(* Title: Tools/Code/code_symbol.ML
Author: Florian Haftmann, TU Muenchen
Data related to symbols in programs: constants, type constructors, classes,
class relations, class instances, modules.
datatype ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) attr =
Constant of 'a | Type_Constructor of 'b | Type_Class of 'c |
Class_Relation of 'd | Class_Instance of 'e | Module of 'f
signature CODE_SYMBOL =
type T = (string, string, class, class * class, string * class, string) attr
structure Table: TABLE
structure Graph: GRAPH
val default_base: T -> string
val default_prefix: Proof.context -> T -> string
val quote: Proof.context -> T -> string
val marker: T -> string
val value: T
val is_value: T -> bool
val map_attr: ('a -> 'g) -> ('b -> 'h) -> ('c -> 'i) -> ('d -> 'j) -> ('e -> 'k) -> ('f -> 'l)
-> ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) attr -> ('g, 'h, 'i, 'j, 'k, 'l) attr
val maps_attr: ('a -> 'g list) -> ('b -> 'h list)
-> ('c -> 'i list) -> ('d -> 'j list) -> ('e -> 'k list) -> ('f -> 'l list)
-> ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) attr -> ('g, 'h, 'i, 'j, 'k, 'l) attr list
val maps_attr': ('a -> ('m * 'g) list) -> ('b -> ('m * 'h) list)
-> ('c -> ('m * 'i) list) -> ('d -> ('m * 'j) list) -> ('e -> ('m * 'k) list) -> ('f -> ('m * 'l) list)
-> ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) attr -> ('m * ('g, 'h, 'i, 'j, 'k, 'l) attr) list
type ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) data
val empty_data: ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) data
val merge_data: ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) data * ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) data
-> ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) data
val set_data: (string * 'a option, string * 'b option, string * 'c option,
(class * class) * 'd option, (string * class) * 'e option, string * 'f option) attr
-> ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) data -> ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) data
val lookup_constant_data: ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) data -> string -> 'a option
val lookup_type_constructor_data: ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) data -> string -> 'b option
val lookup_type_class_data: ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) data -> class -> 'c option
val lookup_class_relation_data: ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) data -> class * class -> 'd option
val lookup_class_instance_data: ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) data -> string * class -> 'e option
val lookup_module_data: ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) data -> string -> 'f option
val lookup: ('a, 'a, 'a, 'a, 'a, 'a) data -> T -> 'a option
val symbols_of: ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) data -> T list
val dest_module_data: ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) data -> (string * 'f) list
structure Code_Symbol : CODE_SYMBOL =
(* data for symbols *)
datatype ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) attr =
Constant of 'a | Type_Constructor of 'b | Type_Class of 'c | Class_Relation of 'd | Class_Instance of 'e | Module of 'f;
type T = (string, string, class, string * class, class * class, string) attr;
fun symbol_ord (Constant c1, Constant c2) = fast_string_ord (c1, c2)
| symbol_ord (Constant _, _) = GREATER
| symbol_ord (_, Constant _) = LESS
| symbol_ord (Type_Constructor tyco1, Type_Constructor tyco2) = fast_string_ord (tyco1, tyco2)
| symbol_ord (Type_Constructor _, _) = GREATER
| symbol_ord (_, Type_Constructor _) = LESS
| symbol_ord (Type_Class class1, Type_Class class2) = fast_string_ord (class1, class2)
| symbol_ord (Type_Class _, _) = GREATER
| symbol_ord (_, Type_Class _) = LESS
| symbol_ord (Class_Relation classrel1, Class_Relation classrel2) =
prod_ord fast_string_ord fast_string_ord (classrel1, classrel2)
| symbol_ord (Class_Relation _, _) = GREATER
| symbol_ord (_, Class_Relation _) = LESS
| symbol_ord (Class_Instance inst1, Class_Instance inst2) =
prod_ord fast_string_ord fast_string_ord (inst1, inst2)
| symbol_ord (Class_Instance _, _) = GREATER
| symbol_ord (_, Class_Instance _) = LESS
