(* Title: Tools/IsaPlanner/zipper.ML
Author: Lucas Dixon, University of Edinburgh
A notion roughly based on Huet's Zippers for Isabelle terms.
(* abstract term for no more than pattern matching *)
signature ABSTRACT_TRM =
type typ (* types *)
type aname (* abstraction names *)
type fname (* parameter/free variable names *)
type cname (* constant names *)
type vname (* meta variable names *)
type bname (* bound var name *)
datatype term = Const of cname * typ
| Abs of aname * typ * term
| Free of fname * typ
| Var of vname * typ
| Bound of bname
| $ of term * term;
type T = term;
structure IsabelleTrmWrap : ABSTRACT_TRM=
open Term;
type typ = Term.typ; (* types *)
type aname = string; (* abstraction names *)
type fname = string; (* parameter/free variable names *)
type cname = string; (* constant names *)
type vname = string * int; (* meta variable names *)
type bname = int; (* bound var name *)
type T = term;
(* Concrete version for the Trm structure *)
signature TRM_CTXT_DATA =
structure Trm : ABSTRACT_TRM
datatype dtrm = Abs of Trm.aname * Trm.typ
| AppL of Trm.T
| AppR of Trm.T;
val apply : dtrm -> Trm.T -> Trm.T
val eq_pos : dtrm * dtrm -> bool
(* A trm context = list of derivatives *)
signature TRM_CTXT =
structure D : TRM_CTXT_DATA
type T = D.dtrm list;
val empty : T;
val is_empty : T -> bool;
val add_abs : D.Trm.aname * D.Trm.typ -> T -> T;
val add_appl : D.Trm.T -> T -> T;
val add_appr : D.Trm.T -> T -> T;
val add_dtrm : D.dtrm -> T -> T;
val eq_path : T * T -> bool
val add_outerctxt : T -> T -> T
val apply : T -> D.Trm.T -> D.Trm.T
val nty_ctxt : T -> (D.Trm.aname * D.Trm.typ) list;
val ty_ctxt : T -> D.Trm.typ list;
val depth : T -> int;
val map : (D.dtrm -> D.dtrm) -> T -> T
val fold_up : (D.dtrm -> 'a -> 'a) -> T -> 'a -> 'a
val fold_down : (D.dtrm -> 'a -> 'a) -> T -> 'a -> 'a
(* A zipper = a term looked at, at a particular point in the term *)
signature ZIPPER =
structure C : TRM_CTXT
type T
val mktop : C.D.Trm.T -> T
val mk : (C.D.Trm.T * C.T) -> T
val goto_top : T -> T
val at_top : T -> bool
val split : T -> T * C.T
val add_outerctxt : C.T -> T -> T
val set_trm : C.D.Trm.T -> T -> T
val set_ctxt : C.T -> T -> T
val ctxt : T -> C.T
val trm : T -> C.D.Trm.T
val top_trm : T -> C.D.Trm.T
val zipto : C.T -> T -> T (* follow context down *)
val nty_ctxt : T -> (C.D.Trm.aname * C.D.Trm.typ) list;
val ty_ctxt : T -> C.D.Trm.typ list;
val depth_of_ctxt : T -> int;
val map_on_ctxt : (C.D.dtrm -> C.D.dtrm) -> T -> T
val fold_up_ctxt : (C.D.dtrm -> 'a -> 'a) -> T -> 'a -> 'a
val fold_down_ctxt : (C.D.dtrm -> 'a -> 'a) -> T -> 'a -> 'a
(* searching through a zipper *)
datatype zsearch = Here of T | LookIn of T;
(* lazily search through the zipper *)
val lzy_search : (T -> zsearch list) -> T -> T Seq.seq
(* lazy search with folded data *)
val pf_lzy_search : ('a -> T -> ('a * zsearch list))
-> 'a -> T -> T Seq.seq
(* zsearch list is or-choices *)
val searchfold : ('a -> T -> (('a * zsearch) list))
-> 'a -> T -> ('a * T) Seq.seq
(* limit function to the current focus of the zipper,
but give function the zipper's context *)
val limit_pcapply : (C.T -> T -> ('a * T) Seq.seq)
-> T -> ('a * T) Seq.seq
val limit_apply : (T -> T Seq.seq) -> T -> T Seq.seq
val limit_capply : (C.T -> T -> T Seq.seq) -> T -> T Seq.seq
(* moving around zippers with option types *)
val omove_up : T -> T option
val omove_up_abs : T -> T option
