/* Title: Pure/Tools/build_job.scala
Author: Makarius
Build job running prover process, with rudimentary PIDE session.
package isabelle
import scala.collection.mutable
object Build_Job
/* theory markup/messages from database */
def read_theory(
db_context: Sessions.Database_Context,
resources: Resources,
session: String,
theory: String,
unicode_symbols: Boolean = false): Option[Command] =
def read(name: String): Export.Entry =
db_context.get_export(List(session), theory, name)
def read_xml(name: String): XML.Body =
Symbol.output(unicode_symbols, UTF8.decode_permissive(read(name).uncompressed)),
cache = db_context.cache)
(read(Export.DOCUMENT_ID).text, split_lines(read(Export.FILES).text)) match {
case (Value.Long(id), thy_file :: blobs_files) =>
val node_name = resources.file_node(Path.explode(thy_file), theory = theory)
val results =
for (elem @ XML.Elem(Markup(_, Markup.Serial(i)), _) <- read_xml(Export.MESSAGES))
yield i -> elem)
val blobs =
blobs_files.map(file =>
val path = Path.explode(file)
val name = resources.file_node(path)
val src_path = File.relative_path(node_name.master_dir_path, path).getOrElse(path)
Command.Blob(name, src_path, None)
val blobs_xml =
for (i <- (1 to blobs.length).toList)
yield read_xml(Export.MARKUP + i)
val blobs_info =
for { (Command.Blob(name, src_path, _), xml) <- blobs zip blobs_xml }
yield {
val text = XML.content(xml)
val chunk = Symbol.Text_Chunk(text)
val digest = SHA1.digest(Symbol.encode(text))
Exn.Res(Command.Blob(name, src_path, Some((digest, chunk))))
val thy_xml = read_xml(Export.MARKUP)
val thy_source = XML.content(thy_xml)
val markups_index =
Command.Markup_Index.markup :: blobs.map(Command.Markup_Index.blob)
val markups =
for ((index, xml) <- markups_index.zip(thy_xml :: blobs_xml))
yield index -> Markup_Tree.from_XML(xml))
val command =
Command.unparsed(thy_source, theory = true, id = id, node_name = node_name,
blobs_info = blobs_info, results = results, markups = markups)
case _ => None
/* print messages */
def print_log(
options: Options,
session_name: String,
theories: List[String] = Nil,
verbose: Boolean = false,
progress: Progress = new Progress,
margin: Double = Pretty.default_margin,
breakgain: Double = Pretty.default_breakgain,
metric: Pretty.Metric = Symbol.Metric,
unicode_symbols: Boolean = false)
val store = Sessions.store(options)
val resources = Resources.empty
val session = new Session(options, resources)
using(store.open_database_context())(db_context =>
val result =
db_context.input_database(session_name)((db, _) =>
val theories = store.read_theories(db, session_name)
val errors = store.read_errors(db, session_name)
store.read_build(db, session_name).map(info => (theories, errors, info.return_code))
result match {
case None => error("Missing build database for session " + quote(session_name))
case Some((used_theories, errors, rc)) =>
val bad_theories = theories.filterNot(used_theories.toSet)
if (bad_theories.nonEmpty) error("Unknown theories " + commas_quote(bad_theories))
val print_theories =
if (theories.isEmpty) used_theories else used_theories.filter(theories.toSet)
for (thy <- print_theories) {
val thy_heading = "\nTheory " + quote(thy) + ":"
read_theory(db_context, resources, session_name, thy, unicode_symbols = unicode_symbols)
match {
case None => progress.echo(thy_heading + " MISSING")
case Some(command) =>
val snapshot = Document.State.init.snippet(command)
val rendering = new Rendering(snapshot, options, session)
val messages =
.filter(message => verbose || Protocol.is_exported(message.info))
if (messages.nonEmpty) {
val line_document = Line.Document(command.source)
for (Text.Info(range, elem) <- messages) {
val line = line_document.position(range.start).line1
val pos = Position.Line_File(line, command.node_name.node)
Protocol.message_text(elem, heading = true, pos = pos,
margin = margin, breakgain = breakgain, metric = metric))
if (errors.nonEmpty) {
val msg = Symbol.output(unicode_symbols, cat_lines(errors))
progress.echo("\nBuild errors:\n" + Output.error_message_text(msg))
if (rc != 0) progress.echo("\n" + Process_Result.print_return_code(rc))
/* Isabelle tool wrapper */
val isabelle_tool = Isabelle_Tool("log", "print messages from build database",
Scala_Project.here, args =>
/* arguments */
var unicode_symbols = false
var theories: List[String] = Nil
var margin = Pretty.default_margin
var options = Options.init()
var verbose = false
val getopts = Getopts("""
Usage: isabelle log [OPTIONS] SESSION
Options are:
-T NAME restrict to given theories (multiple options possible)
-U output Unicode symbols
-m MARGIN margin for pretty printing (default: """ + margin + """)
-o OPTION override Isabelle system OPTION (via NAME=VAL or NAME)
-v print all messages, including information, tracing etc.
