/* Title: Pure/Tools/phabricator.scala
Author: Makarius
Support for Phabricator server, notably for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.
See also:
- https://www.phacility.com/phabricator
- https://secure.phabricator.com/book/phabricator
package isabelle
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.util.matching.Regex
object Phabricator
/** defaults **/
/* required packages */
val packages_ubuntu_18_04: List[String] =
Build_Docker.packages :::
// https://secure.phabricator.com/source/phabricator/browse/master/scripts/install/install_ubuntu.sh 15e6e2adea61
"git", "mysql-server", "apache2", "libapache2-mod-php", "php", "php-mysql",
"php-gd", "php-curl", "php-apcu", "php-cli", "php-json", "php-mbstring",
// more packages
"php-xml", "php-zip", "python-pygments", "ssh", "subversion", "python-pygments",
// mercurial build packages
"make", "gcc", "python", "python-dev", "python-docutils", "python-openssl")
val packages_ubuntu_20_04: List[String] =
case "python-pygments" => "python3-pygments"
case "python-dev" => "python2-dev"
case name => name
def packages: List[String] =
val release = Linux.Release()
if (release.is_ubuntu_18_04) packages_ubuntu_18_04
else if (release.is_ubuntu_20_04) packages_ubuntu_20_04
else error("Bad Linux version: expected Ubuntu 18.04 or 20.04 LTS")
/* global system resources */
val www_user = "www-data"
val daemon_user = "phabricator"
val sshd_config: Path = Path.explode("/etc/ssh/sshd_config")
/* installation parameters */
val default_name = "vcs"
def phabricator_name(name: String = "", ext: String = ""): String =
"phabricator" + (if (name.isEmpty) "" else "-" + name) + (if (ext.isEmpty) "" else "." + ext)
def isabelle_phabricator_name(name: String = "", ext: String = ""): String =
"isabelle-" + phabricator_name(name = name, ext = ext)
def default_root(name: String): Path =
Path.explode("/var/www") + Path.basic(phabricator_name(name = name))
def default_repo(name: String): Path = default_root(name) + Path.basic("repo")
val default_mailers: Path = Path.explode("mailers.json")
val default_system_port: Int = SSH.default_port
val alternative_system_port = 222
val default_server_port = 2222
val standard_mercurial_source = "https://www.mercurial-scm.org/release/mercurial-3.9.2.tar.gz"
/** global configuration **/
val global_config: Path = Path.explode("/etc/" + isabelle_phabricator_name(ext = "conf"))
def global_config_script(
init: String = "",
body: String = "",
exit: String = ""): String =
""" + (if (init.nonEmpty) "\n" + init else "") + """
while { unset REPLY; read -r; test "$?" = 0 -o -n "$REPLY"; }
NAME="$(echo "$REPLY" | cut -d: -f1)"
ROOT="$(echo "$REPLY" | cut -d: -f2)"
""" + Library.prefix_lines(" ", body) + """
} < /dev/null
} < """ + File.bash_path(global_config) + "\n" +
(if (exit.nonEmpty) "\n" + exit + "\n" else "")
sealed case class Config(name: String, root: Path)
def home: Path = root + Path.explode(phabricator_name())
def execute(command: String): Process_Result =
Isabelle_System.bash("bin/" + command, cwd = home.file, redirect = true).check
def read_config(): List[Config] =
if (global_config.is_file) {
for (entry <- Library.trim_split_lines(File.read(global_config)) if entry.nonEmpty)
yield {
space_explode(':', entry) match {
case List(name, root) => Config(name, Path.explode(root))
case _ => error("Malformed config file " + global_config + "\nentry " + quote(entry))
else Nil
def write_config(configs: List[Config])
configs.map(config => config.name + ":" + config.root.implode).mkString("", "\n", "\n"))
def get_config(name: String): Config =
read_config().find(config => config.name == name) getOrElse
error("Bad Isabelle/Phabricator installation " + quote(name))
/** administrative tools **/
/* Isabelle tool wrapper */
val isabelle_tool1 =
Isabelle_Tool("phabricator", "invoke command-line tool within Phabricator home directory",
Scala_Project.here, args =>
var list = false
var name = default_name
val getopts =
Usage: isabelle phabricator [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS...]
