(* Title: Tools/Code/code_ml.ML
Author: Florian Haftmann, TU Muenchen
Serializer for SML and OCaml.
signature CODE_ML =
val target_SML: string
val target_OCaml: string
structure Code_ML : CODE_ML =
open Basic_Code_Symbol;
open Basic_Code_Thingol;
open Code_Printer;
infixr 5 @@;
infixr 5 @|;
(** generic **)
val target_SML = "SML";
val target_OCaml = "OCaml";
datatype ml_binding =
ML_Function of string * (typscheme * ((iterm list * iterm) * (thm option * bool)) list)
| ML_Instance of (string * class) * { class: class, tyco: string, vs: (vname * sort) list,
superinsts: (class * dict list list) list,
inst_params: ((string * (const * int)) * (thm * bool)) list,
superinst_params: ((string * (const * int)) * (thm * bool)) list };
datatype ml_stmt =
ML_Exc of string * (typscheme * int)
| ML_Val of ml_binding
| ML_Funs of (Code_Namespace.export * ml_binding) list * Code_Symbol.T list
| ML_Datas of (string * (vname list * ((string * vname list) * itype list) list)) list
| ML_Class of string * (vname * ((class * class) list * (string * itype) list));
fun print_product _ [] = NONE
| print_product print [x] = SOME (print x)
| print_product print xs = (SOME o enum " *" "" "") (map print xs);
fun tuplify _ _ [] = NONE
| tuplify print fxy [x] = SOME (print fxy x)
| tuplify print _ xs = SOME (enum "," "(" ")" (map (print NOBR) xs));
(** SML serializer **)
fun print_sml_char c =
if c = "\\"
then "\\092" (*produce strings suitable for both SML as well as Isabelle/ML*)
else if Symbol.is_ascii c
then ML_Syntax.print_symbol_char c
else error "non-ASCII byte in SML string literal";
val print_sml_string = quote o translate_string print_sml_char;
fun print_sml_stmt tyco_syntax const_syntax reserved is_constr deresolve =
val deresolve_const = deresolve o Constant;
val deresolve_classrel = deresolve o Class_Relation;
val deresolve_inst = deresolve o Class_Instance;
fun print_tyco_expr (sym, []) = (str o deresolve) sym
| print_tyco_expr (sym, [ty]) =
concat [print_typ BR ty, (str o deresolve) sym]
| print_tyco_expr (sym, tys) =
concat [enum "," "(" ")" (map (print_typ BR) tys), (str o deresolve) sym]
and print_typ fxy (tyco `%% tys) = (case tyco_syntax tyco
of NONE => print_tyco_expr (Type_Constructor tyco, tys)
| SOME (_, print) => print print_typ fxy tys)
| print_typ fxy (ITyVar v) = str ("'" ^ v);
fun print_dicttyp (class, ty) = print_tyco_expr (Type_Class class, [ty]);
fun print_typscheme_prefix (vs, p) = enum " ->" "" ""
(map_filter (fn (v, sort) =>
(print_product (fn class => print_dicttyp (class, ITyVar v)) sort)) vs @| p);
fun print_typscheme (vs, ty) = print_typscheme_prefix (vs, print_typ NOBR ty);
fun print_dicttypscheme (vs, class_ty) = print_typscheme_prefix (vs, print_dicttyp class_ty);
fun print_classrels fxy [] ps = brackify fxy ps
| print_classrels fxy [classrel] ps = brackify fxy [(str o deresolve_classrel) classrel, brackify BR ps]
| print_classrels fxy classrels ps =
brackify fxy [enum " o" "(" ")" (map (str o deresolve_classrel) classrels), brackify BR ps]
fun print_dict is_pseudo_fun fxy (Dict (classrels, x)) =
print_classrels fxy classrels (print_plain_dict is_pseudo_fun fxy x)
and print_plain_dict is_pseudo_fun fxy (Dict_Const (inst, dss)) =
((str o deresolve_inst) inst ::
(if is_pseudo_fun (Class_Instance inst) then [str "()"]
else map_filter (print_dicts is_pseudo_fun BR) dss))
| print_plain_dict is_pseudo_fun fxy (Dict_Var { var, index, length, ... }) =
[str (if length = 1 then Name.enforce_case true var ^ "_"
else Name.enforce_case true var ^ string_of_int (index + 1) ^ "_")]
and print_dicts is_pseudo_fun = tuplify (print_dict is_pseudo_fun);
val print_dict_args = map_filter (fn (v, sort) => print_dicts (K false) BR
(map_index (fn (i, _) => Dict ([],
Dict_Var { var = v, index = i, length = length sort, class = nth sort i, unique = true })) sort));
fun print_term is_pseudo_fun some_thm vars fxy (IConst const) =
print_app is_pseudo_fun some_thm vars fxy (const, [])
| print_term is_pseudo_fun some_thm vars fxy (IVar NONE) =
str "_"
| print_term is_pseudo_fun some_thm vars fxy (IVar (SOME v)) =
