(* Title: Provers/Arith/fast_lin_arith.ML
Author: Tobias Nipkow and Tjark Weber and Sascha Boehme
A generic linear arithmetic package.
Only take premises and conclusions into account that are already
(negated) (in)equations. lin_arith_simproc tries to prove or disprove
the term.
(*** Data needed for setting up the linear arithmetic package ***)
signature LIN_ARITH_LOGIC =
val conjI : thm (* P ==> Q ==> P & Q *)
val ccontr : thm (* (~ P ==> False) ==> P *)
val notI : thm (* (P ==> False) ==> ~ P *)
val not_lessD : thm (* ~(m < n) ==> n <= m *)
val not_leD : thm (* ~(m <= n) ==> n < m *)
val sym : thm (* x = y ==> y = x *)
val trueI : thm (* True *)
val mk_Eq : thm -> thm
val atomize : thm -> thm list
val mk_Trueprop : term -> term
val neg_prop : term -> term
val is_False : thm -> bool
val is_nat : typ list * term -> bool
val mk_nat_thm : theory -> term -> thm
mk_Eq(~in) = `in == False'
mk_Eq(in) = `in == True'
where `in' is an (in)equality.
neg_prop(t) = neg if t is wrapped up in Trueprop and neg is the
(logically) negated version of t (again wrapped up in Trueprop),
where the negation of a negative term is the term itself (no
double negation!); raises TERM ("neg_prop", [t]) if t is not of
the form 'Trueprop $ _'
is_nat(parameter-types,t) = t:nat
mk_nat_thm(t) = "0 <= t"
signature LIN_ARITH_DATA =
(*internal representation of linear (in-)equations:*)
type decomp = (term * Rat.rat) list * Rat.rat * string * (term * Rat.rat) list * Rat.rat * bool
val decomp: Proof.context -> term -> decomp option
val domain_is_nat: term -> bool
(*abstraction for proof replay*)
val abstract_arith: term -> (term * term) list * Proof.context ->
term * ((term * term) list * Proof.context)
val abstract: term -> (term * term) list * Proof.context ->
term * ((term * term) list * Proof.context)
(*preprocessing, performed on a representation of subgoals as list of premises:*)
val pre_decomp: Proof.context -> typ list * term list -> (typ list * term list) list
(*preprocessing, performed on the goal -- must do the same as 'pre_decomp':*)
val pre_tac: Proof.context -> int -> tactic
(*the limit on the number of ~= allowed; because each ~= is split
into two cases, this can lead to an explosion*)
val neq_limit: int Config.T
val trace: bool Config.T
decomp(`x Rel y') should yield (p,i,Rel,q,j,d)
where Rel is one of "<", "~<", "<=", "~<=" and "=" and
p (q, respectively) is the decomposition of the sum term x
(y, respectively) into a list of summand * multiplicity
pairs and a constant summand and d indicates if the domain
is discrete.
domain_is_nat(`x Rel y') t should yield true iff x is of type "nat".
The relationship between pre_decomp and pre_tac is somewhat tricky. The
internal representation of a subgoal and the corresponding theorem must
be modified by pre_decomp (pre_tac, resp.) in a corresponding way. See
the comment for split_items below. (This is even necessary for eta- and
beta-equivalent modifications, as some of the lin. arith. code is not
insensitive to them.)
Simpset must reduce contradictory <= to False.
It should also cancel common summands to keep <= reduced;
otherwise <= can grow to massive proportions.