| symbol_ord (Module name1, Module name2) = fast_string_ord (name1, name2);
structure Table = Table(type key = T val ord = symbol_ord);
structure Graph = Graph(type key = T val ord = symbol_ord);
val base = Name.desymbolize NONE o Long_Name.base_name;
fun base_rel (x, y) = base y ^ "_" ^ base x;
fun default_base (Constant "") = "value"
| default_base (Constant c) = base c
| default_base (Type_Constructor tyco) = base tyco
| default_base (Type_Class class) = base class
| default_base (Class_Relation classrel) = base_rel classrel
| default_base (Class_Instance inst) = base_rel inst;
val thyname_of_type = Name_Space.the_entry_theory_name o Sign.type_space;
val thyname_of_class = Name_Space.the_entry_theory_name o Sign.class_space;
fun thyname_of_instance thy inst = case Thm.thynames_of_arity thy inst
of [] => error ("No such instance: " ^ quote (fst inst ^ " :: " ^ snd inst))
| thyname :: _ => thyname;
fun thyname_of_const thy c = case Axclass.class_of_param thy c
of SOME class => thyname_of_class thy class
| NONE => (case Code.get_type_of_constr_or_abstr thy c
of SOME (tyco, _) => thyname_of_type thy tyco
| NONE => Name_Space.the_entry_theory_name (Sign.const_space thy) c);
fun prefix thy (Constant "") = "Code"
| prefix thy (Constant c) = thyname_of_const thy c
| prefix thy (Type_Constructor tyco) = thyname_of_type thy tyco
| prefix thy (Type_Class class) = thyname_of_class thy class
| prefix thy (Class_Relation (class, _)) = thyname_of_class thy class
| prefix thy (Class_Instance inst) = thyname_of_instance thy inst;
fun default_prefix ctxt = prefix (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt);
val value = Constant "";
fun is_value (Constant "") = true
| is_value _ = false;
fun quote ctxt (Constant c) =
Library.quote (Code.string_of_const (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt) c)
| quote ctxt (Type_Constructor tyco) =
"type " ^ Library.quote (Proof_Context.markup_type ctxt tyco)
| quote ctxt (Type_Class class) =
"class " ^ Library.quote (Proof_Context.markup_class ctxt class)
| quote ctxt (Class_Relation (sub, super)) =
Library.quote (Proof_Context.markup_class ctxt sub) ^ " < " ^
Library.quote (Proof_Context.markup_class ctxt super)
| quote ctxt (Class_Instance (tyco, class)) =
Library.quote (Proof_Context.markup_type ctxt tyco) ^ " :: " ^
Library.quote (Proof_Context.markup_class ctxt class);
fun marker (Constant c) = "CONST " ^ c
| marker (Type_Constructor tyco) = "TYPE " ^ tyco
| marker (Type_Class class) = "CLASS " ^ class
| marker (Class_Relation (sub, super)) = "CLASSREL " ^ sub ^ " < " ^ super
| marker (Class_Instance (tyco, class)) = "INSTANCE " ^ tyco ^ " :: " ^ class;
fun map_attr const tyco class classrel inst module (Constant x) = Constant (const x)
| map_attr const tyco class classrel inst module (Type_Constructor x) = Type_Constructor (tyco x)
| map_attr const tyco class classrel inst module (Type_Class x) = Type_Class (class x)
| map_attr const tyco class classrel inst module (Class_Relation x) = Class_Relation (classrel x)
| map_attr const tyco class classrel inst module (Class_Instance x) = Class_Instance (inst x)
| map_attr const tyco class classrel inst module (Module x) = Module (module x);
fun maps_attr const tyco class classrel inst module (Constant x) = map Constant (const x)
| maps_attr const tyco class classrel inst module (Type_Constructor x) = map Type_Constructor (tyco x)
| maps_attr const tyco class classrel inst module (Type_Class x) = map Type_Class (class x)
| maps_attr const tyco class classrel inst module (Class_Relation x) = map Class_Relation (classrel x)
| maps_attr const tyco class classrel inst module (Class_Instance x) = map Class_Instance (inst x)
| maps_attr const tyco class classrel inst module (Module x) = map Module (module x);
fun maps_attr' const tyco class classrel inst module (Constant x) = (map o apsnd) Constant (const x)
| maps_attr' const tyco class classrel inst module (Type_Constructor x) = (map o apsnd) Type_Constructor (tyco x)
| maps_attr' const tyco class classrel inst module (Type_Class x) = (map o apsnd) Type_Class (class x)
| maps_attr' const tyco class classrel inst module (Class_Relation x) = (map o apsnd) Class_Relation (classrel x)