str (lookup_var vars v)
| print_term is_pseudo_fun some_thm vars fxy (t as t1 `$ t2) =
(case Code_Thingol.unfold_const_app t
of SOME app => print_app is_pseudo_fun some_thm vars fxy app
| NONE => brackify fxy [print_term is_pseudo_fun some_thm vars NOBR t1,
print_term is_pseudo_fun some_thm vars BR t2])
| print_term is_pseudo_fun some_thm vars fxy (t as _ `|=> _) =
val (binds, t') = Code_Thingol.unfold_pat_abs t;
fun print_abs (pat, ty) =
print_bind is_pseudo_fun some_thm NOBR pat
#>> (fn p => concat [str "fn", p, str "=>"]);
val (ps, vars') = fold_map print_abs binds vars;
in brackets (ps @ [print_term is_pseudo_fun some_thm vars' NOBR t']) end
| print_term is_pseudo_fun some_thm vars fxy (ICase case_expr) =
(case Code_Thingol.unfold_const_app (#primitive case_expr)
of SOME (app as ({ sym = Constant const, ... }, _)) =>
if is_none (const_syntax const)
then print_case is_pseudo_fun some_thm vars fxy case_expr
else print_app is_pseudo_fun some_thm vars fxy app
| NONE => print_case is_pseudo_fun some_thm vars fxy case_expr)
and print_app_expr is_pseudo_fun some_thm vars (app as ({ sym, dicts = dss, dom = dom, ... }, ts)) =
if is_constr sym then
let val k = length dom in
if k < 2 orelse length ts = k
then (str o deresolve) sym
:: the_list (tuplify (print_term is_pseudo_fun some_thm vars) BR ts)
else [print_term is_pseudo_fun some_thm vars BR (Code_Thingol.eta_expand k app)]
else if is_pseudo_fun sym
then (str o deresolve) sym @@ str "()"
else (str o deresolve) sym :: map_filter (print_dicts is_pseudo_fun BR) dss
@ map (print_term is_pseudo_fun some_thm vars BR) ts
and print_app is_pseudo_fun some_thm vars = gen_print_app (print_app_expr is_pseudo_fun)
(print_term is_pseudo_fun) const_syntax some_thm vars
and print_bind is_pseudo_fun = gen_print_bind (print_term is_pseudo_fun)
and print_case is_pseudo_fun some_thm vars fxy { clauses = [], ... } =
(concat o map str) ["raise", "Fail", "\"empty case\""]
| print_case is_pseudo_fun some_thm vars fxy (case_expr as { clauses = [_], ... }) =
val (binds, body) = Code_Thingol.unfold_let (ICase case_expr);
fun print_match ((pat, _), t) vars =
|> print_bind is_pseudo_fun some_thm NOBR pat
|>> (fn p => semicolon [str "val", p, str "=",
print_term is_pseudo_fun some_thm vars NOBR t])
val (ps, vars') = fold_map print_match binds vars;
Pretty.chunks [
Pretty.block [str "let", Pretty.fbrk, Pretty.chunks ps],
Pretty.block [str "in", Pretty.fbrk, print_term is_pseudo_fun some_thm vars' NOBR body],
str "end"
| print_case is_pseudo_fun some_thm vars fxy { term = t, typ = ty, clauses = clause :: clauses, ... } =
fun print_select delim (pat, body) =
val (p, vars') = print_bind is_pseudo_fun some_thm NOBR pat vars;
concat [str delim, p, str "=>", print_term is_pseudo_fun some_thm vars' NOBR body]
brackets (
str "case"
:: print_term is_pseudo_fun some_thm vars NOBR t
:: print_select "of" clause
:: map (print_select "|") clauses
fun print_val_decl print_typscheme (sym, typscheme) = concat
[str "val", str (deresolve sym), str ":", print_typscheme typscheme];
fun print_datatype_decl definer (tyco, (vs, cos)) =
fun print_co ((co, _), []) = str (deresolve_const co)
| print_co ((co, _), tys) = concat [str (deresolve_const co), str "of",
enum " *" "" "" (map (print_typ (INFX (2, X))) tys)];
concat (
str definer
:: print_tyco_expr (Type_Constructor tyco, map ITyVar vs)
:: str "="
:: separate (str "|") (map print_co cos)
fun print_def is_pseudo_fun needs_typ definer
(ML_Function (const, (vs_ty as (vs, ty), eq :: eqs))) =
fun print_eqn definer ((ts, t), (some_thm, _)) =
val vars = reserved
|> intro_base_names_for (is_none o const_syntax)
deresolve (t :: ts)
|> intro_vars ((fold o Code_Thingol.fold_varnames)
(insert (op =)) ts []);
val prolog = if needs_typ then
concat [str definer, (str o deresolve_const) const, str ":", print_typ NOBR ty]
else (concat o map str) [definer, deresolve_const const];
concat (
:: (if is_pseudo_fun (Constant const) then [str "()"]
else print_dict_args vs
@ map (print_term is_pseudo_fun some_thm vars BR) ts)
@ str "="