Print messages from the build database of the given session, without any
checks against current sources: results from a failed build can be
printed as well.
"T:" -> (arg => theories = theories ::: List(arg)),
"U" -> (_ => unicode_symbols = true),
"m:" -> (arg => margin = Value.Double.parse(arg)),
"o:" -> (arg => options = options + arg),
"v" -> (_ => verbose = true))
val more_args = getopts(args)
val session_name =
more_args match {
case List(session_name) => session_name
case _ => getopts.usage()
val progress = new Console_Progress()
print_log(options, session_name, theories = theories, verbose = verbose, margin = margin,
progress = progress, unicode_symbols = unicode_symbols)
class Build_Job(progress: Progress,
session_name: String,
val info: Sessions.Info,
deps: Sessions.Deps,
store: Sessions.Store,
do_store: Boolean,
verbose: Boolean,
val numa_node: Option[Int],
command_timings0: List[Properties.T])
val options: Options = NUMA.policy_options(info.options, numa_node)
private val sessions_structure = deps.sessions_structure
private val future_result: Future[Process_Result] =
Future.thread("build", uninterruptible = true) {
val parent = info.parent.getOrElse("")
val base = deps(parent)
val result_base = deps(session_name)
val env =
Isabelle_System.settings() +
("ISABELLE_ML_DEBUGGER" -> options.bool("ML_debugger").toString)
val is_pure = Sessions.is_pure(session_name)
val use_prelude = if (is_pure) Thy_Header.ml_roots.map(_._1) else Nil
val eval_store =
if (do_store) {
(if (info.theories.nonEmpty) List("ML_Heap.share_common_data ()") else Nil) :::
List("ML_Heap.save_child " +
else Nil
val resources = new Resources(sessions_structure, base, command_timings = command_timings0)
val session =
new Session(options, resources) {
override val cache: XML.Cache = store.cache
override def build_blobs_info(name: Document.Node.Name): Command.Blobs_Info =
result_base.load_commands.get(name.expand) match {
case Some(spans) =>
val syntax = result_base.theory_syntax(name)
Command.build_blobs_info(syntax, name, spans)
case None => Command.Blobs_Info.none
object Build_Session_Errors
private val promise: Promise[List[String]] = Future.promise
def result: Exn.Result[List[String]] = promise.join_result
def cancel: Unit = promise.cancel
def apply(errs: List[String])
try { promise.fulfill(errs) }
catch { case _: IllegalStateException => }
val export_consumer =
Export.consumer(store.open_database(session_name, output = true), store.cache)
val stdout = new StringBuilder(1000)
val stderr = new StringBuilder(1000)
val command_timings = new mutable.ListBuffer[Properties.T]
val theory_timings = new mutable.ListBuffer[Properties.T]
val session_timings = new mutable.ListBuffer[Properties.T]
val runtime_statistics = new mutable.ListBuffer[Properties.T]
val task_statistics = new mutable.ListBuffer[Properties.T]
def fun(
name: String,
acc: mutable.ListBuffer[Properties.T],
unapply: Properties.T => Option[Properties.T]): (String, Session.Protocol_Function) =
name -> ((msg: Prover.Protocol_Output) =>
unapply(msg.properties) match {
case Some(props) => acc += props; true
case _ => false
session.init_protocol_handler(new Session.Protocol_Handler
override def exit() { Build_Session_Errors.cancel }
private def build_session_finished(msg: Prover.Protocol_Output): Boolean =
val (rc, errors) =
try {
val (rc, errs) =
import XML.Decode._
pair(int, list(x => x))(Symbol.decode_yxml(msg.text))