Options are:
-l list available Phabricator installations
-n NAME Phabricator installation name (default: """ + quote(default_name) + """)
Invoke a command-line tool within the home directory of the named
Phabricator installation.
"l" -> (_ => list = true),
"n:" -> (arg => name = arg))
val more_args = getopts(args)
if (more_args.isEmpty && !list) getopts.usage()
val progress = new Console_Progress
if (list) {
for (config <- read_config()) {
progress.echo("phabricator " + quote(config.name) + " root " + config.root)
else {
val config = get_config(name)
val result = progress.bash(Bash.strings(more_args), cwd = config.home.file, echo = true)
if (!result.ok) error(result.print_return_code)
/** setup **/
def user_setup(name: String, description: String, ssh_setup: Boolean = false)
if (!Linux.user_exists(name)) {
Linux.user_add(name, description = description, system = true, ssh_setup = ssh_setup)
else if (Linux.user_description(name) != description) {
error("User " + quote(name) + " already exists --" +
" for Phabricator it should have the description:\n " + quote(description))
def command_setup(name: String,
init: String = "",
body: String = "",
exit: String = ""): Path =
val command = Path.explode("/usr/local/bin") + Path.basic(name)
File.write(command, global_config_script(init = init, body = body, exit = exit))
Isabelle_System.chmod("755", command)
Isabelle_System.chown("root:root", command)
def mercurial_setup(mercurial_source: String, progress: Progress = new Progress)
progress.echo("\nMercurial installation from source " + quote(mercurial_source) + " ...")
Isabelle_System.with_tmp_dir("mercurial")(tmp_dir =>
val archive =
if (Url.is_wellformed(mercurial_source)) {
val archive = tmp_dir + Path.basic("mercurial.tar.gz")
Bytes.write(archive, Url.read_bytes(Url(mercurial_source)))
else Path.explode(mercurial_source)
Isabelle_System.gnutar("-xzf " + File.bash_path(archive), dir = tmp_dir).check
val build_dir = tmp_dir + Path.basic(File.get_dir(tmp_dir))
progress.bash("make all && make install", cwd = build_dir.file, echo = true).check
def phabricator_setup(
options: Options,
name: String = default_name,
root: String = "",
repo: String = "",
package_update: Boolean = false,
mercurial_source: String = "",
progress: Progress = new Progress)
/* system environment */
progress.echo("System packages ...")
if (package_update) {
Linux.package_update(progress = progress)
Linux.package_install(packages, progress = progress)
if (mercurial_source.nonEmpty) {
for { name <- List("mercurial", "mercurial-common") if Linux.package_installed(name) } {
error("Cannot install Mercurial from source:\n" +
"package package " + quote(name) + " already installed")
mercurial_setup(mercurial_source, progress = progress)
/* users */
if (name.exists((c: Char) => !(Symbol.is_ascii_letter(c) || Symbol.is_ascii_digit(c))) ||
Set("", "ssh", "phd", "dump", daemon_user).contains(name)) {
error("Bad installation name: " + quote(name))
user_setup(daemon_user, "Phabricator Daemon User", ssh_setup = true)
user_setup(name, "Phabricator SSH User")
/* basic installation */
progress.echo("\nPhabricator installation ...")
