(* Title: Pure/Isar/generic_target.ML
Author: Makarius
Author: Florian Haftmann, TU Muenchen
Common target infrastructure.
signature GENERIC_TARGET =
val export_abbrev: Proof.context ->
(term -> term) -> term -> term * ((string * sort) list * (term list * term list))
val check_mixfix: Proof.context -> binding * (string * sort) list -> mixfix -> mixfix
val check_mixfix_global: binding * bool -> mixfix -> mixfix
(*background primitives*)
val background_foundation: ((binding * typ) * mixfix) * (binding * term) ->
term list * term list -> local_theory -> (term * thm) * local_theory
val background_declaration: declaration -> local_theory -> local_theory
val background_abbrev: binding * term -> term list -> local_theory -> (term * term) * local_theory
val add_foundation_interpretation: (binding * (term * term list) -> Context.generic -> Context.generic) ->
theory -> theory
(*nested local theories primitives*)
val standard_facts: local_theory -> Proof.context -> Attrib.fact list -> Attrib.fact list
val standard_notes: (int * int -> bool) -> string -> Attrib.fact list ->
local_theory -> local_theory
val standard_declaration: (int * int -> bool) ->
(morphism -> Context.generic -> Context.generic) -> local_theory -> local_theory
val standard_const: (int * int -> bool) -> Syntax.mode -> (binding * mixfix) * term ->
local_theory -> local_theory
(*lifting target primitives to local theory operations*)
val define: (((binding * typ) * mixfix) * (binding * term) ->
term list * term list -> local_theory -> (term * thm) * local_theory) ->
bool -> (binding * mixfix) * (Attrib.binding * term) -> local_theory ->
(term * (string * thm)) * local_theory
val notes:
(string -> Attrib.fact list -> Attrib.fact list -> local_theory -> local_theory) ->
string -> Attrib.fact list -> local_theory -> (string * thm list) list * local_theory
val abbrev: (Syntax.mode -> binding * mixfix -> term ->
term list * term list -> local_theory -> local_theory) ->
Syntax.mode -> (binding * mixfix) * term -> local_theory -> (term * term) * local_theory
(*theory target primitives*)
val theory_target_foundation: ((binding * typ) * mixfix) * (binding * term) ->
term list * term list -> local_theory -> (term * thm) * local_theory
val theory_target_notes: string -> Attrib.fact list -> Attrib.fact list ->
local_theory -> local_theory
val theory_target_abbrev: Syntax.mode -> (binding * mixfix) -> term -> term list * term list ->
local_theory -> local_theory
(*theory target operations*)
val theory_abbrev: Syntax.mode -> (binding * mixfix) * term ->
local_theory -> (term * term) * local_theory
val theory_declaration: declaration -> local_theory -> local_theory
(*locale target primitives*)
val locale_target_notes: string -> string -> Attrib.fact list -> Attrib.fact list ->
local_theory -> local_theory
val locale_target_abbrev: string -> Syntax.mode ->
(binding * mixfix) -> term -> term list * term list -> local_theory -> local_theory
val locale_target_declaration: string -> bool -> declaration -> local_theory -> local_theory
val locale_target_const: string -> (morphism -> bool) -> Syntax.mode ->
(binding * mixfix) * term -> local_theory -> local_theory
(*locale operations*)
val locale_abbrev: string -> Syntax.mode -> (binding * mixfix) * term ->
local_theory -> (term * term) * local_theory
val locale_declaration: string -> {syntax: bool, pervasive: bool} -> declaration ->
local_theory -> local_theory
val locale_const: string -> Syntax.mode -> (binding * mixfix) * term ->
local_theory -> local_theory
structure Generic_Target: GENERIC_TARGET =
(** consts **)
fun export_abbrev lthy preprocess rhs =
val thy_ctxt = Proof_Context.init_global (Proof_Context.theory_of lthy);
val rhs' = rhs
|> Assumption.export_term lthy (Local_Theory.target_of lthy)
|> preprocess;
val term_params =