val errors =
for (err <- errs) yield {
val prt = Protocol_Message.expose_no_reports(err)
Pretty.string_of(prt, metric = Symbol.Metric)
(rc, errors)
catch { case ERROR(err) => (2, List(err)) }
session.protocol_command("Prover.stop", rc.toString)
private def loading_theory(msg: Prover.Protocol_Output): Boolean =
msg.properties match {
case Markup.Loading_Theory(Markup.Name(name)) =>
progress.theory(Progress.Theory(name, session = session_name))
case _ => false
private def export(msg: Prover.Protocol_Output): Boolean =
msg.properties match {
case Protocol.Export(args) =>
export_consumer(session_name, args, msg.bytes)
case _ => false
override val functions =
Markup.Build_Session_Finished.name -> build_session_finished,
Markup.Loading_Theory.name -> loading_theory,
Markup.EXPORT -> export,
fun(Markup.Theory_Timing.name, theory_timings, Markup.Theory_Timing.unapply),
fun(Markup.Session_Timing.name, session_timings, Markup.Session_Timing.unapply),
fun(Markup.Task_Statistics.name, task_statistics, Markup.Task_Statistics.unapply))
session.command_timings += Session.Consumer("command_timings")
case Session.Command_Timing(props) =>
for {
elapsed <- Markup.Elapsed.unapply(props)
elapsed_time = Time.seconds(elapsed)
if elapsed_time.is_relevant && elapsed_time >= options.seconds("command_timing_threshold")
} command_timings += props.filter(Markup.command_timing_property)
session.runtime_statistics += Session.Consumer("ML_statistics")
case Session.Runtime_Statistics(props) => runtime_statistics += props
session.finished_theories += Session.Consumer[Document.Snapshot]("finished_theories")
case snapshot =>
val rendering = new Rendering(snapshot, options, session)
def export(name: String, xml: XML.Body, compress: Boolean = true)
val theory_name = snapshot.node_name.theory
val args =
Protocol.Export.Args(theory_name = theory_name, name = name, compress = compress)
val bytes = Bytes(Symbol.encode(YXML.string_of_body(xml)))
if (!bytes.is_empty) export_consumer(session_name, args, bytes)
def export_text(name: String, text: String, compress: Boolean = true): Unit =
export(name, List(XML.Text(text)), compress = compress)
for (command <- snapshot.snippet_command) {
export_text(Export.DOCUMENT_ID, command.id.toString, compress = false)
cat_lines(snapshot.node_files.map(_.symbolic.node)), compress = false)
for (((_, xml), i) <- snapshot.xml_markup_blobs().zipWithIndex) {
export(Export.MARKUP + (i + 1), xml)
export(Export.MARKUP, snapshot.xml_markup())
export(Export.MESSAGES, snapshot.messages.map(_._1))
val citations = Library.distinct(rendering.citations(Text.Range.full).map(_.info))
export_text(Export.CITATIONS, cat_lines(citations))
session.all_messages += Session.Consumer[Any]("build_session_output")
case msg: Prover.Output =>
val message = msg.message
if (msg.is_stdout) {
stdout ++= Symbol.encode(XML.content(message))
else if (msg.is_stderr) {
stderr ++= Symbol.encode(XML.content(message))
else if (msg.is_exit) {
val err =
"Prover terminated" +
(msg.properties match {
case Markup.Process_Result(result) => ": " + result.print_rc
case _ => ""
case _ =>
val eval_main = Command_Line.ML_tool("Isabelle_Process.init_build ()" :: eval_store)
val process =
Isabelle_Process(session, options, sessions_structure, store,
logic = parent, raw_ml_system = is_pure,
use_prelude = use_prelude, eval_main = eval_main,
cwd = info.dir.file, env = env)
val build_errors =
