(* Title: Pure/General/exn.ML
Author: Makarius
Support for exceptions.
signature BASIC_EXN =
exception ERROR of string
val error: string -> 'a
val cat_error: string -> string -> 'a
signature EXN =
include BASIC_EXN
val polyml_location: exn -> PolyML.location option
val reraise: exn -> 'a
datatype 'a result = Res of 'a | Exn of exn
val get_res: 'a result -> 'a option
val get_exn: 'a result -> exn option
val capture: ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b result
val release: 'a result -> 'a
val map_res: ('a -> 'b) -> 'a result -> 'b result
val maps_res: ('a -> 'b result) -> 'a result -> 'b result
val map_exn: (exn -> exn) -> 'a result -> 'a result
exception Interrupt
val interrupt: unit -> 'a
val is_interrupt: exn -> bool
val interrupt_exn: 'a result
val is_interrupt_exn: 'a result -> bool
val interruptible_capture: ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b result
val return_code: exn -> int -> int
val capture_exit: int -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
exception EXCEPTIONS of exn list
val trace: (exn -> string) -> (string -> unit) -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
structure Exn: EXN =
(* location *)
val polyml_location = PolyML.Exception.exceptionLocation;
val reraise = PolyML.Exception.reraise;
(* user errors *)
exception ERROR of string;
fun error msg = raise ERROR msg;
fun cat_error "" msg = error msg
| cat_error msg "" = error msg
| cat_error msg1 msg2 = error (msg1 ^ "\n" ^ msg2);
(* exceptions as values *)
datatype 'a result =
Res of 'a |
Exn of exn;
fun get_res (Res x) = SOME x
| get_res _ = NONE;
fun get_exn (Exn exn) = SOME exn
| get_exn _ = NONE;
fun capture f x = Res (f x) handle e => Exn e;
fun release (Res y) = y
| release (Exn e) = reraise e;
fun map_res f (Res x) = Res (f x)
| map_res f (Exn e) = Exn e;
fun maps_res f = (fn Res x => x | Exn e => Exn e) o map_res f;
fun map_exn f (Res x) = Res x
| map_exn f (Exn e) = Exn (f e);
(* interrupts *)
exception Interrupt = Thread.Thread.Interrupt;
fun interrupt () = raise Interrupt;
fun is_interrupt Interrupt = true
| is_interrupt (IO.Io {cause, ...}) = is_interrupt cause
| is_interrupt _ = false;
val interrupt_exn = Exn Interrupt;
fun is_interrupt_exn (Exn exn) = is_interrupt exn
| is_interrupt_exn _ = false;
fun interruptible_capture f x =
Res (f x) handle e => if is_interrupt e then reraise e else Exn e;
(* POSIX return code *)
fun return_code exn rc =
if is_interrupt exn then (130: int) else rc;
fun capture_exit rc f x =
f x handle exn => exit (return_code exn rc);
(* concatenated exceptions *)
exception EXCEPTIONS of exn list;
(* low-level trace *)
fun trace exn_message output e =
(e, fn (trace, exn) =>
val title = "Exception trace - " ^ exn_message exn;
val () = output (String.concatWith "\n" (title :: trace));
in reraise exn end);
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.30 Sekunden
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