map Free (sort (Variable.fixed_ord lthy o apply2 #1) (Variable.add_fixed lthy rhs' []));
val u = fold_rev lambda term_params rhs';
val global_rhs = singleton (Variable.polymorphic thy_ctxt) u;
val extra_tfrees =
subtract (op =) (Term.add_tfreesT (Term.fastype_of u) []) (Term.add_tfrees u []);
val type_params = map (Logic.mk_type o TFree) extra_tfrees;
in (global_rhs, (extra_tfrees, (type_params, term_params))) end;
fun check_mixfix ctxt (b, extra_tfrees) mx =
if null extra_tfrees then mx
(if Context_Position.is_visible ctxt then
("Additional type variable(s) in specification of " ^ Binding.print b ^ ": " ^
commas (map (Syntax.string_of_typ ctxt o TFree) (sort_by #1 extra_tfrees)) ^
(if Mixfix.is_empty mx then ""
else "\nDropping mixfix syntax " ^ Pretty.string_of (Mixfix.pretty_mixfix mx)))
else (); NoSyn);
fun check_mixfix_global (b, no_params) mx =
if no_params orelse Mixfix.is_empty mx then mx
(warning ("Dropping global mixfix syntax: " ^ Binding.print b ^ " " ^
Pretty.string_of (Mixfix.pretty_mixfix mx)); NoSyn);
fun same_const (Const (c, _), Const (c', _)) = c = c'
| same_const (t $ _, t' $ _) = same_const (t, t')
| same_const (_, _) = false;
fun const_decl phi_pred prmode ((b, mx), rhs) phi context =
if phi_pred phi then
val b' = Morphism.binding phi b;
val rhs' = Morphism.term phi rhs;
val same_shape = Term.aconv_untyped (rhs, rhs');
val same_stem = same_shape orelse same_const (rhs, rhs');
val const_alias =
if same_shape then
(case rhs' of
Const (c, T) =>
val thy = Context.theory_of context;
val ctxt = Context.proof_of context;
(case Type_Infer_Context.const_type ctxt c of
SOME T' => if Sign.typ_equiv thy (T, T') then SOME c else NONE
| _ => NONE)
else NONE;
(case const_alias of
SOME c =>
|> Context.mapping (Sign.const_alias b' c) (Proof_Context.const_alias b' c)
|> Morphism.form (Proof_Context.generic_notation true prmode [(rhs', mx)])
| NONE =>
|> Proof_Context.generic_add_abbrev Print_Mode.internal
(b', Term.close_schematic_term rhs')
|-> (fn (const as Const (c, _), _) => same_stem ?
(Proof_Context.generic_revert_abbrev (#1 prmode) c #>
same_shape ?
Morphism.form (Proof_Context.generic_notation true prmode [(const, mx)]))))
else context;
(** background primitives **)
structure Foundation_Interpretations = Theory_Data
type T = (binding * (term * term list) -> Context.generic -> Context.generic) Inttab.table;
val empty = Inttab.empty;
val extend = I;
val merge = Inttab.merge (K true);
fun add_foundation_interpretation f =
Foundation_Interpretations.map (Inttab.update_new (serial (), f));
fun foundation_interpretation binding_const_params lthy =
val interps = Foundation_Interpretations.get (Proof_Context.theory_of lthy);
val interp = Inttab.fold (fn (_, f) => f binding_const_params) interps;
|> Local_Theory.background_theory (Context.theory_map interp)
|> Local_Theory.map_contexts (K (Context.proof_map interp))
fun background_foundation (((b, U), mx), (b_def, rhs)) (type_params, term_params) lthy =
val params = type_params @ term_params;
val target_params = type_params
@ take_prefix is_Free (Variable.export_terms lthy (Local_Theory.target_of lthy) term_params);
val mx' = check_mixfix_global (b, null params) mx;
val (const, lthy2) = lthy
|> Local_Theory.background_theory_result (Sign.declare_const lthy ((b, U), mx'));
val lhs = Term.list_comb (const, params);
val ((_, def), lthy3) = lthy2
|> Local_Theory.background_theory_result
(Thm.add_def (Proof_Context.defs_context lthy2) false false
(Thm.def_binding_optional b b_def, Logic.mk_equals (lhs, rhs)))
||> foundation_interpretation (b, (const, target_params));
in ((lhs, def), lthy3) end;
fun background_declaration decl lthy =
fun theory_decl context =
Local_Theory.standard_form lthy
(Proof_Context.init_global (Context.theory_of context)) decl context;