signature FAST_LIN_ARITH =
val prems_lin_arith_tac: Proof.context -> int -> tactic
val lin_arith_tac: Proof.context -> int -> tactic
val lin_arith_simproc: Proof.context -> cterm -> thm option
val map_data:
({add_mono_thms: thm list, mult_mono_thms: thm list, inj_thms: thm list,
lessD: thm list, neqE: thm list, simpset: simpset,
number_of: (Proof.context -> typ -> int -> cterm) option} ->
{add_mono_thms: thm list, mult_mono_thms: thm list, inj_thms: thm list,
lessD: thm list, neqE: thm list, simpset: simpset,
number_of: (Proof.context -> typ -> int -> cterm) option}) ->
Context.generic -> Context.generic
val add_inj_thms: thm list -> Context.generic -> Context.generic
val add_lessD: thm -> Context.generic -> Context.generic
val add_simps: thm list -> Context.generic -> Context.generic
val add_simprocs: simproc list -> Context.generic -> Context.generic
val set_number_of: (Proof.context -> typ -> int -> cterm) -> Context.generic -> Context.generic
functor Fast_Lin_Arith
(** theory data **)
structure Data = Generic_Data
type T =
{add_mono_thms: thm list,
mult_mono_thms: thm list,
inj_thms: thm list,
lessD: thm list,
neqE: thm list,
simpset: simpset,
number_of: (Proof.context -> typ -> int -> cterm) option};
val empty : T =
{add_mono_thms = [], mult_mono_thms = [], inj_thms = [],
lessD = [], neqE = [], simpset = empty_ss,
number_of = NONE};
val extend = I;
fun merge
({add_mono_thms = add_mono_thms1, mult_mono_thms = mult_mono_thms1, inj_thms = inj_thms1,
lessD = lessD1, neqE = neqE1, simpset = simpset1, number_of = number_of1},
{add_mono_thms = add_mono_thms2, mult_mono_thms = mult_mono_thms2, inj_thms = inj_thms2,
lessD = lessD2, neqE = neqE2, simpset = simpset2, number_of = number_of2}) : T =
{add_mono_thms = Thm.merge_thms (add_mono_thms1, add_mono_thms2),
mult_mono_thms = Thm.merge_thms (mult_mono_thms1, mult_mono_thms2),
inj_thms = Thm.merge_thms (inj_thms1, inj_thms2),
lessD = Thm.merge_thms (lessD1, lessD2),
neqE = Thm.merge_thms (neqE1, neqE2),
simpset = merge_ss (simpset1, simpset2),
number_of = merge_options (number_of1, number_of2)};
val map_data = Data.map;
val get_data = Data.get o Context.Proof;
fun get_neqE ctxt = map (Thm.transfer' ctxt) (#neqE (get_data ctxt));
fun map_inj_thms f {add_mono_thms, mult_mono_thms, inj_thms, lessD, neqE, simpset, number_of} =
{add_mono_thms = add_mono_thms, mult_mono_thms = mult_mono_thms, inj_thms = f inj_thms,
lessD = lessD, neqE = neqE, simpset = simpset, number_of = number_of};
fun map_lessD f {add_mono_thms, mult_mono_thms, inj_thms, lessD, neqE, simpset, number_of} =
{add_mono_thms = add_mono_thms, mult_mono_thms = mult_mono_thms, inj_thms = inj_thms,
lessD = f lessD, neqE = neqE, simpset = simpset, number_of = number_of};
fun map_simpset f context =
map_data (fn {add_mono_thms, mult_mono_thms, inj_thms, lessD, neqE, simpset, number_of} =>
{add_mono_thms = add_mono_thms, mult_mono_thms = mult_mono_thms, inj_thms = inj_thms,
lessD = lessD, neqE = neqE, simpset = simpset_map (Context.proof_of context) f simpset,
number_of = number_of}) context;
fun add_inj_thms thms = map_data (map_inj_thms (append (map Thm.trim_context thms)));
fun add_lessD thm = map_data (map_lessD (fn thms => thms @ [Thm.trim_context thm]));
fun add_simps thms = map_simpset (fn ctxt => ctxt addsimps thms);
fun add_simprocs procs = map_simpset (fn ctxt => ctxt addsimprocs procs);
fun set_number_of f =
map_data (fn {add_mono_thms, mult_mono_thms, inj_thms, lessD, neqE, simpset, ...} =>
{add_mono_thms = add_mono_thms, mult_mono_thms = mult_mono_thms, inj_thms = inj_thms,
lessD = lessD, neqE = neqE, simpset = simpset, number_of = SOME f});
fun number_of ctxt =
(case get_data ctxt of
{number_of = SOME f, ...} => f ctxt
| _ => fn _ => fn _ => raise CTERM ("number_of", []));
(*** A fast decision procedure ***)
(*** Code ported from HOL Light ***)
(* possible optimizations:
use (var,coeff) rep or vector rep tp save space;
treat non-negative atoms separately rather than adding 0 <= atom
datatype lineq_type = Eq | Le | Lt;
datatype injust = Asm of int
| Nat of int (* index of atom *)
| LessD of injust
| NotLessD of injust
| NotLeD of injust
| NotLeDD of injust
| Multiplied of int * injust
| Added of injust * injust;
datatype lineq = Lineq of int * lineq_type * int list * injust;
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Finding a (counter) example from the trace of a failed elimination *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Examples are represented as rational numbers, *)
(* Dont blame John Harrison for this code - it is entirely mine. TN *)
exception NoEx;
(* Coding: (i,true,cs) means i <= cs and (i,false,cs) means i < cs.
In general, true means the bound is included, false means it is excluded.
Need to know if it is a lower or upper bound for unambiguous interpretation!