val root_path = if (root.nonEmpty) Path.explode(root) else default_root(name)
val repo_path = if (repo.nonEmpty) Path.explode(repo) else default_repo(name)
val configs = read_config()
for (config <- configs if config.name == name) {
error("Duplicate Phabricator installation " + quote(name) + " in " + config.root)
if (!Isabelle_System.bash("mkdir -p " + File.bash_path(root_path)).ok) {
error("Failed to create root directory " + root_path)
Isabelle_System.chown(Bash.string(www_user) + ":" + Bash.string(www_user), root_path)
Isabelle_System.chmod("755", root_path)
progress.bash(cwd = root_path.file, echo = true,
script = """
set -e
echo "Cloning distribution repositories:"
git clone --branch stable https://github.com/phacility/arcanist.git
git -C arcanist reset --hard """ +
Bash.string(options.string("phabricator_version_arcanist")) + """
git clone --branch stable https://github.com/phacility/phabricator.git
git -C phabricator reset --hard """ +
Bash.string(options.string("phabricator_version_phabricator")) + """
val config = Config(name, root_path)
write_config(configs ::: List(config))
config.execute("config set pygments.enabled true")
/* local repository directory */
progress.echo("\nRepository hosting setup ...")
if (!Isabelle_System.bash("mkdir -p " + File.bash_path(repo_path)).ok) {
error("Failed to create local repository directory " + repo_path)
"-R " + Bash.string(daemon_user) + ":" + Bash.string(daemon_user), repo_path)
Isabelle_System.chmod("755", repo_path)
config.execute("config set repository.default-local-path " + File.bash_path(repo_path))
val sudoers_file =
Path.explode("/etc/sudoers.d") + Path.basic(isabelle_phabricator_name(name = name))
www_user + " ALL=(" + daemon_user + ") SETENV: NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/git, /usr/local/bin/hg, /usr/bin/hg, /usr/bin/ssh, /usr/bin/id\n" +
name + " ALL=(" + daemon_user + ") SETENV: NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/git, /usr/bin/git-upload-pack, /usr/bin/git-receive-pack, /usr/local/bin/hg, /usr/bin/hg, /usr/bin/svnserve, /usr/bin/ssh, /usr/bin/id\n")
Isabelle_System.chmod("440", sudoers_file)
config.execute("config set diffusion.ssh-user " + Bash.string(config.name))
/* MySQL setup */
progress.echo("\nMySQL setup ...")
File.write(Path.explode("/etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/" + phabricator_name(ext = "cnf")),
max_allowed_packet = 32M
innodb_buffer_pool_size = 1600M
local_infile = 0
def mysql_conf(R: Regex, which: String): String =
val conf = Path.explode("/etc/mysql/debian.cnf")
split_lines(File.read(conf)).collectFirst({ case R(a) => a }) match {
case Some(res) => res
case None => error("Cannot determine " + which + " from " + conf)
val mysql_root_user = mysql_conf("""^user\s*=\s*(\S*)\s*$""".r, "superuser name")
val mysql_root_password = mysql_conf("""^password\s*=\s*(\S*)\s*$""".r, "superuser password")
val mysql_name = phabricator_name(name = name).replace("-", "_")
val mysql_user_string = SQL.string(mysql_name) + "@'localhost'"
val mysql_password = Linux.generate_password()
Isabelle_System.bash("mysql --user=" + Bash.string(mysql_root_user) +
" --password=" + Bash.string(mysql_root_password) + " --execute=" +
"""DROP USER IF EXISTS """ + mysql_user_string + "; " +
"""CREATE USER """ + mysql_user_string +
""" IDENTIFIED BY """ + SQL.string(mysql_password) + """ PASSWORD EXPIRE NEVER; """ +
"""GRANT ALL ON `""" + (mysql_name + "_%").replace("_", "\\_") +
"""`.* TO """ + mysql_user_string + ";" +
"""GRANT PROCESS ON *.* TO """ + mysql_user_string + ";")).check
config.execute("config set mysql.user " + Bash.string(mysql_name))
config.execute("config set mysql.pass " + Bash.string(mysql_password))
config.execute("config set phabricator.cache-namespace " + Bash.string(mysql_name))
config.execute("config set storage.default-namespace " + Bash.string(mysql_name))
config.execute("config set storage.mysql-engine.max-size 8388608")
progress.bash("bin/storage upgrade --force", cwd = config.home.file, echo = true).check
/* database dump */
val dump_name = isabelle_phabricator_name(name = "dump")
command_setup(dump_name, body =
"""mkdir -p "$ROOT/database" && chown root:root "$ROOT/database" && chmod 700 "$ROOT/database"
[ -e "$ROOT/database/dump.sql.gz" ] && mv -f "$ROOT/database/dump.sql.gz" "$ROOT/database/dump-old.sql.gz"
echo -n "Creating $ROOT/database/dump.sql.gz ..."