@@ print_term is_pseudo_fun some_thm vars NOBR t
val shift = if null eqs then I else
map (Pretty.block o single o Pretty.block o single);
in pair
(print_val_decl print_typscheme (Constant const, vs_ty))
((Pretty.block o Pretty.fbreaks o shift) (
print_eqn definer eq
:: map (print_eqn "|") eqs
| print_def is_pseudo_fun _ definer
(ML_Instance (inst as (tyco, class), { vs, superinsts, inst_params, ... })) =
fun print_super_instance (super_class, x) =
concat [
(str o Long_Name.base_name o deresolve_classrel) (class, super_class),
str "=",
print_dict is_pseudo_fun NOBR (Dict ([], Dict_Const ((tyco, super_class), x)))
fun print_classparam_instance ((classparam, (const, _)), (thm, _)) =
concat [
(str o Long_Name.base_name o deresolve_const) classparam,
str "=",
print_app (K false) (SOME thm) reserved NOBR (const, [])
in pair
(print_val_decl print_dicttypscheme
(Class_Instance inst, (vs, (class, tyco `%% map (ITyVar o fst) vs))))
(concat (
str definer
:: (str o deresolve_inst) inst
:: (if is_pseudo_fun (Class_Instance inst) then [str "()"]
else print_dict_args vs)
@ str "="
:: enum "," "{" "}"
(map print_super_instance superinsts
@ map print_classparam_instance inst_params)
:: str ":"
@@ print_dicttyp (class, tyco `%% map (ITyVar o fst) vs)
fun print_stmt _ (ML_Exc (const, (vs_ty, n))) = pair
[print_val_decl print_typscheme (Constant const, vs_ty)]
((semicolon o map str) (
(if n = 0 then "val" else "fun")
:: deresolve_const const
:: replicate n "_"
@ "="
:: "raise"
:: "Fail"
@@ print_sml_string const
| print_stmt _ (ML_Val binding) =
val (sig_p, p) = print_def (K false) true "val" binding
in pair
(semicolon [p])
| print_stmt _ (ML_Funs ((export, binding) :: exports_bindings, pseudo_funs)) =
val print_def' = print_def (member (op =) pseudo_funs) false;
fun print_pseudo_fun sym = concat [
str "val",
(str o deresolve) sym,
str "=",
(str o deresolve) sym,
str "();"
val (sig_ps, (ps, p)) = (apsnd split_last o split_list)
(print_def' "fun" binding :: map (print_def' "and" o snd) exports_bindings);
val pseudo_ps = map print_pseudo_fun pseudo_funs;
in pair
(map_filter (fn (export, p) => if Code_Namespace.not_private export then SOME p else NONE)
((export :: map fst exports_bindings) ~~ sig_ps))
(Pretty.chunks (ps @ semicolon [p] :: pseudo_ps))
| print_stmt _ (ML_Datas [(tyco, (vs, []))]) =
val ty_p = print_tyco_expr (Type_Constructor tyco, map ITyVar vs);
[concat [str "type", ty_p]]
(semicolon [str "datatype", ty_p, str "=", str "EMPTY__"])
| print_stmt export (ML_Datas (data :: datas)) =
val decl_ps = print_datatype_decl "datatype" data
:: map (print_datatype_decl "and") datas;
val (ps, p) = split_last decl_ps;
in pair
(if Code_Namespace.is_public export
then decl_ps
else map (fn (tyco, (vs, _)) =>
concat [str "type", print_tyco_expr (Type_Constructor tyco, map ITyVar vs)])
(data :: datas))
(Pretty.chunks (ps @| semicolon [p]))
| print_stmt export (ML_Class (class, (v, (classrels, classparams)))) =
fun print_field s p = concat [str s, str ":", p];
fun print_proj s p = semicolon
(map str ["val", s, "=", "#" ^ s, ":"] @| p);
fun print_super_class_decl (classrel as (_, super_class)) =
print_val_decl print_dicttypscheme
(Class_Relation classrel, ([(v, [class])], (super_class, ITyVar v)));
fun print_super_class_field (classrel as (_, super_class)) =
print_field (deresolve_classrel classrel) (print_dicttyp (super_class, ITyVar v));
fun print_super_class_proj (classrel as (_, super_class)) =
print_proj (deresolve_classrel classrel)
(print_dicttypscheme ([(v, [class])], (super_class, ITyVar v)));
fun print_classparam_decl (classparam, ty) =
print_val_decl print_typscheme
(Constant classparam, ([(v, [class])], ty));
fun print_classparam_field (classparam, ty) =
print_field (deresolve_const classparam) (print_typ NOBR ty);
fun print_classparam_proj (classparam, ty) =
print_proj (deresolve_const classparam)
(print_typscheme ([(v, [class])], ty));
in pair
(concat [str "type", print_dicttyp (class, ITyVar v)]
:: (if Code_Namespace.is_public export
then map print_super_class_decl classrels
@ map print_classparam_decl classparams