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* End of counterexample finder. The actual decision procedure starts here. *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Calculate new (in)equality type after addition. *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
fun find_add_type(Eq,x) = x
| find_add_type(x,Eq) = x
| find_add_type(_,Lt) = Lt
| find_add_type(Lt,_) = Lt
| find_add_type(Le,Le) = Le;
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Multiply out an (in)equation. *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
fun multiply_ineq n (i as Lineq(k,ty,l,just)) =
if n = 1 then i
else if n = 0 andalso ty = Lt then raise Fail "multiply_ineq"
else if n < 0 andalso (ty=Le orelse ty=Lt) then raise Fail "multiply_ineq"
else Lineq (n * k, ty, map (Integer.mult n) l, Multiplied (n, just));
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Add together (in)equations. *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
fun add_ineq (Lineq (k1,ty1,l1,just1)) (Lineq (k2,ty2,l2,just2)) =
let val l = map2 Integer.add l1 l2
in Lineq(k1+k2,find_add_type(ty1,ty2),l,Added(just1,just2)) end;
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Elimination of variable between a single pair of (in)equations. *)
(* If they're both inequalities, 1st coefficient must be +ve, 2nd -ve. *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
fun elim_var v (i1 as Lineq(_,ty1,l1,_)) (i2 as Lineq(_,ty2,l2,_)) =
let val c1 = nth l1 v and c2 = nth l2 v
val m = Integer.lcm c1 c2
val m1 = m div (abs c1) and m2 = m div (abs c2)
val (n1,n2) =
if (c1 >= 0) = (c2 >= 0)
then if ty1 = Eq then (~m1,m2)
else if ty2 = Eq then (m1,~m2)
else raise Fail "elim_var"
else (m1,m2)
val (p1,p2) = if ty1=Eq andalso ty2=Eq andalso (n1 = ~1 orelse n2 = ~1)
then (~n1,~n2) else (n1,n2)
in add_ineq (multiply_ineq p1 i1) (multiply_ineq p2 i2) end;
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* The main refutation-finding code. *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
fun is_trivial (Lineq(_,_,l,_)) = forall (fn i => i=0) l;
fun is_contradictory (Lineq(k,ty,_,_)) =
case ty of Eq => k <> 0 | Le => k > 0 | Lt => k >= 0;
fun calc_blowup l =
let val (p,n) = List.partition (curry (op <) 0) (filter (curry (op <>) 0) l)
in length p * length n end;
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Main elimination code: *)
(* *)
(* (1) Looks for immediate solutions (false assertions with no variables). *)
(* *)
(* (2) If there are any equations, picks a variable with the lowest absolute *)
(* coefficient in any of them, and uses it to eliminate. *)
(* *)
(* (3) Otherwise, chooses a variable in the inequality to minimize the *)
(* blowup (number of consequences generated) and eliminates it. *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
fun extract_first p =
fun extract xs (y::ys) = if p y then (y, xs @ ys) else extract (y::xs) ys
| extract _ [] = raise List.Empty
in extract [] end;
fun print_ineqs ctxt ineqs =
if Config.get ctxt LA_Data.trace then
tracing(cat_lines(""::map (fn Lineq(c,t,l,_) =>
string_of_int c ^
(case t of Eq => " = " | Lt=> " < " | Le => " <= ") ^
commas(map string_of_int l)) ineqs))
else ();
type history = (int * lineq list) list;
datatype result = Success of injust | Failure of history;
fun elim ctxt (ineqs, hist) =