"$ROOT/phabricator/bin/storage" dump --compress --output "$ROOT/database/dump.sql.gz" 2>&1 | fgrep -v '[Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure'
echo " $(ls -hs "$ROOT/database/dump.sql.gz" | cut -d" " -f1)" """)
/* Phabricator upgrade */
command_setup(isabelle_phabricator_name(name = "upgrade"),
init =
if [ "$BRANCH" != "master" -a "$BRANCH" != "stable" ]
echo "Bad branch: \"$BRANCH\""
exit 1
systemctl stop isabelle-phabricator-phd
systemctl stop apache2
body =
"""echo -e "\nUpgrading phabricator \"$NAME\" root \"$ROOT\" ..."
for REPO in arcanist phabricator
cd "$ROOT/$REPO"
echo -e "\nUpdating \"$REPO\" ..."
git checkout "$BRANCH"
git pull
echo -e "\nUpgrading storage ..."
"$ROOT/phabricator/bin/storage" upgrade --force
exit =
"""systemctl start apache2
systemctl start isabelle-phabricator-phd""")
/* PHP setup */
val php_version =
Isabelle_System.bash("""php --run 'echo PHP_MAJOR_VERSION . "." . PHP_MINOR_VERSION;'""")
val php_conf =
Path.explode("/etc/php") + Path.basic(php_version) + // educated guess
Path.explode("apache2/conf.d") +
Path.basic(isabelle_phabricator_name(ext = "ini"))
"post_max_size = 32M\n" +
"opcache.validate_timestamps = 0\n" +
"memory_limit = 512M\n" +
"max_execution_time = 120\n")
/* Apache setup */
progress.echo("Apache setup ...")
val apache_root = Path.explode("/etc/apache2")
val apache_sites = apache_root + Path.explode("sites-available")
if (!apache_sites.is_dir) error("Bad Apache sites directory " + apache_sites)
val server_name = phabricator_name(name = name, ext = "lvh.me") // alias for "localhost" for testing
val server_url = "http://" + server_name
File.write(apache_sites + Path.basic(isabelle_phabricator_name(name = name, ext = "conf")),
ServerName """ + server_name + """
ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
DocumentRoot """ + config.home.implode + """/webroot
ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /index.php?__path__=$1 [B,L,QSA]
# vim: syntax=apache ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 sr noet
Isabelle_System.bash( """
set -e
a2enmod rewrite
a2ensite """ + Bash.string(isabelle_phabricator_name(name = name))).check
config.execute("config set phabricator.base-uri " + Bash.string(server_url))
progress.echo("\nFurther manual configuration via " + server_url)
/* PHP daemon */
progress.echo("\nPHP daemon setup ...")
