(* Title: Pure/Tools/named_theorems.ML
Author: Makarius
Named collections of theorems in canonical order.
signature NAMED_THEOREMS =
val member: Proof.context -> string -> thm -> bool
val get: Proof.context -> string -> thm list
val clear: string -> Context.generic -> Context.generic
val add_thm: string -> thm -> Context.generic -> Context.generic
val del_thm: string -> thm -> Context.generic -> Context.generic
val add: string -> attribute
val del: string -> attribute
val check: Proof.context -> string * Position.T -> string
val declare: binding -> string -> local_theory -> string * local_theory
structure Named_Theorems: NAMED_THEOREMS =
(* context data *)
structure Data = Generic_Data
type T = thm Item_Net.T Symtab.table;
val empty: T = Symtab.empty;
val extend = I;
val merge : T * T -> T = Symtab.join (K Item_Net.merge);
fun new_entry name =
Data.map (fn data =>
if Symtab.defined data name
then error ("Duplicate declaration of named theorems: " ^ quote name)
else Symtab.update (name, Thm.full_rules) data);
fun undeclared name = "Undeclared named theorems " ^ quote name;
val defined_entry = Symtab.defined o Data.get;
fun the_entry context name =
(case Symtab.lookup (Data.get context) name of
NONE => error (undeclared name)
| SOME entry => entry);
fun map_entry name f context =
(the_entry context name; Data.map (Symtab.map_entry name f) context);
(* maintain content *)
fun member ctxt = Item_Net.member o the_entry (Context.Proof ctxt);
fun content context =
rev o map (Thm.transfer'' context) o Item_Net.content o the_entry context;
val get = content o Context.Proof;
fun clear name = map_entry name (K Thm.full_rules);
fun add_thm name th = map_entry name (Item_Net.update (Thm.trim_context th));
fun del_thm name = map_entry name o Item_Net.remove;
val add = Thm.declaration_attribute o add_thm;
val del = Thm.declaration_attribute o del_thm;
(* check *)
fun check ctxt (xname, pos) =
val context = Context.Proof ctxt;
val fact_ref = Facts.Named ((xname, Position.none), NONE);
fun err () =
val space = Facts.space_of (Proof_Context.facts_of ctxt);
val completion = Name_Space.completion context space (defined_entry context) (xname, pos);
in error (undeclared xname ^ Position.here pos ^ Completion.markup_report [completion]) end;
(case try (Proof_Context.get_fact_generic context) fact_ref of
SOME (SOME name, _) => if defined_entry context name then name else err ()
| _ => err ())
(* declaration *)
fun declare binding descr lthy =
val name = Local_Theory.full_name lthy binding;
val description =
"declaration of " ^ (if descr = "" then Binding.name_of binding ^ " rules" else descr);
val lthy' = lthy
|> Local_Theory.background_theory (Context.theory_map (new_entry name))
|> Local_Theory.map_contexts (K (Context.proof_map (new_entry name)))
|> Local_Theory.add_thms_dynamic (binding, fn context => content context name)
|> Attrib.local_setup binding (Attrib.add_del (add name) (del name)) description
in (name, lthy') end;
(* ML antiquotation *)
val _ = Theory.setup
(ML_Antiquotation.inline_embedded \<^binding>\<open>named_theorems\<close>
(Args.context -- Scan.lift Args.embedded_position >>
(fn (ctxt, name) => ML_Syntax.print_string (check ctxt name))));
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.16 Sekunden
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