let val _ = print_ineqs ctxt ineqs
val (triv, nontriv) = List.partition is_trivial ineqs in
if not (null triv)
then case find_first is_contradictory triv of
NONE => elim ctxt (nontriv, hist)
| SOME(Lineq(_,_,_,j)) => Success j
if null nontriv then Failure hist
let val (eqs, noneqs) = List.partition (fn (Lineq(_,ty,_,_)) => ty=Eq) nontriv in
if not (null eqs) then
let val c =
fold (fn Lineq(_,_,l,_) => fn cs => union (op =) l cs) eqs []
|> filter (fn i => i <> 0)
|> sort (int_ord o apply2 abs)
|> hd
val (eq as Lineq(_,_,ceq,_),othereqs) =
extract_first (fn Lineq(_,_,l,_) => member (op =) l c) eqs
val v = find_index (fn v => v = c) ceq
val (ioth,roth) = List.partition (fn (Lineq(_,_,l,_)) => nth l v = 0)
(othereqs @ noneqs)
val others = map (elim_var v eq) roth @ ioth
in elim ctxt (others,(v,nontriv)::hist) end
let val lists = map (fn (Lineq(_,_,l,_)) => l) noneqs
val numlist = 0 upto (length (hd lists) - 1)
val coeffs = map (fn i => map (fn xs => nth xs i) lists) numlist
val blows = map calc_blowup coeffs
val iblows = blows ~~ numlist
val nziblows = filter_out (fn (i, _) => i = 0) iblows
in if null nziblows then Failure((~1,nontriv)::hist)
let val (_,v) = hd(sort (fn (x,y) => int_ord(fst(x),fst(y))) nziblows)
val (no,yes) = List.partition (fn (Lineq(_,_,l,_)) => nth l v = 0) ineqs
val (pos,neg) = List.partition(fn (Lineq(_,_,l,_)) => nth l v > 0) yes
in elim ctxt (no @ map_product (elim_var v) pos neg, (v,nontriv)::hist) end
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Translate back a proof. *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
fun trace_thm ctxt msgs th =
(if Config.get ctxt LA_Data.trace
then tracing (cat_lines (msgs @ [Thm.string_of_thm ctxt th]))
else (); th);
fun trace_term ctxt msgs t =
(if Config.get ctxt LA_Data.trace
then tracing (cat_lines (msgs @ [Syntax.string_of_term ctxt t]))
else (); t);
fun trace_msg ctxt msg =
if Config.get ctxt LA_Data.trace then tracing msg else ();
val union_term = union Envir.aeconv;
fun add_atoms (lhs, _, _, rhs, _, _) =
union_term (map fst lhs) o union_term (map fst rhs);
fun atoms_of ds = fold add_atoms ds [];
Simplification may detect a contradiction 'prematurely' due to type
information: n+1 <= 0 is simplified to False and does not need to be crossed
with 0 <= n.
exception FalseE of thm * (int * cterm) list * Proof.context
fun mkthm ctxt asms (just: injust) =
val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt;
val {add_mono_thms = add_mono_thms0, mult_mono_thms = mult_mono_thms0,
inj_thms = inj_thms0, lessD = lessD0, simpset, ...} = get_data ctxt;
val add_mono_thms = map (Thm.transfer thy) add_mono_thms0;
val mult_mono_thms = map (Thm.transfer thy) mult_mono_thms0;
val inj_thms = map (Thm.transfer thy) inj_thms0;
val lessD = map (Thm.transfer thy) lessD0;
val number_of = number_of ctxt;
val simpset_ctxt = put_simpset simpset ctxt;
fun only_concl f thm =
if Thm.no_prems thm then f (Thm.concl_of thm) else NONE;
val atoms = atoms_of (map_filter (only_concl (LA_Data.decomp ctxt)) asms);
fun use_first rules thm =
get_first (fn th => SOME (thm RS th) handle THM _ => NONE) rules
fun add2 thm1 thm2 =
use_first add_mono_thms (thm1 RS (thm2 RS LA_Logic.conjI));
fun try_add thms thm = get_first (fn th => add2 th thm) thms;
fun add_thms thm1 thm2 =
(case add2 thm1 thm2 of
(case try_add ([thm1] RL inj_thms) thm2 of