val phd_log_path = Isabelle_System.make_directory(Path.explode("/var/tmp/phd"))
"-R " + Bash.string(daemon_user) + ":" + Bash.string(daemon_user), phd_log_path)
Isabelle_System.chmod("755", phd_log_path)
config.execute("config set phd.user " + Bash.string(daemon_user))
config.execute("config set phd.log-directory /var/tmp/phd/" +
isabelle_phabricator_name(name = name) + "/log")
val phd_name = isabelle_phabricator_name(name = "phd")
val phd_command = command_setup(phd_name, body = """"$ROOT/phabricator/bin/phd" "$@" """)
try {
Description=PHP daemon manager for Isabelle/Phabricator
After=syslog.target network.target apache2.service mysql.service
User=""" + daemon_user + """
Group=""" + daemon_user + """
ExecStart=""" + phd_command.implode + """ start --force
ExecStop=""" + phd_command.implode + """ stop
catch {
case ERROR(msg) =>
progress.bash("bin/phd status", cwd = config.home.file, echo = true).check
/* Isabelle tool wrapper */
val isabelle_tool2 =
Isabelle_Tool("phabricator_setup", "setup Phabricator server on Ubuntu Linux",
Scala_Project.here, args =>
var mercurial_source = ""
var repo = ""
var package_update = false
var name = default_name
var options = Options.init()
var root = ""
val getopts =
Usage: isabelle phabricator_setup [OPTIONS]
Options are:
-M SOURCE install Mercurial from source: local PATH, or URL, or ":" for
""" + standard_mercurial_source + """
-R DIR repository directory (default: """ + default_repo("NAME") + """)
-U full update of system packages before installation
-n NAME Phabricator installation name (default: """ + quote(default_name) + """)
-o OPTION override Isabelle system OPTION (via NAME=VAL or NAME)
-r DIR installation root directory (default: """ + default_root("NAME") + """)
Install Phabricator as LAMP application (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP).
The installation name (default: """ + quote(default_name) + """) is mapped to a regular
Unix user; this is relevant for public SSH access.
"M:" -> (arg => mercurial_source = (if (arg == ":") standard_mercurial_source else arg)),
"R:" -> (arg => repo = arg),
"U" -> (_ => package_update = true),
"n:" -> (arg => name = arg),
"o:" -> (arg => options = options + arg),
"r:" -> (arg => root = arg))
val more_args = getopts(args)
if (more_args.nonEmpty) getopts.usage()
val progress = new Console_Progress
phabricator_setup(options, name = name, root = root, repo = repo,
package_update = package_update, mercurial_source = mercurial_source, progress = progress)
/** setup mail **/
val mailers_template: String =
"key": "example.org",
"type": "smtp",
"options": {
"host": "mail.example.org",
"port": 465,
"user": "[email protected]",
"password": "********",
"protocol": "ssl",
"message-id": true
def phabricator_setup_mail(
name: String = default_name,
config_file: Option[Path] = None,
test_user: String = "",
progress: Progress = new Progress)
val config = get_config(name)
val default_config_file = config.root + default_mailers
val mail_config = config_file getOrElse default_config_file
def setup_mail
progress.echo("Using mail configuration from " + mail_config)
config.execute("config set cluster.mailers --stdin < " + File.bash_path(mail_config))
if (test_user.nonEmpty) {
progress.echo("Sending test mail to " + quote(test_user))
progress.bash(cwd = config.home.file, echo = true,
script = """echo "Test from Phabricator ($(date))" | bin/mail send-test --subject "Test" --to """ +
if (config_file.isEmpty) {
if (!default_config_file.is_file) {
File.write(default_config_file, mailers_template)
Isabelle_System.chmod("600", default_config_file)
if (File.read(default_config_file) == mailers_template) {
progress.echo("Please invoke the tool again, after providing details in\n " +
default_config_file.implode + "\n")
else setup_mail
else setup_mail
/* Isabelle tool wrapper */
val isabelle_tool3 =
Isabelle_Tool("phabricator_setup_mail", "setup mail for one Phabricator installation",
Scala_Project.here, args =>
var test_user = ""
var name = default_name
var config_file: Option[Path] = None
val getopts =
Usage: isabelle phabricator_setup_mail [OPTIONS]
Options are:
-T USER send test mail to Phabricator user
-f FILE config file (default: """ + default_mailers + """ within Phabricator root)
-n NAME Phabricator installation name (default: """ + quote(default_name) + """)
Provide mail configuration for existing Phabricator installation.
