(* Title: Pure/Isar/proof_context.ML
Author: Markus Wenzel, TU Muenchen
The key concept of Isar proof contexts: elevates primitive local
reasoning Gamma |- phi to a structured concept, with generic context
elements. See also structure Variable and Assumption.
signature PROOF_CONTEXT =
val theory_of: Proof.context -> theory
val init_global: theory -> Proof.context
val get_global: theory -> string -> Proof.context
type mode
val mode_default: mode
val mode_pattern: mode
val mode_schematic: mode
val mode_abbrev: mode
val set_mode: mode -> Proof.context -> Proof.context
val get_mode: Proof.context -> mode
val restore_mode: Proof.context -> Proof.context -> Proof.context
val abbrev_mode: Proof.context -> bool
val syn_of: Proof.context -> Syntax.syntax
val tsig_of: Proof.context -> Type.tsig
val set_defsort: sort -> Proof.context -> Proof.context
val default_sort: Proof.context -> indexname -> sort
val arity_sorts: Proof.context -> string -> sort -> sort list
val consts_of: Proof.context -> Consts.T
val set_syntax_mode: Syntax.mode -> Proof.context -> Proof.context
val restore_syntax_mode: Proof.context -> Proof.context -> Proof.context
val map_naming: (Name_Space.naming -> Name_Space.naming) -> Proof.context -> Proof.context
val naming_of: Proof.context -> Name_Space.naming
val restore_naming: Proof.context -> Proof.context -> Proof.context
val full_name: Proof.context -> binding -> string
val get_scope: Proof.context -> Binding.scope option
val new_scope: Proof.context -> Binding.scope * Proof.context
val private_scope: Binding.scope -> Proof.context -> Proof.context
val private: Position.T -> Proof.context -> Proof.context
val qualified_scope: Binding.scope -> Proof.context -> Proof.context
val qualified: Position.T -> Proof.context -> Proof.context
val concealed: Proof.context -> Proof.context
val class_space: Proof.context -> Name_Space.T
val type_space: Proof.context -> Name_Space.T
val const_space: Proof.context -> Name_Space.T
val defs_context: Proof.context -> Defs.context
val intern_class: Proof.context -> xstring -> string
val intern_type: Proof.context -> xstring -> string
val intern_const: Proof.context -> xstring -> string
val extern_class: Proof.context -> string -> xstring
val markup_class: Proof.context -> string -> string
val pretty_class: Proof.context -> string -> Pretty.T
val extern_type: Proof.context -> string -> xstring
val markup_type: Proof.context -> string -> string
val pretty_type: Proof.context -> string -> Pretty.T
val extern_const: Proof.context -> string -> xstring
val markup_const: Proof.context -> string -> string
val pretty_const: Proof.context -> string -> Pretty.T
val transfer: theory -> Proof.context -> Proof.context
val transfer_facts: theory -> Proof.context -> Proof.context
val background_theory: (theory -> theory) -> Proof.context -> Proof.context
val background_theory_result: (theory -> 'a * theory) -> Proof.context -> 'a * Proof.context
val facts_of: Proof.context -> Facts.T
val facts_of_fact: Proof.context -> string -> Facts.T
val markup_extern_fact: Proof.context -> string -> Markup.T list * xstring
val augment: term -> Proof.context -> Proof.context
val print_name: Proof.context -> string -> string
val pretty_name: Proof.context -> string -> Pretty.T
val pretty_term_abbrev: Proof.context -> term -> Pretty.T
val pretty_fact: Proof.context -> string * thm list -> Pretty.T
val check_class: Proof.context -> xstring * Position.T -> class * Position.report list
val read_class: Proof.context -> string -> class
val read_typ: Proof.context -> string -> typ
val read_typ_syntax: Proof.context -> string -> typ
val read_typ_abbrev: Proof.context -> string -> typ
val cert_typ: Proof.context -> typ -> typ
val cert_typ_syntax: Proof.context -> typ -> typ
val cert_typ_abbrev: Proof.context -> typ -> typ
val infer_type: Proof.context -> string * typ -> typ
val inferred_param: string -> Proof.context -> (string * typ) * Proof.context
val inferred_fixes: Proof.context -> (string * typ) list * Proof.context
val check_type_name: {proper: bool, strict: bool} -> Proof.context ->
xstring * Position.T -> typ * Position.report list
val read_type_name: {proper: bool, strict: bool} -> Proof.context -> string -> typ
val consts_completion_message: Proof.context -> xstring * Position.T list -> string
val check_const: {proper: bool, strict: bool} -> Proof.context ->
xstring * Position.T list -> term * Position.report list
val read_const: {proper: bool, strict: bool} -> Proof.context -> string -> term
val read_arity: Proof.context -> xstring * string list * string -> arity
val cert_arity: Proof.context -> arity -> arity
val allow_dummies: Proof.context -> Proof.context
val prepare_sortsT: Proof.context -> typ list -> string list * typ list
val prepare_sorts: Proof.context -> term list -> string list * term list
val check_tfree: Proof.context -> string * sort -> string * sort
val read_term_pattern: Proof.context -> string -> term
val read_term_schematic: Proof.context -> string -> term
val read_term_abbrev: Proof.context -> string -> term
val show_abbrevs: bool Config.T
val expand_abbrevs: Proof.context -> term -> term
val cert_term: Proof.context -> term -> term
val cert_prop: Proof.context -> term -> term
val def_type: Proof.context -> indexname -> typ option
val standard_typ_check: Proof.context -> typ list -> typ list
val standard_term_check_finish: Proof.context -> term list -> term list
val standard_term_uncheck: Proof.context -> term list -> term list
val goal_export: Proof.context -> Proof.context -> thm list -> thm list
val export: Proof.context -> Proof.context -> thm list -> thm list
val export_morphism: Proof.context -> Proof.context -> morphism
val norm_export_morphism: Proof.context -> Proof.context -> morphism
val auto_bind_goal: term list -> Proof.context -> Proof.context
val auto_bind_facts: term list -> Proof.context -> Proof.context
val simult_matches: Proof.context -> term * term list -> (indexname * term) list
val maybe_bind_term: indexname * term option -> Proof.context -> Proof.context
val bind_term: indexname * term -> Proof.context -> Proof.context
val cert_propp: Proof.context -> (term * term list) list list ->
(term list list * (indexname * term) list)
val read_propp: Proof.context -> (string * string list) list list ->
(term list list * (indexname * term) list)
val fact_tac: Proof.context -> thm list -> int -> tactic
val some_fact_tac: Proof.context -> int -> tactic
val lookup_fact: Proof.context -> string -> {dynamic: bool, thms: thm list} option