(the (try_add ([thm2] RL inj_thms) thm1)
handle Option.Option =>
(trace_thm ctxt [] thm1; trace_thm ctxt [] thm2;
raise Fail "Linear arithmetic: failed to add thms"))
| SOME thm => thm)
| SOME thm => thm);
fun mult_by_add n thm =
let fun mul i th = if i = 1 then th else mul (i - 1) (add_thms thm th)
in mul n thm end;
val rewr = Simplifier.rewrite simpset_ctxt;
val rewrite_concl = Conv.fconv_rule (Conv.concl_conv ~1 (Conv.arg_conv
(Conv.binop_conv rewr)));
fun discharge_prem thm = if Thm.nprems_of thm = 0 then thm else
let val cv = Conv.arg1_conv (Conv.arg_conv rewr)
in Thm.implies_elim (Conv.fconv_rule cv thm) LA_Logic.trueI end
fun mult n thm =
(case use_first mult_mono_thms thm of
NONE => mult_by_add n thm
| SOME mth =>
val cv = mth |> Thm.cprop_of |> Drule.strip_imp_concl
|> Thm.dest_arg |> Thm.dest_arg1 |> Thm.dest_arg1
val T = Thm.typ_of_cterm cv
|> Thm.instantiate ([], [(dest_Var (Thm.term_of cv), number_of T n)])
|> rewrite_concl
|> discharge_prem
handle CTERM _ => mult_by_add n thm
| THM _ => mult_by_add n thm
fun mult_thm n thm =
if n = ~1 then thm RS LA_Logic.sym
else if n < 0 then mult (~n) thm RS LA_Logic.sym
else mult n thm;
fun simp thm (cx as (_, hyps, ctxt')) =
let val thm' = trace_thm ctxt ["Simplified:"] (full_simplify simpset_ctxt thm)
in if LA_Logic.is_False thm' then raise FalseE (thm', hyps, ctxt') else (thm', cx) end;
fun abs_thm i (cx as (terms, hyps, ctxt)) =
(case AList.lookup (op =) hyps i of
SOME ct => (Thm.assume ct, cx)
| NONE =>
val thm = nth asms i
val (t, (terms', ctxt')) = LA_Data.abstract (Thm.prop_of thm) (terms, ctxt)
val ct = Thm.cterm_of ctxt' t
in (Thm.assume ct, (terms', (i, ct) :: hyps, ctxt')) end);
fun nat_thm t (terms, hyps, ctxt) =
let val (t', (terms', ctxt')) = LA_Data.abstract_arith t (terms, ctxt)
in (LA_Logic.mk_nat_thm thy t', (terms', hyps, ctxt')) end;
fun step0 msg (thm, cx) = (trace_thm ctxt [msg] thm, cx)
fun step1 msg j f cx = mk j cx |>> f |>> trace_thm ctxt [msg]
and step2 msg j1 j2 f cx = mk j1 cx ||>> mk j2 |>> f |>> trace_thm ctxt [msg]
and mk (Asm i) cx = step0 ("Asm " ^ string_of_int i) (abs_thm i cx)
| mk (Nat i) cx = step0 ("Nat " ^ string_of_int i) (nat_thm (nth atoms i) cx)
| mk (LessD j) cx = step1 "L" j (fn thm => hd ([thm] RL lessD)) cx
| mk (NotLeD j) cx = step1 "NLe" j (fn thm => thm RS LA_Logic.not_leD) cx
| mk (NotLeDD j) cx = step1 "NLeD" j (fn thm => hd ([thm RS LA_Logic.not_leD] RL lessD)) cx
| mk (NotLessD j) cx = step1 "NL" j (fn thm => thm RS LA_Logic.not_lessD) cx
| mk (Added (j1, j2)) cx = step2 "+" j1 j2 (uncurry add_thms) cx |-> simp
| mk (Multiplied (n, j)) cx =
(trace_msg ctxt ("*" ^ string_of_int n); step1 "*" j (mult_thm n) cx)
fun finish ctxt' hyps thm =
|> fold_rev (Thm.implies_intr o snd) hyps
|> singleton (Variable.export ctxt' ctxt)
|> fold (fn (i, _) => fn thm => nth asms i RS thm) hyps
val _ = trace_msg ctxt "mkthm";
val (thm, (_, hyps, ctxt')) = mk just ([], [], ctxt);
val _ = trace_thm ctxt ["Final thm:"] thm;
val fls = simplify simpset_ctxt thm;
val _ = trace_thm ctxt ["After simplification:"] fls;
val _ =
if LA_Logic.is_False fls then ()
(tracing (cat_lines
(["Assumptions:"] @ map (Thm.string_of_thm ctxt) asms @ [""] @
["Proved:", Thm.string_of_thm ctxt fls, ""]));
warning "Linear arithmetic should have refuted the assumptions.\n\
\Please inform Tobias Nipkow.")
