(* Title: Pure/Syntax/mixfix.ML
Author: Tobias Nipkow and Markus Wenzel, TU Muenchen
Mixfix declarations, infixes, binders.
signature BASIC_MIXFIX =
datatype mixfix =
NoSyn |
Mixfix of Input.source * int list * int * Position.range |
Infix of Input.source * int * Position.range |
Infixl of Input.source * int * Position.range |
Infixr of Input.source * int * Position.range |
Binder of Input.source * int * int * Position.range |
Structure of Position.range
signature MIXFIX =
val mixfix: string -> mixfix
val is_empty: mixfix -> bool
val equal: mixfix * mixfix -> bool
val range_of: mixfix -> Position.range
val pos_of: mixfix -> Position.T
val reset_pos: mixfix -> mixfix
val pretty_mixfix: mixfix -> Pretty.T
val mixfix_args: mixfix -> int
val default_constraint: mixfix -> typ
val make_type: int -> typ
val binder_name: string -> string
val syn_ext_types: (string * typ * mixfix) list -> Syntax_Ext.syn_ext
val syn_ext_consts: string list -> (string * typ * mixfix) list -> Syntax_Ext.syn_ext
structure Mixfix: MIXFIX =
(** mixfix declarations **)
datatype mixfix =
NoSyn |
Mixfix of Input.source * int list * int * Position.range |
Infix of Input.source * int * Position.range |
Infixl of Input.source * int * Position.range |
Infixr of Input.source * int * Position.range |
Binder of Input.source * int * int * Position.range |
Structure of Position.range;
fun mixfix s = Mixfix (Input.string s, [], 1000, Position.no_range);
fun is_empty NoSyn = true
| is_empty _ = false;
fun equal (NoSyn, NoSyn) = true
| equal (Mixfix (sy, ps, p, _), Mixfix (sy', ps', p', _)) =
Input.equal_content (sy, sy') andalso ps = ps' andalso p = p'
| equal (Infix (sy, p, _), Infix (sy', p', _)) = Input.equal_content (sy, sy') andalso p = p'
| equal (Infixl (sy, p, _), Infixl (sy', p', _)) = Input.equal_content (sy, sy') andalso p = p'
| equal (Infixr (sy, p, _), Infixr (sy', p', _)) = Input.equal_content (sy, sy') andalso p = p'
| equal (Binder (sy, p, q, _), Binder (sy', p', q', _)) =
Input.equal_content (sy, sy') andalso p = p' andalso q = q'
| equal (Structure _, Structure _) = true
| equal _ = false;
fun range_of NoSyn = Position.no_range
| range_of (Mixfix (_, _, _, range)) = range
| range_of (Infix (_, _, range)) = range
| range_of (Infixl (_, _, range)) = range
| range_of (Infixr (_, _, range)) = range
| range_of (Binder (_, _, _, range)) = range
| range_of (Structure range) = range;
val pos_of = Position.range_position o range_of;
fun reset_pos NoSyn = NoSyn
| reset_pos (Mixfix (sy, ps, p, _)) = Mixfix (Input.reset_pos sy, ps, p, Position.no_range)
| reset_pos (Infix (sy, p, _)) = Infix (Input.reset_pos sy, p, Position.no_range)
| reset_pos (Infixl (sy, p, _)) = Infixl (Input.reset_pos sy, p, Position.no_range)
| reset_pos (Infixr (sy, p, _)) = Infixr (Input.reset_pos sy, p, Position.no_range)
| reset_pos (Binder (sy, p, q, _)) = Binder (Input.reset_pos sy, p, q, Position.no_range)
| reset_pos (Structure _) = Structure Position.no_range;
(* pretty_mixfix *)
val template = Pretty.cartouche o Pretty.str o #1 o Input.source_content;
val keyword = Pretty.keyword2;
val parens = Pretty.enclose "(" ")";
val brackets = Pretty.enclose "[" "]";
val int = Pretty.str o string_of_int;
fun pretty_mixfix NoSyn = Pretty.str ""
| pretty_mixfix (Mixfix (s, ps, p, _)) =
(template s ::
(if null ps then [] else [brackets (Pretty.commas (map int ps))]) @
(if p = 1000 then [] else [int p])))
| pretty_mixfix (Infix (s, p, _)) = parens (Pretty.breaks [keyword "infix", template s, int p])
| pretty_mixfix (Infixl (s, p, _)) = parens (Pretty.breaks [keyword "infixl", template s, int p])
| pretty_mixfix (Infixr (s, p, _)) = parens (Pretty.breaks [keyword "infixr", template s, int p])
| pretty_mixfix (Binder (s, p1, p2, _)) =
([keyword "binder", template s] @
(if p1 = p2 then [] else [brackets [int p1]]) @ [int p2]))
| pretty_mixfix (Structure _) = parens [keyword "structure"];
(* syntax specifications *)
fun mixfix_args NoSyn = 0
| mixfix_args (Mixfix (sy, _, _, _)) = Syntax_Ext.mixfix_args sy
| mixfix_args (Infix (sy, _, _)) = 2 + Syntax_Ext.mixfix_args sy
| mixfix_args (Infixl (sy, _, _)) = 2 + Syntax_Ext.mixfix_args sy
| mixfix_args (Infixr (sy, _, _)) = 2 + Syntax_Ext.mixfix_args sy
