(* Title: Pure/Isar/overloading.ML
Author: Florian Haftmann, TU Muenchen
Overloaded definitions without any discipline.
signature OVERLOADING =
type improvable_syntax
val activate_improvable_syntax: Proof.context -> Proof.context
val map_improvable_syntax: (improvable_syntax -> improvable_syntax)
-> Proof.context -> Proof.context
val set_primary_constraints: Proof.context -> Proof.context
val show_reverted_improvements: bool Config.T;
val overloading: (string * (string * typ) * bool) list -> theory -> local_theory
val overloading_cmd: (string * string * bool) list -> theory -> local_theory
val theory_map: (string * (string * typ) * bool) list
-> (local_theory -> local_theory) -> theory -> theory
val theory_map_result: (string * (string * typ) * bool) list
-> (morphism -> 'a -> 'b) -> (local_theory -> 'a * local_theory)
-> theory -> 'b * theory
structure Overloading: OVERLOADING =
(* generic check/uncheck combinators for improvable constants *)
type improvable_syntax = {
primary_constraints: (string * typ) list,
secondary_constraints: (string * typ) list,
improve: string * typ -> (typ * typ) option,
subst: string * typ -> (typ * term) option,
no_subst_in_abbrev_mode: bool,
unchecks: (term * term) list
structure Improvable_Syntax = Proof_Data
type T = {syntax: improvable_syntax, secondary_pass: bool}
fun init _ = {syntax = {
primary_constraints = [],
secondary_constraints = [],
improve = K NONE,
subst = K NONE,
no_subst_in_abbrev_mode = false,
unchecks = []
}, secondary_pass = false}: T;
fun map_improvable_syntax f =
Improvable_Syntax.map (fn {syntax, secondary_pass} => {syntax = f syntax, secondary_pass = secondary_pass});
val mark_passed =
Improvable_Syntax.map (fn {syntax, secondary_pass} => {syntax = syntax, secondary_pass = true});
fun improve_term_check ts ctxt =
val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt;
val {syntax = {secondary_constraints, improve, subst, no_subst_in_abbrev_mode, ...}, secondary_pass} =
Improvable_Syntax.get ctxt;
val no_subst = Proof_Context.abbrev_mode ctxt andalso no_subst_in_abbrev_mode;
fun accumulate_improvements (Const (c, ty)) =
(case improve (c, ty) of
SOME ty_ty' => Sign.typ_match thy ty_ty'
| _ => I)
| accumulate_improvements _ = I;
fun apply_subst t =
(fn Const (c, ty) =>
(case subst (c, ty) of
SOME (ty', t') =>
if Sign.typ_instance thy (ty, ty')
then SOME (ty', apply_subst t') else NONE
| _ => NONE) t;
val improvements = (fold o fold_aterms) accumulate_improvements ts Vartab.empty;
val ts' =
|> (map o map_types) (Envir.subst_type improvements)
|> not no_subst ? map apply_subst;
if secondary_pass orelse no_subst then
if eq_list (op aconv) (ts, ts') then NONE
else SOME (ts', ctxt)
SOME (ts', ctxt
|> fold (Proof_Context.add_const_constraint o apsnd SOME) secondary_constraints
|> mark_passed)
fun rewrite_liberal thy unchecks t =
(case try (Pattern.rewrite_term_top thy unchecks []) t of
| SOME t' => if t aconv t' then NONE else SOME t');
val show_reverted_improvements =
Attrib.setup_config_bool \<^binding>\<open>show_reverted_improvements\<close> (K true);
fun improve_term_uncheck ts ctxt =
val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt;
val {syntax = {unchecks, ...}, ...} = Improvable_Syntax.get ctxt;
val revert = Config.get ctxt show_reverted_improvements;
val ts' = map (rewrite_liberal thy unchecks) ts;
in if revert andalso exists is_some ts' then SOME (map2 the_default ts ts', ctxt) else NONE end;
fun set_primary_constraints ctxt =
val {syntax = {primary_constraints, ...}, ...} = Improvable_Syntax.get ctxt;
in fold (Proof_Context.add_const_constraint o apsnd SOME) primary_constraints ctxt end;
val activate_improvable_syntax =
(Syntax_Phases.term_check' 0 "improvement" improve_term_check
#> Syntax_Phases.term_uncheck' 0 "improvement" improve_term_uncheck)
