/* Title: Pure/Tools/spell_checker.scala
Author: Makarius
Spell checker with completion, based on JOrtho (see
package isabelle
import java.lang.Class
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.immutable.SortedMap
object Spell_Checker
/* words within text */
def marked_words(base: Text.Offset, text: String, mark: Text.Info[String] => Boolean)
: List[Text.Info[String]] =
val result = new mutable.ListBuffer[Text.Info[String]]
var offset = 0
def apostrophe(c: Int): Boolean =
c == '\'' && (offset + 1 == text.length || text(offset + 1) != '\'')
@tailrec def scan(pred: Int => Boolean)
if (offset < text.length) {
val c = text.codePointAt(offset)
if (pred(c)) {
offset += Character.charCount(c)
while (offset < text.length) {
scan(c => !Character.isLetter(c))
val start = offset
scan(c => Character.isLetterOrDigit(c) || apostrophe(c))
val stop = offset
if (stop - start >= 2) {
val info = Text.Info(Text.Range(base + start, base + stop), text.substring(start, stop))
if (mark(info)) result += info
def current_word(rendering: Rendering, range: Text.Range): Option[Text.Info[String]] =
for {
spell_range <- rendering.spell_checker_point(range)
text <- rendering.get_text(spell_range)
info <- marked_words(spell_range.start, text, info => info.range.overlaps(range)).headOption
} yield info
/* dictionaries */
class Dictionary private[Spell_Checker](val path: Path)
val lang: String = path.drop_ext.file_name
val user_path: Path = Path.explode("$ISABELLE_HOME_USER/dictionaries") + Path.basic(lang)
override def toString: String = lang
private object Decl
def apply(name: String, include: Boolean): String =
if (include) name else "-" + name
def unapply(decl: String): Option[(String, Boolean)] =
val decl1 = decl.trim
if (decl1 == "" || decl1.startsWith("#")) None
Library.try_unprefix("-", decl1.trim) match {
case None => Some((decl1, true))
case Some(decl2) => Some((decl2, false))
def dictionaries(): List[Dictionary] =
for {
path <- Path.split(Isabelle_System.getenv("JORTHO_DICTIONARIES"))
if path.is_file
} yield new Dictionary(path)
/* create spell checker */
def apply(dictionary: Dictionary): Spell_Checker = new Spell_Checker(dictionary)
private sealed case class Update(include: Boolean, permanent: Boolean)
class Spell_Checker private(dictionary: Spell_Checker.Dictionary)
override def toString: String = dictionary.toString
/* main dictionary content */
private var dict = new Object
private var updates = SortedMap.empty[String, Spell_Checker.Update]
private def included_iterator(): Iterator[String] =
for {
(word, upd) <- updates.iterator
if upd.include
} yield word
private def excluded(word: String): Boolean =
updates.get(word) match {
case Some(upd) => !upd.include
case None => false
private def load()
val main_dictionary = split_lines(File.read_gzip(dictionary.path))
val permanent_updates =
if (dictionary.user_path.is_file)
for {
Spell_Checker.Decl(word, include) <- split_lines(File.read(dictionary.user_path))
} yield (word, Spell_Checker.Update(include, true))
else Nil
updates =
updates -- (for ((name, upd) <- updates.iterator; if upd.permanent) yield name) ++
val factory_class = Class.forName("com.inet.jortho.DictionaryFactory")
val factory = Untyped.constructor(factory_class).newInstance()
val add = Untyped.method(factory_class, "add", classOf[String])
for {
word <- main_dictionary.iterator ++ included_iterator()
if !excluded(word)
} add.invoke(factory, word)
dict = Untyped.method(factory_class, "create").invoke(factory)
private def save()
val permanent_decls =
(for {
(word, upd) <- updates.iterator
if upd.permanent
} yield Spell_Checker.Decl(word, upd.include)).toList
if (permanent_decls.nonEmpty || dictionary.user_path.is_file) {
val header = """# User updates for spell-checker dictionary
# * each line contains at most one word
# * extra blanks are ignored
# * lines starting with "#" are stripped
# * lines starting with "-" indicate excluded words
File.write(dictionary.user_path, header + cat_lines(permanent_decls))
def update(word: String, include: Boolean, permanent: Boolean)
updates += (word -> Spell_Checker.Update(include, permanent))
if (include) {
if (permanent) save()
Untyped.method(dict.getClass, "add", classOf[String]).invoke(dict, word)
else { save(); load() }
def reset()
updates = SortedMap.empty
def reset_enabled(): Int =
updates.valuesIterator.count(upd => !upd.permanent)
/* check known words */
def contains(word: String): Boolean =
Untyped.method(dict.getClass.getSuperclass, "exist", classOf[String]).
invoke(dict, word).asInstanceOf[java.lang.Boolean].booleanValue
def check(word: String): Boolean =
word match {
case Word.Case(c) if c != Word.Lowercase =>
contains(word) || contains(Word.lowercase(word))
case _ =>
def marked_words(base: Text.Offset, text: String): List[Text.Info[String]] =
Spell_Checker.marked_words(base, text, info => !check(info.info))
/* completion: suggestions for unknown words */
private def suggestions(word: String): Option[List[String]] =
val res =
Untyped.method(dict.getClass.getSuperclass, "searchSuggestions", classOf[String]).
invoke(dict, word).asInstanceOf[java.util.List[AnyRef]].toArray.toList.map(_.toString)
if (res.isEmpty) None else Some(res)
def complete(word: String): List[String] =
if (check(word)) Nil
else {
val word_case = Word.Case.unapply(word)
def recover_case(s: String) =
word_case match {
case Some(c) => Word.Case(c, s)
case None => s
val result =
word_case match {
case Some(c) if c != Word.Lowercase =>
suggestions(word) orElse suggestions(Word.lowercase(word))
case _ =>
def completion(rendering: Rendering, caret: Text.Offset): Option[Completion.Result] =
val caret_range = rendering.before_caret_range(caret)
for {
word <- Spell_Checker.current_word(rendering, caret_range)
words = complete(word.info)
if words.nonEmpty
descr = "(from dictionary " + quote(dictionary.toString) + ")"
items =
words.map(w => Completion.Item(word.range, word.info, "", List(w, descr), w, 0, false))
} yield Completion.Result(word.range, word.info, false, items)
class Spell_Checker_Variable
private val no_spell_checker: (String, Option[Spell_Checker]) = ("", None)
private var current_spell_checker = no_spell_checker
def get: Option[Spell_Checker] = synchronized { current_spell_checker._2 }
def update(options: Options): Unit = synchronized {
if (options.bool("spell_checker")) {
val lang = options.string("spell_checker_dictionary")
if (current_spell_checker._1 != lang) {
Spell_Checker.dictionaries.find(_.lang == lang) match {
case Some(dictionary) =>
val spell_checker =
Exn.capture { Spell_Checker(dictionary) } match {
case Exn.Res(spell_checker) => Some(spell_checker)
case Exn.Exn(_) => None
current_spell_checker = (lang, spell_checker)
case None =>
current_spell_checker = no_spell_checker
else current_spell_checker = no_spell_checker
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.17 Sekunden
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