val dynamic_facts_dummy: bool Config.T
val get_fact_generic: Context.generic -> Facts.ref -> string option * thm list
val get_fact: Proof.context -> Facts.ref -> thm list
val get_fact_single: Proof.context -> Facts.ref -> thm
val get_thms: Proof.context -> xstring -> thm list
val get_thm: Proof.context -> xstring -> thm
val is_stmt: Proof.context -> bool
val set_stmt: bool -> Proof.context -> Proof.context
val restore_stmt: Proof.context -> Proof.context -> Proof.context
val add_thms_dynamic: binding * (Context.generic -> thm list) ->
Proof.context -> string * Proof.context
val add_thms_lazy: string -> (binding * thm list lazy) -> Proof.context -> Proof.context
val note_thms: string -> Thm.binding * (thm list * attribute list) list ->
Proof.context -> (string * thm list) * Proof.context
val note_thmss: string -> (Thm.binding * (thm list * attribute list) list) list ->
Proof.context -> (string * thm list) list * Proof.context
val put_thms: bool -> string * thm list option -> Proof.context -> Proof.context
val alias_fact: binding -> string -> Proof.context -> Proof.context
val read_var: binding * string option * mixfix -> Proof.context ->
(binding * typ option * mixfix) * Proof.context
val cert_var: binding * typ option * mixfix -> Proof.context ->
(binding * typ option * mixfix) * Proof.context
val add_fixes: (binding * typ option * mixfix) list -> Proof.context ->
string list * Proof.context
val add_fixes_cmd: (binding * string option * mixfix) list -> Proof.context ->
string list * Proof.context
val add_assms: Assumption.export ->
(Thm.binding * (term * term list) list) list ->
Proof.context -> (string * thm list) list * Proof.context
val add_assms_cmd: Assumption.export ->
(Thm.binding * (string * string list) list) list ->
Proof.context -> (string * thm list) list * Proof.context
val dest_cases: Proof.context option -> Proof.context -> (string * Rule_Cases.T) list
val update_cases: (string * Rule_Cases.T option) list -> Proof.context -> Proof.context
val apply_case: Rule_Cases.T -> Proof.context -> (string * term list) list * Proof.context
val check_case: Proof.context -> bool ->
string * Position.T -> binding option list -> Rule_Cases.T
val type_notation: bool -> Syntax.mode -> (typ * mixfix) list -> Proof.context -> Proof.context
val notation: bool -> Syntax.mode -> (term * mixfix) list -> Proof.context -> Proof.context
val generic_type_notation: bool -> Syntax.mode -> (typ * mixfix) list -> morphism ->
Context.generic -> Context.generic
val generic_notation: bool -> Syntax.mode -> (term * mixfix) list -> morphism ->
Context.generic -> Context.generic
val type_alias: binding -> string -> Proof.context -> Proof.context
val const_alias: binding -> string -> Proof.context -> Proof.context
val add_const_constraint: string * typ option -> Proof.context -> Proof.context
val add_abbrev: string -> binding * term -> Proof.context -> (term * term) * Proof.context
val revert_abbrev: string -> string -> Proof.context -> Proof.context
val generic_add_abbrev: string -> binding * term -> Context.generic ->
(term * term) * Context.generic
val generic_revert_abbrev: string -> string -> Context.generic -> Context.generic
type stmt =
{vars: ((binding * typ option * mixfix) * (string * term)) list,
propss: term list list,
binds: (indexname * term) list,
result_binds: (indexname * term) list}
val cert_stmt: (binding * typ option * mixfix) list -> (term * term list) list list ->
Proof.context -> stmt * Proof.context
val read_stmt: (binding * string option * mixfix) list -> (string * string list) list list ->
Proof.context -> stmt * Proof.context
type statement =
{fixes: (string * term) list,
assumes: term list list,
shows: term list list,
result_binds: (indexname * term option) list,
text: term,
result_text: term}
val cert_statement: (binding * typ option * mixfix) list ->
(term * term list) list list -> (term * term list) list list -> Proof.context ->
statement * Proof.context
val read_statement: (binding * string option * mixfix) list ->
(string * string list) list list -> (string * string list) list list -> Proof.context ->
statement * Proof.context
val print_syntax: Proof.context -> unit
val print_abbrevs: bool -> Proof.context -> unit
val pretty_term_bindings: Proof.context -> Pretty.T list
val pretty_local_facts: bool -> Proof.context -> Pretty.T list
val print_local_facts: bool -> Proof.context -> unit
val pretty_cases: Proof.context -> Pretty.T list
val print_cases_proof: Proof.context -> Proof.context -> string
val debug: bool Config.T
val verbose: bool Config.T
val pretty_ctxt: Proof.context -> Pretty.T list
val pretty_context: Proof.context -> Pretty.T list
structure Proof_Context: PROOF_CONTEXT =
val theory_of = Proof_Context.theory_of;
val init_global = Proof_Context.init_global;
val get_global = Proof_Context.get_global;
(** inner syntax mode **)
datatype mode =
Mode of
{pattern: bool, (*pattern binding schematic variables*)
schematic: bool, (*term referencing loose schematic variables*)
abbrev: bool}; (*abbrev mode -- no normalization*)
fun make_mode (pattern, schematic, abbrev) =
Mode {pattern = pattern, schematic = schematic, abbrev = abbrev};
val mode_default = make_mode (false, false, false);
val mode_pattern = make_mode (true, false, false);
val mode_schematic = make_mode (false, true, false);
val mode_abbrev = make_mode (false, false, true);
(** Isar proof context information **)
type cases = Rule_Cases.T Name_Space.table;
val empty_cases: cases = Name_Space.empty_table Markup.caseN;
datatype data =
Data of
{mode: mode, (*inner syntax mode*)
syntax: Local_Syntax.T, (*local syntax*)
tsig: Type.tsig * Type.tsig, (*local/global type signature -- local name space / defsort only*)
consts: Consts.T * Consts.T, (*local/global consts -- local name space / abbrevs only*)
facts: Facts.T, (*local facts, based on initial global facts*)
cases: cases}; (*named case contexts*)
fun make_data (mode, syntax, tsig, consts, facts, cases) =
Data {mode = mode, syntax = syntax, tsig = tsig, consts = consts, facts = facts, cases = cases};
structure Data = Proof_Data
type T = data;
fun init thy =
make_data (mode_default,
Local_Syntax.init thy,
(Type.change_ignore (Sign.tsig_of thy), Sign.tsig_of thy),
(Consts.change_ignore (Sign.consts_of thy), Sign.consts_of thy),
Global_Theory.facts_of thy,
fun rep_data ctxt = Data.get ctxt |> (fn Data rep => rep);
fun map_data_result f ctxt =
val Data {mode, syntax, tsig, consts, facts, cases} = Data.get ctxt;
val (res, data') = f (mode, syntax, tsig, consts, facts, cases) ||> make_data;