| mixfix_args (Binder _) = 1
| mixfix_args (Structure _) = 0;
(* default type constraint *)
fun default_constraint (Binder _) = (dummyT --> dummyT) --> dummyT
| default_constraint mx = replicate (mixfix_args mx) dummyT ---> dummyT;
(* mixfix template *)
fun mixfix_template (Mixfix (sy, _, _, _)) = SOME sy
| mixfix_template (Infix (sy, _, _)) = SOME sy
| mixfix_template (Infixl (sy, _, _)) = SOME sy
| mixfix_template (Infixr (sy, _, _)) = SOME sy
| mixfix_template (Binder (sy, _, _, _)) = SOME sy
| mixfix_template _ = NONE;
fun mixfix_template_reports mx =
if Options.default_bool "update_mixfix_cartouches" then
(case mixfix_template mx of
SOME sy => [((Input.pos_of sy, Markup.update), cartouche (#1 (Input.source_content sy)))]
| NONE => [])
else [];
(* syn_ext_types *)
val typeT = Type ("type", []);
fun make_type n = replicate n typeT ---> typeT;
fun syn_ext_types type_decls =
fun mk_infix sy ty t p1 p2 p3 pos =
(Symbol_Pos.explode0 "(_ " @ Input.source_explode sy @ Symbol_Pos.explode0 "/ _)",
ty, t, [p1, p2], p3, pos);
fun mfix_of (mfix as (_, _, mx)) =
(case mfix of
(_, _, NoSyn) => NONE
| (t, ty, Mixfix (sy, ps, p, _)) =>
SOME (Syntax_Ext.Mfix (Input.source_explode sy, ty, t, ps, p, pos_of mx))
| (t, ty, Infix (sy, p, _)) => SOME (mk_infix sy ty t (p + 1) (p + 1) p (pos_of mx))
| (t, ty, Infixl (sy, p, _)) => SOME (mk_infix sy ty t p (p + 1) p (pos_of mx))
| (t, ty, Infixr (sy, p, _)) => SOME (mk_infix sy ty t (p + 1) p p (pos_of mx))
| (t, _, _) => error ("Bad mixfix declaration for " ^ quote t ^ Position.here (pos_of mx)));
fun check_args (_, ty, mx) (SOME (Syntax_Ext.Mfix (sy, _, _, _, _, _))) =
if length (Term.binder_types ty) = Syntax_Ext.mfix_args sy then ()
error ("Bad number of type constructor arguments in mixfix annotation" ^
Position.here (pos_of mx))
| check_args _ NONE = ();
val _ = Position.reports_text (maps (mixfix_template_reports o #3) type_decls);
val mfix = map mfix_of type_decls;
val _ = map2 check_args type_decls mfix;
val consts = map (fn (t, _, _) => (t, "")) type_decls;
in Syntax_Ext.syn_ext [] (map_filter I mfix) consts ([], [], [], []) ([], []) end;
(* syn_ext_consts *)
val binder_stamp = stamp ();
val binder_name = suffix "_binder";
fun mk_prefix sy =
let val sy' = Input.source_explode (Input.reset_pos sy);
in Symbol_Pos.explode0 "'(" @ sy' @ Symbol_Pos.explode0 "')" end
fun syn_ext_consts logical_types const_decls =
fun mk_infix sy ty c p1 p2 p3 pos =
[Syntax_Ext.Mfix (mk_prefix sy, ty, c, [], 1000, Position.none),
(Symbol_Pos.explode0 "(_ " @ Input.source_explode sy @ Symbol_Pos.explode0 "/ _)",
ty, c, [p1, p2], p3, pos)];
fun binder_typ _ (Type ("fun", [Type ("fun", [_, ty2]), ty3])) =
[Type ("idts", []), ty2] ---> ty3
| binder_typ c _ = error ("Bad type of binder: " ^ quote c);
fun mfix_of (mfix as (_, _, mx)) =
(case mfix of
(_, _, NoSyn) => []
| (c, ty, Mixfix (sy, ps, p, _)) =>
[Syntax_Ext.Mfix (Input.source_explode sy, ty, c, ps, p, pos_of mx)]
| (c, ty, Infix (sy, p, _)) => mk_infix sy ty c (p + 1) (p + 1) p (pos_of mx)
| (c, ty, Infixl (sy, p, _)) => mk_infix sy ty c p (p + 1) p (pos_of mx)
| (c, ty, Infixr (sy, p, _)) => mk_infix sy ty c (p + 1) p p (pos_of mx)
| (c, ty, Binder (sy, p, q, _)) =>
(Symbol_Pos.explode0 "(3" @ Input.source_explode sy @ Symbol_Pos.explode0 "_./ _)",
binder_typ c ty, (binder_name c), [0, p], q, pos_of mx)]
| (c, _, mx) =>
error ("Bad mixfix declaration for " ^ quote c ^ Position.here (pos_of mx)));
fun binder (c, _, Binder _) = SOME (binder_name c, c)
| binder _ = NONE;
val _ = Position.reports_text (maps (mixfix_template_reports o #3) const_decls);
val mfix = maps mfix_of const_decls;
val binders = map_filter binder const_decls;
val binder_trs = binders
|> map (Syntax_Ext.stamp_trfun binder_stamp o Syntax_Trans.mk_binder_tr);
val binder_trs' = binders
|> map (Syntax_Ext.stamp_trfun binder_stamp o
apsnd Syntax_Trans.non_typed_tr' o Syntax_Trans.mk_binder_tr' o swap);
val consts = binders @ map (fn (c, _, _) => (c, "")) const_decls;
in Syntax_Ext.syn_ext logical_types mfix consts ([], binder_trs, binder_trs', []) ([], []) end;
structure Basic_Mixfix: BASIC_MIXFIX = Mixfix;
open Basic_Mixfix;
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