(* Title: Pure/Syntax/local_syntax.ML
Author: Makarius
Local syntax depending on theory syntax, with special support for
implicit structure references.
signature LOCAL_SYNTAX =
type T
val syn_of: T -> Syntax.syntax
val init: theory -> T
val rebuild: theory -> T -> T
datatype kind = Type | Const | Fixed
val add_syntax: Proof.context -> (kind * (string * typ * mixfix)) list ->
T -> {structs: string list, fixes: string list} option * T
val set_mode: Syntax.mode -> T -> T
val restore_mode: T -> T -> T
val update_modesyntax: Proof.context -> bool -> Syntax.mode ->
(kind * (string * typ * mixfix)) list ->
T -> {structs: string list, fixes: string list} option * T
structure Local_Syntax: LOCAL_SYNTAX =
(* datatype T *)
type local_mixfix =
(string * bool) * (*name, fixed?*)
((bool * bool * Syntax.mode) * (string * typ * mixfix)); (*type?, add?, mode, declaration*)
datatype T = Syntax of
{thy_syntax: Syntax.syntax,
local_syntax: Syntax.syntax,
mode: Syntax.mode,
mixfixes: local_mixfix list};
fun make_syntax (thy_syntax, local_syntax, mode, mixfixes) =
Syntax {thy_syntax = thy_syntax, local_syntax = local_syntax, mode = mode, mixfixes = mixfixes};
fun map_syntax f (Syntax {thy_syntax, local_syntax, mode, mixfixes}) =
make_syntax (f (thy_syntax, local_syntax, mode, mixfixes));
fun is_consistent thy (Syntax {thy_syntax, ...}) =
Syntax.eq_syntax (Sign.syn_of thy, thy_syntax);
fun syn_of (Syntax {local_syntax, ...}) = local_syntax;
(* build syntax *)
fun build_syntax thy mode mixfixes =
val thy_syntax = Sign.syn_of thy;
fun update_gram ((true, add, m), decls) = Syntax.update_type_gram add m decls
| update_gram ((false, add, m), decls) =
Syntax.update_const_gram add (Sign.logical_types thy) m decls;
val local_syntax = thy_syntax
|> fold update_gram (AList.coalesce (op =) (rev (map snd mixfixes)));
in make_syntax (thy_syntax, local_syntax, mode, mixfixes) end;
fun init thy =
let val thy_syntax = Sign.syn_of thy
in make_syntax (thy_syntax, thy_syntax, Syntax.mode_default, []) end;
fun rebuild thy (syntax as Syntax {mode, mixfixes, ...}) =
if is_consistent thy syntax then syntax
else build_syntax thy mode mixfixes;
(* mixfix declarations *)
datatype kind = Type | Const | Fixed;
fun prep_mixfix _ _ (_, (_, _, Structure _)) = NONE
| prep_mixfix add mode (Type, decl as (x, _, _)) = SOME ((x, false), ((true, add, mode), decl))
| prep_mixfix add mode (Const, decl as (x, _, _)) = SOME ((x, false), ((false, add, mode), decl))
| prep_mixfix add mode (Fixed, (x, T, mx)) =
SOME ((x, true), ((false, add, mode), (Lexicon.mark_fixed x, T, mx)));
fun prep_struct (Fixed, (c, _, Structure _)) = SOME c
| prep_struct (_, (c, _, Structure _)) = error ("Bad structure mixfix declaration for " ^ quote c)
| prep_struct _ = NONE;
fun update_syntax ctxt add raw_decls (syntax as (Syntax {mode, mixfixes, ...})) =
(case filter_out (Mixfix.is_empty o #3 o #2) raw_decls of
[] => (NONE, syntax)
| decls =>
val new_mixfixes = map_filter (prep_mixfix add mode) decls;
val new_structs = map_filter prep_struct decls;
val mixfixes' = rev new_mixfixes @ mixfixes;
val idents = Syntax_Trans.get_idents ctxt;
val idents' =
{structs =
if add then #structs idents @ new_structs
else subtract (op =) new_structs (#structs idents),
fixes = fold (fn ((x, true), _) => cons x | _ => I) mixfixes' []};
val syntax' = build_syntax (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt) mode mixfixes';
in (if idents = idents' then NONE else SOME idents', syntax') end);
fun add_syntax ctxt = update_syntax ctxt true;
(* syntax mode *)
fun set_mode mode = map_syntax (fn (thy_syntax, local_syntax, _, mixfixes) =>
(thy_syntax, local_syntax, mode, mixfixes));
fun restore_mode (Syntax {mode, ...}) = set_mode mode;
fun update_modesyntax ctxt add mode args syntax =
syntax |> set_mode mode |> update_syntax ctxt add args ||> restore_mode syntax;
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.19 Sekunden
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Die farbliche Syntaxdarstellung ist noch experimentell.