in (res, Data.put data' ctxt) end;
fun map_data f = snd o map_data_result (pair () o f);
fun set_mode mode = map_data (fn (_, syntax, tsig, consts, facts, cases) =>
(mode, syntax, tsig, consts, facts, cases));
fun map_syntax f =
map_data (fn (mode, syntax, tsig, consts, facts, cases) =>
(mode, f syntax, tsig, consts, facts, cases));
fun map_syntax_idents f ctxt =
let val (opt_idents', syntax') = f (#syntax (rep_data ctxt)) in
|> map_syntax (K syntax')
|> (case opt_idents' of NONE => I | SOME idents' => Syntax_Trans.put_idents idents')
fun map_tsig f =
map_data (fn (mode, syntax, tsig, consts, facts, cases) =>
(mode, syntax, f tsig, consts, facts, cases));
fun map_consts f =
map_data (fn (mode, syntax, tsig, consts, facts, cases) =>
(mode, syntax, tsig, f consts, facts, cases));
fun map_facts_result f =
map_data_result (fn (mode, syntax, tsig, consts, facts, cases) =>
let val (res, facts') = f facts
in (res, (mode, syntax, tsig, consts, facts', cases)) end);
fun map_facts f = snd o map_facts_result (pair () o f);
fun map_cases f =
map_data (fn (mode, syntax, tsig, consts, facts, cases) =>
(mode, syntax, tsig, consts, facts, f cases));
val get_mode = #mode o rep_data;
val restore_mode = set_mode o get_mode;
val abbrev_mode = get_mode #> (fn Mode {abbrev, ...} => abbrev);
val syntax_of = #syntax o rep_data;
val syn_of = Local_Syntax.syn_of o syntax_of;
val set_syntax_mode = map_syntax o Local_Syntax.set_mode;
val restore_syntax_mode = map_syntax o Local_Syntax.restore_mode o syntax_of;
val tsig_of = #1 o #tsig o rep_data;
val set_defsort = map_tsig o apfst o Type.set_defsort;
fun default_sort ctxt = the_default (Type.defaultS (tsig_of ctxt)) o Variable.def_sort ctxt;
fun arity_sorts ctxt = Type.arity_sorts (Context.Proof ctxt) (tsig_of ctxt);
val consts_of = #1 o #consts o rep_data;
val cases_of = #cases o rep_data;
(* naming *)
val naming_of = Name_Space.naming_of o Context.Proof;
val map_naming = Context.proof_map o Name_Space.map_naming;
val restore_naming = map_naming o K o naming_of;
val full_name = Name_Space.full_name o naming_of;
val get_scope = Name_Space.get_scope o naming_of;
fun new_scope ctxt =
val (scope, naming') = Name_Space.new_scope (naming_of ctxt);
val ctxt' = map_naming (K naming') ctxt;
in (scope, ctxt') end;
val private_scope = map_naming o Name_Space.private_scope;
val private = map_naming o Name_Space.private;
val qualified_scope = map_naming o Name_Space.qualified_scope;
val qualified = map_naming o Name_Space.qualified;
val concealed = map_naming Name_Space.concealed;
(* name spaces *)
val class_space = Type.class_space o tsig_of;
val type_space = Type.type_space o tsig_of;
val const_space = Consts.space_of o consts_of;
fun defs_context ctxt = (ctxt, (const_space ctxt, type_space ctxt));
val intern_class = Name_Space.intern o class_space;
val intern_type = Name_Space.intern o type_space;
val intern_const = Name_Space.intern o const_space;
fun extern_class ctxt = Name_Space.extern ctxt (class_space ctxt);
fun extern_type ctxt = Name_Space.extern ctxt (type_space ctxt);
fun extern_const ctxt = Name_Space.extern ctxt (const_space ctxt);
fun markup_class ctxt c = Name_Space.markup_extern ctxt (class_space ctxt) c |-> Markup.markup;
fun markup_type ctxt c = Name_Space.markup_extern ctxt (type_space ctxt) c |-> Markup.markup;
fun markup_const ctxt c = Name_Space.markup_extern ctxt (const_space ctxt) c |-> Markup.markup;
fun pretty_class ctxt c = Name_Space.markup_extern ctxt (class_space ctxt) c |> Pretty.mark_str;
fun pretty_type ctxt c = Name_Space.markup_extern ctxt (type_space ctxt) c |> Pretty.mark_str;
fun pretty_const ctxt c = Name_Space.markup_extern ctxt (const_space ctxt) c |> Pretty.mark_str;
(* theory transfer *)
fun transfer_syntax thy ctxt = ctxt |>
map_syntax (Local_Syntax.rebuild thy) |>
map_tsig (fn tsig as (local_tsig, global_tsig) =>
let val thy_tsig = Sign.tsig_of thy in
if Type.eq_tsig (thy_tsig, global_tsig) then tsig
else (Type.merge_tsig (Context.Proof ctxt) (local_tsig, thy_tsig), thy_tsig) (*historic merge order*)
end) |>
map_consts (fn consts as (local_consts, global_consts) =>
let val thy_consts = Sign.consts_of thy in
if Consts.eq_consts (thy_consts, global_consts) then consts
else (Consts.merge (local_consts, thy_consts), thy_consts) (*historic merge order*)
fun transfer thy = Context.raw_transfer thy #> transfer_syntax thy;
fun transfer_facts thy =
map_facts (fn local_facts => Facts.merge (Global_Theory.facts_of thy, local_facts));
fun background_theory f ctxt = transfer (f (theory_of ctxt)) ctxt;
fun background_theory_result f ctxt =
let val (res, thy') = f (theory_of ctxt)
in (res, ctxt |> transfer thy') end;
(* hybrid facts *)
val facts_of = #facts o rep_data;
fun facts_of_fact ctxt name =
val local_facts = facts_of ctxt;
val global_facts = Global_Theory.facts_of (theory_of ctxt);
if Facts.defined local_facts name
then local_facts else global_facts
fun markup_extern_fact ctxt name =
val facts = facts_of_fact ctxt name;
val (markup, xname) = Facts.markup_extern ctxt facts name;
val markups =
if Facts.is_dynamic facts name then [markup, Markup.dynamic_fact name]
else [markup];
in (markups, xname) end;
(* augment context by implicit term declarations *)
fun augment t ctxt = ctxt
|> Variable.add_fixes_implicit t
|> Variable.declare_term t
|> Soft_Type_System.augment t;
(** pretty printing **)
val print_name = Token.print_name o Thy_Header.get_keywords';
val pretty_name = Pretty.str oo print_name;
fun pretty_term_abbrev ctxt = Syntax.pretty_term (set_mode mode_abbrev ctxt);
fun pretty_fact_name ctxt a =
Pretty.block [Pretty.marks_str (markup_extern_fact ctxt a), Pretty.str ":"];
fun pretty_fact ctxt =
val pretty_thm = Thm.pretty_thm ctxt;
val pretty_thms = map (Thm.pretty_thm_item ctxt);
fn ("", [th]) => pretty_thm th
| ("", ths) => Pretty.blk (0, Pretty.fbreaks (pretty_thms ths))
| (a, [th]) => Pretty.block [pretty_fact_name ctxt a, Pretty.brk 1, pretty_thm th]
| (a, ths) => Pretty.block (Pretty.fbreaks (pretty_fact_name ctxt a :: pretty_thms ths))
(** prepare types **)
(* classes *)
fun check_class ctxt (xname, pos) =
val tsig = tsig_of ctxt;
val class_space = Type.class_space tsig;
val name = Type.cert_class tsig (Name_Space.intern class_space xname)
handle TYPE (msg, _, _) =>
error (msg ^ Position.here pos ^
[Name_Space.completion (Context.Proof ctxt) class_space (K true) (xname, pos)]);
val reports =
if Context_Position.is_reported ctxt pos
then [(pos, Name_Space.markup class_space name)] else [];
in (name, reports) end;
fun read_class ctxt text =
