(* Author: Lukas Bulwahn, TU Muenchen *)
section \<open>Counterexample generator performing narrowing-based testing\<close>
theory Quickcheck_Narrowing
imports Quickcheck_Random
keywords "find_unused_assms" :: diag
subsection \<open>Counterexample generator\<close>
subsubsection \<open>Code generation setup\<close>
setup \<open>Code_Target.add_derived_target ("Haskell_Quickcheck", [(Code_Haskell.target, I)])\<close>
code_module Typerep \<rightharpoonup> (Haskell_Quickcheck) \<open>
module Typerep(Typerep(..)) where
data Typerep = Typerep String [Typerep]
\<close> for type_constructor typerep constant Typerep.Typerep
| type_constructor typerep \<rightharpoonup> (Haskell_Quickcheck) "Typerep.Typerep"
| constant Typerep.Typerep \<rightharpoonup> (Haskell_Quickcheck) "Typerep.Typerep"
code_reserved Haskell_Quickcheck Typerep
type_constructor integer \<rightharpoonup> (Haskell_Quickcheck) "Prelude.Int"
| constant "0::integer" \<rightharpoonup>
(Haskell_Quickcheck) "!(0/ ::/ Prelude.Int)"
setup \<open>
val target = "Haskell_Quickcheck";
fun print _ = Code_Haskell.print_numeral "Prelude.Int";
Numeral.add_code \<^const_name>\<open>Code_Numeral.Pos\<close> I print target
#> Numeral.add_code \<^const_name>\<open>Code_Numeral.Neg\<close> (~) print target
subsubsection \<open>Narrowing's deep representation of types and terms\<close>
datatype (plugins only: code extraction) narrowing_type =
Narrowing_sum_of_products "narrowing_type list list"
datatype (plugins only: code extraction) narrowing_term =
Narrowing_variable "integer list" narrowing_type
| Narrowing_constructor integer "narrowing_term list"
datatype (plugins only: code extraction) (dead 'a) narrowing_cons =
Narrowing_cons narrowing_type "(narrowing_term list \ 'a) list"
primrec map_cons :: "('a => 'b) => 'a narrowing_cons => 'b narrowing_cons"
"map_cons f (Narrowing_cons ty cs) = Narrowing_cons ty (map (\c. f \ c) cs)"
subsubsection \<open>From narrowing's deep representation of terms to \<^theory>\<open>HOL.Code_Evaluation\<close>'s terms\<close>
class partial_term_of = typerep +
fixes partial_term_of :: "'a itself => narrowing_term => Code_Evaluation.term"
lemma partial_term_of_anything: "partial_term_of x nt \ t"
by (rule eq_reflection) (cases "partial_term_of x nt", cases t, simp)
subsubsection \<open>Auxilary functions for Narrowing\<close>
consts nth :: "'a list => integer => 'a"
code_printing constant nth \<rightharpoonup> (Haskell_Quickcheck) infixl 9 "!!"
consts error :: "char list => 'a"
code_printing constant error \<rightharpoonup> (Haskell_Quickcheck) "error"
consts toEnum :: "integer => char"
code_printing constant toEnum \<rightharpoonup> (Haskell_Quickcheck) "Prelude.toEnum"
consts marker :: "char"
code_printing constant marker \<rightharpoonup> (Haskell_Quickcheck) "''\\0'"
subsubsection \<open>Narrowing's basic operations\<close>
type_synonym 'a narrowing = "integer => 'a narrowing_cons"
definition cons :: "'a => 'a narrowing"
"cons a d = (Narrowing_cons (Narrowing_sum_of_products [[]]) [(\_. a)])"
fun conv :: "(narrowing_term list => 'a) list => narrowing_term => 'a"
"conv cs (Narrowing_variable p _) = error (marker # map toEnum p)"
| "conv cs (Narrowing_constructor i xs) = (nth cs i) xs"
fun non_empty :: "narrowing_type => bool"
"non_empty (Narrowing_sum_of_products ps) = (\ (List.null ps))"
definition "apply" :: "('a => 'b) narrowing => 'a narrowing => 'b narrowing"
"apply f a d = (if d > 0 then
(case f d of Narrowing_cons (Narrowing_sum_of_products ps) cfs \<Rightarrow>
case a (d - 1) of Narrowing_cons ta cas \<Rightarrow>
shallow = non_empty ta;
cs = [(\<lambda>(x # xs) \<Rightarrow> cf xs (conv cas x)). shallow, cf \<leftarrow> cfs]
in Narrowing_cons (Narrowing_sum_of_products [ta # p. shallow, p \<leftarrow> ps]) cs)