in finish ctxt' hyps fls end
handle FalseE (thm, hyps, ctxt') =>
trace_thm ctxt ["False reached early:"] (finish ctxt' hyps thm)
fun coeff poly atom =
AList.lookup Envir.aeconv poly atom |> the_default 0;
fun integ(rlhs,r,rel,rrhs,s,d) =
let val (rn,rd) = Rat.dest r and (sn,sd) = Rat.dest s
val m = Integer.lcms(map (snd o Rat.dest) (r :: s :: map snd rlhs @ map snd rrhs))
fun mult(t,r) =
let val (i,j) = Rat.dest r
in (t,i * (m div j)) end
in (m,(map mult rlhs, rn*(m div rd), rel, map mult rrhs, sn*(m div sd), d)) end
fun mklineq atoms =
fn (item, k) =>
let val (m, (lhs,i,rel,rhs,j,discrete)) = integ item
val lhsa = map (coeff lhs) atoms
and rhsa = map (coeff rhs) atoms
val diff = map2 (curry (op -)) rhsa lhsa
val c = i-j
val just = Asm k
fun lineq(c,le,cs,j) = Lineq(c,le,cs, if m=1 then j else Multiplied(m,j))
in case rel of
"<=" => lineq(c,Le,diff,just)
| "~<=" => if discrete
then lineq(1-c,Le,map (op ~) diff,NotLeDD(just))
else lineq(~c,Lt,map (op ~) diff,NotLeD(just))
| "<" => if discrete
then lineq(c+1,Le,diff,LessD(just))
else lineq(c,Lt,diff,just)
| "~<" => lineq(~c,Le,map (op~) diff,NotLessD(just))
| "=" => lineq(c,Eq,diff,just)
| _ => raise Fail ("mklineq" ^ rel)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Print (counter) example *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
fun mknat (pTs : typ list) (ixs : int list) (atom : term, i : int) : lineq option =
if LA_Logic.is_nat (pTs, atom)
then let val l = map (fn j => if j=i then 1 else 0) ixs
in SOME (Lineq (0, Le, l, Nat i)) end
else NONE;
(* This code is tricky. It takes a list of premises in the order they occur
in the subgoal. Numerical premises are coded as SOME(tuple), non-numerical
ones as NONE. Going through the premises, each numeric one is converted into
a Lineq. The tricky bit is to convert ~= which is split into two cases < and
>. Thus split_items returns a list of equation systems. This may blow up if
there are many ~=, but in practice it does not seem to happen. The really
tricky bit is to arrange the order of the cases such that they coincide with
the order in which the cases are in the end generated by the tactic that
applies the generated refutation thms (see function 'refute_tac').
For variables n of type nat, a constraint 0 <= n is added.
(* FIXME: To optimize, the splitting of cases and the search for refutations *)
(* could be intertwined: separate the first (fully split) case, *)
(* refute it, continue with splitting and refuting. Terminate with *)
(* failure as soon as a case could not be refuted; i.e. delay further *)
(* splitting until after a refutation for other cases has been found. *)
fun split_items ctxt do_pre split_neq (Ts, terms) : (typ list * (LA_Data.decomp * int) list) list =
(* splits inequalities '~=' into '<' and '>'; this corresponds to *)
(* 'REPEAT_DETERM (eresolve_tac neqE i)' at the theorem/tactic *)
(* level *)
(* FIXME: this is currently sensitive to the order of theorems in *)
(* neqE: The theorem for type "nat" must come first. A *)
(* better (i.e. less likely to break when neqE changes) *)
(* implementation should *test* which theorem from neqE *)
(* can be applied, and split the premise accordingly. *)
fun elim_neq (ineqs : (LA_Data.decomp option * bool) list) :
(LA_Data.decomp option * bool) list list =
fun elim_neq' _ ([] : (LA_Data.decomp option * bool) list) :
(LA_Data.decomp option * bool) list list =
| elim_neq' nat_only ((NONE, is_nat) :: ineqs) =
map (cons (NONE, is_nat)) (elim_neq' nat_only ineqs)
| elim_neq' nat_only ((ineq as (SOME (l, i, rel, r, j, d), is_nat)) :: ineqs) =
if rel = "~=" andalso (not nat_only orelse is_nat) then
(* [| ?l ~= ?r; ?l < ?r ==> ?R; ?r < ?l ==> ?R |] ==> ?R *)
elim_neq' nat_only (ineqs @ [(SOME (l, i, "<", r, j, d), is_nat)]) @
elim_neq' nat_only (ineqs @ [(SOME (r, j, "<", l, i, d), is_nat)])
map (cons ineq) (elim_neq' nat_only ineqs)
ineqs |> elim_neq' true
|> maps (elim_neq' false)
fun ignore_neq (NONE, bool) = (NONE, bool)
| ignore_neq (ineq as SOME (_, _, rel, _, _, _), bool) =
if rel = "~=" then (NONE, bool) else (ineq, bool)
fun number_hyps _ [] = []
| number_hyps n (NONE::xs) = number_hyps (n+1) xs
| number_hyps n ((SOME x)::xs) = (x, n) :: number_hyps (n+1) xs
val result = (Ts, terms)
|> (* user-defined preprocessing of the subgoal *)
(if do_pre then LA_Data.pre_decomp ctxt else Library.single)
|> tap (fn subgoals => trace_msg ctxt ("Preprocessing yields " ^
string_of_int (length subgoals) ^ " subgoal(s) total."))