val source = Syntax.read_input text;
val (c, reports) = check_class ctxt (Input.source_content source);
val _ = Context_Position.reports ctxt reports;
in c end;
(* types *)
fun read_typ_mode mode ctxt s =
Syntax.read_typ (Type.set_mode mode ctxt) s;
val read_typ = read_typ_mode Type.mode_default;
val read_typ_syntax = read_typ_mode Type.mode_syntax;
val read_typ_abbrev = read_typ_mode Type.mode_abbrev;
fun cert_typ_mode mode ctxt T =
Type.cert_typ_mode mode (tsig_of ctxt) T
handle TYPE (msg, _, _) => error msg;
val cert_typ = cert_typ_mode Type.mode_default;
val cert_typ_syntax = cert_typ_mode Type.mode_syntax;
val cert_typ_abbrev = cert_typ_mode Type.mode_abbrev;
(** prepare terms and propositions **)
(* inferred types of parameters *)
fun infer_type ctxt x =
Term.fastype_of (singleton (Syntax.check_terms (set_mode mode_schematic ctxt)) (Free x));
fun inferred_param x ctxt =
let val p = (x, infer_type ctxt (x, dummyT))
in (p, ctxt |> Variable.declare_term (Free p)) end;
fun inferred_fixes ctxt =
fold_map inferred_param (map #2 (Variable.dest_fixes ctxt)) ctxt;
(* type names *)
fun check_type_name {proper, strict} ctxt (c, pos) =
if Lexicon.is_tid c then
if proper then error ("Not a type constructor: " ^ quote c ^ Position.here pos)
val reports =
if Context_Position.is_reported ctxt pos
then [(pos, Markup.tfree)] else [];
in (TFree (c, default_sort ctxt (c, ~1)), reports) end
val ((d, reports), decl) = Type.check_decl (Context.Proof ctxt) (tsig_of ctxt) (c, pos);
fun err () = error ("Bad type name: " ^ quote d ^ Position.here pos);
val args =
(case decl of
Type.LogicalType n => n
| Type.Abbreviation (vs, _, _) => if strict then err () else length vs
| Type.Nonterminal => if strict then err () else 0);
in (Type (d, replicate args dummyT), reports) end;
fun read_type_name flags ctxt text =
val source = Syntax.read_input text;
val (T, reports) = check_type_name flags ctxt (Input.source_content source);
val _ = Context_Position.reports ctxt reports;
in T end;
(* constant names *)
fun consts_completion_message ctxt (c, ps) =
ps |> map (fn pos =>
Name_Space.completion (Context.Proof ctxt) (Consts.space_of (consts_of ctxt)) (K true) (c, pos))
|> Completion.markup_report;
fun check_const {proper, strict} ctxt (c, ps) =
val _ =
Name.reject_internal (c, ps) handle ERROR msg =>
error (msg ^ consts_completion_message ctxt (c, ps));
fun err msg = error (msg ^ Position.here_list ps);
val consts = consts_of ctxt;
val fixed = if proper then NONE else Variable.lookup_fixed ctxt c;
val (t, reports) =
(case (fixed, Variable.lookup_const ctxt c) of
(SOME x, NONE) =>
val reports = ps
|> filter (Context_Position.is_reported ctxt)
|> map (fn pos =>
(pos, Markup.name x (if Name.is_skolem x then Markup.skolem else Markup.free)));
in (Free (x, infer_type ctxt (x, dummyT)), reports) end
| (_, SOME d) =>
val T = Consts.type_scheme consts d handle TYPE (msg, _, _) => err msg;
val reports = ps
|> filter (Context_Position.is_reported ctxt)
|> map (fn pos => (pos, Name_Space.markup (Consts.space_of consts) d));
in (Const (d, T), reports) end
| _ => Consts.check_const (Context.Proof ctxt) consts (c, ps));
val _ =
(case (strict, t) of
(true, Const (d, _)) =>
(ignore (Consts.the_const consts d) handle TYPE (msg, _, _) => err msg)
| _ => ());
in (t, reports) end;
fun read_const flags ctxt text =
val source = Syntax.read_input text;
val (c, pos) = Input.source_content source;
val (t, reports) = check_const flags ctxt (c, [pos]);
val _ = Context_Position.reports ctxt reports;
in t end;
(* type arities *)
fun prep_arity prep_tycon prep_sort ctxt (t, Ss, S) =
let val arity = (prep_tycon ctxt t, map (prep_sort ctxt) Ss, prep_sort ctxt S)
in Type.add_arity (Context.Proof ctxt) arity (tsig_of ctxt); arity end;
val read_arity =
prep_arity ((#1 o dest_Type) oo read_type_name {proper = true, strict = true}) Syntax.read_sort;
val cert_arity = prep_arity (K I) (Type.cert_sort o tsig_of);
(* read_term *)
fun read_term_mode mode ctxt = Syntax.read_term (set_mode mode ctxt);
val read_term_pattern = read_term_mode mode_pattern;
val read_term_schematic = read_term_mode mode_schematic;
val read_term_abbrev = read_term_mode mode_abbrev;
(* local abbreviations *)
fun certify_consts ctxt =
Consts.certify (Context.Proof ctxt) (tsig_of ctxt)
(not (abbrev_mode ctxt)) (consts_of ctxt);
fun expand_binds ctxt =
val Mode {pattern, schematic, ...} = get_mode ctxt;
fun reject_schematic (t as Var _) =
error ("Unbound schematic variable: " ^ Syntax.string_of_term ctxt t)
| reject_schematic (Abs (_, _, t)) = reject_schematic t
| reject_schematic (t $ u) = (reject_schematic t; reject_schematic u)
| reject_schematic _ = ();
if pattern then I
else Variable.expand_binds ctxt #> (if schematic then I else tap reject_schematic)
fun expand_abbrevs ctxt = certify_consts ctxt #> expand_binds ctxt;
val show_abbrevs = Config.declare_bool ("show_abbrevs", \<^here>) (K true);
fun contract_abbrevs ctxt t =
val thy = theory_of ctxt;
val consts = consts_of ctxt;
val Mode {abbrev, ...} = get_mode ctxt;
val retrieve = Consts.retrieve_abbrevs consts (print_mode_value () @ [""]);
fun match_abbrev u = Option.map #1 (get_first (Pattern.match_rew thy u) (retrieve u));
if abbrev orelse not (Config.get ctxt show_abbrevs) orelse not (can Term.type_of t) then t
else Pattern.rewrite_term_top thy [] [match_abbrev] t
(* patterns *)
fun prepare_patternT ctxt T =
val Mode {pattern, schematic, ...} = get_mode ctxt;
val _ =
pattern orelse schematic orelse
T |> Term.exists_subtype
(fn T as TVar (xi, _) =>
not (Type_Infer.is_param xi) andalso
error ("Illegal schematic type variable: " ^ Syntax.string_of_typ ctxt T)
| _ => false)
in T end;
val dummies = Config.declare_bool ("Proof_Context.dummies", \<^here>) (K false);
fun check_dummies ctxt t =
if Config.get ctxt dummies then t
else Term.no_dummy_patterns t handle TERM _ => error "Illegal dummy pattern(s) in term";
fun prepare_dummies ts = #1 (fold_map Term.replace_dummy_patterns ts 1);
val allow_dummies = Config.put dummies true;
fun prepare_patterns ctxt =
let val Mode {pattern, ...} = get_mode ctxt in
Type_Infer.fixate ctxt pattern #>
pattern ? Variable.polymorphic ctxt #>
(map o Term.map_types) (prepare_patternT ctxt) #>
(if pattern then prepare_dummies else map (check_dummies ctxt))
(* sort constraints *)
fun prepare_sorts_env ctxt tys =
val tsig = tsig_of ctxt;
val defaultS = Type.defaultS tsig;
val dummy_var = ("'_dummy_", ~1);
fun constraint (xi, raw_S) env =
let val (ps, S) = Term_Position.decode_positionS raw_S in
