/* Title: Pure/General/mercurial.scala
Author: Makarius
Support for Mercurial repositories, with local or remote repository clone
and working directory (via ssh connection).
package isabelle
import java.io.{File => JFile}
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.mutable
object Mercurial
type Graph = isabelle.Graph[String, Unit]
/* command-line syntax */
def optional(s: String, prefix: String = ""): String =
if (s == "") "" else " " + prefix + " " + Bash.string(s)
def opt_flag(flag: String, b: Boolean): String = if (b) " " + flag else ""
def opt_rev(s: String): String = optional(s, "--rev")
def opt_template(s: String): String = optional(s, "--template")
/* repository access */
def is_repository(root: Path, ssh: SSH.System = SSH.Local): Boolean =
ssh.is_dir(root + Path.explode(".hg")) &&
new Repository(root, ssh).command("root").ok
def repository(root: Path, ssh: SSH.System = SSH.Local): Repository =
val hg = new Repository(root, ssh)
def find_repository(start: Path, ssh: SSH.System = SSH.Local): Option[Repository] =
@tailrec def find(root: Path): Option[Repository] =
if (is_repository(root, ssh)) Some(repository(root, ssh = ssh))
else if (root.is_root) None
else find(root + Path.parent)
private def make_repository(root: Path, cmd: String, args: String, ssh: SSH.System = SSH.Local)
: Repository =
val hg = new Repository(root, ssh)
hg.command(cmd, args, repository = false).check
def init_repository(root: Path, ssh: SSH.System = SSH.Local): Repository =
make_repository(root, "init", ssh.bash_path(root), ssh = ssh)
def clone_repository(source: String, root: Path,
rev: String = "", options: String = "", ssh: SSH.System = SSH.Local): Repository =
make_repository(root, "clone",
options + " " + Bash.string(source) + " " + ssh.bash_path(root) + opt_rev(rev), ssh = ssh)
def setup_repository(source: String, root: Path, ssh: SSH.System = SSH.Local): Repository =
if (ssh.is_dir(root)) { val hg = repository(root, ssh = ssh); hg.pull(remote = source); hg }
else clone_repository(source, root, options = "--noupdate", ssh = ssh)
class Repository private[Mercurial](root_path: Path, ssh: SSH.System = SSH.Local)
hg =>
val root: Path = ssh.expand_path(root_path)
def root_url: String = ssh.hg_url + root.implode
override def toString: String = ssh.hg_url + root.implode
def command(name: String, args: String = "", options: String = "",
repository: Boolean = true): Process_Result =
val cmdline =
"export HGPLAIN=\n\"${HG:-hg}\" --config " + Bash.string("defaults." + name + "=") +
(if (repository) " --repository " + ssh.bash_path(root) else "") +
" --noninteractive " + name + " " + options + " " + args
def add(files: List[Path]): Unit =
hg.command("add", files.map(ssh.bash_path).mkString(" "))
def archive(target: String, rev: String = "", options: String = ""): Unit =
hg.command("archive", opt_rev(rev) + " " + Bash.string(target), options).check
def heads(template: String = "{node|short}\n", options: String = ""): List[String] =
hg.command("heads", opt_template(template), options).check.out_lines
def identify(rev: String = "tip", options: String = ""): String =
hg.command("id", opt_rev(rev), options).check.out_lines.headOption getOrElse ""
def id(rev: String = "tip"): String = identify(rev, options = "-i")
def paths(args: String = "", options: String = ""): List[String] =
hg.command("paths", args = args, options = options).check.out_lines
def manifest(rev: String = "", options: String = ""): List[String] =
hg.command("manifest", opt_rev(rev), options).check.out_lines
def log(rev: String = "", template: String = "", options: String = ""): String =
hg.command("log", opt_rev(rev) + opt_template(template), options).check.out
def parent(): String = log(rev = "p1()", template = "{node|short}")
def push(remote: String = "", rev: String = "", force: Boolean = false, options: String = "")
hg.command("push", opt_rev(rev) + opt_flag("--force", force) + optional(remote), options).