else []))
(Pretty.chunks (
concat [
str "type",
print_dicttyp (class, ITyVar v),
str "=",
enum "," "{" "};" (
map print_super_class_field classrels
@ map print_classparam_field classparams
:: map print_super_class_proj classrels
@ map print_classparam_proj classparams
in print_stmt end;
fun print_sml_module name decls body =
Pretty.chunks2 (
Pretty.chunks [
str ("structure " ^ name ^ " : sig"),
(indent 2 o Pretty.chunks) decls,
str "end = struct"
:: body
@| str ("end; (*struct " ^ name ^ "*)")
val literals_sml = Literals {
literal_string = print_sml_string,
literal_numeral = fn k => "(" ^ string_of_int k ^ " : IntInf.int)",
literal_list = enum "," "[" "]",
infix_cons = (7, "::")
(** OCaml serializer **)
val print_ocaml_string =
fun chr i =
val xs = string_of_int i;
val ys = replicate_string (3 - length (raw_explode xs)) "0";
in "\\" ^ ys ^ xs end;
fun char c =
val i = ord c;
val s =
if i >= 128 then error "non-ASCII byte in OCaml string literal"
else if i < 32 orelse i = 34 orelse i = 39 orelse i = 92 orelse i > 126
then chr i else c
in s end;
in quote o translate_string char end;
fun print_ocaml_stmt tyco_syntax const_syntax reserved is_constr deresolve =
val deresolve_const = deresolve o Constant;
val deresolve_classrel = deresolve o Class_Relation;
val deresolve_inst = deresolve o Class_Instance;
fun print_tyco_expr (sym, []) = (str o deresolve) sym
| print_tyco_expr (sym, [ty]) =
concat [print_typ BR ty, (str o deresolve) sym]
| print_tyco_expr (sym, tys) =
concat [enum "," "(" ")" (map (print_typ BR) tys), (str o deresolve) sym]
and print_typ fxy (tyco `%% tys) = (case tyco_syntax tyco
of NONE => print_tyco_expr (Type_Constructor tyco, tys)
| SOME (_, print) => print print_typ fxy tys)
| print_typ fxy (ITyVar v) = str ("'" ^ v);
fun print_dicttyp (class, ty) = print_tyco_expr (Type_Class class, [ty]);
fun print_typscheme_prefix (vs, p) = enum " ->" "" ""
(map_filter (fn (v, sort) =>
(print_product (fn class => print_dicttyp (class, ITyVar v)) sort)) vs @| p);
fun print_typscheme (vs, ty) = print_typscheme_prefix (vs, print_typ NOBR ty);
fun print_dicttypscheme (vs, class_ty) = print_typscheme_prefix (vs, print_dicttyp class_ty);
val print_classrels =
fold_rev (fn classrel => fn p => Pretty.block [p, str ".", (str o deresolve_classrel) classrel])
fun print_dict is_pseudo_fun fxy (Dict (classrels, x)) =
print_plain_dict is_pseudo_fun fxy x
|> print_classrels classrels
and print_plain_dict is_pseudo_fun fxy (Dict_Const (inst, dss)) =
brackify BR ((str o deresolve_inst) inst ::
(if is_pseudo_fun (Class_Instance inst) then [str "()"]
else map_filter (print_dicts is_pseudo_fun BR) dss))
| print_plain_dict is_pseudo_fun fxy (Dict_Var { var, index, length, ... }) =
str (if length = 1 then "_" ^ Name.enforce_case true var
else "_" ^ Name.enforce_case true var ^ string_of_int (index + 1))
and print_dicts is_pseudo_fun = tuplify (print_dict is_pseudo_fun);
val print_dict_args = map_filter (fn (v, sort) => print_dicts (K false) BR
(map_index (fn (i, _) => Dict ([],
Dict_Var { var = v, index = i, length = length sort, class = nth sort i, unique = true })) sort));
fun print_term is_pseudo_fun some_thm vars fxy (IConst const) =
print_app is_pseudo_fun some_thm vars fxy (const, [])
| print_term is_pseudo_fun some_thm vars fxy (IVar NONE) =
str "_"
| print_term is_pseudo_fun some_thm vars fxy (IVar (SOME v)) =
str (lookup_var vars v)
| print_term is_pseudo_fun some_thm vars fxy (t as t1 `$ t2) =
(case Code_Thingol.unfold_const_app t
of SOME app => print_app is_pseudo_fun some_thm vars fxy app
| NONE => brackify fxy [print_term is_pseudo_fun some_thm vars NOBR t1,
print_term is_pseudo_fun some_thm vars BR t2])
| print_term is_pseudo_fun some_thm vars fxy (t as _ `|=> _) =
val (binds, t') = Code_Thingol.unfold_pat_abs t;
val (ps, vars') = fold_map (print_bind is_pseudo_fun some_thm BR o fst) binds vars;
in brackets (str "fun" :: ps @ str "->" @@ print_term is_pseudo_fun some_thm vars' NOBR t') end
| print_term is_pseudo_fun some_thm vars fxy (ICase case_expr) =
(case Code_Thingol.unfold_const_app (#primitive case_expr)