if xi = dummy_var orelse S = dummyS then env
Vartab.insert (op =) (xi, Type.minimize_sort tsig S) env
handle Vartab.DUP _ =>
error ("Inconsistent sort constraints for type variable " ^
quote (Term.string_of_vname' xi) ^ Position.here_list ps)
val env =
(fold o fold_atyps)
(fn TFree (x, S) => constraint ((x, ~1), S)
| TVar v => constraint v
| _ => I) tys Vartab.empty;
fun get_sort xi raw_S =
if xi = dummy_var then
Type.minimize_sort tsig (#2 (Term_Position.decode_positionS raw_S))
(case (Vartab.lookup env xi, Variable.def_sort ctxt xi) of
(NONE, NONE) => defaultS
| (NONE, SOME S) => S
| (SOME S, NONE) => S
| (SOME S, SOME S') =>
if Type.eq_sort tsig (S, S') then S'
error ("Sort constraint " ^ Syntax.string_of_sort ctxt S ^
" inconsistent with default " ^ Syntax.string_of_sort ctxt S' ^
" for type variable " ^ quote (Term.string_of_vname' xi)));
fun add_report S pos reports =
if Position.is_reported pos andalso not (AList.defined (op =) reports pos) then
(pos, Position.reported_text pos Markup.sorting (Syntax.string_of_sort ctxt S)) :: reports
else reports;
fun get_sort_reports xi raw_S =
val ps = #1 (Term_Position.decode_positionS raw_S);
val S = get_sort xi raw_S handle ERROR msg => error (msg ^ Position.here_list ps);
in fold (add_report S) ps end;
val reports =
(fold o fold_atyps)
(fn T =>
if Term_Position.is_positionT T then I
(case T of
TFree (x, raw_S) => get_sort_reports (x, ~1) raw_S
| TVar (xi, raw_S) => get_sort_reports xi raw_S
| _ => I)) tys [];
in (map #2 reports, get_sort) end;
fun replace_sortsT get_sort =
(fn T =>
if Term_Position.is_positionT T then T
(case T of
TFree (x, raw_S) => TFree (x, get_sort (x, ~1) raw_S)
| TVar (xi, raw_S) => TVar (xi, get_sort xi raw_S)
| _ => T));
fun prepare_sortsT ctxt tys =
let val (sorting_report, get_sort) = prepare_sorts_env ctxt tys
in (sorting_report, map (replace_sortsT get_sort) tys) end;
fun prepare_sorts ctxt tms =
val tys = rev ((fold o fold_types) cons tms []);
val (sorting_report, get_sort) = prepare_sorts_env ctxt tys;
in (sorting_report, (map o map_types) (replace_sortsT get_sort) tms) end;
fun check_tfree ctxt v =
val (sorting_report, [TFree a]) = prepare_sortsT ctxt [TFree v];
val _ = if Context_Position.reports_enabled ctxt then Output.report sorting_report else ();
in a end;
(* certify terms *)
fun gen_cert prop ctxt t =
|> expand_abbrevs ctxt
|> (fn t' =>
#1 (Sign.certify' prop (Context.Proof ctxt) false (consts_of ctxt) (theory_of ctxt) t')
handle TYPE (msg, _, _) => error msg | TERM (msg, _) => error msg);
val cert_term = gen_cert false;
val cert_prop = gen_cert true;
(* check/uncheck *)
fun def_type ctxt =
let val Mode {pattern, ...} = get_mode ctxt
in Variable.def_type ctxt pattern end;
fun standard_typ_check ctxt =
map (cert_typ_mode (Type.get_mode ctxt) ctxt #> prepare_patternT ctxt);
val standard_term_check_finish = prepare_patterns;
fun standard_term_uncheck ctxt = map (contract_abbrevs ctxt);
(** export results **)
fun common_export is_goal inner outer =
map (Assumption.export is_goal inner outer) #>
Variable.export inner outer;
val goal_export = common_export true;
val export = common_export false;
fun export_morphism inner outer =
Assumption.export_morphism inner outer $>
Variable.export_morphism inner outer;
fun norm_export_morphism inner outer =
export_morphism inner outer $>
Morphism.thm_morphism "Proof_Context.norm_export" (Goal.norm_result outer);
(** term bindings **)
(* auto bindings *)
fun auto_bind f props ctxt = fold Variable.maybe_bind_term (f ctxt props) ctxt;
val auto_bind_goal = auto_bind Auto_Bind.goal;
val auto_bind_facts = auto_bind Auto_Bind.facts;
(* match bindings *)
fun simult_matches ctxt (t, pats) =
(case Seq.pull (Unify.matchers (Context.Proof ctxt) (map (rpair t) pats)) of
NONE => error "Pattern match failed!"
| SOME (env, _) => Vartab.fold (fn (v, (_, t)) => cons (v, t)) (Envir.term_env env) []);
fun maybe_bind_term (xi, t) ctxt =
|> Variable.maybe_bind_term (xi, Option.map (cert_term (set_mode mode_default ctxt)) t);
val bind_term = maybe_bind_term o apsnd SOME;
(* propositions with patterns *)
fun prep_propp prep_props ctxt raw_args =
val props = prep_props ctxt (maps (map fst) raw_args);
val props_ctxt = fold Variable.declare_term props ctxt;
val patss = maps (map (prep_props (set_mode mode_pattern props_ctxt) o snd)) raw_args;
val propps = unflat raw_args (props ~~ patss);
val binds = (maps o maps) (simult_matches props_ctxt) propps;
in (map (map fst) propps, binds) end;
val cert_propp = prep_propp (map o cert_prop);
val read_propp = prep_propp Syntax.read_props;
(** theorems **)
(* fact_tac *)
fun comp_hhf_tac ctxt th i st =
PRIMSEQ (Thm.bicompose (SOME ctxt) {flatten = true, match = false, incremented = true}
(false, Drule.lift_all ctxt (Thm.cprem_of st i) th, 0) i) st;
fun comp_incr_tac _ [] _ = no_tac
| comp_incr_tac ctxt (th :: ths) i =
(fn st => comp_hhf_tac ctxt (Drule.incr_indexes st th) i st) APPEND
comp_incr_tac ctxt ths i;
val vacuous_facts = [Drule.termI];
fun potential_facts ctxt prop =
val body = Term.strip_all_body prop;
val vacuous =
filter (fn th => Term.could_unify (body, Thm.concl_of th)) vacuous_facts
|> map (rpair Position.none);
in Facts.could_unify (facts_of ctxt) body @ vacuous end;
fun fact_tac ctxt facts = Goal.norm_hhf_tac ctxt THEN' comp_incr_tac ctxt facts;
fun some_fact_tac ctxt =
SUBGOAL (fn (goal, i) => fact_tac ctxt (map #1 (potential_facts ctxt goal)) i);
(* lookup facts *)
fun lookup_fact ctxt name =
val context = Context.Proof ctxt;
val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt;
(case Facts.lookup context (facts_of ctxt) name of
NONE => Facts.lookup context (Global_Theory.facts_of thy) name
| some => some)
(* retrieve facts *)
val dynamic_facts_dummy = Config.declare_bool ("dynamic_facts_dummy_", \<^here>) (K false);
fun retrieve_global context =
Facts.retrieve context (Global_Theory.facts_of (Context.theory_of context));
fun retrieve_generic (context as Context.Proof ctxt) arg =
(Facts.retrieve context (facts_of ctxt) arg handle ERROR local_msg =>
(retrieve_global context arg handle ERROR _ => error local_msg))
| retrieve_generic context arg = retrieve_global context arg;
fun retrieve pick context (Facts.Fact s) =
val ctxt = Context.the_proof context;
val pos = Syntax.read_input_pos s;
val prop =
Syntax.read_prop (ctxt |> set_mode mode_default |> allow_dummies) s
|> singleton (Variable.polymorphic ctxt);
fun err ps msg =
error (msg ^ Position.here_list (pos :: ps) ^ ":\n" ^ Syntax.string_of_term ctxt prop);