"T:" -> (arg => test_user = arg),
"f:" -> (arg => config_file = Some(Path.explode(arg))),
"n:" -> (arg => name = arg))
val more_args = getopts(args)
if (more_args.nonEmpty) getopts.usage()
val progress = new Console_Progress
phabricator_setup_mail(name = name, config_file = config_file,
test_user = test_user, progress = progress)
/** setup ssh **/
/* sshd config */
private val Port = """^\s*Port\s+(\d+)\s*$""".r
private val No_Port = """^#\s*Port\b.*$""".r
private val Any_Port = """^#?\s*Port\b.*$""".r
def conf_ssh_port(port: Int): String =
if (port == SSH.default_port) "#Port " + SSH.default_port else "Port " + port
def read_ssh_port(conf: Path): Int =
val lines = split_lines(File.read(conf))
val ports =
case Port(Value.Int(p)) => Some(p)
case No_Port() => Some(SSH.default_port)
case _ => None
ports match {
case List(port) => port
case Nil => error("Missing Port specification in " + conf)
case _ => error("Multiple Port specifications in " + conf)
def write_ssh_port(conf: Path, port: Int): Boolean =
val old_port = read_ssh_port(conf)
if (old_port == port) false
else {
val lines = split_lines(File.read(conf))
val lines1 = lines.map({ case Any_Port() => conf_ssh_port(port) case line => line })
File.write(conf, cat_lines(lines1))
/* phabricator_setup_ssh */
def phabricator_setup_ssh(
server_port: Int = default_server_port,
system_port: Int = default_system_port,
progress: Progress = new Progress)
val configs = read_config()
if (server_port == system_port) {
error("Port for Phabricator sshd coincides with system port: " + system_port)
val sshd_conf_system = Path.explode("/etc/ssh/sshd_config")
val sshd_conf_server = sshd_conf_system.ext(isabelle_phabricator_name())
val ssh_name = isabelle_phabricator_name(name = "ssh")
val old_system_port = read_ssh_port(sshd_conf_system)
if (old_system_port != system_port) {
progress.echo("Reconfigurig system ssh service")
write_ssh_port(sshd_conf_system, system_port)
progress.echo("Configuring " + ssh_name + " service")
val ssh_command = command_setup(ssh_name, body =
"""if [ "$1" = "$NAME" ]
exec "$ROOT/phabricator/bin/ssh-auth" "$@"
fi""", exit = "exit 1")
"""# OpenBSD Secure Shell server for Isabelle/Phabricator
AuthorizedKeysCommand """ + ssh_command.implode + """
AuthorizedKeysCommandUser """ + daemon_user + """
AuthorizedKeysFile none
AllowUsers """ + configs.map(_.name).mkString(" ") + """
Port """ + server_port + """
Protocol 2
PermitRootLogin no
AllowAgentForwarding no
AllowTcpForwarding no
PrintMotd no
PrintLastLog no
PasswordAuthentication no
ChallengeResponseAuthentication no
PidFile /var/run/""" + ssh_name + """.pid
Description=OpenBSD Secure Shell server for Isabelle/Phabricator
After=network.target auditd.service
ExecStartPre=/usr/sbin/sshd -f """ + sshd_conf_server.implode + """ -t
ExecStart=/usr/sbin/sshd -f """ + sshd_conf_server.implode + """ -D $SSHD_OPTS
ExecReload=/usr/sbin/sshd -f """ + sshd_conf_server.implode + """ -t
ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID
Alias=""" + ssh_name + """.service
for (config <- configs) {
progress.echo("phabricator " + quote(config.name) + " port " + server_port)
config.execute("config set diffusion.ssh-port " + Bash.string(server_port.toString))
if (server_port == SSH.default_port) config.execute("config delete diffusion.ssh-port")
/* Isabelle tool wrapper */
val isabelle_tool4 =
Isabelle_Tool("phabricator_setup_ssh", "setup ssh service for all Phabricator installations",
Scala_Project.here, args =>
var server_port = default_server_port
var system_port = default_system_port
val getopts =
Usage: isabelle phabricator_setup_ssh [OPTIONS]
Options are:
-p PORT sshd port for Phabricator servers (default: """ + default_server_port + """)
-q PORT sshd port for the operating system (default: """ + default_system_port + """)
Configure ssh service for all Phabricator installations: a separate sshd
is run in addition to the one of the operating system, and ports need to
be distinct.