| maps_attr' const tyco class classrel inst module (Class_Instance x) = (map o apsnd) Class_Instance (inst x)
| maps_attr' const tyco class classrel inst module (Module x) = (map o apsnd) Module (module x);
datatype ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) data =
Data of { constant: 'a Symtab.table, type_constructor: 'b Symtab.table,
type_class: 'c Symtab.table, class_relation: 'd Symreltab.table, class_instance: 'e Symreltab.table,
module: 'f Symtab.table };
fun make_data constant type_constructor type_class class_relation class_instance module =
Data { constant = constant, type_constructor = type_constructor,
type_class = type_class, class_relation = class_relation, class_instance = class_instance, module = module };
fun dest_data (Data x) = x;
fun map_data map_constant map_type_constructor map_type_class map_class_relation map_class_instance map_module
(Data { constant, type_constructor, type_class, class_relation, class_instance, module }) =
Data { constant = map_constant constant, type_constructor = map_type_constructor type_constructor,
type_class = map_type_class type_class, class_relation = map_class_relation class_relation,
class_instance = map_class_instance class_instance, module = map_module module };
val empty_data = Data { constant = Symtab.empty, type_constructor = Symtab.empty,
type_class = Symtab.empty, class_relation = Symreltab.empty, class_instance = Symreltab.empty, module = Symtab.empty };
fun merge_data (Data { constant = constant1, type_constructor = type_constructor1,
type_class = type_class1, class_instance = class_instance1, class_relation = class_relation1, module = module1 },
Data { constant = constant2, type_constructor = type_constructor2,
type_class = type_class2, class_instance = class_instance2, class_relation = class_relation2, module = module2 }) =
make_data (Symtab.join (K snd) (constant1, constant2))
(Symtab.join (K snd) (type_constructor1, type_constructor2))
(Symtab.join (K snd) (type_class1, type_class2))
(Symreltab.join (K snd) (class_relation1, class_relation2))
(Symreltab.join (K snd) (class_instance1, class_instance2))
(Symtab.join (K snd) (module1, module2)); (*prefer later entries: K snd*)
fun set_sym (sym, NONE) = Symtab.delete_safe sym
| set_sym (sym, SOME y) = Symtab.update (sym, y);
fun set_symrel (symrel, NONE) = Symreltab.delete_safe symrel
| set_symrel (symrel, SOME y) = Symreltab.update (symrel, y);
fun set_data (Constant x) = map_data (set_sym x) I I I I I
| set_data (Type_Constructor x) = map_data I (set_sym x) I I I I
| set_data (Type_Class x) = map_data I I (set_sym x) I I I
| set_data (Class_Relation x) = map_data I I I (set_symrel x) I I
| set_data (Class_Instance x) = map_data I I I I (set_symrel x) I
| set_data (Module x) = map_data I I I I I (set_sym x);
fun lookup_constant_data x = (Symtab.lookup o #constant o dest_data) x;
fun lookup_type_constructor_data x = (Symtab.lookup o #type_constructor o dest_data) x;
fun lookup_type_class_data x = (Symtab.lookup o #type_class o dest_data) x;
fun lookup_class_relation_data x = (Symreltab.lookup o #class_relation o dest_data) x;
fun lookup_class_instance_data x = (Symreltab.lookup o #class_instance o dest_data) x;
fun lookup_module_data x = (Symtab.lookup o #module o dest_data) x;
fun lookup data (Constant x) = lookup_constant_data data x
| lookup data (Type_Constructor x) = lookup_type_constructor_data data x
| lookup data (Type_Class x) = lookup_type_class_data data x
| lookup data (Class_Relation x) = lookup_class_relation_data data x
| lookup data (Class_Instance x) = lookup_class_instance_data data x
| lookup data (Module x) = lookup_module_data data x;
fun symbols_of x = (map Constant o Symtab.keys o #constant o dest_data) x
@ (map Type_Constructor o Symtab.keys o #type_constructor o dest_data) x
@ (map Type_Class o Symtab.keys o #type_class o dest_data) x
@ (map Class_Relation o Symreltab.keys o #class_relation o dest_data) x
@ (map Class_Instance o Symreltab.keys o #class_instance o dest_data) x
@ (map Module o Symtab.keys o #module o dest_data) x;
fun dest_module_data x = (Symtab.dest o #module o dest_data) x;
structure Basic_Code_Symbol: BASIC_CODE_SYMBOL = Code_Symbol;
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