of SOME (app as ({ sym = Constant const, ... }, _)) =>
if is_none (const_syntax const)
then print_case is_pseudo_fun some_thm vars fxy case_expr
else print_app is_pseudo_fun some_thm vars fxy app
| NONE => print_case is_pseudo_fun some_thm vars fxy case_expr)
and print_app_expr is_pseudo_fun some_thm vars (app as ({ sym, dicts = dss, dom = dom, ... }, ts)) =
if is_constr sym then
let val k = length dom in
if length ts = k
then (str o deresolve) sym
:: the_list (tuplify (print_term is_pseudo_fun some_thm vars) BR ts)
else [print_term is_pseudo_fun some_thm vars BR (Code_Thingol.eta_expand k app)]
else if is_pseudo_fun sym
then (str o deresolve) sym @@ str "()"
else (str o deresolve) sym :: map_filter (print_dicts is_pseudo_fun BR) dss
@ map (print_term is_pseudo_fun some_thm vars BR) ts
and print_app is_pseudo_fun some_thm vars = gen_print_app (print_app_expr is_pseudo_fun)
(print_term is_pseudo_fun) const_syntax some_thm vars
and print_bind is_pseudo_fun = gen_print_bind (print_term is_pseudo_fun)
and print_case is_pseudo_fun some_thm vars fxy { clauses = [], ... } =
(concat o map str) ["failwith", "\"empty case\""]
| print_case is_pseudo_fun some_thm vars fxy (case_expr as { clauses = [_], ... }) =
val (binds, body) = Code_Thingol.unfold_let (ICase case_expr);
fun print_let ((pat, _), t) vars =
|> print_bind is_pseudo_fun some_thm NOBR pat
|>> (fn p => concat
[str "let", p, str "=", print_term is_pseudo_fun some_thm vars NOBR t, str "in"])
val (ps, vars') = fold_map print_let binds vars;
brackets [Pretty.chunks ps, print_term is_pseudo_fun some_thm vars' NOBR body]
| print_case is_pseudo_fun some_thm vars fxy { term = t, typ = ty, clauses = clause :: clauses, ... } =
fun print_select delim (pat, body) =
val (p, vars') = print_bind is_pseudo_fun some_thm NOBR pat vars;
in concat [str delim, p, str "->", print_term is_pseudo_fun some_thm vars' NOBR body] end;
brackets (
str "match"
:: print_term is_pseudo_fun some_thm vars NOBR t
:: print_select "with" clause
:: map (print_select "|") clauses
fun print_val_decl print_typscheme (sym, typscheme) = concat
[str "val", str (deresolve sym), str ":", print_typscheme typscheme];
fun print_datatype_decl definer (tyco, (vs, cos)) =
fun print_co ((co, _), []) = str (deresolve_const co)
| print_co ((co, _), tys) = concat [str (deresolve_const co), str "of",
enum " *" "" "" (map (print_typ (INFX (2, X))) tys)];
concat (
str definer
:: print_tyco_expr (Type_Constructor tyco, map ITyVar vs)
:: str "="
:: separate (str "|") (map print_co cos)
fun print_def is_pseudo_fun needs_typ definer
(ML_Function (const, (vs_ty as (vs, ty), eqs))) =
fun print_eqn ((ts, t), (some_thm, _)) =
val vars = reserved
|> intro_base_names_for (is_none o const_syntax)
deresolve (t :: ts)
|> intro_vars ((fold o Code_Thingol.fold_varnames)
(insert (op =)) ts []);
in concat [
(Pretty.block o commas)
(map (print_term is_pseudo_fun some_thm vars NOBR) ts),
str "->",
print_term is_pseudo_fun some_thm vars NOBR t
] end;
fun print_eqns is_pseudo [((ts, t), (some_thm, _))] =
val vars = reserved
|> intro_base_names_for (is_none o const_syntax)
deresolve (t :: ts)
|> intro_vars ((fold o Code_Thingol.fold_varnames)
(insert (op =)) ts []);
concat (
(if is_pseudo then [str "()"]
else map (print_term is_pseudo_fun some_thm vars BR) ts)
@ str "="
@@ print_term is_pseudo_fun some_thm vars NOBR t
| print_eqns _ ((eq as (([_], _), _)) :: eqs) =
Pretty.block (
str "="
:: Pretty.brk 1
:: str "function"
:: Pretty.brk 1
:: print_eqn eq
:: maps (append [Pretty.fbrk, str "|", Pretty.brk 1]
o single o print_eqn) eqs
| print_eqns _ (eqs as eq :: eqs') =
val vars = reserved
|> intro_base_names_for (is_none o const_syntax)
deresolve (map (snd o fst) eqs)
val dummy_parms = (map str o aux_params vars o map (fst o fst)) eqs;
Pretty.block (
Pretty.breaks dummy_parms
@ Pretty.brk 1
:: str "="
:: Pretty.brk 1
:: str "match"
:: Pretty.brk 1
:: (Pretty.block o commas) dummy_parms
:: Pretty.brk 1
:: str "with"
:: Pretty.brk 1
:: print_eqn eq
:: maps (append [Pretty.fbrk, str "|", Pretty.brk 1]