else Narrowing_cons (Narrowing_sum_of_products []) [])"
definition sum :: "'a narrowing => 'a narrowing => 'a narrowing"
"sum a b d =
(case a d of Narrowing_cons (Narrowing_sum_of_products ssa) ca \<Rightarrow>
case b d of Narrowing_cons (Narrowing_sum_of_products ssb) cb \<Rightarrow>
Narrowing_cons (Narrowing_sum_of_products (ssa @ ssb)) (ca @ cb))"
lemma [fundef_cong]:
assumes "a d = a' d" "b d = b' d" "d = d'"
shows "sum a b d = sum a' b' d'"
using assms unfolding sum_def by (auto split: narrowing_cons.split narrowing_type.split)
lemma [fundef_cong]:
assumes "f d = f' d" "(\d'. 0 \ d' \ d' < d \ a d' = a' d')"
assumes "d = d'"
shows "apply f a d = apply f' a' d'"
proof -
note assms
moreover have "0 < d' \ 0 \ d' - 1"
by (simp add: less_integer_def less_eq_integer_def)
ultimately show ?thesis
by (auto simp add: apply_def Let_def
split: narrowing_cons.split narrowing_type.split)
subsubsection \<open>Narrowing generator type class\<close>
class narrowing =
fixes narrowing :: "integer => 'a narrowing_cons"
datatype (plugins only: code extraction) property =
Universal narrowing_type "(narrowing_term => property)" "narrowing_term => Code_Evaluation.term"
| Existential narrowing_type "(narrowing_term => property)" "narrowing_term => Code_Evaluation.term"
| Property bool
(* FIXME: hard-wired maximal depth of 100 here *)
definition exists :: "('a :: {narrowing, partial_term_of} => property) => property"
"exists f = (case narrowing (100 :: integer) of Narrowing_cons ty cs \ Existential ty (\ t. f (conv cs t)) (partial_term_of (TYPE('a))))"
definition "all" :: "('a :: {narrowing, partial_term_of} => property) => property"
"all f = (case narrowing (100 :: integer) of Narrowing_cons ty cs \ Universal ty (\t. f (conv cs t)) (partial_term_of (TYPE('a))))"
subsubsection \<open>class \<open>is_testable\<close>\<close>
text \<open>The class \<open>is_testable\<close> ensures that all necessary type instances are generated.\<close>
class is_testable
instance bool :: is_testable ..
instance "fun" :: ("{term_of, narrowing, partial_term_of}", is_testable) is_testable ..
definition ensure_testable :: "'a :: is_testable => 'a :: is_testable"
"ensure_testable f = f"
subsubsection \<open>Defining a simple datatype to represent functions in an incomplete and redundant way\<close>
datatype (plugins only: code quickcheck_narrowing extraction) (dead 'a, dead 'b) ffun =
Constant 'b
| Update 'a 'b "('a, 'b) ffun"
primrec eval_ffun :: "('a, 'b) ffun => 'a => 'b"
"eval_ffun (Constant c) x = c"
| "eval_ffun (Update x' y f) x = (if x = x' then y else eval_ffun f x)"
hide_type (open) ffun
hide_const (open) Constant Update eval_ffun
datatype (plugins only: code quickcheck_narrowing extraction) (dead 'b) cfun = Constant 'b
primrec eval_cfun :: "'b cfun => 'a => 'b"
"eval_cfun (Constant c) y = c"
hide_type (open) cfun
hide_const (open) Constant eval_cfun Abs_cfun Rep_cfun
subsubsection \<open>Setting up the counterexample generator\<close>
external_file \<open>~~/src/HOL/Tools/Quickcheck/Narrowing_Engine.hs\<close>
external_file \<open>~~/src/HOL/Tools/Quickcheck/PNF_Narrowing_Engine.hs\<close>
ML_file \<open>Tools/Quickcheck/narrowing_generators.ML\<close>
definition narrowing_dummy_partial_term_of :: "('a :: partial_term_of) itself => narrowing_term => term"
"narrowing_dummy_partial_term_of = partial_term_of"
definition narrowing_dummy_narrowing :: "integer => ('a :: narrowing) narrowing_cons"
"narrowing_dummy_narrowing = narrowing"
lemma [code]:
"ensure_testable f =
x = narrowing_dummy_narrowing :: integer => bool narrowing_cons;
y = narrowing_dummy_partial_term_of :: bool itself => narrowing_term => term;
z = (conv :: _ => _ => unit) in f)"
unfolding Let_def ensure_testable_def ..