val (prop', _) = Term.replace_dummy_patterns prop (Variable.maxidx_of ctxt + 1);
fun prove th = Goal.prove ctxt [] [] prop' (K (ALLGOALS (fact_tac ctxt [th])));
val results = map_filter (try (apfst prove)) (potential_facts ctxt prop');
val (thm, thm_pos) =
(case distinct (eq_fst Thm.eq_thm_prop) results of
[res] => res
| [] => err [] "Failed to retrieve literal fact"
| dups => err (distinct (op =) (map #2 dups)) "Ambiguous specification of literal fact");
val markup = Position.entity_markup Markup.literal_factN ("", thm_pos);
val _ = Context_Position.report_generic context pos markup;
in pick true ("", thm_pos) [thm] end
| retrieve pick context (Facts.Named ((xname, pos), sel)) =
val thy = Context.theory_of context;
fun immediate thms = {name = xname, dynamic = false, thms = map (Thm.transfer thy) thms};
val {name, dynamic, thms} =
(case xname of
"" => immediate [Drule.dummy_thm]
| "_" => immediate [Drule.asm_rl]
| "nothing" => immediate []
| _ => retrieve_generic context (xname, pos));
val thms' =
if dynamic andalso Config.get_generic context dynamic_facts_dummy
then [Drule.free_dummy_thm]
else Facts.select (Facts.Named ((name, pos), sel)) thms;
in pick (dynamic andalso is_none sel) (name, pos) thms' end;
val get_fact_generic =
retrieve (fn dynamic => fn (name, _) => fn thms =>
(if dynamic then SOME name else NONE, thms));
val get_fact = retrieve (K (K I)) o Context.Proof;
val get_fact_single = retrieve (K Facts.the_single) o Context.Proof;
fun get_thms ctxt = get_fact ctxt o Facts.named;
fun get_thm ctxt = get_fact_single ctxt o Facts.named;
(* inner statement mode *)
val inner_stmt = Config.declare_bool ("inner_stmt", \<^here>) (K false);
fun is_stmt ctxt = Config.get ctxt inner_stmt;
val set_stmt = Config.put inner_stmt;
val restore_stmt = set_stmt o is_stmt;
(* facts *)
fun add_thms_dynamic arg ctxt =
ctxt |> map_facts_result (Facts.add_dynamic (Context.Proof ctxt) arg);
fun add_facts {index} arg ctxt = ctxt
|> map_facts_result (Facts.add_static (Context.Proof ctxt) {strict = false, index = index} arg);
fun update_facts flags (b, SOME ths) ctxt = ctxt |> add_facts flags (b, Lazy.value ths) |> #2
| update_facts _ (b, NONE) ctxt = ctxt |> map_facts (Facts.del (full_name ctxt b));
fun bind_name ctxt b = (full_name ctxt b, Binding.default_pos_of b);
fun add_thms_lazy kind (b, ths) ctxt =
val name_pos = bind_name ctxt b;
val ths' =
Global_Theory.check_thms_lazy ths
|> Lazy.map_finished
(Global_Theory.name_thms Global_Theory.unofficial1 name_pos #> map (Thm.kind_rule kind));
val (_, ctxt') = add_facts {index = is_stmt ctxt} (b, ths') ctxt;
in ctxt' end;
fun note_thms kind ((b, more_atts), facts) ctxt =
val (name, pos) = bind_name ctxt b;
val facts' = facts
|> Global_Theory.burrow_fact (Global_Theory.name_thms Global_Theory.unofficial1 (name, pos));
fun app (ths, atts) =
fold_map (Thm.proof_attributes (surround (Thm.kind kind) (atts @ more_atts))) ths;
val (res, ctxt') = fold_map app facts' ctxt;
val thms = Global_Theory.name_thms Global_Theory.unofficial2 (name, pos) (flat res);
val (_, ctxt'') = ctxt' |> add_facts {index = is_stmt ctxt} (b, Lazy.value thms);
in ((name, thms), ctxt'') end;
val note_thmss = fold_map o note_thms;
fun put_thms index thms ctxt = ctxt
|> map_naming (K Name_Space.local_naming)
|> Context_Position.set_visible false
|> update_facts {index = index} (apfst Binding.name thms)
|> Context_Position.restore_visible ctxt
|> restore_naming ctxt;
fun alias_fact b c ctxt = map_facts (Facts.alias (naming_of ctxt) b c) ctxt;
(** basic logical entities **)
(* variables *)
fun declare_var (x, opt_T, mx) ctxt =
let val T = (case opt_T of SOME T => T | NONE => Mixfix.default_constraint mx)
in (T, ctxt |> Variable.declare_constraints (Free (x, T))) end;
fun add_syntax vars ctxt =
map_syntax_idents (Local_Syntax.add_syntax ctxt (map (pair Local_Syntax.Fixed) vars)) ctxt;
fun check_var internal b =
val x = Variable.check_name b;
val check = if internal then Name.reject_skolem else Name.reject_internal;
val _ =
if can check (x, []) andalso Symbol_Pos.is_identifier x then ()
else error ("Bad name: " ^ Binding.print b);
in x end;
fun check_mixfix ctxt (b, T, mx) =
val ([x], ctxt') = Variable.add_fixes_binding [Binding.reset_pos b] ctxt;
val mx' = Mixfix.reset_pos mx;
val _ = add_syntax [(x, T, if Context_Position.reports_enabled ctxt then mx else mx')] ctxt';
in mx' end;
fun prep_var prep_typ internal (b, raw_T, mx) ctxt =
val x = check_var internal b;
fun cond_tvars T =
if internal then T
else Type.no_tvars T handle TYPE (msg, _, _) => error msg;
val opt_T = Option.map (cond_tvars o prep_typ ctxt) raw_T;
val (T, ctxt') = ctxt |> declare_var (x, opt_T, mx);
val mx' = if Mixfix.is_empty mx then mx else check_mixfix ctxt' (b, T, mx);
in ((b, SOME T, mx'), ctxt') end;
val read_var = prep_var Syntax.read_typ false;
val cert_var = prep_var cert_typ true;
(* notation *)
fun type_syntax (Type (c, args), mx) =
SOME (Local_Syntax.Type, (Lexicon.mark_type c, Mixfix.make_type (length args), mx))
| type_syntax _ = NONE;
fun const_syntax _ (Free (x, T), mx) = SOME (Local_Syntax.Fixed, (x, T, mx))
| const_syntax ctxt (Const (c, _), mx) =
(case try (Consts.type_scheme (consts_of ctxt)) c of
SOME T => SOME (Local_Syntax.Const, (Lexicon.mark_const c, T, mx))
| const_syntax _ _ = NONE;
fun gen_notation syntax add mode args ctxt =
ctxt |> map_syntax_idents
(Local_Syntax.update_modesyntax ctxt add mode (map_filter (syntax ctxt) args));
val type_notation = gen_notation (K type_syntax);
val notation = gen_notation const_syntax;
fun generic_type_notation add mode args phi =
val args' = args |> map_filter (fn (T, mx) =>
val T' = Morphism.typ phi T;
val similar = (case (T, T') of (Type (c, _), Type (c', _)) => c = c' | _ => false);
in if similar then SOME (T', mx) else NONE end);
in Context.mapping (Sign.type_notation add mode args') (type_notation add mode args') end;
fun generic_notation add mode args phi =
val args' = args |> map_filter (fn (t, mx) =>
let val t' = Morphism.term phi t
in if Term.aconv_untyped (t, t') then SOME (t', mx) else NONE end);
in Context.mapping (Sign.notation add mode args') (notation add mode args') end;
(* aliases *)
fun type_alias b c ctxt = (map_tsig o apfst) (Type.type_alias (naming_of ctxt) b c) ctxt;
fun const_alias b c ctxt = (map_consts o apfst) (Consts.alias (naming_of ctxt) b c) ctxt;
(* local constants *)
fun add_const_constraint (c, opt_T) ctxt =
fun prepT raw_T =
let val T = cert_typ ctxt raw_T
in cert_term ctxt (Const (c, T)); T end;
in ctxt |> (map_consts o apfst) (Consts.constrain (c, Option.map prepT opt_T)) end;