in Local_Theory.background_theory (Context.theory_map theory_decl) lthy end;
fun background_abbrev (b, global_rhs) params =
Local_Theory.background_theory_result (Sign.add_abbrev Print_Mode.internal (b, global_rhs))
#>> apply2 (fn t => Term.list_comb (Logic.unvarify_global t, params))
(** nested local theories primitives **)
fun standard_facts lthy ctxt =
Attrib.transform_facts (Local_Theory.standard_morphism lthy ctxt);
fun standard_notes pred kind facts lthy =
Local_Theory.map_contexts (fn level => fn ctxt =>
if pred (Local_Theory.level lthy, level)
then Attrib.local_notes kind (standard_facts lthy ctxt facts) ctxt |> snd
else ctxt) lthy;
fun standard_declaration pred decl lthy =
Local_Theory.map_contexts (fn level => fn ctxt =>
if pred (Local_Theory.level lthy, level)
then Context.proof_map (Local_Theory.standard_form lthy ctxt decl) ctxt
else ctxt) lthy;
fun standard_const pred prmode ((b, mx), rhs) =
standard_declaration pred (const_decl (K true) prmode ((b, mx), rhs));
(** lifting target primitives to local theory operations **)
(* define *)
fun define foundation internal ((b, mx), ((b_def, atts), rhs)) lthy =
val thy_ctxt = Proof_Context.init_global (Proof_Context.theory_of lthy);
(*term and type parameters*)
val ((defs, _), rhs') = Thm.cterm_of lthy rhs
|> Local_Defs.export_cterm lthy thy_ctxt ||> Thm.term_of;
val xs = Variable.add_fixed lthy rhs' [];
val T = Term.fastype_of rhs;
val tfreesT = Term.add_tfreesT T (fold (Term.add_tfreesT o #2) xs []);
val extra_tfrees = rev (subtract (op =) tfreesT (Term.add_tfrees rhs []));
val mx' = check_mixfix lthy (b, extra_tfrees) mx;
val type_params = map (Logic.mk_type o TFree) extra_tfrees;
val term_params = map Free (sort (Variable.fixed_ord lthy o apply2 #1) xs);
val params = type_params @ term_params;
val U = map Term.fastype_of params ---> T;
val ((lhs', global_def), lthy2) = lthy
|> foundation (((b, U), mx'), (b_def, rhs')) (type_params, term_params);
(*local definition*)
val ([(lhs, (_, local_def))], lthy3) = lthy2
|> Context_Position.set_visible false
|> Local_Defs.define [((b, NoSyn), (Binding.empty_atts, lhs'))]
||> Context_Position.restore_visible lthy2;
val def =
Thm.transitive local_def global_def
|> Local_Defs.contract lthy3 defs (Thm.cterm_of lthy3 (Logic.mk_equals (lhs, rhs)));
val ([(res_name, [res])], lthy4) = lthy3
|> Local_Theory.notes [((if internal then Binding.empty else b_def, atts), [([def], [])])];
in ((lhs, (res_name, res)), lthy4) end;
(* notes *)
fun import_export_proof ctxt (name, raw_th) =
val thy_ctxt = Proof_Context.init_global (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt);
(*export assumes/defines*)
val th = Goal.norm_result ctxt raw_th;
val ((defs, asms), th') = Local_Defs.export ctxt thy_ctxt th;
val asms' = map (rewrite_rule ctxt (Drule.norm_hhf_eqs @ defs)) asms;
(*export fixes*)
val tfrees = map TFree (Thm.fold_terms Term.add_tfrees th' []);
val frees = map Free (Thm.fold_terms Term.add_frees th' []);
val (th'' :: vs) =
(th' :: map (Drule.mk_term o Thm.cterm_of ctxt) (map Logic.mk_type tfrees @ frees))
|> Variable.export ctxt thy_ctxt
|> Drule.zero_var_indexes_list;
(*thm definition*)
val result = Global_Theory.name_thm Global_Theory.official1 name th'';
(*import fixes*)
val (tvars, vars) =
chop (length tfrees) (map (Thm.term_of o Drule.dest_term) vs)
|>> map Logic.dest_type;
val instT = map_filter (fn (TVar v, T) => SOME (v, T) | _ => NONE) (tvars ~~ tfrees);
val inst =
(fn (Var (xi, T), t) =>
SOME ((xi, Term_Subst.instantiateT instT T),
Thm.cterm_of ctxt (Term.map_types (Term_Subst.instantiateT instT) t))
| _ => NONE) (vars ~~ frees);
val result' = Thm.instantiate (map (apsnd (Thm.ctyp_of ctxt)) instT, inst) result;
(*import assumes/defines*)
val result'' =
(fold (curry op COMP) asms' result'