val omove_up_app : T -> T option
val omove_up_left : T -> T option
val omove_up_right : T -> T option
val omove_up_left_or_abs : T -> T option
val omove_up_right_or_abs : T -> T option
val omove_down_abs : T -> T option
val omove_down_left : T -> T option
val omove_down_right : T -> T option
val omove_down_app : T -> (T * T) option
(* moving around zippers, raising exceptions *)
exception move of string * T
val move_up : T -> T
val move_up_abs : T -> T
val move_up_app : T -> T
val move_up_left : T -> T
val move_up_right : T -> T
val move_up_left_or_abs : T -> T
val move_up_right_or_abs : T -> T
val move_down_abs : T -> T
val move_down_left : T -> T
val move_down_right : T -> T
val move_down_app : T -> T * T
(* Zipper data for an generic trm *)
functor TrmCtxtDataFUN(Trm : ABSTRACT_TRM)
= struct
structure Trm = Trm;
(* a dtrm is, in McBridge-speak, a differentiated term. It represents
the different ways a term can occur within its datatype constructors *)
datatype dtrm = Abs of Trm.aname * Trm.typ
| AppL of Trm.T
| AppR of Trm.T;
(* apply a dtrm to a term, ie put the dtrm above it, building context *)
fun apply (Abs (s,ty)) t = Trm.Abs (s,ty,t)
| apply (AppL tl) tr = Trm.$ (tl, tr)
| apply (AppR tr) tl = Trm.$ (tl, tr);
fun eq_pos (Abs _, Abs _) = true
| eq_pos (AppL _, AppL _) = true
| eq_pos (AppR _, AppR _) = true
| eq_pos _ = false;
(* functor for making term contexts given term data *)
functor TrmCtxtFUN(D : TRM_CTXT_DATA)
structure D = D;
type T = D.dtrm list;
val empty = [];
val is_empty = List.null;
fun add_abs d l = (D.Abs d) :: l;
fun add_appl d l = (D.AppL d) :: l;
fun add_appr d l = (D.AppR d) :: l;
fun add_dtrm d l = d::l;
fun eq_path ([], []) = true
| eq_path ([], _::_) = false
| eq_path ( _::_, []) = false
| eq_path (h::t, h2::t2) =
D.eq_pos(h,h2) andalso eq_path (t, t2);
(* add context to outside of existing context *)
fun add_outerctxt ctop cbottom = cbottom @ ctop;
(* mkterm : zipper -> trm -> trm *)
val apply = Basics.fold D.apply;
(* named type context *)
val nty_ctxt = List.foldr (fn (D.Abs nty,ntys) => nty::ntys
| (_,ntys) => ntys) [];
(* type context *)
val ty_ctxt = List.foldr (fn (D.Abs (_,ty),tys) => ty::tys
| (_,tys) => tys) [];
val depth = length : T -> int;
val map = List.map : (D.dtrm -> D.dtrm) -> T -> T
val fold_up = Basics.fold : (D.dtrm -> 'a -> 'a) -> T -> 'a -> 'a;
val fold_down = Basics.fold_rev : (D.dtrm -> 'a -> 'a) -> T -> 'a -> 'a;
(* zippers in terms of term contexts *)
functor ZipperFUN(C : TRM_CTXT)
= struct
structure C = C;
structure D = C.D;
structure Trm = D.Trm;
type T = C.D.Trm.T * C.T;
fun mktop t = (t, C.empty) : T
val mk = I;
fun set_trm x = apfst (K x);
fun set_ctxt x = apsnd (K x);
fun goto_top (z as (t,c)) =
if C.is_empty c then z else (C.apply c t, C.empty);
fun at_top (_,c) = C.is_empty c;
fun split (t,c) = ((t,C.empty) : T, c : C.T)
fun add_outerctxt c (t,c2) = (t, C.add_outerctxt c c2) : T
val ctxt = snd;
val trm = fst;
val top_trm = trm o goto_top;
fun nty_ctxt x = C.nty_ctxt (ctxt x);
fun ty_ctxt x = C.ty_ctxt (ctxt x);
fun depth_of_ctxt x = C.depth (ctxt x);
fun map_on_ctxt x = apsnd (C.map x);
fun fold_up_ctxt f = C.fold_up f o ctxt;
fun fold_down_ctxt f = C.fold_down f o ctxt;
fun omove_up (t,(d::c)) = SOME (D.apply d t, c)
| omove_up (z as (_,[])) = NONE;
fun omove_up_abs (t,((D.Abs(n,ty))::c)) = SOME (Trm.Abs(n,ty,t), c)