|> (* produce the internal encoding of (in-)equalities *)
map (apsnd (map (fn t => (LA_Data.decomp ctxt t, LA_Data.domain_is_nat t))))
|> (* splitting of inequalities *)
map (apsnd (if split_neq then elim_neq else
Library.single o map ignore_neq))
|> maps (fn (Ts, subgoals) => map (pair Ts o map fst) subgoals)
|> (* numbering of hypotheses, ignoring irrelevant ones *)
map (apsnd (number_hyps 0))
trace_msg ctxt ("Splitting of inequalities yields " ^
string_of_int (length result) ^ " subgoal(s) total.");
fun refutes ctxt :
(typ list * (LA_Data.decomp * int) list) list -> injust list -> injust list option =
fun refute ((Ts, initems : (LA_Data.decomp * int) list) :: initemss) (js: injust list) =
val atoms = atoms_of (map fst initems)
val n = length atoms
val mkleq = mklineq atoms
val ixs = 0 upto (n - 1)
val iatoms = atoms ~~ ixs
val natlineqs = map_filter (mknat Ts ixs) iatoms
val ineqs = map mkleq initems @ natlineqs
(case elim ctxt (ineqs, []) of
Success j =>
(trace_msg ctxt ("Contradiction! (" ^ string_of_int (length js + 1) ^ ")");
refute initemss (js @ [j]))
| Failure _ => NONE)
| refute [] js = SOME js
in refute end;
fun refute ctxt params do_pre split_neq terms : injust list option =
refutes ctxt (split_items ctxt do_pre split_neq (map snd params, terms)) [];
fun count P xs = length (filter P xs);
fun prove ctxt params do_pre Hs concl : bool * injust list option =
val _ = trace_msg ctxt "prove:"
(* append the negated conclusion to 'Hs' -- this corresponds to *)
(* 'DETERM (resolve_tac [LA_Logic.notI, LA_Logic.ccontr] i)' at the *)
(* theorem/tactic level *)
val Hs' = Hs @ [LA_Logic.neg_prop concl]
fun is_neq NONE = false
| is_neq (SOME (_,_,r,_,_,_)) = (r = "~=")
val neq_limit = Config.get ctxt LA_Data.neq_limit
val split_neq = count is_neq (map (LA_Data.decomp ctxt) Hs') <= neq_limit
if split_neq then ()
trace_msg ctxt ("neq_limit exceeded (current value is " ^
string_of_int neq_limit ^ "), ignoring all inequalities");
(split_neq, refute ctxt params do_pre split_neq Hs')
end handle TERM ("neg_prop", _) =>
(* since no meta-logic negation is available, we can only fail if *)
(* the conclusion is not of the form 'Trueprop $ _' (simply *)
(* dropping the conclusion doesn't work either, because even *)
(* 'False' does not imply arbitrary 'concl::prop') *)
(trace_msg ctxt "prove failed (cannot negate conclusion).";
(false, NONE));
fun refute_tac ctxt (i, split_neq, justs) =
fn state =>
val _ = trace_thm ctxt
["refute_tac (on subgoal " ^ string_of_int i ^ ", with " ^
string_of_int (length justs) ^ " justification(s)):"] state
val neqE = get_neqE ctxt;
fun just1 j =
(* eliminate inequalities *)
(if split_neq then
REPEAT_DETERM (eresolve_tac ctxt neqE i)
all_tac) THEN
PRIMITIVE (trace_thm ctxt ["State after neqE:"]) THEN
(* use theorems generated from the actual justifications *)
Subgoal.FOCUS (fn {prems, ...} => resolve_tac ctxt [mkthm ctxt prems j] 1) ctxt i
(* rewrite "[| A1; ...; An |] ==> B" to "[| A1; ...; An; ~B |] ==> False" *)
DETERM (resolve_tac ctxt [LA_Logic.notI, LA_Logic.ccontr] i) THEN
(* user-defined preprocessing of the subgoal *)
DETERM (LA_Data.pre_tac ctxt i) THEN
PRIMITIVE (trace_thm ctxt ["State after pre_tac:"]) THEN
(* prove every resulting subgoal, using its justification *)
EVERY (map just1 justs)
end state;
Fast but very incomplete decider. Only premises and conclusions
that are already (negated) (in)equations are taken into account.