fun add_abbrev mode (b, raw_t) ctxt =
val t0 = cert_term (ctxt |> set_mode mode_abbrev) raw_t
handle ERROR msg => cat_error msg ("in constant abbreviation " ^ Binding.print b);
val [t] = Variable.exportT_terms (Variable.declare_term t0 ctxt) ctxt [t0];
val ((lhs, rhs), consts') = consts_of ctxt
|> Consts.abbreviate (Context.Proof ctxt) (tsig_of ctxt) mode (b, t);
|> (map_consts o apfst) (K consts')
|> Variable.declare_term rhs
|> pair (lhs, rhs)
fun revert_abbrev mode c = (map_consts o apfst) (Consts.revert_abbrev mode c);
fun generic_add_abbrev mode arg =
Context.mapping_result (Sign.add_abbrev mode arg) (add_abbrev mode arg);
fun generic_revert_abbrev mode arg =
Context.mapping (Sign.revert_abbrev mode arg) (revert_abbrev mode arg);
(* fixes *)
fun gen_fixes prep_var raw_vars ctxt =
val (vars, _) = fold_map prep_var raw_vars ctxt;
val (xs, ctxt') = Variable.add_fixes_binding (map #1 vars) ctxt;
val _ =
Context_Position.reports ctxt'
(flat (map2 (fn x => fn pos =>
[(pos, Variable.markup ctxt' x), (pos, Variable.markup_entity_def ctxt' x)])
xs (map (Binding.pos_of o #1) vars)));
val vars' = map2 (fn x => fn (_, opt_T, mx) => (x, opt_T, mx)) xs vars;
val (Ts, ctxt'') = fold_map declare_var vars' ctxt';
val vars'' = map2 (fn T => fn (x, _, mx) => (x, T, mx)) Ts vars';
in (xs, add_syntax vars'' ctxt'') end;
val add_fixes = gen_fixes cert_var;
val add_fixes_cmd = gen_fixes read_var;
(** assumptions **)
fun gen_assms prep_propp exp args ctxt =
val (propss, binds) = prep_propp ctxt (map snd args);
val props = flat propss;
|> fold Variable.declare_term props
|> tap (Variable.warn_extra_tfrees ctxt)
|> fold_burrow (Assumption.add_assms exp o map (Thm.cterm_of ctxt)) propss
|-> (fn premss =>
auto_bind_facts props
#> fold Variable.bind_term binds
#> note_thmss "" (map fst args ~~ map (map (fn th => ([th], []))) premss))
val add_assms = gen_assms cert_propp;
val add_assms_cmd = gen_assms read_propp;
(** cases **)
fun dest_cases prev_ctxt ctxt =
val serial_of = #serial oo (Name_Space.the_entry o Name_Space.space_of_table);
val ignored =
(case prev_ctxt of
NONE => Inttab.empty
| SOME ctxt0 =>
let val cases0 = cases_of ctxt0 in
Name_Space.fold_table (fn (a, _) => Inttab.insert_set (serial_of cases0 a))
cases0 Inttab.empty
val cases = cases_of ctxt;
Name_Space.fold_table (fn (a, c) =>
let val i = serial_of cases a
in not (Inttab.defined ignored i) ? cons (i, (a, c)) end) cases []
|> sort (int_ord o apply2 #1) |> map #2
fun drop_schematic (b as (xi, SOME t)) = if Term.exists_subterm is_Var t then (xi, NONE) else b
| drop_schematic b = b;
fun update_case _ ("", _) cases = cases
| update_case _ (name, NONE) cases = Name_Space.del_table name cases
| update_case context (name, SOME c) cases =
#2 (Name_Space.define context false (Binding.name name, c) cases);
fun fix (b, T) ctxt =
let val ([x], ctxt') = add_fixes [(b, SOME T, NoSyn)] ctxt
in (Free (x, T), ctxt') end;
fun update_cases args ctxt =
let val context = Context.Proof ctxt |> Name_Space.map_naming (K Name_Space.global_naming);
in map_cases (fold (update_case context) args) ctxt end;
fun case_result c ctxt =
val Rule_Cases.Case {fixes, ...} = c;
val (ts, ctxt') = ctxt |> fold_map fix fixes;
val Rule_Cases.Case {assumes, binds, cases, ...} = Rule_Cases.apply ts c;
|> fold (maybe_bind_term o drop_schematic) binds
|> update_cases (map (apsnd SOME) cases)
|> pair (assumes, (binds, cases))
val apply_case = apfst fst oo case_result;
fun check_case ctxt internal (name, pos) param_specs =
val (_, Rule_Cases.Case {fixes, assumes, binds, cases}) =
Name_Space.check (Context.Proof ctxt) (cases_of ctxt) (name, pos);
val _ = List.app (fn NONE => () | SOME b => ignore (check_var internal b)) param_specs;
fun replace (opt_x :: xs) ((y, T) :: ys) = (the_default y opt_x, T) :: replace xs ys
| replace [] ys = ys
| replace (_ :: _) [] =
error ("Too many parameters for case " ^ quote name ^ Position.here pos);
val fixes' = replace param_specs fixes;
val binds' = map drop_schematic binds;
if null (fold (Term.add_tvarsT o snd) fixes []) andalso
null (fold (fold Term.add_vars o snd) assumes []) then
Rule_Cases.Case {fixes = fixes', assumes = assumes, binds = binds', cases = cases}
else error ("Illegal schematic variable(s) in case " ^ quote name ^ Position.here pos)
(* structured statements *)
type stmt =
{vars: ((binding * typ option * mixfix) * (string * term)) list,
propss: term list list,
binds: (indexname * term) list,
result_binds: (indexname * term) list};
type statement =
{fixes: (string * term) list,
assumes: term list list,
shows: term list list,
result_binds: (indexname * term option) list,
text: term,
result_text: term};
fun export_binds ctxt' ctxt params binds =
val rhss =
map (the_list o Option.map (Logic.close_term params) o snd) binds
|> burrow (Variable.export_terms ctxt' ctxt)
|> map (try the_single);
in map fst binds ~~ rhss end;
fun prep_stmt prep_var prep_propp raw_vars raw_propps ctxt =
val (vars, vars_ctxt) = fold_map prep_var raw_vars ctxt;
val xs = map (Variable.check_name o #1) vars;
val (xs', fixes_ctxt) = add_fixes vars vars_ctxt;
val (propss, binds) = prep_propp fixes_ctxt raw_propps;
val (ps, params_ctxt) = fixes_ctxt
|> (fold o fold) Variable.declare_term propss
|> fold_map inferred_param xs';
val params = xs ~~ map Free ps;
val vars' = map2 (fn (b, _, mx) => fn (_, T) => (b, SOME T, mx)) vars ps;
val binds' = binds
|> map (apsnd SOME)
|> export_binds params_ctxt ctxt params
|> map (apsnd the);
val _ = Variable.warn_extra_tfrees fixes_ctxt params_ctxt;
val result : stmt =
{vars = vars' ~~ params, propss = propss, binds = binds, result_binds = binds'};
in (result, params_ctxt) end;
fun prep_statement prep_var prep_propp raw_fixes raw_assumes raw_shows ctxt =
val ((fixes, (assumes, shows), binds), ctxt') = ctxt
|> prep_stmt prep_var prep_propp raw_fixes (raw_assumes @ raw_shows)
|-> (fn {vars, propss, binds, ...} =>
fold Variable.bind_term binds #>
pair (map #2 vars, chop (length raw_assumes) propss, binds));
val binds' =
(Auto_Bind.facts ctxt' (flat shows) @
(case try List.last (flat shows) of
NONE => []
| SOME prop => map (apsnd (SOME o Auto_Bind.abs_params prop)) binds))
|> export_binds ctxt' ctxt fixes;
val text = Logic.close_prop fixes (flat assumes) (Logic.mk_conjunction_list (flat shows));
val text' = singleton (Variable.export_terms ctxt' ctxt) text;
val result : statement =
{fixes = fixes,
assumes = assumes,
shows = shows,
result_binds = binds',
text = text,
result_text = text'};
in (result, ctxt') end;
val cert_stmt = prep_stmt cert_var cert_propp;