A particular Phabricator installation is addressed by using its
name as the ssh user; the actual Phabricator user is determined via
stored ssh keys.
"p:" -> (arg => server_port = Value.Int.parse(arg)),
"q:" -> (arg => system_port = Value.Int.parse(arg)))
val more_args = getopts(args)
if (more_args.nonEmpty) getopts.usage()
val progress = new Console_Progress
server_port = server_port, system_port = system_port, progress = progress)
/** conduit API **/
object API
/* user information */
sealed case class User(
id: Long,
phid: String,
name: String,
real_name: String,
roles: List[String])
def is_valid: Boolean =
roles.contains("verified") &&
roles.contains("approved") &&
def is_admin: Boolean = roles.contains("admin")
def is_regular: Boolean = !(roles.contains("bot") || roles.contains("list"))
/* repository information */
sealed case class Repository(
vcs: VCS.Value,
id: Long,
phid: String,
name: String,
callsign: String,
short_name: String,
importing: Boolean,
ssh_url: String)
def is_hg: Boolean = vcs == VCS.hg
object VCS extends Enumeration
val hg, git, svn = Value
def read(s: String): Value =
try { withName(s) }
catch { case _: java.util.NoSuchElementException => error("Unknown vcs type " + quote(s)) }
def edits(typ: String, value: JSON.T): List[JSON.Object.T] =
List(JSON.Object("type" -> typ, "value" -> value))
def opt_edits(typ: String, value: Option[JSON.T]): List[JSON.Object.T] =
value.toList.flatMap(edits(typ, _))
/* result with optional error */
sealed case class Result(result: JSON.T, error: Option[String])
def ok: Boolean = error.isEmpty
def get: JSON.T = if (ok) result else Exn.error(error.get)
def get_value[A](unapply: JSON.T => Option[A]): A =
unapply(get) getOrElse Exn.error("Bad JSON result: " + JSON.Format(result))
def get_string: String = get_value(JSON.Value.String.unapply)
def make_result(json: JSON.T): Result =
val result = JSON.value(json, "result").getOrElse(JSON.Object.empty)
val error_info = JSON.string(json, "error_info")
val error_code = JSON.string(json, "error_code")
Result(result, error_info orElse error_code)
/* context for operations */
def apply(user: String, host: String, port: Int = SSH.default_port): API =
new API(user, host, port)
final class API private(ssh_user: String, ssh_host: String, ssh_port: Int)
/* connection */
require(ssh_host.nonEmpty && ssh_port >= 0, "bad ssh host or port")
private def ssh_user_prefix: String = SSH.user_prefix(ssh_user)
private def ssh_port_suffix: String = SSH.port_suffix(ssh_port)
override def toString: String = ssh_user_prefix + ssh_host + ssh_port_suffix
def hg_url: String = "ssh://" + ssh_user_prefix + ssh_host + ssh_port_suffix
/* execute methods */
def execute_raw(method: String, params: JSON.T = JSON.Object.empty): JSON.T =
Isabelle_System.with_tmp_file("params", "json")(params_file =>
File.write(params_file, JSON.Format(JSON.Object("params" -> JSON.Format(params))))
val result =
"ssh -p " + ssh_port + " " + Bash.string(ssh_user_prefix + ssh_host) +
" conduit " + Bash.string(method) + " < " + File.bash_path(params_file)).check
JSON.parse(result.out, strict = false)
def execute(method: String, params: JSON.T = JSON.Object.empty): API.Result =
API.make_result(execute_raw(method, params = params))
def execute_search[A](
method: String, params: JSON.Object.T, unapply: JSON.T => Option[A]): List[A] =
val results = new mutable.ListBuffer[A]
var after = ""
do {
val result =