fun simpset_lin_arith_tac ctxt = SUBGOAL (fn (A, i) =>
val params = rev (Logic.strip_params A)
val Hs = Logic.strip_assums_hyp A
val concl = Logic.strip_assums_concl A
val _ = trace_term ctxt ["Trying to refute subgoal " ^ string_of_int i] A
case prove ctxt params true Hs concl of
(_, NONE) => (trace_msg ctxt "Refutation failed."; no_tac)
| (split_neq, SOME js) => (trace_msg ctxt "Refutation succeeded.";
refute_tac ctxt (i, split_neq, js))
fun prems_lin_arith_tac ctxt =
Method.insert_tac ctxt (Simplifier.prems_of ctxt) THEN'
simpset_lin_arith_tac ctxt;
fun lin_arith_tac ctxt =
simpset_lin_arith_tac (empty_simpset ctxt);
(** Forward proof from theorems **)
(* More tricky code. Needs to arrange the proofs of the multiple cases (due
to splits of ~= premises) such that it coincides with the order of the cases
generated by function split_items. *)
datatype splittree = Tip of thm list
| Spl of thm * cterm * splittree * cterm * splittree;
(* "(ct1 ==> ?R) ==> (ct2 ==> ?R) ==> ?R" is taken to (ct1, ct2) *)
fun extract (imp : cterm) : cterm * cterm =
let val (Il, r) = Thm.dest_comb imp
val (_, imp1) = Thm.dest_comb Il
val (Ict1, _) = Thm.dest_comb imp1
val (_, ct1) = Thm.dest_comb Ict1
val (Ir, _) = Thm.dest_comb r
val (_, Ict2r) = Thm.dest_comb Ir
val (Ict2, _) = Thm.dest_comb Ict2r
val (_, ct2) = Thm.dest_comb Ict2
in (ct1, ct2) end;
fun splitasms ctxt (asms : thm list) : splittree =
let val neqE = get_neqE ctxt
fun elim_neq [] (asms', []) = Tip (rev asms')
| elim_neq [] (asms', asms) = Tip (rev asms' @ asms)
| elim_neq (_ :: neqs) (asms', []) = elim_neq neqs ([],rev asms')
| elim_neq (neqs as (neq :: _)) (asms', asm::asms) =
(case get_first (fn th => SOME (asm COMP th) handle THM _ => NONE) [neq] of
SOME spl =>
let val (ct1, ct2) = extract (Thm.cprop_of spl)
val thm1 = Thm.assume ct1
val thm2 = Thm.assume ct2
in Spl (spl, ct1, elim_neq neqs (asms', asms@[thm1]),
ct2, elim_neq neqs (asms', asms@[thm2]))
| NONE => elim_neq neqs (asm::asms', asms))
in elim_neq neqE ([], asms) end;
fun fwdproof ctxt (Tip asms : splittree) (j::js : injust list) = (mkthm ctxt asms j, js)
| fwdproof ctxt (Spl (thm, ct1, tree1, ct2, tree2)) js =
val (thm1, js1) = fwdproof ctxt tree1 js
val (thm2, js2) = fwdproof ctxt tree2 js1
val thm1' = Thm.implies_intr ct1 thm1
val thm2' = Thm.implies_intr ct2 thm2
in (thm2' COMP (thm1' COMP thm), js2) end;
(* FIXME needs handle THM _ => NONE ? *)
fun prover ctxt thms Tconcl (js : injust list) split_neq pos : thm option =
val nTconcl = LA_Logic.neg_prop Tconcl
val cnTconcl = Thm.cterm_of ctxt nTconcl
val nTconclthm = Thm.assume cnTconcl
val tree = (if split_neq then splitasms ctxt else Tip) (thms @ [nTconclthm])
val (Falsethm, _) = fwdproof ctxt tree js
val contr = if pos then LA_Logic.ccontr else LA_Logic.notI
val concl = Thm.implies_intr cnTconcl Falsethm COMP contr
in SOME (trace_thm ctxt ["Proved by lin. arith. prover:"] (LA_Logic.mk_Eq concl)) end
(*in case concl contains ?-var, which makes assume fail:*) (* FIXME Variable.import_terms *)
handle THM _ => NONE;
(* PRE: concl is not negated!
This assumption is OK because
1. lin_arith_simproc tries both to prove and disprove concl and
2. lin_arith_simproc is applied by the Simplifier which
dives into terms and will thus try the non-negated concl anyway.
fun lin_arith_simproc ctxt concl =
val thms = maps LA_Logic.atomize (Simplifier.prems_of ctxt)
val Hs = map Thm.prop_of thms
val Tconcl = LA_Logic.mk_Trueprop (Thm.term_of concl)
case prove ctxt [] false Hs Tconcl of (* concl provable? *)
(split_neq, SOME js) => prover ctxt thms Tconcl js split_neq true
| (_, NONE) =>
let val nTconcl = LA_Logic.neg_prop Tconcl in
case prove ctxt [] false Hs nTconcl of (* ~concl provable? *)
(split_neq, SOME js) => prover ctxt thms nTconcl js split_neq false
| (_, NONE) => NONE
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