o single o print_eqn) eqs'
val prolog = if needs_typ then
concat [str definer, (str o deresolve_const) const, str ":", print_typ NOBR ty]
else (concat o map str) [definer, deresolve_const const];
in pair
(print_val_decl print_typscheme (Constant const, vs_ty))
(concat (
:: print_dict_args vs
@| print_eqns (is_pseudo_fun (Constant const)) eqs
| print_def is_pseudo_fun _ definer
(ML_Instance (inst as (tyco, class), { vs, superinsts, inst_params, ... })) =
fun print_super_instance (super_class, x) =
concat [
(str o deresolve_classrel) (class, super_class),
str "=",
print_dict is_pseudo_fun NOBR (Dict ([], Dict_Const ((tyco, super_class), x)))
fun print_classparam_instance ((classparam, (const, _)), (thm, _)) =
concat [
(str o deresolve_const) classparam,
str "=",
print_app (K false) (SOME thm) reserved NOBR (const, [])
in pair
(print_val_decl print_dicttypscheme
(Class_Instance inst, (vs, (class, tyco `%% map (ITyVar o fst) vs))))
(concat (
str definer
:: (str o deresolve_inst) inst
:: (if is_pseudo_fun (Class_Instance inst) then [str "()"]
else print_dict_args vs)
@ str "="
@@ brackets [
enum_default "()" ";" "{" "}" (map print_super_instance superinsts
@ map print_classparam_instance inst_params),
str ":",
print_dicttyp (class, tyco `%% map (ITyVar o fst) vs)
fun print_stmt _ (ML_Exc (const, (vs_ty, n))) = pair
[print_val_decl print_typscheme (Constant const, vs_ty)]
((doublesemicolon o map str) (
:: deresolve_const const
:: replicate n "_"
@ "="
:: "failwith"
@@ print_ocaml_string const
| print_stmt _ (ML_Val binding) =
val (sig_p, p) = print_def (K false) true "let" binding
in pair
(doublesemicolon [p])
| print_stmt _ (ML_Funs ((export, binding) :: exports_bindings, pseudo_funs)) =
val print_def' = print_def (member (op =) pseudo_funs) false;
fun print_pseudo_fun sym = concat [
str "let",
(str o deresolve) sym,
str "=",
(str o deresolve) sym,
str "();;"
val (sig_ps, (ps, p)) = (apsnd split_last o split_list)
(print_def' "let rec" binding :: map (print_def' "and" o snd) exports_bindings);
val pseudo_ps = map print_pseudo_fun pseudo_funs;
in pair
(map_filter (fn (export, p) => if Code_Namespace.not_private export then SOME p else NONE)
((export :: map fst exports_bindings) ~~ sig_ps))
(Pretty.chunks (ps @ doublesemicolon [p] :: pseudo_ps))
| print_stmt _ (ML_Datas [(tyco, (vs, []))]) =
val ty_p = print_tyco_expr (Type_Constructor tyco, map ITyVar vs);
[concat [str "type", ty_p]]
(doublesemicolon [str "type", ty_p, str "=", str "EMPTY__"])
| print_stmt export (ML_Datas (data :: datas)) =
val decl_ps = print_datatype_decl "type" data
:: map (print_datatype_decl "and") datas;
val (ps, p) = split_last decl_ps;
in pair
(if Code_Namespace.is_public export
then decl_ps
else map (fn (tyco, (vs, _)) =>
concat [str "type", print_tyco_expr (Type_Constructor tyco, map ITyVar vs)])
(data :: datas))
(Pretty.chunks (ps @| doublesemicolon [p]))
| print_stmt export (ML_Class (class, (v, (classrels, classparams)))) =
fun print_field s p = concat [str s, str ":", p];
fun print_super_class_field (classrel as (_, super_class)) =
print_field (deresolve_classrel classrel) (print_dicttyp (super_class, ITyVar v));
fun print_classparam_decl (classparam, ty) =
print_val_decl print_typscheme
(Constant classparam, ([(v, [class])], ty));
fun print_classparam_field (classparam, ty) =
print_field (deresolve_const classparam) (print_typ NOBR ty);
val w = "_" ^ Name.enforce_case true v;
fun print_classparam_proj (classparam, _) =
(concat o map str) ["let", deresolve_const classparam, w, "=",
w ^ "." ^ deresolve_const classparam ^ ";;"];
val type_decl_p = concat [
str "type",
print_dicttyp (class, ITyVar v),
str "=",
enum_default "unit" ";" "{" "}" (
map print_super_class_field classrels
@ map print_classparam_field classparams
in pair
(if Code_Namespace.is_public export
then type_decl_p :: map print_classparam_decl classparams
else if null classrels andalso null classparams
then [type_decl_p] (*work around weakness in export calculation*)
else [concat [str "type", print_dicttyp (class, ITyVar v)]])