handle THM _ => raise THM ("Failed to re-import result", 0, result' :: asms'))
|> Local_Defs.contract ctxt defs (Thm.cprop_of th)
|> Goal.norm_result ctxt
|> Global_Theory.name_thm Global_Theory.unofficial2 name;
in (result'', result) end;
fun bind_name lthy b =
(Local_Theory.full_name lthy b, Binding.default_pos_of b);
fun map_facts f = map (apsnd (map (apfst (map f))));
fun notes target_notes kind facts lthy =
val facts' = facts
|> map (fn (a, bs) =>
(a, Global_Theory.burrow_fact (Global_Theory.name_multi (bind_name lthy (fst a))) bs))
|> map_facts (import_export_proof lthy);
val local_facts = map_facts #1 facts';
val global_facts = map_facts #2 facts';
|> target_notes kind global_facts (Attrib.partial_evaluation lthy local_facts)
|> Attrib.local_notes kind local_facts
(* abbrev *)
fun abbrev target_abbrev prmode ((b, mx), rhs) lthy =
val (global_rhs, (extra_tfrees, (type_params, term_params))) = export_abbrev lthy I rhs;
val mx' = check_mixfix lthy (b, extra_tfrees) mx;
|> target_abbrev prmode (b, mx') global_rhs (type_params, term_params)
|> Context_Position.set_visible false
|> Proof_Context.add_abbrev Print_Mode.internal (b, rhs) |> snd
|> Local_Defs.fixed_abbrev ((b, NoSyn), rhs)
||> Context_Position.restore_visible lthy
(** theory target primitives **)
fun theory_target_foundation (((b, U), mx), (b_def, rhs)) (type_params, term_params) =
background_foundation (((b, U), mx), (b_def, rhs)) (type_params, term_params)
#-> (fn (lhs, def) => standard_const (op <>) Syntax.mode_default ((b, mx), lhs)
#> pair (lhs, def));
fun theory_target_notes kind global_facts local_facts =
Local_Theory.background_theory (Attrib.global_notes kind global_facts #> snd)
#> standard_notes (op <>) kind local_facts;
fun theory_target_abbrev prmode (b, mx) global_rhs params =
(Sign.add_abbrev (#1 prmode) (b, global_rhs) #->
(fn (lhs, _) => (* FIXME type_params!? *)
Sign.notation true prmode
[(lhs, check_mixfix_global (b, null (snd params)) mx)] #> pair lhs))
#-> (fn lhs =>
standard_const (op <>) prmode
((b, if null (snd params) then NoSyn else mx),
Term.list_comb (Logic.unvarify_global lhs, snd params)));
(** theory operations **)
val theory_abbrev = abbrev theory_target_abbrev;
fun theory_declaration decl =
background_declaration decl #> standard_declaration (K true) decl;
(** locale target primitives **)
fun locale_target_notes locale kind global_facts local_facts =
(Attrib.global_notes kind (Attrib.map_facts (K []) global_facts) #> snd) #>
(fn lthy => lthy |>
Local_Theory.target (fn ctxt => ctxt |>
Locale.add_facts locale kind (standard_facts lthy ctxt local_facts))) #>
standard_notes (fn (this, other) => other <> 0 andalso this <> other) kind local_facts;
fun locale_target_declaration locale syntax decl lthy = lthy
|> Local_Theory.target (fn ctxt => ctxt |>
Locale.add_declaration locale syntax
(Morphism.transform (Local_Theory.standard_morphism lthy ctxt) decl));
fun locale_target_const locale phi_pred prmode ((b, mx), rhs) =
locale_target_declaration locale true (const_decl phi_pred prmode ((b, mx), rhs))
(** locale operations **)
fun locale_declaration locale {syntax, pervasive} decl =
pervasive ? background_declaration decl
#> locale_target_declaration locale syntax decl
#> standard_declaration (fn (_, other) => other <> 0) decl;
fun locale_const locale prmode ((b, mx), rhs) =
locale_target_const locale (K true) prmode ((b, mx), rhs)
#> standard_const (fn (this, other) => other <> 0 andalso this <> other) prmode ((b, mx), rhs);
(** locale abbreviations **)
fun locale_target_abbrev locale prmode (b, mx) global_rhs params =
background_abbrev (b, global_rhs) (snd params)
#-> (fn (lhs, _) => locale_const locale prmode ((b, mx), lhs));
fun locale_abbrev locale = abbrev (locale_target_abbrev locale);
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