check_rc(rc => rc == 0 | rc == 1)
def pull(remote: String = "", rev: String = "", options: String = ""): Unit =
hg.command("pull", opt_rev(rev) + optional(remote), options).check
def update(
rev: String = "", clean: Boolean = false, check: Boolean = false, options: String = "")
opt_rev(rev) + opt_flag("--clean", clean) + opt_flag("--check", check), options).check
def known_files(): List[String] =
hg.command("status", options = "--modified --added --clean --no-status").check.out_lines
def graph(): Graph =
val Node = """^node: (\w{12}) (\w{12}) (\w{12})""".r
val log_result =
log(template = """node: {node|short} {p1node|short} {p2node|short}\n""")
(Graph.string[Unit] /: split_lines(log_result)) {
case (graph, Node(x, y, z)) =>
val deps = List(y, z).filterNot(s => s.forall(_ == '0'))
val graph1 = (graph /: (x :: deps))(_.default_node(_, ()))
(graph1 /: deps)({ case (g, dep) => g.add_edge(dep, x) })
case (graph, _) => graph
/* check files */
def check_files(files: List[Path], ssh: SSH.System = SSH.Local): (List[Path], List[Path]) =
val outside = new mutable.ListBuffer[Path]
val unknown = new mutable.ListBuffer[Path]
@tailrec def check(paths: List[Path])
paths match {
case path :: rest =>
find_repository(path, ssh) match {
case None => outside += path; check(rest)
case Some(hg) =>
val known =
hg.known_files().iterator.map(name =>
(hg.root + Path.explode(name)).canonical_file).toSet
if (!known(path.canonical_file)) unknown += path
check(rest.filterNot(p => known(p.canonical_file)))
case Nil =>
(outside.toList, unknown.toList)
/* setup remote vs. local repository */
private def edit_hgrc(local_hg: Repository, path_name: String, source: String)
val hgrc = local_hg.root + Path.explode(".hg/hgrc")
def header(line: String): Boolean = line.startsWith("[paths]")
val Entry = """^(\S+)\s*=\s*(.*)$""".r
val new_entry = path_name + " = " + source
def commit(lines: List[String]): Boolean =
File.write(hgrc, cat_lines(lines))
val edited =
hgrc.is_file && {
val lines = split_lines(File.read(hgrc))
lines.count(header) == 1 && {
if (local_hg.paths(options = "-q").contains(path_name)) {
val old_source = local_hg.paths(args = path_name).head
val old_entry = path_name + ".old = " + old_source
val lines1 =
lines.map {
case Entry(a, b) if a == path_name && b == old_source =>
new_entry + "\n" + old_entry
case line => line
lines != lines1 && commit(lines1)
else {
val prefix = lines.takeWhile(line => !header(line))
val n = prefix.length
commit(prefix ::: List(lines(n), new_entry) ::: lines.drop(n + 1))
if (!edited) File.append(hgrc, "\n[paths]\n" + new_entry + "\n")
val default_path_name = "default"
def hg_setup(
remote: String,
local_path: Path,
remote_name: String = "",
path_name: String = default_path_name,
remote_exists: Boolean = false,
progress: Progress = new Progress)
/* local repository */
val repos_name =
proper_string(remote_name) getOrElse local_path.absolute.base.implode
val local_hg =
if (is_repository(local_path)) repository(local_path)
else init_repository(local_path)
progress.echo("Local repository " + local_hg.root.absolute)
/* remote repository */
val remote_url =
remote match {
case _ if remote.startsWith("ssh://") =>
val ssh_url = remote + "/" + repos_name
if (!remote_exists) {
try { local_hg.command("init", ssh_url, repository = false).check }
catch { case ERROR(msg) => progress.echo_warning(msg) }
case SSH.Target(user, host) =>
val phabricator = Phabricator.API(user, host)
var repos =
phabricator.get_repositories().find(r => r.short_name == repos_name) getOrElse {
if (remote_exists) {
error("Remote repository " +
quote(phabricator.hg_url + "/source/" + repos_name) + " expected to exist")
else phabricator.create_repository(repos_name, short_name = repos_name)
while (repos.importing) {
progress.echo("Awaiting remote repository ...")
repos = phabricator.the_repository(repos.phid)
case _ => error("Malformed remote specification " + quote(remote))
progress.echo("Remote repository " + quote(remote_url))
/* synchronize local and remote state */
progress.echo("Synchronizing ...")
edit_hgrc(local_hg, path_name, remote_url)
local_hg.pull(options = "-u")
local_hg.push(remote = remote_url)
val isabelle_tool =
Isabelle_Tool("hg_setup", "setup remote vs. local Mercurial repository",
Scala_Project.here, args =>
var remote_name = ""
var path_name = default_path_name
var remote_exists = false
val getopts = Getopts("""
Usage: isabelle hg_setup [OPTIONS] REMOTE LOCAL_DIR
Options are:
-n NAME remote repository name (default: base name of LOCAL_DIR)
-p PATH Mercurial path name (default: """ + quote(default_path_name) + """)
-r assume that remote repository already exists
Setup a remote vs. local Mercurial repository: REMOTE either refers to a
Phabricator server "user@host" or SSH file server "ssh://user@host/path".
"n:" -> (arg => remote_name = arg),
"p:" -> (arg => path_name = arg),
"r" -> (_ => remote_exists = true))
val more_args = getopts(args)
val (remote, local_path) =
more_args match {
case List(arg1, arg2) => (arg1, Path.explode(arg2))
case _ => getopts.usage()
val progress = new Console_Progress
hg_setup(remote, local_path, remote_name = remote_name, path_name = path_name,
remote_exists = remote_exists, progress = progress)
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