* syntax und parsing *)
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command \<^command_keyword>\<open>atom_decl\<close> "declare new kinds of atoms"
(Scan.repeat1 Parse.name >> (Toplevel.theory o create_nom_typedecls));
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.48 Sekunden
Die Informationen auf dieser Webseite wurden
nach bestem Wissen sorgfältig zusammengestellt. Es wird jedoch weder Vollständigkeit, noch Richtigkeit,
noch Qualität der bereit gestellten Informationen zugesichert.
Die farbliche Syntaxdarstellung ist noch experimentell.