val read_stmt = prep_stmt read_var read_propp;
val cert_statement = prep_statement cert_var cert_propp;
val read_statement = prep_statement read_var read_propp;
(** print context information **)
(* local syntax *)
val print_syntax = Syntax.print_syntax o syn_of;
(* abbreviations *)
fun pretty_abbrevs verbose show_globals ctxt =
val space = const_space ctxt;
val (constants, global_constants) =
apply2 (#constants o Consts.dest) (#consts (rep_data ctxt));
val globals = Symtab.make global_constants;
fun add_abbr (_, (_, NONE)) = I
| add_abbr (c, (T, SOME t)) =
if not show_globals andalso Symtab.defined globals c then I
else cons (c, Logic.mk_equals (Const (c, T), t));
val abbrevs = Name_Space.markup_entries verbose ctxt space (fold add_abbr constants []);
if null abbrevs then []
else [Pretty.big_list "abbreviations:" (map (pretty_term_abbrev ctxt o #2) abbrevs)]
fun print_abbrevs verbose = Pretty.writeln_chunks o pretty_abbrevs verbose true;
(* term bindings *)
fun pretty_term_bindings ctxt =
val binds = Variable.binds_of ctxt;
fun prt_bind (xi, (T, t)) = pretty_term_abbrev ctxt (Logic.mk_equals (Var (xi, T), t));
if Vartab.is_empty binds then []
else [Pretty.big_list "term bindings:" (map prt_bind (Vartab.dest binds))]
(* local facts *)
fun pretty_local_facts verbose ctxt =
val facts = facts_of ctxt;
val props = map #1 (Facts.props facts);
val local_facts =
(if null props then [] else [("", props)]) @
Facts.dest_static verbose [Global_Theory.facts_of (theory_of ctxt)] facts;
if null local_facts then []
[Pretty.big_list "local facts:"
(map #1 (sort_by (#1 o #2) (map (`(pretty_fact ctxt)) local_facts)))]
fun print_local_facts verbose ctxt =
Pretty.writeln_chunks (pretty_local_facts verbose ctxt);
(* named local contexts *)
fun pretty_case (name, (fixes, ((asms, (lets, cs)), ctxt))) =
val prt_name = pretty_name ctxt;
val prt_term = Syntax.pretty_term ctxt;
fun prt_let (xi, t) = Pretty.block
[Pretty.quote (prt_term (Var (xi, Term.fastype_of t))), Pretty.str " =", Pretty.brk 1,
Pretty.quote (prt_term t)];
fun prt_asm (a, ts) =
Pretty.block (Pretty.breaks
((if a = "" then [] else [prt_name a, Pretty.str ":"]) @
map (Pretty.quote o prt_term) ts));
fun prt_sect _ _ _ [] = []
| prt_sect head sep prt xs =
[Pretty.block (Pretty.breaks (head ::
flat (separate sep (map (single o prt) xs))))];
(prt_name name :: Pretty.str ":" :: Pretty.fbrk ::
(prt_sect (Pretty.keyword1 "fix") [] (prt_name o Binding.name_of o fst) fixes @
prt_sect (Pretty.keyword1 "let") [Pretty.keyword2 "and"] prt_let
(map_filter (fn (xi, SOME t) => SOME (xi, t) | _ => NONE) lets) @
(if forall (null o #2) asms then []
else prt_sect (Pretty.keyword1 "assume") [Pretty.keyword2 "and"] prt_asm asms) @
prt_sect (Pretty.str "subcases:") [] (prt_name o fst) cs))
fun pretty_cases ctxt =
val cases =
dest_cases NONE ctxt |> map (fn (name, c as Rule_Cases.Case {fixes, ...}) =>
(name, (fixes, case_result c ctxt)));
if null cases then []
else [Pretty.big_list "cases:" (map pretty_case cases)]
fun print_cases_proof ctxt0 ctxt =
val print_name = Token.print_name (Thy_Header.get_keywords' ctxt);
fun trim_name x = if Name.is_internal x then Name.clean x else "_";
val trim_names = map trim_name #> drop_suffix (equal "_");
fun print_case name xs =
(case trim_names xs of
[] => print_name name
| xs' => enclose "(" ")" (space_implode " " (map print_name (name :: xs'))));
fun is_case x t =
x = Rule_Cases.case_conclN andalso not (Term.exists_subterm Term.is_Var t);
fun print_proof (name, Rule_Cases.Case {fixes, binds, ...}) =
val concl =
if exists (fn ((x, _), SOME t) => is_case x t | _ => false) binds
then Rule_Cases.case_conclN else Auto_Bind.thesisN;
[" case " ^ print_case name (map (Binding.name_of o #1) fixes),
" then show ?" ^ concl ^ " sorry"]
(case map print_proof (dest_cases (SOME ctxt0) ctxt) of
[] => ""
| proofs =>
"Proof outline with cases:\n" ^
Active.sendback_markup_command (space_implode "\nnext\n" proofs ^ "\nqed"))
(* core context *)
val debug = Config.declare_bool ("Proof_Context.debug", \<^here>) (K false);
val verbose = Config.declare_bool ("Proof_Context.verbose", \<^here>) (K false);
fun pretty_ctxt ctxt =
if not (Config.get ctxt debug) then []
val prt_term = Syntax.pretty_term ctxt;
val {structs, ...} = Syntax_Trans.get_idents ctxt;
val prt_structs =
if null structs then []
else [Pretty.block (Pretty.str "structures:" :: Pretty.brk 1 ::
Pretty.commas (map Pretty.str structs))];
fun prt_fix (x, x') =
if x = x' then Pretty.str x
else Pretty.block [Pretty.str x, Pretty.str " =", Pretty.brk 1, prt_term (Syntax.free x')];
val fixes =
filter_out ((Name.is_internal orf member (op =) structs) o #1)
(Variable.dest_fixes ctxt);
val prt_fixes =
if null fixes then []
else [Pretty.block (Pretty.str "fixed variables:" :: Pretty.brk 1 ::
Pretty.commas (map prt_fix fixes))];
val prt_assms =
(case Assumption.all_prems_of ctxt of
[] => []
| prems => [Pretty.big_list "assumptions:" [pretty_fact ctxt ("", prems)]]);
in prt_structs @ prt_fixes @ prt_assms end;
(* main context *)
fun pretty_context ctxt =
val verbose = Config.get ctxt verbose;
fun verb f x = if verbose then f (x ()) else [];
val prt_term = Syntax.pretty_term ctxt;
val prt_typ = Syntax.pretty_typ ctxt;
val prt_sort = Syntax.pretty_sort ctxt;
val pretty_thy = Pretty.block
[Pretty.str "theory:", Pretty.brk 1, Context.pretty_thy (theory_of ctxt)];
fun prt_atom prt prtT (x, X) = Pretty.block
[prt x, Pretty.str " ::", Pretty.brk 1, prtT X];
fun prt_var (x, ~1) = prt_term (Syntax.free x)
| prt_var xi = prt_term (Syntax.var xi);
fun prt_varT (x, ~1) = prt_typ (TFree (x, []))
| prt_varT xi = prt_typ (TVar (xi, []));
val prt_defT = prt_atom prt_var prt_typ;
val prt_defS = prt_atom prt_varT prt_sort;
val (types, sorts) = Variable.constraints_of ctxt;
verb single (K pretty_thy) @
pretty_ctxt ctxt @
verb (pretty_abbrevs true false) (K ctxt) @
verb pretty_term_bindings (K ctxt) @
verb (pretty_local_facts true) (K ctxt) @
verb pretty_cases (K ctxt) @
verb single (fn () => Pretty.big_list "type constraints:" (map prt_defT (Vartab.dest types))) @
verb single (fn () => Pretty.big_list "default sorts:" (map prt_defS (Vartab.dest sorts)))
val show_abbrevs = Proof_Context.show_abbrevs;
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Die Informationen auf dieser Webseite wurden
nach bestem Wissen sorgfältig zusammengestellt. Es wird jedoch weder Vollständigkeit, noch Richtigkeit,
noch Qualität der bereit gestellten Informationen zugesichert.
Die farbliche Syntaxdarstellung ist noch experimentell.