Isabelle_Thread.interrupt_handler(_ => process.terminate) {
Exn.capture { process.await_startup } match {
case Exn.Res(_) =>
val resources_yxml = resources.init_session_yxml
val args_yxml =
import XML.Encode._
pair(string, list(pair(Options.encode, list(pair(string, properties)))))(
(session_name, info.theories))
session.protocol_command("build_session", resources_yxml, args_yxml)
case Exn.Exn(exn) => Exn.Res(List(Exn.message(exn)))
val process_result =
Isabelle_Thread.interrupt_handler(_ => process.terminate) { process.await_shutdown }
val export_errors =
export_consumer.shutdown(close = true).map(Output.error_message_text)
val (document_output, document_errors) =
try {
if (build_errors.isInstanceOf[Exn.Res[_]] && process_result.ok && info.documents.nonEmpty) {
using(store.open_database_context())(db_context =>
val documents =
Presentation.build_documents(session_name, deps, db_context,
output_sources = info.document_output,
output_pdf = info.document_output,
progress = progress,
verbose = verbose)
db_context.output_database(session_name)(db =>
documents.foreach(_.write(db, session_name)))
(documents.flatMap(_.log_lines), Nil)
else (Nil, Nil)
catch {
case exn: Presentation.Build_Error => (exn.log_lines, List(exn.message))
case Exn.Interrupt.ERROR(msg) => (Nil, List(msg))
val result =
val theory_timing =
{ case props @ Markup.Name(name) => name -> props }).toMap
val used_theory_timings =
for { (name, _) <- deps(session_name).used_theories }
yield theory_timing.getOrElse(name.theory, Markup.Name(name.theory))
val more_output =
Library.trim_line(stdout.toString) ::
command_timings.toList.map(Protocol.Command_Timing_Marker.apply) :::
used_theory_timings.map(Protocol.Theory_Timing_Marker.apply) :::
session_timings.toList.map(Protocol.Session_Timing_Marker.apply) :::
runtime_statistics.toList.map(Protocol.ML_Statistics_Marker.apply) :::
task_statistics.toList.map(Protocol.Task_Statistics_Marker.apply) :::
.errors_rc(export_errors ::: document_errors)
build_errors match {
case Exn.Res(build_errs) =>
val errs = build_errs ::: document_errors
if (errs.isEmpty) result
else {
errs.flatMap(s => split_lines(Output.error_message_text(s))) :::
case Exn.Exn(Exn.Interrupt()) =>
if (result.ok) result.copy(rc = Exn.Interrupt.return_code) else result
case Exn.Exn(exn) => throw exn
def terminate: Unit = future_result.cancel
def is_finished: Boolean = future_result.is_finished
private val timeout_request: Option[Event_Timer.Request] =
if (info.timeout > Time.zero)
Some(Event_Timer.request(Time.now() + info.timeout) { terminate })
else None
def join: (Process_Result, Option[String]) =
val result1 = future_result.join
val was_timeout =
timeout_request match {
case None => false
case Some(request) => !request.cancel
val result2 =
if (result1.ok) result1
else if (was_timeout) result1.error(Output.error_message_text("Timeout")).timeout_rc
else if (result1.interrupted) result1.error(Output.error_message_text("Interrupt"))
else result1
val heap_digest =
if (result2.ok && do_store && store.output_heap(session_name).is_file)
else None
(result2, heap_digest)
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.27 Sekunden
Die Informationen auf dieser Webseite wurden
nach bestem Wissen sorgfältig zusammengestellt. Es wird jedoch weder Vollständigkeit, noch Richtigkeit,
noch Qualität der bereit gestellten Informationen zugesichert.
Die farbliche Syntaxdarstellung ist noch experimentell.