subsection \<open>Narrowing for sets\<close>
instantiation set :: (narrowing) narrowing
definition "narrowing_set = Quickcheck_Narrowing.apply (Quickcheck_Narrowing.cons set) narrowing"
instance ..
subsection \<open>Narrowing for integers\<close>
definition drawn_from :: "'a list \ 'a narrowing_cons"
"drawn_from xs =
Narrowing_cons (Narrowing_sum_of_products (map (\<lambda>_. []) xs)) (map (\<lambda>x _. x) xs)"
function around_zero :: "int \ int list"
"around_zero i = (if i < 0 then [] else (if i = 0 then [0] else around_zero (i - 1) @ [i, -i]))"
by pat_completeness auto
termination by (relation "measure nat") auto
declare around_zero.simps [simp del]
lemma length_around_zero:
assumes "i >= 0"
shows "length (around_zero i) = 2 * nat i + 1"
proof (induct rule: int_ge_induct [OF assms])
case 1
from 1 show ?case by (simp add: around_zero.simps)
case (2 i)
from 2 show ?case
by (simp add: around_zero.simps [of "i + 1"])
instantiation int :: narrowing
"narrowing_int d = (let (u :: _ \ _ \ unit) = conv; i = int_of_integer d
in drawn_from (around_zero i))"
instance ..
declare [[code drop: "partial_term_of :: int itself \ _"]]
lemma [code]:
"partial_term_of (ty :: int itself) (Narrowing_variable p t) \
Code_Evaluation.Free (STR ''_'') (Typerep.Typerep (STR ''Int.int'') [])"
"partial_term_of (ty :: int itself) (Narrowing_constructor i []) \
(if i mod 2 = 0
then Code_Evaluation.term_of (- (int_of_integer i) div 2)
else Code_Evaluation.term_of ((int_of_integer i + 1) div 2))"
by (rule partial_term_of_anything)+
instantiation integer :: narrowing
"narrowing_integer d = (let (u :: _ \ _ \ unit) = conv; i = int_of_integer d
in drawn_from (map integer_of_int (around_zero i)))"
instance ..
declare [[code drop: "partial_term_of :: integer itself \ _"]]
lemma [code]:
"partial_term_of (ty :: integer itself) (Narrowing_variable p t) \
Code_Evaluation.Free (STR ''_'') (Typerep.Typerep (STR ''Code_Numeral.integer'') [])"
"partial_term_of (ty :: integer itself) (Narrowing_constructor i []) \
(if i mod 2 = 0
then Code_Evaluation.term_of (- i div 2)
else Code_Evaluation.term_of ((i + 1) div 2))"
by (rule partial_term_of_anything)+
code_printing constant "Code_Evaluation.term_of :: integer \ term" \ (Haskell_Quickcheck)
"(let { t = Typerep.Typerep \"Code'_Numeral.integer\" [];
mkFunT s t = Typerep.Typerep \"fun\" [s, t];
numT = Typerep.Typerep \"Num.num\" [];
mkBit 0 = Generated'_Code.Const \"Num.num.Bit0\" (mkFunT numT numT);
mkBit 1 = Generated'_Code.Const \"Num.num.Bit1\" (mkFunT numT numT);
mkNumeral 1 = Generated'_Code.Const \"Num.num.One\" numT;
mkNumeral i = let { q = i `Prelude.div` 2; r = i `Prelude.mod` 2 }
in Generated'_Code.App (mkBit r) (mkNumeral q);
mkNumber 0 = Generated'_Code.Const \"Groups.zero'_class.zero\" t;
mkNumber 1 = Generated'_Code.Const \"Groups.one'_class.one\" t;
mkNumber i = if i > 0 then
(Generated'_Code.Const \"Num.numeral'_class.numeral\"
(mkFunT numT t))
(mkNumeral i)
(Generated'_Code.Const \"Groups.uminus'_class.uminus\" (mkFunT t t))
(mkNumber (- i)); } in mkNumber)"
subsection \<open>The \<open>find_unused_assms\<close> command\<close>
ML_file \<open>Tools/Quickcheck/find_unused_assms.ML\<close>
subsection \<open>Closing up\<close>
hide_type narrowing_type narrowing_term narrowing_cons property
hide_const map_cons nth error toEnum marker empty Narrowing_cons conv non_empty ensure_testable all exists drawn_from around_zero
hide_const (open) Narrowing_variable Narrowing_constructor "apply" sum cons
hide_fact empty_def cons_def conv.simps non_empty.simps apply_def sum_def ensure_testable_def all_def exists_def
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