(Pretty.chunks (
doublesemicolon [type_decl_p]
:: map print_classparam_proj classparams
in print_stmt end;
fun print_ocaml_module name decls body =
Pretty.chunks2 (
Pretty.chunks [
str ("module " ^ name ^ " : sig"),
(indent 2 o Pretty.chunks) decls,
str "end = struct"
:: body
@| str ("end;; (*struct " ^ name ^ "*)")
val literals_ocaml = let
fun numeral_ocaml k = if k < 0
then "(Z.neg " ^ numeral_ocaml (~ k) ^ ")"
else if k <= 1073741823
then "(Z.of_int " ^ string_of_int k ^ ")"
else "(Z.of_string " ^ quote (string_of_int k) ^ ")"
in Literals {
literal_string = print_ocaml_string,
literal_numeral = numeral_ocaml,
literal_list = enum ";" "[" "]",
infix_cons = (6, "::")
} end;
(** SML/OCaml generic part **)
fun ml_program_of_program ctxt module_name reserved identifiers =
fun namify_const upper base (nsp_const, nsp_type) =
val (base', nsp_const') = Name.variant (Name.enforce_case upper base) nsp_const
in (base', (nsp_const', nsp_type)) end;
fun namify_type base (nsp_const, nsp_type) =
val (base', nsp_type') = Name.variant (Name.enforce_case false base) nsp_type
in (base', (nsp_const, nsp_type')) end;
fun namify_stmt (Code_Thingol.Fun _) = namify_const false
| namify_stmt (Code_Thingol.Datatype _) = namify_type
| namify_stmt (Code_Thingol.Datatypecons _) = namify_const true
| namify_stmt (Code_Thingol.Class _) = namify_type
| namify_stmt (Code_Thingol.Classrel _) = namify_const false
| namify_stmt (Code_Thingol.Classparam _) = namify_const false
| namify_stmt (Code_Thingol.Classinst _) = namify_const false;
fun ml_binding_of_stmt (sym as Constant const, (export, Code_Thingol.Fun ((tysm as (vs, ty), raw_eqs), _))) =
val eqs = filter (snd o snd) raw_eqs;
val (eqs', some_sym) = if null (filter_out (null o snd) vs) then case eqs
of [(([], t), some_thm)] => if (not o null o fst o Code_Thingol.unfold_fun) ty
then ([(([IVar (SOME "x")], t `$ IVar (SOME "x")), some_thm)], NONE)
else (eqs, SOME (sym, member (op =) (Code_Thingol.add_constsyms t []) sym))
| _ => (eqs, NONE)
else (eqs, NONE)
in ((export, ML_Function (const, (tysm, eqs'))), some_sym) end
| ml_binding_of_stmt (sym as Class_Instance inst, (export, Code_Thingol.Classinst (stmt as { vs, ... }))) =
((export, ML_Instance (inst, stmt)),
if forall (null o snd) vs then SOME (sym, false) else NONE)
| ml_binding_of_stmt (sym, _) =
error ("Binding block containing illegal statement: " ^
Code_Symbol.quote ctxt sym)
fun modify_fun (sym, (export, stmt)) =
val ((export', binding), some_value_sym) = ml_binding_of_stmt (sym, (export, stmt));
val ml_stmt = case binding
of ML_Function (const, ((vs, ty), [])) =>
ML_Exc (const, ((vs, ty),
(length o filter_out (null o snd)) vs + (length o fst o Code_Thingol.unfold_fun) ty))
| _ => case some_value_sym
of NONE => ML_Funs ([(export', binding)], [])
| SOME (sym, true) => ML_Funs ([(export, binding)], [sym])
| SOME (sym, false) => ML_Val binding
in SOME (export, ml_stmt) end;
fun modify_funs stmts = single (SOME
(Code_Namespace.Opaque, ML_Funs (map_split ml_binding_of_stmt stmts |> (apsnd o map_filter o Option.map) fst)))
fun modify_datatypes stmts =
val datas = map_filter
(fn (Type_Constructor tyco, (export, Code_Thingol.Datatype stmt)) => SOME (export, (tyco, stmt)) | _ => NONE) stmts
if null datas then [] (*for abstract types wrt. code_reflect*)
else datas
|> split_list
|> apfst Code_Namespace.join_exports
|> apsnd ML_Datas
|> single
fun modify_class stmts =
the_single (map_filter
(fn (Type_Class class, (export, Code_Thingol.Class stmt)) => SOME (export, (class, stmt)) | _ => NONE) stmts)
|> apsnd ML_Class
|> single;
fun modify_stmts ([stmt as (_, (_, stmt' as Code_Thingol.Fun _))]) =
if Code_Thingol.is_case stmt' then [] else [modify_fun stmt]
| modify_stmts ((stmts as (_, (_, Code_Thingol.Fun _)) :: _)) =
modify_funs (filter_out (Code_Thingol.is_case o snd o snd) stmts)
| modify_stmts ((stmts as (_, (_, Code_Thingol.Datatypecons _)) :: _)) =
modify_datatypes stmts
| modify_stmts ((stmts as (_, (_, Code_Thingol.Datatype _)) :: _)) =
modify_datatypes stmts
| modify_stmts ((stmts as (_, (_, Code_Thingol.Class _)) :: _)) =