| omove_up_abs z = NONE;
fun omove_up_app (t,(D.AppL tl)::c) = SOME(Trm.$(tl,t), c)
| omove_up_app (t,(D.AppR tr)::c) = SOME(Trm.$(t,tr), c)
| omove_up_app z = NONE;
fun omove_up_left (t,(D.AppL tl)::c) = SOME(Trm.$(tl,t), c)
| omove_up_left z = NONE;
fun omove_up_right (t,(D.AppR tr)::c) = SOME(Trm.$(t,tr), c)
| omove_up_right _ = NONE;
fun omove_up_left_or_abs (t,(D.AppL tl)::c) =
SOME (Trm.$(tl,t), c)
| omove_up_left_or_abs (t,(D.Abs (n,ty))::c) =
SOME (Trm.Abs(n,ty,t), c)
| omove_up_left_or_abs z = NONE;
fun omove_up_right_or_abs (t,(D.Abs (n,ty))::c) =
SOME (Trm.Abs(n,ty,t), c)
| omove_up_right_or_abs (t,(D.AppR tr)::c) =
SOME (Trm.$(t,tr), c)
| omove_up_right_or_abs _ = NONE;
fun omove_down_abs (Trm.Abs(s,ty,t),c) = SOME (t,(D.Abs(s,ty))::c)
| omove_down_abs _ = NONE;
fun omove_down_left (Trm.$(l,r),c) = SOME (l,(D.AppR r)::c)
| omove_down_left _ = NONE;
fun omove_down_right (Trm.$(l,r),c) = SOME (r,(D.AppL l)::c)
| omove_down_right _ = NONE;
fun omove_down_app (Trm.$(l,r),c) =
SOME ((l,(D.AppR r)::c),(r,(D.AppL l)::c))
| omove_down_app _ = NONE;
exception move of string * T
fun move_up (t,(d::c)) = (D.apply d t, c)
| move_up (z as (_,[])) = raise move ("move_up",z);
fun move_up_abs (t,((D.Abs(n,ty))::c)) = (Trm.Abs(n,ty,t), c)
| move_up_abs z = raise move ("move_up_abs",z);
fun move_up_app (t,(D.AppL tl)::c) = (Trm.$(tl,t), c)
| move_up_app (t,(D.AppR tr)::c) = (Trm.$(t,tr), c)
| move_up_app z = raise move ("move_up_app",z);
fun move_up_left (t,((D.AppL tl)::c)) = (Trm.$(tl,t), c)
| move_up_left z = raise move ("move_up_left",z);
fun move_up_right (t,(D.AppR tr)::c) = (Trm.$(t,tr), c)
| move_up_right z = raise move ("move_up_right",z);
fun move_up_left_or_abs (t,(D.AppL tl)::c) = (Trm.$(tl,t), c)
| move_up_left_or_abs (t,(D.Abs (n,ty))::c) = (Trm.Abs(n,ty,t), c)
| move_up_left_or_abs z = raise move ("move_up_left_or_abs",z);
fun move_up_right_or_abs (t,(D.Abs (n,ty))::c) = (Trm.Abs(n,ty,t), c)
| move_up_right_or_abs (t,(D.AppR tr)::c) = (Trm.$(t,tr), c)
| move_up_right_or_abs z = raise move ("move_up_right_or_abs",z);
fun move_down_abs (Trm.Abs(s,ty,t),c) = (t,(D.Abs(s,ty))::c)
| move_down_abs z = raise move ("move_down_abs",z);
fun move_down_left (Trm.$(l,r),c) = (l,(D.AppR r)::c)
| move_down_left z = raise move ("move_down_left",z);
fun move_down_right (Trm.$(l,r),c) = (r,(D.AppL l)::c)
| move_down_right z = raise move ("move_down_right",z);
fun move_down_app (Trm.$(l,r),c) =
((l,(D.AppR r)::c),(r,(D.AppL l)::c))
| move_down_app z = raise move ("move_down_app",z);
(* follow the given path down the given zipper *)
(* implicit arguments: C.D.dtrm list, then T *)
val zipto = C.fold_down
(fn C.D.Abs _ => move_down_abs
| C.D.AppL _ => move_down_right
| C.D.AppR _ => move_down_left);
(* Note: interpretted as being examined depth first *)
datatype zsearch = Here of T | LookIn of T;
(* lazy search *)
fun lzy_search fsearch =
fun lzyl [] () = NONE
| lzyl ((Here z) :: more) () = SOME(z, Seq.make (lzyl more))
| lzyl ((LookIn z) :: more) () =
(case lzy z
| SOME (hz,mz) =>
SOME (hz, Seq.append mz (Seq.make (lzyl more))))
and lzy z = lzyl (fsearch z) ()
in Seq.make o lzyl o fsearch end;
(* path folded lazy search - the search list is defined in terms of
the path passed through: the data a is updated with every zipper
considered *)
fun pf_lzy_search fsearch a0 z =
fun lzyl a [] () = NONE