#> set_primary_constraints;
(* overloading target *)
structure Data = Proof_Data
type T = ((string * typ) * (string * bool)) list;
fun init _ = [];
val get_overloading = Data.get o Local_Theory.target_of;
val map_overloading = Local_Theory.target o Data.map;
fun operation lthy b =
get_overloading lthy
|> get_first (fn ((c, _), (v, checked)) =>
if Binding.name_of b = v then SOME (c, (v, checked)) else NONE);
fun synchronize_syntax ctxt =
val overloading = Data.get ctxt;
fun subst (c, ty) =
(case AList.lookup (op =) overloading (c, ty) of
SOME (v, _) => SOME (ty, Free (v, ty))
| NONE => NONE);
val unchecks =
map (fn (c_ty as (_, ty), (v, _)) => (Free (v, ty), Const c_ty)) overloading;
|> map_improvable_syntax (K {primary_constraints = [],
secondary_constraints = [], improve = K NONE, subst = subst,
no_subst_in_abbrev_mode = false, unchecks = unchecks})
fun define_overloaded (c, U) (v, checked) (b_def, rhs) =
(Thm.add_def_global (not checked) true
(Thm.def_binding_optional (Binding.name v) b_def,
Logic.mk_equals (Const (c, Term.fastype_of rhs), rhs)))
##> map_overloading (filter_out (fn (_, (v', _)) => v' = v))
##> Local_Theory.map_contexts (K synchronize_syntax)
#-> (fn (_, def) => pair (Const (c, U), def));
fun foundation (((b, U), mx), (b_def, rhs)) params lthy =
(case operation lthy b of
SOME (c, (v, checked)) =>
if Mixfix.is_empty mx then
lthy |> define_overloaded (c, U) (v, checked) (b_def, rhs)
else error ("Illegal mixfix syntax for overloaded constant " ^ quote c)
| NONE => lthy |> Generic_Target.theory_target_foundation (((b, U), mx), (b_def, rhs)) params);
fun pretty lthy =
val overloading = get_overloading lthy;
fun pr_operation ((c, ty), (v, _)) =
Pretty.block (Pretty.breaks
[Pretty.str v, Pretty.str "\", Proof_Context.pretty_const lthy c,
Pretty.str "::", Syntax.pretty_typ lthy ty]);
(Pretty.fbreaks (Pretty.keyword1 "overloading" :: map pr_operation overloading))]
fun conclude lthy =
val overloading = get_overloading lthy;
val _ =
if null overloading then ()
error ("Missing definition(s) for parameter(s) " ^
commas_quote (map (Syntax.string_of_term lthy o Const o fst) overloading));
in lthy end;
fun gen_overloading prep_const raw_overloading_spec thy =
val ctxt = Proof_Context.init_global thy;
val _ = if null raw_overloading_spec then error "At least one parameter must be given" else ();
val overloading_spec = raw_overloading_spec |> map (fn (v, const, checked) =>
(Term.dest_Const (prep_const ctxt const), (v, checked)));
|> Local_Theory.init
{background_naming = Sign.naming_of thy,
setup = Proof_Context.init_global
#> Data.put overloading_spec
#> fold (fn ((_, ty), (v, _)) => Variable.declare_names (Free (v, ty))) overloading_spec
#> activate_improvable_syntax
#> synchronize_syntax,
conclude = conclude}
{define = Generic_Target.define foundation,
notes = Generic_Target.notes Generic_Target.theory_target_notes,
abbrev = Generic_Target.abbrev Generic_Target.theory_target_abbrev,
declaration = K Generic_Target.theory_declaration,
theory_registration = Locale.add_registration_theory,
locale_dependency = fn _ => error "Not possible in overloading target",
pretty = pretty}
val overloading = gen_overloading (fn ctxt => Syntax.check_term ctxt o Const);
val overloading_cmd = gen_overloading Syntax.read_term;
fun theory_map overloading_spec g =
overloading overloading_spec #> g #> Local_Theory.exit_global;
fun theory_map_result overloading_spec f g =
overloading overloading_spec #> g #> Local_Theory.exit_result_global f;
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.22 Sekunden
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noch Qualität der bereit gestellten Informationen zugesichert.
Die farbliche Syntaxdarstellung ist noch experimentell.