modify_class stmts
| modify_stmts ((stmts as (_, (_, Code_Thingol.Classrel _)) :: _)) =
modify_class stmts
| modify_stmts ((stmts as (_, (_, Code_Thingol.Classparam _)) :: _)) =
modify_class stmts
| modify_stmts ([stmt as (_, (_, Code_Thingol.Classinst _))]) =
[modify_fun stmt]
| modify_stmts ((stmts as (_, (_, Code_Thingol.Classinst _)) :: _)) =
modify_funs stmts
| modify_stmts stmts = error ("Illegal mutual dependencies: " ^
(Library.commas o map (Code_Symbol.quote ctxt o fst)) stmts);
Code_Namespace.hierarchical_program ctxt {
module_name = module_name, reserved = reserved, identifiers = identifiers,
empty_nsp = (reserved, reserved), namify_module = pair, namify_stmt = namify_stmt,
cyclic_modules = false, class_transitive = true,
class_relation_public = true, empty_data = (),
memorize_data = K I, modify_stmts = modify_stmts }
fun serialize_ml print_ml_module print_ml_stmt ml_extension ctxt
{ module_name, reserved_syms, identifiers, includes,
class_syntax, tyco_syntax, const_syntax } program exports =
(* build program *)
val { deresolver, hierarchical_program = ml_program } =
ml_program_of_program ctxt module_name (Name.make_context reserved_syms)
identifiers exports program;
(* print statements *)
fun print_stmt prefix_fragments (_, (export, stmt)) = print_ml_stmt
tyco_syntax const_syntax (make_vars reserved_syms)
(Code_Thingol.is_constr program) (deresolver prefix_fragments) export stmt
|> apfst (fn decl => if Code_Namespace.not_private export then SOME decl else NONE);
(* print modules *)
fun print_module _ base _ xs =
val (raw_decls, body) = split_list xs;
val decls = maps these raw_decls
in (NONE, print_ml_module base decls body) end;
(* serialization *)
val p = Pretty.chunks2 (map snd includes
@ map snd (Code_Namespace.print_hierarchical {
print_module = print_module, print_stmt = print_stmt,
lift_markup = apsnd } ml_program));
(Code_Target.Singleton (ml_extension, p), try (deresolver []))
val serializer_sml : Code_Target.serializer =
Code_Target.parse_args (Scan.succeed ()) #> K (serialize_ml print_sml_module print_sml_stmt "ML");
val serializer_ocaml : Code_Target.serializer =
Code_Target.parse_args (Scan.succeed ()) #> K (serialize_ml print_ocaml_module print_ocaml_stmt "ocaml");
(** Isar setup **)
fun fun_syntax print_typ fxy [ty1, ty2] =
brackify_infix (1, R) fxy (
print_typ (INFX (1, X)) ty1,
str "->",
print_typ (INFX (1, R)) ty2
val _ = Theory.setup
(target_SML, {serializer = serializer_sml, literals = literals_sml,
check = {env_var = "",
make_destination = fn p => p + Path.explode "ROOT.ML",
make_command = fn _ =>
"isabelle process -e 'datatype ref = datatype Unsynchronized.ref' -f 'ROOT.ML' -l Pure"},
evaluation_args = []})
#> Code_Target.add_language
(target_OCaml, {serializer = serializer_ocaml, literals = literals_ocaml,
check = {env_var = "ISABELLE_OCAMLFIND",
make_destination = fn p => p + Path.explode "ROOT.ml"
(*extension demanded by OCaml compiler*),
make_command = fn _ =>
"\"$ISABELLE_OCAMLFIND\" ocamlopt -w pu -package zarith -linkpkg ROOT.ml },
evaluation_args = []})
#> Code_Target.set_printings (Type_Constructor ("fun",
[(target_SML, SOME (2, fun_syntax)), (target_OCaml, SOME (2, fun_syntax))]))
#> fold (Code_Target.add_reserved target_SML) ML_Syntax.reserved_names
#> fold (Code_Target.add_reserved target_SML)
["ref" (*rebinding is illegal*), "o" (*dictionary projections use it already*),
"Fail", "div", "mod" (*standard infixes*), "IntInf"]
#> fold (Code_Target.add_reserved target_OCaml) [
"and", "as", "assert", "begin", "class",
"constraint", "do", "done", "downto", "else", "end", "exception",
"external", "false", "for", "fun", "function", "functor", "if",
"in", "include", "inherit", "initializer", "lazy", "let", "match", "method",
"module", "mutable", "new", "object", "of", "open", "or", "private", "rec",
"sig", "struct", "then", "to", "true", "try", "type", "val",
"virtual", "when", "while", "with"
#> fold (Code_Target.add_reserved target_OCaml) ["failwith", "mod", "Z"]);
end; (*struct*)
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