| lzyl a ((Here z) :: more) () = SOME(z, Seq.make (lzyl a more))
| lzyl a ((LookIn z) :: more) () =
(case lzy a z
of NONE => lzyl a more ()
| SOME(hz,mz) => SOME(hz,Seq.append mz (Seq.make(lzyl a more))))
and lzy a z =
let val (a2, slist) = (fsearch a z) in lzyl a2 slist () end
val (a,slist) = fsearch a0 z
in Seq.make (lzyl a slist) end;
(* Note: depth first over zsearch results *)
fun searchfold fsearch a0 z =
fun lzyl [] () = NONE
| lzyl ((a, Here z) :: more) () =
SOME((a,z), Seq.make (lzyl more))
| lzyl ((a, LookIn z) :: more) () =
(case lzyl (fsearch a z) () of
NONE => lzyl more ()
| SOME (z,mz) => SOME (z,Seq.append mz (Seq.make (lzyl more))))
in Seq.make (lzyl (fsearch a0 z)) end;
fun limit_pcapply f z =
let val (z2,c) = split z
in Seq.map (apsnd (add_outerctxt c)) (f c z2) end;
fun limit_capply (f : C.T -> T -> T Seq.seq) (z : T) =
let val ((z2 : T),(c : C.T)) = split z
in Seq.map (add_outerctxt c) (f c z2) end
val limit_apply = limit_capply o K;
(* now build these for Isabelle terms *)
structure TrmCtxtData = TrmCtxtDataFUN(IsabelleTrmWrap);
structure TrmCtxt = TrmCtxtFUN(TrmCtxtData);
structure Zipper = ZipperFUN(TrmCtxt);
(* For searching through Zippers below the current focus...
KEY for naming scheme:
td = starting at the top down
lr = going from left to right
rl = going from right to left
bl = starting at the bottom left
br = starting at the bottom right
ul = going up then left
ur = going up then right
ru = going right then up
lu = going left then up
signature ZIPPER_SEARCH =
structure Z : ZIPPER;
val leaves_lr : Z.T -> Z.T Seq.seq
val leaves_rl : Z.T -> Z.T Seq.seq
val all_bl_ru : Z.T -> Z.T Seq.seq
val all_bl_ur : Z.T -> Z.T Seq.seq
val all_td_lr : Z.T -> Z.T Seq.seq
val all_td_rl : Z.T -> Z.T Seq.seq
functor ZipperSearchFUN(Zipper : ZIPPER) : ZIPPER_SEARCH
= struct
structure Z = Zipper;
structure C = Z.C;
structure D = C.D;
structure Trm = D.Trm;
fun sf_leaves_lr z =
case Z.trm z
of Trm.$ _ => [Z.LookIn (Z.move_down_left z),
Z.LookIn (Z.move_down_right z)]
| Trm.Abs _ => [Z.LookIn (Z.move_down_abs z)]
| _ => [Z.Here z];
fun sf_leaves_rl z =
case Z.trm z
of Trm.$ _ => [Z.LookIn (Z.move_down_right z),
Z.LookIn (Z.move_down_left z)]
| Trm.Abs _ => [Z.LookIn (Z.move_down_abs z)]
| _ => [Z.Here z];
val leaves_lr = Z.lzy_search sf_leaves_lr;
val leaves_rl = Z.lzy_search sf_leaves_rl;
fun sf_all_td_lr z =
case Z.trm z
of Trm.$ _ => [Z.Here z, Z.LookIn (Z.move_down_left z),
Z.LookIn (Z.move_down_right z)]
| Trm.Abs _ => [Z.Here z, Z.LookIn (Z.move_down_abs z)]
| _ => [Z.Here z];
fun sf_all_td_rl z =
case Z.trm z
of Trm.$ _ => [Z.Here z, Z.LookIn (Z.move_down_right z),
Z.LookIn (Z.move_down_left z)]
| Trm.Abs _ => [Z.Here z, Z.LookIn (Z.move_down_abs z)]
| _ => [Z.Here z];
fun sf_all_bl_ur z =
case Z.trm z
of Trm.$ _ => [Z.LookIn (Z.move_down_left z), Z.Here z,
Z.LookIn (Z.move_down_right z)]
| Trm.Abs _ => [Z.LookIn (Z.move_down_abs z),
Z.Here z]
| _ => [Z.Here z];
fun sf_all_bl_ru z =
case Z.trm z
of Trm.$ _ => [Z.LookIn (Z.move_down_left z),
Z.LookIn (Z.move_down_right z), Z.Here z]
| Trm.Abs _ => [Z.LookIn (Z.move_down_abs z), Z.Here z]
| _ => [Z.Here z];
val all_td_lr = Z.lzy_search sf_all_td_lr;
val all_td_rl = Z.lzy_search sf_all_td_rl;
val all_bl_ur = Z.lzy_search sf_all_bl_ru;
val all_bl_ru = Z.lzy_search sf_all_bl_ur;
structure ZipperSearch = ZipperSearchFUN(Zipper);
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