execute(method, params = params ++ JSON.optional("after" -> proper_string(after)))
results ++= result.get_value(JSON.list(_, "data", unapply))
after = result.get_value(JSON.value(_, "cursor", JSON.string0(_, "after")))
} while (after.nonEmpty)
def ping(): String = execute("conduit.ping").get_string
/* users */
lazy val user_phid: String = execute("user.whoami").get_value(JSON.string(_, "phid"))
lazy val user_name: String = execute("user.whoami").get_value(JSON.string(_, "userName"))
def get_users(
all: Boolean = false,
phid: String = "",
name: String = ""): List[API.User] =
val constraints: JSON.Object.T =
(for { (key, value) <- List("phids" -> phid, "usernames" -> name) if value.nonEmpty }
yield (key, List(value))).toMap
JSON.Object("queryKey" -> (if (all) "all" else "active"), "constraints" -> constraints),
data => JSON.value(data, "fields", fields =>
for {
id <- JSON.long(data, "id")
phid <- JSON.string(data, "phid")
name <- JSON.string(fields, "username")
real_name <- JSON.string0(fields, "realName")
roles <- JSON.strings(fields, "roles")
} yield API.User(id, phid, name, real_name, roles)))
def the_user(phid: String): API.User =
get_users(phid = phid) match {
case List(user) => user
case _ => error("Bad user PHID " + quote(phid))
/* repositories */
def get_repositories(
all: Boolean = false,
phid: String = "",
callsign: String = "",
short_name: String = ""): List[API.Repository] =
val constraints: JSON.Object.T =
(for {
(key, value) <- List("phids" -> phid, "callsigns" -> callsign, "shortNames" -> short_name)
if value.nonEmpty
} yield (key, List(value))).toMap
JSON.Object("queryKey" -> (if (all) "all" else "active"), "constraints" -> constraints),
data => JSON.value(data, "fields", fields =>
for {
vcs_name <- JSON.string(fields, "vcs")
id <- JSON.long(data, "id")
phid <- JSON.string(data, "phid")
name <- JSON.string(fields, "name")
callsign <- JSON.string0(fields, "callsign")
short_name <- JSON.string0(fields, "shortName")
importing <- JSON.bool(fields, "isImporting")
yield {
val vcs = API.VCS.read(vcs_name)
val url_path =
if (short_name.isEmpty) "/diffusion/" + id else "/source/" + short_name
val ssh_url =
vcs match {
case API.VCS.hg => hg_url + url_path
case API.VCS.git => hg_url + url_path + ".git"
case API.VCS.svn => ""
API.Repository(vcs, id, phid, name, callsign, short_name, importing, ssh_url)
def the_repository(phid: String): API.Repository =
get_repositories(phid = phid) match {
case List(repo) => repo
case _ => error("Bad repository PHID " + quote(phid))
def create_repository(
name: String,
callsign: String = "", // unique name, UPPERCASE
short_name: String = "", // unique name
description: String = "",
public: Boolean = false,
vcs: API.VCS.Value = API.VCS.hg): API.Repository =
require(name.nonEmpty, "bad repository name")
val transactions =
API.edits("vcs", vcs.toString) :::
API.edits("name", name) :::
API.opt_edits("callsign", proper_string(callsign)) :::
API.opt_edits("shortName", proper_string(short_name)) :::
API.opt_edits("description", proper_string(description)) :::
(if (public) Nil
else API.edits("view", user_phid) ::: API.edits("policy.push", user_phid)) :::
API.edits("status", "active")
val phid =
execute("diffusion.repository.edit", params = JSON.Object("transactions" -> transactions))
.get_value(JSON.value(_, "object", JSON.string(_, "phid")))
execute("diffusion.looksoon", params = JSON.Object("repositories" -> List(phid))).get
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